Meet the REAL K.I.T.T. from KNIGHT RIDER! Exclusive access 🪪

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- [K.I.T.T.] In association with PCBWay. - K.I.T.T., turbo boost. (turbos whirring) - (laughing) Very good. The original circuitry used in the show, I don't want you to show that. It's quite a complex circuit. - Yeah. - [K.I.T.T] Who was an orange. - These are hydraulic lift cylinders. - Oh, look at that. - Have a look at that. - Would you ever sell it? No. - Please? (contemplative synthesiser music) Hello, Chip Dippers. Welcome to Retro Recipes and welcome to the Petersen Automotive Museum. Yes, I can read. I am here today 'cause we've had a very special invitation. One thing I didn't anticipate and expect was some of the perks that being on YouTube would bring. One of those, one of those is that we've been invited to meet the real K.I.T.T. from "Knight Rider." I am as giddy as the 11-year-old version of me would've been. And I can't wait to take you inside with me and show you K.I.T.T. as well. So come on, let's go. - [K.I.T.T.] I am the voice of Knight Industry 2000's microprocessor. (Knight Rider theme tune) - Well, I am here now with the man himself. This is AJ from Knight Rider Historians, which you may have heard of on YouTube. It's a channel that I've started following recently because as soon I did "Knight Rider" videos, everyone started commenting underneath saying check out Knight Rider Historians. And through that meeting, AJ gave us this invite. So I think if I'm not mistaken, K.I.T.T. is just up here. Is that right? - It's actually true. - Okay. Let's go. - Please. (Knight Rider 2000 theme) - Wow. (Theme tune crescendos) Actually feel quite choked up. That is kind of beautiful. Isn't that a beautiful thing? I can see why you bought it now. - It's been a passion of mine for 40 years. - I understand that. - I know you do. It's why I invited you. - Can I touch? - You may touch. How often can you do that? - Hey, K.I.T.T., it's me. This one's not gonna respond. - No, we're gonna have to rely on your Tesla for that. - Yeah. Look at the light as well. - [AJ] Oh, the light as well. - Wow. The real deal. - It's the real deal. - Well, as I try and compose myself, we should probably ask you some things about the car. - Well, I'll tell you a few things first just so that she can put a frame of reference. - Yeah. - You are going to notice a number of imperfections. - Okay. - They should be there. - [Perifractic] Yeah. - [AJ] Because this car was really beat up on the show in front of cameras. And there's all kinds of things that you look at and you compare it to a replica and you say, well, this looks bad and this looks bad. We've made it look probably nicer than we should. - It looks incredible for 40 years old. I mean, I saw immediately, but it doesn't, it doesn't seem wrong. - That's the point. - Yeah. - They're not wrong. - Yeah. I'm not even gonna look inside right now. I wanna save that. - Okay. - Well, why don't you tell us a little bit about this? Maybe a brief history of its life from the show up until today when it finally got to meet Perifractic. - [K.I.T.T.] Oh no! - Finally. - Finally. - Yes, after all you've done to be a tribute to "Knight Rider." Self-driving Tesla. - Yeah. - Very good K.I.T.T. app on your phone. - An app, a flashing light. - Put together, good light. I'm sorry, I'm gonna have to keep going on about you first. You took the coordinates that we gave you. - Yes. - On Facebook. And you went out to one of the filming locations out in the desert and you took drone footage, whereas before, they did the exact same thing in the exact same place with a helicopter. Yes. - [Perifractic] Like, even the bushes hadn't changed. No innuendo intended, but yes, sorry, carry on. (laughing) - What you saw on camera in that desert location was very likely this exact car. - [Narrator] I was wondering about that. - Not one like it because when the cars were procured from Pontiac. - [Perifractic] Yeah. - [AJ] And provided to Universal Studios for the filming of the first portion of the pilot, three cars were arranged. So this was one of the three cars that were procured directly from Pontiac. - [Perifractic] Okay. - [AJ] No dealership involved. - [Perifractic] So these are the ones that production went to the factory and drove away with three brand new ones? - [AJ] Now, where did you hear that? - [Perifractic] I think it was on your channel. - [AJ] Thank you very much. - We got the first three off the assembly line. They were destined for Florida or some place, Little Rock, I don't know. And the dealer didn't get them, we got them. - You got it. No, this is definitely one of those three. - Wow. So on that point, there's only how many surviving from the show? - Five. - Five, wow. - [AJ] We keep waiting and hoping that one more might show up amongst all the fakes. - [Perifractic] Yeah. - [AJ] We've investigated so thoroughly the exact path of these cars from day one to present day. And of course, there's gaps because we weren't there back in the day. - It's incredible though the work you guys have done and seeing the original Universal paperwork, and the logs, the VIN numbers. Stuff you guys have found and kind of put together is fantastic for the community and for history, so thank you for that. - You're welcome. - Yeah. As I'm asking you questions, I keep getting drawn back into the 11-year-old kid version of me is just remembering this is, yes, I've got a job to do here, but also I'm about to pass out, so excuse me for that. - We'll take care of you because I know what it's like. - Yeah. - So tyres, original? - No. - Okay. - No, there's a history behind those. And let me explain. You notice that they're white letter? - Yes. - [AJ] That's wrong. - That was the one thing I was gonna say is wrong. - You should say that, yeah. It's wrong. Well, there's a number of things you'll find that are wrong, but they're part of the history of the car. And so without context and understanding the history, very fair. - [Perifractic] So what's the reason this has the white lettering tyres? - After "Knight Rider" was cancelled, this and three other cars went to a gentleman by the name of Carl Casper to promote "Knight Rider" at car shows across the United States and later across the world during the run of the original series here in the United States. - Wow, okay. - And I realise you weren't in the United States at that time. - Nope. I was a little kid in London. - He had a contract with Universal Studios to promote "Knight Rider" on this tour car circuit. - [Perifractic] Right. - And he had other cars, so four more that were actually used in the filming of the original series were added to him as part of this arrangement. That's also one of the reasons that this car is still around, but we're guessing that he had some kind of promotional contract with BF Goodrich so he changed the tyres to these. - But obviously, it's got the original rims, the, what do they call them? - Oh yes. - The turbo casts. - Turbo casts, yes. - That's right. Part of the history of this car was it was acquired and restored by somebody other than us prior to our acquisition over 15 years ago now. - [Perifractic] Wow. Are we allowed to sit in it? - Of course. It's my car. K.I.T.T. is mine. Isn't that great? You want to sit on the passenger's side or on the driver's side? No, I'm asking. - I'll take the driver's side if it's available. Is there anyone in there right now? Security pass. - [AJ] Security pass. - So wait, David Hasselhoff drove this on the show? This one was in? - Oh yeah. - How many seasons? - All four. There are scenes where we can see him sitting here and we see various things. If you look at it too much, you see things in the interior that are just not quite right. - Right, yeah. - Including like a very logical thing. That screw right there, that's not factory. - [Perifractic] Yeah. - But these things, if you ever owned one of these even new, they kind of came off really early in their life. So it's a very logical thing to put a screw in there. - Yeah. - Okay. Are you always gonna put it in exactly the same place? No, no. - Gotcha. Very handy for identifying the car. - I mean, stuff like that, we could spend all day doing. - I have long legs. - So did David! - Should we put the seat back or is that back? - It should be back all the way. - I remember reading that he had a special technique when he would get in. - Actually, it's true. - Yeah. - There was modifications to the seat, which no longer exist unfortunately. Usually, the cars that he was getting in and out of didn't have all this and you couldn't see it on camera. It made it much easier. Otherwise, he'd knock his knees on this and break it right off. Joe and I drove the same car that was on Jay Leno's Garage. - Yeah. - Of course, we didn't drive it. We trailered it out to Times Square to use it for that segment. So David hopped up on the top, stuck his boot right here, cracked the-- - But he's allowed to. That's okay. - That's it. Put his other boot right on the seat. - But then you can say-- - And did his thing. - David Hasselhoff actually cracked this. Please, get in with me. - [K.I.T.T.] I am the voice of Knight Industry 2000's microprocessor. - Oh my gosh. Guys, I am in K.I.T.T. Should I unlock it and let him in? (exciting synthesiser music) Wow. - [AJ] How does it feel? - [Perifractic] I have such a mix of emotions right now because firstly, this looks so different to the replica that I was in, which tells me a lot. - Mm-hmm. - This is smaller. This is actually smaller, less shiny. Nothing's perfect, but for on camera with the kind of quality they were producing then, like what was it, 480P TV broadcast over antenna? It didn't need to look HD ready. - You're absolutely correct. - And then just the emotions of that this is the one that Michael was driving. - This is the one. - Just actually touch the steering yoke for real there. - That's actually a real steering wheel, not a replica. - [Perifractic] That's original? - [AJ] That is an original steering wheel. - And we've got the Knight. So of course, they had a different logo in the car than-- - Than on the side of the semi. What you have is what was on the side of the semi, yeah. - [Perifractic] Was there ever a reason for that? - Different designers. - Okay. - Michael Scheffe designed that. He did not design that. - Interesting. - Yeah. - Okay. Okay, so grounding ourselves, deep breaths. I realised I just instinctively put my hand on the yoke here. - [AJ] It's where it belongs. It's where it belongs, right. - It's where it belongs. - Or like this while K.I.T.T.'s driving. - Yes, and you've had this experience now. I have not. - [Perifractic] That's a good point, that's a good point. We can arrange that. - I would like that very much. - Yeah. K.I.T.T., turbo boost. (turbos whirring) Would you ever sell it? - No. - Please? - Not this one. - Okay. - If you want another one, we can work on that. - My heart's just gone up. Can I ask then on that note and sort of in an Antiques Roadshow kind of way what you've insured this car for, if you don't mind saying? - I do. - Okay. - But I will say-- - Cut. - Only Hagerty would insure it for what we think its value is, not their Kelley Blue Book value. - [Perifractic] I feel like I'm sitting something that's priceless. - It's almost at its three year anniversary here at the museum. - [Perifractic] And where do they hang the keys? - In the security office. - And that's, so I know what that is. - You know where that is, yes, yes. - I was just curious. - Yes. - So how much of these dials and bezels are original? - Throughout the entire filming of the show, the only dash you would see in here is a shell. In some scenes, you can see the shell. And what you see here are stickers. If you look closely, they are stickers. - [Perifractic] Especially in 4K on Netflix. - Especially, yeah. You can see it. Yeah, if you look closely in the early season, that's one of the ways that we identified when the door opens that's this car because we followed its incarnations, if you will, its modifications. - Incarnations. - Incarnations. Yes, we like that. - Pun intended. - All the way through. - Yeah. Do you know how I knew this wasn't the on-camera dash? - Well. - Apart from several reasons. - You've learned a lot from watching us. - Yeah. But also, these guys don't have any stickers or anything in. - [AJ] Correct. - Now, these would've had. - Good question. - I'm testing you now. - Yeah, you're testing me. Good question. - I feel like it was something to do with-- - Well, the first one was power. - Power, yeah. - Mm-hmm. Igniters. - Ignition bonny. - Let's go with bonny. - Yeah. Do you know what it was? - Yeah, I do know what it was. - We'll put it down here. - I do know what it was. At the moment, I actually can't think of it, but of course I know what it was. - He'll tell us later and you just saw it below. Love this stuff. Oh my gosh. Now, another detail I noticed is the top of the yoke has this little filled section here and this unfilled, but both on the left. - [AJ] Yes. - [Perifractic] What was that for? - [AJ] Isn't that interesting because you don't ever recall ever seeing that. - [Perifractic] Well, was it a flick down thing with a button? - [AJ] Yeah, but did you ever see it used at any episode? - Well, I know that somehow, so I'm gonna guess I did. I don't know though. - It was for a feature that was added in the third and fourth season. - Okay. - [AJ] And we can see evidence of these things. - [Perifractic] Yeah. - [AJ] And there's actually another original surviving wheel on another original car that survives where I think this flip up thing still exists and there's a button underneath it. Of course, it doesn't do anything. We actually never see that used in the show. - Right. - [AJ] But there's this thing that I call thumb lights. - [AJ] Yeah. - [AJ] And there's a little green spot here. And if you look really close at the opening intro scenes, you can actually see a green glow right here. - [Perifractic] Okay. - [AJ] But it's on the third and fourth season dash. What you're looking at here, of course, is a first and second season dash. So this would've been made from the same mould that that was moulded from. - [Perifractic] Gotcha. - [AJ] And so these things would have been there. And whether they were ever filled in or not, we don't actually know. - So you have something else to show us here? - Yeah. So Perifractic, do you recall the episode Night of the Juggernaut? - Yeah, of course. - You do? - Who doesn't? - So in Night of the Juggernaut, there's a scene where the street avengers, they're rebuilding K.I.T.T. because the juggernaut thing had just destroyed him. - Yeah. - What you see in that scene is unquestionably this car. - Okay. - There's a guy over here in the corner where the door is removed and he's welding. And he's really welding. That is really an arc weld we're seeing on the camera. That's not fake, that's not CGI 'cause they didn't have that. He's really welding. And Joe says, wait a minute, he's actually welding on that chassis. That car is in my garage right now. Open the door. I went to the garage, opened the door. Can you see it? - Oh, look at that. - Have a look at that. - [Perifractic] Yeah, I just noticed. - [AJ] Why is there a weld there when this is bolted on? - [Perifractic] So that's just an actor? - [AJ] That's an actor, but the hinge is removed. Does that look like it's a good weld? - [Perifractic] No. - [AJ] Like it's doing anything? It's kind of a mess. - Stupid actor. - And you know, (laughing) little stuff like that. - Love that. Wow. Weld, I never. - Where do you get your wit? It's cheesy, but very nice. - A bad book. - So here's another one. You see that? That's a loop that some of the bungee straps and other straps would've been tied to to hold stuff down inside of this car. Here's another one right here. They're not real practical with the carpet there, so the carpet would've been pretty much removed by the time these things were put in. - Well, there's little telltale signs of history. I love it. - But have a look at here. There are scenes in "Knight Rider" where you can actually see the bracket still on this with those holes exactly right there. - Wow. This always threw me as a kid. I always thought K.I.T.T. was somehow over here. - [AJ] Yes, and there's a very logical reason for that. - Because Michael was always turned. - And there's a very logical reason for that. - What's that? - If he was sitting in this very car, what did I say didn't exist? - Anything. - Right, except for the shell. So he hears a voice of let's call it the script girl. - [Perifractic] The K.I.T.T. was the woman. - At that time. It could have been anyone. There was usually one of the studio radios in the car and the script girl was probably, or the script person was on the camera car, which was towing this car. And so you see a shell of a dash. There's probably a microphone taped here. You're gonna have a big camera which effectively does what this does. And so David would just be talking. And well, where's the radio placed? Probably over here. - Yeah. - So what is he doing? He's talking to where he hears the sound coming from. - See, I knew I thought that for a reason as a kid. - Yeah. - And how incredible is it to actually get to sit in it now? I can find out where anything is at this point. And I did just, while he was talking, notice the gear stick 'cause of course, that famously moves itself in those sequences. - [AJ] On the stage, it does, yes. - [Perifractic] And this looks like the real deal to me. - It's the real deal. - It's the original. - It's the real deal. Now, here's what I can't tell you. - Yeah. - Did this knob survive all of this time or did the person before me get a nicer one out of a wrecked Pontiac, right? Or was it missing? We're gonna have to look at our shots from him when he acquired it. - And of course, he would famously be punching buttons up here. - Now, I will tell you this. - Yeah. - We have every reason to believe that the overhead console you're looking at is from the show. So if you want to have a moment where you really touch K.I.T.T.'s DNA when it comes to a dashboard part for real, now you're doing it. - Oh, they work. They only bloody work. - [Ladyfractic] You just turned the lights off. - How did I do that? They only bloody. K.I.T.T., I don't know what these do. Do we know what these did? - In recently watching an episode of Goliath, I noticed that when he was answering a call from Devon and Michael would just start punching buttons, he was actually punching with the thumb back here where there was nothing. - Interesting. - And you could see that there was nothing there and he was just punching it. And of course, the sound effects guys would put in the beep boop boop. - Yeah. I think there was a K.I.T.T. in a museum in the UK when I was a kid or somehow someone had made a replica and I got to see it. And I can remember from a distance behind ropes peering in to the dash. - [AJ] We should work together to try to figure out exactly which car that was. - [Perifractic] Oh wow. This whole assembly is very, it's all been very weird to me. - [AJ] It's very wobbly. - [Perifractic] It's wobbly to me as well. This was added by you guys or this was all part of? - Oh no. We're pretty sure that this didn't have much or any of a dash in it by the time it went to Carl Casper. So what you're looking at is the same setup that Carl Casper used in all of his tour cars. These are from basically 1987, '88. Made by the same guys or whoever they were, the same craftsmen. - The model makers, yeah. - That would've made these. And of course, they look pretty close and they are pretty close. But once you get really in there, you can see that, well, this was done differently than they did it at the studio. I mean, if you were to look at a closeup, you'd say, yeah, that's not right. That's not what we see on screen. We consider this the original dash shape because it came from Carl Casper and he did have the moulds from the studio because he was under contract to make these things while "Knight Rider" was running. So there's only one place he would've gotten those moulds. It was from Universal Studios. - That makes perfect sense. - By the time that this car was saved from its decrepit state, there were pieces missing. This was not there. - Of course, yeah. - So I'm gonna tell you right now, this is actually a replica piece. This is not. These were gone. These are a replica piece. - Okay. - [AJ] And everything, every single replica steering wheel you'll have today is far better built. - Yeah. - [AJ] And will stand up to real life abuse whereas this never will. They broke those things all the time. - And it's so light as well. K.I.T.T., power up. Love it. (laughing) K.I.T.T., power up. Love it. - I have to say this about replicas. And I'll have to say this about the replica you sat in. - Yeah. - It's so cool in a different way to sit in a replica because it functions so much more like the way you imagined it did on TV. - David would have just had silence. - And all he could do is look at the silent televisions. After it went through its tour, its car show tour life, then it ended up at an auction lot in San Diego with one of the T-tops missing for years. And so of course, we had animals crawling in here. - Wow. - And-- - You still do. - So the entire interior was rotted out. - I said you still do. You're an animal. - Oh, I'm you animal? (laughing) You filthy animal. So it's been rescued more than once. - More than once. Well said. The windshield. - Yeah. - Which by the way, has no shading here for that very reason, so that it doesn't block David's forehead. - Wait, this is original glass? - Yes, that's original glass. You wanna talk about K.I.T.T.'s DNA? - One thing I shouldn't touch is the thing I want to touch. It's the glass. - You can touch the glass. So that hook right there, we see that exact coat hook on camera all the time when we see interior shots. - Okay. What is this pull thing? - Oh yes, that pull thing. - Pop the trunk, K.I.T.T. - Yes, it works. - Is it able to be pulled? - Yes. - May I pull it? - It takes two hands. You need to stand outside the car. - Does it really? Oh, okay. Very good. Love it. So let's step out. There's no ejector seat though just in case you were waiting. - [AJ] Even though we have the button. - Wait. Oh, it does have the button. Now, if you're wondering why I'm suddenly awkwardly on the floor with AJ, we haven't just had a fight and I knocked him out, but he's gonna show us some things that are under this car. - So this is the camera tow by receiver that the camera car would hook a big draw bar up to that was connected to the camera car. And the camera car would pull this car. - [Perifractic] And what's the steel plate in the centre there? - Oh. Can you imagine how many rocks they drove over in this car? Can you imagine how many obstacles? This car has seen some height. Let's just say it that way. It's definitely seen some height. Not 40 feet in the air, but it's definitely seen some height. This is the plaque that the Petersen made for this car. - And you are gifting this to us, which is very kind of you. - Isn't that nice? - No? Oh, I misread, I misread this situation. Is he on display right now or is he? - Yes. - So, why is he down here? - Because we invited you for this special day, I arranged for the car to be here in the studio. - That's so kind. What if some guy had bought tickets today especially to see K.I.T.T.? - Hopefully, they'd speak up and somebody at the museum would say, oh, well, let's bring you up here. - I would love that. - I literally just watched an episode of it, the first episode, the violent episode of it. - [AJ] This very car was in that episode. - Like three months ago. - [AJ] Yup, this exact car. - That is so badass. - And yesterday, I had an interview session with Michael Scheffe. And they sat in those red chairs in front of K.I.T.T. here in the studio and I was over there. - So you're telling me the designer of this car-- - Was sitting in a chair right where I'm standing yesterday and I had dinner with him. Why did we put four there? I think at the time that this was written, we weren't quite sure whether there was three or four cars procured originally. - [Perifractic] Interesting, okay. - [AJ] And since then, we have pretty much with high, we have a high degree of certainty that there were only three. - Yeah. - [AJ] Which makes this much easier. It does. - And of course, the spoiler. This is original or? - It should be. - And would you believe that Ladyfractic has appeared? I think it's only fair that we give her a turn in K.I.T.T. as well. Would you like to jump in? - Yes. - Okay. - I can't believe they left me to dog sit. - My legs aren't as long as yours. Oh. - [Perifractic] They're not as hairy either. - Not today. Oh, wow. So when I was a little girl, I spent a lot of time at Universal Studios. My name's Ladyfractic and I'm on vacation. I have vague memories of sitting in a car that spoke to me and I didn't kind of put it together until we started talking about it and how it was like, yeah, you know, it was at Universal. And I remember hearing like, "Hello, little girl." And I was like, "Hello." And I remember the angle being much, much lower and not being able to see over the dash and just looking directly into the screen. So this is only 10 years later. No, I'm just kidding. 20 years later, here we are. - In that period of time, you could have sat in one of two cars. Depending on which car it was, we may own it. - That's amazing. This is so fun. I feel like I can't take this for granted because I know that there's millions of people out there who would love to be in my shoes, in this seat right now, and to kind of relive their childhood. It's very special. - That means a lot to the Knight Rider Historians, to me, to Joe. - Thank you so very much. And there's only one thing left to do, which is a turbo boost. (turbos whirring) (laughing) - As I'm here and I've got the opportunity, and for any of you who've been watching the KITTesla videos, we thought we'd try using the K.I.T.T. app in K.I.T.T. And it could be the first time the real K.I.T.T. voice has kind of emanated from this general area possibly. - It very well could be. That was awesome! - That kind of does something, doesn't it? This morning, I got an email from the guy who wrote this app 10 years ago. - Oh, 10 years ago? - Yeah. He just found out about my videos. He downloaded his invoice from the App Store and wondered-- - [K.I.T.T.] Good idea. - It is a good idea. - It is a good idea, K.I.T.T. - And wondered why he'd suddenly sold hundreds of extra copies. So he realised what was going on, dropped me an email, and it has spurred him to now update this app. And he's gonna bring some new AI technology and possibly K.I.T.T. voice synthesis to the app in a future update now. - And tell me Retro Recipes hasn't become an influencer. - I'm an influencer. What do you think about that, K.I.T.T.? - [K.I.T.T.] My data banks have nothing on it. - Oh, influencers wouldn't have been around in his day and age. - No. - No. By the way, K.I.T.T., this is my friend AJ. - [K.I.T.T.] Allow me to introduce myself. I am K.I.T.T. whom you may regard as the voice of the Knight 2000. - Thank you, K.I.T.T. Do you realise where you are now? - [K.I.T.T.] I don't follow your logic. - No, I can't imagine you would. - [K.I.T.T.] I'm speechless. - So am I! - [K.I.T.T.] Did I tell you about my cousin who thought he was an orange? Well, we want to put him away except we needed the juice. - And you guys thought my jokes were bad. - (laughing) It was perfect! - [Perifractic] Hey K.I.T.T., I think it's time for bed. - [K.I.T.T.] Not now. I have a headache. - Fine. Typical. - [AJ] Typical. K.I.T.T., have you ever heard of the Knight Rider Historians? - [K.I.T.T.] I don't understand. - [AJ] That's what I was afraid of. - [Perifractic] They're on YouTube. K.I.T.T., have you ever seen YouTube? - [K.I.T.T.] Yes. - [Perifractic] Oh, well, they're on there. You can find them. will link you there as well. - [K.I.T.T.] I certainly hope not. (laughing) - How rude! - How rude! K.I.T.T., we keep the memory of you alive. - [K.I.T.T.] Why? - [Perifractic] Because, K.I.T.T., I love you. - [K.I.T.T.] Thank you. The feeling's mutual. - Thank you. K.I.T.T., you're beside yourself. - [K.I.T.T.] Whatever you say. (laughing) - Glorious. All right, I'm gonna put him away before he says something too good. K.I.T.T. is gonna pop the hood here. - One of the things I want you to pay attention to first actually. Put your hand here. - Oh, it's warm. - Quite. - Why, electrics? - Yes. - [Perifractic] Yeah. - So the replica that you saw, which is excellent, uses a modern scanner, LEDs. They run cool. This is original equipment from 1982, 40 years ago. The only way to get the lights as bright as the directors needed it was to use 55-watt halogen bulbs in each segment, which is why they radiate a tonne of heat. Now, I wish I could tell you that this was the original scanner bar. It isn't because that's one of the first things that gets stolen when K.I.T.T. is left unattended. - Of course. - I have some replica circuitry here, which actually is a replica of the original circuitry used in the show. I don't want you to show that. Let's go to the vintage computer geek in both of us. - Yeah, yeah, yeah. - Wire wrapped. - PCBWay! - PCBWay! (laughing) Do we have to do it? Wait. - We can do it. - PCBWay! So this is a circuitry that I've personally put together myself to replicate the original look for the original car since we didn't have that circuitry that came with the car. It's long since gone. - Now, can I take a closer look at these chips? - Yes, I want you to. - A Motorola processor? - [AJ] That's right. - Oh, you do know the function of each of these. - Absolutely. - But it's a very nice PCB, I have to say. - It is. - Which reminds me, this video of course, is sponsored by PCBWay! - PCBWay! - They make great quality PCBs starting at just five bucks. This one's probably a bit more expensive 'cause AJ, as we all know, PCB stands for perfect car bonnet. That's what we say in England. - Do you notice? - The trailing, yes. - So when we see it on camera, it rarely goes this slow. More often, it's more like this. - [Perifractic] I was about to ask you what those knobs and switches do. Yeah. - [AJ] Actually, the trailing effect was originally programmed into the original scanner. We didn't realise that til we got ahold of the original plans from the original guy and recreated it. - [Perifractic] So it's fading down each light? - So have a look. I just stopped the sequence and it's running at that segment of the programme. - Yeah. - You see that? I froze it. - So you have 25%, 50%, 75, 100? - [AJ] That is how he wrote the programme. - Yeah. - It just simply pulses those lights in that order and every step is a change. It has different sequences that you only see early in the show. Once this one quit working, they never recreated it. It's quite a complex circuit. And without PCBWay, this would've been wire wrapped. - Yeah. - Hand done, wire wrapped in an aluminium case. And the later versions used relays instead of transistors. - And this is a red gel, so the bulbs are actually white? - Plexiglass. - Plexiglas. - Mm-hmm. You never saw that one, but it was built into the circuitry. You'll see either this pattern or the inverse of this pattern in that original commercial, which was the first time, the first commercial that was ever aired to advertise "Knight Rider" in 1982. - Now, there's "Knight Rider" and it can do a lot more than jump puddles. See why "Knight Rider" can give you bigger thrills on Friday night with the fastest show in television. (exciting synthesiser music) - These are hydraulic lift cylinders because we know that this car was actually used as one of the high traction dropdown cars that you'll see. That's when K.I.T.T. needs to be four-wheeling off road and the car is lifted up. That, of course, was really done on a real car. We believe that there were two of those cars and this is certainly one of them. - I didn't even think that there would be a story behind this. - There's a story with everything in this car. - There's a story with everything. - This had fallen off. - Oh no, oh no. I do have a small gift, which is really nothing, but for you and Joe. So this is a Retro Recipes badge, which gets you free entry to a small number of retro museums, computing museums. They're on my website. - Nice. Yeah. Thank you very much. And I would like to return the gift. - See, I've been admiring this thing that you've been wearing and modelling through the shoot. Well, thank you. - I'd like each of you to have your own Knight Rider Historians T-shirt. - Available at - It's true. - 'Cause as we all know, KRH stands for Knight Rider Historians. - Knight Rider Historians. - Thank you so much. That is very kind, very kind. - You're welcome. I had a medium for Ladyfractic 'cause I thought, you know. - Like a psychic medium? - No, yeah, like one of those. - Oh, a medium T-shirt? - A medium size T-shirt. And I didn't realise that Michael Scheffe wanted a medium instead of a large. And so I gave yours to him yesterday when I interviewed him here with K.I.T.T. I'm sorry. And I'd like to get you a more proper size, but for you, I'll let you choose between large or extra large. - I'll take extra large and this will be Ladyfractics. - Okay, all right. - Michael Scheffe, we want our T-shirt back, but also thank you for my childhood. We should wrap up this episode seriously though, but thank you so much to the kite ride historian. Here he is himself. Thank you so much, AJ. And thanks to Joe who's back home for allowing us this incredible possibility. Thank you. - You're welcome. (soft electronic music) - I hope that a lot more of our fans and followers will actually come and visit it in real life. - At the Petersen. - At the Petersen. - It is at the Petersen Automotive Museum in Los Angeles and it is currently in the vault. So you must get a tour to the vault. - Forget the bushes. (laughing)
Channel: Retro Recipes
Views: 1,377,641
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: peterson museum, tv cars, knight rider car, night rider, kit, k.i.t.t., kitt, screen used, original, hero car, classic cars, movie locations, universal studios, knight rider theme song, retro, David Hasselhoff, haselhoff, self driving, vintage cars, 1980s, 80s, 80s tv shows, Tv cars, air wolf, automobiles, autos, cars, knight rider 2000, knight rider 2025 trailer, knight rider kitt, knight rider theme, knight rider theme music, knight rider theme remix, motoring, Tv shows
Id: lw913fpb3lM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 35min 57sec (2157 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 20 2022
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