League of Legends but I play the BEST late game champions (SCALING MOVIE!)

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all right for this scaling video we're playing some Swain running Airy maniflow Transcendent Scorch conditioning and overgrowth and Swain has infinite scaling HP he is really good versus melee Champs which they've got three of so if I can just survive and stack up HP I've got scaling runes and everything and I'll be so tanky and do enough damage to just burn everyone with my alt we I'm really weak right now but I don't have the weakest early game but I did take double HP scaling runes and conditioning so like half of my runes aren't even doing anything right now but every time I hit her with one of those poles and the circle I'm getting i' I get 12 hp I've already gotten 36 that's why you don't get Q to level three you hit the pole you wait a half a second and then you pull them into it so they can't Dodge the w d I'm just going to Ghost and run at her all I flashed on top of her because Swain Q does actually do more damage the more of the bolts you hit from it and nice Secrets whispered in the shadow have a way of reaching an enemy has been we're on our way to scale all right so we go malignance first malignance into riy into LeAndre once I have those three items game's over I guess I'll just get double book for oh goodbye trouble I'm really good vers uh volly bear and urg out though as long as I don't get bursted which I shouldn't with how much HP I'll have do not if she shoves me into turret my wave clear is pretty bad right now I don't have any points in q but I'm dodging her abilities there's no flash I will not yeah that's a lot of CC she just didn't even get to move I autoed that one too early scammed I should just go base there's no point in hitting that turret before 5 minutes um might be a one for one if they go for ash they might actually get Pantheon too almost uhoh well that was pretty good at least he's getting The Kills could be worse if you insist D probably could have popped Alton killer I think I might still kill her yeah I don't know if I have enough Mana to kill Voli bear though an enemy has where is he on this is I hit him I mean I can go over there and ALT but I like the malignance first Myer well that was a good W do we Farm 300 I don't really have any Mana but I kind of want to just stay one more wave and get this I could sell my potion I won't push cuz if I get ganked when I have no Mana that could be scary ow save my Mana for Q's damn I I actually used the worst possible ability there it's okay we only needed that for the the item whoopsies I think her flash is up and I think they called me a [ __ ] all right well we don't have boots but we have malignants an ally has been slain well Empire above all might be a tough one at least we'll be able to scale that's all care about I don't care if I win or lose I just want to scale but if I scale I have a higher chance to win I need don't like blood from a I know I'm really hold in the AL but this she had flash then it would have been wasted and I knew I was going to kill her if she didn't have flash so it works I'm saving alt for like a one V2 save bully ganks me here if I have Al that would help greatly yeah see got to bait it a little bit though now's now that he's committing oh you're you're not going to be able to do but oh my God we have so much CC yeah see see there little Timmy you just learn something if you were impatient with your alt like I just said you would have not gotten a even bigger reward the Voli bear shutdown I don't want to steal it I just want oh I actually was really close to hitting him oh I think she's dodged like one of my poles if even one the right to move help an ally has been slain oh my God to bet it doesn't do any damage yet oh wait that's me oh my God that was kind of close kind of left CER alive too long I should have flashed and killed her earlier [Music] but um I guess we base yeah I already have 2200 HP and guess what none of these it this I get 90 HP from an item that's it uh let's get boots um we'll just get the AP since we have so much HP from our runes and passive I'm getting 400 here and I probably have another 400 from my runes yeah an ally has been slain diplomacy is a heart uh-oh I don't know if I this there Syra soon you got nated into it like how Jon is supposed to be like a champion to shield and keep your ADC alive but she's actually now just a champion that just roams around like a bard try to die [Music] with I hit him maybe he flashed think I riiz yeah I often kill in my Visions When I close my eyes do not the battle is yet to be decided well I can launch W's but if I get in this fight it's over I have riiz plus mment as long as I don't oh this going to be a three n you guys are a I got baited wait no way oh he got hit all right wow damn that e went right through them get her all right I'll take it if I had my uh ghost up there that was a lot of kills I mean I already got 3,000 HP it's going to going be a lot I think this game will go too long though ah a little bit too early bad timing actually did a lot of damage to me there I just nailing her with spells you dare oppose noxus shut down oh nice trundle beat that guy somehow well you're dead I meanit all she's got to do is Dodge the abilities you ain't dodging the abilities might have saved them end an enemy has been slain oh my God Snipes for days your te has destroyed turret witness the strength of noxus an Al oh my God a she went over here jeez uh leandi is 200 100 more I could sell my ring or I could just Farm I mean it's not like I'm going to die right like bear can't kill me they could Pantheon alt in here though Ally an ally has been SL she actually dodged it well now I have LeAndre now I do way too much damage oh I didn't over not over but it's over uh Ash could Arrow that'll stop both bases too far I'm going move I'm going to let him have it I don't know all it does all right it's like no dog you have the kill well I mean this is just called funnel the Swain I guess strength is the only well this is kind of going too well should I go next I mean I don't think I need an hourglass I don't really have like chance at dying I think I just go death cap you better start running no you're not getting away didn't give it to trundle but he might have killed a might have burst at the end or he would have died another double stack oh my God a poor thing you deserve it I don't need kills at this point it's I've scaled my patience where they at in the bush Secrets whispered in the shadow have a way of reaching my ears I want blue but like I do it so slow tolerate interfer I guess we could try well I am pretty fed it's dying pretty quick uh how did bully bear get down there I got you she did it she she Ked him good job oh damn damn that J [Music] damage oh oh good thing I did not get stuck under turret there oh my God I can still catch him there's a pretty quick scaling on this one guys and still the later the game goes stronger I get any man who must say we are winning is not truly winning I think they just want me to have all the kills hey how you doing I a Flash and kill her not really worth this will be my I could do this miss all right time to 1v5 they might kill me here Pantheon actually Pantheon and Senna do a lot of damage I'm going to get I'm going to get jump on here by a lot of them holy oh I'm dead no yes oh my God I'm dead oh my God death who's alive where's Pantheon I'm scared he pulled me in and he died to the bird oh he knows I'm here I thought I was dead your team has destroyed an inhibitor I thought I was a goner I have 100 Stacks 1,200 HP I don't have flash or ghost but if I can just get somebody slowed by me preferably volly bear or Urgot I didn't even I didn't even de oh yoink why am I trying to hit the super by Rift maker yeah Rift maker could be decent but I think a a void sta or a death cap out damages it pretty hard oh my God play well I think that's going to be it well I've Al in 10 seconds I should probably conserve the last bit of Mana I have got a I'm not dying I missed oh my god oh no no I knew that was coming he got me how much Mr do they have they're starting to build a lot of it I'll build the void rip the KDA actually oh as scaled dang does 130 magic damage per second but it's also putting these circles under them which burn them too they healing me 165% second per Target oh my God no I wouldn't be able to any all right well GG that was fun that was a really good swing game that was like perfect almost perfect Victory top Gap it was a top Gap everybody did really well that was fun um 77k damage how much did I heal 35k here's the Rune stats and onto our next scaling Champion all right welcome back to to our next scaling Champion kale probably one of the hardest scaling Champs in the game we're running Fleet overheal alacrity Last Stand Solarity and Gathering storm she gets upgrades on her kit at level 6 11 and 16 six we get ranged Autos 11 we get I think a shock wave on the Autos after a few hits and level 16 the shock waves are permanently on plus I think we do more damage are you oh we get more attack range too which is huge so uh I think I get Q here if I want to get all three minions as evil grows so shall I oh I got two I was like how do I have a shield I got overheal with Fleet oh we're against vagar who also scales pretty hard but I'd actually rather take a kale late game than a vagar for sure illuminate I mean he could onot me but I could also just ult and then just kill him before he can kill me I BR and the most broken change they added to kale is that she can Auto attack now in her alt before she couldn't the right begins with me so that just makes her super duper strong we Max Max and Q you for the wave clear this world not to last but yeah there there's no way I kill this guy pre six I should have queued that minion we could do a little trade on him though oh no not going to get it oh no scammed else is rationalization that's not good because I need to really prioritize getting these minions cuz it matters a lotame to withhold Justice is a dark s okay he didn't recall that's good my po Cannon uh somehow I'm still out csing him Divine Ed get him oh that was a good the of my devotion will man really I was going to flash E Auto but I am pretty sure he would have lived with one HP and I would have uh died to Turret that's the reason I was holding my e there was for that combo to burst him cuz I knew he was going to flash it was just a matter of wi if I would have eat him right away he would have flashed earlier flame puf you're not catching me the celestial realm await Ally apparently KES are going swifties first I'll try it oh my God no they have a smolder and a vagar and the smolder is three and0 with a Yi that should not happen the greater y got to play safe down there I'm not going to be able to scale if my team loses too hard cuz they're losing to scaling Champs emotions are aak I just need level six then I can play the game let by I tickle him I do not fear the well Out Auto attacks he thinks amumu's still here only the innocent will be spared if I can find it I was going to quue him but I didn't think he was going to turn around excuses do not concern me only action I don't know how I'm going to get a kill cuz I think I push up now I get ganked by show is surrender and I'll make this quick he doesn't have TP he used it right theame I remember pain and I want to dive him I just don't know where CH is oh we know where Cho is stand and I get plating well we got a nice lead on vagar not taking damage no run bro where the hell was our bot Ling that whole time oh that's not bad I get assist all around oh that's huge so good I honestly didn't think our sign was coming I heard the sign all but for some reason I thought that was like an enemy I mean all I had is uh Swifty shoes I'm pretty sure I got flash vagar aled at theend I don't know what happened he's going Rod we got that smold shut down we needed that our tanks got kills so that'll help us stay in the game no matter the cost if I slip I will fall and so I must fly I can't really do anything but farm so I cannot rest I will not I like the swifties though they actually help me out a lot the past is for Sinners the future is for the repentant you can kill Cho he's not tanky yet have to flash if cage again oh the power of swifties I mean that's fine they have double execute they have Cho alt and they have vagar Al give the auto triple X I took up my mother and he wants me he doesn't want to oh that's huge what a combo oh that's huge and that's huge smolder died all right we're back in this game good job B an ally has been dou kill that's huge I actually am doing damage actually was chunking away at that GAR I can't believe he didn't Al the Sion he really wanted me there at the end what the hell is this all right and KES are going death capap second item death cap or Shadow flame I'll try it that tpr LE a wave I need level 11 and then I actually do a little bit more damage by Red buff if I push mid he's got to come back fighting fire TR kind of wish I had lethal Tempo that last fight but where the fleet and the swifties are kind of helping me a lot we don't [ __ ] it D cage oh my God almost an Al Garen ignited him before he died otherwise he would have lived that was B I don't think I can do anything down here but I'll just walk down to I could maybe waste time with my Al I could get smolder maybe the worthy survive well of course they have Flash and heal for me but Jinx should easily clean this up I can't believe that choad hit that was not near me yeah that sucks of course they have heal flash exhaust ignite for the kale all right I got to wait for 40 gold can't wait till smolder gutted next patch the light R does he actually do way too much damage for being so strong early whereas I'm so weak Injustice is a festering rot and I I am its cauterizing blade oh my God chath Rush force in nature no is perfect but I am almost I do damage to him I have some shred on my Q or something wow hey what the hell is this would that my bait I Fly For the Glory that shines above this oh no I hit Level 11 oh no way good Jinx oh he aled right Ah that's pretty big uh I'll thr into thr into Harolds your their shall be weighed on the scales of stars well Jinx is going to be really strong later too I think I don't know who scales more we have really good I mean both these teams are like really equal balanced almost your team they have so many executes well I push mid if V that's fall and he really holds on to his all en a oh no you got another do that come on amumu literally do anything all right man he missed two Q's on a guy who wasn't moving thought he was going to all but he doesn't have it death cat I didn't have any Mana there I could TP to get the no it's going to be gone I guess I can't Al somebody to save them from ganol cuz he's just literally not going to use it H not going to die they cannot kill Justice I'll go B maybe TP mid live long enough and all lies crumble to dust I mean it's best if I'm in a side lane or solo mid so I can get the most XP hit level 16 I can't fight that guy he's always going to have help we can afford to give some more dragons course dude the Fallen will never rise again I bring oh we're just kind of sending everybody for this guy HP up there an enemy has been SL huge wait we need to do Baron they're on Dragon they're on Dragon give the fruit to Mummy yeah this is such a good play I knew there's I knew like smolder was playing like uh smolder was playing like he was getting going to get help if I thought him he was so I knew choth was down there we get a pick topa Mumu survives so I TP and we get Baron out of that huge you can kill him he just used his Dash and Yumi gets the kill that's huge the Jinx Sal you can just take the turret she'll get excited and w't be able to run away why are you scared of my you dude just walk up and minigun it what are you doing three turret now she's going to die for yeah this smoulder is uh a little sweaty with how he's playing he doesn't respect he's going to get collaps on oh he's up here okay we're good we good I guess I'm doing damage now [Music] though the light R what do you Lo to smolder he's playing like he's flat Diamond flat Emerald Maybe wings of immortal flame lift me from Mortal Temptation enemy jeez is gold I'm dead I don't know why that oh my God my oh my God I almost died to that I baited him it was worth all part of my plan youram has destroyed a turret well he should have his Stacks by now so I don't know what's going on how many does he have he's probably like 20 off if I'm going to guess or maybe he does have grow stronger that I might Vanquish the forces of Darkness moral has destroyed a turret shut down going to have cage again any second let the no I don't have Vision I was purified in the light double kill oh jinx's popping off now we're good damn it of course he's got flash do 10 oh my God yeah he's 15 stacks off allers I'm a wizard I need level 16 I got to go B I must have a shadow flame I am the light and the glory I my devotion is unable think I can One V one yeah I can One V one choas pretty easy I don't know where he is as long as my team doesn't die here I'm splitting so and it burns they might go either to try and get me here yeah yeah I might be dead if smolder went long no I com he has no flash so he's just dead oh my God why is this guy faster than all of us what is he building only storm surge makes him that fast damn it I tried all to my team just faded me into death man I needed aumu to like land a Q and not just stand there and die to him for free we lose in no we don't lose inh I got baited so hard by a Mumu in way I should have just aled myself and killed him but smolder is the turbo scaler I think we're fine the mumu should have not chased if he didn't have q up he literally just gave him a free kill for no reason and got us all killed he gave him like triple kill for free well they didn't even get an inhib so they might go to Baron I'm just so like I have all move speed runes vagar does not and he's faster than me they cannot kill jce we need to get to this come on guys the they're not on it they're on Dragon wait they're on Dragon again oh this guy oh this should be free we go Baron off that oh I'm level 16 huge I don't know why they keep trading only they're trading dragons for Baron wait what am I building oh yeah Lich we could just Siege mid I mean we need an engage on this [Applause] works there goes that guy we just want to get the turret here if we can wait I can't do that just wasted my all I thought that was an actual person H smolder diff bro I can't go in if I die we lose too good he's just presses Q please stop walking into smolder I even ping s when he had FHP and he kept chasing smolder when nobody could help we need a Mumu to CC him or we just lose oh my God that did a th000 damage and eternal life is granted oh oh oh my God okay I do a lot of damage of course little rats just waiting here with one with his all damn okay I can almost one shot molder if aumu can just get an engage on someone I don't know what he was going for last fight but he didn't like I was hitting choat solo [Music] under just run to your team over here I will not there we go that's a double kill oh my God s oh my God AMU doesn't have all okay good kiing good King huge huge oh there it is enemy has and maybe I should get like a void or not a void a everyone oh actually Jinx is on fire all right go go go go go I have the thing is Garen silence is on such a low cool down that can would never be able to TP like that no matter what I mean I should just be able to run smolder down I have allti flash if he has flash though he doesn't die and he kills me course your team destroy of course his Flash and now he doesn't the light he by uh we might need to go help CH we can engage mid smolder and vagar B get in therein made it out we need to fight for this one okay K back K back K back K back you're getting too close just back up do the dragon I'm going to push mid to try and draw him here okay I got one here now we go to this theer the evil theer there we go we had to split him up think I can end s did really good there by not dying and GG team has destroyed oh how unlucky how unlucky he lives with one HP that would have died to Garen some go Baron oh shoot I mean they don't have Cho they can't do Baron we kind of have to wait for me Zan splits SP what we bar in it's really hard for them to kill him we kill smother we win vard doesn't have a death C at 34 minutes on that champ they cannot kill DUS that's trolling need to grab red back up for now get red they're not going to burst the baron they don't do it that fast especially with us around the law do not tolerate in Perfection I am no exception all right if they send people bom we can go do this get out if you can we need to kill this guy oh my God I hit him for one KCK I am your salvation oh man can't believe Cho got out of there smolder really went all the way from bot to come stop me we need a pressure wait I can go behind him oh no it's just Qui a as well bro no's on top of amumu had a free all oh can's now flanking fast no he gets away with 1 HP how sad get him he's going to kill everyone isn't he oh get the inhibs get the inhibs he has to stop top now they can go bot it's better to go bot wow smolder one HP hero fine okay they have to leave they can't why do you guys keep ego listen to the call and just back up my front line has no idea when to go in and when to not go in even when they're pain H yeah every time smolder eye flash smold there as Flash and he just gets away but I should have had him there I can't believe he didn't die we got triple inhib though we should be okay he's got 407 Stacks oh my God he's been full build though he's he's one shot my Al does like thousand damage ah we're not even close to Soul the thing is like I think they have infinite wave player with smolder we might not be able to end un we justed this they really going to try and contest it they will the just cry to the heavens I vagar and Garen are here I'm tping behind him we got to go in over here huge TP GG nice try Bud get out macro hard huge play by me to run mid and make them all go like oh no what do we do do we defend do we go for the dragon they were split on their call GG good job guys we did it we did it we took down smolder and we're going to play smolder later for sure cuz he's a pretty disgusting late game all right all right I got to see my damage yeah kale feels so damn weak early and then gets so damn strong and smolder is just so damn strong throughout the whole game is the funny thing uh a jinx did well definitely can't win without a Mumu stuns but jinx jinx definitely pulled her weight with the damage almost 90k there's our Rune stance and on to our next scaling champ all right for this game we've got cassid in as our scaling champ got first strike boots minion dmac Cosmic Insight Sun impact and ultimate this is if not the most scaling or one of the most heavy scaling Champs probably him and kale I'd say are the heaviest smolders up there too now I guess cuz he kind of needs his Stacks but yeah a few kills on this guy makes the game a nightmare if you don't have any assassins or heavy cc to take them which they don't really have Karma's going to be annoying even if I die to Karma in Lane a few times I think I'll still be okay I don't think she'll kill me though she gets ganked by twitch I've seen strategy where the twitch ADC they did it to me Grandmaster on the first wave the twitch ADC just appears and uh Autos me a few times which kind of screws my Lane M minion so we're just chill until 6 we get huge power spikes at level 6 11 and 16 level 16 power spike is called you automatically win level six means I don't really die to ganks ever and we go malignants first tier malignance just queuing her for that first strike money nice nine free gold I'm rich and with ultimate Hunter malignance smile just it do not have a cool down if she's not Auto attacking me she should be walking up just like poking me but she's not she can make my Lane a lot more rough than just queing me looks like aumu got invaded that sucks that's the downside of having a cassid in I really can't do anything to help him my Cannon it's over FF just K oh no run buddy run damn oh that's their top laner in there that sucks I would have slowed him but he had that lethal Tempo on him uh yeah he beats him oh wait has he's two levels on trendir so like what happened how long was trendir waiting there wow that tether I walked out of it and walked back in and it didn't go away that's a level two trendir Teo might beat this guy too oh he has I hit a w on her I get a lot of Mana back uh a heum is on his way mid so we're just going to get out of here I mean I'm so close to level six I can actually stay and what I can do is she's going to TP back and then I trade her chunker a wee bit and then she could be baiting she tp's back I trade her then I go back and recall so then I have an advantage I'm just going to hold my e if heam ganks me I can use it to slow him there's no reason she would' be staying if he wasn't around I'm on my way I mean it's not like I can do anything I'm only level five but she really needs the recall she's like even with me in farm but looks like she'll get her recall here we'll leave the wave even actually no I don't need to I have won't now she could freeze this when she TPS I doubt she will she's going to keep it I mean I'm tping back anyway so if she freezes it it doesn't matter don't have enough for tier last chapter but I have tier and cool down book oh nice save Senna uh she waste Q I will R in I'm just going to R in run at me don't really do too much damage oh now I'm dead I got a Flash oh might still be fine I could this I might have just killed myself oopsies little too ambitious okay I almost got him but I definitely should have just backed off I'm on my way got baited I baited myself they didn't bait me I baited Myself by letting him take a turret shot it was close though I think it was worth the risk I I know like even if I'm behind early I just get a few kills and I'm coming back and I'm winning like it's normal for cast to die early choice not so much I'm special yeah the way I die to a gank is i r in and then Heck from ganks which is what happened that's really unfortunate Karma also has bone plating you are no and void we now traded herm's probably on grubs I don't know I'm surprised that didn't hit me yeah he's definitely on grubs trainer going down it running could be dead I might be dead we're safe an ally has been slain I shouldn't have oh he's Bing should have dashed in I wasted too much Mana I just want to hit a w on her and she keeps running away so fast cuz she's got boots I think she missed out I just need malignance is the power Spike where I have damage but I'm also playing against the most safe mid laner in the game right now I mean I'm coming but I lose so much here I don't get Retreat well 2 minutes for my TP may as well just try and reset now since Karma based we'll find a good fight eventually as you wish I mean even without boots I get back to Lane pretty quick maybe kill her probably get her flash here or not he tried enemy Rampage um if I can grab this heum shutdown it'd be huge but well that kind of just fell right into my hands can't believe I hit him with the r he dashed through the uh he dashed through the crab right into my Dash it couldn't have gone better ah [ __ ] I don't know why I I don't know why I went in I didn't notice a fiddle too late I guess I should have flashed right away of course there's three people in there all right we do what are we doing next C it I'm on my way it's fine you know they're just getting shutdowns for me to get later I wish I could reach Karma never man I need to keep wishing for Stuff an En SL eny K man I wish I got trendir too that was kind of scary he did not run away man boots are I think I'm just going to get another lost chapter here oh God gamir is hard for me to I mean I could kite him out but if he's really fed he'll run me down but we do have a Teemo which I think is going to be an issue with the karma I mean at least I'll get a game that goes the distance I can kill Karma now I think they know I'm coming never well I told you cidan gets a few kills and cidan wins the game that's why I didn't care if I died early which might pop up will which might be able to he will be able to kill me before I can uh how's that got wor a shutdown didn't I just kill him which is around mid I think not uhoh cadino getting big very snowball champ they're going to kill Teo yeah they're going to go kill Teemo Orrum might be uh we need to get dragon it's going of be hard to get there with that fiddle Al as you wish I mean their Bing should be even easier to kill than uh too fast on my way if I can get to their Bing they're really easy to kill I mean you saw besta killed that heum but he's going lethality never renir is missing oh I got level 11 that's a pretty big upgrade I might go get a MAG before boots okay we we trade Herold for Dragon I'm fine with that I'm just going to stick around them in case twitching fiddle it might fiddle might Al over this I don't think they will though oh yeah he is he thought about it your has destroyed I can maybe get heum but got to be careful of trendir I didn't see him go this way he either recalled in here or he's at this red or he's at these FOC all right oh I wasted my e uh we don't know where Twitches oh he's B this guy still has R if I Dash in he kills me destroy and then you go Ma's third cuz why not if you're getting all these kills oh twitch died oh no he didn't got a good Al on us there but he just didn't do enough [Applause] damage above all else took a lot of damage there Tren here those turret's gone [Music] an ally has ah I trolled he's dead still I didn't even hit him with the alt and died somehow oh stupid ass Karma forced me to go back in I think she flash queued me keep going oh he tried going invisible that's that doesn't work if he has a t amount oh I need hourglass or death cap I think I just go death cap down yeah trendir is going to make this really hard to win cuz he has magic resist and he just runs us down we have to give that Focus good TP that was a pretty good TP ooh we need thiso just needs to clear waves but he's probably going to die he lived huge I mean trener is the only one that can deal with me just cuz of his magic resistance is uh undying big I might just run bot again and kill them if they don't have Vision here I can just run over twitch and Fiddle although I don't have that much Mana I'll take it I need to dead death cut down thought she would die a little bit faster Unfortunately they both checked the bush together Justice will be s yeah why is uh 05 Karma so tanky did she W all he still has are see how cringe that is I thought he aled already that fight he has flash Al ghost just for me when I'm about to pentac kill oh that sucks sneaky sneaky and he he literally saved everything for me that fight and he wasn't even going for me till the end I think I need hourglass ly that's so lame I I swear I saw him Mal I mean at least they don't get Baron out of that but like I don't want trir in these team fights there's nothing we can do to him cuz if I focus him then everybody else kills me that is cringe bro he dashed and flashed I'm on my way enpp uh you need back up'll die too Justice will be ser dude is AAR duration uh we need to check if they're on this twitch and I think are doing Baron oh okay he blue as you wish okay we got us all now we K it out how dides that all not hit man I out of all the alts like I thought that one would hit but different this should there we go snip that Karma oh my god look how much money almost come on there you go oh my God if she just cues a minion she would have had her again I don't think she knows she can queue a minion to extend her Q maybe it wasn't up it was probably up though I got TP T which she's baiting somebody need dragon fire dragons are huge emo should keep pushing top to get them to not come to dragon on my twit is tough yeah oh I can um I can countert turn him right now I can just burst him and then I can just hourglass nice there we go that might be GG I just I wasn't even level 16 yet I totally didn't even know I could keep getting stronger I thought I was already level 16 it's it's over you are n and void yeah that Hour Glass just makes it so I have a safety net now I could sell my boots should I sell my boots for a lichbane and just one shot them I think I will or I could sell it for frozen heart too I think a B's op your has destroyed a turret this doesn't have a cool down 0.86 told you he wins the game at level 16 come on trying there it is good Tim oh we don't have minions I was like why is this turret not dying and I told you level 16 cassid in wins damn that was kind of crazy I thought we're going to lose for a second but then I'm like oh wait I'm level 16 cassin oh never mind we just win not bad 61k damage I get 208 kills of swingy I don't spoil it I don't know what order they're going to be in damn all right pretty good on to the next one all right we've got nasis for this scaling game we're playing a mid he definitely works well mid and people are taking lethal Tempo on him I want to try the other option is Fleet but we're going to just go cool down boots into Triforce into frozen heart I mean once I have three items I pretty much run them over but my Lane phase shouldn't be that weak with second wind dor and shield and my life steal but it is a Talon he has Doran Shield so could be somewhat safe it is going to be difficult to kill him though cuz he's just going to jump over walls their death aits in a yon jungle though doesn't seem the greatest but they have some strong early Champs so that's where we are the weakest I mean our botling is not weak early is our botling comp even way Z which one's the abort got it the past is a tapestry I as long as I don't let him hit two parts of the W and then he cues me in Autos I'll lose half my health H one also level six I beat him in a 1 V one pretty hard oh no I don't get a cannon stack cuz I bonked him he's out of Mana so oh he's got biscuits no Dawn come Darkness I don't want to use my W on him cuz it takes 80 mana and he's just going to jump a wall I know I can't really kill him right now there's like a small chance so I'd rather just go for the guaranteed farm and just get stronger like what is he going to do you don't have any Mana bro what you doing no Mana no biscuits will be nothing oh almost first Blood that guy is pretty low what if I run down there flash Q them they're going to be gone bur sleep best in their too risky then I give Talon a free reset like I can just free Farm here now even if I get ganked I shouldn't die he has got no Mana I keep trading Autos with him but he is a level up on me there but he has no Mana so he gets a biscuit that he us my patience we already have 69 Stacks nice can't push without Manning he keeps trying to hit me with his [Music] w to the Beyond oh damn I thought I was going to do more damage than that the reason I held the que to the end is because he he was going to flash if I queed earlier then I wouldn't have anything to try and burst him before liity some reason I thought that was a midlaner what are you doing bro all I could have recalled him this time push the wave all right not bad he did save Talon that wave but H in trouble still sherea is not of this time he's going to be roaming B Through the Ages he [Music] back good luck to the D I was going to say no way he cues in there after all things cuz I would just kill him this matchup does not seem good for Talon keep up the great videos thanks for months Joseph beond pass like days he's a little tricky to kill cuz he's just going to jump over the walls and run some Spirits are F also I don't know where the yoner is dragon with a p f is here though I Zone him off the Cs I need to count my Mana I don't know if I have enough yeah I don't have enough Mana at all okay oh I got blue buff GG lethal Tempo is actually pretty nice there I've had it up for 30 seconds I just whacking them not even bonking I was just whacking might be able to get one more going to be close [Music] so shut down we got ignited outplayed pretty hard that Y is really upset with me but it's only going to get harder to win against I might just buy some Mana here for the frozen heart what am I going second yeah Frozen Heart perhaps sh cuz I I think I'll have Triforce next base I just need yeah at least I got the Talon I didn't think I was going to get him I should have withered yon though I didn't think he was going to be able to go back in like that eternity is beyond your where is he going an ally he's gone an enemy has been SL you have slain an enemy I ain't giving up uh yeah we can fight this easy though I have Tim 10 now has been SL there we go oh I guess you know Triforce gives so much attack speed lethal Tempo gives so much attack speed it's actually really good on him is part of a cycle who hurt you don't want to eat those buddy I can't SA an ally has been slain oh and if i e [Music] first unlucky man I'm getting Mana gapped oh my god look how much money I have well I don't think we'll have that problem anymore and I got armor problem is I overstayed forever because I just keep regening my HP and everything think I have to rec has been slain life and death lies immortality ER Words May fell in now I can just stack every single Minion a nice can I save him hell I'm going to get youc by way any second dude that did not hit me my God like how the Zed ran away instead of just killing me oh he's a KDA player he didn't want to lose his Bounty know I can't believe that worked I kind of just ran at him CU I was tilted I Walk Through the Ages Helen might be coming down here guess not oh he's going top it is never ending he was up there Shadow I go grab blue is dying Stars I'd like level 11 cuz then I get 15 more armor and [Music] Mr D he wither me I mean I go I walk under this turret and Y is going to Al over the wall oh no he's over there [Music] te has destroyed AET Ally has been slain oh no I'm not going to get got a frozen heart oh another blue the past is a tapestry of what lies ahead uh do we need Mr we don't really I could go suned sky or ster I'm going to go ster for I well maybe I go like dead man's to chase him I don't know I don't really need magic resist way doesn't way a support that's for I I hit two items I press are they have no chance the only reason they didn't die right away is cuz I got CC for like 3 seconds perhaps sh he's not going anywhere a I haveed we got a runner s you could Juke me hell no he shot it the wrong way I'm unkillable versus some oh hello oh you're dead and there it is GG that was quick scaling Nas's like late late game he's actually not that good like right where I started killing them like crazy is Nas's power Spike he kind of comes online mid game two item one item and two item power Spike are huge you'd think he'd be super strong L game because all the damage he is but he can get kited very easy people can actually nuke you that's why he kind of goes full tank and just uses the damage from that yeah he's really good into those assassins and stuff CU they just they can't assassinate him and then I just like do more damage than them and I slow them that's a lot of damage all right on to the next all right for this scaling Champion we got the Dragon AI in his soul we running Comet Mana flow ABS Focus scch boots and biscuits now I was going to play smolder they banned it I thought I was against the yaso I don't know what we're against is real it might be aor which try it once in a while yeah it is I don't know how good that is in me I mean I wonder if I get Stardust off of his ghouls wouldn't be the worst I I mean if I dodge his Z he's actually really weak early and then I could all in him with a q but once he has his maidens and minions I don't think I can Dash into him on a top interesting that seems terrible into himer she's actually not going to be able to wave play at all oh I killed it midair head shot oh they got a new new they are made by me somebody's getting ganked any second really dislike playing against noooo damn it I wasn't looking why does anyone Wish Upon a Star I just realized I have to stand still to laser him so he's going to be able to land his e for free targon will be the P from which I more than you Canon didn't go it what do you know even under my turret I get new oh a cring set up ior mid with a new they yasu ADC zillian support my works are by Worlds I have never uh you're EXC out of Mana well nooo is going to gank me I can't clear this Stars never align for anyone except me of course arise and return to this world 27 did I get Stacks from it I grieve for every Star never born I stopped his base I was trying to level up my Q while casting it oh yeah I'm dodging every single one now oh you will shine I just reset he's [Music] tping don't miss me too bu here damn it man bro does my laser not even hurt those things that thing was tanking the laser blocking it while still full HP I'm going up here probably gone already is the issue are countless colors sing get out played I didn't even hit the alt I don't know why it let me do unlimited Q though power play with stop fire feel like my Q should have timed out there maybe not taron's magic is crude they even have enough damage well they do if himer walks out of his turrets and misses every ability he couldn't have played that worse oh yeah I was in W you get Q Stacks it refreshes the cool down really does not say that anywhere this sun could do with a new as Ton's influence Wes M grow an enemy has SL double kill okay think the bush is pinked I can't word it all terrestrial dragons are but pale imitations of my kind where's the [Music] noooo stars of Wonder and love ignited kind cring does yaso have his you stacked up in the river dam that's lame not expecting yaso to have a knockup ready the name anth with a that's not good I get pretty behind mid now D I'm slow you are more useful as dust KS Wonder like the beauty of stars eny killing spre Celestial our beautiful my God H off this world holds the key to taron's undoing yes I remember you us about oh bro oh yeah I remember when I was playing yuck D Maiden gets stuck in the E and you can't do anything I don't know I NY you got to heal me oh my goodness I've seen enough yeah see his Maiden just his M's dead it's smaller than the diagram I mean at least he doesn't hard counter me I can kill the maiden easy and then he's kind of useless and we've got RI wi rarely touch the ground now my e slows even more because it normally just pulls and it doesn't even slow now it's slow the Ries the depths of space crawl with terrible entities bro he's literally just mashing E I want to go in so bad but I know noooo is around this is off ACC yeah I'll play this bro I'll play the space laser tank noooo I might not instantly die when he ganks he will die right I'm coming en got 171 Stacks 13 minutes oh actually we get LeAndre then we upgrade T item sh gelan Soul's still really strong after his super [Music] Nerfs used to give three Stardust this is my only true right if he misses he I'm going in an enemy has been SL another budy good luck oneby I don't know how I killed that guy kill an enemy has been slain my damn laser wouldn't come up it should have wed [Music] in get out of my turret you clown nice he has no CCS St this he just drive by over the wall his all doesn't even hit me star is one of my hearts well I guess the York mid is not that strong to me it's annoying but pretty easy for me to fight now I am so curious though in how Sona almost has the same Farm as HR pretty crazy cuz it is like impossible to farm on her I guess No-No probably kept ganking top you can land on I'm basing oh he dead here come the Dragon your turret has destroyed shut down the Sona solo kill I wouldn't navigate by the star yor might go to Sid Lane now but I mean sona's just going to get run over by me your tret has destroyed well she's going to recall but I have a little trick up my sleeve oh you thought you were out huh I didn't know it gives me vision of her I actually didn't know that I just was going to assume she was in one of these bushes your turret has been destroyed Yeah the more Stardust I get the stronger I get I will burn Cosmos to catch T this is not good actually they didn't hit the eye hit the damn eye wait the her being trash we're fine good save by Nami Ally he's dead [Music] noooo is still alive I want to stay in clear but might die my style somea died so fast oh no has used weapon meeli and soul me hold down Q oh yeah if it didn't give Vision comet would have revealed that Sona GG we scaled 11 and0 give me the crab yes all right not bad vict good Soul game actually ended up being pretty fun I thought he was weak this patch but he's actually really strong still see the damages Zer beat me which she fighting a lot more I was just kind of farming for the first 15 minutes of that game not bad all right everybody welcome back to another video today we're playing some cassid in in the mid lane we're running first strike boots minion demant Cosmic Insight Sun impact and ultimate Hunter we're going to play the most broken midlaner currently because his items all got buffed and he's very very strong cidan gets a malignance and he gets a ton of alt taste alt gets low cool down plus ultimate Hunter and at Max rank this ability is 1.89 seconds without any haste so far so imagine when I do have haste it's going to be 1 second I'm going to be like Earth mode cin makes it to level 16 you basically win the game you have like a 90% chance of winning and we're going tier whenever I can buy it into malignance then we upgrade the tier into serifs and it should be almost done by then but yeah I've noticed cin hits a huge power Spike with malignants alone honestly at level 11 from when I've been testing it feels like I win the game but you just have to survive caston's horrible early game which actually isn't that bad unless you counterpicked by like a ad Champion then it's a little more difficult but what I like to do is just chill by my turret let them push me in and try and farm I'm not playing to win Lane I'm just playing to not die which is actually pretty easy to do especially if you have teleport and Minion be met cassid and spells are decent for letting him Farm under turret and he gets some extra Auto attack damage see I got one more minion than him and I farmed half the wave under my turret and once we're level six I'm UNG gankable I have a free flash basically on no cool down unless I Dash in that's the way you kill Cen on a gank you bait him into Dash again he's going to be pushing a lot so what we can do after we have three points in all our abilities is you can either put more points in Q which is nice for the shield and poke or you can Max E which is better for wave clear I believe it also does a lot of damage in fights too see I got the Q off I got the shield didn't take any damage there all right for Minion demat might use one on each type of Minion just for the overall greatest wave clear we could get yeah I'm going to put points in uh the he also has teleport and he's out of Mana so he's actually going to have to base before us and see we're almost to level six nice got some First Strike damage there extra 22 gold really good for our scaling uh yeah the only downside is I can't help my team oh no run I can maybe slow him but I think she's dead we got Brier here oops well now wouldn't be terrible time to TP actually it would I need to fix the wave now he has no Mana to do anything though I've used one minion Dem man on each [Music] one somebody hit the plant behind me so think there's somebody behind me we'll see okay we got the wave we can base and maybe not even need to TP here actually he's got a base I'm going to keep pushing could be a little greedy but the thing is like he's losing more CS here I got that whole wave he's still losing minions to Turret an ally has I could get lost chapter that'd be nice but we need to get the tier stacking I'll just get two books bance above all we'll TP and I can actually freeze hold this wave here and if he's not smart and doesn't TP back he's going to lose a bunch of minions as you wish a little unfortunate that one just walked into turret see he's losing this whole wave I don't think he's tping so he'll still have his Tel Port but he's going to be like quarter half of a level behind me now off this cuz he just lost a whole wave of minions didn't get any XP or gold from it will be he's about to lose another half of a wave so nice we got a little early lead off that he did get boots first too C he got back to Lane so fast and now we can actually trade him we can Dash in and hit him back but we still want that malignance before we're really strong that doesn't do a lot of damage if you're not a an ally single Target or cced I'll back up I could have Ed him there and probably killed him but if he flashed it I would die now we just get him uh I got like one HP actually am and that's huge cassid and getting these are LLY kills is like almost a death sentence for the enemy team oh now he T hey we will base oh Zia is going to be the most difficult one for us to deal with just cuz of her alt but casted him a scale as you wish so now I probably lose a turret or not turret a wave a turret half of a wave not even it's not even going to make it in fast enough we could do like three dashes to Mid you probably don't want to use it anymore if it costs 320 Mana although I could if I just use it on him some First Strike damage he's going to want this that damage and I got his flash huge hey bear enemy if he would have queed at me I would have had to use 600 Mana so glad he didn't yeah we could put points in uh W second or Q maybe I'll put some in Q they're both good if you can land the W it actually does a lot but Vol bear in play do a bit of magic damage so you for more Shield me nice and way has no flash now it's really hard for volly Bear to kill me now oh he never based I ate his alt he couldn't clear the wave he missed him all he needs the base if he's going to stay with no Mana I won't push this maybe wrap around try to get him surprised I had enough damage to kill him there without Landing the alt and for H his game is essentially over as soon as you're like if you're playing a Mage and you're leaning against c as soon as he gets like one kill you lose I might be dead here oh I don't have enough run oh his Auto attack have you ever seen an auto attack go this far it said I had enough Mana for it and then I didn't is it cuz I used maybe if I react a little bit faster I got that W off to restore Mana it's fine though all right we're going to go malignants and Boots now I definitely won't die to him we can also look to TP bot get uh those shutdowns and they have to go in though like their balling has to go in yeah I might save my TP for shutdowns I only lose like three minions not tping here all else I can kind of just stand in between him and the wave now you know what I'll save TP for volly bear is going to gank bot eventually I'll counter gank it my basic trade does so much to him can we stop this I know Vol bear is on it maybe I can I can't actually fight him we could Ward here though and see if way follows I just kill him if he leaves me as he left Darius still here Darius is dead I wait for Brier spell to land just in case he flashes or something jice will we got to get back mid I can help her I just need to clear this wave really quick buly Bear's top she should be able to do a few of those without him contesting trade oh man oh how dare you get up there I got level 11 we win she's really low want some get got a spash I can still kill him I think oh I have no Mana we're saved buly bear is going to run me down though got to run think he's going to kill Leona she's out nice my malignants burn killed him I didn't think I was going to get him actually without dying all right we need this we'll TP for the wave uh I really don't want to give him this Dragon cuz then they're going to get like all of them say bot PR look at that damage see Casten just wins at level 11 now not even level 16 I don't like this fight cuz I go in and Zia just kills me not much I can do can't jump into three people at once I'm on my way uh maybe I roam top yeah like I I called in the beginning Zia is going to counter us I really can't do anything to her which she has bully bear and but I can deal with anybody alone oh my can scammed maybe I can deal with his Z when I get fed enough now we're going arcane and we're going to go ma next because it's so easy for us to get kills and then more Mobility more movement stacking AP we go mag and death cap and then I can pretty much one shot Z if I catch her before she ALS oh my God I can just kill him like that cidan is balanced I might as well use all my Mana here I got a base TP is back up in 60 I can just pretty much dive their way oh I got my Giants that's big I'm on my way uh maybe we go fight for this are they on it not on it yet I mean if Z's not there I can win the fight cuz she's going to be the one that just CC's me and melts me balance above all else we can win this oh we win this how much damage I did to the bear yeah this is balanced for sure huge I still got TP just W that for some Mana as you wish oh my God your magic is got her and see we won the game before even level 16 basically I'm unstoppable now with 25 Magi Stacks building a death cap I'm actually going to stay for this turet I need 2500 you think there's a bear oh exp there oh so close to having him I accidentally arred and I hit raon and it did like half of his health bar that's fine I got the money I needed for those yeah level 11 power Spike with this uh malignance is so disgusting my Al does so much damage cuz it has extra Magic Pen on it from this item and then it also it just doesn't have a cool down 1.7 seconds it's 1 second when I get level 16 but I'm strong enough to just pentac kill them at this point I could TP top grab that kill for free yellow I'm going to do it you better start running darus oh my God what is that damage I'm on my way poor guy I think if I just pick C pass it in every game though he'd probably be the champion I'd have the highest like percent to win in high low on just because like even if you do bad early cast's always like always going to be a problem later on unless it's like one of those few games where you just really get shut down but it's just so easy to make plays and stuff when you have so much Dam Mobility oh he got me oh my God Sarah Shield saved me I don't know where he is wonder if I can L of Mana no I didn't get the auto I think that was just my ALT alone that did like so much of Z HP I got her all she learned her lesson though she insta she inst aled at least we get the drag oh no maybe not Leona needs to stop him he's going to steal it I can already tell oh my God she landed her snip for once we have a jungler who can Smite the objective I don't care if they all die I have death cap and we're going probably void Staff last Magic Pen though they don't have any Mr yet they will um need to get some XP oh this guy might be dead he's going to [Music] GRE oh he's disgustingly fast wow I think he popped ghost there's no way his Q makes him that fast I'm on my way I don't want to fight them when they're grouped up because I have to go for Z and he's going to get too much peel split them up don't group I'm not strong grouped I mean I am strong grouped I have chance at Penta but it's not worth uh it's not worth me going one for one dying and then we lose fight all if that e hit her she'd be really low actually I mean I could just split bot and TP in when needed bully Bears top three top we push mid then cuz they're probably sending two bot for me no nobody's B okay Z's down here but I can rot mid damn like half the both of their Heth cars and I just like almost one shot there he is I got TP I think I Avid wow I'm full build I'm full build at 23 minutes I just need level 16 I'm on my I want to flash in so bad but she's still holding under all I could have probably killed all toito if I hit an all Leona just get B no wait what was that you wish I need to farm stuff I need to hit level 16 I don't even have my big Power Spike yet my biggest power Spike I'd say I mean if I farm like one more wave they're going to be here for blue though oh no they're not Justice will this still really risky I don't have any mana and I do this so slow I just saved my dashes in case someone came to check we need watch Baron they might go for it they don't know where I'm at though but if I show bot low I still need like 40 gold is the issue all right here comes one big cadino ready to see some Earth mode in a seconda yeah see I told you told he wins the game at this level he hits another stun oh my God look at that Circle and there it is that I got another game to add on where the enemy stylist uh rage quit but yeah I made it to level 16 I win the game just cast it in man vict you guys all actually yeah just keep watching I got another game I'll add on if you want to see more CID and game playay let's see the damage though that was so gross I wish I could have got more fights but fights at level 16 but man it's so much damage to him look at that 49k it's just so hard to play verse if you don't have the right team I'm amazed at this damage I actually want to play him more all right everybody welcome back to another video today we're playing some cadin in the mid lane and we're running first strike boots minion dmat Cosmic Insight Sudden Impact and ultimate Hunter he is one of the highest win rates this patch because of malignance it's a perfect item for him it gives uh ultimate haste along with my ultimate Hunter and my ult gets to a really low cool down at level 16 1.89 and with all the haste I'm going to have from the items it's probably going to be like 1 second so if I get level 16 I pretty much win the game automatically if I can survive till then Cen has a pretty bad early you can't really do too much but that's why you take TP and you just chill back now I see they have a Noo-noo I don't want to push the wave versus Noo-noo I'll get ganked and silus is pretty strong early so I'm just going to sit back ran scale have some First Strike money somehow I didn't lose any of those minions so we're going to get a tier first whenever we can base and then we're going to go malignance and then upgrade the tier item into archangels and then after that we might upgrade Magi cuz once I have those two items I can pretty much fight anybody because I'll have a lot of Mana my God you missed anyway I'll have a lot of mana and a lot of cool down they they buff the serap's items too so that's why caston's really good or the tier items the Mage one gets more haste my but yeah cass's early I it's really not that hard to survive on him it is if you get counterpicked by like a heavy ad champ but if you're if you know how to manage waves and just chill under tur tur it you he's pretty safe cuz you really only need to make it to level six you only need to make it to level six and then you have a free flash on like a 5-second cool down nice probably use the minion dmat one on each kind of Minion or maybe two on melee one on Range I might be able to kill this guy if I flash Auto him he's going to live with one HP and then he's going to flash I'll take it I'm dead but worth got first Blood that's really good if you can get kills on cassid and pr6 very good for you all right let's do this yeah and a mo why not um I should TP here the wave's kind of screwed but I'm hoping he pushes it I'll just walk I'm already almost there I could save my TP if Noo-noo ganks me again and I die then I can TP back and I don't get super far behind yeah we do uh malignants archangels magi's death cap and I just get super duper strong I think I'm getting ganked here I mean I don't have flash so if Noo-noo uh ganks me here I'm just automatically dead even if I'm all the way back here maybe I have a chance of getting out sit back try and farm with q yeah I'm in a really rough spot here you are and void damage we'll take it all right noooo went top cuz I was playing so safe we'll do three points e then we'll Max uh or three points Q then we'll Max E the Q Shield will be really good for me trading with silus and blocking some of his damage um noooo is either on grubs or he's sending no well we have our TP still see that's the downside of cast where we curly but he can't kill me anymore once I'm level six I called it too I knew if he just comes mid no matter where I'm at I'm dead but at least I get the wave I think can maybe kill or something oh I got him somehow they only get one dash with my all that's terrible above all El I could freeze this and force him to TP if he didn't already TP I don't remember he's staying I'm about to hit s and down he goes and a cidan with three kills like my deaths don't matter if I have three kills they're in big big trouble I use the minion beam that's time I need a range one right yeah an ally cuz now I'm on gankable unless I go in must have malignance uh my biggest counter this game is going to be Camille he's going to Al me and I'm not going to be able to get out of it but the good news is I'm really strong vers these four you can r a lane just don't want to use too many cuz it doubles in cost every time but yeah I would rather have three kills and two deaths than like no deaths and one kill I think he's maxing q that silus Q did so much damage and Casten takes reduced damage from Magic attacks too I'm on my way but we're hitting the part of the game where silus is hitting his power Spike this kind of stat checks everyone even with two he's 02 his all-in combo is going to take like 70% of my health bar but after he used everything he has nothing left Ally has been slain we going to keep healing though he still has his chains I'll just play it safe I'm pretty sure he can uh kill me at his current HP still in my turn HP I want to get baited when he's below half he heals more when he WS me and he's going to be able to W me I don't have any cc to stop him if I can get him low enough and he wastes his Dash that's when we strike he's trying to bait me into going in he could have Noo-noo around too I can just base and go get a here uh Camille's now coming down too she's kind of low on Mana though I don't think she can do anything okay he tpd we can base for free here and I have malignants I have [Music] boots uh we can get Sor shoes here yeah I'll get the Sor shoes it's dishy dashy time we're almost to level 11 11 is big Power Spike cuz my loses a whole second of cool down wow it's already 1.2 at level 16 yeah we're going to have a 1 second cast andol which is basically like her isn't it an enemy has SL alus is missing Ally has SL uh he's up top grir is probably dead but he did Kill Camille and even if he dies to silus here silus is going to lose a lot of uh minions and I get plaing on my way I just don't want to try and help him and die like got out nice he got out I got plating I want to try and Ro bot here pick up those ultimate Hunter Stacks might as well start using my now to charge it up I wish I could see sra's HP okay she's not low enough nice just getting oh my God my damage uh I don't have any Mana to ult again that's fine my shutdown goes to saraka that's better than anybody else okay another Mana oh yeah and the Mana gives me more damage too you don't want to fight one one of them's going to die hopefully not both he should be okay feeling though he still got his Dash watch out has she got him n FTP so now I can just like TP bot in top two when they fight I don't think I need to TP here though maybe he got a grub oh that's fine we got two grubs oh my God I'm so strong already I lose wave mid but who cares yeah a ticking time bomb Oh I can keep putting the Zone under oh my God I like this I didn't think the malignance was going to do a lot of damage but as soon as I bought that item man oh and I'm level 11 who do I need top planes now I need SRA and then amumu increases oh why is it shooting me scam what the heck wait there were minions under the turret oh well I got archangels yeah I think we go mag next or death cap either one's good mai is probably good for running around the map uh I could spawn and just TP behind him with any of these two Wards I don't know why the turret shot me there that was weird what the they just use both Flash oh my God they're toen well y'all in trouble oh I missed wow just the alt kill her and vo yeah I mean the game's over at uh level 11 somehow I need to survive till my r resets this guy beats dude my R hits like a truck leave me what is that damage on my I need a little bit more and I can get magi's large Rod but I might die it's over uh a little bit too strong Victory all right we got a little bit of a Fiesta to start this final game off we got some smolder want to cue them oh is that a bat we don't want like our level one's not that good cuz we kill Zach and an Nia and they just egg and stuff need kill Kindred kindred's kind of low what is going on man hey Mom what are the fire things that was interesting oh yeah we're running uh Fleet present bloodline cut down boots and biscuits not the greatest start for us I mean I got a few Stacks but I kind of uh lost all my HP oh she has no egg room to run around kind of pointless though cuz she'll get the egg back by the time we can actually kill her yeah they have double revive Champs camar sounds so fun can we go now might just need to base I can't lose this wave flying is very aggressive in Nia for not having an egg though she really wants to kill me everything's mine to play with got it I'm surviving St oh no man there's a million places you can gank and you choose to do it right in her face it just w't walked around I might as well just base here are we going as reav she's going to stop my B I want one of those Essence Reaver shoin rapid fire quick blades oh nice I shouldn't lose too much here once she's level six she's just going to shove me in but hopefully I can get some wave clear by then why is everybody in the spot that they're not supposed to be oh no it's a dragon need Essence Reaver I'm going to run out of Mana train to fighter Marino says people think there's no more Imperial dragons but he never lets me prove them wrong all right well I was a level down and I still destroyed her why do they got to smell so good I actually do damage for being a scaling champ who took oh I got the stacks was that [Music] MEP was it Minions that did so much there oh oh that was oh my God huge huge blue buff win all right I got to push this in before big bird hits level six good pushing good pushings I hate erands yeah she's playing really really really aggressive I'm just a baby smolder JX is uh what the hell why is jinx diving when they have sus you guys don't this one time I sneezed and burned down a whole in's either on grubs or Dragon here pretty sure it's grubs oh God get scrubbies an enemy has oh hey Mor show them who's boss yeah is Zach full HP I just hug down here what's over there stack it up stack it up purple stacker stack oh my God he lagged he lagged please aumu why you do this Stacks Stacks Stacks Stacks Stacks smolder get the stacks wait what the hell happened to me why were there Chompers there the hell put Chompers there oh wait thank you Kindred appreciate it Momom why the hell were there Chompers in the middle of a wall oh man all right we got a Reaver I have 83 Three Stacks at 9 Minutes pretty good I'd say uhoh she got the pushing playing dragon attack with Mar he got the pushing power I wonder if his new baby will want to play with me y English thanks for the th000 bits I don't know why I'm so cute in the enre world and I haven't played smother since he came out I forgot he's actually kind of fun to play I've just been playing against him and I hate it because every single game this stupid thing hits 225 stacks and just one V5 he's literally nasis in baby dragon form H she'll just hop out of my alt or she'll Al herself did a chew bro I played against the scripting anivia yesterday you are nothing I've been trained 11 11 I mean she doesn't have egg an enemy has been SL all right we might over stay and die I don't know where Kindred is oh hey y all done [ __ ] up let me just Farm These Stacks while I'm at it let me just Farm you while I'm at it GG I don't know if we're going to make it to our Stacks I might have to play a little more aggressive huh roasted oh he's mad oh my god well I might have made my case even worse oh well sorry bot your problem now you know playing Reckless can have its benefits sometimes that's skid makes ad Divia look very Smalling bugs and down hill but then the bugs were City well I squished it get her oh he actually says that rer Z is actually really op and they nerfed it right I didn't know it makes makes them go that fast or is that the thing they reworked and made it even more broken now they're going to Nerf it again your team has destroyed AET oh wait apparently with grubs I think I each grub counts as a stack for my mive maybe it's a good thing that you get grubs English thanks for another uh 1,000 bits come here enemy killing spre good our oh my God an enemy has been slain oh my god oh holy oh the late ble he made it damn smolder strong when he has 12 kills at 15 minutes I just need a little Rapid Fire for the long range Snipes better not be having too much fun without me I'm getting sleepy guys it's midnight I'm tired I'm so hungry I could eat a whole bunch [Music] of an ally has been an ally has been oh my God how does senna feel like she's everywhere do you see anything up there rapid fire expensive I'm backing out Zach's okay do we see Zach now Yeah the more Stacks you have the faster you get them as soon as you get the second upgrade I'm hitting 225 Stacks 18 minutes which is pretty darn good hey Mom what are the fire thingies next to my ears called oh okay D look at these shoes I got on why they glowing got the swag shoes there's so much room to run around all right quick blades then bloodthirst if they were more tanky I could throw in a leandre's I don't think I need it Zach was he doesn't have any armor we go now my God who Q's does half of her health God well I made it to my stacks really before oh we're getting our base skill you y'all going to die I can't why do they got toell execute it flying is hard yourest an ally has been slain want red buff red Buff's op so I have double burn triple burn with a leand they might be on dragon or Baron I don't think they are but I might die walking into the this bush oh I think she's going for that Mark on [Music] CRS yeah smaller's way too bust to BL game look how much damage I do just look at that they're all dead oh yeah like this is this is fair that's really fair guys that's really fair feels even stronger than when I was level 16 cassid and I wasn't even I'm not even level 16 yet Eternal 300 Stacks in 21 minutes I've had people play this a guy on my team and they don't even have 100 Stacks in 22 minutes look at that damage why is she no burn has destroyed an inh well at least we don't lose Baron I think wa he does 700 damage over 700 damage oh no it's a dragon run away what was that why do we oh we got red buff what happens to the W from Stacks just extra damage what are they doing to my boy Bard oh my God what is going on over here oh [ __ ] here okay he Zach isn't really a tank if he has two items and one of them is Boots my bad he's got a door and shield too [Music] okay like the only way to beat smolder this late in the game is just like to one shot him but smolders go these tank builds too like I played against one when I was playing Zer and H and he he literally built like all tank items and still an enemy has been slain an ally has been slain down she goes that's fair get him mom what you well well well yeah I think smolder is a little Fair guys oh my God vict that fun well you guys enjoy the smolder video make sure to leave a like comment subscribe subcribe for the movie see the damage let's see my damage 57k 7K true damage it's not even the true damage burn that's op it's the execute combined with the burn here's our Rune stats cutdown was absolutely useless I knew I shouldn't have taken it but last hand and last 10 maybe would have helped a lot actually I was low a lot he yeah GG thanks for watching join the Discord at discord.gg zwag check on my website at swag. and thanks again for watching
Channel: Zwagmo
Views: 216,399
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: zwag, tczwag, zwag xerath, zwag tiktok, zwag shorts, asmr, teemo, zwagmo, zwag3, ranked climb, league of legends, league
Id: YyTL1gxATfU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 200min 42sec (12042 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 17 2024
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