How Speedrunners Broke Pokemon Moon

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pokemon sun and moon games are typically written off as a giant cutscene simulator with really poor pacing i'd be hard to disagree with that in some way shape or form but what about speedruns of this game does it make the experience of tracking back through alola that much better and my answer to that is yes this game truly shines as a speedrun taking into account almost every feature it has to offer to push this game to its limit highlighting what really makes this game something special from petting pokemon dancing in the alolan sun to power them up and even dying i know not everyone has 5 hours to experience this for yourself but maybe my video will sell you on the magical experience of a pokemon moon any percent speed run in as little time as i possibly could to cater to a wider audience because i couldn't make this video any shorter to start things off pokemon moon is the faster version between pokemon sun and moon pokemon sun's normal and grass trial are just way harder to deal with on top of soul galio just being slower than lunala as well as way way riskier now to start things off with speedrunning pokemon sun and moon first thing you're going to want to do is go into your clock and set the time to 900 or 1800 depending on what your preference is after this the run officially begins once we're next to the bed this timing method was voted upon by the pokemon sun and moon theater in a community and skips a total of four minutes of just random dialogue and cutscene you even get to start off from a save file cutting off quite a bit of time from getting your starter pokemon from here we'll then set the tech speed to fast battle animations off and battle style set to sets on top of l equals a there's about 13 more minutes of dialogue before we can reach the starter so once these 13 minutes are finally up we get to choose our starter pokemon and the starter choice for the fastest starter in pokemon sun and moon is without a doubt popplio popplio is one of the most busted water type pokemon that ever existed in pokemon history its stats are insanely busted with good bulk and special attack on top of its final evolution being water and fairy type the other starters just don't even come close as they have their fair share problem and as i mentioned before with refreshing we're going to go straight into pokemon refresh from here and we want to reach affection level 2 as fast as possible the reason why we want affection level 2 as fast as possible is because we want that 20 experience boost that we get from it on top of this when you feed your pokemon beans you'll get a free row of candy if you feed enough i know this looks like a really slow and drawn out process but it's insanely worth it due to a 1.5 times multiplier on experience that we used to get from pokemon trainers that was removed in generation 7 pokemon games without this little boost to our experience we're looking at a lot of time loss just from not being able to deal with fights very efficiently and so with petting out of the way we meet our rival hop for the very first time he happened to pick the fire starter that we're really really good against and we take it out without even sweating from here we'll move on with our lives and go on to this catching tutorial it's one thing to note that the catching tutorial is actually very incorrect on how to catch pokemon on this very first route the really interesting thing that professor kakui doesn't know is that every single pokemon on this route is a 100 catch rate at this point in the game so what we'll do is we'll straight up throw a pokeball at this picky peck and use it whenever we're forced into a double battle later on in the game premiere will move through a couple of mandatory trainers and make sure not to talk to them on purpose this actually marks the very first time in pokemon history where talking to the trainer is actually not faster no matter what you do they'll always give this exclamation point and since they don't move their position whatsoever and walk up towards you it's faster to just walk into their vision but with hopefully no encounters along the way we meet ourselves against another rabble fight against hop this time he's leading with this very threatening pichu but it's still a pretty easy fight as long as we don't get paralyzed or crit it's premiere that we'll deal with a couple more cutscenes a little bit more dialogue and attempt to dodge as many encounters as possible after we receive the rodent pokedex we have a total of eight steps of encounter immunity so we try to make as much use of it as possible if we get an encounter we'll just have to hopefully run away from it it's after this patch of grass that we'll finally be able to receive the level 2 affection you'll be able to tell once you get a bunch of sparkles going around your pokemon and finally after achieving that much needed 20 experience boost we're forced into this pokemon center by lily this forced pokemon center entry is actually a good thing this gives us a chance to deposit our picky peck letting us avoid future double battles as well as grab the free rare candy from talking to the vendor after that we'll just exit the pokemon center and go straight to this school this is the point where we'll receive the exp share beat up a couple of kids and face off against this absolutely evil teacher emily he has a magnemite that not only has sturdy making it so we can't one shot it but also thundershock and if your hp special defense and nature combined are bad enough you will be forced to use a rare candy just to be able to complete this fight our second pokemon is going to be meowf but due to us learning disarming voice we can take it out with ease starring voice is an absolutely amazing 40 bass power fairy type move this move can't actually miss at all and it hits multiple targets at once making it a really really solid move for these early sections of the game from here we're met with a little bit more cut scenes tutorials and some absolutely amazing moon bathing it's worth noting at this point that if you use l equals a for faster mashing you have to deal with five extra seconds of time loss i'm not being able to press l to go straight into the camera itself this is likely made of time saved from tech smashing later on it's at this point where you actually also get rewarded for playing as the boy it happens to be a little bit faster for you to pick the boy due to the girl getting a makeup case and the boy getting absolutely nothing like that it's unfortunate too because she's a pretty cute character but with that out of the way we go straight into the pokemon center for a nice little shopping trip for x items healing items and repels one really absolutely amazing feature about x items in this generation of pokemon is that they actually raise your stats by plus two instead of plus one much like sword dance and agility would and you better believe we're gonna abuse the hell out of these starting off with captain ilyma we'll head over to the boat docks and meet him for the first time get interrupted by team skull that go down pretty easily and then go directly into a battle with him this battle can be a little bit scary depending on what young goose goes for but typically we just use an ex special and spam water guns luckily it only takes a single water gun for youngest to go down however smeargle can be a small issue depending on what young goose went for in the first turn luckily the only thing it's going to take to take out this smear goal is the torrent ability torrent is the ability every single water type starter gets in the game we'll get a 50 boost to our water moves when our hp is equal to or less than one-third of our maximum hp this will make a lot of the next fights much much faster but not before the very first trainer skip in the game thanks to this oversight and how trainer vision works we can skip her by cutting into the grass and hugging the edge here this will also be used in the future but not in the same exact fashion we'll then progress the game from here doing a couple of trainers that are kind of meaningless and then head straight into the normal trial the normal trial and pokemon moon is filled with alolan rattatas and alolan raticates and luckily for us they happen to have a secondary typing of dark type meaning disarming voice is gonna take them out with ease there's also this one team skull member that we have to deal with but with them out of the way we'll go straight into the grounds for the first ever totem pokemon fight before we head into the fight though we'll make sure to heal our pokemon to full turn off the exp share so it doesn't get used later and repel for the encounters that'll spawn after the trial is beaten for those that don't know totem pokemon are these absolutely humongous pokemon that not only get a boost to their sad at the beginning of the fight but will also call upon a little friend that's called an ally pokemon the ally pokemon that they call out will typically depend on their hp but it'll always be the same for this alolan raticate the way this fight goes is we'll set up a next special he'll immediately call out his alolan rattata friend and then we'll proceed to hit him both with a multi-targeted disarming voice the first one will take raticate to a pretty chunky bit of hp but take out the rattata on the side with one hit on turn three we finished the job we wanted to do on turn two earning us our very first z crystal z crystals are a feature found only in the alola region games they basically upgrade moves based on the typing of crystal that you're holding with this being the normalium z crystal we're not really gonna use it for anything speedrun related so we'll just go ahead and move on from this point from here we just do a little bit of moving forward dodging a couple shadows containing bird pokemon head into this meadow filled with flowers to find nebby and get him back into the bag and then proceed into the hardest fight in the game this is another rival fight with hop and we try very very hard to win it by using aquajet with aquajet being priority as well as a physical contact move we can get paralyzed by pikachu static and that's kind of what we're hoping for in this fight as will spam growl to lower its attack as it's using a special attacking move now with this amazing display of pokemon knowledge set before us we die and the game progresses like normal it turns out that rival fights against hop don't actually need to be won in this game and it's actually just plain faster to die the experience evs and money here do not matter whatsoever so we'll just move forward with our adventure and on to the first grand trial before we face off against the grand kahuna himself hala we equip an auron berry and use it against his first pokemon his first pokemon is a manky and this thing has karate chop with focused energy meaning the crit ratio on karate chop is going to be absolutely through the roof depending on our speed we'll typically lead this fight with an x special and then go for an x-speed depending on our speed if we're in torrent at this point we'll just go ahead and go for a water gun otherwise we go for a disarming voice to one shot it after that makuhita will come out and either randomly sand attack or go for the more likely fake out turn takeout will flinch us so we'll take that turn to either set up an x special and try to get our pokemon to plus six and make sure that we give our pokemon plus to speed as to out speed the makuhita and his ace pokemon ker brawler in one shot and with the grand trial one we get access to yet another useless z-crystal but more importantly we get access to the page rider the page rider will summon this pokemon out of thin air and let us ride it i would say the biggest draw to this however is the fact that we never have to use hms because of these ride pokemon with this first ride pokemon being tauros taurus will act as our fastest method of traveling on top of being able to use rock smash on these giant rocks along the way and now at this point we have him back to the boat dock but not before going into this gate and setting up a rappel that'll drag all the way to the next trial location this is where another giant cutscene happens that gives us just enough time to take a nice little restroom break and introduce us to a few team captains we then move forward to a little bit more lilly dialogue and receive a free rare candy from this lady down below her it's still at this point that we're met with dexio and cena from the x and y games these fights will differ between pokemon sun and moon but with pokemon moon we'll get to face off against cena which has a delhi bird and a glacion this fight's pretty easy once we use 2x specials and just spam a little bit of water gun after that we do a little bit of more movement to avoid as many optional trainers along the way as we can before reaching panioli ranch here once again stopped by hop for another battle that we try our hardest to die on purpose it's pretty much the exact same fight as hop 3 so let's just go ahead and move forward to the ranch the ranch happens to have the tm for hidden power and based off of which hidden power we get we might actually go ahead and grab it but we happen to have hidden power flying fire ice or poison it becomes worth it to go inside of the daycare to pick it up but after deciding whether or not to skip hidden power or not we pass by a double battle without fighting it due to having only one pokemon in our party it's here where we're then met with this very edgy teenager named gladian he'll lead off with a zubat that will use to set up 2x specials on nnx speed in order to outspeed and oco the zoo pack the type null as a second pokemon however is quite bulky and will only die to a water gun into a torrent powered water gun afterwards with this part out of the way we get access to the move encore encore is without a doubt one of the most busted moves to ever exist in a pokemon game encore will force an opponent to stay locked into a move that they previously used for a total of three turns and generation seven pokemon games we'll typically use this to lock opponents into either non-threatening moves for a free setup or damaging moves to force them into putting us into torrent range it's at this point that we'll then enter the water trowel the water trial actually doesn't start until we actually reach the totem den because the trial hasn't started yet we can actually get wild encounters inside of this grass but luckily for us we've dragged the repel all the way to here and it'll last all the way throughout the trial the second thing is something we can take advantage of the pokemon inside of this trial are considered wild pokemon meaning we can run away from them at any time speaking of things we can take advantage of we're going to be receiving yet another very useful ride pokemon le process the frost basically acts as a token surf pokemon and will carry us across watery area most notably after the second wishy-washy we can go over to this big piece of land where we'll get one of the most busted water teams ever created it's called it's gold is an 80 base power move with a 30 chance of burning each time you use it and getting it this early is absolutely insane and you better believe we're going to be abusing it including on the water totem himself but once we enter the den the trial begins and we are greeted by this gigantic school of wishy-washy abusing their ability schooling level 20 wishiwashi will change their form to this giant blue monster with some insanely boosted stats when their hp is above 25 percent once the fight starts we'll immediately open up with the next special and then the wishy-washy will call upon a smaller wishy-washy we'll immediately take out that smaller wishy-washy by scalding it and setting up another x-special if necessary at this point we'll proceed to encore the giant blue monster to force us into turin range in order to take it out in one shot it's worth mentioning at this point that totem pokemon in this game have random nature meaning that sometimes this wishy washy can have a plus special defense nature we might end up missing the range with us being plus four so if we want to play a little bit safe we can just go straight to plus six with the trial cleared we get access to an actually useful z crystal wateriam z while terium z will only be used in special cases of not being able to one shot certain pokemon the reason why this massive power boost isn't used more often is due to x special setups being faster than this long dancing animation it does beforehand so we'll only use walterium z on very special occasions from here we're then taken out of the trial only to hop back into it for a free rare candy on this small island with wateriam z in hand we can now get past this line of pseudo-widow and get a free mystic water for our troubles mystic water will give us a 20 boost to our water moves when given as a held item this will be quite useful later on in the game but for now we're just going to stick to the z crystal it's this point where we do another battle against team skull and grab a bunch of rare candy there's at least two hidden on the ground here that we'll typically get before entering the royal avenue unfortunately for us this is actually a fourth section where we have to do a pokemon battle royale the rules of this are basically the first person to knock out a pokemon wins before we move on however i did want to showcase to you guys just how crazy the hardware differences are this is the point in the game where all 3ds will chug like a crazy old car it's kind of insane just how much of a difference there is between old and new 3ds but as i said before we do have separate leader boards if you happen to own either old 3ds new 3ds or you want to play an emulator from here though we make our way straight to the fire trial on top of willa volcano we'll go ahead and take this chance to finally equip waterium z as well as take the opportunity to repel through the volcano grass once we reach the top we're met with kiawe the fire trial captain who makes us do this multiple choice quiz involving dancing marowaks much like the cantonian gym leader blaine's quiz if you answer incorrectly you're forced into an extra non-mandatory fight otherwise the fights we have to go against are marowak and hiker david's magmar which can both easily be taken down with a single skull if we happen to have lower special attack however we'll go ahead and use the z scald on the magmar just to play it a little bit safe at the final question the answer doesn't matter whatsoever and it'll always lead us into the totem selazal fight the totem salazal fight will actually get a useful aura boost in its special defense which will almost guarantee that we can't one shot this thing with a waterian-powered z-sculpt this actually ends up being a good thing for us when a totem pokemon calls for help we will get double the usual eb gain we normally would so once we get solazzle down into red or yellow we'll use our priority move aquajet on it to finish it off for good before taking on the totem ally to land it if we happen to be in torrent range at this point we'll go ahead and go straight in on an aquajet on this landed otherwise we have to take the risk of going for skuld which can be a problem with salandit if the salaza went for a toxic ahead of time due to venishak doing double the damage if we were poisoned on top of this if we happen to crit the salazzle or just somehow one-shot it we end up missing out on a total of four speed evs and a level up which will force us to fight a wild encounter in the grass after this but with the fire trial finish we get access to another ride pokemon charizard tarzan will act like a token fly pokemon and get us to areas a little bit quicker than tauros would we'll go ahead and take advantage of it immediately and head straight to the bottom of the volcano after that we'll get through a couple bits of dialogue and head straight to the next trial being the lush jungle the lush jungle trial is the grass trial and this is where hidden power would normally make a huge difference since the grass trial is filled with brass pokemon with hidden power poison flying fire and ice being the best to take the section on with the very first pokemon you're going to be fighting against is going to be the shanatic which is quite an annoying one there are a couple of different scenarios in order to take this thing out with or without hidden power but best case scenario without hidden power you're going to be keeping torrent all the way throughout this trial meaning you'll be able to take on the fomantises as well without too many issues once all the grassroots pokemon are cleared we'll go ahead and dip into our rare candy pool in order to level up four different times this massive boost to our levels will help us get an advantage against the grass totem pokemon itself laurantis laurantis is probably the hardest fight in the game specifically because of the fact that it holds a power herb on top of having the move solar blade solar blade typically takes an extra turn to set up but with power it can use it instantly without wasting that turn this basically means that we have to open up with an x defend and hope that it's not a plus attack nature on turn 2 it'll instantly summon a trombeak that you gotta kinda hope and pray that you can one shot if you don't one shot it it can either crit you with pluck or use super sonic to confuse you on top of this trumbeak being a problem fomantics can also be a bit of a problem if our hp is a little bit too low forcing it to go for a razor leaf instead of solar blade but best case scenario the trumpet will go down we'll be able to heal immediately set up 2 to 3x specials and then go for a walterium z-powered skull with that the worst fight in the game is out of the way and we make our way back to hiahia city for a big amount of dialogue on top of us seeing a wormhole for the very first time it's here where we make our way through diglett tunnel get through a couple of team skull fights and then make our way to coney coney city we are unfortunately forced to make a stop here but this actually ends up being a good thing because this guy sells a bunch of herbs the good thing about herbs is they're really really cheap and they make for amazing healing items so we'll stock up on a bunch of them to make sure that we have enough healing items to get us through the mid game once we exit the city we'll go ahead and do this really tight movement past this granny and grab an insanely important item for the later sections of the game this is the spell tag item and much like how mystic water will power up a water move by twenty percent this powers up ghost moves by twenty percent which will be useful for lunala later on in the game it unfortunately will not be useful for prayer marina so we just move forward and keep up our repel all the way up until we reach plumeria this is our first introduction to a team skull admin and even with her being an admin this fight is a little bit easy with us just having to really spam water moves with that out of the way from this point forward every single time you see lily you can expect a free heal from her which is lucky for us because we're about to start up a fight against the next grand kahuna olivia olivia is a rock type trainer that leads off with nosepass this nose pass leads off with a nice delicious thunder wave as we go ahead and go for a skull under normal circumstances we'll typically try and keep the paralysis alive and go for a next speed this will let us out speed the nose pass and one shot it from this point four since we already broke the sturdy ability the next pokemon that comes out is going to be a bulldozer this boulder will do a good chunk of damage which is actually a good thing because we actually want to try and be in torrance before she sends out her final pokemon but before she does we'll go ahead and set up an x special and then go ahead and kill off the bulldog with an aquajet to break the sturdy into a skull it's also one thing to note that if we're close enough to torrents before we kill off the bulldog we'll absolutely go for an encore to make sure that we get into it just before the lychen rock but liking rock as her last pokemon doesn't actually typically die to a regular old scold you either need to do a torrent based gold or a z-score and with that olivia's fight is easily taken down and now we can head over to the next island but not before a small trip into the aether paradise before we head into the 8th or paradise however since we need to fly anyways this is typically the point where if we use the rare candy on teacher emily we'll go ahead and fly back to hija city and go out of our way to grab this rare candy out in the distance when we fly back to this point we also make sure not to waste any repels as there's this really cool encounter immunity system with lapras where you get 135 steps of encounter immunity which will get you all the way to this rare candy without too much trouble and after that we'll finally head over to the aether paradise where we just get a bunch of dialogue mostly skipping through it until we eventually find ourselves in front of this gigantic triple question mark pokemon this is an ultra beast and because it's a wild pokemon we can actually run away from some people might be wondering why we wouldn't take it out in one hit and that's mostly just because it's slower and this thing is insanely bulky as well and then right before we leave the aether paradise we find ourselves receiving the tm for psychic psychic is an absolutely amazing 90 base power psychic move with a 10 chance of lowering the opponent's special defense by one stage this can save a little bit of time later on if we're lucky enough to get these drops but otherwise it's a pretty damn useful move and with that we're now on to the next island where we find ourselves immediately thrusted into a fight with hop again he leaves off with this massively overpowered alolan raichu that can nearly one shot us if it doesn't happen to one shot us we'll just go an encore and make sure we die as fast as possible from here we just do a lot of dialogue with a bunch of different characters that'll become relevant later make sure to repel along the way and avoid as many encounters as well as optional trainers as possible it's here we'll find team skull bullying this sign so we'll go ahead and bully them back and then head up onto the top of this mountain this is where we'll get our first peaks at the elite four and then run all the way down this highway until we find ourselves grabbing yet another free rare candy it's at this point where we'll then level ourselves up all the way to 33 right before this fight against mo lane mullan is a more relevant presence in the ultra sun and moon games so i won't go into too much detail about him just know that he might potentially help us set up for torrent inside of the electric trial it's this point where we talk to this random dude behind this counter and will receive a comment chart comma charts are basically a free 10 000 poke dollars that'll help us in a future shopping trip and with a few more steps inside of these doors we now find ourselves inside of the bug trial this first grubbin however will be the first key to getting us into torrent before evolving fully into primarina it's at this point where we'll know the exact hp we need to be at in order to keep torrent once we evolve into our final form primarina which will happen immediately after this fight with gruben rimarina as i mentioned earlier not only has some massive bulk but has a massive amount of special attack on top of fairy typing and water typing it's at this point where we also get access to sparkling arya which is primarina's signature move this is a 90 base power move that'll mostly be used to clear out double battles since it hits multiple targets at once and with the new evolution in hand and torn at our side we'll easily take out the next two trial pokemon with ease and then on to the totem pokemon vikavolt you would normally think that vika volt would be a threat to our water type starter however this thing is easily taken out with one shot thanks to a torn boosted waterium z-powered sparkling aria the only possible way this thing can survive is with a plus special defense nature but with that out of the way we now fly back to maui city heal our pokemon with some herbs and teach psychic over skuld and finally meet the leader of team skull himself guzman guzman doesn't really present too much of a problem throughout the story as all we have to do is lead with the psychic go for a next special and take out the rest of his pokemon with ease it's at this point where we'll then receive primarina's signature z crystal but it won't really be too useful since we already have waterium z equipped ahead of time and now on to a big big movement section where we'll once again receive a brand new ride pokemon mudsdale mudsaw will typically just be used for these giant rocky segments that nothing else can get across it's here that we'll then progress into this place called tapu village see gladian mention a couple of story things and beat up this kid on top of this team skullgroup i wanted to make note that this kid's ella kid on top of this team skull grunts drowzee can actually status us and if we happen to get status right before the ghost trial it actually ends up being very very beneficial for us later on you see a lot of the pokemon inside of the ghost trial have access to hypnosis and hypnosis can waste a ton of time just not being able to wake up or out speed these ghost pokemon since they're really fast and very very annoying so as i said before we'll be taking advantage of that as much as possible and make our way past this ghastly haunter and gengar making use of the nintendo 3ds gyro system it's this point where we'll find our way into this giant creepy room in the back and encounter this gigantic totem mimikyu that gets a plus one stat boost to every single stat as we start off the fight since this thing gets some crazy stat boost we'll go ahead and lead off with an exophane to tang mimiku's hits before it summons an ally haunter this hunter is also no exception to having hypnosis so dragging a satisfact all the way to here is very optimal after setting up the x defend however we'll go ahead and use a sparkling aria and this should oco the haunter as well as trigger mimikyu's ability to skies skies will let mimikyu take a free single hits without taking any damage whatsoever but with the disguise down we set up a single x special and either use a regular sparkling aria or a z sparkling aria depending on if we're in touring or not and with the mimikyu down we'll just go ahead and make our way back into this pokemon center for a couple of reasons the first reason is that our poplio's hp is going to be low so we'll go ahead and heal it second one is to go ahead and withdraw the picky pack that we caught at the beginning of the game the third reason is to do a giant shopping trip where we'll proceed to sell a ton of pokeballs the common chart we picked up earlier buy some max potions and escape rope and enough max repels to get us through the rest of the game the final reason to go into the pokemon center as well is that this actually marks this pokemon center as a fly point later on in the game you see one interesting feature that is a very common thing in pokemon games is if you don't enter a pokemon center it'll typically not be marked as a fly point later on so this becomes very useful since we enter this for quite a few reasons already but with that out of the way it's time for another fight with plumeria that gets taken out easily with a couple of psychics it's here we'll move forward to the beach and get access to another useful ride pokemon we get access to sharpedo which is basically a faster version of lapras torpedo can also break through these rocks on water and will grant us a 15 lowered encounter rate in the water as well we won't really be taking advantage of that 15 lower lowered encounter rate however as we'll go ahead and set up a rappel equip the mystic water we picked up way way earlier in the game and heal our big pop leo to full hp from this point forward we'll go and attempt to dodge a bunch of trainers along the way and make our way to the front gate of po town the entry point to po town is blocked by these two team scroll grunts and this right here is the only reason why we'll need an extra pokemon in our party what we'll do to make this fight end as fast as possible is we'll go ahead and open up with a sparkling aria and use our picky peck's turn to set up the next special on our popplio this will basically guarantee any ranges on the field as well as take out everything on the field in one go premiere we'll wave goodbye to our fallen hero pikipek and proceed into po town which is a town that's been taken over by team skull and made into their headquarters there's only a couple of fights here but they're pretty forgettable so a good move forward into this small hedge grab this free rare candy dodge a few more optionals and prep ourselves for a fight against the big bad team leader himself guzma the second fight against guzma is pretty much exactly like the first fight with guzma so i'll go ahead and skip past the details on this one since it ends up being the same exact fight after the fight we'll go ahead and skip grabbing an optional bug in em z crystal use the rest of our rare candies on popplio and make use of the escape rope we bought earlier after we escape row from the house we're interrupted by this cop named nanu who will interrupt us with a short speech and leave us immediately it's this point where we take advantage of the fact that we need to fly out of po town and just go ahead and fly to the very first city in the game holy city the reason why we want to fly back here immediately is because this is one of the few cities in the game that actually sell x items since we're entering the later sections of the game we're going to need as many x items as we can get that'll last us throughout the rest of the game as well as deposit our little hero picky pack once we exit the center we'll go ahead and fly back to tapu village since we marked the pokemon center earlier on and then head back to that little community center to witness the most emotional response we'll ever receive out of our rival hop turns out that lily got kidnapped by the aether foundation which gets gladian very angry this man is so angry that he'll immediately challenge us to a battle which luckily for us at this point we can actually lose on purpose so we'll spam encore to make sure we die as fast as possible it's at this point where we make sure to proceed to mash a to make sure that gladian teleports us to the proper location after getting teleported the proper location nanu reveals himself to be the island kahuna and will immediately challenge us to a battle he leads off with a stable eye that's almost guaranteed to fake out turn one every single time so we'll take advantage of this set up an x-special into an x-speed before taking out the sableye with a sparkling aria his next pokemon will be croco rock which will also go down to a sparkling aria before sending out his final pokemon alolan persian lolan persian is insanely fast and since this persian will also go for fake out we'll take this opportunity to once again go for another x speed in order to outspeed him and take him out with a sparkling arya we're then rewarded with more z crystals but also a free heal from gladion before taking out this fancy boat into the ether paradise it's here where we need to be very sneaky and meet this very very tight movement cycle from these npcs if our movement is fast and smooth enough we'll be able to get to this rare candy without hitting any trainers at all we'll then proceed down to the lift and be forced into this very very easy fight against the head honcho himself baba this fight against faba is pretty easy since he only has a hypno so we take it out with ease and move forward to a giant section of aether paradise employees while teaming up with our good pals gladian and hop before we move on to this last important fight of this section i want to go ahead and make special mention of hop yelling at this bookcase randomly before one of the fights it's pretty hilarious i also want to make note that during these double battles you'll notice a ton of lag when you get status by any pokemon this is due to a timer that starts up in the background telling the game to play a sound from the status moves that you get this makes double battles almost unbearable on both consoles but old 3ds especially but the gauntlet pretty much done though we find the final fight against a double battle with faba and another aether paradise employee but before this fight we get access to one of the most powerful fairy type moves in the game moon blast moon blast is a 95 base power move with a 30 chance to lower the enemy's special attack by one stage this is more so used for its insane base power more than the stage lowering effect that it has as i mentioned this double battle is very worth mentioning due to a crash that was never patched out by game freak due to how insanely laggy and unoptimized double battles are and on top of ledian's insane wing flapping speed this double battle can crash on you if you don't do one of two things the risky method to this is to first press the run button before going into the bag and using an x item this method has been proven to sometimes still crash however so if you want to be as safe as possible just count to an entire for mississippi and it should avoid any crashes very safely i also want to make note that if you don't go into the bag whatsoever you won't experience this crash but now with the double battle over we find ourselves in this small gauntlet of team skull members and then on to a final fight with guzma this battle is very simply won by an ex-special into an x-speed to one-shot every single one of his bug pokemon it's now where the giant twist of lusimin being the big villain hits us and is revealed to be the mother of gladien and lily she'll then proceed to challenge us to a battle which we actually lose on purpose this is a very annoying process however as she really really likes to spam cosmic power sometimes but after we show her who's boss by dying with style she'll set forth a bunch of story events involving this wormhole where her and guzma jump into it and then we kind of just have to figure out how to stop her so we'll just do it in the way that we best know how and just move forward with our trial adventure it's here we'll receive the master ball find ourselves on the final island pony island crown the new kahuna hapu grab this moon flute for story purposes later and then find ourselves facing off against this giant line of team skull members after the speech from plumeria we'll never hear from them again and move forward to a fight against the newly crowned kahuna hapu this fight can be a bit of a sweaty one as she leads off with his dugtrio that has quite the complicated moveset the setup for this fight can differ depending on the speed of your popplio if you have good enough speed you can lead off with an x-speed and one shot her pokemon with ease otherwise all you can really do is one-shot her pokemon without too much setup and with that the final kahuna is complete and from here we're just gonna take advantage of trainer vision being really bad in multiple areas with some smooth movement past a bunch of different trainers there are a couple fights in this section but they're a little bit meaningless and nothing to write home about let's go ahead and move forward to the final trial in the game the dragon trial this is by far the easiest rail in the game the trial pokemon jang mao and hakomao are taken out with a single psychic before we get greeted by the trial pokemon himself homo gomo has access to protect and will only serve to slow this fight down as a single moon blast we'll take it out with ease otherwise we'll have to moon blast his partner and then kill como immediately and now it's time for the final section where we climb up this giant staircase somehow learn to play the flute and will then activate the power of the altar of the moon evolving nevi into the legendary box air pokemon lunala lunala will act as a one-way ticket into ultra space where guzma has seemingly gone crazy alongside lusimin who is straight up insane enough to fuse with an ultra beast after fusing with an ultra beast we're forced into a fight with lusamine that we're actually required to win unlike the last one this fight is kind of crazy as every single one of her pokemon gets a giant boost much like a totem bite this will require a massive setup as we'll immediately lead off with an x speed and unlike the last fight we actually want her lead clefable to go for cosmic power so we'll open up with an encore as soon as she does use cosmic power otherwise the goal is to set up to two to three x specials and use a dire hit in order to double our crit ratio so we can hit through her very bulky pokemon and whatever cosmic power stack she did along the way the only pokemon we really have to worry about is clefable milotic and mismagius otherwise everything should be one shot with ease once the battle is cleared we've officially saved the world with the power of luna lusamine is then separated from the ultra beasts and then we're teleported outside where we get rewarded with the chance to catch lunala and bring him on to the pokemon league adventure luckily for us this is actually a required catch and we'll just go ahead and use the master ball to catch the amazing legendary lunala lunala is a psychic and ghost type pokemon with an absolutely insane ability when lynal is at full hp it reduces the damage of any incoming moves by half and on top of this legendary pokemon you catch are guaranteed to have three perfect ivs in their stats which is insanely beneficial first strategy inside of the elite four if we happen to have a perfect iv and special attack and a decent iv and speed from here we fade into the north of tapa village we're setting the time before the run comes in handy and we avoid hail during this final gliding fight that's about to happen but before the fight we make sure to put lunala to the front of our party teach it psychic over night days and check our stats while we're teaching the move psychic it's this point where we'll also equip the spell tag onto lunala and use the rare candy if it's useful enough to make our stats better for future fights and now with all that out of the way we finally find ourselves in the final battle against gladian he leads off with his crowbat which we use to set up 2x specials 1x speed kill if we get low enough and then proceed to sweep the rest of his team with ease there's nothing too crazy to note about victory road as there's no actual mandatory trainers inside of this place it's only once we reach the top of victory road where we'll find ourselves against a final battle against hop the fight against hop can be a little bit complicated based off of the stats you have on lunala as well as primarina but based off of these three different criteria all you have to do is follow a little flow chart and you'll beat hop with ease and with that out of the way we find ourselves entering the elite four in generation seven pokemon games we can choose the order of the elite four that we want to do them in but this order will vary based off of lunala's stats if we have a good enough lunala we either do olivia first ace roll a second and then at primarina take on hala and kahili the fastest order you can do with these very specific stat requirements will be acerola first olivia second and then at primarina take on hala and kahili for the fastest to lead for order and finally the very generic order that we would go for if our lunala just happened to not be good enough we'll be olivia first then we switch from marine to the front taking on allah acerola and then kahili but with the elite four down it is now time to take on the champion and for the first time ever we get to battle against the professor himself in the final big battle of the game this is where two diverging paths happen depending on how your fight goes down under normal circumstances the battle will begin with the professor leading off with lycanrock which we'll take out immediately with a sparkling aria his second pokemon will be magnazone and since magnazone has sturdy we'll immediately lead off with a moon blast while the magna zone will typically go for a thunder wave immediately with our pokemon paralyzed we'll go ahead and heal off the paralysis and this is where the two diverging paths happen as you're healing off the paralysis you'll either get a thunderbolt or mirror coat thunderbolt is the most common of the two and will oco our primarina forcing us to use lunala to finish the fight if you get the absolutely amazing mirror coats this lets us not waste our time dying and instead gives us a free setup for primarina which is way way faster than lunella's setup helping us avoid having to set up any x defense and special defenses with both setups out of the way kakui will go down with ease and now on to the hall of fame but not before every single trainer congratulates us and then the run ends in another six minutes you see i forgot to mention before that there's still one more piece of important gameplay that under today's standards of pokemon moon speedrunning count towards the any percent timing but we have to sit through even more dialogue and a bit of text mashing all the way until we reach this cutscene inside of the location where taboo coco appears from here we're then challenged to a battle with him and since tabukoku is considered a wild pokemon the fastest way to end this fight is to run away from him this unfortunately can be quite challenging considering how fast tapukoko is but with that the fight fades to black and the any percent speed run officially ends here and with the run ending i'd love to open up a discussion in the comments on this do you feel as if the entire six minutes just to run away from tapucoco is justified as the end timing on one hand it can make a huge difference not being able to run away first or even second try but on the other hand it's a huge time sink only to have to wait an entire six minutes to run away from a random fight instead of finishing off after the hall of fame where it feels a little bit more satisfying i can definitely see both sides of the coin on this but i'd love to hear your thoughts in the comments section and if you've got this far you might clearly be interested enough in seeing more content on pokemon speedrunning so consider subscribing as i plan to cover way more videos like this also be sure to check out war tab as well as his world record speed run a pokemon moon thanks for watching everyone and i'll see you guys in the next one [Music] you
Channel: PulseEffects
Views: 370,498
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Pokemon, Pokemon Speedrun, SGDQ, AGDQ, Pokemon GDQ Race, speedrun, world record, games done quick, speedrun commentary, PulseEffects, PulseEffects Speedrun, PulseEffects GDQ, SGDQ2021, Summer Games Done Quick, summer games done quick 2021, speedrunning, pokemon moon speedrun, pokemon sun speedrun, pokemon sun and moon speedrun, wartab, wartab gdq, wartab speedrun, world record speedrun, pokemon moon world record
Id: hy1LBDoA1pw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 41min 27sec (2487 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 27 2021
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