I Painted a Space Marine for an ACTUAL Space Marine! ft. Rahul Kohli

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it was recently announced that the upcoming 40K video game bolt gun will feature an ultramarine Stern Guard veteran protagonist voiced by famous actor man and Warhammer nerd Rahul Kohli sounds to me like an excuse for me to recruit my buddy Dan to Kit bash Up rahul's character so I can paint it and while we're at it let's have a little chitty chat with Rahul himself about his journey into the Warhammer hobby [Music] alright I hear you like to be called rahultra Marine Coley via your Rider is there any other things in your Rider I need to be aware of uh well you also had the coffee center oh yeah for sure that was a demand I assume that you started in the Warhammer Hobby and painting miniatures just to get this job is that correct I had to do it to get the job yeah okay yeah the audition was you had to bring your own mini it was like golden demons Golden Voice um yeah no it's all happened super fast from like I picked up the first or first like box of Space Marines um just like some intercessors January of last year while I was filming a show I decided I went away from home a lot obviously through travel so I decided like um and I'd done it was actually through sarastaro and this is a name-droppy thing but Sam Whitworth uh he paints Star Wars Legion and through a mutual friend he got me into Star Wars Legion and sarastra's YouTube guide so I was doing a few of those like Star Wars Legion minis um but I yeah I didn't really go too hard in it and then I had made this decision that while I'm traveling why don't I bring some painting Gear with me like let's like let's have it at the hotel or whatever because I've got so much time to kill when I'm not at work and instead of bringing any minis I went and bought a box of ultramarines and then I went on YouTube and tried to find my tutorials and what's the best color guides and stuff and that's how I found you guys okay so in like a year you you have not only progressed as a painter quite a bit uh impressive amount um but also like seem to this be associated with the kind of things you like to do in your free time on a regular basis yeah um did you have a background in art other than the the acting Arts uh well thank you for that um I think you guys are a big part of that reason why I leveled up um but uh I mean yeah sort of like I could draw at school I was pretty good at drawing um I've always taken to creative stuff pretty quickly if if I learn the tools I can I'm always I can always start at a decent level with anything artistic I had the opposite with sports nothing couldn't do anything but um yeah I I think the thing I did the most was there was a period of time this is before I had my kind of big break and I was you know just sort of at home in the UK I was bit I was working on model kits um at the time it was Star Wars model kits it was when uh fine molds had the contracts and I was working like learning to airbrush I really wanted to like make him look like the studio models with the same damage and so I had the sculpting a galaxy book and yeah just just that that's where I started but I wasn't hand painting anything I guess I would probably just do the pilot but that was like I bet just one color right really kind of like blotchy thick straight out of the tin I I kind of had a background but then real quickly uh after painting the first Space Marine I found out what every metal was oh and I feel like that's this virus that infects you and takes over and I know I oh it it's completely it dictates how I paint something or want to paint something I wish I never freaking learned what that was it's become this Holy Grail yeah and I remember you watching you did a great one um and I was trying to learn from it um well you did some of the heavy metal things but I honestly the biggest the biggest level up game for me single-handedly has been uh YouTube it really has yourself Maniac um squid more obviously sorastaro infernal brush uh yeah I've just and then obviously I've been very fortunate that uh Darren Latham who obviously works at gw's been like a Mr Miyagi for me and FaceTiming me and show me how to glaze and all of that stuff and so he's they've you all have helped a lot to help me get to that point I assume there is a montage video Somewhere Out There set to 80s Action Movie music where Darren is screaming in your ear and you have to lick your paintbrush and but it's still it's over Face Time as well so it makes it even weirder so it's like Danielson when he was on the boat but Darren's on a on a zoom call just at the bow whatever funnily enough I was always asked like what do you listen to when you paint and I'd realized for the last eight months I've been with painting I do it in silence which I feel is like a proper serial killer thing to do I'm just hunched over this table there's no headphones just breathing um and in the last like month or two I I because I just thought it was weird I started like putting on like a podcast or whatever and it's usually like True Crime so it's still serial killer related so there's this website it's called IMDb com I don't know if you've heard of it it allows you to Internet stock oh sweet and criticize every bit of work that somebody in the in your field does yeah so do you have off the top of your head the uh the silliest or dumbest line you've ever had to give in a voiceover and a voice over I've been really lucky the silliest stuff I've ever had to do was I I I couldn't book a job to save my life when I lived back in the UK I did commercials and that is soul-crushing my first gig was um Gears of War and they were looking for someone to play fars and I was working on iZombie uh in Vancouver and a friend suggested me to Rod Ferguson as someone to audition that was all it was and I didn't have a real it's not like my material was submit it was just someone was like Hey I know someone I watch I saw somebody should should ask him and I went in and read for it I don't really know what I was doing and and I booked it and I was like oh cool first game AAA so I just kind of fell into that and then yeah and then it was like it reached out for rage uh rage two because I was a big software fan and then the same happened with Ghostbusters and fortnite and whatever else there is it's all it's all just been offers really um bolt gun was the same bolt gun was really interesting because when that trailer was it last year at skulls I'm a mess I mean look like I'm a huge Doom fan like not Doom 93 changed my life so I still love Boomer Shooters to uh so I'm chosen ultramarines as my chapter and painting I'm a massive Doom guy and I see this Doom Warhammer hybrid and I took there's one I had Twitter at the time I tweeted um this game was made for me something just like that and then orok got in touch with me and were like um we would like to can you sign an NDA we want to talk to you yeah I thought they were just going to ask me to to play it um but they they were like yeah would you would you like to voice the lead I didn't even know there was a voice to this game because I was like it's Doom in it it doesn't speak but um but no there was and um yeah it's it's a taunt button you hit it and then you know for the emperor Heretics and all of that good stuff um yeah I've been so lucky man it's it's been all my credit even the the TV and film stuff has all been in that kind of geek world like yeah it's I've been very fortunate so really it sounds like it's just you know just like nerdy stuff it sounds like it has nothing to do with anything to do with Talent oh absolutely not or good looks or years of experience I'm glad that those things aren't required right today's video is brought To Us by our friends over at white werewolf Tavern creators of some wild high quality minis for you to 3D print at home each monthly patreon release has a minimum of 25 unique stls that can be used in a variety of tabletop RPGs and War Games as well as 75 millimeter scale and bust pieces for display piece painting in the April white werewolf Tavern release the light conclave you get 34 unique fantasy Miniatures all subscribers also get access to two welcome chests full of free goodies one of my favorite things about the white werewolf patreon is their loyalty program you're automatically enrolled by subscribing to consecutive months and you automatically get an extra miniature and after three months of consecutive subscription you get access to the mighty king ion car mini which is only available through this loyalty program and is an extra special bonus by watching this video you get access to an amazing 40 off discount and white werewolf taverns my mini Factory page so check the links below for both their my mini Factory page and their patreon a big thank you to white werewolf Tavern let's get back to the video I used to walk past games workshops back in the UK when I was a kid and just be like they have a Bible like um a character Bible so when I was recording or about to record they sent me from GW what they send anyone who's working on the animation or voice and stuff and it's like do's and don'ts and they were very very specific about voice which makes sense because they trying to keep a nice I guess like uniform across you're not just going to get a Space Marine from Texas you probably had a nerd background that runs pretty deep so what what was yours was it video games oh video games for sure yeah um that's the foundation of it all really because I think video games because I liked it in such a broad sense and I wasn't just particularly into one type of genre um I would have dabbled in real time strategies and battle Sims and things like that and RPGs and et cetera et cetera et cetera and um when I I'm still not a player um that's not I'm trying to and I'm learning but no one wants to play with me um yeah I mean and I also can't paint quick enough my armies because like my girlfriend wants to play kill team okay but even my kill team has to look heavy metal I'm never gonna finish it it's I told you [ __ ] every metal um but yeah I um I I realized when I did play a little bit and I was learning I was like oh it's the video game oh okay I'm I'm rolling to see you know if my shots hit I guess this is just I'm having to do all the math now yes yeah there's no computer it's video games for math nerds really yeah it's all it is yeah I do like the measuring tape thing though I think that's awesome yeah yeah because every time you you like make a cocky move you can hit the button where it like slides back in and makes that click oh and you just time it yeah got him I like doing it when I knew that they were in range and still measure out anyway that feels really good to just still do it but yeah like video games definitely keep like kept me in that and it was also the easiest way to learn some of the Warhammer law because there was so much content right and I'm not going to read all the books because I'm dumb and um so it was easier to just play Space Marine it was easier to just you know play dark tide and learn in in bite-sized bits and that's so that's how that kind of happened I I need to be careful what I asked for I yeah like I used to encourage I do I encourage final I love art so if you draw stuff with me in my characters or whatever I celebrate it and things got real spicy oh yeah I as soon as you started that sentence I'm like no no no no no no no but here's the thing I because I celebrated I some of the worst ones I got um I bought the original from them and took it and got it framed and uh they in front of my toilet so when you sit down in my toilet it's in your eye line is my uh butt hole there's just dicks everywhere I don't know yeah I also got one blown up gigantic uh and it's sitting and I need to take it to the frame shop I've had it for two years it's a it's it's basically it's gay fan art of a character I played on The Haunting of blind Manor I got it framed and I'm sure and but covet happened because what I was gonna do is I was going to put it in Flanagan's office Mike Flanagan's office and he and his wife was going to help me sneak it in and I'm just gonna sign in and have it giant he still haven't we haven't done it yet he doesn't watch your channel unfortunately it's not a spoiler all right so what you don't know is that this entire time I have been painting a model um while we've been talking uh you can't okay and I'm not going to show it to you but you have to trust me uh but everyone watching this video will have seen it and it is my version of you rahultramarine of the both gun Fame oh yes yeah that was that was totally unrehearsed natural reaction so I kind of don't want to see this because I know I've done one and I know I'm really proud of my little first ever kit bash conversion you should be it looks great yeah it looks great because it has no competition you did the bolt gun art yeah cover-up boxer yeah so I did that and then I'm gonna send that over to you and then you can use that um as like the leader of your kill team uh oh oh can I submit it is it good Can I submit it's a golden demon yeah yeah don't as my own yeah I I'm gonna make sure that on the bottom of the base I say me Rahul Kohli painted this miniature nobody else painted it especially not yeah ninja yeah it's yeah you're gonna have to go around the inside of the base room with all that text but then you just show that to them and they'll be like okay all right well thanks for hanging out with me I appreciate taking up your super busy time that you totally weren't sleeping and ordering coffee instead of getting it yourself and playing with your uh Star Wars dolls thank you and thank you for having me on like you again were one of the first channels um and yeah it's wild to be sitting there talking to you and and again and and then now you're doing uh bolt gun Marine for me yeah I keep winning and I don't deserve it so thank you so much well that was quite the trip no wasn't it I know this was a slight departure from my usual video style and let me know down in the comments below if you like strange things like this I hope you enjoyed this as much as I loved hanging out and chatting with Rahul as I said in the video as a small thank you to Rahul for taking some time with me I'm gonna send him over the stern Guard veteran that I painted up in today's video so maybe he can use it in his next game of 40K or kill team and while I'm thanking people I need to thank you my patrons it's because of you I can commit my work days to creating and coordinating videos like this none of this would be possible without your support and don't worry I'm gonna see you back here again real soon and make sure sometime between now and then you find time in your day to slay the gray I'm gonna my dog can you hear my dog snoring yeah I just caught that paint a miniature with a butthole and you too can have it live in someone's bathroom forever rhinox hides moonfang
Channel: Ninjon
Views: 131,377
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: warhammer, painting warhammer, painting warhammer 40k, painting space marines, painting age of sigmar, miniature painting, mini painting, mini painting 101, miniature painting tutorial, beginner miniature painting, army painting, games workshop, astra militarum, contrast paint, warhammer lore, 40k lore, slap chop, squidmar miniatures, speed paint, golden demon, citadel paint, 40k 10th edition, new warhammer, speed painting, eavy metal, ultramarines, rahul kohli, boltgun
Id: z_vW514uOMs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 51sec (1011 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 21 2023
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