Fortnite BUILD The MOST EXPENSIVE SUPERCAR Challenge! (Fortnite Creative)

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welcome to the fortnight supercar bill challenge the aim of this challenge is who can build the best looking fortnight supercar in a creative boat because it's green puth green I like that or green I don't know let's just get started okay alright so let's get started with the build so yeah we're building a supercar now I'm not exactly sure how this is gonna go we're probably gonna have to build it quite big because that's thing anyway we can really do detail with the blocks is so big in this game I think the best thing to do would be to probably build kind of like a base design out of like wood and then sort of expand on there I don't even really know what car we're gonna be doing I think this is gonna be a tough one to be honest my aim is to build kind of like a generic looking supercar I think and then see if we can kind of put some finishing details on it to make it look perfect okay so that's kind of the layout for it let's build the rest of the base around like this and there we go that kind of gives us an idea of the site it's just kind of like planning templating so now let's figure out how these wheels are gonna look alright so with the wheels added this is kind of what we are looking at now I think we don't want to overdo the size of it jelly always goes ways too big and never always looks that great but yeah I think this is probably the best size to really work with right now but we can always expand on it later on alright I'm just working on the design a little bit here probably looks like a wooden mess to you guys right now but let me take you around this side I've pulled the wheels off for a bit and I know it's the cars game bigger and bigger I'm working on the front section right now but I honestly think this challenge is a lot harder than it looks I think that goes back too far this is kind of where I'm at with the sketch design as you can tell I've kind of done it a few times I think the wheelbase looks kind of cool I'm not really sure about the back though it looks a little bit stubby I mean a gonna have like a spoiler and stuff but this is kind of where I'm at I definitely feel a lot happier now sort of looking at it like this the front is looking a lot better so hopefully this will keep looking better as we keep building on it [Music] all right a little update this is kind of where we are at right now I'm still debating whether to have it like attached to the floor or whether we should kind of take the bottom layer off or not you lose a lot of the car when you do that so it's guy feel like we probably shouldn't it's it's tough though it's not easy all right be working on the engine a little bit I even popped the hood for us to see an undo look pretty cool and yeah I've just been kind of building out making it look like legit I think it's coming together that's really cool I wanted to build something to attach the wheels together kind of but I don't think that's really gonna work out for us especially with our time constraints we can open it up a little bit and see if we can connect something so we might try that all right I think I'm quite happy with that so let's attach one of these to every wheel and I think that covers us there all right so I made the interesting decision to just completely redesign the wheel base not sure how I feel about it I found I realized that these things here would potentially look a lot cooler I'm not really sure if it's gonna pay off yeah I kind of like it I kind of like it's one of these over here that I used it means we now fit the wheels in two blocks rather than three I think it looks good I think it was a good decision even though it was a bit late to be doing it all right I think this is gonna be my last update before we get to the showcase this is kind of how it's looking right now even got a little number play on there I'm gonna keep the rest of the interior secret until we show the guys so thanks for joining this little build off I see in a bit all right ready three two one go there it is guys welcome to my supercar okay you know what it looks great who is it a supercar like what what brand is this Geordie yes all right let's get Jody show us around give you guys a tour of my car this is the dragon brand are you really like that is it moving it's part of the dragon bride Josh okay this is for downforce this is the air intake nice that is cool I like that you know if it takes it all the way to the back of the engine I'm gonna show you guys all the little details I work there Walker so first of all we have the headlights very nice nice and big my car also has a front where you know you can store your groceries a little Easter Egg that comes with the dragon bread but I like some works as a lever so if you pull it the front opens and this is mandatory okay follow me right over here we have the windshield and if you then go behind the windshield okay we have a beautiful steering wheel and together with thank you together with a dashboard this is where you can read all the like oh we're so fast or yo we're running out of gas the things people with cars say oh you've got petals thank you can I ask you guys a quick question what is it - on the left or to the right pens which side of they call those steering wheels on the left side I don't know because I don't look I got an old-time but I think in my head now is a hybrid big surprise this is the handbrake she might have known this car is actually a free cedar here we have my see oh yeah yeah we get cushions well you know guys check out this look I actually have a rear view mirror so if you actually come to the bottom of my car huh obviously I might have seen this already but it's dragging along the floor right you know it's actually a fuel tank guys thank you the engine is this way we're gonna ask that question so you just jump down in this scene v16 cylinder twelve seven liters yeah it's about a 70 count 12 yeah you guys like the engine all right let me just close you're nothing you're not allowed to film the engine just so he knows is blocky it's blocky our slightest bit blocky yeah I was really struggling not to make a blocky yeah I mean but I think making it all out block thank you is that probably how that happens really big compared yeah well yeah like you know jelly I think this is brick I think you should have just closed the in dirty clothes the sides and the top off like that's why we kept that little seat for you right over here Oh little jelly okay guys actually have an explanation for the seats whoa have you ever been in a supercar and being like damn I have so much room in here nope always very crammed ladies and gentlemen turn around Oh super cloud hey my supercar is called the Nitro one okay with with the bottom would he call this the bumper some something on the bottom gun nothing right which works for aerodynamic Barry okay nice in the middle we've got a beautiful grill all right but just roll the air goes through your engine I love the engine obviously he's just flexing that he can count n stands for nitro okay yeah that's that's the brand name of this part oh you've made a hot brand interesting right so let's move aside obviously we've got gigantic 11 or no no 21 inch wheel when t1 aims we won okay a beautiful windshield yep so it's like a it's a convertible then jelly it's a convertible that right that's right Josh nice convertible before I start talking about it the interior we're certain we're first gonna move on to the back of the car okay obviously we've got a huge spoiler yeah look at that dual exhaust nice what is chilly what's what what is one two seven two it was the one one is the model of the car oh oh okay you don't even have lies this late number one I'm not the president okay all right sorry so if you move up here got the engine bay well supercar powers wait sights wait isn't am i you 7-under do you go gorilla at the front what's the gorilla at the front for if the engines in the back yeah it's supposed to have an air intake to the back Julie the air intake goes through it helps for downforce okay okay so yeah this is a window you're not really supposed to get in here though plastic window here yeah I don't think that's a bit down mom yeah isn't it no no no no you need plastic windows and super cars because they're much lighter you know Julie knows exactly what do you Sookie yeah all right what's your read anywhere else for the downforce you know that's correct really quick we need to make sure it stays on the road all right very nice to the interior shows a change we've got LED lights on the interior that's right only these are our retro styled buttons yeah you pull and push it saves lights he's pushing on the gas I feel like the button should be labeled I don't know maybe this just means how do you know I just love no jellies like the one on the left is star and when I'm driving I just turned the car accident left to start the next one's the radio the next one's the AC the next one is the cruise control and the next one is the spoiler and the next one is the lift tell me something what LO forgot where do you put you're looking in the car the suspension huh feeling weird ready for your key okay this is going a little bit jelly this is my legs my legs don't reach you don't get it I'm standing on the guys while you stay Oh Little Rock driving a car there you go no guys no listen these seats are very tight you know there's a supposed to be typed in a supercar as well really yeah I give me and really stretch you your legs to the pedals cool so I yeah really Jenny's always that the stretched his legs for the pedals show is your car because the Joslin when is horse all right guys you ready to check out my vehicle yes alright so I've kind of built it in I'm not really sure what car is to be honest I I kind of just built something that I thought looked kind of like super and kind of cool yeah I put a ton of work into the wheels and like making them look good quite a lot of attention to detail I see like I can see that it's connected yeah yeah so come to the front where you soak up to the front you can see that they've got a number play I've got some red lights and you know license plate 0 PE and yep opens great yeah that's what it says right yeah that's exactly what it says na you have some headlights nice head oh you're so bright they are quite bright be careful you - I'm 40 it's not good for your eyes okay and then something about the side yeah well I mean deciding I've got I managed to figure out how to do this cool little trim along it which I thought was quite cool yeah I didn't want to make the car too big to do tactics to do things but I see so the solar panels are kind of my version of gloss I thought pretty cool we're doing it so it's just I mean everyone does a different way that was what I pick exact I've got like a red strip going along the top which is kind of like the racing strip you know it makes you go faster yeah yeah it's true is to add the back oh god spoiler big old song I like these exhaust I've got brain slices well we should Swiss PD break lights nice nice they're done these ones don't work they stir not break no I don't work yeah no it was one of those things where I put them down and I was like oh that could work there's always breaking I mean that off right now but yeah yeah so whatever okay so the whole the whole trim is also the brake light around the car or how does that work no that's not that's a separate thing fill some more about your car do you mean we should go have a look at jellies car how about your winch okay okay sorry all right both of you guys turn around I just popped the trunk quickly let's have a look inside to the engine I actually spent a long time kind of building this out I've got yes looks like a powerful 1 horsepower judge um like at least one horse like its horse so you've got the radiators at the front which is cool the radiators yes and that's nice that's the whole section here so if you come on what is this a no this is version one Jerry thank you so yeah well I'll just I'll just remove the side window so you guys can pop in how do couch is so big yeah you said you couldn't make a big stride and use couch no it was possible jelly you've got your couch in the back there Jordi you gonna sit next to me boy here we go the typical jaws is carrying couch over there oh yeah oh come on come on Joey get up sighs this is ridiculous hey wills on the wrong side yeah the stimulus on the wrong side was wrong hey what do you mean who I mean um this is driving it in Britain what do you mean find the gas pedals account yes it's an AI driven call this is just the unburn you can only drive it twice yeah and off and that was okay so yeah so that's my vehicle it pop the trunk really nice I like I did my best very good who did the best car in the comments bye-bye remember to use coats logo in the fortnight store if you want to be cooler than all of your friends you can thank me later bye [Music]
Channel: Slogoman
Views: 1,648,555
Rating: 4.8271112 out of 5
Keywords: child friendly, kid friendly, family friendly, slogoman, slogomanify, funny moments, gaming, game, fortnite, build challenge, super car, supercar, jelly, keebbelkop
Id: ji_rxSEEXRA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 30sec (1050 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 29 2019
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