This Reddit User Lost $20,000,000 off GameStop GME in 1 week

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hey what's up welcome back to a brand new video if you're clicking on this video right now and you most likely heard what happened to gamestop amc build-a-bear nokia black bear there's so many more and recently dogecoin black bear like the artist did i say blackbeard i say blackberry and if you haven't we'll strap in because this is one insane financial roller coaster because on the 26th of january the entire speculative market went from bitcoin to gamestop and it's all because of one reddit user by the name of deep effing value i can't say the real username because i enjoy being monetized here on youtube if you didn't know deep effing value indirectly led the charge of retail traders standing up against wall street greed and before i get into the story i just want to point out the fact that the media has basically been saying that reddit broke wall street in a week but in reality it took more than a year and a half to get to where we are right now because this whole thing actually started in 2019 i'm not sure if this is the original post of him because like for some reason reddit won't let me scroll past a year and a half of his posts i can't tell he actually deleted them or what the real problem is but the first post that i found from him is from september 11 2019. it says gme yolo update following the q2 earning report described as a chernobyl experience jimmy is the stock ticker for gamestop and here we can see he paid fifty three thousand five hundred dollars for his positions and has so far gained forty six thousand dollars in profit and he has about thirteen thousand dollars of cash on the sidelines and the comments here are priceless especially when you realize what this is worth today why anyone would play gamestop is beyond me i mean it's a third-party middleman game seller okay what f and tekker innovations do they often have that other retailers don't but i download all my games dude they're adding couches it's not about the money it's about sending a message and that message is you went full [ __ ] i am quoting people so it's okay ladies and gentlemen publicly traded companies are very strange if this were a private company the owner would close its doors immediately and cut their losses not blow all of the remaining capital but because it's a publicly traded company they just burn through all investor capital until it gets kicked off the exchange and jesus christ stop is the right name for the store stop it's radio shack think so question mark betso question mark oh my goodness then skipping forward to december of 2019 he posted another update saying gme yolo update following nightmare q3 earnings report did i sell y'all for real i added and here it's showing that he moved that previous cash position he had into more gamestop long calls and the new screenshot also said that he paid sixty thousand dollars and now has eighty three thousand dollars of value and long calls and the comments are still flaming him oh no child what are you doing you honestly have a better chance of playing roulette dude just wtf so many names to be long on you do this they cut eps guidance by 90 what the hell is your bull thesis here edit i think this guy is rich and he's doing this just to f with us and then deep f and value himself replied what's a better name to be long and the guy replied spx google apple tesla crispr roku disney nvidia cmg even throw a dart look at what this garbage has done since the overall market bottomed in late 2018. look at any of those charge and ask yourself what you'd have by now if you had the same degree of patience coupled with the ability to time your re-entry as you did here and deep f and value replied who cares what it's done since 2018 what matters to me is what it does in 2020. since august gme is up more than all of those companies then skipping to the end of april 2020 about six weeks after the crazy stock market crash mid-march and this is how he was standing his total cost is 57 thousand dollars his gain is at 41 000 and here he's sitting on 117 000 in cash so i'm assuming he either took profits earlier or transferred more money into his account and the comments are slowly getting a little bit better you made more than gamestop did this quarter it looks like this person deserves a wikipedia article about how big his balls are good luck exiting this trade the bid slash asks are a mile wide and there's low liquidity how long did it take you to buy all thousand contracts with a 12 call thanks if it all goes to plan liquidity will rise to an adequate level for averaging out i average into the april 21 contracts over a few months now people are actually slowly noticing this guy but we're still nine months out so let's skip three more months ahead of time to see where he's standing then and that's a lot worse than where he was okay so he's now down sixty one thousand dollars he has twenty six thousand dollars in cash so i'm assuming he heavily bought the dip and he's still bleeding from that and one of these comments said yikes why do you hate money well skipping three more months in we now see that uh he posted this gme gamestop yolo update october 22nd 2020 this is crazy the dude made more than two million dollars in three months as you can see his total gain is now 2.2 million dollars and he has 250 000 in cash absolute legend but does he sell no not at all on the 25th of december christmas day he posts this revealing that deep effing value is roaring kitty on youtube he now has a 3.6 million dollar total value in his account with 2.4 million dollars in gains and 1.1 million dollars in cash what a chad but does he cash out hell no not yet on the 22nd of january he posts again gamestop yolo update january 22nd 2021 total value 11 million dollars this man he won he just won the the financial game at life congratulations like at this point this man can retire and do whatever he wants in life and as you see here he has 2.6 million dollars in cash 3.2 million dollars in gamestop stock and 5.3 million dollars in gamestop future calls but does he sell no he doesn't sell yet four days later he posts this he has 22.8 million dollars in his account 22.8 million dollars from trading gamestop the man did the impossible like who who would have ever thought you could make 22.8 million dollars buying futures options for gamestop futures trading is essentially loaning money or locking up money to bet on the future of a stock and this sent shock waves through the communities and robin hood traders went crazy with this and this is pretty much the start of what turned in to be a tsunami of robin hood trader memes the whole reason deep effing value made this whole trade was because of a uh a short squeeze so uh robinhood traders started buying up every single stock that was heavily shorted by large firms meaning that large hedge funds were betting on these companies to fail so these hedge funds took out large loans in these companies stock hoping to pay them back when the stock became cheaper and then they could pocket the difference but not if wall street bets had anything to do with it everything that you think doesn't have value they bought up so gamestop amc nokia blackberry costs build-a-bear bed bath and beyond and all of them started pumping bed bath and beyond and at some point when a stock starts going up after these hedge funds are betting for it to go down they're gonna have to buy back this stock at a new price to cover their debt meaning if this hedge fund went short one million shares at five dollars and then suddenly the price went up to a hundred dollars per share up from five dollars a share the hedge fund company would roughly have to buy a hundred million dollars worth of stock to pay off their debt and that made it so much more fun for the internet mom i need 500 me and my friends are crashing the economy [Music] i love and hate this at the same time and even the wall street bets discord has started sounding like a nasdaq trading floor i love the internet so much it sounds like at the grocery store on a sunday evening then of course elon musk jumped in like he always does when there's a good meme all right stop talk you heard it here first elon musk will send a goddamn gamestop rocket to space if gamestop reaches a thousand dollars you know what to do right now i'm all in on anc knock and everything else so uh i'm not gonna be buying that buying power for it but by god if you got the money let's me my way to the actual moon yes oh my goodness i i hope you guys didn't lose too much money doing this because clearly the the guys who got in early made a whole lot of money but everyone else who uh piled in at the end uh might have been left with the bag i hope not too many of you guys were left with the bag because the whole point of it was leaving uh melvin capital with a bag but it seems like melvin capital tricked a whole bunch of people to pump silver up because they're one of the largest silver holders in the world and that's how they could cover their losses or that's maybe how they can cover some of their gamestop losses so hopefully you guys didn't blindly jump into buying silver without realizing what you're actually doing but moving on skipping the 29th of january deep effing value is still in he now has 46 million dollars of value on his balance sheet he's taken 13.8 million dollars profit in cash but still has roughly 31 million dollars in gamestop stock and future calls man you'd think he's on the board of gamestop with the amount of money he's made off of gamestop even cnn started covering some of these memes then millennials gamestop now millennials gamestop per game stunk oh it's definitely game stunk that's for sure and of course the elite hate normal people making hello money in a free market because that's so wrong you know making money in a free market if only the rules were easy enough to where if you are 18 years and older and choose to invest in the market you're old enough to either make a lot of money or lose all your money they don't need to put guards and safety rails around this maybe around futures trading within reason like i'm just saying i don't want an 18 year old to be going 100 x long on something or 100 x short on something no like within reason here but then you have the former sec commissioner saying they need to limit this somehow it really puts a lot of um question about the integrity of the market right and it really kind of everybody's scratching their heads over this what what should happen what what is the right thing to do to control this or stop this not unlike what we saw on january 6th at the capitol right if you don't have the police in there at the right time things go a little crazy and that's kind of feels like what's happening with this much different much lesser degree it's financial harm not personal bodily harm but but certainly that's the same kind of you know platform created frenzy um that that people are operating under and these are these are very trying times why gee who knows why honestly of course they have to twist a bunch of guys making money from betting big against wall street firms into some political thing oh no the political donors are getting hurt time to regulate the markets because they don't want the average guy to lose money so robin hood froze trading for the reddit meme stocks reddit privated the group wall street bets and what happened then well they went to the only free market available to them so i guess that was dogecoin so they started pumping dogecoin so essentially wall street bets just started funneling money into crypto and uh though the crypto that gained the most from wall street bets by far was dogecoin and just like everything else that was pumped what goes up must come down so here's some streamers watching their dogecoin investments go down the drain dude i'm refreshing my robin hood and my money won't refresh me what just happened did a nuclear bomb go off somewhere i'm concerned this is an opportunity okay it's now in point 6. what is happening why is this happening oh no oh no this has got to be market manipulation this is something i just put 20 000 that's not market manipulation there's more than 100 billion dogecoins in circulation to dump on newcomers i mean odds are this isn't going to be the only dogecoin pump i mean all it takes is elon musk to allow people to be able to buy a tesla with a dogecoin and suddenly dogecoin will be through the roof this is not investment advice whatsoever and if i call this i'm a psychic and i got psychic abilities from when i raided area 51. but speaking of elon musk during all of this like in the middle of all this elon musk suddenly announced oh by the way guys i'm going to go on clubhouse and just do an ama with you guys and he talked for about an hour with some of the worst questions ever if they did a competition to ask elon musk the worst question that would probably make sense with some of the questions that we got i think that's what was happening that's the most logical explanation so if you get three days to prepare a set amount of questions because you only have an hour of this guy's time to ask elon musk and multiple of these questions turn out to be so what do you like on netflix so did you like this show on netflix did you understand this netflix show i can't believe that when that guy asked if he understood the show i was like bruh why would you what are you doing whoever asked him that you should be fired from whatever job that thought it was a good idea for you to ask elon musk questions but after elon musk talked for a whole hour he surprised everyone by bringing the ceo of robin hood on to clubhouse to interrogate him live that's what it got good oh that yeah that's when we got the popcorn out to say the least and we didn't really get a clear answer i mean i guess it was citadel that pulled the plug on them and that's from what i know the company that actually executes the trades for robinhood because robinhood is purely just a middleman but the robinhood ceo he did lie during this interrogation because he did say this was his first time hopping on clubhouse but he didn't have a party hat on the first week that you're on clubhouse you're wearing a party hat so i know that's not a massive lie but if you would lie about something as basic as that how are we gonna trust whatever else he said and now robin hood's being sued so this will be interesting to follow throughout the next few months they're probably going to drag it on for more than a year let's be real but finally deep having value he posts on february the 3rd gamestop yellow update heads up i'm going to back off the daily updates so he lost about 20 million dollars of value in one week that's insanity but he still has 13 million dollars in cash so at this point it doesn't matter good game congratulations so much roaring kitty slash deep effing value is that the definition of playing the long game that is definitely the the great long so we've seen the great short and we just witnessed the great long coming to an amc theater near you they're already making a movie on this so i mean i saw that with they were quick on that one holy crap why were they so quick to cast that noah centino guy or sentient i don't know how to say his name see i i feel like deep f in value should play himself let's be real like deep fn value has to play himself in the great long movie it doesn't make sense for him to not play himself because only one dude in the world has balls that big you can't pretend to have balls that big exactly i don't care who you are i don't care how good your acting skills are you can't be compared to roaring kitty yeah sorry and roaring kitty if uh by the small chance you're actually seeing this video i would love to interview you that would be fantastic i definitely missed out on a whole lot that happened i would love to get your side of the story as well the question i'm leaving you guys with today is did you invest in any of these stocks that were currently pumped by uh wall street vets please reply in the comments down below if you're new here i welcome you to my channel be awesome you subscribed drop a like on this video so more people can see it and i'll see you guys in the next video peace baby i'm crazy you know i get so jaded my mama told me i made it but i'm still not up on no playlist and i still hit up all my haters everybody else is so faithless saying if you waited don't play it but maybe i'm the one that needs changing but i don't really want change no think i get to where i wanna go
Channel: Atozy
Views: 106,249
Rating: 4.887856 out of 5
Keywords: gamestop, wallstreetbets, gme, this reddit user lost, this reddit user lost $20M, This reddit user lost 20000000, satire, comedy, commentary, atozy, wsb, wall street bets, wsb reddit, wall street bets reddit, deepfvalue, deepvalue, roaring kitty, roaringkitty, roaring, kitty
Id: igXtrK4PH6c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 56sec (956 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 07 2021
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