NFL Films: More Than A Game (1970)

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i gotta leave this early last sunday i didn't get started until 12 30 and i got caught in that traffic i had to park a half a mile from the stadium and i missed a kickoff i'll see you after the game someday a special day for steve ailes because he is a pro football fan you know i haven't missed a home game in 12 years far away from home i watch him on television i remember guys like sammy ball bones taylor i've always loved pro football i like it for the same reasons everybody else likes it the action the violence it's just great entertainment [Music] all right let's go [Music] let's start playing a little ball out there we need somebody to tackle vince let's get tough now you're an animal crane eat that man up beautiful play beautiful all right smith in the end zone smith going across oh come on oh come on [Music] most of the ketchup [Music] all right all right come back here and score baby right here can't get the long bomb over his head to steve ayles and to the millions of others who watch it pro football is a unique form of entertainment but to those who make their living from it it is something more the game is a challenge to the body to the mind to the spirit each man must face it in his own ways [Applause] take it in he'll test him right now look for it johnny [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] let's go around quarterback in professional football is paid to win i'm only going out there and doing my job with with the tools that i have and if people don't think it's pretty that suits me just fine as long as we win pro football is more than a game to joe cap it is a demanding test for his stubborn will to win and a proving ground for his unique style in an age of classic passers he is the rockman role of quarterbacks his passes float like balloons and sometimes he throws them with more hope than accuracy [Music] when cap can't pass he runs one of the writers in minneapolis said i look like dagwood bumpstead trying to catch a bus and that's how i feel sometimes i'm trying to catch a bus [Music] finesse and precision have no place in joe capps playbook each play is a new adventure [Music] [Applause] i was born in santa fe new mexico my mother is mexican-american her name is garcia and my father is a german gringo and we moved to california cap played his college football at the university of california and then played eight years in the canadian football league in 1967 he was purchased by the minnesota vikings and arrived in coach bud grant training camp as a 29 year old rookie wearing number 11 he won the starting job but it often seemed that he was paid more for his durability than for his talent [Applause] [Music] [Music] in passing statistics and minnesota finished last in the central division [Music] the season was so depressing that the viking stadium became known as grant's tomb but it was in the season of defeat that joke cap first earned the respect of his teammates they respected him because he was tough because he refused to give up because he gave them the best of what he [Music] had [Music] there was a fighting heart under the ribs of defeat [Music] you got to go out there and continually be optimistic and think that you can score touchdowns because the minute you're not optimistic uh you're not going to be able to be aggressive enough to go after that team and uh and get those touchdowns get those points on the board sometimes winning sometimes losing always searching the vikings spent the 1968 season looking for the will to win everyone thought they had lost game by game play by play they found it they found it in a flying fullback named bill brown number 30. [Music] they found it in call eller number 81 their all-pro-defensive end and it was there in dale hackbart number 49 a scrappy defensive back but they found most of it in their quarterback joe cat he stamped his message on every pass catch and win catch and win has a runner cap averaged more than five yards a try and brought a crude courage to a position that is often known only for its grace and polish [Music] [Music] but more than a quarterback cap was a rallying point his teammates drew strength from his leadership and took pride in his toughness [Music] usually i find that i like to play with uh with as much emotion as i can uh muster i like to play charged up joe is a natural-born leader he is physically tough mentally tough he's a fierce competitor i like to take control of the game when he takes the ball and instead of running out of bounds run over people and sort of put him out of the game all of a sudden people are beginning to realize his value to the minnesota vikings joe's just a rugged type individual and uh we're just a rugged team did i jump today i didn't notice although i believe those were scrambles i didn't see anybody open so i ran he's more or less a throwback to the old single wing tailback where it was relied upon to do everything he had to run with the football he had a pass that he had to kick it quarterbacks uh are rated and evaluated their performances evaluated as to whether they won or lost you gotta win a lot of people say that that joe doesn't pass well or he he can't run with a darn but but joe goes out there and wins joe doesn't really care whether he completes two passes or 20 as long as the minnesota vikings win everything must must become secondary to the total goal and that's the winning as a team this team wants to win and we were behind by 10 and it's about time to get going well i don't know i've teased him a little bit uh i've been telling him that joe calf has sold and i think this sums it up the fire on the horizon is joe cap burning with the rage to win in his first game of 1969 capp passed for seven touchdowns and led the vikings to a smashing victory over the nfl champion baltimore [Music] coast [Music] joe cap has just tied a national football league record by passing for seven touchdowns in a single game if joe can keep throwing like this the vikings could end up in that title game in january [Music] driven by capped and supported by a vicious defense the vikings won 12 straight games they scored the most points in the nfl and permitted the fewest the voice of victory straight right 26th week on two ready well see the defenders are waiting they're waiting and they're not going to commit themselves i i really feel that we can line up there and i can just 34 35 punch at him i mean if the bat keeps his eyes open he's going to because they're winning like this whose ball we playing with let's go now that's our ball i'm going to run that 23 lead but i'm not going to reverse i'm going to open out on it 3 18. [Applause] [Music] so ladies and gentlemen i would like to present this season's most valuable viking award to joe capp i know for a fact that there is no most valuable viking there are only 40 most valuable vikings i i just can't accept this thank you january 4 1970 joe capp will play football for the championship of the national football league listen for the title this is for the title let's get us the championship rocket socks 60 minutes split right 81 divide x curl and go [Applause] and it's free and the weak safety is going to the deep middle so they're eating up pretty good right right how are we on the boot lane [Applause] he got hit let's go john take him down we gotta win let's punch it out of here let's get the hell out of here [Applause] babies [Applause] [Music] [Applause] he's dead [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] defense we're gonna exit if they get in that under defense we're gonna punch it ozzy you're going to the post [Music] [Applause] [Music] so [Music] after three years of struggle joe capp met the challenge of his league and emerged as its champion [Applause] [Music] i love the game football and no matter what it is it's not the money it's not the fanfare it's not the tv or people or anything else my thing let's say is playing football the way they get the message across the ball carries to hit him lift him up and put him on his back i want to just let them know that they've been hit and when they get up they don't have to look to see who was uh that hit him when you're making a tackle and you hold the guy's arm he's got nothing to absorb the blow with except maybe his head or his shoulder and this is what i like to do punish the man unlike joe capp dick butkus number 51 of the chicago bears does not pass or run or call plays he just hits harder and more often than anyone in football dick butkus is a middle linebacker trained for nothing else but these coming moments of body contact [Music] special game plans and legions of blockers are designed to restrict his rage but ca savors this challenge and bounces thrashes leaps and shoves his way to the ball carrier tackling is his means of self-expression violence is his lifestyle [Music] pro football is more than a game to dick butkus it is his only love and all his pleasures are related to it i don't go to the movies too often but one particular movie that stands out in mind was uh with betty davis i think it was hush hush sweet charlotte i got kind of a charge when that head come rolling down the stairs i kind of like to sit there and watch it and see things happen and maybe uh project those things happening on a football field and not to me the dick's butt kiss horror show is performed every sunday afternoon king kong is alive and well and wearing number 51 for the chicago bears [Music] been thrown out of a game once a big fight emerged and everybody was swinging the official came running in and said butt kiss out i was wondering well you know what happened he told coach dewey says buckets is out of the game he bit my finger i said you know if i did buy your finger i'd have blood on my shirt and i don't have any butkus has made a science of mayhem and on the rare moments that he has a football in his hands he runs with the same belligerence with which he tackles [Music] be it running or tackling but this intimidates players coaches officials even the fans [Music] uh i think being mean is a way to uh to get yourself excited it's almost like a like being mad it's like hating the fella i i make up things maybe if he's smiling i'll make up a thing imaginary thing that hey this this cat said you know he's laughing at me i don't know where the game gets going i'm going to get this guy embarrass him intimidate him when you see the guy trying to get up and he's wobbling a little bit maybe his helmet's you know turned and that's the linebacker's delight you're not going to end up hurting me it's going to be you you're going to be you're going to be punished so so you better get ready today get ready for dick butkus football's doomsday machine a special kind of man who turns ball carriers into blood in flesh tackling dummies [Music] get ready ready to be hit crushed squeezed and mashed into curious shapes [Music] butkus punishes his tackles are scalpels slicing down runners hard but clean i don't really try to hurt them to disable them i like to just hit them and make them bounce off the ground and uh don't have anything there but the ground and him hitting with uh with me on top of them the chicago bears defense has historically gained the just reputation for toughness [Music] but never have they had a bristling defender such as butkus in a violent game filled with violent men he stands alone as football's most ferocious play his philosophy is a simple one and the lessons he teaches are not easily forgotten i really really haven't knocked out that many people it's always a challenge to try to do it that'd be a heck of a thing if you can do it every game really uh without letting out too many circus that's probably what's behind my mind every every game i go into who am i going to try to knock out this game and uh i'm going to let them know who did it uh it shouldn't be any puzzle it shouldn't be any problem when i get when they come to they got to say well it must have been buckets that got me it is game day in denver and lou saban will play a part which is far different from that of joe capp or dick butkus as he travels to the stadium he's already done all he can lou saban is a coach and now he must be a spectator to his own fate as far as i'm concerned the most important job a head coach has is to be able to understand all the individuals involved in our operation but we also know that there's a certain amount of time that we got to get a job done and we want to get it done if we're harsh if we're pushing it's because that is the [Music] all reason very well there he goes come on duh why don't you ought to know how to run that pattern by this time get inside where you belong god's sakes man wandy just don't don't let him dominate you got the idea yeah it worries me all the time about you allow these guys to push you around i don't want that to happen you got to be strong you take the right you take the forward step like the idea and occasions it's even wise to loosen them up because they can go out so tight whereby they're not uh ready for a football game [Laughter] because i thank you for coming out and joining us today and it's beautiful sunshine day george have you met mr marriage yes coach okay george says do you tell that guy get out of my way before it gets hurt out there specialties i don't worry about judge hurt anybody the biggest obstacles we've got are the coaches that's good enough let's go winners are made from talented people we teach them we prepare them the entire week and some can grasp it rather quickly some need constant repetition there's one thing about our business we don't have three or four months to prepare for one game we've got three days first i don't want the 54 in the goal line the bootleg okay it just takes too long to develop i think you saw that this past week now just want to emphasize one more thing that i want to make sure that we run it the big guy i just don't want us trying to go wide out and we're trying to screen that way if we want the screen go back the other way okay go back down to one side yeah um outside of that just control the football no errors oh you listen i just want you to go out there and just handle it otherwise don't be concerned about anything come to hunter or come to me immediately as you get off the field it's a big ball game for us when you got to have it no question about that and make an air don't try to pull up and don't be concerned about anything about anything in general just go out there and just throw the football just throw it on fire i have all the feelings and the emotions that every man on my squad must have i'm just as excited just as prepared and just as ready probably more so i know a lot of coaches that maybe they burn within and maybe they keep it within their guts but myself i think most of it's on the surface rich understand miss dan grady tom george you can't understand let's not disappoint anybody you got to start somewhere there are 40 souls in that dressing room and not all 40 are the same you've got about 20 to 30 minutes before that ball game to accept it as a challenge and go get them just just a couple things i want you to remember before we go into this ball game there comes a time when you gain the respect of the people you play against the people within the league the last three or four weeks they've talked about the broncos as one of the teams of the future so just remember one thing that you are on your way to be a winner what they say about us is a fact and they're not saying these things because they're just talking because it shows so let's not disappoint anybody today but above all remember what they're saying i like it okay one minute starting at quarterback number 13 from florida state steve [Music] you take these men you prepare them for the entire week you hope when the whistle blows they're ready there's nothing phony about our business either you do it or you don't do it stay tough stay tough let's go to work just watch it we really understand we go on stage at two o'clock on sunday afternoon this is football it is one of the greatest shows in america today let's go do one job jump ball game tonight good ball game today let's go one to get in there divide left 49. 48 goal line hold up yes come back with a 58 quickly hurry frank fight quail cook come here 46 47 uh 46 pass hurry up get in there wanna hit him come on come on steve big [Applause] [Music] momentum is with him now and he must seek the means to maintain go get them go get them shut them out just watch me just be ready just watch just watch me tell steve to look at me [Applause] 28 38 48 40 no that's a wrong play you got a crack on that no no 48 golden 10. let me call a 48 goal line pass what else we got to do is crank if we get the crack he scores so flat it's pathetic i don't know what it is an agreement stop by oh boy as flat as can be flat as hell sam i don't have to i know i know i know sam i know i will god oh john steve we look so damn the fact you got those pathetic let's go ahead and drive them now come on listen we got to do a job but you guys have not given me a chance give them a chance we can't afford that one time you and one time mike hey frankie keep your eyes open george you guys got to give me some help bobby come on now come on defense come on now chipper come on john come on come on come on come on [Applause] penalty killer who was offside who is it on who was offside who's outside savannah what did he get you're sending the phone back in how much time this friend running what is this huh what the hell they're killing me why they they're killing me friends keep your eyes open kenny george ready chip chimp chimp with you guys the alert i'll tell you it's going to cost medicaid and it's going to cost money to get my break in here hell no you don't give him a break i'd like to see him die out there let him go precious points have been abused a lead squandered and now in the final minute bloom one play can decide the outcome impossible impossible impossible impossible impossible to believe [Applause] foreign at the end of the game final four [Applause] it's a freak that's about it imagine there many wise minnie why did you do that why do we do that i don't know we got tied up we actually well i don't even know what to tell you you saw it find an answer i'd give you one but i don't have one i have a ballgame under control first a fumble for touch and then a big bomb for a touch another bomb for field goal that's about the way it happened coach what about the call on the reception that set up their field goal uh could you see what happened no i didn't notice the on far side of the field i don't have any idea what the call was what'd it look like from upstairs it looked like he dropped the ball yeah he dropped the ball and he was out of bounds it was a terrible call don't tell me that it's been more than a game to lu saban his exhaustive weak has grown to a halt his involvement has been total now he is empty tomorrow he will start again well i know when i walk off the field after the ball game i know that there is going to be this hurt inside with the realization that it's my last ball game it's the last time i'll be in the green and gold of the green bay packers it's the last time that i'll walk on lambeau field as a as a football player willie davis the night before his last football game as i take the field or for the last time that's going to be the one thing in my mind that's going to probably bother me most is the fact that boy you'll never come this way again exactly as a football player and it's been great this is the last game let's hear it for number 87 his last game for the green bay packers [Music] a cheer for willie days not for things now and to come but for things past and done you know it's really hard to believe this is the last game i know you know it's just like you're standing here waiting for this season to end to start another one it seemed like to me it hadn't been long since we started you know what 13 years ago and a lot of huddles and a lot of good times isn't it people you meet man that's right the people you play with people you're involved with really have made it a wonderful experience teammates and shared memories tell the story of a pro really epitomize the type of ball player that we had here in the years that we were winning i've never known a man to have more pride i feel very privileged to have played with him the years that we did i would say i would remember him first as a just a beautiful man everything was right in place well willie came up the hard way from a small negro college in the south and he got paid very little in the beginning when you talk of bonuses today they were almost non-existent when i came into the league and in fact i played my first year in the league for 6 500 and really i was kind of happy that just to have a chance to play i can remember the brown scout telling me well boy this is the offer if you don't want it we'll get a football player better so basically my whole career since then has been proving a point it's proving that i can play football with guys who came from bigger colleges it was proving that i could play football against the best football players from anywhere and it's proven that it's been a matter of trying to prove that i could carve my niche in a game that many have not been able to all right let's go work now let's go look let's go to work here his greatest asset was to read different plays before they would actually form he never overpowered anybody he just quick reactions and he was just outmaneuvered finesses man [Music] i would like to be remembered in green bay as a guy who gave his all whenever i had a chance to walk on the field and play that i played with a certain desire and a certain determination [Music] willie was the probably the first of the really great defensive lineman here was this great great football player that was also a very sensitive human being that could sit down after a ball game and describe the action and the why is the wherefore is like a college professor [Music] we had a nickname for willie davis well they call him dr feelgood for years he's always saying i feel good i feel good whether he does or not just looking at him you know he had a big smile and he has a big smile for everyone at all times willie always was the type of guy that could uh lift the team up willy had a great leadership ability lloyd davis really can't be singled out as either a leader on the field or off the field he's a leader totally as a person and he's one of the driving forces in our championship years with willie davis as their captain the jolly green giants of green bay won three straight nfl championships and two super bowls [Music] [Applause] [Music] i could have retired two years ago it's true and been a part of a team that had won three consecutive world championships but i think that it's real important that you learn all the lessons in football i think maybe it's good in some way that i learned that all about football is not being a champion it is being on also run i would not deny that today i'm not the ball player that maybe i was five six seven years ago [Music] i think i owe so many things to football that i'm retiring basically because i wouldn't dare cheat by staying in the game longer than i should i don't think any of us want to see willie lead i don't think willie wants to leave but tommy dying marches on and gets us all someday [Applause] so in the very stadium in which we first saw him play we now say goodbye to captain willie davis i just like to say that it's been a great time for me the last 10 years playing here for the green bay packers i'm truly indebted to my teammates the packer organization but most of all to you the fans i would just like to say it's been more than a game it's been a way of life thank you [Music] [Applause] [Music] you
Channel: Grey Beard
Views: 87,472
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: NFL Films, Steve Sabol, Ed Sabol, Lou Saban, Willie Davis, Joe Kapp, Dick Butkus, John Facenda
Id: BPW_z83lwuM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 49min 54sec (2994 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 27 2020
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