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oh yes we're gonna eat the entire planet and it's gonna be delicious so we are a nano sharp okay we are the littlest shark in the world literally the little smaller shark ever we are here on nano level okay micrometers is what we're talking about we're eating themselves just just the cells nothing extra eating just a singular cell at a time it's delicious gondry you know what I mean get all the shebang a little bit in there oh boy this tastes good we aren't shark and we are not to be messed with we're growing faster and faster and faster are you eating this too when you open up your mouth are we eating all these sales food now or is this in the water you just drink water and you eat all these cells grow hope you grow I hope you grow if you just drink water that's that's why I'm so big I'm I'm six foot one I just drank a lot of water in my life did you know that a hundred percent of the people who drink water die is crazy yeah very very crazy make sure to drink enough water by the way two liters a day let's keep on moving shark you boy Sharky party are you biking we need to become the biggest shark of all the shark we need to become the beast in this planet in this universe I want to eat the planet I want to eat or have you ever seen a shark eating the planet okay you have in this video you just stay tuned because that's what we're gonna do and it's gonna be great it's gonna be great boys and girls we need to save the planet that's what the that's what the researchers asked us we need to save the planet global warming is real I say this because I want to bring attention to global warming actually be real yeah what is that blackton I actually don't know what it looks like I only know plankton from Sponge Bob that's the only plankton I know oh we're a millimeter we're a milot one and a half millimeter okay that's actually not too bad it's actually not too bad these things are so little normally I love moving fast but now it's just it's just that these things they're so little not even a millimeter big and little Sharky shark shark and the shark face Oh Sharky shark immature face to the rescue you have to save the world let's keep on going let's keep a note that does that blank on that that's plain right somebody's come back waited waited question I only know how to play video games that's my job isn't it crazy I always think it's crazy my job is playing video games and I'm so funny I'm literally the funniest guy life now this shark the shark has a big nose she's starting to look he's a centimeter baby this isn't a shrimp you already eat plankton oh no that's that's a shame that shrimp yeah that's what I always see when they order shrimp and restaurant usually doesn't look that me [Music] we're gonna be a few centimeters in size soon we need to grow a fairly large to become as big as a plant or even bigger no no we have to become as bait is it and then we can it's very nice does also have a lot of dirt still chasing these guys get out of your shrimp get out of here we want to turn into a big shark who can eat whatever the shark wants you don't tell me what I did girl I could come up with that myself I come up with them you can't eat those guys if I always think we'd be turning if we don't actually even there we go oh we're ten centimeters big that's about as big as your dog soon we're gonna be able to eat the fish well penguins whoa it's a penguin I love being they walk like blind bird flying penguins and do it penguin can fly after all they lied to us they're just too lazy penguins can fly but they're just unlike me I'm an educational scientist who educates people about the science of saying yes yep that's actually a thing for fishies need some yes yes yes okay there we go yeah are you ready for the penguin slide we have to get all the Penguins let's go you're sliding down and so are we just get the penguin just get every single penguin my man my man my man my painful man Penguin them and we have 17 penguins and that's all very over it's the mega known on its charm two centimetres which I know I know it's very big I already do centimetres now we're eating them well the ball that comes from okay now we're so big that they are terrified of us wins whoa polar bears and narwhals color baby yeah the polar bears losing its house that's what they always say exactly polar bears you get get out of here because I will eat you I will eat you you know that they always say that you like stuff melting and things is killing the polar bears even that might be true too but we are also very dangerous swimming - sorry I shouldn't be you know judging you by your look so rude these are microaggressions just so you know why do why do you assume that a polar bear is walking when in reality it's actually forming in the sea okay quit watch we are a few meters in size but it's not big enough this is not big and keep on eating some diddly just polar bear states ahead tastes actually pretty good okay are we garbage oh no we have to eat the dirt we have to eat the coins first until it get big enough to eat the cans that's how it works right and then at one point we can eat Chili's Channel I want to clean this sea is full of garbage don't litter it's not nice it's not nice for the fishy animal applying apply and apply take care planet Earth please we have fishes swimming around here in Planet Earth and these fishes they need a home ok the fishes they need it they need a delicious home how big is it coq10 why can we not eat this you oh now we can eat it there you go now it's gonna go much faster you can leave the little things we just need to eat all the coconut about the ones that fell on the ground nope no we come soon there anymore that would be great that would have made it so much easier to eat the beer bottles eat the coke in polar penguin seas the level name eating these things because the polar penguins they'll come for us they'll come for us one day they will try to eat us don't try this please get these birds let's get the flying penguins already oh yes we just ate a polar penguin we just ate one of the most delicious polar penguins we've got to be here - my polar penguins give me up and there's some more polar bears - polar bears and penguins don't ever eat each other because ones living on a North Pole the other one laughable unless they already move few years ago okay haven't checked out their Facebook page in a while get out of here polar bear your dangerous polar bear polar bear Oni is my favorite feeling blah blah there we go we just got the polar bears can we take these guys out yet no we cannot lift away til we get a little bit bigger and then we can eat okay they're actually no humans in there so don't worry about it game is completely PG this is child friendly to its finest some more Jets please grow pretty possible eating the Jets eating the orcas however how one jet equals three orbit so let's just keep it just lets just keeping these kids yes level complete mission accomplished is what this one is called we are you huge we are massive charge we've always almost beats in the game by the way cups we have a few more missions to go I'm excited I'm looking forward Oh helicopter let's get there let's get the squids and another helicopter be big enough for these guys in yeah yes we are yes we are very very large we're the largest of the largest of the largest you've got to keep on eating here now keep on eating the squids and get these the helicopters too we got it we gotta save the people and need to iceberg that's what we're here for right good to save everybody from the dangers iceberg okay there we go and now we can eat literally everything over here icebergs oh don't you love eating iceberg they're so nutritious is there anything hit the bottom of the sea besides helicopters and the iceberg do we just push all the icebergs out there we go put we can eat the planes now oh boy they are delicious Wow who wants to fly private when you can eat a private jet oh yeah let's go what did oh it's our buddies our buddies oh actually we need to eat our buddies so if you haven't seen the previous videos we used to be a dolphin in a goldfish and now we're gonna grow so big that we can eat toasted or they're gonna eat us whatever works and well we're just gonna be eating things I believe we can eat some other stuff or is it just plain I hope they're not getting bigger because of eating this because they are eating this yeah nope that didn't work okay the iceberg give me the iceberg already we're a hundred and ten meters big every every plane we eat we grow two meters so that is it that's a lot that is a lot but we have to get big enough so we can eat the goldfish in these other eyes birds because they will help us grow even more Oh delicious Oh delicious okay we're doing good we're doing good bye bye cheap Oh Oh what did you just do over there can we get some icebergs I can save the world if you let me eat you let me eat your ship it's a dolphin the goldfish that they both can't eat it I to know which means that oh now I can all play time is over guys lay time is over we just ate the goldfish and a dolphin we spent so much time making them as big as possible and we just ate him because we're bigger than them now we're way bigger than them oh boy and now it's time to get so big that we can probably eat the planet that would be tasty we're gonna fall off the map and we're gonna lose them beluga whales actually quite a lot of them because we're missing heist Birds thank you I love this game there we go we're big enough now now we can eat the underwater birth penguin don't mess around with your boy [Music] you're actually coming really fast now I'll just wait here for a second mitigating that for anybody else so now it's time to eat you guys okay eat the well well well will this out of that to say I'm horrible at saying I'm horrible at talking after speech do i or do I not or is it just an accent no stuff as we can yes okay we can have some of the ice Birds just not too many Perce it's time for the big and unlike when we push the icebergs out of the way they disappear and then the game is counting on us eat okay now we can get some more so babies these things oh wow an oil platform do they float on the water is that how they work I've always wondered how they oil drilling Black's experience we just pushed another iceberg out of the way that's not good oh I was just gonna say no income feed now on we are B we are very very big need some icebergs we need some boats get some more icebergs we need some more butter cups it's time for tale of a sharp now this tale of a shark mission is the final mission of this game but it's also the most epic mission of the entire game because we're gonna get so big oh you are not gonna believe so sit tight hold on and let's do this [Music] we're gonna try to do it as fast as possible but who knows how fast we can do who knows cuz we start off just a few micrometers just a few micro Lizzy's as many as possible because they help us grow the fastest right now you always want to figure out where the help should grow the boss because once you figure that out you can grow the fastest I know I'm a genius you don't have to tell me that I'm actually a genius born and raised as a genius you know it says I might literally says in my past bubble cup genius they're my passport I don't think it would even be allowed to be a little mini bubble cup was right my real little name I doubt very lucky having such an awesome name okay 500 micrometers I want to be able to eat the next big guys nope no they can still attack us that's not good up there we go we just got back oh boy okay so these are zu blank and we're eating right now I don't know we just missed the one what zooplankton looks like aren't these very educational games in play also does it sharp grow or does everything else shrink I want to be able to eat this thing I want to know what it is I want to figure out what it is what is it well we know keep under oh and keep on eating and kids if you're watching this eat your vegetables please eat your greens okay now if you these are zooplankton - okay according to the game they're above Zoo plaintiffs okay sure I guess I don't know what that's supposed to mean are they the same creature or a few millimeters be a few centimeters soon oh and now I want to know what that is over the first we got at first we got to be able to eat once we eat it I did I ate chicken the other day and his name was Danny that's a massive okay yes more krill to eat for krill anything as much krill as you can as much grills you can kill one day you can eat the shrimp I want to complete this game tops I want to eat I want to eat the entire planet if possible come on come on turn the radio on is Friday night and my neighbors complain because I didn't go to church baby we have to be for us to be able to eat oh now we can eat him it's a prawn I knew it it's a crime I can't sing shrimp it's a prawn after all or I mean first turn into the size of a face work we're all ready it sure you wait you wait I fooled you it's gonna go quick now we can eat all the birds jump yes keep on eating the birds people need them to scold to and some more birds anything else down in the water just up just some penguins don't mind me penguin we're just gonna be eating you and your family okay now we lighting right into my mouth nope it is okay more penguins more penis more big wins oh we have some polar bears over there too some more penguins what's gonna be what's gonna be next that we're gonna those barrels I think okay that's definitely gonna help now we can eat the little polar bears look at how fast it's going now I told you this was gonna be I told you this was gonna go fast at that point so the small polar bears and now the bigger ones and soon the helicopters soon thank you very much we're nine meters babe we are the ice birds are here right now the helicopters are here right now too and let's keep on eating the squid squid Squidward Squidward given my name is quaint Warren from SpongeBob SquarePants that's a squid we're tall trite eat eat this dead it will spam will eat the whales can we eat the iceberg see it yes we do some little icebergs oh that's a good sign oh that's a very good ok the airliners are here now ok us eating the iceberg she's actually really making it much much faster helicopters and more ice Birds more thank you very much thank you very very very very very much oh okay we can eat the airliners mine airliner 75 meters huge 80 meters do the wheels make us grow at home yeah a little bit not much okay there we go now playtime is over we're back at the goldfish and the dolphin but now we came prepared to eat the entire pod oh yes we're gonna eat the entire planet and it's gonna be delicious keep on getting the airliners gotta make sure that we have all the icebergs an iceberg to really help us okay right but you might not think they they help but grateful flossing oh okay now we can eat the oil platform okay well there's only one apparently these ones to the middle okay yeah okay keep on eating airliners in the meantime soon we're gonna be able to eat the ships oh okay there we go now playtime's over get over your goldfish 250 meters in size we are massive we are massive but what is next after being 300 years in size girls don't call me fat oh boy yep we actually just started eating the planet why not right why don't we just start eating the planet slowly you can do that as much as possible let's just eat the inside of the planet while we're at it great kilometer to play kilometers in size after all well let's just eat let's just eat the the core of this of this beautiful planet just like that 400 kilometers in size we're just gonna eat as much as possible and it's just some delicious food right over here there's some delicious food right over here and I believe that we ate the entire planet time to eat the moon time to eat some more of the planet okay we're just yep we're just eating the moon right now and planet and planet Earth thank you so much for watching this video you enjoyed it drop like we ate beer [Music] by the way it was just the game the earth is still here
Channel: Kwebbelkop
Views: 2,352,399
Rating: 4.8379221 out of 5
Keywords: gameplay, funny, gaming, game, moments, games, walkthrough, comedy, challenge, playthrough, fun, entertainment, kwebbelkop, tasty, blue, tasty blue
Id: HCgSyy8knHc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 48sec (1308 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 04 2018
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