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so if you didn't know Seth bling longtime extraordinaire in the Redstone command space decided to make rocket league in Minecraft and he recently used my spherical system Minecraft system to generate sphere physics to add the soccer ball into rocket league so you guys didn't know you can play this download the map play on the server play with your friends nevertheless potato man has come up with another big doozy so what I want you guys to do right now is to go on if you have your computer available in element something has come up that I don't I have no idea how you guys figured this out or whoever is responsible for this click on sources web UI components you're going to find a ton of pre-published assets they're all hidden right now they're not available to the public at the moment for example Minecraft anniversary Cape overlay here's the URL so I'm not going to show you guys all of them so you can figure this out by yourself but here is an example anyway moving on remember a while back when I was talking about the critical hit particle in Minecraft I think this was in 2020 too and there was a particle error that infuriated a lot of people when I pointed it out well I found something else I thought I was out of my mind but upon further examination I wasn't let me check what I have here okay so I have the programmer art enabled here so what this means is that if I hurt a creeper like this I'm going to set the tick rate to about two which is 10% of game speed summon a creeper like so and then crit the creeper so I'm going to jump I can jump and then as I'm falling I'm going to land a hit like that now I'm going to freeze frame the game so now we have the particles that are still visible which means we can analyze them in a lot of detail which also means you can see that the critical hit particle is still problematic and they will not fix it because you guessed it it is programmer art it's Legacy they'll never do anything with this ever again but look we can zoom into this in spectator mode the particle is problematic I'm at peace with this not really let's unselect that nonetheless I'm really going to talk about oh what it is gone I don't know how we are here to talk about a very similar particle effect it is to do with the firework rocket we're going to spawn a few of them you can actually have a look at what the particles look like as you spawn them in the way that the Sparks particles work is that as the firework extends it's time here the particle decreases in size so the particle starts off big and then reduces in size normally people don't care about that because they use that when they're flying with an elra I'm here to tell you that the Sparks particle is also wrong okay once again we will set the tick rate to about two and we'll spawn one of them in I'll freeze it right about now okay so the firework rocket is up there so the particles are of the correct size this is spark 7 which is just a symmetrical star with a cross in the middle and then it goes down to spark six which again is a symmetrical star or cross and then it drops down to five which is the same as seven there's no difference and then it goes to spark four which if you look at it or glance at it it looks the same as spark 6 but because it's further along in the life cycle it's meant to be different or smaller it isn't let me show you what's wrong with it I've just deposed spark six with spark 4 if I constantly deselect the layer for spark 6 you'll notice where it's gone wrong spark 4 has a miscolored pixel on the bottom left this is not the same Darkness for gray compared to every other one now I'm trying to figure out why they didn't just duplicate the file instead they decided to redesign the same thing so here it is in game it is pretty much impossible to spot unless you looked really carefully it's a bit confusing to me they redrew the particle and made it different has no practical effect at all so ultimately it's really not that important but clearly now that you can slow down the game all of these things appear a little bit more apparent it's right there every time you're going to know so of course now that you've subscribed to the channel you are well aware that anytime you use elra you're leaving a trail of imperfect firework particles behind you it's so horrible I know
Channel: Phoenix SC
Views: 534,799
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Command, Blocks, Redstone, Phnixhamsta, phoenix, sc, tutorial, vanilla, mod, know, you, can, see, these, tags, datapack
Id: ccFuLdukt-c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 17sec (257 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 22 2024
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