This Pokemon Stole SEVEN World Records in ONE DAY

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one of the three new starter Pokemon in scarlet and violets just took seven World Records in one day but how did they do it you might ask let's dive into the speedrun category that started it all at the Legends is the category where you take on one of three main storylines and the goal is to collect Urban mystica in order to heal the main character arvin's good boy as well as earn power-ups on your legendary bicycle murrieton or Corydon depending on what game you're playing but in order to do that we have to defeat Titan Pokemon which are basically oversized Pokemon guarding the prize of urban mystica Titan Pokemon don't actually have different stats from regular Pokemon until their second phase where you'd think they would get an entire boost to every stats considering this giant aura that surrounds them but all they do is Boost HP sometimes going as far as to boost it three times the normal amount so in order to speedrun through every Titan Pokemon we need something that knocks them out fast and for the longest time that chosen Pokemon was flamigo flamigo is a silly but powerful Pokemon with a ridiculous base attack and this attack stat alongside moves like low kick and acrobatics gave it every tool it needed to take out Titan Pokemon but thankfully most Titan Pokemon weigh enough to give a huge boost in power to low kick since the more Pokemon weighs the more powerful the move becomes and if a Pokemon doesn't weigh a lot acrobatics makes up for it originally the route was done with a low level flamigo starting at level 6 but eventually evolved to using a level 17 one instead this took the route from times above one hour all the way down to 53 minutes during this time flamigo not only took this world record but every single one of them any percent path of Legends Victory Road and even Starfall Street Bell to the wrath of flamigo it was just way too good and this made categories feel less special so a movement originated by Pokemon speedrunner irondray that would be called stop flamigo started up a trend that would take over path of Legends in the most insane way possible just like you can affect my channel in the most insane way possible by subscribing and while you're at it consider checking out my video on how me and Chugga Conroy did a co-op Speed Run where we caught every single Pokemon during our Andre's quest to stop flamigo he began experimenting with the starter Pokemon in one such starter was spigotito sprigatito evolves into the Monstrous meowskarata which is arguably the most powerful grass order to ever exist and once a speedrun Rao was developed this inspired some of the world's fastest Pokemon scarlet and violet players to join in on the race to finally stop flamigo the first routes for sprigatido began by only taking advantage of its physical move with a base 110 attack stat it's easy to see why we ended up drawn to moves like seed Bomb Flower trick night slash and low kick almost all of which had incredibly fast animations that could compete with flamigo as we set new times with this powerful cat we got closer and closer to our goals with this route until finally a breakthrough and the first person to stop flamigo would be trevaria she started off her run by buying four x attacks that she would use for important fights right before flying to arvin's Lighthouse she then proceeded to backwards long jump up a cliff which stopped her legendary bicycle from falling down it right before she could get a medium candy into a large candy then headed directly to cloth immediately after right before dumping every single exp candy in order to evolve sprigatito this let her re-teach the move seed bomb in order to obliterate The Rock Titan cloth in both phases earning her the power to boost on her legendary bicycle when she was free from the cutscenes she immediately performed another blj right behind cloth spawn location in headed towards the city Zappa Pico directly ahead of her and grabbed as many candies as she could along the way until eventually she got the fly point for the normal gym town before flying back to zappapico this was all to gain enough exp candies to get a high enough level before the Titan earthworm which was just in time to teach low kick and flower trick to her big cats low Kick's base Powers determined by weight while flower trick is a guaranteed 70 base power grass move that always crits each time you use it with low kick she easily destroyed earthworm giving travaria access to high jump letting her easily leap over mountains reaching the sky Titan at a much quicker Pace than normal where the bird was also obliterated by low kick after destroying her third Titan it was time to take on the last two and she had all the tools she needed for a swift Victory against at least one of those the reason why I say one of those is because the danzo and tatsugiri are absolute monstrosities that easily kill your run with a few bad instances of RNG but not for travaria who got one of the best the danzo tatsukiri fights I've ever seen the danzo comes packed with body slam that can paralyze you in water pulse which can confuse you combined together and you're gonna have yourself a bad time same can be said for Tatsu giri since it has access to icy wind haunt muddy water and dragon pulse best case scenario is pretty much anything except for Icy win since icy wind not only knocks you down to Dragon pulse kill range but also makes you slower than tatsugiri this becomes a problem since no matter what you have to give tatsugiri one turn to do whatever it wants by setting up a single X attack on your cat but once the false Dragon Titan is finished you have but one massive threat waiting for you before you can finish the path of Legends speedrun and that is a fight with main character Arvin Arvin leads with this disgusting greetings that makes fighting a starter Pokemon with the right stats less likely than being hit by lightning which is exactly how I describe getting hit by greed and feels like since you need to set up two x attacks in order to sweep Arvin you not only have to watch for paralysis from two separate instances of body slam but you need very high HP and defense IVs to survive but trevaria pulled through surviving on a whopping 3 HP this led her flower trick greetings Knight slash go villain and Toad scroll low kick garjonical and Cloister all before finishing off my boss stiff with a powerful flower trick Landing her the first ever world record to finally beat flamigo that's the final time 53-47 beat the world record by nine seconds but the community wasn't done just yet because less than 20 minutes later it was my turn and I had a different way of going about it instead of the monsters attack stats I focused on special attack well it may seem like an odd strategy on the surface I had a massive reason for doing so and that reason was grass not much like how low kicks base power is affected by a Pokemon's weight brass knot is as well and thanks to a newer member of the speedrunning community mocha Jones I was able to find a really fast grass not TM on the ground so I came up with a quick route to follow with the help of a couple of speedrunners and got to work on a new world record I started my speedrun by avoiding moves that I knew wasted a ton of extra time re-teaching or teaching through the TM machine and instead chose to pick them up from the ground since I knew it was faster and the two moves I would pick up would be Grass Knot and Aura Sphere or sphere would be used to take out earthworm and Bombardier in place of low kick while grass now would be used to take out the rest this not only knocked out the Titans faster than I could with physical moves but also made them a lot easier these strategies eventually got me a time closer to a 52 minute purse on best but not even 30 minutes later Saiyan sink would pop me by a whopping 40 milliseconds This Was Then followed up by another world record within 20 minutes of sans time and one more a few hours later both sets by Chris LBC a Spyro speedrunner that's been absolutely crushing his way through some sick leaderboard times I even managed to sneak in the first ever 52 minute Speed Run of path of Legends with these Super Glide glitch I covered in this video that lets me fly at speeds faster than I ever could do normally but Saiyan sync is a man that loves his Pokemon scarlet and violet world records and would soon blow the competition back with a devastatingly low 50 two minute time in path of Legends without glitches and this was done with a purely physical attacking cat seeing this made many of us question entirely if using a special attacking cat was the way to go but I knew the potential special cat could unlock considering how much time I had botched in my own run so with the help of many optimizations from Garfield the lightning and some sick notes from irondre I knew it was time to show the true potential of miascarata and after two hours of resetting for a god cat this is the run that I got three two one go oh that was that's the cleanest I've done that ever oh and we got a good Warp please please no I hope this thing disappears in front of me like obliterate please go away go away go away yo that is solid overgrow too hell yeah I'd love to see it Mother of God oh my God I almost fell off the cliff oh oh Pokemon speed runs are very very heavily on underrepresented there was definitely a time where like streaming was enough to make it happen but to make digestible content that stands out from other people can be quite hard uh but I guess besides that though yeah just like find your two unique skills and then from there don't post videos in the sense that you want to them to blow up post videos to learn more about how you want to represent yourself and then as time goes on you're gonna find people that really like what you do I saw an opportunity to make a absolutely insane thumbnail that got 70 000 views and then I knew I if I wanted to keep going I had to perfect my craft make it shorter make it like nice digestible I learned so much from that like video blowing up I skimmed over it a lot because of the fact that it was supposed to be a sequel to what I was already creating which was this little series that did pretty damn well starting from like insane glitch discovered or Pokemon Violet Scarlet violent speed runs and I was like yo I'm gonna show off like these really cool tricks while I work on like how the glitch route is going to like you and during that as it like reached a wider audience but this video right here I made a crazy thumbnail I changed that thumbnail so many times to try and represent what like the glitch was I eventually clicked in my brain like this like flash of inspiration clicked in my brain because I'm a big Star Wars fan I was like Hyper Speed let's go and I went with it and it did really well but again a lot of those comments told me what I was doing wrong and I took that as a learning thing especially with like a lot of the constructive criticism I was put forward and from there I made my recent video of the speedrunning progression oh my a Pokemon scarlet and violet I challenged myself to make a 20 minute video nearly 20 minute video that would represent the best way you could possibly lowering what I would do what I would put out to people and explain to them in a way at any audience would be able to understand and now it's paying off and I'm doing that for every video now here we go ah kinda why what's up did that kill I got the one shot let's go dude okay that's record pace that is world record Pace now oh my God it's for tiny all right here we go I hope you find your voice Chris it's a very rewarding process good bad I roll Brits okay okay bless up if we get a good fight this is world record Pace I just need uh don or tatsukiri to be nice Dragon pulse me Dragon pulse me still fine do you take down that's fine again GG all right it's up to one more fight that was insane now flower flower trick is guaranteed to crit that's insane oh my God this pace right now oh my God oh my goodness foreign best possible time this and almost beat record by a minute and that I was doing this so casually good Lord I told the entire story of like my recent youTube success too I hope this makes it what's up let's go world's first 51. let's do it one two [Music] let's go yes okay yes 51 baby I never seen a 52. and I never will let's go love to see it oh baby oh my God shout outs to Garfield the lightning for the amazing strats shout outs to Josh for pioneering this beautiful category that's a Saiyan for the amazing competition that's iron for bringing up the idea of pulling out spigotito and shout outs to one my beautiful spaghettito for being amazing amazing run Pokemon Scarlets path of Legends in 51 minutes by me glitchless GG and that's where the world record stands today is what I would have said if I'd released this video two days ago so if you want to see me trying to get back live be sure to head over to my twitch And subscribe here for more cool Pokemon speedrunning content
Channel: PulseEffects
Views: 384,711
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Pokemon Speedrun, PulseEffects, PulseEffects Speedrun, Pokemon World Record, Speedrun Explained, Glitched Speedrun, Glitched Pokemon Speedrun, pokemon challenge, pokemon, world record, speedrun, World Record, Pokemon Scarlet Speedrun, Pokemon Violet Speedrun, Pokemon Scarlet Violet Glitch, pokemon glitches, Pokemon Violet World Record Speedrun, pokemon scarlet world record speedrun, pokemon speedrunning tricks, pokemon scarlet violet speedrunning tricks, summoning salt
Id: XXaaeRj64Lo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 22sec (1042 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 30 2023
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