Hunting for Deals at a Sketchy Florida Flea Market

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another day in sunny Florida we are at the central Florida Fairgrounds which apparently on the weekends turns into a flea market we're hanging out with my friend Drew profit monsters going to get out here and see what kind of cool stuff we can find to flip for a profit here we got the the horse trash bag full trash bags full of fles yeah how much is this $1 $1 for the Toy Story horse I think I can do that there's any Cutco in here I have looked many kind and never found but this is Cutco right that's 100% Cutco original original Cutco excuse me can I get a picture with the tornadoes of course yeah yeah yeah there you go thank good to meet you you guys want to go down the road uh yeah lead the way I don't know what we're doing you're the I see some golf clubs here hold on we have those or we've sold those before this no this oh yeah the still has got a great big birth of driver hello how much are your clubs which one you want uh like maybe this one um this this one maybe this one just this so these four 60 60 okay um yeah um that's too much for me I appreciate it so that she just told me the price I wouldn't have even bothered her taking it out what'd you get Drew uh I got two pairs of New Balance 990s okay pretty good condition same size size 13 so good men size what' you pay $15 each that's pretty good she wanted 60 for the golf club so I'm like they're like I'd be lucky to get 60 total on eBay after fees Stitch here got a couple little spots on but's a builda bear sir how much for this one $3 got a buy bag it's like a waterproof material yeah his schol backpack tra yeah I've seen like bike racks and stuff but yeah yeah that's good if it's how you doing what do you have on your bags over here like for different Bice okay so bies like uh bies we do 10 on this one just kind of 10 on that one like like this one would be 25 depends on the brand depends on the bag okay this one the ospray 20 on this make sure this thing works I don't think the handle works on this one at least not all the way so he said uh 10 on this and three for this you do like 10 for both no no no because that's normally five you know I we already cut the price on those you know I I I don't do markeing I give you a real good price up front um what do you think 10 for this yeah we clean the bottom we clean the bottom but that's okay let pick more stuff we do a good price for you okay um FY hat what are you selling US 10 they're viral five yeah 10 on this yeah that's good how much for that okay you're buying Stu $3 on this so we're at 26 26 all right do you have $26 yes well I have 25 I think would you take 25 okay I'm reasonable I appreciate that I'm going to go to the car to put this skateboard away do you want me to just put the bies bag in my car too you don't hold it uh no I'll just I'll put it in here you good okay thank you thank you f bag and a biy hat we're we're set set on bies you guys stop at bies on the way here no we will on the way home now I don't know if you guys saw that but haly got these for 10 bucks these vibrant five fingers like high top I don't know what material that is but it's interesting love thison ball have oh yeah be right find you guys what you got on the mug Bill how much is your mug seven seven it's a cool mug stretch Star Wars that's kind of stretch Star Wars Stretch Armstrong Star Wars what do you have on your uh your Star Wars stretch guys there six six each would you do 20 for four of them buy a doll off if we get four yeah okay I'll do it I'll do that then you have $20 yes keep for um these are good I don't know I don't care Flex or resell whatever they do but they're good they're good yeah that's interesting we do a lot of Star Wars stuff I've never seen the start Armstong ones okay turns out some of these stretchy Star Wars figures can sell for upwards of 30 even $40 plus shipping so $5 a piece was a great deal and speaking of great deals I finally bit the bullet and got a Costco membership I've been in here a couple times in the past but the deals you can find in here are absolutely crazy look at this deal folks we got a 12 O bag of steak strips beef jerky for $10.99 if you guys to like Publix or gas station you're going to be pay $110.99 for like a 3 oz bag okay I made sort of an impulse purchase they had this really cool like floor lamp over there but there was none on the Shelf it was just like a display piece so I asked an employee about it and they're like I guess you could just have that one if we don't have any on the Shelf so a bunch of people like got on walkie-talkies and called everybody and then they're like yeah you can just have that one so I haven't talked to Haley about this it's $89 but I do really like it and I think she will too so let's see if I made a bad decision or if haly Will agree with me that this is a cool lamp that we should get so so far I picked up a couple really good deals this was like $6.97 for a 24 pack of lroy I think this was $6.97 as well I just thought that was kind of neat double pack of peanut butter for like $7 I think and then the box of 24 golf balls I think it was like $25.97 just a little bit more than a dollar per ball crazy deal but this is the real reason I've come to Costco today the Harry's Winston razor set for only $1 199.99 guys this is the the craziest deal Harry's has done in a while back at the flip house Haley has been painting cabinets in there we don't want to show you the cabinets just yet but I do want to show you something I bought at Costco without your permission uh but we'll see okay so close your eyes wait I got to close my eyes close your just for a minute but I got to get down the steps just close I got to go I kind of set it up behind the car if you can see that okay um I'm not looking I just I'm looking down yeah just look down okay where am I going uh I got gu you can open your eyes it's a cool lamp for the living room we have the corner that had the plant we were looking for something else it was a last this is pretty cool I was expecting like a inflatable monster or something something just like crazy I thought it was cool that's I like that we have the corner of the living room where there's nothing really there it's a three-way lamp so you can turn on one bulb at a time we need a lamp we have no lamps in our house no lamps in our house it was $90 and it was the last one they had okay okay I approve all right it's better than an inflatable moner all right so again in this hay set you get one Chrome handle 13 five blade cartridges and one travel blade cover as I was looking at the other razors Costco had to offer not only were these the highest quality razors but they were also the most affordable there was other packs from different brands that had 15 cartridges for $25 there's actually one that had like 30 cartridges but it was like $55 so this is definitely the best bang for your buck I do really like on the handle how it has this like rubberized portion on the front and back so it helps like stay in your hand as you're getting all the nooks and crannies and of course the five highquality german-made blades makes it super easy as well and just in case you're somebody that is not interested in removing any of their body hair I would still recommend picking one of these up it's just such a good deal and they make great gifts for people as well I actually purchased three extras I'm going to be giving these away to one of you guys or three of you guys technically in today's video just be sure to subscribe to the channel like the video and comment anything you want down below I'll go through in a couple days and pick three winners to send these two free of charge again this deal is exclusively at Costco so if you're next time you're at Costco be sure to head over there and pick one up thank you guys for listening to this thanks to Harry for sponsoring today's video let's get back to it oh yeah wow okay let's look here we just big Bill Big Bill bought the last set of these H did you say the like original set is six yeah and they got these Indiana glass chicken dishes yeah he's got a good selection of glass so I'm sure he's going to want like he might 50 bucks for the set is this your stuff sir what that is this your stuff yeah what you got got on the set of six glasses here uh $10 $10 for the set yeah $10 okay I'll do that what do you want for the two roosters here $10 a piece a piece little pigeons these little look at these little pigeons that that one uh5 ah they're metal what got little pigeons here there's two of them oh those are brass I'll do $10 for both they're brass okay brass is like 380 a pound right now yeah yeah these are cool I like yeah that's fair I wish I can do better but all right thank you sir we appreciate you all right oh you're going to take the two here you want to wrap them up a little bit here uh yeah beautiful yeah thanks man we appreciate you all right thank you man you have a great day you got it you got it oh those hookus there's another pair right there pink Paar how much are these how um no these are Clifton 2 just the paint's coming off got a good tread though these are cool they kind of remind me of like Nickelodeon or something yeah I was wondering Sals I saw those what do you want for these what did they say t toe project 15 15 15 would you do 20 for both of those yes yeah okay I'll do that here you go thank you drew has been over there uh multiple times trying to buy jackets off of people back the third time think he's gone over for three today he picked a terrible day to do it cuz it's freezing nobody wants to give up jackets like you need to have another jacket ready he is talking to this guy for kind of a long time though maybe he's getting somewhere did he turn you down a that is a cool one I asked him how much he wanted he said probably 25 30 bucks I said I'd GL could be 30 bucks but he said he wants to keep it so I respect it that'd be a good price Drew found this pair of white Nike Shocks on this lady's table for $30 she wouldn't come down off that price but he bought them anyway and he's actually already sold them over on Poshmark for $120 I think he had them listed for $150 and then accepted an offer so really nice deal there much you got on this thanks sir all right that one I think this one's in good shape coach coach po oh yeah we've sold one of those before every time we buy Coach bags at the flea market we always get comments from people asking us how we know if these bags are truly authentic we've learned a lot from watching videos from our friend Rachel Strickland over on our YouTube channel she is probably the most knowledgeable person I know personally when it comes to Coach bags so I would highly recommend checking out her Channel and watching those videos these two yeah 15 15 for both yeah yeah I'll do that just give me the five that I already gave you back thanks sir y have a good one right I'm not carrying anything oh yeah good $20 for three C awesome heyy can I have $25 please I have 20s I think you have do you have FES yeah I do have five yeah say 20 of them that's a cool Harry Potter hat I need some change over here though I to get look at that shell too the Shell's nice yeah so these are two for five that one or yeah for sure I think it's a stadium giveaway cuz it's got the but light logo on the back that would be my guess yeah that's fun 2 2 23 24 all right 25 bucks thank you thank you appreciate it I'll leave your hanger with you a okay all right so getting the two shells the Orlando Magic and the Harry Potter so far okay two for five two for five so you got five this one's 10 so that's 15 two for this one 17 18 19 20 call call 20 okay I can swing that there you go so much thank you appreciate it so a fairly successful trip to a new flea market for us we spent a total of $151 today and I think we got a lot of really good stuff some like basic items you know nothing too crazy but for $151 I feel like it was pretty solid so this is going to be part of our $20 house flip budget so at the end of the last episode we left off with this amount of money we got take out the 151 we spent in today's episode but we also have sold several things since then so we did a little pop-up whatnot show yesterday morning it was a Saturday and we did it like 10:00 in the morning which in hindsight wasn't great I feel like Saturdays people are just kind of out and about doing other stuff not really interested in buying things a couple things did okay but overall it was a pretty low show we sold a total of 26 items just to give you some examples the Tignanello bag from our very last upload in the Florida thrift stores we got at the bins that sold for $3 so not great there the Fox plush the Harry Potter Fox plush that sold for 17 so that was pretty good we paid nine and I was expecting it to sell between 15 and 20 so not bad the Toy Story mug we got got two of these I think for $6.99 and one of them sold for $8 plus shipping so basically all of our money back and then whenever this one sells will be pure profit and then the like the Aladdin hoodie that Haley got I think we paid $12.99 for that and that sold for $11 so all in all not a great whatnot show but just goes to show not everything will sell whatnot is like inflated price sometimes people get crazy good deals so be sure to follow us and whatnot altogether 26 items we made $160 60 after these so adding that to the budget we've also sold several items in our booth over the last week and a half that were part of the budget as well the two hubc caps that we found at the Goodwill bendz two or three videos ago those sold for $25 each so I don't know if it was one person or two different people but both of those sold yesterday actually $50 there the little camper little it's like a metal like decorative little camper thing you put on the table that's for $8 we sold a cactus face that we've had in there for about 2 months for $10 and then the an Klein purse I think was from the Goodwill bin strip two three four videos ago uh that sold for $15 total Booth sales were $83 leaving us with $ 7470 after fees uh and we also sold something direct to a viewer the Shell Aviation hat from our last uh YouTube video in Florida that sold for $15 plus shipping to Paisley Paisley thank you so much for that so we've already added the 16060 to the budget from whatnot but after we add the booth sales after fees and the direct to viewer sale to Paisley we have a new budget of whatever whatever that says the good part about our trip to Florida is that we were able to buy a ton of stuff like I said in the last video we've actually filmed four videos so this is video number two we have two more flea market videos to show you guys from Florida we came back with a ton of stuff but we still had a lot of stuff left over from previous episodes of House flip budget like all those plush we got out of that guy's trunk a couple videos ago we've got two Goodwill bin strips worth of stuff we haven't sold any that yet so there's a lot of potential profit in unsold inventory at this time which I guess is a good problem to have but uh I'm getting slightly overwhelmed with the amount of stuff we have so we're going to have to do some more whatnot shows maybe even list a couple things on eBay oh I hate hate the sound of that but like this golf bag from uh a pre you know the last episode I'm definitely going to put that on our eBay store today if anybody's interested in that that'll be listed a couple other like really particular things we have uh this set of golf clubs that we got at the bins like a month ago the ones without any grips they've just been sitting on the shelf forever I really need to get those listed maybe even look at regripping them to increase the value a little bit but just stuff like that with stuff we've got to do to get some of this stuff moving again a huge thank you to Harry's Razors for sponsoring today's video again this deal is strictly at Costco only we don't have a link or anything to share with you guys to purchase online but next time you're at Costco definitely go pick one up and if you don't have a Costco membership and you have a Costco near you I would definitely get a membership I mean all that stuff today I think you'll easily save more money than the membership costs it's like 60 bucks a year or something like that so definitely worth it and again we love Harry's products we would love to keep working with them in the future so if you guys will go there pick one of these up it's a great deal helps support the channel and we' really appreciate it thank you guys so much for watching today's video you're the best and we will catch you on the next [Music] one
Channel: Hairy Tornado
Views: 115,735
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: Kist1fDWroQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 52sec (1132 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 28 2024
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