This YouTuber Wasn't Ready for Me...

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earlier today i beat somebody with a gambit that is so rare that they went straight to twitter to talk about just how they got ambushed and the person i'm talking about is max farberoff who is at chess games on twitter he's also a fellow youtuber so i'm going to go ahead and subscribe and you guys can too i'll leave links in the description below but he said today i got ambushed with a gambit that's so rare it's only been since once in the mega database in less than 50 times in the lead chess database across all rating levels and then uh he got a reply from william grave shout out to william grave another youtuber who said your opponent is probably a fan of jonathan schruntz and he linked my video that i recently made on the kevitz gambit and then he said even worse it was the man himself to which william replied oh no get ready for your youtube feature so here is the game that we played earlier today it was an e4 e5 knight f3 knight c6 bishop b5 opening this is the roy lopez and here i played a little bit of a sideline pawn to g6 this is not the most common way of playing with black but it's at least a known idea and a lot of really strong grandmasters have played this way and now my opponent played the main move at least in the masters database the most popular move which is pawn to c3 intending on playing pawn to d4 next and here is where i hit him with the surprise that i know took him by storm this ambushed him uh i ambushed him with the kevitz gambit that's this crazy move pawn to f5 and before white has a chance to establish this huge center i'm just attacking this e pawn and i want to go take your e-pawn and start attacking your center immediately now this is what my opponent was not prepared for and it is a very interesting gambit it is a little bit dubious but i do think even the lines that tend to be bad for black give you a lot of practical compensation especially in blitz games and if you do flip over to the leech us database you can see we're all the way up to 57 total kevitz gambits games so thank you to everybody that's been playing it i'm glad to see some other people other than me have also been adding to the database uh but the main point of this opening is after they take here you play pawn to e4 and you're kicking the knight away and a lot of people i would imagine if you're facing this as white you must be thinking my knight is attacked so i want to go somewhere but both of these squares are currently protected by the black knights so what i think most players would consider is what my opponent did which is bishop takes c6 but this is in a way kind of what we are hoping for um what is actually a little bit better for whites and i've covered this in a previous video so i'm not going to go too deep in the theory if you want it there's going to be a link in the description below but knight to d4 is actually one of the better moves that white can choose here and the point is even though you temporarily get doubled punts if we do decide to take after it moves like c6 and the guy goes back somewhere let's play pawn to d5 white is going to be a pawn up and eventually white will be able to break three uh break three in the position with pawn to d3 now this is a pawn down so the computer hates this position for black but in my mind at least in a blitz game it's going to be very easy for black to at some point be able to castle on the king on the queen side whereas it's not so obvious where the white king should live for example if you ever castle this way something like bishop to d6 and who knows maybe the queen's coming in there could be all sorts of problems but you've already also moved a lot of pawns on the queen side it might not be easy for black to castle safely on either side of the board and this is what you hope for but obviously with perfect play white is upon up so the computer loves white um but this is the best that they can do so at worst you get a position where the opponent you have some dubious compensation but in practical play might work out really well for you but i think that a lot of people would react the same way that my opponent did when we come all the way back to this position i think very many people will decide to take this night and after i took back instead of playing knight to d4 which i think is the only move that i had analyzed previously at least on youtube um because there's simply nobody had ever played knight to e5 since then since making the video two people have played knight to e5 against me so this was the move that my opponent played now just to remind you one last thing the main con conception for black is if the knight goes to d4 for example you want to summon your inner paul morphy you want to play c5 and then like wherever the knight goes you want to install this queen on d3 and this is just some fantastic stuff your temper you're down a pawn you might lose this guy who cares if none of the opponent's queen side pieces can move at least that's the attitude that's the thought process and if here which is a small improvement for white something like this in queen d3 is again very very good for black if white has a difficult time getting these pieces out this is just going to be tremendously good for black so instead my opponent did not go to d4 but rather went to e5 now here is a very sad story two weeks before the game i played today i played this move bishop takes f5 which is the worst move you could ever play this loses immediately and this was something that i learned a very painful lesson on my opponent in this position played an absolutely destructive move and it was this move queen to b3 not only attacking my b pun but also threatening a checkmate and if you know you don't like me or you need some reason to make fun of me for some reason for some sick psychotic reason check this out i played here and i lost in nine moves so this was a very painful embarrassing moment that i just simply got checkmated in a three-minute game i probably had plenty of time i could have figured it out but since i had that in my mind i knew that when i played my opponent he took he went here i knew the best move was bishop to g7 but honestly i was pretty much on my own after that but i know that i'm doing okay i know bishop g7 is fine i knew that was the best move my opponent plays uh pawn to d4 now and i decide to take this pawn which maybe is a little bit dangerous because i'm still allowing these queen b3 ideas but i know that they're not that great because i can always take this knight if i get into any danger so now my opponent decided to castle i played queen to e7 attacking this knight and preparing to castle he played queen to b3 but now it's not particularly dangerous because i'm going to be able to get castle just in time so the opponent played all the right moves but i feel like i've gotten a very reasonable position out of the opening and now i'm attacking this knight twice so my opponent needs to somehow come up with a way to deal with that and he plays bishop to f4 which i was actually very excited to see because now i can get a very quick attack and that's kind of the story of this game i was able to just attack very quickly and my opponent really never got anything going against my king and the move i played here was g5 attacking the bishop so if the bishop moves away i might be able to win a pawn here i could debate not doing it but he decided to go to g3 keeping connection with the knight so here comes h5 let's throw everything at you and now he's gonna have to do something in order to save his bishop well he was a little bit sneaky and played queen two a four so that now if i go here which i did not do he would be able to take this notice how the knight is protecting the square i probably gotta like take this knight now but then this bishop gets out this doesn't look like it's gonna end up very good for me so not bothering with that i went here but i actually had a bit of a think i didn't know if i had to play a6 for tactical reasons because i was looking at all sorts of stuff that he could play like i have to be a little bit careful of a couple different sacrifices that white might throw at me and the one i was worried that i was going to overlook at some point was this move i never wanted to miss the idea of queen takes c6 with the idea that if i take back oh i'm getting forked in losing some material but fortunately in this position if he does play this i simply chomp the knight and now the queen's hanging and okay he gets into a lot of trouble so there's no threats yet of taking on c6 but i'd like i got this on my mind i gotta make sure i never blunder it and now he plays h3 so that i don't trap his bishops but i go here anyway he backs up and i play knight to h6 because i just want to play pawn to g4 i want to just get the attack and it really looks clear to me at this point my attack is very close to landing i'm going to play g4 next and white is not close to coming up with an attack against my king so after knight to d2 i play g4 let's just bust it open let's break in he takes i take back now the g file is open so that's kind of exciting he takes i take back and he goes here he attacks my pun so i back up the bishop i'm also trying to clear the g file but i'm protecting my pawn for the moment uh here comes b4 and now white is suddenly actually making some threats like he's going to play b5 and he's going to try to open up on my side of the board so i want to be a little bit quick i play bishop to h6 i move the bishop out of the way because my next move is to move my rook and i also attack the knight so the knight's got to go somewhere knight comes into c4 it's trying to get a little bit closer to my king so i gotta worry about that but for now i just play rook to g8 and i'm on the attack i get to look at sacrifices i get to look at this move i get to look at this move i get to look at bringing a queen over i have a lot of fun ideas that i can kind of come up with in this position the opponent plays knight to e3 attacking my bishop i decide to be a little bit sneaky and i play queen to g7 so that if you take my bishop which he did not do i got this checkmate so i didn't just hang a bishop i was being clever and trying to go here and then saving this reserve idea of maybe playing bishop to h3 so after he goes here with an idea that if i remove the defender of this pawn he is now defending the g pawn laterally i decided to play bishop to h3 and now i'm just thinking of taking this guy and if you want to get out of that you're going to have to move one of these puns so white now is in a lot of trouble white plays g3 i play rook to f8 and i'm starting to think of ideas of taking this knight and potential sacrifices on f2 i got all sorts of really crazy ideas that just might work and i'm also considering when should i take here but it's very clear that my attack is about to land and whites really is not but he plays pawn to b5 here i played bishop takes knight i'm trying to remove one of the defenders obviously you cannot take with your pawn or else i'm taking here and you're losing material so i knew he would have to take with his rook and this is where i thought i would play queen to f6 i was also trying to contemplate and work out can i sacrifice here but i couldn't quite work out the details i think the computer just easily plays rook takes f2 i couldn't work it all out during the game but queen to f6 is also a very strong move i'm attacking this pawn and it's not easy for white to defend like this rook can't really come to to help and if this is he plays here you'll see what happened in the game it was very quick you can possibly play queen to c2 this would have been the best way to continue but there was a little bit of mild time pressure plus also the position has been difficult and he's been defending well so far but queen to c2 would have been the way to do it where i think i can probably take this or i can even do some sort of remaneuvering try to play for an attack or just simply take the pawn i would have had to decide if i got here but unfortunately he played rook to e2 i brought the queen in and he had to resign because it's not gonna be easy to stop me from checkmating you on the next move so thank you to my opponent for the game i'll definitely leave a link to his youtube channel to his twitter you can follow him and then make sure you subscribe to me as well okay bye
Channel: Jonathan Schrantz
Views: 8,068
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: chess, chess openings, chess openings explained, nakhmanson gambit, jonathan schrantz, vampirechicken, zolpi, kevitz gambit, ruy lopez, ruy lopez gambit, ruy lopez traps
Id: cmwP8yy5UtI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 15sec (735 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 30 2022
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