This NEW Leonardo AI Update AMAZES!

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Leonardo AI does it again and this time like it usually does blows me away Leonardo AI continues to amaze this new update and this new feature are one of the ones I'm most impressed about right now and like with any new feature or update there's always a little bit of a learning curve or maybe you need a little bit of help to come up with some ideas to really Leverage The Power of these new updates for awesome prompt generators click the link in the description so in addition to showing you Leonardo ai's newest p pie of Awesomeness I'm also going to show you some really cool effective but yet creative ways to really get your creative juices flowing the update we're taking a look at today is Leonardo AI live canvas just by drawing a few simple lines leonado AI magically generates an impressive image simulating the prompt you put in so I find it extremely helpful to have a few prompts in mind so in my air table prompts database I went through a few of these to determine what sort of image I want to make or emulate in live canvas and I'll also put a link in my description so you can get access to this complete database right here if not there's also a link in my description for these prompts over here on this web page right here on this one there's over a 100 prompts for you guys to try copy and paste them all for yourself just by clicking some of these drop down buttons once you have a prompt figured out it's helpful to use it in Leonardo AI but even if you don't have a prompt figure it out I'm going to show you some awesome creative ways to let Leonardo do all of the work for you okay so here is this new tool called live canvas it's over here on the Le hand side directly underneath user tools and you can see it third from the top it's called live canvas and it really is this simple all you have to do to start is Type in the prompt or the sort of image that you're looking to generate now keep in mind over here on the right hand side we also have all of our presets over here we have anything from anime style cinematic concept art all the way down to product painting fantasy art Sketch color black and white vibrant or n done I'm going to leave it on photography for now but then we'll balance it out with a few different ways once I show you how to use this in the beginning then I'm going to give you some amazing ways to craft prompts yourself to really pinpoint the exact image you're looking for so just to start I'm going to say a cup of coffee sitting on a table okay so do you see how I'm typing it in real time I started with a cup of coffee and you can see on the right hand side there's a coffee then I put sitting on the table the table appears I put out outside now watch this outside a resort at a just say tropical beach it's getting a little bit better you can see some palm trees right here and then you can see some sky in the background pretty cool now watch this so here is where we can take things a step further it did a pretty good preliminary job but it's not exactly what we're looking for so let's come over here on the left hand side in the editor and select the color and let's just go ahead and start with a sky you can see the sky is missing let's go ahead and go to that light blue color right about here that light blue color colors selected right here let's go ahead and then select brush now watch this let's go ahead and then just start painting the blue right here okay look how that sky is starting to come in and the more and more that I paint the more and more of that sky is going to appear so if I start at the top and only paint that area it's only going to have the sky at the very top of the image but as I continue to add more and more of this light blue it just magically knows all of a sudden I want to have a blue sky and a blue Beach or blue water now you can notice we don't have the table anymore all I have to do now is just start drawing a table there is a simple Square okay there's my table now there's also an erase button on the left hand side now I have that erase button selected I'm just going to go ahead and then just erase this whole entire table and then start over to see if I can get a different result okay there you go my legs aren't that good but this is just a beginning and I want to give you guys the idea of what this can do now I'm going to go to green and now what I'm going to do is draw a palm tree check this out I'm going to go ahead and start right here and I'm just going to go ahead and then draw a palm tree and it doesn't even have to be good right and then down here I'm going to go at a resort at the beach with palm trees right as soon as I type in palm trees there we have it so now we have a palm tree there and now when I go ahead and draw this on this side it's going to know and understand that this horrible painting is another palm tree and now I want to add a few more so you see how it's starting to add that and then there we have it over here on the right hand decid to added this palm tree here and then there's more of a palm tree here and so you can just take this a step further and further and further until you get the right image that you want this was just a rough draft now let me show you how to really make this the most effective thing before we do that though look over here on the right hand side now now I simply changed up my preset it was on photography now I changed it up to cinematic now look at this cinematic over here in the right hand side looks much much better I can also change it up to Dynamic and in real time as I go through these it's going to change everything up okay so now let's talk about how to really get those creative juices flowing the first part I wanted to show you guys just how to locate this tool and use it but now I want to show you how to take some prompts craft some prompts and make them 10 times better to get 10 times the best set of images check this out right here you can see I have a couple of images and they're in sketch form and that's just perfect I want a few sketches I want Leonard AI to give me a few ideas what exactly do I want to draw or for an example I know what I have in my head but I want to give Leonardo AI some more guidance although letting it do all the work what you can do is start with one thing right here go ahead and then just craft The Prompt in Leonardo AI so you could see in this one right here I put in house nestled in the mountains now I want to get a sketch because I want to use this sketch to draw in my life canvas to kind of help guide me here's how to get a sketch in Leonardo AI you can see on the right hand side I used the Leonardo diffusion XL fine tune model the Alchemy preset Sketch color and the element I used was coloring book don't forget about those elements it's important so that's exactly how I got these images now I'm going to go ahead and copy this prompt and I'll show it to you in real time when I go to my actual model page check out this one right here Leonardo diffusion XL it's important to use this model with short prompts because as it states right here stunning outputs even with short prompts so if you have a short prompt it's not too detailed I highly recommend using this model Leonardo Fusion XL okay that's going to work good with short prompts house nestled in the mountains okay again your preset let's go ahead and turn Alchemy on on the left- hand side so once that's on now all these presets will be available to me now here's the important part hit elements right here this is also new now check out the elements that are available for this fine tune model these are all going to work perfectly for coloring books sketches or illustrations but I'm going to use coloring book just for now and hit confirm and make make sure I have everything up here at the top let's go ahead and hit generate okay so here's the first one right here so why this is so helpful is because now it's giving me a few ideas to draft in my live canvas let's say I actually like this one right here better cuz I didn't think about adding a sidewalk let me go ahead and then download this image and I'll use it as a guide when we go back to live canvas now the next thing you want to do is take advantage of Leonardo AI two dice buttons that you see up here in the top leftand Corner the reason why is because here's what we're going to do I have two options new random prompt or improv prompt let's go ahead and select improve prompt and the reason why this is so important is because now once you have improved prompt it's going to make your prompt much longer which is going to allow you the availability to use more of a complex finetune model I hit improve prompt it takes house nestled in the mountains to now I get this large prompt right here now let's go with Leonardo Vision XL instead so you can see this one here is also new but it says a versatile model but it gets better results with longer prompts now that I have a longer prompt we're going to generate with this model all right fantastic now that we're done here are the other new six images that leonado AI generated again perfect I have three awesome sketches I can choose from Once I have that prompt pasted look down here at the bottom already almost immediately this looks fantastic let's say again we wanted to add more details to make it look more or less like this there are a few elements that we want to add to this this so over here I noticed that it did get it pretty good but let's just say I want to add again more sky or more mountain let's go ahead and then do that come over here on the left hand side I'm going to make that blue get that blue sky going and then let's just start the process of painting more of that sky and look at that I mean so I'm going to leave it at this right here so this is something important to keep in mind on the left hand side it looks incomplete I just drew literally some scribbles with a lot of black openings I didn't have to enclose it all the way and that's important because you don't have to get it perfect just by simply doing a few scribbles across the board pay attention to the right hand side because you might have it already the way you want and that's pretty good so just by doing that a few scribbles I got rid of that little porch or that little parola I didn't want that there so now this is looking more and more similar to this one right here so for example let's add more sidewalk and rocks and see what we can do so if I just draw this sidewalk here and I just draw a couple lines through it this is pretty cool look what it's doing over here it's actually adding some steps and now it's making and extending my sidewalk so on the right hand side check this out it expanded the steps and then it expanded my sidewalk just how I was wanting perfect I mean you don't really have to be an artist in fact the worse you are sometimes I feel like the better image it's going to make you and then go back and repaint some things in here make my brush much much bigger and now I can cover a lot more so check this out by covering a lot more of this now look how much more blue it adds to it perfect look at that now that looks awesome check out how realistic it got it a nice house nestled in the mountains it got it perfectly right this really turned out well let's say I land on this Fox right here this looks pretty cool I'm going to go ahead and copy this prompt right here and see how closely it could get to making this for us in live canvas let's go ahead and paste this prompt in down here here we go now the way this fantasy art one this looks pretty cool I like the way this looks now let's go ahead and then see what we can come up with making it a little bit better so I'm going to go to that orange color since the fox is going to be orange oh okay well just by putting that dot kind of looks cool I'm just adding a couple dots and um that does make it pretty cool so let me add some ears right here and I'm going to have it facing us so let's see if you can understand if I want it to face us with a smiley face look at that that's awesome so if you want it to face you face forward I I drew just a very horrible Emoji Style or not even that a very horrible smiley face and it knew that that meant to have one facing forward I like this this looks amazing just by doing this so just by using the simple prompt and drawing a horrible smiley face Fox which I would never in a million years know what this was let's go ahead and download it I'm going to hit creative refine and then see what this can come up with I'll also download it right here and then we're going to go to see what this did for us so if I go back over to my editor there is my final product with that simple prompt and my ugly smiley face and then this is what we get this looks fantastic so tell me what you guys think in the comments below this only just scratches the surface of what you could really do with this tool once you take a lot more time you're going to get some amazing results but this is pretty cool even if you don't have a prompt in mind and all you have in mind is just a simple sketch this is going to do the trick for you so thank you so much for watching this video and please don't for forget to hit that subscribe button because you'll be the first to know when all these videos come out but until then we'll see you next [Music] [Music] time
Channel: metricsmule
Views: 6,549
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: leonardo ai, live canvas, leonardo ai update, leonardo ai live canvas, leonardo ai tutorial, how to use leonardo ai, leonardo ai prompts, leonardo ai art, leonardo ai image to image, leonardo ai features, leonardo ai image prompt, how to use leonardo ai tutorial, leonardo ai prompts guide, leonardo ai canvas, leonardoai, leonardo ai tips, leonardo ai canvas editor, prompt engineering, new leonardo ai
Id: FgV9tqv59Ys
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 22sec (742 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 06 2023
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