This Tool Will Change The Trades Forever!

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welcome back to maker's playground i'm izzy and i'm maggie was that scary no not even a little bad no i suck at this [Music] [Applause] oh [Applause] so throughout history there's been some improvements or innovations that have come along that have changed the way we work across the board some really simple things like the roll-up tape measure and the chalk line it literally changed the way we do things across many different industries more recently cordless tools i mean they've had a huge impact on all the industries all the trade industries anyway across the board about how we do our jobs and it's made it made us more efficient and faster and it's a great improvement now one of those tools that i think has a great impact across all the industries at some level is the gravo i did a video about this six months ago i was so impressed with the tool that i asked them to if i could have a distributorship because like so i could sell them so i truly believe these will be on every job site across the industry within the next five to ten years now it's just a drill powered vacuum or a battery-powered vacuum system it was designed for picking up and moving and material handling but if you look past that one application and you start looking at all the other applications that you can do with this very portable tool then the efficacy of it really gets exciting and today that's what this video is about we're going to show you how it can impact what you do in your shop if you're a diy-er a professional woodworker and we're going to show you some other things that we've developed for other industries it makes the most sense to talk about the things that we could use as diy-ers or semi-professional and professional woodworkers in our shops before we get into the other stuff so the first thing that we're doing is we're going to talk about vacuum templating now this is something that's been done in industry for a very long time in manufacturing but it's never really hit the the woodworking in the diy sect so meg and i were talking about it we actually decided to start a small business based on the concept of vacuum templating and all that means is we take a template like these acrylic ones that we're making we put it on a board we vacuum it down to it either using the gravel or the vacuum pump or the grabo as a vacuum pump and it holds that template in place while we route it out now andy klein and i have had a conversation about this in the past and andy actually did a little demonstration in a video he did not too long ago i'll put a link in the description box to andy's video so you can go check that out you don't have to be super fancy like these acrylic templates you can make your own out of wood and annie actually does that in his videos so definitely go check that out but once you have an acrylic template or a template that you've made you can take the gravel and use it to hold the material down hold the fixture down to the material that means no more double-sided tape no more glue and tape trick no more screws no more fasteners it literally vacuums down the hole is perfectly strong to go ahead and use a very aggressive router bit in fact we're using a three and a quarter horse router with a one inch up down cut dual head flush trim bit that's a mouthful and these things held fine in fact what you're about to see is a little bit of kickback now this was absolutely my fault i wasn't paying attention but the really cool thing about this is we were using the grabo with a vac plate and an attachment to hold the template in place and even though the material kicked out white quite a ways the back plate did not move at all it was perfectly in line with what was already done i was able to grab the material or grab the whole system and finish out the router and have a perfect piece i did chew up the wood a little bit need a little trim work but the template stayed exactly where it was and it kind of saved the day really so these are just a few examples of the templates that we've already tried we've cut out the templates glued up some boards or just started on walnut and tested them just to make sure that it was working and it was working awesome which one is your favorite maggie um the butcher knife mine is still the um the white fish that looks more like a grouper it is a grouper that's my favorite one so far definitely [Music] so to give you guys an up-close demo real quick i wanted to show you this this is one of the acrylic templates we make and there's a foam seal that goes around here but for this demo we don't need to put it in so we would put the mat we would put the template on the material mark a pencil line and then cut out the excess material either with the bandsaw or the jigsaw and then our gravel will go right over the top of this air hole we'll turn that on and that gives us a nice strong hold we're ready to rock that out obviously we wouldn't want to run this through without the foam seal inside of it now in cases where the template is smaller than the grabo in other words the grabo's base is too big to actually fit on the template we have a secondary attachment this little fella right here now that can be plugged into your air hose and that goes right over the top of that hole and in this case we have this little fella right here which is called a vac plate it's an attachment we make for the gravel your ravel goes right over the top of that and it effectively turns it into a vacuum pump so i can just turn on the gravel and that creates a nice airtight seal around that template and once we have it trimmed out we can run that through the router safely when we're done no more tape no more screws no more glue no more weird clamping scenarios it literally makes templating as simple as it can be the next accessory i want to show you for the grabo makes cabinet installation an absolute breeze and it has a lot of other uses as well but before we do that i want to show you the two different gravels that are out on the market this classic was out six months ago when i started selling them and they've recently come out with a pro they call this one the nemo grabbo and the grabo pro now the big differences between the two are first of all the classic has a bigger wider handle which i prefer because i have big hands and the pro has a more ergonomic handle which a lot of people prefer because it's just easier to grip now the next thing you're going to notice is you're going to see a screen here where you don't on the pro and when you turn it on this thing lights up with zeros this tells you how much hold you have and it has three different scales or measurements in this case i have it set to pounds so when i turn it on [Music] it tells me how many pounds of hold i have it in this case it's 374. now when it reaches its maximum capacity it shuts itself off the classic doesn't it just keeps running and running now each one of them have the same size battery they both have about 90 minutes of runtime if you left it on continuously so the benefit here is that this will shut itself off when it reaches maximum vacuum and it'll turn itself back on if it starts to lose that vacuum when you're on a material that's more porous like say wood where you can pull a small vacuum through that it'll turn itself back on to keep the hold where when you're using the classic you probably just need to leave it on all the time when you're using that material so effectively this gives you a much longer battery life when you're using it consistently throughout the day so this next accessory for the grabo is the cabinet installers and a mill right installer's dream come true it's really simple to install the gravo company saw fit to put some little holders in there on both sides so you can put clips on there and use this for hanging things well in this case we're going to use it to install some accessories and this doesn't get much easier to install you simply slide it over those two things and then fasten the bolts that are in there now there's a couple different ways you can use this to install cabinets one of those ways is actually using it in the horizontal position attaching it to a wall and then you're going to lay a two by four over the top of the plate and use the toggle clamp to secure it in place now that's going to give you a really secure hold and if you're using two of them you can do a whole run of cabinets in one simple fail swoop now that's great if you're working with somebody but if you're working by yourself or you're in a situation where you need to spend some time on the cabinets perhaps you need to set something in place describe it you can put it in the vertical position and then by building your own little l shaped runners you can install two of these in the vertical position put your l runners in the front and in the back and set cabinets up there and literally just leave them up there while you're doing the work that you need so you can take the time to describe something or if you're working by yourself it makes it a lot easier to install cabinets now that's just one of the things that this little installation plate is great for you can do a hold downs with it you can mount it on the side of a table use it for edge banding you can use it to hold down tracks on track saws there's lots of applications that this one little plate can do and i'm sure you guys will think of a lot more as they get out there in the market now we do sell these installation plates on our website does not come with a toggle clamp i want to make sure that that's very clear now if you work on an installation crew having a couple of these is going to come in really handy but where it really shines is if you work on your own you can use it for installing chair railing crown molding all those things where you need a second set of hands and this thing will just suck right to a wall so i hope you guys are starting to get the picture there's lots of different things that you can do with the gravo you know things like moving cheat goods around or using it as a support when running sheet goods through a table saw and many many other things in fact the last video we did six months ago has got a lot more ideas about things that can be done with it well the other things i've shown you are pretty much sustainal products this is something that hasn't been placed out at all in fact this is just a prototype now it is protected so you companies out there you can't take this i got it so this is a vacuum drill press this will vacuum to wood to concrete walls to metal and to other products like cement board and anything where there's an application where you'd want to drill an accurate very straight hole or in the case of a larger bit where it's difficult to get the kind of meat you need behind it this makes it really simple so you can attach this to a poured concrete wall like in my basement and it sticks to it just fine and then turn the hammer drill on and it makes drilling into a poured concrete wall that's 50 years old with a three-quarter inch hammer drill bit really quite easy now other things you can do with it are putting it out in the middle of a piece of wood where you need an accurate 90 degree angled hole also in steel this works great on steel as well and the really cool thing about this is when this is all said and done it's going to be an inexpensive accessory that adds on to the gravo so it's not going to cost 1500 so i'm sure you guys will be seeing this in the upcoming months here on the channel as we improve the product and get it all fully developed this is definitely going to market at some point it's too cool not to the next thing i want to show you is this crazy looking contraption now this is actually two tools in one the first one is this right here let me pull it out of here it's basically just a grabo extension stick now the gravel extension stick can be used for lots of different things picking things off the ground is what it was designed for and i really designed it for my own selfish reasons this fall i have a flagstone project coming up where i'll be installing a bunch of flagstone for a hot tub and i wanted a way to get down on the ground and pick up that flagstone because i can't bend over and pick it up like brad and maggie can it's too hard on me and this quite frankly just makes it a lot easier and super fast no bending over to pick things up at the same time i was developing this grabo developed one that does the same thing it just helps picking up tiles and things like that now our designs are very different we had no idea what the other person was doing at the time that it happened but they have a really cool stick for doing the same thing or for picking up tiles and stones and different things that you can do with it now in my case the pickup stick will attach to a card and now it's become even easier to move stone so you can just use the grabba to vacuum down to the material like the flagstone or in this case we have textured pavers and some soapstones some different landscaping stones that we've tried it on and it works great you simply just attach it to it and then you have a hand truck or hand dolly if you will to move stone around taking a lot of the really rigorous physical labor out of it and it just made it a really simple easy and almost enjoyable project or process well at least when brad wasn't screwing around and trying to knock the stone off when maggie was using the cart so these are just a handful of things that have developed over the past few months for the grabo and we're just tipping the touch of the iceberg here folks there is so much more that can be done with it across so many different industries including drywall installation hvac installation electricians even and there's so many other applications with simple add-ons or accessories that this tool can affect and make easier or better or faster in some way shape or form and that's why i am so excited about it and that's why i wanted the dealership and that's why i'm developing all these product lines around it because absolutely amazing all the different things that this can do especially when you just add a little ingenuity to it anyway folks if you made it through the whole video thank you so much for watching really appreciate it now we will have more innovations and ideas coming out for the grabo and then in the next few months again this is not the typically the style of video that we do on the channel but i think it's worthy and i wanted to share this with you now coming up we've got lots more fun projects build projects and maggie is going to even talk more in the next video anyway guys if you're not subscribed already don't forget to hit that subscribe button give us a thumbs up it always helps and we will see you in the next video bye
Channel: izzy swan
Views: 258,684
Rating: 4.8998804 out of 5
Keywords: How to, diy, tablesaw, table saw, tools, projects, woodworking, shop projects, jigs, band saw, Izzy swan, how to templating, moving stone, router templates, vacuum, drill press, portable, game changing tech, tools of the trade, new tools, vacuum lifting, innovations, New innovations
Id: sYwtIWYpPvQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 11sec (911 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 26 2021
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