This roof wants to eat us. How to save a cabin~

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remember this place yep we bought this abandoned off-grid cabin a couple months ago and now these trees on the roof well there are problems time to get them off [Music] there's the chimney believe it or not it's right there in the middle [Music] project [Applause] [Music] all right and all this started a chain of events which will just include weeks and weeks of cleaning up this mess if you enjoy the satisfaction of watching other people work well this video is for you this video is an update on our progress so far well trees are off this this yard is just like a tornado zone there's just so much wood [Music] all right so what we're gonna do now is go through the house I've got a sample kit for asbestos and we have our suspicions about a few things in here so before we really tear apart the interior we need to get this stuff sampled and tested this stuff here is all the way around the outside so I took a sample of that what do you think about the shingling yeah definitely the shingling now I I personally think this here is like just insulation that's just been destroyed over time I don't know what do you think it actually has the label that's the same label as the other stuff which is fiberglass fiberglass house insulation yeah okay this right here is suspect this stuff yeah here's a guitar paper on here yep just they need like a square inch these old acoustic tiles are kind of the other thing that is really common for asbestos is it's actually the glue on the floor here the old mastic they stick tiles down with ain't much of that though I mean everything really oh hey look at this it's the board wall right here did you see that oh I didn't well it doesn't go very far it's not a board wall over here and this is all just fiberglass insulation looking stuff so I feel fine about that we want to get a sample of the drywall tar paper I feel like this is a duct tape the the taped seams look like duct tape to me yeah I've never seen joint take look anything like that right so what that's all though I think duct tape whatever did that reading the book that you're supposed to take the seams and they didn't understand this is duct tape it's not what they mean foreign that porcupine I know he just he just went for everything look at this I uh opened up this wall a minute today it's just weird no insulation or it's just fire uh the paneling and then just like this wrong way one by six it's probably just for a nailer that's what I'm thinking I'm sure it says sniffing yeah but most likely we're probably just gonna cover these ceilings with you know tongue and groove wouldn't you think something like that yeah it's gross I mean it's all gross sheetrock but it is a fire barrier between this and the Attic and it's like you put out new it's not going to be much different because this is in good shape still I know yeah there's already nailers up here yeah yeah you know one thing I would like to do with this place I'd like to level it up yeah it's it's definitely I was walking today and I'm like oh Zips down here oh they put paneling over drywall oh okay about that yeah none of this paneling should be a problem should it no some paneling does have asbestos in it but the stuff I've looked up online I mean you can tell it's like a gray layer in the middle of it this is just your standard chip wow just pull that down I want to see the back of that board wall huh see on the other side over here oh yeah hmm so this insulation should be all right it says fiberglass insulation it's just been destroyed over the years by squirrels and debris oh hey down here that's the same stuff that's like probably get a piece I think it's the same piece I had from the front but I'm just gonna use a whole bunch of webliner that's for sure yeah really is quite a difference in here though cleaned up yeah really want this wall gone and the chimney you know does that come up out of the I haven't looked what comes up out of the roof it's up there is it I just haven't noticed it's covered in trees oh that's why all right so I've got the samples ready to go and all I've got to do is mail them and then they get right back to me through email whether this stuff tested positive or not pretty simple and it's a great kit thank you [Music] thank you [Music] [Music] the mighty Bowl Hunter has something probably a bowl what do you got you got something did you get something [Music] [Music] so my brother-in-law Ryan is letting us borrow this electric pole saw holy cow is it awesome we got it running off a power generator back here and it is just making such quick work of these really high brand things it's awesome [Music] that's awesome so how do you think today went it went great nobody got so much as a sliver and there was all kinds of hairy stuff to deal with but all that pine needles on that metal roof they're all wet and it's just a big frozen mat and it's locked right into the screws and the metal roof I walked all over that thing once it started warming up you kind of made a note not to be up there anymore well we caught a lot of hairy stuff out of there really glad that it's over and everyone did it safely and it's gone one more thing done that's awesome this is gonna be a really nice spot to hang out by fire oh you've been dormant all winter [Music] thank you [Music] travel around the world my people tell me where to go I'm not afraid to step outside to see the world for what it is [Music] thought that I was lost [Music] [Applause] [Music] all right this is as much about as I'm gonna do tonight made good progress you can actually see the chimney up there now so yeah that's gonna that's getting cleaned up it's looking good it's about eight o'clock I've been out here burning for hours got a big old pile there I'm gonna call it good hey buddy never ever ever tried to plant anything cherry or blueberry for that matter so this is all new we will see how it does my cherry and there's my Blueberry Patch future Blueberry Patch I love it hopefully this is a good spot for them lots of good Sun hopefully the soil they like I planted my Blueberry Patch a couple weeks ago look at this they're doing really good blooming out looks great these are the Aurora blueberries and uh these are Elliot's hey buddy so I'm gonna have eight blueberry plants and then I've got a Nanking cherry looks like that's doing good and I just planted two um shoot what are these called hazelnut trees so I think these are going to get about 18 feet tall they told me I needed two because they pollinate by wind so I've got one here and one here and then there's my blueberries you know I'm trying to just kind of create a forest garden here the acidic soil here is perfect for the blueberries and uh hopefully we'll just keep planting stuff and food will just come out of the ground naturally I'll be glad we get our well going here I had to bring this water from home love Springtime I get a little overzealous with planting but the stuff that you only have to plant once is pretty pretty rewarding foreign sure how this is going to work we'll see Dave had the cool idea to put little pieces of tubing on this rake on the tines you know I think that's going to work pretty good and I got a push broom don't have a very tall ladder so I don't know show you what I'm dealing with here it's a lot a lot a lot of stuff up there I really it would really be I'm not even going to reach half of this thing I really got to get on that roof I got my tennis shoes on so I could be grippy up here I want to see how that feels feels pretty good I don't know how else to get this roof cleaned off [Applause] so if I got up here I mean I'm up here now some might as well just go for it nice and grippy what a mess what a mess I do need to be careful watch where I stop my shoes are nice and grippy oh oh almost lost it almost let go of that broom this rake idea he had was pretty brilliant it's working out really good without scratching the roof wow stuff is just oh foreign okay got it progress making good progress take my time barred owl sweet oh I guess that the guy who poured this bud who else oh oh look at that there's a date 19 72 oh Evelyn Evelyn Chet bud and Joe huh cool neat just looks like drainage tile Joe Evelyn bud and Chet this place is 51 years old I'm one year older than this cabin ancient all right let's get some of this big stuff off the fact that this tree those trees didn't destroy this roof and damaged cabin is kind of unbelievable it's looking good so look at this roof holy moly what a change that is awesome now I gotta do this side [Music] call that good beauteous [Music] sweet that is quite a mess it's like two feet of debris gonna be a while burning all this out I'll get there pile that's a big pile what do you think Buddy hi oh look at that there's really no other way to do this other than just bit by bit by hand it's a good day to do this cool rainy so as far as an update on where we're at with this we this is going to be a slow transformation here you guys so I hope you don't think it's going to happen overnight but first what we wanted to do is get this place cleared out which we did get the stuff off the roof did that hey what are you eating don't eat the porcupine poop you're so gross and had eight different things tested for asbestos and great news there's no asbestos in this material so we didn't want to start really demoing this until we knew about the asbestos now that we know we can safely get a lot of this material out ourselves um it's just a process and the next thing we need to do is this place is a little it slopes a little this way so we need to open up the skirting that surrounds the house so we can get to the foundation the foundation is just steel posts and steel um girders almost which all the floor joists sit on so it's really solid foundation but it is it is a little skewed so we need to level that up then we can start on the next process which for me would be getting new windows and getting this asphalt shingling off and getting new siding on so at least you're dried in and in between all of this we're going to be going to the up to our properties and finishing up project today we're going to go to Alaska like there's so much going on so this is just going to be a project that's just going to be really slow and enjoyable not stressed out and I hope you guys are just along for the ride we have so much work here to do and I'm really really excited I want to take this wall down I want to open up the ceiling and a lot of that was hinging on whether there was asbestos in the drywall and everything else so I'm really excited at the possibilities so yeah it's gonna be good well guys hope you liked the video see in the next one scroll in the woods she gone oh don't forget to get outside get happy [Music]
Channel: Girl in the Woods
Views: 951,684
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: off grid cabin, cabin repairs, cabin roof, removing trees from roof
Id: 1RFpT0LS17c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 24sec (1404 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 23 2023
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