GM Ben Finegold plays 3 minute blitz on - #2

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everyone a grandmaster been feingold here with the video of the day it seems like you guys liked my video yesterday of me playing one minute so i'll play some more excuse me some of you suggested i play slower and when i say some of you i mean all of you okay i don't like to play slower cuz i like to play a game and leave and so forth whatever you guys donated more yesterday than usual because i actually had to call my math teacher from elementary school and he said seven cents is more than five cents so you guys are doing well what i'm gonna do is is between videos if i'm making videos where i play 3 minute or 5 minute unlatch s and you guys donate i'll keep doing that if the donation is drive about dry up drive up if the donation is drive up that would be good anyway if they dry up then i'll go back to one minute cuz I like playing 1 minute so I'll try 3 minute and then we'll see how that goes I've never played anything I'll eat chest that wasn't 1 minute so they have my three minute rating of 1500 and before I make a video I challenge somebody we get the game up the game is in play that's aborted and I just send up so I couldn't see everything good so whoever gets aborted for a sorry I'm at least will see I can't make that joke ok so yeah I'm at the chess center again I have to run some errands today and one of my errands just to come to the chess center so I figure I'll make a video oh I'm here ok and tonight is Georgia Alabama so don't forget to root for you know both teams I guess and so on ok so I'm assuming the games will be easy because I'm 1500 but listen to a thousand player two days ago so what do I know somebody said pushing new Epona works now the reason we have sound issues yesterday I think is when I'm at the chess Center I have my mouse and I put it on my laptop which i think is interfering noise wise with me talking sometimes and moving and the reason is we have plastic covers the wood desk so that it doesn't get messed up but it doesn't work on the plastic covers so I found some piece of garbage and then I'm using the mouse on the piece of garbage so now the garbage a musical will match my play so that's good okay now somebody says if I push a new opponent that works so let's try that well so I'm not sure the mouse is gonna work on this piece of garbage okay so we'll play three minute I'll plan on how for five games I guess and I'll talk about what's going on okay 1398 all I should try to play real chess normally when I play blitz online I'm just kidding I could actually play real opening to pretend I'm playing a tournament game so okay this is the Alban counter gambit which I used to play with black I'm in the 80s and 90s okay that move is very rare they usually play d4 this is considered white this is probably okay for black it's just considered better for white white gets to play f4 and and then my Center and King sides better than his Queen side in theory he takes e4 was played like 150 years ago but nobody plays it now I don't know f5 seems to just win the C pawns I can do that if I could hold on to my e pawn Wow Bishop takes g1 okay I could take the bishop on e6 he moves his Bishop take on her seven and then if his bishops not on c5 he resigns I'm taking on g1 wins but there's a big upset at taking on e6 and doesn't play Bishop c5 I don't know no I can't do that turn it's a blitz chem I can't help myself Rick take g1 is the right move I just can't but I have to play this move now I'm less winning that if I take it than g1 but I might win immediately played Bishop c5 arrrr okay and now I'm still winning but I don't know maybe I'm not listening maybe this is equally winning to taking a g1 turn the energy I don't have more winning I mean I can't complain I was just hoping to win whoo one move so okay Knight g6 should I check on g5 or play e6 I don't know let's play these sticks and if I get my Queen side developed I'll be good okay Bishop e7 is so we develop expect you 95 so I could play Bishop g5 if you play c6 is and I can't go to c6 yeah be as can you see 7 later alright if I go here he'll check me I want to defend my e6 pawn but he can't attack it alright I want to defend my e6 pawn too much so I'll do anything but should before hanging a piece that's my style I'll decide not to hang a piece of this game to my d3 check ok so this is completely winning my two pawns two four six seven two pawns and two bishops and he can't castle and ever put on the 7th and 6th rank rawr but I have no time but that's good because I'm playing 1398 little does he realize I'm 1500 so should i Castle queenside we're play rogue do you want I guess Castle queenside is better things see a knife d5 it's sort of like knife f5 I just made it up yeah yeah this is more relaxing I guess I could have some water while I'm playing as opposed to the one minute if I fall asleep you guys wake me up okay Bishop d6 let's play a more feel like move get the only piece that's not doing anything into the game's Rick hf1 yeah you couldn't try to play Rick ef8 but trying is the first step to failure I have the two bishops I control everything so how am i doing next so my queening and winning a piece probably be seven probably wouldn't a rook but then I won't have my e7 pulling down all right well okay this one's everything wins tough decision taking either way wins always play Bishop FA okay 52 seconds it's like I'm starting a one-minute game except imma move 20 now a piece up okay e7 or are you couldn't play knife f5 but I can't play knife f6 Bishop a4 is also good Wow tough decision yeah I guess I should have warned you know this is rated R chasm beating him badly takes that I take you take I could take a pawn I guess 95 is good good to play 95 as often as possible now my Brooke can infiltrate which I will take the rook take this guy back to d5 now let's go to eat cuz that's funny okay they're always play king v1 I gotta start playing fast now because before I was kidding just kidding you Bishop d5 should get rid of all of his Knight somehow I think that gets rid of one of them there I guess you can play 93 okay 27 seconds can I do it I'm very concerned what oh sorry I fell asleep for a second very you can't understand how concerned I am if only you understood you'll never understand I think I won't do it and I was on time Oh No 20 seconds and he has 47 for those of you who can't who can't see his time cuz my picture is blocking it and me wow that was hard okay and 17 seconds left and he had 45 yeah so I get 131 points while I'm good so you thick him he didn't play great he must played the opening and I think once I play f5 I move six or seven I'm already winning so yeah normally they play d4 there in the help encounter gambit but I played the album counter game but before that guy was born okay his new opponent work now that I'm 16 is 31 I might play somebody really high rated not was everybody scared of me let's see 1699 my collar up okay so I get white ever again let's try e4 I'm not the world's best efore player then ship c4 Bishop c5 Queen g4 is the main room here although I don't know this very well did I play King f8 I think I think King f8 to the right move this Queen f6 is possible that Queen f6 was bad for some reason like Queen f6 well Knight f3 for us if he discovered a text my queen with d6 or d5 his bishops hanging if you see the game strip once key loss to own a strip in the u.s. championship about five years ago Otis rooks Queen was on g5 and strip clubs key moved his deep one another shaped like queen take C 1 so that was sort of funny my Queens attacked I guess I'll move it so I could go to g3 is that better yeah G 3 is better ok I'm attacking is e pawn he'll play d6 I'll play Knight c3 threatening Knight d5 and then they'll go into a think oh he defended his probably his Knight I didn't see that that was too simple ok Knight c3 it's like we're beginners moving their Queen out quickly and the reason it's like we're beginners is because okay and how does he stop 95 he doesn't I don't think he does well I didn't see knight c6 oh ok Queen g6 now that makes some sense okay so I guess 95 still yeah oh wait take Sun and he takes on e4 and see yeah losing all my pieces no wonder I'm only 16 31 darn oh he didn't play that's why he's 1699 why is there a question mark next am i reading cuz like all my moves are bad so I get a question mark um well I can stop Queen takes e4 by taking his queen or playing d3 so there's no play d3 never trade wow Queen takes e4 I might have found losing position when I say I my defender is in position although g7 is hanging so when I actually maybe he doesn't one with Queenie for cuz I have 97 and Queen g7 so it's very tricky okay um I guess I should I take his bishop my Knights so good I want to take everything or our pawn structure to be the f6 square nanites terrible let's play Bishop e3 and that way when is Bishop on b6 is gone I can play 97 check that's the idea none of my ideas have worked this game so but it's still an idea I guess I could play Queen h4 and try to play Queen e7 rate by distracting his Knight but he'll castle and G choose hanging and I'm the worst player ever I'm not moving towards the clock because there's clock see what I have white I planned the Queen sign this near the clock when I'm black on the Kings side but here I can't move the other keep d8 okay that's something that's a chess move okay now I'm definitely I play Queen h4 check I was gonna play clean h4 when I was in check so play it when it's check never play f6 so if I play Knight f6 and he takes with a pawn I win on age six six to the Queen Bishop g5 but he could interpose Bishop takes c3 and I'm too old for that much you old for that maybe I can do that Bishop takes age six is simple but this is less simple now let's do this he might play Queen f6 I have a chance okay and maybe I'll gain 20 seconds on the clock I'm I have 109 he has 133g - I don't know if six was suspicious but it's very tricky he resigned what well that wasn't something I would have considered that even sure I'm better but okay probably better well this guy wants a rematch I agree because he resigns for no reason we match offer canceled accepted okay now I'm 1776 that's the spirit I like the caro-kann all I got a lot of the split in speed chess - and there's a one minute trick that I like to play which I think I can play in three minute Oh a play d5 so I can't play it okay um I usually play c5 but let's play the main move just to see what the theory is today I have three e6 almost not a theory now okay that was not Theory Queens cuz trading Queens is good and advanced variation so we check him like Queen a six that way if he doesn't trade Queens he can't castle cuz my queen defends f1 it does trade Queens that's good okay now I won't get checkmated in the opening okay I don't wanna play c5 too early because he has a be five square for his Knight so let's develop some pieces I can move my knight to f5 or I can go to b6 why never did arrows during a game no I know what my son's doing all the time my son also has a channel he spends her fine gold gives fewer followers than I do but his channel is better produced than mine is he has a computer better microphone he has better layout on his computer for he knows what he's doing computer wise I don't okay so Karen it's Bishop d2 well I haven't played knife f5 yet so let's play it I can also play Knight c8 to p6 also good but you can't beat knife f5 yeah it usually black spider these positions because White's deep one can be attacked and white can attack nothing they just attack something he showed me okay but that's a sort of weakening and now I'm gonna play h5 ASAP and he played b4 so I'll play h5 and now he'll think about 20 seconds so I can have some water you didn't think 20 seconds okay so five try to play g4 now that's what I thought yeah okay h4 I guess Knight c7 cuz my knight on a6 isn't doing anything yeah problem with this position is his bishops really bad it's behind all of his pawns my bishops great I have things to attack like b4 + d 4 + h4 and he has nothing to attack let's see I have two minutes he has a woman at 50 seconds so I'm trying to figure how do I take I guess I should play Knight b5 and if he trades have the open C file also and if he doesn't trade ephors hanging that's an interesting one a5 is the obvious move okay now he wants to play c3 if I play Knight d5 could also play f6 that breaks a rule hmm okay let's play I don't to play if I guess b6 and it's hanging all right Knight d5 I just sits on b5 that's got to be good and maybe I'll play b6 and then I'll see what he's gonna do move my King move my rock okay he wants to play a four that's pretty reasonable so I guess I should play c5 cuz I can yeah I can do it and he'll play for I can't take on d4 and trick him anyway yes I just go back and I'll play King d7 my hea trucked to the Queen side and try to attack his pawns he has 120 and I have 130 B fives a good move let's harass him with a six takes hmm take with the work I guess yeah then I could play King d7 work a 8 etc now he has an isolated pawn if I place c4 he can't move anything but it's hard to win because it's all blocked up but I might do it anyway I can easily wood on time he has a minute left uh who now if I play c4 play night before and then if I take too old for that okay I'll just play King g7 so I can play work age just eight and continue my rook on d6 is great it attacks as a pawn and defends my beep one and it can't be attacked pretty awesome okay so he took that strategically incorrect incorrect you know I have a nice Center okay if I don't blunder all my pawns I'm sitting pretty I have a mid at eight and he has 45 seconds okay his roaches an open line I'm attacking his a pawn not sure how he defends it might be two looks terrible so I maybe I'll just want to pawn here you might lose his H pawn too cuz I'm attacking sideways go Ben okay I have a minute for and he has 30 seconds a5 playing for tricks tricks are for kids I won't care about c4 he played c4 I guess I pinned it a bit sure and then should I shake with the night or the pawn on d5 I guess the pawn yeah now you should play east six checks he can get 95 but he didn't see that okay so c4 what does he do I don't know umm night before okay but I like making Queens so let's do that I have 43 seconds he has 18 I guess I'll take that and try to push my pawns why can't I just push my pawns I got two of them let's push them yay to past one's okay yay - passed pawns he has ten seconds I have 33 he has seven seconds six seconds Ricky - check or D - D - he'll set a peace problem and I'm 95 cuz I want to play Knight f4 check and one second for him and his times out okay so that was a nice relatively easy victory because I have 27 seconds and he had zero and he's losing obviously that's funny I have a lot of past poems on the sixth and seventh rank in my games I guess those are good so that was sort of a nice positional game I'm sure he was okay but it was so hard to play okay he doesn't want to rematch so new opponents I think that was my third game but I've lost track so the video says we're in 18 minutes so probably three games okay this guy's 2067 oh okay I might lose this game okay I play the Sicilian regular tournaments so let's see what happens okay and then play some kind of close Sicilian okay that's cool so theory I guess I can castle he doesn't play Bishop III yet now he wants to play d4 so we play Knight d4 d5 what's the main line I'm such an old man so I go here okay let's go here I can't play b6 I invented some exchange sacrifice here a long time ago I invented it I think it was takes and then I keep taking and let him take my recon fa oh he yeah I took it with a queen okay if they take was a bishop alright I'll go here he took with a queen all right now he can't take on c5 so I guess you could play Knight e4 all right let's take I'm probably falling into some opening trap but I haven't looked at this in 30 years he is playing instantly so makes it seem like I'm blundering okay so c5 is hanging these two plays c3 and take my seed horn so he's the world's leading authority on this variation I have to play moves it's not theory let's see Knight f5 doesn't look like Theory let's do that now he'll think a long time and he'll play terrible no-win yay yeah he doesn't know Knight f5 cuz I made it up okay and he did that I could check and or I could take on B - I could play rook e8 tough choice okay let's check always check and then I'll check again cuz that's my rule always check and then I can take upon taking upon as my rule always take upon you checked my queen discover what is a good move see there okay let's hit is rook maybe I'll play that e3 later so problem is I have weak dark squares near my King and his problem is his pawn structure and he is down a pawn I guess f6 which I should never play he plays g4 then you know wonder I should never play of 693 I want to play a five then can I get an f5 I'll play Knight f6 check first yeah I can't get it in okay so Queen d8 defending f6 yeah this is probably just bad for you no I'm a pawn this week squares around my king or bad and on the clock okay King g7 defending of six or more stopping checks can i play Bishop d7 yet in Bishop c6 I don't see why I can't I will want to play Bishop c6 really badly cuz Bishop I see it was terrible okay and I guess I'll play Knight h4 cuz I don't see why not I'm sure the reason I just don't see it so I've lasted a minute and he has a ton of time so this is bad oh he has Queen Wow I just be losing here I can't stop Queen e5 check okay let's play a five I'm sure it's losing but I think I'm losing anyway at least I'm defending f6 now makes 2000 players are tough Casey has two minutes and I have 40 seconds and I'm lost so let's see what we can do see if we can come back somehow somehow why didn't I just take his night before okay I'm gonna take it now cause I don't want to get mated I should take it at last I think I don't want a piece come up here so we're both getting made it but I have no time it's unfortunate 29 seconds that's not good too much talking during the game not enough blundering oh I did plenty of wandering wait a minute let's uh he stuck my only threat okay let's try to get into an ending and trade everything I thought was actually about shaking with a king I shook with a book okay so this is probably a draw but I have 25 seconds it has a minute 43 so that's not good and then let's get behind that pawn and then we'll get these pawns going let's see what happens and Queen my each pawn but it's too complicated 20 seconds and he has a lot of time very complicated I don't know yeah he could stop my pond okay let's play g4 if he lets me he didn't let me it's unfortunate okay I'm still trying to draw and I have no time not easy okay so this is a drawing position but I might lose because of the time situation that's unfortunate yeah go Ben don't lose on time somehow definitely gonna lose on time so it's too bad well even his rook that's crazy Wow should have lost but now I'm gonna win that was very strange that was a unusual guy hanging his rook Wow okay I get 121 points for my brilliant in gameplay that was really weird Rick have six okay so gray mm yeah okay what's the read minutes I'll get my rematch is they even win okay so I'm in 1967 now still has a question mark cuz it seen me play that was a terrible game by me okay now my opponents not moving he's choking on his own rage can we have some spectators Rufus doofus of the triplet okay so he pushed rematch then when I accepted he won't play so he showed me never have I experienced such you know just saying okay he just didn't play all right the truth hurts I guess he was too busy crying he must have read my book right like a grandmaster well that game I should have lost and then I should draw but I would lose on time and then somehow he bunted his rook was strange where keV sucks it's a really strange one okay so he's 1915 Oh play d4 we gotta play Bishop g5 he plays d5 who's texting me is it Rufus or doofus I am a fan of viewers just requested a game oh nice I don't know how did anything about anything well if somebody requested a game I should play okay so he checked and I saw it I've had this petition a lot in blitz chess people play c5 a lot when I play three minute and five minute like in real life but in slow tournaments almost nobody has played c5 against me after Bishop g5 so in blitz chess I have this position a lot so if they take on e4 I play b4 and they can't take on beef work as a queen d8 mate sort of been fine theory and I assume he won't take on beforehand mate in one and if he doesn't hang meat in one before still a good move because I have 95 and 94 and and you know moving my arms like this so be for still the right move seven I'm in this position in years did I play Knight b5 Bishop b5 or 94 I guess Knight b5 then if you play as Queen e5 I still have Queen d8 minute so he has to play Queen d7 I guess yeah okay and then I take and if he takes with anything but the jack J stick with the king then I guess I Castle looks terrible for him I don't know if it is terrible but it looks terrible yeah I think he's just losing yeah because I think my Knights defended so this is Forks his bishops oh he is 97 I'll have meetin one there I almost have made one but he has king c7 after 94 do I have better I guess I should check a couple times because I'm a professional player that's the right thing to do well also Bishop f4 check might be good after King c7 yeah definitely is he went up there which is insane okay now I have to meet him so let's see where's the checkmate c4 King e5 f 4e F on Poisson IGF three king for Bishop d3 mate okay that's me but I don't have a quicker mate like Bishop f4 threatening c4 that he plays b5 oh I know I have a quicker mate but meeting him was all checks that's hard not to do how do I not just know check check check mean because I have a quicker May which I'm not seeing no okay I don't really care about the quicker man I guess I guess if it's made it's made it really shouldn't care there has to have been a quicker making this though but okay get my Pisces develops that's pretty cool that's pretty cool game for you guys now normally well actually let's see if I can find this guy that would be funny what's this guide want okay not cool okay so the guy who just texted me while I'm doing this recording I'm playing him right now he said I'm a big fan of yours I want to play so don't well okay let's play Bishop f4 key that's what everybody's doing what every game - this this would be a good game to lose but I did it on the computer hopefully that's making too much noise me typing so I'm sorry okay here the guy's pretty impressed so donate or are maybe I should donate cuz I probably lose this game yeah this is pretty boring let's blitz chess today is my best day well okay so your message on my phone that I said that I guess I'll cast so enough away to hassle and then let's trade everything because I'm too old of bored so I could just play g4 and go insane I lose man thing okay c3 I'll try to play ye 4 okay trying is the first step to failure I guess I should play the Kings side cuz all my pieces around the Kings side so can't we play the Queen side so I'll play like a four forty five a five and move my arms back and forth like that okay he has two minutes and 12 seconds I have to 18 it'll play a four because he's like the Queen c7 rook e8 so psychologically crushing he was like no I wanted to play me five of us but all my time doing it play e5 he's so upset okay he put his pawns to get my stuff so he'll play Bishop e7 or move his Knight to d7 play Bishop e7 I guess I'm safer when that if I play Knight f3 the 94 okay that surprises me sure it's mine I play f5 h2 is hanging so I guess I won't do that Queen g4 he plays a 5 so I guess g4 no not sure what to do g4 defends by H pawn no my queen is defending it like this way so I guess I can okay you played f5 anyway King h1 Rick g1 and then I'll pretend I'm gonna made him and I'll scare him a little they obviously have no attack I've no pieces but I'll try anyway gotta try something maybe he won't beat me on the Queen side if he turns his head slightly to the Kings side no okay so I have a simple plan because I'm a simple man I don't want to trade pieces although I did everyone before this so III seems stupid his bishop seems stupid too I was stupid before he was born I don't like Bishop g3 okay if I'm gonna try to meet a better word I want to think with the e pawn usually but then his here's a pass to e4 pawn I didn't like that so I won't the sea line I guess I'll forget about meeting him and just play over here on the Queen side stopping Bishop before my Bishop could go to c3 okay I will do that like the Queen side alone my bishops hitting g7 maybe that's okay mmm should I trade Queens if I trick leads apply Bishop c3 his Bishop a 304 ball so rook F to the ship h4 I don't like here my master page for yet problem playing Bishop c3 as I played a 3s you can always take on a 3 there are KS 57 seconds so I have 20 seconds more yeah I didn't really mind if he did that I could say with a queen now and try to beat him ok did take the bishop Wow okay I could go back to my meeting attack which doesn't work but I can do Feingold's Queen g3 rook g1 and I'm from Detroit so you better watch out for my gun that's what he said okay Queen h4 is that scaring him I doubt it yeah that's just terrible Queen h4 because he has Queen b3 whoo h4 that scares me I mean it's good for black but at least I'm scared so okay so it looks boring but it's actually exciting he has 40 seconds I have 55 go me maybe he's letting me win because you know here's the one to beat you know the guy who's making the video okay that move confuses me a little I don't think that was a good move oh maybe it was okay okay c5 makes sense okay we'll do some another kind of gun will triple on the G final at least and maybe I can sack on g6 and perpetual headlong perpetual in his final fall there we go okay so we'll continue with the gun I'm player g8 and then I'm fresh out of ideas we didn't play rook g8 oh and I want to take on g6 not just terrible okay so big I don't want to take ng6 what do i do what do I do here I don't know gonna do something okay so I'm just in a much worse double rock ending but a lot more time than he does they have 29 and he has 15 seconds if he plays King at 5 I can't Chuck take with a pitch pawn try to play d5 I get my rook active okay and I can do the e pawn he'll win my bee pollen and then hook it my work to the seventh rank and I'm better here it's much better for white because I have a king and he doesn't even though I'm down upon yeah this is I can't move cause of the paper bag what's happening I gotta put my my my phone on the computer mouse of the computer on the computer because this wasn't working out okay he has three seconds yeah this is just terrible for him yeah I feel bad for him whoo that was a good move he found the only move and his time right now I thought I was meeting when he found rook c4 actually could have taken on c4 and play King e7 yeah that would have won I could play Burke takes c4 King e7 push my f1 yeah so that was funny yeah okay so alright so that's like half an hour of nonsense it says 35 minutes and I think I went six and now or something suspicious so 2023 plus 45 can you guys write in tell me what that is 23 plus 45 because I'm an old man I'm confused so 2068 after being 1,500 so I guess after the next couple of videos I'll get my reading up to where it should be 23 24 hundred and then I'll start getting oh all right that was my three minute video now you could tell me you liked it you could tell me you didn't like it but tell me what you thought compared to this video compared to the other one like oh the one minute was better why'd you play three minute or who three minutes stop doing that one minute nonsense etc etc mainly etc man I should make a video or like I do one minute three minute and five minute it would be like one of those chests calm deathmatches alright see you guys later half point and full point bye don't forget to donate rawr and you know follow my channel nonsense Facebook whatever bye
Channel: GMBenjaminFinegold
Views: 951,632
Rating: 4.5695796 out of 5
Keywords: chess, lichess, game, board, French, Sicilian, Caro-Kann, Queen's Gambit, Albin Counter-Gambit, blitz, 3 minute, online, Ben, Finegold
Id: QnYPhn0Zdx8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 36min 11sec (2171 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 08 2018
Reddit Comments

"Whoever gets aborted first sorry .... let see I can't make that joke."


👍︎︎ 14 👤︎︎ u/Scaasic 📅︎︎ Jan 10 2018 🗫︎ replies

His schtick gets a bit much after a while but this would be a dream - talking shit while smashing noobs because lol.

👍︎︎ 27 👤︎︎ u/[deleted] 📅︎︎ Jan 09 2018 🗫︎ replies

Alternative title: GM Ben Finegold rambles for three minutes before actually playing chess

👍︎︎ 22 👤︎︎ u/dimethyltryptamine69 📅︎︎ Jan 09 2018 🗫︎ replies

knife f5!... I've been away too long.

👍︎︎ 6 👤︎︎ u/knappyrootz 📅︎︎ Jan 10 2018 🗫︎ replies

Keep em coming

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/[deleted] 📅︎︎ Jan 10 2018 🗫︎ replies

After 1. d4 d5 2. Bg5 c5 3. PxP Qa5 4. Nc3 e6 5. e4 PxP 6. b4 Qc7 7. Nb5 Qd7 8. QxQ+ KxQ 9. 0-0-0+ Kc6 10. Nd4+ Kd5, there is a shorter mate, in 3 moves instead of 4.

  1. Nf3 discovered check Kc6 2. Ne5+ Kc7 3. Bd8 mate.
👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/horsemath 📅︎︎ Jan 11 2018 🗫︎ replies


👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/Squidsword_ 📅︎︎ May 20 2018 🗫︎ replies

I can't stand this guy

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/TheGnuGuy 📅︎︎ Jan 10 2018 🗫︎ replies
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