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this is my 3 300 day hardcore world and it's full of lots of Epic Builds that all have one thing in common they're made out of lots of blocks which is a problem because lots of blocks don't fit in my inventory but there's a solution ladies and gentlemen I give you the shulker box oh wait we don't have any if only we had an unlimited Supply once we filled this giant shulker box with shulker boxes we'll have an unlimited Supply so let's get to it to obtain shulker boxes we first need to go back to the basics one shulker box is made from two shulker shells and one shulker chest in the middle to make a delicious soccer Box sandwich so it looks like we need some wood thank you and bang that's 53 chests and for the second ingredient we need to head to the end and here we go our perfectly transformed end portal now we just fly away from the solar system and pass the flutter we should arrive at an end City so it's time to extract all the shulker shells our first victim you can hide there's no hiding from lockdown [Music] I get it you think you're clever not very clever anymore okay I'm pretty sure that's all the shulkers from this NC and we have enough to make eight shulker boxes there's gotta be a faster way of doing this so I left the end City and threw myself into the world of research trying to find a way to get thousands of shulker shows however I wasn't having any luck and I was starting to lose hope until I clicked on this video This is Gonna Save Us so much time oh wait that is a lot of resources but we better get collecting them if we want to have more than eight shulkers so the first material we're gonna collect is 1237 scaffolding so we need a lot of bamboo all right there might be some sad pandas now but we've got all the bamboo we're gonna need however there's still one more thing we need for scaffolding and that is string so let's wait till it goes night okay and it's time to hunt some spiders our first victim only like 200 more string to go oh my God it's spider Heaven they must know we need string or something this is actually a pretty decent way to get string we don't even need a string file foreign after a very painful night that is all the scaffolding collected but that's not the only difficult block we need to collect for this Farm we need over a thousand of these bad boys the only problem is I don't want to destroy my landscape to do it I mean look how beautiful it is so I've got an idea to build a really overpowered cobblestone generator that way we won't have to destroy our world but we'll be able to collect thousands of cobblestone in just a couple of minutes oh this video looks good does your inventory look like this and do you want it to look like this well you've came to the right video so welcome to the unlock of death Channel and this is how to make a cobblestone generator so the first thing you'll need is a bucket of lava the next thing a bucket of water and then you just do something like wait that's wrong and then you just do something like this oh wait that's that's Cobblestone does this guy know what he's doing and then you just do something like this and there you go you have unlimited Stone huh oh why is that Cobblestone I'm gonna find a better tutorial this tutorial looks better and this should be everything we need to build the farm all I need now is this pig to tell me where to build it over there okay [Music] and before we start it we also need a haste 2 Beacon yeah the resource blocks are not going to be a problem and he's too perfect all right let's test this thing out so I think it works like this oh okay let's see how much Stone it gets us in five minutes okay in five minutes we got oh that is a good amount of stone we should be able to make all the slabs we need we can also use these to get some stairs and some building blocks perfect and now we're moving on to some of the more random items we'll start off with 23 glowstones nice then 10 snow uh we need a shovel that's better and now five carved pumpkins and that's only three of the remaining 15 items so now I'm gonna quickly collect four pieces of glass six observers 10 powered rails two activator rails six levers three buttons two chests two Hoppers two fence gates two trap doors one piston one redstone torch one target block two Minecarts two armor stands 64 temporary bucks and one shulker wait how do I collect a shulker also I kind of need to breathe now okay I think I know how to capture shulkers now but before I do that we need to find a place to build our really overpowered Farm what if we just fly through one of these portals then it needs to be close to an end City whoa what the hell why is this like this yeah this is a weird place oh yeah this will do and does it have shulkers no we needed shulkers here oh my God leave me alone wait what oh my God our totem wasn't equipped and we nearly just died please have shulkers no why do I always kill them Elon husk tell me where an end city is please um this video is sponsored by brawl stars and their awesome range of toys brawl stars is a really fun multiplayer online battle arena game and finally after five years of the game being out their range of exciting toys are now available to buy at b m the Entertainer game Amazon and HMV as well as various other retailers around the world there are 24 cool collectible figures to collect so you'll have to be lucky to find the coolest characters there's also five awesome action figures to collect and they each come with their own accessories for example Spike has this Cactus weapon which is capable of dealing devastating damage to his opponents Owen both his arms and legs can move too I definitely think I like Spike the best finally my favorite toys are the amazing range of plushies available they're so soft and all the ones I have are very well made they even have keyring plushies so you can take your favorite characters with you wherever you go so don't forget to head out to any of the retailers I mentioned to get your hands on any of these awesome toys anyways a big thank you to PMI for sponsoring the video and let's get back to it okay please don't be looted no and whilst I'm flying I'm thinking of changing my Channel logo so just make sure you're ready to see that it'll probably be changed to my character rather than the egg timer logo okay this one's decently closed yes oh my God it has them okay and now we can actually start building the farm this place looks good but it would be nice if it was a bit more flat and now it's time to build one of the most overpowered shulker farms in the world well definitely in my world wait I think I just wasted 20 minutes because it would be cooler if we built the farm over the void I guess let's start building out oh this is so slow is there a faster way of doing this oh I've just found out there's an enchantment called Swift sneak and it enables you to move faster whilst holding shift which will make bridging so much faster the only problem with that is Swift sneak can only be found in ancient cities and they are very very scary so we need to make sure we're geared up come on foreign ly ready okay I'm pretty sure there's an ancient city down here that we've been to before Swift sneak is gonna make bridging so much faster Okay so somewhere in there it's a chest with swift sneak or at least I hope so all right here we go okay I'm just gonna shift why is there a heartbeat no okay don't push blocks it's so dark guys this is what it looks like for you but this is what it looks like for me yeah it's scary a chest oh [Music] um [Music] nope yes Swift's neat right I think our best chance go straight up into that cave okay go no I think yeah I think the wooden's getting summoned if we get up high enough he won't be able to hit us and yes we've escaped okay so it should be as simple as putting this on our leggings and oh my God yes I am crouching and this is so fast oh my God this is making bridging so much faster I guess let's just see how far into the void we can go okay I think this is far enough I guess now we just need a platform to actually put the sugar form on so and now the only thing stopping us from building this Farm is these guys perfect and it's time to build oh and by the way I'll be using this tutorial that's Linked In the description one two three four five six seven eight six seven eight now we go this way one two three four five six place a block and build a three by three platform out of slaps wow Swift sneak even helps with this and now this Farm's about to get a whole lot snowier because well we're adding the snow golems in one two three four and five looks pretty comfortable in there but it's about to get even more cramped because I'm gonna put some scaffolding there okay I should be able to place it just like oh [Music] and now we make a 10 by 10 platform but now it's time for scaffolding two three four five six seven we're gonna need a bunch of this I think we just need to do this all the way around I always think placing scaffolding sounds so nice okay I think this is going to be like one of the areas where shulkers are going to spawn and then we're going to put an armor stand here which is actually going to protect the shulker so it doesn't die a stone block piston facing this way and a lever and that's moved the armor stand along to the side of the block now it's time to go up slab here oh not like that [Music] okay next we come down here Place piston like that a regular block like this and a lever here and now we need to get out of the hole then behind here we are going to build a Observer clock I'm not exactly sure how to build one of these but let's just follow the tutorial oh it looks pretty easy actually it's just perfect yeah that's kind of annoying all right it's looking good but it is a bit dark so let's brighten it up a bit wait have I made a mistake because this should have one more slop ah okay I think I was missing a row of scaffolding here oh wait all these slabs are wrong too all right we finally managed to fix it oh my God I'm not making another mistake and now it's scaffolding time again and it slabs again we're literally just adding more and more layers to the farm like a sandwich so the shulkers have the maximum area to spawn okay it's time for another layer but this one's not gonna be like the others five blocks this way now we need it a bit wider oh wait no not like that this bit and then the rest of this can just be filled in with bottom slabs and now it's time to build the storage system but I've just realized we forgot to bring our chests all right so for this it's important to make sure none of these blocks are spawnable so basically no shulker box can move on to it and I want to extend this a bit from the tutorial and put a few more chests we need to make sure the additional chests are spawn proofed as well I think the shulkers are actually going to teleport to that we need to find another solution so I was looking in the comments of the tutorial for some solutions and this guy suggested using an auto drop system with Soul Sand because Soul Sand isn't a full block meaning shulkers can't teleport to it well then to the nether we go I know I should probably fix my shovel but it should be fine to just get this and it broke okay let's see how this goes all right this is very loud but now we should be alright if we surround this all with sultan okay and now we want to make sure that shulkers can't teleport onto the chest which means we need to build them under this platform so this is going to be difficult no it is pretty risky I'm in danger all right this should be low enough if we can get a block on the side of here nice okay and we can just build out the platform [Music] okay and then we'll replace all this dirt with bottom slabs I really hope I don't make a mistake here I think should be good enough we have buttons to hear it should make it even safer as well okay the storage system is looking good all right next we need to do something like this get out of the way so annoying now we just get rid of these and place a trap door like this yes now the next step is going to get rid of these guys all right now if we just fly away and go back over the end a minute gone and now it's back to making the sandwich [Music] okay now it's time to build some staircases then we do something like [Music] and the same on this side how did I miss that jump wait I'm just gonna stop this from making a noise because it's really annoying now we play some stairs like this and some levers over here okay now we just put activate arails here Howard rails here then we put a temporary one here then break it and yes the activator rail should go on a slope like this then we place powered rails up here go all the way up break this one then a slab like that and same on the other side looking good now we play slabs on all of this then a block here and slabs like this going across and now another sandwich layer are you kidding me we're nearly done with this farm and you have to come and ruin it goodbye anyways yeah we're nearly done so we just need to do something like this armor stands there I think and if we break this and this the armor stands should drop inside perfect okay now we just need to push some glass in so looks good then another bit of glass a button and a slab on top now to make the farm fully Enderman proof one two three four five glowstone and from here we just do the finishing touches to the sandwich okay we're nearly done there's just a few final things to do Minecart's there and there also we can put the Observer back now we need to make sure this lever is turned on like that we also need to make sure there's no possible blocks to shulker could teleport to so let's move all these and we don't have a shovel yeah I'm gonna go get one oh and whilst I'm here I'll grab a bunch of rails and Redstone torches okay this is a lover [Music] okay the farm is ready now it's time for operation shulker collection this operation is gonna have multiple steps and step number one is building a railway all the way from here to the end City [Applause] [Music] okay we've run out of rails so whilst we're here we might as well start step two which is gonna be getting potions so the shulker doesn't shoot us and Potions so we can heal the shulker we'll Chuck nether warts in each one of these then I believe golden carrots and this should give us night vision potions but lockdown live why do you need night vision potions well I'm glad you asked because we don't we're just gonna add some fermented spider eyes to these and then they should turn into potions of invisibility We'll add some Redstone to make it last longer and gunpowder to make it Splash all right that's the first potion done the next is the potion of regeneration so for this we do the same thing with the netherwort oh they're already awkward potions but the next item it requires is something much more Sinister the tier of a giant white Q I know there's one here somewhere I've got my trusty sniper rifle at hand the visibility is not good in here it's quite right Eerie this is their usual mating grounds I don't see them though here's the remains of one there it is a bit of a giant white Cube but I'm not finished with my sniper rifle yet we need a couple more of those let's go yes the final gas here right I don't really know what happened to me then but uh we have all four gas tears so let's put these in here and yes potion of regeneration perfect so with the potions and all the rails I just crafted it's time to complete operation shulker collection so first let's finish this Railway the shulk is going to be going that way so uh we don't even need powered rails for this hook but we do need them this side all right we could go around this or we could just go straight over it oh the way piece I really hope Enderman can't pick rails up oh that's a bit of a problem all right 3v1 I got this maybe I don't yeah I'm just gonna fly away all right we're pretty much at the end City now so let's just test it out to see if the shulker will get there safely oh this is really cool [Music] foreign [Music] looks like it's pretty good oh oh that was kind of scary anyways we need to build this bit of the track so it takes the shulker up there where did you get that block from anyways this end is done now it's just the end City end but before we do this let's make sure to use our potion of invisibility oh I'm a ghost right now we'll continue like normal Up Until the End City wait why are they shooting at me I've got invisibility on maybe they can see my armor we need to be careful this doesn't run out all right now we need to build some kind of Hiccup system and we need to use potion of Regen to make sure they don't hurt each other alright so we need to build something like this like this like that then if we grab our Minecart we'll Splash them one more time and yes he's going to the farm please let this work okay we'll keep our distance so he doesn't try and shoot me but everything's going to plan so far goodbye little shulker oh the moment of truth is it gonna work wait I forgot to put a redstone torch on the activation rail we've got invis so if we take our armor off oh I don't want to do this over the void I'm ready to get the elytra out of my inventory and put it on please let this work don't hit me Mr shulker and then we turn it on yes wait where is he is that the right place no Paul how how have you gone there that is definitely not the right place for him to go sorry shulker I gave you every chance to go into the right place and you didn't so if we get rid of all the Soul Sand and then we cover each side of these blocks with buttons all right let's try it again I think that should have fixed it take my armor off wait what why can you see me oh how can you see me I'm invisible they should grab him nice he's making his way across the bridge it says in the tutorial it can take up to five minutes to get in the right place so we'll just give it that time it's finally in the right place in the farm now we can just delete all of this and all that's left to do now is start the form let's see how many shoka shows we can get in one hour okay it's been pretty much exactly an hour let's see how many shocker shells we've got wait it looks like there's a bit of a spillage 120 oh we should be getting 750 and the Farm's definitely working I mean listen to that so we need to somehow make sure all of these things are being collected okay so yeah looking at the replay a lot of these shells are missing their Mark so if we just expand this area and we make sure all of The Hoppers lead to this middle one I'm sure this will be enough let's add one more layer around the edge just in case all right surely that dropper can't miss okay that went in okay that went in that's going in that's it that's it all right yeah all of them are making it in now so this is gonna drastically improve our rates now I'm gonna AFK overnight and see how many shulker shells we can get [Music] okay it's the next day it's been about 12 hours let's see how many shulker shells we've got oh my God yeah that's enough shoka shows for 4 000 shulker boxes so that means one part of the recipe is now ticked off what we need to do now is somehow get 4 000 chests and we're gonna do this by following this tutorial to build one of the most overpowered Wood Farms in the game the only problem being that this Farm requires 30 honey blocks and for some reason our Honey Farm has stopped working so I guess let's tear it down and stop building a better one and now let's grab all the materials we'll need for the beef Farm okay so that's all the materials now we need to find some bees I'm pretty sure I found bee nests around here before Oh there's a b uh do you have a nest my friend oh here's Venus all right get back in the nest think I'm yeah I've captured them all in here all right now if I get some glass then we get some flowers and we put a door on here pump fires truck doors flowers down all in here and then our beehives along here this should work and then we can breed these bees I get another B and now we just repeat this until we've got three bees in each one of these all right we've got the bees now but apparently it's important we build this in the end because there's no daylight cycle meaning the bees will always be awake this island looks like a good place so let's build this Farm [Music] thank you okay next we release the bees now we can finally add the flowers to the farm and then the last thing we need to do is add all the glass bottles to the dispensers okay we just got our first eight honey which is two honey blocks though the Farm's working let's see how much we can get in a couple of hours all right I may have ended up AFK overnight so we've definitely got enough honey bottles wrapped this into honey and that's the honey ticked off the list all right now the rest of the material should be pretty easy for example 208 iron blocks 71 oak leaves and 36 slime blocks and that's all the rest of the items as well now let's build this wood Farm okay so this is all the collection area built we're now going to build the leaf Crushers and all of them will feed into here into this dropper and give us unlimited saplings to carry on spamming bone meals wait this honey is so annoying I can't jump okay and now we need to put fence gates all along here which is actually going to be what crushes the leaves and breaks them oh and these need to be open and now we need the same thing on the other side all right and now we need to just connect these two together with redstone [Music] all right so the leaf Destroyer is now working perfect now we need to build a double piston extender here which is going to push all the logs that way okay this is all connected and working as well and now we're building the collection system because this Farm collects 10 000 logs per hour all right that's looking pretty good and now it's finally time to work on the TNT duplicator okay the Farm's basically finished all we need to do now is load it up with bone meal and I know just where to get it perfect and now all that's left to do is turn the farm on and try it out oh my God it's working so well alright so I'm Gonna Leave This running worse I'm at the gym and we'll see how much wood we can get all right I just got back from the gym let's see how much wood we got oh my God yes and the same on the other side as well now we can finally craft all the shulker boxes we need so finally after hours of collecting resources making these farms and using these forms it's finally time to craft the shulker boxes that's five shulkers of shulker shells oh my God and that is kind of hard to say now let's convert all of this wood into chests well first we need to make a crafting table yeah this is gonna take a while and finally we have all the shulker shouts all the chests now let's combine them into shulker boxes how many shulker boxes does it take to fill a shulker let's fill it up I have heard stories that this has broken some people's worlds but um let's hope that doesn't happen and let's make sure not to put our firework one in here because without it we won't be able to get home wow this is the most shocker boxes I've ever heard okay we're on a fourth layer which means we've already placed over 600 shulker boxes oh my God okay the giant shulker is now halfway full which means we have enough storage for 3.5 million items yeah I don't think we're ever gonna run out of shulker boxes and after another hour of shulker box placing we have finally done it this shulker box stores over 7 million items wait a second where's my rocket shoker foreign [Music]
Channel: LockDownLife
Views: 1,916,042
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Minecraft, minecraft hardcore, hardcore minecraft, lockdownlife, shulker box, This Shulker Box Stores 7348951 items in minecarft hardcore, minecraft hardcore shulker box, minecraft shulkerbox, minecraft shulker box, minecraft 1.19 hardcore, minecraft shulker, shulker box loader
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 10sec (1570 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 25 2023
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