This Tesla is from 1982! Meet the finished KITTesla with Auto Doors +more

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hi this comes from David Hasselhoff to paraph Fric I have a original kit car uh in my garage congratulations on kit Tesla which is cool hats off one man can make a difference [Music] w [Music] hello chip Dippers and hello kit zippers it is me your favorite or second favorite Michael Knight har practic and this is the grand finale of the kesla series you don't understand well it's our project to take the world's only real self-driving level three autonomous vehicle this model 3 and turn it into the real life incarnation of what the fictional kit from the 8S was really meant to be an intelligent self-driving car that talks back I must say I have my doubts about this well back then you were just the stuff of Dreams kit but now I mean this car can basically make me a coffee idea that is a good idea whatever you say make me a coffee that's what I say cuz as I said back in episode one doing it the other way around taking a Pontiac Transam and putting all the tech from the Tesla in it is basically impossible I certainly hope so or is it well stay tuned for that but for now in episodes 1 to 3 what we've achieved so far in case you missed it is this I'm very pleased to meet you what do you need [Music] next that's very cool oh I love that is this a car or a spaceship hey kit I need you [Music] buddy this is never going to get old let's face it nothing says I'm secretly saving the world quite like a flashing red light on your car's hood and since the last episode kesla has been saving the world Making Waves in the press and spreading smiles to night ride of fans wherever it goes is it talking yeah it's awesome D and yes this voice box is something else that a lot of you thought was awesome which I didn't expect but as we do a tear down of it here I'm sorry to report that Think Geek who made it are no longer around so eBay is your best bet for that or if you're feeling really adventurous you could even make your own and if you wanted to build your own one of these I recommend PCB way make great quality better quality than this PCB starting at just five bucks box bucks and back in part three I laid out the final mission which was to return to El Mirage dry lake bed where they shot the Night Rod opening titles in 1982 and recreate them fully with kesla and as you saw we did exactly that maybe I should do it with the real kit next time H anyway now you get to enjoy the story of some of the final enhancements that we added to kit to achieve the intro that you just saw including Auto doors Auto trunk and frunk I mean Bonnet sorry Hood uh wheel archers that long awaited black wrap and much more all right with all that said and done it's time for you to enjoy us making this car less gray unlike [Music] me now although I explained every episode I did but cost was a huge preventative factor of getting a black wrap on this car it can cost up to $88,000 you guys just kept insisting I had to give it a black wrap so fine okay you guys win I apologies for the delay getting it done I had to save up the funds but if you want to support the channel on patreon and get AdFree Early Access to videos just like this feel free but don't worry for now we just told baby factic no more diapers and actually worked out really well she's 6 months old fully potty trained so bit of a win-win so let's get it applied and prove that sometimes the midlife crisis can be wrapped up quite nicely [Music] so I'm really confused it looks like they've lifted kesla up put a whole new hood on it and they're putting the wrong color wrap on it oh sorry just realized that's not my car and having finally found it while we do some cleanup here I can confirm that for the glossiest night rider EST black we've gone for the very latest 3M 20180 g12 vinyl and each section of the car gets its own sheet of vinyl meaning there are a lot of off cuts for example on the front boot here I mean fruit and if you watch really closely you'll see we're also adding some wheel arches to really beef up the car and match those new kit Wheels better and I think they're really [Music] good [Music] contrary to popular belief looks aren't [Music] [Music] everything [Music] hello okay I admit it you guys were right I should have done this a long time ago this really feels like the Sleek Dark Night the kid is meant to be in fact he's gorgeous I know and by the way that wasn't just fun editing he genuinely answered that line of that song that was playing on the radio randomly with that response classic you're gorgeous whatever you say but if you thought a black rap was cool You Ain't Seen Nothing Yet the first flag of asked me for a super quick fact check sponsored by reality oh no yes it's true because sometimes the truth is Stranger Than Fiction and I do completely understand the headlines about new tech being controversial and bad I fail to see the logic of that statement me too gets more clicks than for example a Nissan catches fire and I'm not getting political here this is just something I I genuinely find data interesting uh so let's take a look at it now EVS like Tesla are so expensive false I certainly hope so false the total cost of ownership over 5 years is on average $15,000 less not just because of ever Rising gas prices but cars like this never need oil changes yearly Serv and so on side note you can lease a model 3 for about $367 a month and this particular one is a company car and was bought with a loan yeah about those rumors that all YouTubers are somehow Rich that's not asking a lot that's asking a miracle that's right kid I wish my bank account have got that memo there would be a miracle two EVS are worse for the planet I know no false while the initial battery manufacturing is not good for the planet although that's improving every day EES pay off their carbon debt after 13,000 Mi continuing to a huge CO2 reduction over their lifetime for one thing there's no tailpipes spewing fumes into the air on every single trip you make for 10 to 20 years is that a fact that is a fact three self-driving cars kill more people I certainly hope so kid you're not you're not really following the point of this that is actually false are you kidding me I'm not here's why for every 10 million miles driven self-driving cars lead to 30 less fatality compared to human driven Vehicles four Teslas Catch Fire more often false yes you see it more in headlines but comparing 100,000 gasoline cars with 100,000 electric cars for every six electric cars that have a fire 63 gasoline cars [Music] do seriously though I genuinely hope they were okay five Teslas take ages to charge false I used to have to stand at a petrol pump watching my money disappear but now I just plug in when I get home and the car charges at nighttime cheap rates while I sleep just like your phone oops as supercharger speeds are improving regularly it actually now takes 15 minutes to add 200 M of charge just enough time to pop to the amenities for a muffin and a wee wee I need more data for my information back six Elon Musk is an idiot true false sorry I I don't know I don't think about it honestly El when I get into this car I get into this cabin I don't climb inside Elon Musk uh wow I just appreciate this vehicle and I love it I love you and I am appreciative of all the incredible Engineers who built it I detect a certain tone in your voice I'm being sincere the one way you convinced you come up with a brilliant idea the next thing you know you're doing something full hearty and I'm in my surveillance mode very cool seriously I tell everybody it's like driving a spaceship and I love it Fross I have to bear but if I do think of one man when driving kesla it's the Hoff let me arrange for it to take you for a spin okay Hoff I can yes but why would I want to okay you coming H off great that concludes the fact check thank you for coming to my TED talk but if you thought a fact check was cool you ain't seen nothing yet you see there's something that kit did in a couple of episodes It's always stuck with me it was this nicely done Michael yep kits self-opening Auto doors now in reality spoilers there was a guy in there disguised as a seat as you probably know doing the driving and the door [Music] opening no seriously there he is but now 40 years later I think we can actually do the whole thing for real now back in episode 2 as you saw I perfected a way to call kesla and have him come to me wherever I am via my wristwatch but now I want him to also open his door when he gets to me because honestly who has time to open doors manually anymore these days plus it's probably the chicest I'll ever come to having a butler tra thank you for agreeing well anyway I found a company called hand show that makes not just Auto doors with auto handles and soft clothes but an auto trunk and frunk to boot no per intended there's always a p intended but first just for fun because I know thanks to the Night Rider historians where that scene was shot let's recreate part of it with a shot forsh remake starring kesla with the exact same gas station petrol station it kit I need you [Music] buddy of all the irresponsible Behavior to leave me with my keys in the ignition and my doors open I'm sorry it won't happen again that actually kesler's first time at a petrol station bless him he didn't know where to go and now for his first time getting Auto doors and auto trunk and frunk [Music] installed [Music] I'm so glad you're here We Came as quickly as we could let me fill you in on some of the things we've done already [Music] [Music] oh no the road down kbo boost well that's all great fun but what about Kit driving to pick me up and open the door like I want him to do well for that we can use a bit of visual trickery like they did in the show when they were speeding up shots and stuff but I think he can actually do most of it himself so first we're going to follow puppy practic over here and have Kit drive up to this point by himself just to test it out yeah it's it's struggling with this uneven terrain it it won't go forward unless it knows it's safe to do so let's go and reset it and try take two [Music] so it's actually struggling to understand oh that's not good I think we'll go rescue it it's mly the other way [Music] around now as it happens there's a much more forgiving and potentially more fun location that we could film this at just here this looks like it could be the set of the acid pit from that Jun Dog episode in fact we asked if it was very near here although we couldn't get permission to film there so he's not quite in the right position so I'm going to just adjust the position remotely I'm actually using the app here as you can see start forward and backwards for them to go backwards he goes I wonder if he'll go back all the way actually that could be a good start position if we take him all the way back so for this I'm using the summon command and he there has this button come to me so I'm going to hold that down and he should come to where we [Music] are [Music] that was not bad at all okay now he's in the right place perhaps arguably the easy bit is to go back and we've got this unlatched door button here so let's tap that see if we can get that shot ready beautiful and we can use the app or the watch for the other commands just for fun and I'll show you those right now we can take it Pop the [Music] trunk there it goes and we can open the front trunk yes we can close at least we can close the front trunk boot IM if kit drove to rescue me and just opened the boot instead of the door luckily there is a little button here that's how we do that and just because we can with a bit of visual trickery what about all three at once what is [Music] it I guess it's not the same without the music and just before we film The Big Scene there's time to mention one more mod to the car cuz back in our monthly retro show we unboxed these rings from kenique which aren't key rings in the traditional sense but literal rings that are Keys you see they replace the card that you would normally tap on a Tesla to open it because they contain an NFC transmitter themselves that you can pair with the car and in turn link it to your unique driver profile settings making this the closest that we've got to a biometric scanner for kit to let you in so here as you can see I'm literally just fist bumping the car and it's open sesame and as you see the door automatically starts closing as soon as the car goes into drive or [Music] reverse play for me to film my starring rooll I'm going to run this way and jump in the car they're coming k try that again take [Music] two one more take I didn't feel right we'll do one more but I realized the main problem is that I look like I'm having too much fun CU I start smiling when I get to the car so engaging serious mode I reset to a slightly different position to get a good old run up and after a bit of special effects tinkering just like they would have on the original show to make the door open closer to when I get to the car which incidentally we really don't want to do at any kind of high speed because they damaged the real kit quite badly the one and only time they did it as you can see here and with the addition of the all important star of the show puppy practic as well as a few photoshopped in elements because why not here's the finished edit We've Ended up with come on let's go yeah this way I'm here Michael are you all right Michael I am now buddy I am [Music] now there you go not bad for an amateur production but the important thing is everything you see C Tesla doing although it's edited and pieced together it is doing itself and this piece of footage will be premiering at a cinema near you on the 31st of February next year and after I told them about that whole idea my friends at the Night Rider historians on YouTube decided to try it out with their screen used kit oh no hop in Michael I think we can catch them who you think did it better yeah I agree the [Music] H guys I am running out of ways to improve this car I mean we could add a a massage module that was a speed bump not the massage uh or those ejector seats or maybe an eight track cassette player that only ever plays synth pop remixes of a Night Rider team and if you think Tesla should team up with universal to offer a fully licensed kit Tesla version of the Tesla Model 3 and the Roadster of course drop Elon Musk an email I'm sure he'd appreciate it cuz he doesn't get many but after seeing that dry L footage I realized we actually missed something you see kit didn't have visible headlights apart from the that popped up at night or was it at night so I smoked out kesler's headlights as you may have seen in some of those glamour shots and I think he looks a lot more Sinister like the like the dark night coming to save the day and with all that done I'm going to raffle off the car for one of you to have a chance to win yeah I'm serious and here's why life's about the journey and I've had all my fun but besides that so many of you have told me in the comments how much you love kesla that I decided why don't I let one of you actually have the chance to enjoy it next besides he told me he wants to see other people also with a new baby 99% of the trips that we take are in the family car why it's just the way it is kit which means I can't take you anywhere and I have to leave you in the driveway where you just get lonely and I don't know probably massage yourself are you kidding me and as you may know if you've seen my I bought kit series I've got a Pontiac now and I've taken that for a few long trips and honestly it's an amazing car to drive and I really for those 1% of the times that I'm out on my own doing runarounds out and about town why not just take it kit and I have very Grand TransAm plans of what we're going to do with kit in a major upcoming project here on the channel and the proceeds from the competition are going to enable me to keep doing these fun things to share with you and keep spreading the kit love and I've joined forces with Rafal who'll be hosting and operating the raffle here in my home country of the UK though entries are of course open from anywhere in the world with free delivery of the car included now Rafel are trusted by many top brands and have a brilliant trust pilot rating and it's just a good bunch of people check out their FAQ for any questions you may have and with all the work that's been done to kesla including the upgrades like full self-driving black wrap and auto doors and auto everything this car has a prize value of around $96,000 thank Deon for business loans Le me $20 and I'll be giving 10% of the proceeds to St judee's Children's Hospital Hospital the Cs very close to our hearts and where parents never receive a [Music] bill so there it is the project is done we've turned a real self-driving car into the real world kit where the rubber meets the Retro road but remember in a world of tech and Nostalgia the journey is just as important as the destination especially if you're in a car that talks back I detect a certain tone in your voice yeah you got me kit well thanks so much for watching this series and maybe I'll see you down Nostalgia Lane maybe driving kesla yourself I'm jealous now and although this is the finale remember every season ending is just a setup for a reboot well until next time just like no Ridder reruns remember subscribing is free so smash those buttons like you're hitting turbo boost come on K how about one last spin I wouldn't miss it for the world all right hit it you okay darling I'm so sorry 's sorry she's okay one man can make a difference Perry or one woman or dog the practics lone curators in a vintage world the world of retro [Music] recipes do we go for a w
Channel: Retro Recipes
Views: 167,025
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: tesla, knight rider, kitt, knight rider theme music, motoring, knight rider kitt, retro, Tesla, Model 3, Tesla Model 3, Tesla modifications, Telsa accessories, knight rider car, David Hasselhoff, self driving, 1980s, 80s, 80s tv shows, Tv cars, automobiles, autos, cars, knight rider theme, knight rider theme remix, retrogaming, michael knight, talking car, knight 2000, self driving car, tesla model 3 accessories, Tesla autopilot, auto presenting doors, black wrap, vinyl wrap, wrap
Id: cvtWHnDUTnc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 29sec (1529 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 23 2024
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