This Simulator Shows Why the A-10 was an Air-To-Ground MONSTER - DCS

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so I've got an F-18 that's trying to follow me right now I'm going to throttle down to a speedy he cannot follow me at one seven if you're just gonna follow me in game this is the sort of uh the sort of shenanigans I will put you up to let's see if he can hold this is his landing speed there is no way what are you doing bud you having fun back there let's do what dude the AOA this man is pulling to be able to keep up with an A10 [Music] I'm a terrible Sim pilot after two years I still somehow managed to get into flat spins with a modern fighter jet slay my wing against the ground while evading missiles and forget to turn my master arm on all the time but the agency does a lot of stuff behind the scenes to help even a piss-poor pilot become a dead accurate killing machine GPS guided bombs that tell you when to pull the trigger a targeting pod to help you spot a single man with a stinger missile at 30 miles or my favorite feature of this feral hog basically everything surrounding the gun foreign Avenger is a 30 millimeter Gatling gun of goodness capable of firing up to 3 900 rounds per minute at 3 300 feet per second the gun is just under 1 6 of the entire aircraft's dry weight and when removed from the aircraft you have to put a jack stand behind the A-10 because the rear will start to fall backwards towards the ground from the lack of weight in the front and when aiming an aircraft to hit a Target on the ground with a cannon it's difficult to get a Crosshair dead on Target and especially difficult to stay there when firing so the A-10 has a system called gun pack or Precision attitude control this little feature allows you to sway the Crosshair over a Target like a controller user without aim assist then simply squeeze on the first stage of your trigger to hard lock the A10 onto the target gun pack then adjust to your pitch your roll your yaw to help mitigate any recoil of a giant 30 millimeter cannon on the front of your plane and believe it or not in the development of the A10 it was discovered that the oxygen siphoned air from the gun going Bert was going straight into the intake the engineers tried hundreds of different fixes longer Barrel muzzle devices and my favorite this sad long face a tin it looks like this obscure family dog cartoon I watched once when I was little their dog's not a winner is it honey of course not good luck bye-bye and they eventually just wired up the engine igniters to run in full auto mode whenever the gun fired so if the engine happened to inhale some carbon dioxide and enough oxygen it might just restart right where it left off after the burst was done pretty neat anywho in today's video I've got two fun sorties for you the first one actually covers some anti-sam site action with the agm-65 Mavericks and the second one at this time code or in the chapter you can scroll to see it on the video has more many more births and bombs if that's your liking also thank you so much for 1.6 million subscribers it's absolutely insane I don't know where you're all coming from thanks for watching I appreciate you oh look at that how cool I've got a three ship of Froggies heck yeah go third froggy go third froggy go these guys are gonna be shredding whatever Sam sites they come across you get three frog foots up in the air you can uh you can do some work on some Sam sites with that I think they're carrying the uh anti-radiation missiles as well so they're they're set up and ready to go all right let's find what objective we can do let me get us on our left hand turn on a path autopilot on a semi countermeasure System Program and get us flying roughly one two zero one two all right right so a lot of the 18c2's work is done through the lightning pod which is just over there that's it it can uh it can look around a little bit you can see me turning it looking around I can zoom in on things I can go thermal white hot black hot all that sort of stuff it's a pretty cool system I can use the lightning pod to designate a target for because it's really high definition camera it's a super super high Zoom super high definition thermal camera I can use it to send a message of where the Maverick should look and then I can fire Mavericks from a from a Target that I or at a Target that I designated with the lightning super cool just look like 2C 2 T 72s there was that some sort of shulka or tanuska and another tank way up that way okay whoa and someone's popping flares yep gosh those flares are so bright on the thermal it's funny oh good Shack oh very nice he uh he did a few shots there with the Mavericks okay we got some bmd some sort of tangoose guy overall always forget the names of which one that is that the shell cartoon music I don't know it's one of them it's a thing it's engines hot so we should be able to get a Maverick on it pretty easily and I'm going to the speed right there our Maverick should be loaded now slew that to where we're looking zoom in can't see it quite yet but we're uh still 18 miles out 13 miles this launch on the front yep A10 shooting I don't see any enemies replying with missiles he took a really evasive maneuver after that shot let's switch my channel up to five three okay I don't know what he shot it right then I'm gonna go in for a pretty quick run though whatever he hits it should Splash before I shoot okay getting within range now I can still see the two okay I'm starting to see the engine now of that bmd I think that's a bmd it's a little tiny thing I've seen them in the the Ukrainian War right now I've seen I saw them being used at the very beginning of it I don't know what their purpose is I wonder if they were made before the BMP something like that okay yeah he shot something else all right we've got the lock that's a missile from the front Okay that's intercepts from that shulka all right we're gonna shoot we're at six miles okay rifle one times and I'm gonna hold this one just for a second so it's going really fast because they're gonna try to intercept it wait five miles make sure this one's going really quick okay rifle times two oh they shot the other uh A10 down crap are there a Tin Man's dead I saw his black smoke you have now they're shooting at me altitude altitude pull up pull up I am dodging that thank you don't want any part in that oh wow that missile was right above me I barely dodged that I didn't even know there might be something else here maybe I don't know because if that missile was able to reach like that I don't know maybe it just didn't have a lot of uh a lot of smoke from the propellant okay I think I hit the target I saw a new Splash there a new smoke cloud looked more like dust Caked Up from the ground rotate around I'm getting nails from mig-29s and an essay 19 on the rear left yeah oh clouds the whole scope's looking clear right now still getting tons of 29 nails off to my front right so we might have some flankers inbound which is not good it's that what's that I see it I see it I see you a little sensor boy all right slave the Maverick over to it lock it up we get the lock rifle I'm gonna ask Overlord what's going on one three six okie dokie Overlord Draco 1-1 set tripwire 15. warning 15 nautical miles I'm gonna do a altitude hold just altitude so we'll have a good little circle to work with here made him want one Overlord coffee warning 40 nautical miles oh there's some things so I'm picking those up on visual but on thermal they're almost invisible jeez okay it's going to hit that yeah sometimes you have to go off thermal because the ground is so kind of dotted with weird colors weird temperatures rifle on that and there was something else there too off to its left was it that there maybe it's that that rifle yeah there was something else there was on the front I'm Gonna Act Like that's a stinger nope we're clear whoa okay I thought he I thought he was taking a missile he did he almost took a missile dang wow that was uh lucky that I checked that direction where was that that was over there somewhere okay I'm gonna open up and look at that area now that was close oh my gosh that was so close Draco one one on three zero uh I just ran out of Mavericks and there's so many uh Sam sense over there I'm gonna re-arm uh damn it Jacob okay he was just telling me he's gotta go he's out of maths I'm looking for the same same oh oh yep where behind Okay that's friendly yeah I see you look at him looking at me oh oh geez that's scary man oh wait not soy Draco one three zero pull up pull up a lot of people calling me right now okay we're at a Mavericks we killed it killed that one dude there's so much there oh man I don't I think I'm just gonna have to get more Mavericks I don't think there's another way that I can handle all that um yeah those are multiple tanks I think yeah multiple tanks we would have to GPU we'd have to uh not GPU we have to go really high and try to Loft some bombs I don't think that's gonna work I think I'm also going to go cold to re-arm Mavericks because this is insanity AAA wise yeah you know what we're gonna go home we still got 250 flares we're all right oh there's a crazy sidewind too there is a crazy side wind oh man I can feel it oh yeah look at the nose traffic okay the A10 to be fair is just such a stable plane it you can land it at such a range of speeds and it doesn't care you I think you can probably land as slow as 120 knots up to probably 140. if you really wanted to but like that range is so much bigger than like the F-18 Landing or F-16 especially F-16 really likes to land fast mig-21 Biz that thing lands like a pencil there is no lift on that bird at all you are a flying rocket okie dokie that was fun well well I'm I'm gonna quote the battlefield 2042 guy well well well that was fun after the end of a of a post-apocalyptic battle for mankind well well well that was fun or what is the wingsuit lady say again she says uh she's like was that it she says something really cocky like that and it's so funny you just really wonder like I don't know I like I these games are War Games you know they're about war which is a terrible thing and I really like when war games I like when War Games take themselves seriously because war is war war is bad yeah because these games are naturally supposed to like like Battlefield 1 for example Battlefield 1 is a beautiful indication of just how like brutal World War one was and the campaign has like okay you know way of showing that um but the the gameplay itself is brutal you hit people with shovels you're smacking down lines of dudes with a bolt action rifle with your hands and rifle covered in snow and mud for Battlefield to go from that to you know a fictional uh post-apocalyptic futuristic scenario it's just kind of silly gosh look at that hunka hunk just just look at that hunk I'm not even gonna say any other words just hunk oh my gosh the wind there's been a lot of people working on this objective for a few minutes though so I think the Sams have calmed down maybe oh yep there's something there I see you gonna get that with a Maverick yeah I see you buddy little stinker what do you think you're doing hiding one time I uh sister and I were sneaking up on a Boy Scout camp when we were little and it was near our property we sneak up on it and prank the Boy Scouts all the time and one time one of the Boy Scout leaders spotted us because we were dumb and we were silhouetting against the night sky and he goes uh he screamed at us both he goes what y'all think oh are doing up there y'all think y'all are hiding and my sister Ali froze and uh I was like Ally we gotta run and Ally was just frozen in fear like she thought we were gonna be killed I was like just run and uh so we ran across this field we sprinted as fast as we could Sprint across this field it's like 10 P.M Ali had a flashlight in her pocket she lost her flashlight we had to go back out there the next day we found it it's pretty funny we um oh man I don't know if I can be monetized if I tell the stories we would uh oh there's something there we had airsoft guns and uh we would shoot um canoes next to the Boy Scouts and we would also shoot their tints as they were sleeping and one boy scout was like yelling like someone's poking my tent someone's pranking me and the counselors would come walking over and they'd be like no nobody's messing with you dude like we can see your tint nobody's poking your tent he's like but somebody's poking my tin and we're just sitting out there giggling in the trees we were we took it so seriously we wore ghillie suits we had uh hides that we built throughout the day so that we'd be camouflaged at night dude it was it was a it was a special operations mission for us Mission destroyed Boy Scouts sanity we'd make like scary goat calls in the middle of the night like scary noises and you know the inhale scream you can do I don't know some people can do like the inhale scream we used to do that in the middle night like 2 A.M that's a good one not that one yeah I've never really told that story on the YouTube I've told it on Twitch on the twitch Stream So follow the twitch streams if you haven't uh I can't see anything else though yeah we would uh we kept shooting this one kid's tint and he kept yelling at the counselors saying someone's messing with me and the counselors didn't believe him so they were yelling at the kid they were like shut up you're fine nothing's happening and he's like someone poking we were shooting babies like 90 yards with an airsoft gun by the time it reaches the tin it's probably going 50 FPS it's just so slow Airsoft BBS they wouldn't pin the tent they wouldn't hurt anybody that is uh it's pretty funny whoa did I just see a uh I don't know if I thought I saw a missile never mind okay fifteen thousand he's above me quite a bit is there anything here buddy he's not getting shot up on anything foreign I see that frog s I think the flanker just fired on me nope someone fired on something though pull up pull up make him want one red bronze there we go again whoa what the whoa man that came right on top of me oh my gosh this guy's flying higher and closer towards them oh yeah now he knows now he knows holy crap can't believe he didn't get shot first I was like notching yep there he goes can't beat the flankers missiles man oh man we both just got destroyed not enough cap in the skies right now I guess well someone is acting the wrong way [Applause] which way is the wind coming in [Applause] I think you know what maybe you're right everybody else yep runway04 is the correct uh active on an apple right now my bad uh I don't know I guess I believed everyone you're good at Target as long as we take our turns taking off on the runways precisely [Laughter] let's see what else is there I think this is a strike but it could be a Sam no that's definitely a strike okay gun truck there's a dude nope you're gonna die you're gonna die buddy I'm gonna put a mark point on you so that I know exactly where you live that's a man with a stinger missile those are the most dangerous things on this entire server just a single man with a stinger highly dangerous very scary I don't like them that's a tree also very dangerous uh yeah I think that's gonna be it though I'm gonna hit the strella first I think and then I'm gonna try to get the AAA trucks with we're gonna try it with gun you know feeling a little cheeky come on Maverick get the lock we're getting closer the Mad pad oh there we go there's the lock all right rifle okay that thing right below it is not the AAA I don't want to lock on that I want to lock on that Overlord coffee okay pull up pull up I want to make sure I don't approach this uh Northern objective too quickly and I want to spot that AAA um or I want to spot the Stinger guy the man pad I didn't send the missile on the man pad now I sent it on the strella and AAA truck I don't know if I can lock on to a single man pad with this with a Maverick I would have to do like a picture lock which I forgot how to do that it's a bit more complex but we raised his missiles though Shaq one Shack two did we get it is there fire I don't see fire oh yep yep we got it cool um let's lessen the circle a little bit I need to go to pod right there perfect okay this is like the fastest the fastest fastest flying image I've ever seen there's an sa6 firing over there past our objective spooky okay there's the guy there he is that little bugger there he is good to speed on him all right I don't know what I'm gonna hit him with I'm gonna try oh did we hit him with a three mile gunshot I mean we could we got a point lock on the guy oh my gosh Pure Freedom all right I'm gonna do like a three mile gunshot three mile gunshot approved some altitude really quick so I can dive down on them all right here we go okay I shot all the he's his way oh it threw off the point track he's aiming oh oh it it popped right beside him I think he's dead he's dead boys we got him uh all right we're good we're good oh nope that man got toasted all right I'm gonna do a little weasel make sure there's no other man pads don't think there's gonna be I think it's just AAA now which is still dangerous but we're looking okay okay yep AAA Triple A yep AAA okay cool cool I think we've got no man pads I think we can go in guns on everything now what is that is that a uh that's an Arty truck I want to focus on the AAA first there's something there yep AAA okay I'm gonna go guns on that yeah this is a 30 mil Cannon I think um it's five rounds of AP and then one round of he is what the combat mix is that I'm using right now it's the standard combat mix wait what did I okay I'm gonna shoot at 1.5 oh there they go we almost got hit by the left AAA truck right there still shooting at us okay where are you you're invisible I can't see you oh you're off that way okay I think we're still good on on enemy air right now so we're quite lucky not have to be worrying about that on the server because sometimes at this time of night there's not enough uh people on to really like protect you that well dude that guy's looking at us look at him he is he is just tracking us Dead on Duel of the Fates needs to play it right now as I go in for this run got him I was gonna wait and see if I got him there yep Boop look at the others they're bouncing around I think they re uh ricocheted off the ground and then they're Landing there it's kind of neat something there I think another AAA truck some sort wait what the where'd it go yep there it is you know let's try to hit that guy with a bomb let's change it up do a GPS guided bomb from that truck let's see uh yeah let's do an interview one I know that's outer wing your inner wing actually wait that doesn't make sense out of wing first I'm silly goose okay he's shooting at us and pickle one times pull up pull up should land yeah five four three two one it's gonna land right in front of them but still should get him come on he's dead rest of peace ayton's so crazy you could just select the bomb just like that lines up everything for you very convenient bird does a lot of computing behind the scenes to make your bomb strikes hit accurately is that thing alive I don't know I'm gonna hit it again for fun right and I think that might be it for this objective I think we cleared it out nope it's still up let me skin around there might be like one Arty truck still alive somewhere I think everything threatening those dead uh do an autopilot okay that's still up yep that's probably like the last thing uh nails from I think 29 the heck oh I think it just counted as destroyed yep everything's gone okay so we cleared the objective so it deleted the last thing because sometimes the last thing is glitched or it's in a tree or in a rock or something so they have a program where it just deletes everything all right let's see what else we can go get yep magic okay we can go Northwest to there let me uh go straight North and get a autopilot set up so I don't have anything this is a okay altitude autopilot perfect just head north roughly krasno armeni skya okay let's get a mark there foreign there man I still don't understand this I still don't understand how to place a speed sometimes no idea uh oh got it okay right long okey dokey all right we're gonna go Mavericks first because I don't know what's there I think it's two different objectives too so it's gonna be a little bit more than what we were just fighting oh yeah oh yeah gun trucks strella right off the bat oh that's not oh that's a vegan is it chunker yeah yeah let's hit him first we're eight miles come on Maverick look forwards what the what are you doing Maverick oh no like a gimbal rolled damn it I got gimbal rolled why did that set the speed weird what is the Maverick doing great I don't know what about oh gosh we're gonna die because of Maverick okay I'm pulling off no I did something funny oh wait what the heck where the where what why did you go that way he went to krasnodar oh I don't want you to go crap I want you to go here not to crash in the door okay said autopilot we're gonna figure this out I want you to go to this marked point over this way yep right there right there perfect okay that's what I wanted you to do to before I don't know why you flew off it's just like Top Gun 2. it is the same game this is how they did it in the movie they argued with their software oh that's a missile okay I'm too close I'm four miles okay yep I get it multiple missile launches that's fun yep they don't like me okay let's mess up that guy's day in particular let's get that one he's looking at me funny okay okay slew come on Maverick do the thing slew to the speed come on yeah yeah yeah get him get him go hold up hold up oh they're shooting okay that should hit pretty soon six seconds oh we got clouded by the by the body the pods on the right wing Overlord okay we got it all right and I think he won one I am trying to shoot this I have mavericks on board that's weird it's pressing and holding the weapon release and it was not releasing huh maybe I don't know what just happened that was weird it had the lock master was on oh that's a 29 from the right okay yeah I think we're taking a missile from a aircraft right now I'm just gonna be popping lots of chaff trying to notch it best we can if that's at us I don't know whoa yep it was holy crap just went right behind his two missiles went right behind us okay oh yep I see him not the Sun hopefully my weapon release works now because it wasn't working for the Maverick that's still really far damn it my trigger's not working what why build one two overlords zero zero one nineteen Master Amazon what why is my trigger not working large weapon release web releases working here what's wrong what's wrong what's wrong damn it can I shoot my gun am I missing here landing gear what what when did my oh God no thank you oh damn it dude landing gear I dropped my landing gear win when did I drop my landing gear dude oh what a I must have done it between the Maverick shot and the last Maverick shot that I attempted that's funny [Music]
Channel: OperatorDrewski
Views: 1,310,449
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: dcs a10, dcs a10c ii, dcs a10c, a10
Id: 9Qj4pvK_wxk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 41min 34sec (2494 seconds)
Published: Tue Nov 22 2022
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