This NEW Machine is AMAZING in Astroneer

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oh hey there I'm blitz welcome back to Astra near I bet you didn't think we were gonna ever play this game again I kind of forgot about it until one of you lovely viewers commented in a recent video saying the new automation update was live and I said to myself I said self let's go play it so I've been having a little bit of fun building up some like really really sweet vehicles yeah this thing's so cool like an automated digging machine I love it it was in the game before but I never really used it so I thought I would try it and it's so much fun like this just cutting right through the mountain collecting all the soil destroying all the trees that was great I'm gonna go kill this tree because trees deserve to die I got it there goes some more trees I'm just a strip while yay go team and so much for that mountain it deserves it and then we use all of this soil to drop in over here and then we go ahead and make ammonium and we take the ammonium and turn that into hydrazine and after we have a buttload of hydrazine we just walk around with it we can put it inside one of our gigantic rockets here it's much more fun to play spaceship which is picking up and throwing it away whoo hey I got an idea I got a big idea big brain time I also built one of these things right here this is like an extra-large shredder and watch this I don't know if this is possible but I hope it is because shredding things is so much fun why do you have a blue blue thing and your buddy are you doing okay oh maybe I can't walk I can't walk with it can I shred it I want to shred it can I shred it can I please please oh it's no fun why can't I shred the gigantic Space Shuttle so my better idea is to dig a giant hole and throw it inside maybe could you just go down in there maybe not just kind of hide yourself down on them nope he doesn't want to be buried yeah that'll work but I suppose you were wondering what's new in this update and there's a whole bunch of stuff like this Auto extractor and then you're supposed to be able to like auto arm and move things around also there's giant canisters like soil canisters button repeaters and a whole bunch of big words that know how to say is this thing oh it does have a little guess nice so I just want to do a quick launch just so I can land back closer to base see there it is there's my base oh no no no I don't want to go around in the world this way you know just out here in my shuttle orbiting the planet for like an entire day cycle it's really cool also this game is gorgeous I forgot how beautiful it was and the music just the tone so peaceful and nice there we go beautiful little landing pad hopefully and landing on that beautiful little platform oh that's so nice and that canister is probably gonna go away how didn't that's too bad I wanted it to so up you go my dude look at that we have fuel I'm gonna collapse that because it needs to be collapsed okay how do these things get stuck inside of there when they're literally sticking outside of it I don't know space is weird so I don't want to try this Auto harvester extractor out I mean that's gonna use up most of my bytes and then we'll have a little bit extra to play with the auto arm here and then there's like a silo somewhere oh the auto arm wasn't as big as I thought it would be okay the medium resource canister I don't know what that does I'm gonna make one note and then the soil canister that sounds cool too and then this one storage sensor I mean it's got a drill on the bottom that could be fun if there's batteries sensor yeah sure we'll just click everything until I need to build these things the recreational sphere I think that's a ball and then there's storage silos too that's too bad thankfully there's an intern hiding in here everyone say hi to the intern he's been getting me lots of research he also found this thing which is kind of annoying but I like it anyway come on there it is ready I could just do this for hours just squeak no Kent that's actually the annoying so let's see if we can build one of these things large storage shredder platform buggy Rover see that's not the right one do I have to go to the large builder solar array that sounds fun but expensive Auto extract your rubber tungsten steel double steel oh I don't have any of that and I don't remember where it is so tungsten is wolframite and then iron is hematite so if there's one that has titin wolframite let's go there hematite and titanite that's kind of nice this one doesn't even have any resources so I'm gonna have to make two trips so let's fill up our spaceship with a little bit of storage unlock all of these and then launch up into space oh no I forgot to forgot to put juice in it whoops can we land hopefully we can land without I can't even I'm gonna have to go back down to this planet and there we go click and come on put it down right down right down here this one there you go good boy who is a good spaceship you're a good spaceship good boy alright so the solo is the moon no we don't need that one this one nope this one oh great we got to go to Novus this is a dumb little planet so somewhere around this planet I have a base set up I honestly can't tell you where it is I'm gonna try this one oh it looks good yeah dad's awesome I did it oh there's a ton of wind here so cool oh there's glass here too what do I got this is so new to me like all of this though oh hey aluminium I could actually use that at home you like look it's dancing it's kind of annoying this might have been a bad idea it's might have been a large mistake Hey look Spaceballs those are fun i go to an exotic planet to find exotic things and i find the most common thing in the entire world compound good job team proud of you oh there we go there's some shiny red things what is this oh that's got to be a hematite yeah buddy we got Eva Titan so weird that there's no resources on the outside of this planet I've totally forgotten this place but there's good research samples jetpacks are really fun too by the way they're like amazingly fun you just kind of jetpack your way until you run out of fuel and you fall down to the ground and die what is those things oh that's lithium I think oh it was awesome okay I think I got everything I need up there okay made it that was fun I need more of those in my life goodbye resin I don't care about you anymore hello hematite I do care about you and soil I don't like those just even the sound effects down here in this game it's just amazing you hear the echoes you do things in the basement of the cave and it echoes like crazy it's so cool so I've got an inventory full of garbage that will bring down back to our earth base oh here it is it's so beautiful I look at all that junk I brought that's awesome and we'll start researching these up right away come on get in the hole yeah just like that how are you worth Oh 1,300 hot dang that's good that's big stocks right there big stock numbers now I did unlock the auto arm which is aluminum and graphite thankfully I brought both of those back see a ladder right is aluminum and there's a graphite right there hey look it's intern hi intern look at how good of a job he's doing bringing bag research pods oh it's so heavy now where do I make this Otto arm at and what do I do with it like I don't actually know anything about it so we're gonna do one of those things where we test it together there Otto arm deal I need to see what this thing looks like and tada there's not arm right whoa okay that's it oh nice so it can pick up from anywhere and it drops off anywhere oh whoa I need to uh I need to carry it for science purposes okay so I need to kind of redo this little area right over here cuz we got this thing and it's not working so hot and then we'll just we'll just bury this one would you go straight flat please flat please not not turned there we go yeah we don't really need the spaceship anymore he'll be he doesn't even know he exists goodbye little spaceship it was nice knowing you thanks for all the space adventures we took together alright that's a pretty big flat area I like it already oh wow we've been using up all of the power I better put this RTG back on it the infinite power source yeah there we go whoo you heard it it ticked up instantly now I'm getting lots of bytes again I wonder if we have enough and button repeater I just will unlock everything because it's fun that way I don't even know what a large hoop platform is but I bought it because I could oh at all storage that sounds fun I didn't see that before there's also a paver what is that wait what I think I missed an update all right so my my thinker between my ears is saying that we probably need this guy on a platform so I'm just gonna steal this little one because that'll be fun oh that's cool oh that's real cool I like this thing already okay it's hooked up and then hmm I can turn it off and on whoo hey where did that come from where'd you steal that from I'd turn it why do you have this I think it's still a tether from underground okay we better turn you hey why'd my light turn off dude I need that back thank you you're not allowed to steal my tethers okay so those hoop things are big like real big storage ring sounds fun I don't even know what it does and activate and click in the back why don't you want to work for me I have your ceramic I've got your eye Ron tada now are you gonna build your dork you want to build this time just do it but you don't want to build it is that what's happening right now is the ground not flat enough for you game is that how this works is that better do you want it nice and flat would you just click already just for real click it and go oh that's dumb you know what ha ha hey I should plug it in that way we're not gonna we're just you know what let's just not talk about it right now hey there we go see that's what happens when you have an intern they unplug things for the funnies and then a medium storage silo Oh check this out this is a gigantic platform I love it already I don't even know what its gonna do but I'm hoping that if I take this and I shove it right next to here somewhere and I unpack it there we go and then I put it right oh my it might be a little bit bigger than I anticipated we'll turn that around there we go okay it's really big big big large big mclarge huge there that's right in the right size okay and we'll just I don't know plug it in or something beautiful oh it worked it did it look it picked it up and it dropped it up oh yes that's so stinking cool no you know what just for funsies hey let's do this and then when it gets all done it'll go Shuang Shuang can go back that's a Spanish firm I just made that up actually it's not Spanish there you go buddy oh that's so cool I need it I need more of these in my life yeah yeah grab it oh look at that that's so neat isn't that neat okay I'm gonna build one of these things too just because I think it'll be fun do it again do it again yes grabbed it and put it in I guess that's why they call it the automation update do they not I'm so excited about this little dome can it can I go inside of it and it'll build me too I'll just hide in here for the next ten minutes and don't crash the game and don't crash the game and don't crash the game and oh I just landed up my head that was fun alright well throw you up on top of here and we'll go unpack and look at that it's a sir oh that's fantastic I need I need I need to try it I need more I need I need fun I need to do it um that's not the right one no that didn't make any word sense but that's okay you guys probably know what I meant look he's back again with more research I think we got we might have enough no not quite you'll get it I should tell him to come over here hey hey dude hey you come with me come with me follow watch this ready come here watch this hey hey he's not he's not watching and we'll put you down here on PEC rotate you right round baby and now check this out if I just even I think if I just take these and drop them turn it on oh yes oh that's awesome Automation for days that was the song I made I hope you liked it watch watch this one will go done this one's holding one I was so cool there goes there goes yes and then it just puts one over there how cool is that so ah there's a big planet rising in the in the distance oh this game so the other question is I really want to know can I put one of these things on this thing no you can't oh that's slightly annoying so I'm guessing the extra-large platform is this storage I think it's storage I'm gonna try building one of those all I need is more iron and then I can just craft it and I can also build a paver that was probably a bad idea but I wanted it anyway I only needs 12,500 more bytes and I'm pretty sure after today this planet is gonna be a totally void of all research I can't even throw things on the ground and my robot friend picks it up for me that is so sweet I love it oh except I made him stop working for a little bit whoops so I'm not sure how big this is gonna have to be oh it's too big it's so big oh okay so is it gonna work for the whole thing I kind of hope so I'm thinking it won't though that's unfortunate come on it clicked it's stored all right looks like I just need to go collect a buttload more resources that actually might be too big it does look amazing no I love this thing it is so cool so I'm just gonna head all the way back Wow to Novus hopefully this is the right one it is beautiful wait a second this isn't the one I wanted that's fine because I just really wanted some storage things that's all I care about right now and then I need titanium which is titanite actually no I need wolframite which is tungsten and then I found some more of these I don't even know what they do but I'm gonna buy a ball oh here's a new horn I wish I had mm money to spend on that but this is what I wanted so this one is the tungsten carbide so I do need to get tungsten and I know tungsten is wolframite so looks like dis solo is where we get to go no and I think that's the moon yep oh this is sketchy this is real sketchy oh boy I don't like this I do like this that's all that's all I have for tethers here whose job was it to tether this place up what is this a Jasper Knight I don't know I know what that is must be like a chess piece is this the resource my heart desires I think it is and wolframite beautiful day to be alive at the Blitz doping Empire like no joke the amount of wolframite that was in that one vein I think can fill up my entire spaceship this hole is gigantic and I keep getting more and more and more and more and more and more and more tungsten over here look at the size of this hole I dug out oh there's more up there is more and more tungsten yeah okay finally I did it I always liked finding the abandoned basis like this underground pretty cool I swear these deposits are just gigantic they're so big there's so much so that is one entirely full spaceship yeah that's awesome oh I might be able to squeeze one more in I can't cuz I can steal one of these there will launch this back up into space I love all that door closed it all retracts that's so cool yeah there we go oh that's so satisfying landing back on the planet kind of wish the spaceship was turned slightly but that's okay okay I want to see how much research that thing's worth because these ones they're not worth too much they're worth 400 but this guy from a different planet a thousand that's solid glad I took that home look at her porcupine ball oh that's so cute here we go ready and tungsten four days I'd be so mad if that actually wasn't tungsten are you gonna grab it oh it's not it's not I knew that what happened to oh I don't know we're gonna keep these probably I don't know what they're for I'm gonna keep them that is so many resources that can stand on one of these look at that it's so nice so let's see it in final operation I'll just remove some of these tungsten this here oh there it goes that is I love it I love it this is the update I didn't know I needed but I actually really did need it this time oh it's so cool oh my backpacks full now no I'm so sad you like my guys purple suit I love it I don't even remember how I got it but it's the best purple suit ever okay that go oh it's so cool I forgot uh me we suits they were in here oh that's the good one hey that I like that purple facemask that thing I do have a few that are lock still whoa overachiever all you got to get all the achievements it's so hard what's this one don't what are these for I need those anyway guys that's gonna wrap it up for today's a video of Astra near I hope you want to see more of this cuz I love this game we'll see you next time bye [Music] [Music]
Channel: Blitz
Views: 207,616
Rating: 4.9427447 out of 5
Keywords: Blitz, Blitzkriegsler, Astroneer, astroneer gameplay, astroneer game, gameplay, games, astronaut, let's play, space, video game, gaming, game, pc, lets play, base building, astroneer part 1, astroneer ep 1, astroneer trailer, astroneer release date, astroneer shuttle, astroneer planet, astroneer ending, june2020
Id: 4Gxl_kKbseU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 35sec (1115 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 26 2020
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