The Big Reveal- Hubby Sees Property for FIRST TIME, Episode 5- CABIN BUILD

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hey guys Brooke will play here welcome to my channel today's the day it's the big reveal the day I take my husband Dave also known as Bush radical on YouTube bring him here to the new property he's never seen has no idea about this tent all the work I've been doing today's the big reveal so stay tuned but first I want to say thank you to the sponsor of this series which is survive where they make these amazing first aid kits I'm a firm believer in being prepared and having first-aid training and having everything you need with you to self-sustain to take care of yourself and these kits are step above you open it up and what you see you right away it's everything everything's labeled burns emergency blanket skin cleaning gloves conforming advantages pressure bandages triangular bandages wound closure iPads like everything is here ready to grab even have a CPR kit and if you buy the large one you get the little the little kind of backpacking one for free which I love something stick in your pack so check the link below I've got it all set up for you guys 10% discount code so you save a little bit of cash help the channel help survive we're a small company Amanda and yonkou husband-and-wife team and you're prepared you're ready to take care of yourself whenever you need to right here we go here's the big reveal yeah totally totally excited about Dave coming so good look at this Stromboli oh my goodness this that's some good stuff see ya I just cannot wait till next week happy Anniversary to us all right guys all right um in the tent for the night I'm so tired this is going to be very nice isn't that nice so I'm going to show you my new thing I brought in I make these antler chandeliers with candles pretty cool so good in here yeah oh I'm so ready for bed but I got the lantern going and I got a fire in a wood stove heating it up nice in here time to get jammies on what it is truly magical to be in a Walton I just changed my clothes by the wood stove so happy and I'm so tired but yeah you cannot beat wall tents man wow they're just amazing I'll see you in the morning guys you good morning guys now get a quick fire going here get some coffee a little chilly just soon come out here I like being outside so it's a nice dry day I do my fire out here for breakfast love having birch bark on property chilly out here feel good have a good cup of coffee and I got to hit the road [Music] [Music] [Music] looking good in there already took this over once it's coffee going man well guys I got one more thing I want to do in the tent and that is hang a fist you remember this this is a piece of our mantle that we had in our cabin on a lone season four where Dave and I were on the show in Vancouver Island we survived in the wilderness for 49 days living off the land and this was in her cabin he had found an old nail put it in the fire and then kind of would burn this in so I want to hang it in the tent nice that's good love it so this is all set it's all ready for him hope he has just blown away got water the lantern good table candles dry firewood got the new fire pit yes next time I come here I'm gonna be a bush radical it'll be the big reveal alright guys he's with me we just had breakfast we're heading to the property he doesn't want to drive so I don't know how I'm gonna film his reaction coming into the property and all that but we'll make it happen stay tuned we are getting closer it's cool beautiful so pretty colors are really coming on look at that did you put the wall turn up this is groovy I've worked my butt off Wow yep I love the timber yeah it's so amazing I couldn't see this Ridge when I got here really this was all I opened everything up thought we did thought you we're gonna have a bra I thought you said there wasn't a good spot for a fire well what was I supposed to tell you I got it all set up for a happy Anniversary gift oh it's beautiful we got chairs I got mulch I got a view where'd you get the bowls farm store community to see the Walton spent my summer you know guiding money on it alright I'll show you your home okay now you go look wow this is so wheat hey you didn't take your shoes off this is just a good as a cabin for sure I love it this is fantastic yeah why do we when do we gonna take the wall that down never got to know no we'll kill it I know trust me but for right now it's awesome I bet that thing heats this place up hardcore oh yeah I got some dry fire you get that big stove uh Craigslist that is a beaut yep I love it happy anniversary oh this is awesome but it's on the wall I see that that is sweet I didn't want you to come here and work and suffer I just want to come out here and enjoy it this is setup to enjoy I love it this is so cool heck yeah I got water did you say you did or did not bring a compass yeah I did okay yeah I got my GPS they'll tell us where we're going you're also bring a compass or just no I forgot the compass this is so cool this is not what I had anticipated were you thinking we just have tons of work right that's all I was thinking just work and know this is why I wanted to do this so that we're not here just working you got a fire pit we're we're so set it is beautiful here cool and huh yeah it's gorgeous land this is a beautiful fire pit I love it yeah where'd you get the rocks the farm Wow hold them up here so there was an old building here I took apart that's all gone this was all justice you couldn't see any of this it's all just completely filled in and there's the eyesore that we got to get rid of it's bad we have taken up the best piece here oh yeah I mean it just has so much potential so much potential there's just quiet quiet quiet yeah it is - you didn't have any idea so many wall tents that came and went in our life it goes in one ear and out the other yeah I saw there was a big tent in the garage floor and I'm like that's it it's one of us is it huh guys he totally loves it he's he's actually surprised he had no idea so now we're just kind of in that giddy explore your land mode so I'm going to catch up to him what do you think dude what did I do good oh this is perfect this is perfect this country is just so amazing there's very few things in the lower 48 that are like this in my mind anyway yeah I mean the mix here I mean this is just all you pee this everything looks like a park park nobody's found yet yeah it's just beautiful love those big yeah amazing big spruce big hemlock I love it yeah this is super cool over here just this little point of land [Music] beautiful beautiful land just hit the checkmark just amazing Beauty yeah Wow that one behind you is huge - uh-huh you happy I love it I love it much like Vancouver Island it's in the best places anyway all right this is what I was trying to explain like it just feels like Vancouver Alan oh it's so cool in here yeah pretty Sun went down you wouldn't have a clue island beautiful it is it's cool up in there can't see much though no it was exactly where I was before these are the berries pretty tiny oh they were loaded a couple weeks ago looks like a nice spot to fish right here kind of a deep hole looks like here that water is so high not it's not like the ones up north boy that looks for sure that's it doesn't look like the ones in Alaska but it's pretty much the inside looks like it oh it does that briars on it oh there charlie rose hips oh yeah I'm soaking wet oh boy I didn't even see that massive hole oh boy down I went my boots are just oh that was that woke me up looking through your camera filming you nice big Cedars wow this is kind of neat through here oh I have not seen this side yet yeah you cleared some of this out this would be a kind of cool spot would oh this is neat in here this is really cool very cool piece huh nice little Peninsula I don't know wow that's a big in yeah it is those berries ain't pretty very very yeah yeah that's our Island oh no idea I gotta look it up how gorgeous this thing is oh it's just getting so pretty in here look at this one look you own the bear huh this is pine right it would be a great place to get up in there and we're back honey for a bite to eat why soaking wet hey you some socks dry pants oh that good yeah it is seriously though won't grin for your build it right beautiful spot yeah get this cleared out we'll bet that's my next project is right there oh that's good yeah hmm black moley bean salsa cheese I just wish there's more sunshine howling the summer it's awesome hmm oh yeah for right now sunshine would feel good you just have to open up this way you have to take out some big trees [Music] get er done riddle [Music] [Music] I can't feel my toes yeah [Music] baby so nice let's turn out some major heat [Music] we are on our way to the lake Dave hasn't seen the lake yet so we're walking back absolutely beautiful night [Music] already oh yeah you're you're behind the eight ball for sure this was the big surprise reveal day they're gonna she's big Reds trees in here are amazing you don't see big red Pines like that yep gorgeous [Music] we're having such a good day it's just been amazing that is yeah I like her when they're really big yeah yeah there's some big uns in here [Music] such a nice night just beautiful oh yes what a place to be a turtle beautiful [Music] yeah uh-huh wow this is so much higher it's unbelievable really oh yeah what do you think this is definitely a an amazing spot you know to have this much area basically to yourself it's pretty amazing it's so quiet it's really not windy out here at all tonight lake is calm yep I think that might be yeah well there's a lot of them look look beyond there oh yeah my grandma used to make elderberry jam yeah there's more red berries I don't know what these are either yeah it's where the river comes in goes right to our property quite a lake it's huge what do you think it's awesome it's fantastic back in here yeah much quiet I thought the same thing it's like having a really really cool skate park but with no roads and no people and yep and you live right down the road walk right to it another piece yeah good job hippie so when you go when you don't have to worry about power yeah it opens up everything yep just beautiful trail please barbecue chicken pizzas this is actually probably gonna be pretty handy you know I've never had one of these are we did have one wait what's that I don't think we're ever used it might have came in the pop-up camper that we got to make yeah yeah yeah this is cool I got this out of the camper got that shovel and this alright what I'm making here is barbecue chicken non pizzas this little naan bread which is so good love these little mini Mons and makes the best pizza BBQ chicken pizza coming up it's almost kind of like a PITA like little flat breads I brought the wrong cheese but we're just gonna roll with it supposed to be mozzarella then you put the barbecue chicken or barbecue pork and then green peppers and onions on top jeez that's gonna work out so good they're pretty hot right there yeah it's nice and warm it's not you know like totally horrible I love you can adjust this not too shabby ready for dinner yeah all right good pizza yeah it's awesome see what yours looks like oh yeah yummy [Music] well bet I bet you that's a good fire that's some birch bark going nuts I gotta love it nice my camera likes that light the fire gone in the tent to this it's gonna be nice and toasty in here very shortly good that glow from the fire in here yeah Wow do you think it's so amazing yeah nice fire cozy hopefully the bed will be good tonight I'm ready it looks so inviting me too it's just warm and cozy in here and it's chilly outside it's probably gonna frost tonight [Music] all right first night in the cabin tent did you like it babe oh absolutely yeah pretty cozy spot working hard look at this we got a wood stove breakfast coming we got coffee you do - in the works making the mess we have an epic breakfast epic breakfast is coming [Music] really nice cooking fire yeah well perfect about perfect you can actually stand next to it not die I stole [Music] be warm them in the morning at night [Music] so delish all right there it is all blast you you gonna set the table or right there what are you okay all the goodies though the salt and pepper Tabasco everything's over there know what you could do to this Tabasco of course in salsa oh yeah that is awesome [Music] so this is the area right behind the tent today my goal to get this stuff all cleared up gone [Music] [Music] [Music] all right got the old man working dig that stump out would you well let me show you what I did today cleared out this whole area right here it's just nice I'm gonna burn this stuff just like some burnable birch I just covered it up with the birch bark but we're starting to see the potential here of Hope opening this area up got the old pile of logs gone and stash the canoe and chairs and stuff so yeah making progress what we want to do is eventually just be able to look down here in this Ridge and not just see a wall of trees but see through them see these big trees so yep we're getting there and we got to get this stupid trailer out of here hopefully very soon [Music] alright babe so are you happy is this resupplies is this awesome the tent was a huge surprise the land was kind of a surprise and kind of not because you know we've been doing this for the last 20 years picking property that has potential and then home sitting at developing it clearing it out so I knew it would be awesome but I didn't know it would have this feel because you can't get that into a camera so coming onto the land it was it was a lot different than I had thought it would be but it's better it's perfect out here well hey guys thanks for joining me it was great surprise great episode and lots more good stuff happen more good stuff to come so stay tuned see you next time scroll in the woods she gone oh don't forget to get outside happy
Channel: Girl in the Woods
Views: 610,523
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: off grid, off grid living, wall tent, wall tent living, wall tents, wall tents with wood stove, cabin, building a cabin, land purchase, how to buy off grid land, off grid land, woman homesteader, homesteading, woman wall tent, brooke whipple, brooke whipple alone, brooke whipple girl in the woods, dave whipple, brooke and dave whipple, off grid wall tent, buying off grid land
Id: QCyibnRZ1Eg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 32min 13sec (1933 seconds)
Published: Mon Oct 14 2019
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