Off Grid Cabin Project....Cutting logs, Pulling Stumps and my new log arch!

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how's it going everybody my name is Dave Whipple and you're watching Bush radical today we're going to move some logs have a campfire we're gonna pull a stump I'm going to show you my new logging Arch and I think we're just going to take it easy do a little bit of wood cutting and not work too hard [Music] it's almost the Fourth of July but a few weeks back before the weather got too hot I was over here at the cabin you remember what this place looked like when we bought it there was four big trees on the roof my brother Ryan and I got all the trees off the roof and then Brooke cleaned all the debris off the roof years and years of pine needles Twigs sap got it right back down to Bare Metal luckily the roof was in pretty good shape [Music] now it's time to clean this mess up before it gets too hot and get these saw logs all staged somewhere that they're out of the way foreign years ago I shot a few videos on the Harbor Freight Sawmill that's a solid Little Mill and it's very simple and it's really cheap I used to have a big Mill it was a Lynn lumber mill copies it would take like a 36 inch log but if you've ever seen a 36 inch logger that's a massive log so I told myself if I ever got another Sawmill I would get the smallest one you can buy because even a tiny Sawmill is plenty big enough my plan is to get these logs sawed up at some point in the near future let them sit and dry for a while stack them up on stickers and then I've got some various projects I'd like to make out of these logs some of them are a little bit past their Prime but I don't think they're too bad my plan is just to cut them up into one inch boards maybe some two by fours with those boards I'd like to build a little storage shed I have to rebuild the Outhouse I'll probably build a wood shed but right now what I need to do is just get them somewhere out of the way so I can clean the rest of this mess up the roof mess everything that came off of the building [Music] thank you [Music] I'm pretty excited about this big Popple it's nice and straight doesn't have any Heart Rot it's just going to saw up into some good wood I should be able to get about four or five good eight foot logs out of here nice tree you know a couple years ago I bought my dad one of these Echo chainsaws this is a 490. I've had a few of the smaller Echoes and I loved them and the fact that they sell them at Home Depot a lot of people lump them in with cheap saws like pollens well actually they're basically a shindawa but they're Japanese engineered so it's basically like running a Honda chainsaw sort of the other thing I like about them is people really haven't caught on to how good of a saw they are so you can find a lot of times where homeowners bought one and they use it just a little bit throw it on Marketplace sell it for half what it was new I bought this off a guy who never used it I think I paid 30 cents on the dollar or what it was new foreign don't sell at Home Depot they don't sell campfires you got to make your own I love the fact there is so much dead dry wood on this property I could have a campfire every night for I don't know the foreseeable future I wouldn't run out lots and lots of wood here one piece of wood I'm not too fond of is this big white pine stump I'd like to get this out of here it has a neighbor right next to it you can't see it because it's under a pile of wood so I'll pop this stump and sometime in the future I'll get the one that's buried and then I can flatten this area out I plan on putting a wood shed where the big pile of wood is that way I can back my truck right up to the woodshed but everything here has to go first so just like pulling a big tooth let's see if we can get the stump out of here [Music] and we won't get it on that Troy [Music] foreign [Music] foreign [Music] I thought it'd put up more of a fight than that but I'm glad it didn't [Music] I really want to get this stump out of here but I really want to keep the dirt that it's taken with it so we'll take a few minutes and clean this thing off [Music] you know another thing you can't get at Home Depot Kia Basa they should fix that any store that sells lumber should also sell Polish sausage [Music] about 10 years ago a lady down the road lost her bar into a tornado it was an old barn and there were no animals in it so nothing got hurt my brother and I won the contract to do the demolition on that Barn we spent a week or better tearing that thing apart the first thing you've learned is that the folks back a hundred years ago they got real good at moving around big things with their hands it's kind of a study on Leverage it took us a few days to get it all figured out but pretty soon we were moving 50-foot beams with cribbing and straps and wheels that's a pretty interesting little study moving around logs by hand is a lot of the same type of thing [Music] I just cut this knot off of this tree and look what was inside it's a tree frog I barely missed him with that chainsaw poor little guy must have scared him silly oh they are they're the best look at this little guy when I'd finished that cut I saw what it was just something like spongy kind of moving right at the level of that cut and it was this guy he's all covered in sawdust he's scared man I am sorry buddy I didn't mean to freak you out I'll go find a place for him he's just hanging under my finger chilling I hope he doesn't have any relatives down in here right up here come on buddy hey hey last thing I want to do is chainsaw a tree frog in half so out of the trunk of that tree I got five eight Footers one seven footer and one six footer now what I can do is start burning all this brush that's been trapped behind that big pile of logs I'll get all that brush burned and then I'll be able to get this big stump out right here I recently saw a little logging arch for sale on Facebook Marketplace and the kid who built it just was graduating from the local College's welding program I went and talked to him and told him what I wanted he said for a little bit of extra money he'd tear that log Arch apart and make it into anything I wanted so we worked out a deal and he reworked the arch and built a top bar and a tongue for it then I put on the hitch and the chain and the winch and the braces that are made out of mild iron pipe I think it turned out pretty good [Music] you know if there's one thing I've been wanting for a long time it's a logging Arch because moving around big logs by hand sucks and it's really hard it basically puts a kink in everything you want to do with your sawmill [Music] so this will be the maiden voyage of our logging Arch and hopefully it works as good as I hope it does that's the problem with sawmilling even the smallest Sawmill that you buy can handle a pretty good sized log this log I'm hauling right now is maybe maybe 12 inches the smallest bandsaw Mills on the market will cut a 22 24 inch log that's a huge log without equipment that's where you get stuck is moving logs you might have a mill that'll accept a 24 inch long but once you actually see a 24 inch lock you realize there's no way to move it well there's no easy way to move it all I gotta say I'm about tickled with how that went these aren't really big logs but it's no problem at all to get them off the ground matter of fact we can do them two at a time if we want the winch is from Harbor Freight it's the cheapest model that they sell it's about a twenty dollar bill but it lifts these logs just fine [Music] thank you [Music] foreign a lot to do every summer and I think this is our last window for doing any kind of hot work in the woods Summer's not meant for hauling logs or cutting firewood so I think we're going to put all this on the Shelf until the fall when things cool off then we'll get back to work on this cabin project until then you guys have a fantastic summer my name is Dave Whipple and you've been watching Bush radical be radically see you soon foreign
Channel: Bushradical
Views: 159,202
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: cutting logs, log arch, saw logs, logging, chainsaw
Id: SrVNSx5C2iA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 6sec (726 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 25 2023
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