this STRANGE Minecraft Base was hiding a HUGE secret.. (RAIDED)

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okay last video I was definitely more prepared than I am now like if you look at my venturi there's nothing there's nothing I'm poor look at my face this is a face of a rich man but we're starting this video in the same place we started the last one obviously you guys killed that video I've never seen a video do that well let's see if we can do the same again to forget smash 3000 likes it be insane if we could before we go to today's raid let's grab we'll take Brian's head why not that can be ours out come on Ryan you come on with us even in spirit Oh guys today's video is a very very very teleporting weird raid I don't really know how to explain it basically it's an over claimed raid in some senses but of like the actual base I think it's this way West am I facing West I am indeed it's probably the weirdest thing in the world I'm gonna be honest it's probably strange these guys have to floating like obsidian boxes in the sky and they're over claimable by so much if I ever chaos as you guys can see on screen guys are worth one point six million dollars but over claimable by like that amount of claim so what we're gonna do is we're actually gonna build up before we go over because we need to kind of like work our way up I don't know guys obviously like mine the spoilers and stuff or like know that I'm here because there is a guy online and these are like the majority of their claims so either way I think we need to be you know somewhat quick as we spend it like little art studio out 35 minutes blocking up in a straight line okay last video I didn't fall off so we're gonna hope that I don't do it this one because you know like never strikes twice or is it lightning lightning never strikes twice here we go we should near enough to be where I want to be I think this will be a good enough height I think we'll call it that is and what we'll do is we'll just start blocking across until we get into like the chaos claims we're gonna need to be like very very okay there it is and there we go we we conquered the chunk we didn't take the chunk we conquered the jungle now we just kind of need to like move across looking back I probably could have done this like a lot easier if I were smart off but I'm not I'm also really worried that I'm gonna fall to my death well you start let me fall to my death I see what I might just do is just claim literally everything but I'm a bit worried if I do that the guy's gonna like if he is in the base he's literally okay we see like the smaller base that's the smaller one down there okay I've turned see chunk on so we can actually do this a little bit quicker because it'll show us when we're actually getting into like the new claim but if I look up you guys can see this is the floating like obsidian box I was actually on about these two up here now both of these I think do have things in I did slash chunk info a little bit ago and they're worse Warner's so hopefully we will get spoilers from today as like I said when the next 35 minutes blocking up 24/7 if you guys do enjoy this video it make sure you guys do like and subscribe make sure you guys turning on post notifications when you are subscribing so you know when I post a video here enough every day at 8:30 p.m. BST GMT I'm gonna fall to my death now I'm an idiot I meant to do all that I meant to lose my stuff that was the I lost Ryan's head I'm sorry okay what we're gonna have to do is lead you just quickly build as fast as we can that'll read the worst thing that could have happened to be honest it's my channel kind of this stuff always happens and that over there ladies and gentlemen is where we lost our lives I thought to be honest we may be able to like pull it off or maybe let you know like style points it but I think we failed miserably and our stuff should be gone I'm not sure if it will be I'm gonna hope to god it is that means the guy is in the chunk okay we should be okay let's not do that again is we did kind of mess up the first time as you guys know there's nothing if not persistent on this channel really should have set my home up top closer okay we finally made it up but the one thing I have and she just realized is we don't have a pickaxe okay I'm gonna be honest F blame s to 12 no - okay we got eight chunks out of that that's pretty much the entire base I think let's see if we can get like another one f3 okay that shouldn't be enough claims right there that should be enough but we have to quickly go get a pickaxe because we obviously very very prepared like a waste and we totally didn't forget something pickaxe come on we just need a pickaxe TNT now is not the time why is that everything in this base but a pickaxe none of us have a pig okay I did my warlord kit because that actually gets us like a set of people a natural pickaxe and stuff but we will have to go put silk touch on this in a minute I think so we're gonna just dig straight down and hope to god that something works yeah there still are spoilers here block this up right here and make sure nobody around these guys have skeletons bonus they've got zombies warned us there is a guy online I can see his name we'll just mind this down he seems to be not moving in the other box so we can actually take our time with this and when she gonna go over the him straightaway but we can literally just take our time with this because it's our base now we've taken this whole thing over not this videos done I do want to show you guys like what this base actually looks like cuz it looks really weird what we'll do is remind you straight down in the middle again but where he is is he like a console client oh he's actually here hello bow matters hyper he's worth $600,000 so let's just put him down we go and we should have a head that's worth a good bit amount of money guys in the comments right now want you guys to leave how much do you guys think his head is worth if you get it right I will heart your comment and I want no cheating all right you've got three seconds from now to guess its head is worth a hundred and thirty five thousand dollars at the insane amount do we think I just have a look around this base and just see what we want to take what's worth taking maybe or those custom in chance he's got some he's got a good ethereal three-book which might come in handy some castaway 300 it looks like a little bit of armor in here as well but that doesn't seem to be orchid that er squids bonus down here we need to go incheon and grab ourself silk touch I feel like we're doing this every video I mean it's kind of what you have to do right we kind of have to sit here and do it because I keep accidentally losing pickaxes 24/7 it's not my fault like the video thank you I feel like literally we do this every day let's grab our squid spawn us okay there's three of them that's actually quite a lot of money okay well PV these because these are very important to us and what we'll do now is start making our way towards the other box where the algae are more spawn is because I want to make sure we have them for we actually start raiding otherwise we're gonna be like a really in trouble so I guess we can just leave that open for now no one's really gonna go in right I say that someone probably will oh here we go we are now back inside here so around the site it literally looks like nothing it might be something in here this looks like block stuff for a reason oh that's lava okay why is that larva eyebolt didn't do anything let's let you go grab the spawn assault chest nothing nothing great and let's actually graph or now we've flooded the area okay block that back up it's grab our skeletons bones there's only one and I was on B there is actually four that's actually good amount of money I'm happy with that that's such a like a good amount as bonus isn't it I'm gonna call you Jerry and you can be Barry and together we will be a team all right Jerry and Barry and after love you'll leave yeah be safe never do spawn let's have our way back to the other box where we can actually start maybe looting some of the stuff in this base because we did see there was a little bit AT&T as a fair bit amount of armor look at these bases right look how weird they are from the side it's like a little pyramid I've never really seen a base like this before I don't know if this is like the new meta you know it's what people are up to let's have a look through these chests now and start finding some stuff worth taking there's a little bit of TNT let's take all that also take most of the cobwebs - we'll put our pots in here because no one can actually come back let's go home base and just start moving this stuff like back and forth back and forth back and forth you guys know the process so TNT has now been acquired which is looking like a good signed for us because you know enough TNT is a good thing betweens we may be able to do a claimed raid soon or like an actual cannon base and we'll show how you guys think about that state your factions right now it's kind of just unclaimed raids and like different rates rather than claim rate so let's actually take all of this armor we're not going to leave anything behind today we're gonna just take it all this is all ours now it's got my copyright on it I don't copyright anything I don't even have a copyright if I did it would be on the armor let's just keep moving back and forth back and forth and hope to god that someone doesn't find a way back into this base if you guys are new to factions and you're kind of struggling to realize like how these guys are over claimable pretty much if you f who chaos again you guys can see that they have more land than they have power which means like you can over claim their land and take it is your own so this is now mine this is my base and toes this armor now this is mine as we take it back and forth now is it worth taking the pickaxe and stuff I'm not sure we'll take it anyway just for the sake of it and just have a look around at the rest of this area it's not looking like I look a lot it's left in this base there's a little bit of daily armor we're not gonna bother taking a pickaxe because you can never have too many some diamonds which we will sell there we go so look alike I think that's pretty much it for the rest of this base now I'm very surprised there wasn't more in it let's go home base and actually take all this stuff back before we end up losing it because knowing me I will somehow lose it which probably isn't a good thing we need to find an empty chest for this otherwise we're gonna be in trouble also right if you're watching I'm sorry about the head it wasn't my fault I didn't do it didn't do it it was somebody else I I can testify that in court I mean I'd be lying but that's really not the point but going back into this base for the very last time or one at the very last time so I actually do wanna go see if anything was in like this lava thing over here look at that the sun's out we're in a pool we're swimming but killing it right now I also can't find the way back in there it is it's over here let's actually just grab a fireball nothing weapon okay nothing Apple at all but can we use like a lava thick okay lychee is just lava it's literally just a pool of lava so what's the point of that there's nothing even in it I'm so disappointed in myself I think that's pretty much gonna be it for this raid I'm gonna be surprised if there was anything like secretly hidden in here I don't think there will be or there actually was I mean we'll take the fishing with us for good luck this was ours now and what we're gonna do because it is Friday we are gonna use slash clean perk and grab ourselves our free charms because charm czar important thing in the world we're gonna do to end of this video it's actually open a few charms up because we actually do have two more ancient from last week and I think that's it in terms of charms will go to slash crate not such crate with one eat you need an S on the end there we'll start with the four ancient charms and hope to god we get something good out of this as it's a temp command in there I'm not actually sure there is comeback tempo command okay it's slash craft we don't want it we don't want you go away beyond ourselves for basic enchants and 32 golden apples not looking fantastic to be honest I mean the in child suck they also can't spell dispose that's hurt on the ego so just power open these just okay we actually get like we didn't actually get that much or like anything great we've got four more basic engines and two bloody notes doing anything good no nothing good at all and we're gonna move on now who are lovely enchanted charm the best charm out of the set and we're just gonna open it up right now and hopefully we get something good from this I'm gonna hope we get something good from this we might not get anything I'm gonna be honest it's my luck we never really get anything anyway ourselves we got two kids I love two kids I love getting a mercenary in a general kit from a charm this makes my life absolutely fantastic guys I'm thinking for the next video on this channel what I want to do if I do go to home base is I want to make this a giant PvP arena and actually give our stuff away now I might talk to Ryan about this first because if someone does find it beforehand we're kind of like you know out of luck but I don't think anybody well we should be okay guys that's what we're gonna end this video today guys if you do want to see that in the next video make sure you guys do like and subscribe make sure you guys are turning on post notifications now you guys so much for watching today's video as I take off my lovely little helmet with my eyes completely back to normal thank you guys so much for watching I'll see you guys tomorrow hopefully with another video bye Optifine isn't zooming I don't have a zoom TNT to came at my body thank you guys so much for watching I'll see you guys tomorrow I'll tell you I'll bring the fov really close and good bye
Channel: JamieRaven
Views: 85,704
Rating: 4.9031978 out of 5
Keywords: factionsraven, factions raven, factionsraven raiding, raiding in minecraft, mine craft, minecraft, minecraft factions, raven, minecraft video, minecraft funny, no cursing, kid friendly, kid friendly minecraft, minecraft base, minecraft tnt, 1.8 minecraft, strange factions base, weird factions, toxic minecraft, this STRANGE Minecraft Base was hiding a HUGE secret.. (RAIDED), raiding minecraft servers, raiding, huge secret, secret minecraft base
Id: 1P2iJAghETk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 45sec (645 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 02 2019
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