I Built Your DUMB IDEAS in Minecraft Hardcore!

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this is my brain and inside it there is no video ideas so I asked you guys for your ideas and some of them were pretty good but also some of them were very stupid for example sniffy 11 says build a big potato okay okay this is my giant potato and it's even got a potato farm inside it wait a second it's actually pretty cool so let's build some more of your stupid ideas and at the end of the video I'll choose my favorite idea and they'll win a hundred dollars and a custom rank on my Discord server okay so Adil Khan says make a wireless teleporter I think we can do that so for this we're gonna need some water some kelp any type of trapdoor some ender pearls and most importantly a daylight sensor so to build it we just dig a hole put some water at the top place a bunch of kelp crap door that is wrong like that and a daylight sensor then we just put a pill in here and we forgot about the Soul Sand now we just throw the Pearl then when it goes night we should be instantly teleported over there let's go oh my God there is a creeper well at least it works but what happens if you don't want to wait until it's night time well don't worry because I've got a solution to that too ladies and gentlemen I give you the target block so if we come up here we should easily be able to teleport down there thank you let's go first try this next idea is actually a really good idea lockdown live says build a computer in Minecraft so you can use today's video sponsor Opera GX well here we are with Opera GX customizing your browser is as easy as building in Minecraft and with GX mods you can do so much want a pixelated browser like Minecraft use the blockified mod and clip it on or off like a lever in Minecraft change keyboard sounds theme things colors and even tub sounds there's also cool background music for that gaming Vibe but Opera GX isn't just all about looks the GX control feature lets you limit your CPU or RAM usage reducing lag and FPS drops Owen is also way nicer to my PC than other browsers switching to Opera GX is quicker than teleporting with an ender pearl with the quick import tool it's easy to import your settings from your previous browsers and for you guys see my latest videos in your GX corner to get this feature just download the browser from my link in the description big thanks to Opera GX for sponsoring this video and click the link below to start customizing your browsing experience anyways this next comment might be a contender for best comment because Kimberly says to build a big capyburo and here's some pictures of Cafe boroughs if you don't know what they look like they're basically the coolest animals to walk the air and now thanks to Kimberly we get to build it in Minecraft alright and to build it we're gonna need some brown terracotta and also some light gray terracotta and whilst I was mining up all this terracotta I was reading through some of your comments and I actually can't wait to build some of your suggestions alright this should be a nice spot for our capybara okay and whilst I built this capybara it's time for some capybara facts did you know a capybara was once spotted using an alligator for a mode of Transport alright that's the Brown part of his legs okay now we move on to this color oh and did you know that the cafe theme song let me go out one for his body oh and a capybara was once seen taken on an entire pride of lions and killing them all okay so that's how tall it's gonna be okay yeah I was lying about that last one but Kathy Burrows are really cool and now time for the head and our capybara is complete [Music] wow that was actually a really good build suggestion I wonder what the next one is okay so player 2 says how long does it take to grow a strawberry it's not even a build what the okay so Jonah says to build Among Us and Hansel says to build a sus build so actually we can take off both of them at the same time all we need is some red and black concrete powder then we just click these switches head through here and convert all this concrete powder into concrete I hope this classifies as a sus build I mean I don't think you can get anything more sus than a red Among Us player and for those of you who don't know what a Mungus is it's basically this game where you have to vote out the Imposter and it's the imposter's job to go around the spaceship and kill as many crewmates as possible oh yeah this is looking really sus already yeah for anyone who doesn't know red is definitely the most sassa Mungus color all right and here's his sus little backpack then across here is where his goggles will go fill all this bit in with red then fill in his goggles and there we go that is something very serious so the next comment is from driest Apollo and he says build a netherite beacon yeah this might be the dumbest comment so far but let me explain why you see for a netherite beacon you need a 164 blocks of netherite but when you take into account that that's 1476 netherite ingots and to get them you need 5904 ancient debris and also 594 gold ingots now hopefully you can see just how dumb this is but let's give it a try Okay so to have any chance of this we need TNT and we need lots of it so let's grab all the sound we've got and let's combine it with the thousands of gunpowder from our creeper Farm Okay so we've now got three shulkers of TNT but we need to find a good place to mine for ancient debris okay this warts forest biome looks good now let's dig down to why level 15. perfect okay now we're gonna press F3 and G so we can see the chunk borders all right and we want to mine in straight line along these chunk borders okay now it's time to start placing our TNT and we'll place it in a nice little pattern like this for the optimum explosion all of this to try and get ourselves a netherite beacon this is definitely a dumb idea okay here we are we have nowhere to run let's light this TNT come on Ancient debris none so far oh yes let's go oh we missed some up here as well [Music] yes what are the chances of that give me netherite oh thanks give me more another right not lava TNT come on yes almost a lava everywhere oh oh my God how is there more lava there oh I'll take this I swear to God if there's lava [Music] literally couldn't make it up oh more lava all right I give up we've literally only managed to get 23 ancient debris all right I guess we're just gonna have to come back to this comment later so penguin Otto wants me to build a giant tree I think I've got an idea that will make this one a lot easier step one simply chop down a giant tree step two wait a second [Music] three collect the saplings and finally step four plant the saplings and Bane meal them oh wait that tree's not really giant hold on okay let's try this again and giant tree there we go that's more like it also whilst I was waiting these chickens laid four eggs so as I said in the intro my favorite comment wins a hundred dollars but I'll double it to 200 if one of these eggs turns into a chicken here we go and I have to double that great and speaking of the prize these guys might be winning it because Ethan says to build a super large toilet and Alex says to build a poo with a toilet in it all right yeah these are definitely some of the weirdest slash dumbest comments so far but that's why they might be my favorite so for this we're gonna need a bunch of white concrete some water for the toilet water and a nice location to build it oh a capybara that's nice um I guess we'll build it here oh my God this is gonna be such a weird build let's get space because this is going to be a super large toilet so first we're going to build the toilet okay so we'll start with a big base one two three four five six and we'll build this up a bit all right come on now we'll start making it a bit wider yeah this is looking good and another layer wider and this bit will actually be the seat so we can make it even wider and at the back we can have a big wall I think this is what our toilet looks like all right now we can add our toilet water can it oh no I just got rid of my water sauce kind of want to fill all this area up with water then we can break the parts that we're missing again all right and that's our toilet water then we can add the lid on here then if we make use of some slabs we can build ourselves a nice handle wow that actually looks really good but we should probably move it across one more perfect and now I want to make that handle actually work it doesn't say to you in the comments but I think it'll be cool expenses which we will place here and here we need to place a real button on this blusher and then we need to use Redstone torches to rig this up with the dispensers so when we press the button does that torch go off no like that yes demolade redstone dust on here so this is me trying to wire up the toilet so it will actually flush and I finally got it to work now we just need to fix the back of this toilet oh my god what have I done to it so I managed to make the back of the toilet look half decent and now it's time to do the Poo all right and for this we'll use the brown terracotta we've got leftover from building the capybara why does he look like he's kind of watching me anyways it's poo time oh are we gonna make this big enough I kind of like this idea because it's like the opposite of what you'd expect because to be honest you'd expect the Poo to be in the toilet not the other way around oh it works so well Okay so we've now got a poo and we've also got our toilet inside yeah this is definitely the weirdest idea so far but this next idea is definitely gonna have to be one of the fastest because right now my editor is editing some footage but he's about to run out so we need to get the section to him as soon as possible and NATO craft says make a lockdown live statue with gold blocks all right we can do this we just need to be first come on nether portal load all right we need to fly over to our gold Farm to get all the gold all right come on die Pigs die come on I think we've nearly got enough let's go check no that's not gonna be enough oh my God quick all right we're gonna have to AFK here for about five minutes [Music] all right we now should definitely have enough gold so let's get Crafting it and making this statue as fast as possible all right craft gold gold blocks yes oh my God I can mine all right uh two three four five six seven eight okay go across connect all these up right now we can build the middle section out of gold all right this way will be my face will it now the other way will be my face so these sides up there's the top of my head wait what one two three four five six seven eight nine no I've made it the wrong size oh this is gonna add on so much time how could I get my own head size wrong okay and this bit will be my mouth and then up here my eyes Okay and stop the timer we're done that is a gold statue of me and worst I'm getting this footage to my editor let's do the next idea and this might be the dumbest idea for me to build because Minecraft boy says to build my house in real life you're not gonna lie I'm kind of worried that you guys could work out where I live from this but let's do it anyway I am about to move into a house but right now I'm still living at my childhood home so we'll just build that and for it we're gonna need lots of clay to make lots of bricks I actually don't think I've ever crafted bricks in Minecraft or at least not for a while okay so I found out that we need to get clay balls from these clay blocks but my shovel is silk touch so we don't get the balls so if we Chuck mending onto this fortune 3 shovel we can now mine these blocks and get the balls and we're gonna have to do this a lot of times all right put some furnaces add some charcoal come on get the clay come on yes and we are making bricks all right so all the bricks are finished and we have crafted them up I think we'll build it somewhere around here yeah maybe here but it needs to be a little bit more flat perfect now we'll start with the floor plan all right so this is the floor plan now let's get and decorating the rooms all right this is the entrance hall and it's got wooden floors then in the lounge is also wooden floors here is the front window of the house and here's the couch and one more here then we've got our TV here this room here is like the dining room and this big room here is the kitchen these are the worktops the floor in here is actually some sort of stone thing I think so I guess we'll just leave it as Stone and this room over here is where the fridge is well that's not very good fridge nice okay now we just decorate the rest and then we'll go upstairs come on what's a brick there's no grass inside the house over here is actually like a conservatory so it's all made out of glass okay this is the layout upstairs and actually everywhere upstairs has carpet so it's not this color but I guess it'll do all right and now we'll do the bedrooms so this one is my mom's room I don't think she has a bed like that but it'll do this remover here is Gamer's bedroom and it's where he made all the videos on his channel and this one here is my bedroom the birthplace of this Channel and exactly where I'm making this video right now please don't find me and now all it's missing is a roof so let me just use my setup to read the next comment Giga says ask AI how to build a cow eating a potato and tomato okay wow it actually has a response for that okay step one it says the cow is gonna be the biggest part of your sculpture Minecraft cows are typically six blocks long and three blocks wide and 3.5 blocks tall all right but what am I actually gonna need apparently it says I need mostly white and black wool or concrete for the cow's body okay I think we should have this in here all right I've got the materials but what do I actually do with them first lay out the base of the cow with white and black blocks all right what's next build up the sides and back of the cow keeping the same pattern in a massive cow because a comment told me to use AI to build a cow in Minecraft pretty normal thing to do alright that's done what's next for the head give it a more rectangular shape and add a pair of ears using the same material okay it didn't say where to put the head so I guess we'll just put it where we would think I'm gonna give it quite a fat head so we can fit the mouth on it alright apparently we're meant to use item frames for eyes like this oh he only has one eye there we go wow they are beautiful eyes now it says make an open mouth with pink wool where you'll place the food later okay how are we gonna make an open mouth out of this oh my God this is gonna look so cursed it's okay though because AI says to do this all right we'll use pink concrete inside yeah this is definitely gonna be one of the dumbest things so far all right I'd say it's looking pretty good uh let's add a potato for the potato you can use brown wool or concrete place the potato in the cow's mouth and make it look like it's half eaten by removing some of the blocks okay all right here's the potato I don't know how we're gonna make it detailed by fitting it in here okay and it says to remove some of the blocks to make it look half-eating so I guess we'll just get rid of this one whoa what an amazing potato but it's not done because we gotta build a tomato as well a tomato can be represented by Red wool or concrete place the Tomato next to the potato in the cow's mouth and finally it says we can add detail by scattering some crumbs around which can be represented presented by small bits of potato and tomato okay I don't really know how to do smaller than one block but I guess we can just and there we go we have a cow eating a tomato and potato this could maybe win the prize because it's definitely one of my favorite comments so far I mean look how cursed it is wait a second I just got a terrifying message my editor just said that he's flying to the UK tomorrow so I need to get the rest of this video to him as fast as possible otherwise this video won't come out for a while so quick let's do the next comment game bro says build a machine that detonates itself after use okay we can do that [Music] all right we should be able to do this pretty easily all we need to do is put a dispenser down put a golden carrot in it then put a button on top of it then put a pressure plate over here then dig down here quickly Place one block of TNT Place dirt on a pressure plate and then one piece of dirt there and easy next up teacher Aslina says egg I can only assume that means find an egg so I guess let's go on an egg hunt where are you egg I know there are a lot of chickens around here yes oh my God that was so fast take that all right next up hameliosha wants me to build a giant Minecraft Sign and apparently I can write on it whatever I want okay first we need to see what an actual sign looks like hmm interesting okay I say we do one pixel equals one block so we are going to need a lot of wood and there's only one place to get that all right that's all the wood and we will place our model sign here so the stem is one two three four five six seven eight nine ten eleven twelve thirteen fourteen fourteen blocks tall and we'll build it out of Vlogs now the plan is to build these darker lines out of logs and build these thicker pale lines out of punks and done I'm now we use black concrete to write whatever we want on it yeah you guys should definitely listen to the sign and whilst you're doing that let's move on to the next idea so termit says build an upside down farm with upside down cows and pigs all right this is gonna be difficult let's start with the easy bit which is gonna be some dirt and also some fences wait a second that's actually going to be a problem how are we gonna get the grass to go upside down oh actually I think I've got an idea to make this work we might be able to use Moss all right so we'll do two layers of dirt here and then we could put a layer of moss under here to act as the grass alright so now we've got this upside down piece of land but to make it a farm we need cows and pigs like the comments said nope we don't need one of these guys but I'll tell you what I'll double the price again to 400 if this egg gives us a chicken please please no please oh thank God I did not want that to happen again all right we found some cows yoink you are coming with me sir and you're coming with me all right now we need to somehow get these guys to stand upside down on that grass yeah that's gonna be easy so my plan here is to put these cows in a hole for now get in the hole guys come on into the hole then actually we're gonna need to destroy this to do a bit of a test okay all right that cow can go there so I think that fence needs to go one down that car is definitely gonna die look how fast he's going um is there any way I can save this guy foreign okay but the test was successful this will all make sense in a second guys so we'll put one here one here and then we'll add upside down fences all the way along here like a farm but upside down if you get rid of this make that all look nice okay now we're gonna rename all these name tags to dinner Boone and what this should do is make the mob upside down which is actually really useful for us so now the plan is to come over here and attach this guy to the fence oh my God I didn't mean for him to hit that okay and then we should just be able to place the Moss back either like that and now he is standing upside down on the farm so now we just need to get another cow and two more pigs this actually looks so cool let's get the rest of the mobs hello piggy so dinnerbone and I think that'll do we could just fill this in and we have an upside down farm that was really cool but time is running out now and we've still got one comment to finish off the nether AI Beacon this build is going to be insanely hard to do but let's gear up and grab all the TNT we've got so I threw myself into the netherite mines aiming for what seemed like an impossible goal lava was everywhere but so was ancient debris it just kept coming and at one point I even went crazy no the right no the right no the right but after being in there for what felt like days I returned with enough now the right to make four netherrite blocks but although I didn't complete that idea it is time to name my favorite idea and the winner of 200 and the winner of my favorite idea goes to the capybara [Music]
Channel: LockDownLife
Views: 1,274,139
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Minecraft, minecraft hardcore, hardcore minecraft, lockdownlife, i built your stupid ideas, i built your stupid ideas in minecraft, i built your stupid ideas in minecraft hardcore, i built your stupid minecraft ideas, i built your ideas in minecraft, minecraft hardcore your ideas
Id: ZWWQ5ZnQpwo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 36sec (1296 seconds)
Published: Wed May 24 2023
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