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[Laughter] hey everybody welcome back to the shop i'm izzy and i'm maggie and today we have a crazy special guest that i cannot wait to introduce you to watch this andy you got a second can you believe this andy klein is in my workshop and he's brought his new and improved twin turbo vice and today we're going to install this on the bench i'm super excited about this you don't want to go anywhere wait till you see what this thing can do [Music] all right so andy came all the way from halfway across the country he brought the vice out we're going to install it today now this is a very special device and it does some crazy cool things andy can you tell us a little bit about why this there's nothing else like this on the market and what makes us different other than the fact that it's like ridiculously sexy absolutely i really like twin screw vices and there are other twin screw devices on the market but they're slow that was my big complaint with them they don't rack there's a lot of good features the wide clamping it's fantastic but i wanted one that's fast so i built one that the transmission is gear based wait wait you said transmission that's a transmission right yeah but that's fair devices don't have transmissions why does this one does that's not leading at all all right so what what what's what where's the value in this i mean where where why is this it can travel it can travel fast so because it has a fast speed where the screws are turning faster than the handle and then it has a slow speed where the screws are turning slower which gives you the clamping power so if you need to open it up eight inches you can put it in fast speed then if you need to clamp uh you you move back into the low speed with a high clamping power to to do the clamping operator it's like a whole different breed of animals i'm glad you think so so aside from this amazing vice that brandy's brought he's brought some other things that enhance its performance so we're going to talk about that throughout the build today now we're going to put this on my bench which presents some unique challenges i have a deeper bench this is more of a production style bench than it would be a woodworker's bench so we're going to figure that out mount it to here today and we'll show you those extra things as we go along speaking of mounting it what kind of requirements can somebody expect when they need to mount this so for the this is the 20 inch vise the bench should really be four inches thick you can get away with a little thinner but we're going to simulate a four inch thick bench top okay um that's really the only requirement the distance between centers on the screws is 20 inch now you have three versions of this this is the medium version this is the medium version and the outside this dimension is 24 so i actually had some customers 20 inch vice customers say you sent me the big one because the body's 24 no that's center to center on the screws okay that makes sense so we're able to accommodate that so on my bench i always leave my top material proud so i can use this as a clamping service when i have difficult clamping clamping jobs to do sure so what i want to do is build it out to here with a solid piece of material that comes out to about right here right about the four inch mark and then we're going to cut this section out and put mounting material behind it so we can pull the vise up to it so that's kind of our challenge today it's going to be fun so we should probably get started [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] so [Music] [Music] now we have most of the milling done to actually mount the vise to the table and we can start talking a little bit about the extras that andy brought one of those is a swivel mount system now the swivel mount system is exactly like it sounds it makes the head of the vice swivel back and forth so you can clamp kind of weird shaped angles in the vise it also makes it really easy to install so for all intents purposes we're installing this now with the mounting system upside down so you guys can actually see what this would look like on the bottom of a bench now when this thing is in place to make the whole swivel action work this swings back and forth obviously you can't have that free so you need to lock it in place andy's devised this pretty clever system carriage bolt goes through here this sits on top and these are like super well made by the way andy this handle goes here and this is how you lock the system from moving back and forth so when we're mounting this one of the first things we're going to do is drill out a position for the head of that carriage bolt and then literally the rest of it it's designed so well once that's in place you can actually just run screw screw move your bolt move your your swivel out of the way and screw the rest of positions it's a very simple install which is really really cool really cool did i say really enough really really really really cool [Music] you know when they click click [Music] my [Music] [Applause] all right so we've got this side of my 20 inch vise installed so from here it gets really really super complicated because you have to lay it out very very wait no you just measure over six inches and square it up when you're done it's really easy one two three four five what comes after six there it is all right let's go take a nap [Music] um [Music] uh [Music] trying to travel even in high speed it's like one finger [Music] all right we gotta get this on the bench this is way way cool all right one thing you don't want to clamp with these loops because then the clamping pressure goes into these arms and cycles oh that makes sense right that makes a lot that makes you know he's talking about you're talking about concordia pressure yeah so you're gonna to set these where you want them you want to first get them real tight because you're really going to want to clamp this down when i put tapped holes all the way around the little mounting position because just like izzy izzy said before we shot this clip he wants to have these handles pointed towards the outside so that he can get to him easier so now i can pick the hole that's in the best position for izzy towards the outside wait i want to show you guys something when annie gets done here real quick i'm behind the camera talking just in case you were wondering probably about something i'm doing that's dumb i'm not a ghost no no it's not wait andy um will you put your wrench away he showed up at my house with that he carries that with him everywhere he goes [Music] all right so we just got this vise together and now you're taking it apart what are we doing now all right so this is another optional accessory that i brought for you this is the fast travel handle that speeds it up even more okay uh so we've got the handle that comes with the vise off and i'm going to put this oh first off i have these screws loose and that lets these standoffs shift just just enough all right to get this guy over the center hub of the vise it looks like a very nice tight fit nice tight fit kind of just barely fits and now as i tighten as i tighten these down we'll get a resistance fit okay so now we've got the fast travel handle on i'm going to put the standard handle back together rubber washers what's the rubber washer for uh just so that when it's um if you drop it and it just it's it uh it drops it doesn't bang and clank but as much as kind of softens it i'm cool i wouldn't have thought of that andy smarter than i am guys i think i copied bench crafted to be real honest see i told you smarter than i am okay so the idea is that when you have it this way a little detent engages with the handle and keeps it in place so it doesn't fall doesn't stick and it's nicely balanced uh but then if you want the extra torque you can pop it out and that you have the longer torque arm of a standard handle oh my gosh you know what i'm most proud about with the gears what's that honestly is the neutral in the neutral position the gears are still linked together so they can't ever be out of sync the back one is the timing here you're talking about this right back here that timing here keeps everything this one right here keeps them laying keeps all the cogs connected yep that when i was thinking about the sound alone is just i don't know i could sit here and just listen to that sound that's a different look when it's when it's in the low gear because you have the you have this gear and this one they're concentric but that this one's so this is when i'm listening to classical music right here this is my classical music mode and that's my five finger just punch mode all right so now it's coming together [Music] good start let's go hide awesome that's crazy awesome and it is sexy so anyway guys andy's gonna get going um we're gonna go jump on instagram do a live we're gonna finish this build up tomorrow and i'll show you the final product everything put together nice and sexy and go over some of the cool things about it so if you guys aren't already following andy on youtube and he's got a youtube channel um it's growing quickly uh you do a lot of inventive stuff like myself you you invent products you do a lot of crazy cool projects so go over to youtube check them out it will be worth your while maggie's not here now she's here now she's gone now she's here okay so what do you think andy maggie i like him i like him pretty smart guy huh he is should we have him back of course andy you hear that come back build more crazy cool stuff it'll be fun so uh meg and i spent the morning and we got the we put a ban of spellie on here and some maple just to kind of pretty it up a little bit because it's a sexy vise so i'd like to do is to take a minute and kind of walk you through some of the features that we talked about through the build we talked about the features but we didn't really show them and i'll show you how i set up the vice on my bench and we'll call it a day first of all let's start with the reason it's called the twin turbo for those of you don't know it's got two gears or three technically it's got the forward gear which is the slow position or this is the position that gives you all the mechanical advantage for a lot of clamping power and then by pushing it forward it locks into the high position and that's all about speed so you can go from being closed to you know eight inches wide like that so the third position is neutral which means you can turn this handle freely which is kind of cool because if you have your handle up and it's kind of in the way you can turn it sideways and just lock it into place and that's nice the next thing we're talking about is this but handy calls the speed handle i'm i think it should be called the super amazing awesome go fast go go gadget handle one of the really cool features about this is it's got a collapsible handle so when you're not using it it folds out of the way and that little extra three inches makes a difference especially when you're moving around the shop quickly and don't pay attention to other things like i do when you're not using this or you need some extra torque to get that extra mechanical advantage you can pop out your handle and get the full advantage of all that length now the other feature that we talked about was the swivel i've unlocked it underneath here so now i can actually swivel it right or left and up to a 20 degree angle to clamp items that have a taper or are strange shapes now what you see in the back here is andy klein cork rubber this is a material i've been buying from andy and using on some of my systems for a long time now this is an amazing material so you're going to notice on mine i've got these three pieces that kind of jet down and i do that for a reason over here on this side i've got a solid i don't know what that is probably nine and a quarter inches of clamping face and over here i've only got like the four so what i've done what i did is i put these things in here so when i clamp that up i can have pressure keep these things at a weird angle and that extra board down there will give me a little bit of extra holding power [Music] so meg and i are thrilled to pieces to have this vise on our bench it's a real treat uh it's a work of art and just a rare pleasure to have something this amazing on the bench and we're super excited about it so i guess you should be nice to me so i'll let you use it once in a while no you better be nice to me or i'll let you use it once in a while i see some fights happening over this vice andy thanks man appreciate it hey guys i really appreciate you i know this was a long video tell me what you thought of this format if it's something that you'd like to see more of more lengthy more in-depth stuff we're all about it we want to hear your feedback so hit us up in the comment section down below and of course if this is your first time don't forget to subscribe and hit that bell notification so you're notified when we have more fun videos come up in the meantime we'll see you in the next video say bye maggie bye maggie
Channel: izzy swan
Views: 94,141
Rating: 4.8820262 out of 5
Keywords: How to, diy, tablesaw, table saw, tools, projects, woodworking, shop projects, jigs, band saw, Izzy swan, woodworkers vise, bench vise, best vise, best woodworking vise, twin screw vise, vice, installing twin turbo vise, best bench vise for woodworking
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 37sec (1057 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 17 2021
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