TWIPF 1970 Wk 6

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the following program is a color feature presentation on the HSN television network [Music] this week in pro football is brought to you by Haggar slacks they just fit better naturally and by American Motors and your local American Motors dealer hi I'm Pat Summerall longtime rep Shire this week in the first half of our show we'll see how Cleveland knock Miami out of first place and how Baltimore took over undisputed first place in the AFC East will also see how one big play led to victory for both Buffalo and Atlanta we'll see how Green Bay kept Philadelphia winless and we'll see our San Diego battle back your tire surprising Houston team one of the week's wildest games we'll see all of these games and more right after this message in San Diego there's a new set of mini backs Nikki post is returned and there's a new edition none other than the original Kansas City chief mini back number 25 Mike Garrett the last Sunday the mini backs and the rest of the charger running attack were stifled by a fired up Houston oiler defense the chargers longest run from scrimmage was 14 yards by Mike Garrett [Music] the orders were being counted out after Charlie Johnson's injury but number 17 Jerry Rome ignited the euler attack [Music] number 23 Gerry Levias gave the Chargers Fitz with his unique style of past receiving and punter attorney [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] jerry rome turned 4th down into first down by running with the football Jerome accounted for one touchdown himself by faking into the line and running with the football again [Music] Rome's pastina counted for 266 yards and two more touchdowns one to 89 Alvin reads the other two Charlie Joyner number 18 as the Ordos bill up a 31 to 14 lead in the third quarter [Music] the charger attacked dormant most of the afternoon got one touchdown from a John Hagel pass to tight in Willie Frazier number 83 but the man who put the Lightning back in the Lightning Brigade was a wide receiver who's not caught many passes this season young fellow named Lance Alworth number 19 [Music] [Music] just the threat of an all worth bomb was enough to set up one San Diego touchdown [Music] the game's biggest play came late in the fourth quarter it was a Marty Dahmer ease bomb which was underthrown the Lance Alworth 80 yards later Lance Alworth scored the touchdown which tied the Oilers 31 31 on a day when both Houston and San Diego proved they had the weapons to cause anyone trouble the rest of the year [Music] meanwhile in Milwaukee things were not much quieter as the Philadelphia Eagles and the Green Bay Packers tried to outdo each other's generosity [Music] presented with several early scoring chances in its first start eagle rookie quarterback Rick Arrington number 11 through six quick completions in 10 attempts but three were received by the Grateful men in the dark shirts and one was returned 76 yards for a touchdown by number 43 safety Doug Hart once Arrington plunked his receiver Gary Ballman right on the numbers at the goal line but the results were distressingly familiar as number 48 rookie cornerback Kanellis carried 60 yards the other way [Applause] [Music] Harrington had one moment of glory as he coolly sidestepped the packer rush and spirit Gary Ballman for an 80-yard touchdown but of course the play was nullified by a penalty [Music] another Eagle rookie Billy Wallach number nine had his moment of glory - he took a Packer kickoff and was long gone until Ken Ellis number 48 ruined his fun too [Music] while number 16 norm Sneed entered the game the eagle attack picked up [Music] the play of the day was a Sneed pass to Ben Hawkins whose head was almost removed but whose body ran 65 yards to the right goal line [Music] but for the winless Eagles it was mostly another game full of mysterious reasons why they are winless [Music] who can reason why the gods of the gridiron smile on some and always frown on other the Packer offense was led by Bart Starr [Music] Green Bay managed to survive the wild-eyed enthusiasm of the Eagle defense and Danny Anderson number 44 had another of his best days [Music] Anderson swept to one touchdown and the clincher was scored when Bart Starr faked to Anderson and found rookie tight end Rick McGeorge floating free as a bird through the Eagles secondary final score winless Philadelphia 17 grateful Green Bay 30 [Music] well Pat I guess people have been quitting professional football team since the beginning of the game but recently they seem to get a lot of attention when they do speaking of people like chip Oliver legacy a linebacker Rick's or toon and I don't know I always felt like pro football was a game of sacrifice and sort of a Spartan way of life you like physical contact you'd like to go out on Sunday and perform in front of people and well with millions of people now watching pro football on Sunday and of course on television evidently the people of this country certainly like professional football but if you don't like it and you don't like the regimentation and the physical demands that makes then you can quit but in the old days they simply packed it away and it didn't come to practice it's a matter of dedication I think Tom and I think you'll agree to that if you're not prepared to give it 100% then you make a mistake in for whatever reasons they quit that's their own business but if you're not prepared to go ahead and and hang in there 100% right then you might as well get out and I think some of our products can speak for themselves people like Gale Sayers John Unitas mr. Gifford mr. summer off in the New York Giants so if you don't like football don't play it but a lot of people still enjoy watching that game on Sunday hey what's next well Tom last week one big play led to victory for both the Falcons and the bills let's look at those games right now at Shea Stadium the Bills face the Jets - Joe Namath who was missing for the first time in 78 regular season games his substitute al Woodall must have been feeling the pressure as he had trouble handling the snap from center early in the game [Applause] when the snap wasn't mishandled Woodall was manhandled this time by number 82 al cowlings even his receivers seem to be fighting him as when he did complete a pass Pete lamins fumbled it when hit by Paul Guidry number 59 [Music] the bill scored following the break when Dennis Shaw hit Haven Moses [Music] but the touchdown was nullified by offensive interference and Buffalo settled for a grant Guthrie field goal and a 300 halftime lead in the second half would all began hitting his receivers and move the Jets to two field goals and a 6-3 lead as the Jets appeared ready to avenge an earlier defeat at the hands of the Buffalo Bills then came the big play of the game as Shaw Keane with Haven Moses again this time for a 40 yard pickup it's set up Duane Patrick's three yard score as the bills beat the Jets for the second time this season final score ten to six Buffalo [Music] meanwhile the Falcons prepared to face the Saints in a game that is always a battle [Music] the Falcons have fallen on hard times after being in the division race earlier in the season but the Saints have been rising to a peak after last week's tie with division leading San Francisco and as the teams made ready coaches Van Brocklin and fears got together to chew the fat Atlanta on the first half as Bob berry hit Paul Flatley to start a drive and Harmon wages number five douve one yard to finish it as the Falcons took a nine nothing lead then Edie target found Dan Abramowitz behind number 36 ken Reeves as the Saints fought back [Music] bill Kilmer and Kimbra brought them closer [Music] these two teamed up again for a 55-yard touchdown but a penalty nullified both the play and the Saints comeback hopes [Music] the big play of this game occurred in the third quarter is number 20 Tom McCauley rambles 77 yards for a touchdown that put the game out of reach [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] added to that was a very pass to Todd Snyder's the Falcons prevailed 32 to 14 and at least one coaches tired jars wore a smile we'll have more exciting action on this week in pro football right after this message this week the Miami Dolphins will get a chance to regain the lofty status they lost last week Don Shula's new dolphins meet Sheila's old charges the Baltimore Colts last week the Cleveland Brown shutout the Dolphins while the Colts made patsies of the Patriots in Baltimore the surging Colt defense led by number 81 rookie Billy Newsom decapitated the Boston Patriots for the second straight week the Joe Kapp led Patriots could not put a touchdown on the board cap was intercepted four times in the Boston rushing game was limited to 45 yards [Music] in the meantime the venerable John Unitas was teaching a course in cool play calling and complete passes to old Tufts like John Mackey [Music] [Music] when Mackey was tied up rookie Jack Miglin caught it from the old master [Applause] [Music] and just to prove what proud professionals the Baltimore Colts are when this pastor Roy Jefferson was called back for holding the Unitas did it again with Jefferson until everybody got it right [Music] and just for luck he did it one more time with his old sidekick Jimmy or and Unitas and the Colts um did the Patriots 27 to 3 under a deadly Miami sky the Dolphins and the Cleveland Browns contended not only with each other but with the brutal temperatures cooking up to 100 degrees on the artificial surface in the Orange Bowl one of Miami ins their moment in the Sun came early as this greasy Dewar feel scrambled pass and catch is all the offense the Dolphins could deliver Miami was able to penetrate Cleveland territory only twice interceptions such as this one by Walt Sumner kept the Browns breathing hotly near their goal [Music] Eirik barns locked onto this Bob Griese past as if it really was a greased pig not just the pigskin Bill Nelson completed 23 of 29 passes mastering the Miami zone and shredding the pressure-cooked dolphin defense [Music] [Music] linebacker Dale Lindsey robbed over the red hot rug with this interception 56 yards for the game breaking score [Music] on a day that Don Shula said conditioning would make the difference Miami suffered the first shutout in three years at the Browns devoured the Dolphins 28 to nothing [Music] in the second half of our show we'll see our Oakland broke the Monday night jinx we'll also see how Detroit remained tied for first in the NFC Central and we'll see how San Francisco took over undisputed first place in the NFC West we'll see how a pair of upsets resulted in another tie for first in the NFC East and in our future Pat will see our recently retired running back only green of the Cleveland Browns has launched upon a new and interesting career we'll see that feature and we'll have more exciting action on this week in pro football the man Ernie green the number 48 for seven seasons in Cleveland he shared a backfield position with two of the finest runners the game has known and it was his blocking that helped make Jim Brown and the Roy Kelly the great stars they were I got just as much satisfaction out of blocking as perhaps any a person could because this was my contribution that was my thing I took pride in the fact that I could block and I thought I was pretty good at it but green was also an outstanding ball carrier and annually ranked among the leaders in the Lee [Music] football is a brutal battering game no one deals with its violence more than a running back the result is inevitably pain [Music] I didn't think that my knee was really hurt as badly as it was because at the time and I was hit my leg was off the ground and I saw this one guy coming and and I misjudged a guy and I had my leg up and his helmet hit me right in the front of my leg and just just crushed it I don't think I would have taken very much medical knowledge or experience to say to see that the knee was in pretty bad shape because I it had gone to the point that it was shifting you know I could take it and make it move around quite a bit it wasn't a very pretty sight i-i-i think most men feel like they can handle pain I wasn't very good at it but I handled it because I had to on December 21st 1968 Ernie green carried the ball for the last time [Music] the one thing that I have to refer back to it the last time I carried the ball as a pro football player I scored a touchdown it was a miserable season for me personally and I never forget some of the pain that I can do it while recovering and I thought about it I said now I didn't know if was worth that the more I thought about it the more I concluded that I didn't I didn't need that kind of agony I mentioned to people when I talk to them and that when I started playing football I realized that I was going to play until I became too old to play until I was injured and I just happened to get old and injured at the same time Ernie Greene is representative of the contemporary professional athlete the bright young men who are as educated sophisticated and sensitive as their coaches and employers in his primary occupation as an executive at Case Western Reserve University Green is wrapped in his role as advisor to Student Affairs the parallel from football to college administrators I think there's there's a parallel as a football player I work with people and the last year that ia was a player I was a captain and I had to understand their problems so I think the training that I had as captain in a discipline that I had to go through as a football player it's working out very well for me as a college mentorship in college I I studied sociology I've always been interested in meeting and talking with people and I think young people have been my bag so to speak and it gives me a great deal of satisfaction to sit and discuss problems with them nowaday many young people believe that if you're over 30 you're in a generation gap and I get a big kick out of listening to them and sharing some of their difficulties ernie green has prepared well for a future after football and his success is reflected by the words of Robert Frost no memory of having starred atones for later disregard nor keeps the end from being hard until last week no team that had one a Monday night game was able to win their next game last week however both Oakland and Washington followed their Monday night game with victories and they both won with veteran quarterbacks one of whom was not Darrell Monica in Oakland the resurgent Raiders were looking for their third win in a row their opponents were the hapless Pittsburgh Steelers led by number 12 Terry Bradshaw who seems to be living in the eye of a hurricane and last Sunday he was swept down the black and silver vortex time after time but the ever undaunted Bradshaw sprinted right and arced to skyrocket to number 33 john fuqua who galloped in for the score which unfortunately for Pittsburgh was nullified by a penalty [Music] still the louisiana laser punched the ball gold would he hit ron Shanklin near the end zone [Music] then he beamed one to Titan Dennis Hughes and the Steelers were in good shape [Music] that is until Auckland unleashed their prized rookie tight-end Raymond Chester number 87 Chester caught three touchdown passes as well as this one that was called back Daryle Lamonica number three hit him on this one but Daryl soon left the game with an injury Lamonica is back up 43 year old George Blanda number 16 took over and kept the ball spinning toward Chester who is 21 years George's junior by now the Steelers were only spectators at the Raymond Chester show and they watched be dazzled as Oakland's third great strike from anywhere receiver cut a swath to the end zone where he was deservedly congratulated [Music] [Music] and lest we forget there was always blender - wonderful Warren Wells number 81 performing his usual atrocities on the opposing secondary for the Steelers a tough day for the Raiders a 31 14 victory salute in an ever tougher offense are you listening Kansas City in Washington Cincinnati's coach Paul Brown did not look like a man with a severe quarterback problem but in Greg cooks absence Brown has tried everything to strengthen that position [Music] finally coach Brown settled on Virgil Carter number 11 Carter is backed by a good Bengal defense that has shown constant improvement against its opponents all years [Music] but the bengal offense has lacked a spark it had undercooked surehand and against the redskins the bingos turned to a razzle-dazzle style of play designed to turn on some lights on their side of the scoreboard [Music] [Music] Jess Phillips number 30 added some go power to the attack but this year the bingo seemed to be snake bit success is too heady Abreu for them and when they're going well they're stopped cold by their own mistakes [Music] the Redskins had a little of that kind of trouble themselves as Larry Browns touchdown run was nullified by a penalty Browns lack of luck gave quarterback Sonny Jurgensen the notion to try it himself so he took off in the classy jergensen style the sleek swiftness of a rain barrel on legs [Music] but Sonny is paid to throw and Charlie Taylor number 42 is paid to catch those throws a nice arrangement since each is so proficient at his job proficiency was on display as Sonny hit Charlie for two touchdowns which were more than enough as the Redskins racked up a 20 nothing win over the beleaguered Bengals no time you hear a lot of discussion about whether the players of today are better than they were 10 years ago 20 years ago and whether or not football today is better than it was during the periods of the 40s and 50s one thing I'm sure is better and I don't know about the players I think that's a matter of opinion but one thing I'm sure it is better and that's the special teams of special units particularly the kickers are a lot better than they were 10 years ago I know I always felt that I did a good job if I could kick a little bit better than 50% but I saw a guy in Kansas City yawn stinner root on Sunday play against Dallas who has hit 14 out of 16 for the year this year and watch him work with his whole der Linde awesome and then with his center DJ column and that's got to be one of the best acts of place-kicking that's ever put together I watched him in practice he didn't miss it all in practice he must have kicked 30 times and didn't miss a one I watched Holub snapped the ball to to Len Dawson to holder perfectly every time with the laces to the front they know exactly how many times that ball is going to spin between the time it leaves his hands and gets back to Dawson and then of course the innards got one of the great legs that's ever kicked a football in fact I was just absolutely amazed at the fact that on one kickoff he not only kicked the ball out of the end zone but he kicked it into the stands behind the end zone into the crowd and the stands about ten feet high at that particular point Pat you also said that even though he's a sidesaddle type kicker he really goes straight into the ball and with it comes almost straight at most of your soccer style acres come from a severe angle but he comes almost straight in that's something you know a lot about kicking - well I can remember a lot about what's next time well Pat last week - division leaders had to come from behind to win look at those games right now Chicago middle linebacker Dick Butkus number 51 his football's most fierce competitor the man who is able to generate so much enthusiasm within himself that on every play every member of the opposing team becomes a marked man eligible to become part of the Butkus experience but of all his inspired performances it would be difficult to recall anyone more inspired than last Sunday's against the Detroit Lions this was the second beating of the season for the two clubs Detroit won the first game at home but now in Wrigley Field the Butkus led bears made any hopes of a similar outcome painful ones indeed so ferocious was the hitting that Lion ball carriers resembled men dancing through a cow pasture at midnight [Music] as they had done in the first game the Bears took a 7-nothing first quarter lead on a pass from Jack Concannon number 11 to dick Gordon number 45 but has also happened in the first game the Bears began making mistakes that eventually cost them the game the Lions recovered a fumble to nullify a second quarter drive and intercepted three passes to provide themselves with scoring opportunity [Music] [Music] Wayne Rasmussen got one in the third quarter that led to one of three arrow man field goals [Music] [Music] as the fourth quarter began bill Munson number 19 found earl mccullough number 25 deep in the end zone and the Lions got to lead 13 7 both the teams then exchanged field goals to create the 1610 outcome but the fact that the Lions had one left at least one man looking for an explanation to a pro football's high-flying Cinderella teams met in San Francisco's Khizar Stadium 49er quarterback John Brodie has been warming up for a championship for 14 years and even though they've been close on occasion they've never won as much as a division title but coach dick Nolan now in his third year has the 49ers believing their time is near [Music] the Denver Broncos have never even had a winning season but Lou Saban has whipped the Broncos into a winner and they seem to be feeling the same things as the 49ers one thing that has helped the Broncos is the discovery of a running attack willis Crenshaw number 33 acquired from the Cardinals gives Denver another quality back to pair with superstar Floyd little number 44 [Music] Floyd has been Denver's most lethal weapon for three years the 49ers found out how lethal in the first quarter when he spent 80 yards for a touchdown that gave Denver the lead seven to three [Music] another facet of Denver's improvement is the defense a leading unit against the run and improving one against the pass while the 49ers were notating Denver's improvement the Bronco scored another touchdown this time on a pass from Pete list to print Shaw and Denver lit at the half 14 to 6 [Music] but Brody and the 49ers have been waiting too long for the opportunity before then and on the fifth player the second half John Eisenberg erased 61 yards for a touchdown and the 49ers were ready to tee off san Francisco's secondary began picking off passes with regularity mal Phillips interception setup the go-ahead field goal [Music] and Jean Washington number 18 sprung loose to set up another as the 49ers began to wear down the youthful Broncos but the gutsy Broncos were in it until the very end and with five seconds left were on San Francisco's 20-yard line however Pete lists desperation he was intercepted by number 52 skip van der bus [Music] the 49ers have been waiting for a long time and they finally seemed to have the talent and the spirit to ensure their share of victory the 49ers could run a long way in 1970 last week the st. Louis Cardinals were crushed by the supposedly soft part of their schedule while the Dallas Cowboys bore through the bedrock and finally won a big one Saint Louis was upset by the Giants while Dallas surprised the Chiefs as the NFC East was deadlocked again in Kansas City the Chiefs relied on their time-tested General Lynn Dawson while Dallas looked to a rookie setback Dwayne Thomas to supply the elusive magic needed for a big game victory both teams possessed identical three-two records and both have looked less like champions with each passing week though for both teams this game was a test of their temper and their talent Kansas City was a big favorite [Music] in the past the Chiefs have always been ready for big games the Cowboys have knocked history's cruel repetitions seem to stamp Dallas losers as Kansas City took an early lead seven nothing on Ed Podolak touchdown sweet [Music] defensively Kansas City's big red Marauders mashed and manhandled quarterback Craig Martin they crushed his spirit and his body and Dallas seemed dead [Music] but in the second half the corpse awoke wearing number 33 in white rookie Dwayne Thomas revived Dallas when he sprinted 47 yards on a draw play [Music] another view shows that Kansas City was unaware and unprepared for Thomas's speed as he blades and lipped leg his way to a score [Music] Thomas who gained over a hundred and thirty yards rushing against one of the toughest teams to run against in football had a 74-yard Screamfest call backed by penalty but it mattered little because today the Cowboys had a reservoir of surprises and speed Craig Morton caught the Chiefs and a multiple blitz then lobbed a pass to Bob Hayes it was an 89 yard footrace between Hayes and the Chiefs fastest man Emmitt Thomas it was a mismatch [Music] leading 27 to 10 the Dallas defense towed out and claimed in on Lynn Dawson [Music] the Chiefs multiple offense and moving pocket melted from the heat of an alert cowboy secondary led by number 20 Mel Renfro [Music] Kansas City inch back in the last quarter as its high-flying defense and to yon spinner root field goals combined to cut the cowboy lead to 11 points 27:16 but in the end it was Lin Dawson flat on his back in the blackness of his own endzone Dallas conceivably collected the most important victory in its history 27 to 60 the st. Louis Cardinals came to New York and were scrambled by Fran Tarkenton and the New York Giants rarely did st. Louis display the rushing crunch that had battered and bruised the NFC's Eastern Division the Cardinals scored two touchdowns one on a short vault by McArthur Lane the other on a picture scoring grab by Dave Williams [Music] but for most of the bleak day in Yankee Stadium st. Louis was betrayed by the often erratic arm of their quarterback Jim Hart [Music] parts miseries were a mixture of his own inaccuracy and the back busting giant defense [Music] with his pocket often collapsing around him Hart threw two interceptions and completed just 15 passes in 40 attempts [Music] on the other hand giant quarterback Fran Tarkenton threw over or ran through the Cardinals at will [Music] and the first half Tarkington through 10 passes and completed all of them three going for touchdown [Music] the first went to a completely uncovered Erin Thomas at the corner [Music] rookie Bob Tucker a refugee from the Pottstown Firebirds flowed free and easy through the Cardinal secondary and scored the Giants second touchdown all afternoon talking Tintin covered receivers and undressed the st. Louis secondary [Music] five Tarkenton touchdown passes to going to Bob Tucker gave New York a startling 3517 victory for the Giants their third straight win dropped st. Louis into a first-place tie with Dallas and suddenly Fran Tarkenton was the only winning quarterback in town well Pat this week some great new rivalries get underway Don Shula takes his dolphins back to his old stomping grounds Baltimore's Memorial Stadium and Alex Webster takes his Giants from the Bronx to Long Island to meet the Jets that's gonna be quite a given with a good thing a couple of older rivalries are getting to be pretty hot too like the Oakland Raiders meeting the Kansas City Chiefs okay Pat you saw Kansas City last week what do you think about that one Kansas City is a fine defensive team they had sort of an off day against Dallas I still like to pick them up at Kansas City I'm gonna have to go with Oakland uh lamonica to those with Nick off Wells Raymond Chester maybe with Aaron Brown hurt they can get a little time and work on Kansas City Dallas had some success running to that particular side of the Kansas City defense but I still like the Chiefs all right now stay of course with the Oakland Raiders now about Minnesota and Detroit each is five and one you're gonna be at that game on I'll be at that game I like Minnesota I like their defense and I like the way that quaza has got their office operating now all right Jimmy David secondary can play man-to-man I think that'll be the difference so by golly I'm gonna go with the Detroit Lions I'm not unhappy with having Minnesota at all all you have of the two Super Bowl Super Bowl teams from last year okay then you're right we'll be back next week to show you what really happened I'm Tom Brooke Sheree and I'm Pat Summerall and we'll see you next week this week in pro football has been brought to you by American Motors and your local American Motors dealer by Haggar slacks they just fit better naturally [Music] promotional consideration is provided by American Motors makers of the bold new 1971 javelin with styling so Harry we even risk turning some people off javelin by American Motors [Music] [Music] this has been a color feature presentation in cooperation with NFL Films through the facilities of hue Sports Network
Channel: jstube36
Views: 49,589
Rating: 4.8054709 out of 5
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Length: 48min 36sec (2916 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 18 2018
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