IMPROVE Your Miniature Bases : Warhammer Basing Guide for Beginners

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static grass is very it gets everywhere it's  like glitter hey folks all right welcome to a   super simple base tutorial where you take this  weird plastic little round thing and turn it   into a fully fledged base so this is for absolute  beginners so you want some sand and gravel this   is a mix of chinchilla sand and old GW gravel and  then any some pieces that you want to put on top   of the base now you want something you've got to  make sure that you see how your model is going to   fit on it um obviously you don't want to cover the  base completely into big sort of huge lumps and   things so we're just going to go with something  really simple here just a piece of rock this is   an old piece of putty that had sort of knocking  around which we've just super glued to the base   and that's a sort of ornament if you like and then  your character can sit either next to it or having   one foot on it you'll want some PVA glue uh I tend  to use mod podge and it dries really really hard   you can use it as a varnish sort of papery  things I believe it's initially designed for   so but any old PVA with glue will do and you just  want to splodge that on and then what we're going   to do after is we're just going to dip that  into the gravel and get a nice coat on there   so you don't need to do any preparation on  this at all so this is perfect for beginners oh make sure you get into all the prize don't  go on top of the piece of uh ornamentation   that's just going to stay as it is just  wipe away the excess around the edges just   keep it neat and tidy always makes space look  really really good so just Chuck it in there what you want to do is just give it a press  down [Music] before you tip off the excess   so any thicker parts of glue just press down  the gravel tap it all off again any excess   because there will be sticky bits around the  outside just to wipe it off with your thumb and there we go there's a little  piece around the amateur Edge which   just needs a bit of extra glue  on so we'll do that in a second so what we'll do as well is we'll add a bit  of variation just put some Blobs of PVA glue   because you don't want the base to be too flat a bit of what they call Visual interest battlefields are often very bumpy surfaces but  obviously you don't want to go too far because   then your model is not going to be able  to sit on the base properly so just press   it down press into the sand as well if you  want to just again just wipe off the excess there's that bit around the edge now what to do  is we'll just pop a bit more PVA glue on there   dip it in the sand again it's although the texture on base is isn't too bad it's not as good as sound so I think the main point of this is not  to worry if you get things on the edge   of the base especially with PVA glue  because you can you can just wipe it off there we go so what you need to do is just let  that sit and dry it's completely and then we're   going to cover it in thinned PVA glue because at  the moment the sand is stuck on top the glue so   if you try and dry brush it or paint it it's going  to come off adding a really thin layer of PVA glue   or your preferred sort of water-based thick  glue over the top just bonds everything together so you want it reasonably thin you don't want to   have it too thick because  then it will cover the detail has quite a lot of painters will say with their   paint you want the consistency  of milk which for paint makes   a great deal of scents but for PVA glue it  does actually make sense so consistency of milk dabuton don't scrub or brush side to side because  obviously the sand is still just stuck on top   of the glue so if you just get it thin and  just dab it on the sand will stay in place all right there we go now you will need to  leave this to dry for for a little   while so if you are batch creating  these that's probably a good idea   so if you have until 10 or so you can  start working ones as they as they dry and that's it completely dry and that you can  put paint on that as you can see it hasn't glue   hasn't covered the detail at all so I'm going  to start off with a layer of dryad bark now   you don't need to Prime these this is why it's  a super simple base tutorial because you don't   need to do a lot of preparation with it and the  main thing is just letting things dry thoroughly so just scrub it in coat the whole thing  with dry bark and then let that dry you can use any kind of brain for this  one sort of mid brain is quite nice if you're not using GW and using Army painter for  example Oak Brown is okay that's quite a quite   a ready Brown more your standard what you think  of when you think of the color brown effectively but I was trying something  just for a slightly darker   Battlefield base so I'm going to go over with  steel Legion driver and we're going to do what's   called dry brushing you need some kitchen towel  and you need to take off the excess paint as you   get used to it you'll know how much to take off  start with a light coat you can see how the paint   comes off onto the base as you get used to it  you can start adding more and more paint but you   just don't want to really heavy coat you don't  want to completely cover the uh with the paint   underneath [Music] just give that a few coats  just to lighten everything up a little bit oh [Music]   don't need to worry about the onward because  we'll paint this as a kind of stone look [Music]   so now for a slightly lighter version which   you could mix a steel Legion drab  with a bit of a chapty bone [Music] so we don't want to go too bright just yet because  the very brightest highlights will go over the   whole base including the gray of the of the stone  so I'm here we're just highlighting just the dirt foreign thing to note this is dry brushing  so if you do find yourself washing the brush   make sure you've got spare dry brushes   left over or that you can use whilst it  was glue brush you've washed is drying   any kind of moisture on the brush will ruin the  dry brush effect so here we're just blocking in   the color of the stone with dawn stone  just any kind of mid grain will do because we're not going to do too much to  this we're going to add a little highlight   with the mini stratum gray don't worry about  letting the previous coat dry on this one   it would kind of mix the two together  the phone when you're creating bases   more random is better so any kind of little  defects and things actually works in your favor and then just pick out some random stones and  Pebbles and bits and pieces in the Stratton   gray you won't necessarily completely see these  in the finished product but it just adds a little   bit of variation so pure you should debunk with a  new cleaned while old clean brush but a dry brush   and then again take off the excess paint and run that over the whole thing very final highlight is wraith bone you could  use screaming skull for this if you wanted to   again take the excess off that this time we're  just hitting the edges of things if you imagine   that there's going to be a miniature in there  somewhere at some point he's creating Shadows so   you're very a finest highlight score the outside  of the base and just around the edges of The Rock [Music]   give the whole thing a coat  of agrax earthshade which just   ties everything together and  Smooths out all the dry brushing if you find the layer on top of the stone is  too thick can just clean your brush and just   push the excess off or just use your thumb just  wipe it off it's not a it's not a huge issue okay so that's the bulk of it done so now  we want to add a little bit of grass to it   now I've got two kinds of grass from Javis  scenics one is slightly to your brain and one   is very much too green so you can do the same as  you do with paints and you can mix them together   so mixing the two together tones it down slightly and what you want to do is just  add some random dots of PVA glue how much or how little you put on is entirely  up to you if you want to coat quite a lot of it   in Grass absolutely fine I find patches  here and there are okay again take into   account where your models will be SATs if  you want to put your model on first that's   perfectly fine to do sprinkle your grass over  the top and just press it down with your thumb and then just tap the excess off trying  to drop it and what you want to do is just   give it a quick blow and blow off any  excess or once it's dried get a brush   to it and brush off anything  that will stick to the uh   the bits that don't have PVA glue on it because  static static grass is very it gets everywhere   it's like glitter so what we want to do now  is just Edge the base now this is entirely   personal preference so you could use steel Legion  drop that looks quite nice or just a nice black   because Black Goes With Everything get rid of any stray bits of static  grass like I said they get everywhere the black Works quite nicely because it makes the  rest of the base look lighter than it actually is   and then we have it one super  simple completely finished   super simple base so for absolute beginners  hopefully this has helped and stay tuned for   more super simple tutorials because we're  going to go through a lot more stuff and   get people up to speed who've never tried  the hobby before so thank you very very much   for watching please like And subscribe  as per usual and we'll see you soon bye
Channel: No Fixed Course
Views: 105,737
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: warhammer, warhammer 40k, miniature painting, warhammer 40000, warhammer age of sigmar, Basing, warhammer for beginners, easy basing miniatures, easy basing 40k, easy basing warhammer, wargames, wargaming basing, wargaming bases, miniature bases, ninjon, trovarion, squidmar miniatures, space marine bases, space marine base ideas, sisters of battle bases, tyranid bases
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 20sec (860 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 21 2023
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