No Fighter Jet Can Beat US New Darkstar

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American Engineers have managed to create an aircraft that surpasses even sixth generation Fighters it's designed to utilize the most Advanced Technologies to establish total air dominance according to Witnesses it's so fast that it literally blows roofs off houses with its shock wave as it flies overhead imagine this kind of monster flying above you although you wouldn't even have time to react because it reaches speeds of 2 miles per second furthermore according to certain classified data it's even armed with the most powerful laser in existence the environment's changing and the threats changing and therefore and we are looking at um laser directed energy weapons and they're around and about ships this aircraft combines the best features of all existing planes and turned out so impressive that it was even featured in a movie that's right we're talking about the Dark Star you may have thought it was fictional but today we're going to show you that this is a real plane and shed some light on its actual capabilities the story of dark stars development intricately links two seemingly incompatible Industries film and Military you see during production of the movie Top Gun Paramount Pictures approached Lockheed Martin with a request to design a plane that would make the protagonist Mitchell the fastest person in history amazingly the company had already been working on such a concept for quite some time to be more precise the aircraft was developed by Skunk Works a division of Lockheed to give you an idea of Skunk Works capabilities they're the masterminds behind other famous aircraft like the F-22 and F-35 this is just one potential concept what it might look like it's to describe a vision more than anything else it's to put something tangible in people's minds the actual name of the Dark Star is the sr-72 and it's the world's first aircraft capable of reaching a speed of 7 500 miles per hour it can fly from Washington to Beijing in less than an hour and it doesn't even have to evade air defense systems because there's no missile that can catch it these impressive capabilities are made possible by the use of a variable cycle engine which can operate as both the turbojet and a rocket engine it allows for seamless transition between different flight modes without a loss of thrust Engineers have gone to Great Lengths to equip such a fast aircraft with stealth Technologies to reduce its visibility it's also known that the sr-72 Dark Star can climb to an altitude of over 15 miles and outmaneuver all existing fighter aircraft in the past you may have needed you know a whole strike from a carrier to be able to do that now you just do it with one airplane as for Weaponry bombs and conventional missiles aren't suitable for an aircraft like this since it could collide with them after launching to avoid such deadly accidents lasers were chosen as the dark star's weapon the aircraft is currently equipped with an enhanced version of the laws which has a power output of 350 kilowatts capable of cutting through five inches of metal with its beam however the main advantage of using laser weapons lies in their ability to be integrated within the aircraft structure and deployed when necessary thus ensuring the aerodynamic performance of the aircraft to achieve Hypersonic speeds in all fairness it should be noted that Lockheed Martin is previously stated that the sr-72 is still under development and that we wouldn't be seeing it anytime soon However the fact that this particular aircraft was featured in a movie might not be a coincidence maybe it was a clever plan to secretly reveal their new weapon to their adversaries if that's the case the plan worked because the Dark Star was so realistic that China even sent a satellite to capture images of the aircraft believing it to be a new secret U.S project Lockheed Martin themselves even created an official webpage where they shared information about the Dark Star and its history here's what the developers said we thrive on tackling seemingly impossible work developing Technologies for tomorrow's challenges before the need is even identified from creating radar evading stealth capabilities to x-planes that redefine the sonic boom to many revolutionary Technologies in between Skunk Works as a long tradition of quickly developing enduring Innovation for when it's needed most that last part is clearly referring to the sr-72 because during this time of heightened tension between the U.S and china such an aircraft would have the potential to reshape events and ease the conflict there's also been a suspicious lack of news from the U.S regarding Aviation developments for quite some time so could the Dark Star be real Hypersonic aircraft have long been a major priority for the U.S armed forces the SR-71 Blackbird which was developed by the same company held a title of fastest fighter aircraft ever constructed the main advantages of this aircraft lie in its high speed capabilities and excellent maneuverability these features allow the aircraft to rapidly gain altitude and evade enemy missiles the future of weapons could look very different to what they look like today and so we're looking at um options to have flexible payload Bays have different missiles all contained within it the SR-71 model was developed back in 4 and quickly gained the admiration and respect of Pilots of that era thanks to its remarkable characteristics what set it apart was its futuristic body design that enabled exceptional aerodynamic performance regardless of the flight mode its exterior had been intricately crafted with complex sectional profiles the aircraft also featured a tailless configuration a Cutting Edge Innovation at the time however despite its uniqueness the SR-71 faced several notable challenges Pilots had trouble breathing properly at an altitude of eight miles with standard oxygen masks which could lead to loss of consciousness or impair vital functions what's more when reaching speeds in excess of 2100 miles per hour the front section would heat up to temperatures of 750 degrees Fahrenheit while the average temperature of the entire fighter reached 500 degrees Fahrenheit nonetheless the aircraft was able to Garner tremendous popularity among American pilots and since its retirement in 1998 the military is eagerly awaited a worthy successor intriguing parallels can be drawn to the design of the Hypersonic aircraft showcased in Top Gun which closely resembles the sr-72 and is intended to be its successor according to the developers the new aircraft is designed to serve as both a reconnaissance and strike aircraft its remarkable speed combined with Advanced laser Weaponry will allow it to overcome any opponent on a Level Playing Field The Versatile aircraft is being engineered to achieve such high speeds that enemies will have no time to react or hide we're looking at everything from within flight systems areas we're looking at battery technologies and using a lot less hydraulics in the cockpit Lockheed believes that the sr-72 will redefine the concept of air Power by providing substantial tactical and strategic advantages to the United States it's expected to revolutionize the country's ability to respond to and deter potential conflicts feature of the Dark Star One inspired by real aircraft is its cockpit design that's invisible when viewed head-on similar to the x-59 that's being developed by the Skunk Works division and top gun Maverick the aircraft uses synthetic Vision systems to see what lies directly ahead additionally Lockheed Martin's illustration of the Dark Star on their website shows a port on the upper part of the fuselage which is typically used for astronomical navigation systems this design element is affectionately referred to as R2D2 in reference to the renowned Droid from the Star Wars universe if there were any doubts about darkstar's authenticity consider why a mere movie concept would be developed at the same level of secrecy as a real project plus the aircraft prominently displays the logos of Skunk Works and Lockheed Martin on its tail section highlighting their direct involvement however it's worth mentioning that there are certain discrepancies between the actual sr-72 and the fictional aircraft depicted in the movie particularly when it comes to speed while the real aircraft is expected to reach approximately Mach 8 the fictional counterpart is able to hit Mach 10. obviously certain characteristics were exaggerated for cinematic purposes the Blackbirds real successor is also expected to be unmanned while the version portrayed in the film still has the pilot nevertheless the details are strikingly close to reality given the United States Pension for showcasing its latest technology it's highly likely that the Dark Star is indeed a genuine aircraft and we can't wait to see it in action and that will end our video for today thanks for watching feel free to share your thoughts in the comments section and give this video a like if you enjoyed the content come back for more exciting material and we'll see you next time [Music]
Channel: Tech News
Views: 349,747
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: tech news, tech, news, new us laser fighter, us air force, air force, darkstar is real, darkstar, lockheed martin, darkstar concept, darkstar sr 72, hypersonic aircraft, top secret, ngad fighter, us military, laser fighter, new fighter, fighter jet, new fighter jet, ngad fighter jet, ngad, united states, aircraft, fighter, nato, us military news, laser weapon, f22, raptor, stealth fighter, f35, sr 72 darkstar, x59, airplanes, х 59, top gun maverick, ai, artificial intelligence, laser
Id: RHj-PIyyaDY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 1sec (601 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 29 2023
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