This video will make you say Hol' Up - V19

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made friends with this guy before the movie started just in case my little girl just said to me mom how is progress possible afar growth is stunted by perpetual tribalism and xenophobia wow literally at a loss four words she's a german shepherd i had no idea this was possible this is ribulus she's 11 and couldn't afford to buy sport shoes to compete so she covered her feet with clusters and drew nike logo on them and guess what nike saw this and recruited her as a slave in their sweatshops jeff bezos net worth has 185.3 billion dollars there is 7.8 billion people on earth if he gave everyone on this planet one billion dollars he would still have 177.5 billion dollars this is why we must tax the rich enjoying the beach because in seven years the virus comes my wife got up at 2 a.m this morning to hike a mountain with some friends she's on her way home right now and probably thinks she's going to have to immediately take over taking care of the kid so i can get my work done this is what i have waiting for her instead this is absolutely pressure sand the sweetest gesture i hope she enjoys it me too it's my only hope of her not getting too upset about our middle son losing a toe while she was gone i was worried he would tell her as soon as she got home but for a bag of skittles and an extra hour of screen time he agreed not to take his shoes off again in front of his mom until he turns 18. cat from denmark vs cat from russia after being saved from a fire the difference is the russian cat started the fire women in 1600 the church looks like mrs frizzle decided to take the kids to afghanistan [Music] if daniel is dan kenneth is kim samson is sam what is your name in three letters frick this game i agree with this guy one time i saw samuel l jackson at an airport and he saw me and my cousin hovering around trying to gain the courage to ask him for a photo and then he came over to us and said your motherfreakers want a photo oh my god it's bigfoot oh my god it's tiny wiener see anything cool lately no shut up walmart is giving out free school supplies to anyone who can outrun security phantor orange [Music] this is the first time in my life that i've ever met such incompetence you guys are a disgrace to the culinary world now turn me over i'm already medium rare on this side god damn amateurs a pig's orgasm can last anywhere between 11 to 40 minutes wishing i was a pig right now you got the looks go for it champ my cat got accepted to hogwarts i'm gonna miss him student crucifies a rat on a wooden cross before burning it after catching the road and eating his pet turtle it's not about the vengeance it's about sending a message you can't beat me if you cut off one of my head two more grow back in its place ham exotic food roasted hydra's heads enough for everyone there's helen hello there's an end in friend there's a lion believe there's an over in lover and there's a good in goodbye there's fun in funeral the beatles a day in the life take the title of the last song you heard and add in my ass how was your day honey margaret what the frick are we eating my grandfather smoked his whole life i was about 10 years old when my mom said to him if you ever want to see your grandchildren graduate you have to stop immediately tears welled up in his eyes when he realized what exactly was at stake he gave it up immediately three years later he died of lung cancer it was really sad and destroyed me my mother said to me don't ever smoke please don't put your family through what your grandfather put us through i agreed at 28 i have never touched a cigarette i must say i feel a very slight sense of regret for never having done it because this video gave me cancer anyway this mold that buford brought over should help us put her back together tell me again why you have a life-sized mold of candies stop blaming video games some of you played mortal kombat your whole lives and never learned how to finish her drinking water from a friend you've known for 20 years eating ass of a girl you met 30 minutes ago when i found out my wife was having an affair i was heartbroken i turned to religion to cope now i'm a slim and we are stoning her tomorrow i have shreks two two three times a day i don't live with my parents i don't need a job to live i have lots of free time so i read books and go to the gym daily can't wait to get out of jail would a gay shop owner decline service to someone because they were straight no because gay people aren't freaking a-holes well technically an iconic moment for a youtube icon congrats rick thank you you wouldn't get this from any other guy there are 27 bones in the human hand 28 when i'm lonely hey wanna come over tomorrow okay i get off my period on tuesday though and loki kind lame you thought that's all i was trying to do lmfao you're right i'm sorry it's okay just give me some time to cool off okay okay i'll talk to you on tuesday hey carl hey carl hi what's up steve could you help me with that little thing again sure no problem the dot that gets bigger and bigger every night is my favorite just got rejected from art school all my life all i've ever wanted to do was paint i feel like i failed as a person oh well my backup plan is politics let's see how that goes my wife wanted to disgrace me in the presence of her friends she said i wasn't good in bed she was shocked when they all disagreed with her cops are not racist they shot me governments use fake wasp nests to hide face recognition cams whenever you see a wasp nest hit it with a stick to destroy the cam hold that bus hold it just made it oh boy if we missed it we'd have to walk when a guy calls you hot he's looking at your body when a guy calls you pretty he's looking at your face when a guy calls you beautiful he's looking at your heart all three guys still want to freak you though found this on my little brother's phone among us shreks isis funny moments why is my dog pregnant how to deal with bullets at school how to frick dog 911 footage when you find something you like so you get it in every color i knew a girl who liked babies and did something similar you follow her she follows back you like a pic of her she likes a pic of you you send her an epic she sends one back usa math team olympia beats chyna for the first time in 30 years holish's bus and his girlfriend just saw us relax i'm one of you guys user cyber shreks clever bot where is that user you start clever bot but i don't know what role playing is user takes off shirt clever bot takes out a gun user slowly puts back on shirt clever bot lets him frick zodiac signs which key do you press when a game asks you to press any key the irony of anti-vaxxers saying they don't want to be part of an experiment without realizing they are now the control group a guy stuck his head into a barber shop and asks how long before i can get a haircut the barber looked around the shop full of customers and said about two hours the guy left a few days later the same guy stuck his head in the door and asked how long before i can get a haircut the baba looked around at the shop and said about three hours the guy left a week later the same guy stuck his head in the shop and asked how long before i can get a haircut the barber looked around the shop and said about an hour and a half the guy left the barber turned to his friend and said hey bob do me a favor follow him and see where he goes he keeps asking how long he has to wait for a haircut but he never comes back a little while later bob returned to the shop laughing hysterically the barber asked so where does he go when he leaves bob looked up wiped the tears from his eyes and said your house doctor you need to eat healthy me no doctor the last patient who didn't change their diet after i suggested it died me oh my goodness doctor in a plane crash me that sounds unrelated doctor i'm the one that crashed it do not disobey me ever wonder why girls don't go to the bathroom alone well can a girl please deny or confirm this what's up with this school i can't get out the doors and windows are locked why are there cherry blossom trees outside i should take a look frick i don't care if you're bosnian black normal asian we can still be friends this plant-based alternative promises to help high schoolers quit vaping when i become a parent my son left his computer open i ain't even mad this some good shoes alex age 26 a truth and a lie i have a tiny peen i've never been to france this morning my three-year-old son emerged from our bedroom wearing several of my wife's scarves and every bracelet she owns i know he's young and saying this may make me appear close-minded and intolerant but i don't want him growing up to be johnny depp why do boys die earlier than us no clue boys the man who trolls crocodiles if you've ever lived on a country road imagine the bounce back on that bat [Music] the say goodbye to the roof of your mouth starter pack [Music] a four-year-old kid named bobby dunbar disappeared on a family trip eight months later they rescued him and reunited him with his family and they lived happily ever after nearly a hundred years later dna proved conclusively that the kid they rescued wasn't bobby dunbar this is the future liberals want this is what an abortion looks like these sick people blend babies it has a name a face a tiny heart beat look at the evil smile of the nurse magga and abortion edit stop saying this is for x-rays babies don't need x-rays they have no bones just pulled into the car washed by the older bees and lid and two vacuum my car and damn near had a freaking heart attack who the hell is out here throwing away their shrek's dolls at the car wash my husband runs a sawmill and look at these he cut today anyone else see a dog i feel like i see more of a sad pig turn on your monitor when you buy your daughter an expensive camera set up because she wants to be a streamer but you can't find her anywhere on youtube where is mom picked up a hitchhiker seemed like a nice guy after a few miles he asked me if i wasn't afraid that he might be a serial killer i told him that the odds of two serial killers being in the same car were extremely unlikely proud peter is proud of his work he is certain that no one will find caroline this time this time being labeled a gifted kid versus what i turned out to be veterinarian street exotic bird realize it's just a seagull covered in curry so yeah we married now lesbian love is beautiful beach i'm a nerd did you know replacing your potato chips with grapefruit as a snack you can lose up to 90 percent of what little joy you still have left in your life my wife's funeral dead space remake thanks found this nifty little egg separator at goodwill i wonder what the little lock is for xbona d so my ex said he would get me an iphone if i sleep with him please tell me you didn't do it no i'm not a cheater good i love you baby i thought my vasectomy would keep my wife from getting pregnant but apparently it just changes the color of the baby my parents said mean things about my weight when i was a kid so i developed a life-threatening eating disorder that cost them tens of thousands of dollars in treatment and they never commented on my body again got em just a normal tower nothing to see here [Music] jude receives death threats from italy after posting photos of kiwi pizza you mammoth your last army yeah they say there's a person capable of murder in every group of friends i suspected it was dave so i killed him before he could cause any harm always remember the tiny details of your outfit before making an announcement via social media florida men one disguised in bull costume allegedly tried to burn down ex-boyfriends home with spaghetti sauce any time a headline starts with florida i guarantee the rest doesn't make sense i'm not gonna draw chris fricking his mother what the frick is wrong with you shad you've drawn so much worse exactly why would i do something boring like that having a smoke outside the pub last night and some dude in a wheelchair said why do you smoke when you don't have to i looked at him and asked why the frick are you wearing shoes dude cancer is so easy to beat i'm already at stage four school name change nominations for robert e lee elementary drew brees elementary bruce lee elementary john cena elementary school a doll fitness school for friendship and tolerance schooly max cool face in the early 1900s martial fields department store hired professional scapegoats or fired men whose only job was to take the blame and be fired to appease disgruntled customers white man after 10 shots black man after 10 shots during this prostate exam please try not to get an erection dave my name is steve yeah i know my name is dave pfizer 6 9 16 666 when you max out your intelligence and put nothing on agility the neighbors kids challenged us for a water fight i'm in just waiting for the water to boil what i hate when motherfreakers say it's a quarter till nine beats just say it's 875 down microwave a penny for one minute to get a mini coin [Music] thanks a lot dog what happens when you die come and find out sunday is 10 a.m may 2 june this lady in the bathroom looked at me and said i remember when my girlfriends and i will get dressed up and go out so i said why miss it we are all out now aren't we long story short she died of a coke overdose lol look once again what scares you the most sharks nina what scares you the most the unstoppable marching of time that is slowly guiding us all towards an inevitable death dylan what scares you the most dylan catherine silica gel do not eat those silica gel industry big shots can't tell me what to do congratulations you've escaped the simulation welcome to the real world pet store my fat ass thought this was fancy ham rose quartz careful my husband is suspecting us suspecting what do i even know you i'm her husband you are now out of my suspects list what the frick i'm sorry my husband was using my phone luckily you haven't said anything what could i say i don't even know you this is still her husband i wanted to confirm come on boy do your business hahaha look at that weirdo with his pet rock what a loser down boy bad rock yes i'm vegan yes i eat meat we exist i'm an atheist yes i believe in god yes we exist i'm a virgin yes i have shreks we exist yes i'm no no i'm yes we know yes i'm on the council no i'm not a jedi master yes we exist if you don't know the difference between there there and there you're idiot well this is awkward i don't buy flowers for girls because they die yeah well so do the flowers when your friends are spreading rumors behind your back i was banned from the middle east which is crazy cause they are the ones who watch my videos the most men who are yelling at me are the same men who are clicking on me who's this me yeah califor go educate yourself don't mind if i do lol take the title of the last song you heard and add in my ass link in park paper cut classic caesar [Music] when your siblings say they barely touched you dinner is served bone apple teeth please stop using your dad's mug shot as a reaction pick woman nearly decapitated after flying turtle smashes into her car windscreen your professor gave an assignment by two you've partnered with the class thought class thought said she will take care of the assignment class thought didn't do the assignment both of you got high grades both of you got high grades she took the d so they can get the a the priest who saved hitler from drowning as a kid seeing a 700k kill assist on his screen wait a freaking freak the resemblance is uncanny remember if you're a junior your mom has probably moaned your name during shreks until we meet again every six months this man in south dakota climbs this communication tower to change the light bulb he's paid twenty thousand dollars per climb slap him for 88 million dollars no i would eat that thing raw for a snickers bar was scared i had of it for a second god is good though man woman rich poor tall short gay straight black white asian the fbi agent who was investigating where i got all these skulls from indians not finding brides for marriage meanwhile alabamians you don't need brides when you got family partial arts honey i got out of work early what are you doing waiting for my little love lizard my dad and i made this fish tank for my mom for christmas a few years ago with dollhouse furniture i thought it was pretty rad i can't believe your mom is a fish i start dating a new girl she becomes convinced i'm a serial killer against her better judgment she still wants to hang out with me we go hiking i broke my leg don't worry man i'm sure it's all part of god's plan she's he's still alive time for plan b beckons his snake backwards arbok is cobra backwards mark i'm in hospital right now tried to kill myself won't be very active damn bro better luck next time lolita kind looks like i have massive dong in this pic because of my skirt but in reality my dong is pretty averagely sized a man spends more time inside his mom than inside his girlfriend shut up most supermodels a random 40 years old japanese man hey neighbor yeah can you freak quieter what i'm at work the neighbor something's wrong i can feel it i thought they are an evil version of kkk don't say it don't even think it log off sappers from a 24 cdo re based in devon paid a personal tribute to one of britain's few surviving d-day veterans at a special event held in cornwall on the 77th anniversary of the normandy landings my grinder went off in my uberpool and the woman in front of me said i recognize that sound my husband plays that game all the time [Music] please do not tap the glass it scares the ice scream do men look at their wife's face during shreks i did once and she looked very angry she was looking from the window when are we going to talk about the fact that having a crush is literally a form of shrek shell harassment you are not alone matilda 1996 director danny devito hold up danny devito directed the most influential film of my childhood not only directed it but starred in it took care of mara wilson matilda while her mother was in hospital with cancer and even managed to get an advance copy of the movie for her to watch before she succumbed to her illness the man is a treasure spanish driver tests positive for every single drug in the test challenge complete how did we get here like the video and subscribe right now and watch my previous tank memes videos thanks
Channel: Clumsy
Views: 380,136
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: memes, dank doodle memes, best memes, dank memes, memes compilation, dank memes compilation, best memes compilation, clean memes, ddm, tik tok memes, memes clean, reddit memes, pewdiepie memes, family friendly memes, funny memes
Id: dRCNF0p3V1A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 54sec (1374 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 03 2021
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