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Damn this is awesome.

Pretty amazed by the quality of this, it almost makes you wonder why we don't have more film like this from the NFL.

👍︎︎ 8 👤︎︎ u/Le_Rekt_Guy 📅︎︎ Sep 12 2020 🗫︎ replies

Thanks for posting.

👍︎︎ 6 👤︎︎ u/Sittingatbjsbar 📅︎︎ Sep 12 2020 🗫︎ replies

Top comment is hilarious. Boomer complaining about players dancing. Someone asks why? He says its "effeminate" and "disrespectful" to "prance around like Tinkerbell" lol

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/IBandWagon4Jeaux 📅︎︎ Sep 12 2020 🗫︎ replies
feature presentation on the hsm television network [Music] this weekend Pro Football is brought to you by Haggar slacks they just fit better naturally hi I'm Pat Summerall and I'm Tom Brookshire and Tom last week we were talking about what what a great season of pro football we're looking forward to and if the first week is any indication not only is it gonna be a great year it's gonna be a wild year for Pat that's the truth and I think it amazed me was that some of the clubs that had come so far in pre-season had a heck of a time in their openers can take Pittsburgh let's say playing the Houston team Charlie Johnson came back hello he did and everybody had been looking forward so so much to an outstanding debut by Terry Bradshaw and he had his problem of course they had good things to say a bad shot would be good but this was the Houston oiler game you know and how about Miami now Don Shula had been rolling even beating Baltimore in the preseason and they ran afoul of somebody didn't they Boston which had not won a game in preseason I think even more amazing than the winless record of Boston and the way they beat Miami was the fact that just before in fact two of the players had already started to get taped to go out on the field and they were suspended for not signing their contracts by the coach should leave rush so under those conditions I think you have to consider that even more remarkable and Clark going back out to one of your old teammates dick Nolan his defensive ballclub with San Francisco keeps Sonny Jurgensen under a hundred yards in the air this had to be one of the great San Francisco days and spoiled bill Austin's debut as the Washington head coach Dickes got some good football players he's looking forward to in fact he was quoted as saying during the preseason in fine spite of the fact that they were having their problems that he was going to have a winning year and a good year he thought a lot of coaches are saying that so it should be simple early in the year at least we'll be back and talk about these games and other games in just a moment coach Don Shula brought his Miami Dolphins to historic Harvard Stadium to open the season against the Boston Patriots an impressive team during pre-season play the Dolphins charged through the Patriots the first time they had control of the ball Jim kick carried a short flare pass from quarterback Bob Griese 47 yards to the Boston 50 three plays later greasy followed guard Maxie Williams number 78 around right in and sneaked into the end zone for the game's first score [Music] in the second period Miami's defense opened the way for a second touchdown when safety Jake Scott a rookie from Georgia intercepted a patriot pass and returned it to the Boston 40 [Music] [Applause] Griese flipped out too rough running gym kick again and the Dolphins moved to the patriot 25 kick stocky three year veteran from Wyoming powered across for Miami second touchdown and midway through the second quarter the Dolphins held a commanding 14 to 3 lead [Music] a two key defensive plays by the Patriots changed the tenor of the game Darrell Johnson picked off a pass and four plays later Carl Garrett plunged into the end zone for a Boston score the second key defensive play was made by tackle Jim Hunt who knocked the ball from Larry Csonka and Boston recovered it on the dolphin 14 a 13 yard in run by Jim Nantz set up a short touchdown plunge a patriot field goal in the waning minutes of the first half increased Boston's lead to 20 to 14 in the second half Carl Garrett Boston's Rookie of the Year in 1969 died through the Dolphins for 26 yards [Music] [Applause] [Music] quarterback Mike Tolliver pitched a perfect strike to Ron sellers for the clinching score as underdog Boston surprised the Dolphins 27 to 14 and spoiled Don Shula's debut as head coach [Music] in Pittsburgh's brand-new Three Rivers Stadium the Steelers preseason miracle man Terry Bradshaw number 12 suddenly became just another rookie quarterback the poise and precision of a brilliant preseason was shattered by a persistent houston defense linebacker Ron Pritchard number 58 intercepted one of Bradshaw's passes and the Oilers offense turned it into a touchdown later in the game Houston's relentless rush forced Bradshaw out of the end zone for a safety [Music] without Bradshaw's passing game the stealer attacks tumbled unaffectedly throughout most of the game [Music] on the other hand Houston's offense directed by 10 year veteran Charlie Johnson at quarterback and powered by number 32 Hoyle gran Jay rammed through the Steeler defense for consistent gains you [Music] [Music] woody Campbell number 35 shared the ball carrying chores with grown shea giving the Oilers a double-barrel ground-attack that the Steelers could not contain [Music] with Pittsburgh's defenses massed against the run Johnson passed to Jerry Levias for the game's first score [Music] in the second period Mike Richardson number 24 picked up where grouchy and Campbell left off Houston's running game was moving so well that even tiny Jerry love is number 23 got a chance to carry the ball and stole through the Steelers for a 17 yard gain [Music] [Applause] Levias racked up Houston's second touchdown when he grabbed a quick pass from Johnson late in the final period Terry Hanratty did what Terry Bradshaw could not and passed a rookie run Shanklin for a touchdown it was the only score the Steelers could manage at Houston 119 7 [Music] whenever a team falls behind early in a game it usually four goes a running attack in favor of the pass the last week to team successfully broke with that tradition both Denver and Atlanta came from behind by concentrating on running the football in Buffalo the bills and coach John Roush are counting heavily on the 13 rookies who made the team Denver's coach Lou Sabin kept only six his concern is to find the right combination of offense and defense to lean on consistently what Denver depends on heavily is its defensive line and all-pro enrich'd Jackson number 87 denver spent four has been together now for three years and as far as Buffalo is concerned last Sunday afternoon must have seemed like three years as the Broncos held them to less than a hundred and fifty yards in total offense they got to the quarterback five times and were impressive throughout the game [Music] the bills however managed to turn a first-half pass interception and the fumble into ten points Porter back dandera number ten ran 28 yards to the Denver goal I'm setting up OJ Simpson's two yard leap for a touchdown [Music] trailing Tim to five in the second quarter Denver quarterback Steve Tennessee number 13 saw his passing attack trip stumble fall bounce and finally roll over and play dead so to open the third quarter coach Lou Sabin had floydlittle number 44 run the same play eight times in a row running the same play eight times in a row is not singing all that often in the NFL but Floyd gained 57 yards on the drive that resulted in Denver's first touchdown of 1970 on as you might expect a pass to Al demson number 88 [Music] after that Denver was never threatened rookie halfback Bob Anderson number 11 ran 28 yards for another touchdown as Denver won going away 25 to 10 with a consistently strong running attack and a maturing defensive posture flu Sabin seems to have found the combination he has been looking for and this may not be the only week that sees Denver in first place [Music] in New Orleans the Saints entertained the Atlanta Falcons and most of the legwork was displayed in the pregame festivities as passing was the essence of first-half action [Music] both teams put the ball in the air often but met with little success [Music] pro football players are big durable and tough but sometimes it takes more than an opponent to stop them [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] when they're passing a tax sputtered the Saints had to settle for a 42 yard field goal by Tom Dempsey the only store of the first half [Music] professional polish was often absent during the first half as shoddy bald Haley but hard-hitting characterized both teams [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] shortly before the end of the third quarter rookie Doug Wyatt number 23 intercepted a pass providing the Saints with a scoring opportunity [Music] their passing game finally came to life as New Orleans drove all the way to the Atlanta one-yard line [Music] on fourth down and one the Falcons defense stiffened and Atlanta gained possession with their backs to the end zone the Falcons called on number 45 Sonny Campbell a rookie from Northern Arizona signed as a free agent Campbell carried the ball seven times on Drive covering 98 yards [Music] his touchdown sprint gave Atlanta a seven-to-three lead [Music] in the fourth quarter Atlanta received an unexpected break for number 60 Tomi Nova's picked off a pass [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] once again it was sunny Campbell who got the call for Campbell runs and a 17 yard scoring shot to Harmon wages number five game Atlanta a touchdown on a 14 to 3 victory over their southern rivals we'll have more exciting action on this week in pro football right after this brief message both Washington and Dallas were picked as the teams to beat in the NFC East and both teams showed that preseason predictions may not mean too much as Dallas barely outlasted the Eagles and Washington was upset by a surprisingly strong 49er squad when Horace Greeley said go west young man he didn't have the Washington Redskins in mind talent is one of the top teams in the NFC East the Redskins came West to San Francisco and remain handled by an aggressive 49er defense that sacks Sonny Jurgensen six times when Jerguson was able to get his passes off he met with a similar fate [Music] Jurgensen and number 12 John Brodie are two of the finest pure passers in football in his 14th year as a pro Brodie had one of his best days completing 17 of 20 young Jean Washington number 18 caught seven passes many of which the frustrated Washington defenders could not believe [Music] the 49ers first quarter Drive was capped by number 42 Doug Kim's touchdown burst but Washington was quick to retaliate on a scorching 75 yard gala by number 43 Larry Brown [Music] Brown is rapidly becoming known as one of the best young runners in the NFL but in the second quarter he was not so lucky Brown fumbled a pitch out and was down in his own end zone for a safety to give the 49ers a 97 lead San Francisco displayed more of their young talent in rookie john Eisenberger number 17 Eisenberger carried the ball only once during the game but it was good for 27 yards and set up Kenny Willard's touchdown burst [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] san Francisco's final touchdown came when number 88 dick Witcher snared a John Brodie pass to give the 49ers 820 310 lead Redskins staged a gallant comeback attempt on the strength of Sonny Judson's ride armed but his touchdown pass to Jerry Smith was not enough [Music] why did the Philadelphia Eagles have smiles on their faces while the heavily favored Dallas Cowboys pouted and Moon it was because a young eagle defense led by brash Richard Harvey number 41 was out talking and out hitting the Cowboys in the first half at Franklin Field the first time Calvin Hill number 35 touched the ball he was gang tackled quarterback Roger Staubach was rushed bruised and intimidated in two errors [Music] the Eagles secondary boxed-in and battered cowboy receivers coming across the middle and swarmed on fumbles in waves [Music] inspired and unyielding the Philadelphia defense out thought and outplayed the complex Dallas offense in the first half [Music] the Eagles attacked mystified Dallas doomsday defense and on two passes from norm Snead to Ben Hawkins Philadelphia took a seven nothing lead [Music] the Dallas Cowboys finally awoke late in the first half and began to hit to hurt cowboy linebackers like number 56 Tom stims ik read norms needs mind and his eyes and may drive killing interceptions that ruin their chances for an upset led by Calvin Hill who rushed for a hundred to 17 yards the Dallas offense asserted its dominance over the tough hitting Eagles Lancer in solo number 19 roamed free and easy through Philadelphia's own defense but the real hero for Dallas was Roger Staubach whose ability to improvise on the run turned losses in the big game defeat into victory [Music] Starbucks scrambles bedazzled and days the Eagles who found it as hard to touch him as to tackle him [Music] Starbucks trips left the Eagles dizzy and depressed [Music] Roger Staubach passed sparingly but when he did it was effectiveness the Cowboys ran off with a surprisingly tough 17 7 victory over the Eagles [Music] we'll be right back to this week in pro football following station identification this is the HSN television network in the second half of our show we'll see the Rams and the Vikings who look stronger than ever we'll also see the Bears and the Colts as they came from behind to win their openers and in the most impressive games played last week we'll see a surprising Cincinnati team and an equally surprising Green Bay Packer team we'll have more exciting action on this week in pro football right after this brief message new football season and a few new rules - Pat and last week the first week under the new alignment the new merger alignment one of the differences is a fact that the names are on the back of all the players jerseys now shorten my career several months you're gonna hide anymore about the two point conversion no more two-point conversion the official time is now kept on the scoreboard instead of as it used to be by an official on the sidelines baby right there and they've got a new ball - there's no more Duke now it's the NFL ball there's no more air football this is obviously an eight ball because of the stripes around it the quarterbacks had complained that when this stripe got wet when the paint got wet it got slick and it made it difficult for them to pass so they've broken the stripe now as you can see and there's a place there to accomodate the quarterbacks thumb give you a little target there makes an excellent target right there for the kicker - this happens to be the ball that was used last week in the Los Angeles and st. Louis game and it seems to be still in pretty good shape so let's take a look at what happened out there after roaring undefeated through their preseason schedule the Los Angeles Rams were not about to give the visiting Cardinals any breaks unless it was broken bones ram defense was stronger than ever as it terrorized number 17 quarterback Jim Hart and the secondary stuck to Hart's favorite receiver number 44 John Gilliam like a tattoo on a sailor [Music] when Gilliam finally did make a catch it wasn't easy and he acted his door was a touchdown [Music] but the RAM secondary had him thinking and when it came to touchdowns he wasn't thinking about the ball [Music] meanwhile Roman Gabriel and the RAM offense seemed undecided at first but then Gabriel took charge and his strong-armed style he ran and passed his team to an invincible lead one of his three touchdowns went through running back Willie Ellison number 33 [Music] another went to wide receiver jack snow number 84 [Music] [Applause] about the only member of the Rams squad who wasn't enjoying the romp was kick return specialist Alvin Heyman number 23 on this play the Cardinals turned Alvin into a man without a leg to stand on [Music] the next time Albin returned a kickoff say Louis tried to turn him into a pinwheel [Music] which almost turned into a brawl but cooler heads prevail and Alvin Haman exacted his sweet vengeance by taking this kickoff and streaking 98 yards as the Rams went on to clobber the Cardinals 34 to 13 [Music] now everyone was happy because what could be better than to be a hero applauded by your coaches applauded by your fans and at the same time be the only man in Los Angeles breathing pure oxygen and in Minnesota there was no question about the pure toughness of the Vikings opposition the only question was could a young dentist from downtown Minneapolis find happiness and trying to avenge last season's Super Bowl loss to the world champion Kansas City cheats only Gary quas Oh number 15 who is both a practicing dentist and a practicing quarterback knew the answer as he stepped in to fill the cavity left by Joe Capps departure [Music] as it turned out quaza filled the cavity with 24 karat gold his first test came when the Kansas City punt left him stranded on his own three displaying the expertise of a trained technician plazo began drilling into the chief secondary [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] and when the Viking quarterback had taken his team the length of the field not even the Chiefs massive defense could stop number 41 Dave husband from putting the finishing touches on what for the Chiefs was a painful operation [Music] but painful wasn't the half of it when the vaunted biking defense started yanking teeth number eighty-eight Dallin page led a charge that crumbled the Kansas City attack [Music] and when chief quarterback Lenny Dawson did get off a pass Paul Krause number 22 made him wish he hadn't because the interception led to a touchdown [Music] the defense kept a day of vengeance when number 70 Jim Marshall recovered a fumble and racing toward the endzone lateral to number 60 row a Winston the Chiefs finally came out from under the anesthetic but a 59-yard touchdown from Dawson to number 89 Otis Taylor was small compensation when all it did was make the score nearly respectable at 27 10 although he must have been laughing on the inside Viking head coach Bud Grant wore the same look in victory as he had in defeat it made one wonder if perhaps he needs some dental work to fix his smile if so there's a good quarterback in Minneapolis we should be able to take care of that [Music] any NFL team must possess the ability to battle back for a come-from-behind win if they remain in contention in San Diego the Colts gained just such a last-second victory behind a man who has some experience in these matters that's John Unitas in New York the Bears had even further to rebound they had to overcome an entire season of defeat Chicago traveled to Yankee Stadium hoping to restore the bear legacy which had been buried under 13 losses in 1969 it seemed that nothing had changed but the setting while a Chicago offense floundered as they had in 69 Fran Tarkenton number 10 began to tear the bear defense to shred even the Bears on the bench began to realize that this could be the start of another long winter the Giants grabbed the advantage and pressed it for points as Tarkenton and Ron Johnson number 30 team to give New York the quick advantage for Chicago this pattern was familiar in 69 the Bears had been unable to generate the spirit needed to come back on this night number 21 cecil turner proved that this was indeed a new season [Music] Turner's 95-yard returned brought back the spark and Mack Percival's extra-point proved that the Bears may be in line for a few of the breaks this season as well with this kind of impetus the long dormant bear attacked roared to life Jack Concannon hit high-stepping Bob Wallace number 89 as the Chicago offense began to roll consistently a Percival field goal and a one-yard Concannon sneak swept Chicago into the lead and the rest of the Bears knew what they had to do to hold it the Chicago Bears have always known how to hit and now the Giants found themselves running into a charge led by the master Dick Butkus number 51 the Butkus led defense shattered the New York frontlines and hail the Giants to three second-half points in a game total of 51 yards rushing in the fourth quarter the Giants discovered the full magnitude of the Butkus influence [Music] his one-handed interception crushed the last New York Drive and then Concannon put the game away with a pitch to dick Gordon with the 24:16 victory Chicago had regained the hope of a contender and rediscovered the joy of a winner in San Diego opening day brought a fresh call for the home team to charge out of a rut cut by four straight third-place seasons once again the charges hope to break the Western Division dominance of Oakland and Kansas City but this time the challenge was offered by a new face John Unitas that his coats were opening their American Conference history with some newness of their own Don McCafferty was now calling the shots after 19 years as a Baltimore assistant the two teams from what had been two leagues finalized the merger immediately as the Colts welcomed gary garrison and the charges to the NFL the San Diego defense was just as gracious as they greeted Roy Jefferson in the Colts to the American Conference [Music] this start set the mood of the day as defense dominated for the entire first half number 20 Jerry Logan for today charger threat with a fumble recovery and then the Colts were turned back as number 82 Steve DeLong scramble a United screen pass [Music] for more than what half a combined offensive output of both teams was only three points in this rugged defensive battle each team struggled sweated and waited for a break Baltimore's came on a punt feel it by rookie Ron Jardine number 30 [Music] jardines de set up a cold touch down with in San Diego flashback with equal suddenness the charger fire was provided by a John Adel shot to number 27 Gary garrison [Music] Garrison's 65-yard streak split open the tight cold defense and Hagel quickly went to work to shattered completely [Music] but the cold slammed the door shut as quickly as it it opened Unitas had no more luck in exploring the sudden cold advantage as both defenses again took control of the game the charger attack wilted under the pass rush led by number 78 Bubba Smith and each time the Cole defense appeared ready to muster a bit of momentum San Diego would steal it away the game reverted to its first half pattern as neither team could gain leverage and the battle went back to the inhabitants of the trench as physically difficult as this type of game is for the player it is equally as torturous on the coach san diego's Charlie Waller saw the time slipping away as he searched for a means to restore his team's offensive punch the answer turned out to be an increasingly familiar one for the Chargers go to garrison Garrison's Rob gave San Diego a 14-13 lead with less than five minutes remaining all they had to do was hang on but John Unitas was leading last-minute cold drives before the charges were founded and with his matchless precision he brought his team back upfield he brought his team back and with 56 seconds remaining rookie place kicker Jim O'Brien was given his NFL baptism of fire O'Brien proved up to the pressure of his new role the Colt 1614 victory opened a new era at a new conference and after 19 years in the wings Don McCafferty was a winner in his first timeout we've saved for last the two most impressive victories of the week the Detroit Lions astounding domination of their old nemesis Green Bay and the Cincinnati Bengals equally a standing upset performance against an Oakland team which had lost only four games in three years in brand-new Riverfront Stadium the already powerful Oakland Raiders showed off some brand new explosive talent number 87 is number one draft choice Raymond Chester a tight end with more than a little determination [Music] another Raider rookie who made a splashy debut was defensive back Alvin Wyatt number 41 he returned two punts 63 and 72 yards [Music] and then of course there was the old Raider strength the passing combination of Daryle Lamonica to Fred Biletnikoff which was good for two more touchdowns [Music] Paul Browns young Bengals match the Raiders strength for strength number 33 former Chargers safety Kenny Graham scooped up a partially blocked punt and set up the first Bengal score [Music] number fourteen quarterback Sam Weiss strolled right and kept right on rolling to the Bengals first touchdown of the year [Music] why set up another score with an end-around to wide receiver Eric Crabtree number 10 [Music] paulrobinson found a block by number 71 former Chicago Bear Rufus maze and the Bengals had scored again another bingo touchdown was a result of a Sam Weiss past too speedy running back Essex Johnson number 19 [Music] but the star of the game was number 30 running back Jess Phillips the former defensive back from Michigan State who accounted for almost 200 yards running and receiving the game's biggest play occurred late in the third quarter third down 30 yards to go from the Bingle 24 Paul Browns call a draw play to Jess Phillips [Music] later Phillips said quote we all sort of flinched when that play came in from the sideline but it was the Raiders who placed at the final score Oakland 21 Cincinnati 31 in Green Bay there was a coach with a real problem could the Packers regain the great strength necessary to win the NFC Central or black and blue division [Music] [Music] Bart Starr through to Danny Anderson for green baize first first down of the year significantly this did not occur until late in the third quarter would Detroit already ahead 23 to nothing [Music] the rest of the afternoon the Lions incredibly solid defense was ready and waiting for everything Bard star threw at them [Music] time and again the Packer backs were swarmed under at or behind the line of scrimmage [Music] for most of the afternoon the Packers could hardly manage to get off a punt former Bengal punter Dale Livingston number 37 found himself ill suited to his emergency role as a running back but unbelievably the wrath of some of the Green Bay crowd was directed at none other than their Idol of the 60 quarterback Bart Starr [Music] LEM Barney's perfect interception touchdown helped to seal the doom of the Packers and their leader Bart stock [Music] the NFC Central Division this year may have a new champion led by number 19 lion quarterback Bill Munson [Music] Munson has a lot of help in his back field number 42 is second year running back all T Taylor a speed burner from Utah State [Music] number 38 is Bill Triplett an eight-year veteran from Miami of Ohio for a passing target Munson has a tight end one of the best in the game Charlie Sanders number 88 [Music] [Music] and flying from the midst of an excellent offensive line one of the game's best running backs Mel far number 24 [Music] but the cruelest blow was dealt by young Greg Landry number 11 who quarterback sneaks for 76 yards before winding down at the Packer 11 this year's lions do not appear willing to settle for anything less than perfection and last Sunday they very nearly achieved it as they dealt Green Bay its first shutout in more than a decade 40 to nothing [Music] well Pat I was up at Lambeau Field and watch the Packers really being ripped up by Detroit and it's one of those pregame plans we talked so much about really working Joe Schmidt and Jim David the lion coaches but night before the game told me they said the Lions ready to eat the Packers up and they did it indeed they did and when you get eaten up like that in front of your home crowd it's got to be doubly embarrassing I think something that you were telling me earlier about the the tribute that the fans paid to Bart Starr is a remarkable thing well the Packers didn't have a first down in the third period and a few bluebirds got on Bart and suddenly the entire populace I guess of Green Bay stood up and gave the quarterback a standing ovation and I guess this could only happen in Green Bay Cincinnati looked good against Oakland 2 and they play Detroit well a week ago they played Detroit very well in pre-season play and Paul Brown I think has more than than just a third year expansion team they looked like they'd been around a long time already I wonder time if we dare go out on the limb and try to pick the results of some of these games after what happened to us last week when we didn't do so well well how about yes I probably will go back to that how about the Kansas City Chiefs now they're playing Baltimore this has got to be a classic Oh it'll have to be I still stick with Kansas City there is great talent on that team I think they'll be blown off what do you think I wish I could take Baltimore but I think Lenny Dawson is the most careful quarterback I'll have to go with Kansas City to sorry today right we'll be back next week to show you what happens I'm Tom Brooks show and I'm Pat Summerall see you next week promotional consideration is provided by American Motors makers of the bold new 1971 javelin was styling so Harry we even risked turning some people off javelin by American Motors this week in pro football is brought to you by Haggar slacks they just fit better naturally [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] this has been a color feature presentation in cooperation with NFL Films through the facilities of hues Sports Network you
Channel: PAL 6363
Views: 181,652
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: d_W3TJ4pcL0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 48min 49sec (2929 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 24 2018
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