This Mod Changes Assetto Corsa Forever

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this video is made possible by the following sponsors mace or check out their products as well as the rest of my gear in the description below hey guys let's dance boy here and welcome back to assetto corsa for another video in today's video I'm gonna be showing off a rather amazing mod for a set of Corsa which is Sol 1.0 Sol is basically a weather FX modern you're wondering what the hell that means I'm gonna read through a couple of the features here that come with the mod so there are new clouds included a new Sun a complete solar system meaning you see moons and planets and whatnot in the sky which is pretty crazy a new sky shader packed as well this because they're more realistic color grading and literary reading is from the page right now and the thing that I'm most interested in a 24 hour day night cycle given that I'm an endurance freak what I'm going to be doing is a 5 lap race around Spa with time acceleration set to time 60s zakah the same as my project cars to video what that means is that 1 minute in real life is an hour in-game I've chosen the RS Sgt one the Lambo to drive because I'm getting that GTR to feel going on right now and this car is just perfect for the occasion and you might notice as well that I'm not using VR today the reason for that is that when you use and record VR you have to turn down quite a few of the graphical settings and I want you guys to see this in all its glory Simon just single monitor maximum graphics and hopefully a very pretty experience coming up well then here we are sat on board in our Lamborghini GT one car look to the bottom right-hand corner of screen you see the time of day going by a very quickly indeed waiting for the lights engage first gear and bogged down kick the clutch here the v12 screaming away we go for 5 laps then down to the for the first time nice and easy now safe route this video just keeps your eye on that the sky will move and it would change especially over time 60 as I get shoved to the inside somewhat there of the wall but are okay and now downhill for the first time great to be doing this video of that beautiful v12 noise of my ear car back into my inside gonna give it to him that's another Lambo fireballs spinning from the exhaust behind it over the top of radio and now we'll just sit in the slipstream takes it gear nice and short to make use of the RPM dive to the inside right on the top of the gear now not quite close enough to make a move coming in to like um you can see this shader mode really adds some vibrance to the sky car lacking an AC before thing AC was a little bit bland beforehand but now getting a bit of that color that it maybe missed with the shader mode and the weather FX model down to Rivage then got a Selene buzzing around in my mirror turn in big plan but you can see I never Lamborghini in front the big old bench we've got on the rear side the old bench rear wagon and already you can see that the colors changing this is why I love about endurance racing online than when you have the daylight transitions in place as in real life the track is not static it changed and as time goes on and we're already at 4 p.m. now I do have headlights mapped we are going to need them at some point I've done a little bit of typing just to see how long it takes for me to get to a sunset but really I haven't actually seen the sunset in all its glory yet song this is my first time as well chat so I'm looking forward to experiencing with you take that out of context so you're like a loose tableau to again deep in the system of our Lamborghini Reverend shadow is getting a longer on the track up to sixth gear I've been Terrance it this very short compared to the rest I'm not running any hearts here because I want to really experience a day-night the only thing that I've got down there the benefit you guys to see a night-and-day thing time of day right down to first gear very clumsy around these Ferraris it a bit of understeer there comes on the stick of the noise of this thing you can already check how different the track look to the shallows starting to lengthen as we come on to our second lap into the source easy front ends a little bit sketchy another place gains what a noise this thing makes you can see the Sun now starting to get a bit lower in the sky just start blinding us a bit we aren't careful down flip for a ruse at the top over I do come on such dream and I'm blinded by the light I've got while doing this MV I'll have no chance at this point easy easy roll it in on the brakes is GT one cars aren't the most agile things in the world but my god they got a punch in a straight line won't be long before we need our headlights getting out to 6 p.m. I think some sets around 7:00 so and you about an hour left of light and you can see it now the orange is starting to come into play this is a very odd experience and so of course as I said I'm getting big big GTR to buyers especially driving this car as well getting those headlights very soon I think easy down the left here nice [Music] headlights on look at that look at the sky this is fantastic easy-easy coming to me softer you see the AI headlights the plays as well as I've really nice to see that I was kind of worried today I wouldn't do that but that was a train of headlights as we head into the night here a spa god that looks so damn corn now just like that the field of view is gone you can see in the background the lights there as well in the mirror and suddenly of our field of view becomes very small indeed that will the stay with me is going to so I can see where I'm going you see the stadium when it's up there that is a really damn cool of course this is not this is not supported at all by Kunis's look completely a third-party effort and what a job they've done contrast might be a little bit much of my wild whiting that's not quite as much a light pollution czar expected but this is a fantastic effort this time if we go down to our Rouge at night side-by-side with five of five fifty anything that is so might be a five seven five I can never tell the ones apart back down the fifth on the throttle high over the top thank you very much sir the sound of making food fast it you can't see much but the sound reverberating through the forest must be fantastic looking for breaking market flipping on the front all the way down of course to make sure it goes into gear these shift up this is so surreal night racing in the snow of course oh this doesn't feel like I'm playing this game this changes a set of course sir completely it now means this game you can start thinking about doing enduros in this now you know for me daylight transitions and longer races are the go hand-in-hand you can't have one without the other and now although it is only a mod but it's a very damn good mod we have that now an AC AC now has that capacity but I think leaves only race from out of the big sins and maybe AMS we now do not have that this is so damn cool running through here though a couple after that I don't think we're going to see a transition today we'll have been made there who knows already coming up to 9 o'clock will be 10 o'clock 10:00 p.m. in gay and by the time we finish this that probably it's just so great look at noticing the mood as well look at that that's so cool and for Wyatt from what I can tell anyway this kind of simulates the time of year as well so everything's in the right place which is absolutely crazy for a mods I'll just be happy bit getting dark coming Kel stars are in the sky look at the moon there it is man this is this is damn cool I've got goosebumps well I've got thing I'd to get out more mouse should be getting goosebumps over this thank you get out there this time [Music] look at the lights just chasing each other uh peruse that's so damn cool sits gear this time nope it's gonna light enough that's a fifth and again just trying it into the system of the car in front Snell I don't think we're gonna see it sunrise but to be honest I don't really mind too much just driving at night in a/c is so damn cool it's such a novelty at the moment easy easy Rivage again well send to the inside sorry mr. Lambo that's a little bit a little bit strong come the way in there but they're passing only fair passing on this channel [Music] I love seeing the mirror and distinguish reoccurring of the light sir that's so damn cool and the thing is the headlights on this are really quite decent like I can see far enough ahead that was scary I can see far enough ahead to know where I'm going I'd say that one of the biggest weaknesses in headlights and other games if they aren't strong enough when you're driving with them you can't really see that far ahead they're not as far as you would see in real life I suppose not a problem with this I think the headlights are done absolutely perfectly of course fov comes in massively you can't see far to the right you can't see far to the left when they gets a bit darker but if anything that it simulates the real-life experience and really gives you a sense of speed when driving at night it really does they see now getting up to midnight doing about 2:00 3:00 in the morning by the time we finish those sunrise for us unfortunately maybe next time the Lister tried to slot in on the inside there but a lips to have the inside line absolutely true dear me damn it pause and second Oh professional race driver here chat I'm not okay laughs laughs that one more lap through the night here at spa my rear view camera lit up with the lights of a list of Stormers following me just sent me now now I see glimpse of his paintwork and wise it's just the lights completely blending out everything else thick I want to top the Vipers show off their takes if gear Lambo isn't that fast and straight line compared to the vodka but the run is enough the how the v12 echoing of the bear is leave aside the second gear fight for how to go there you can see the bright yellow whites from the Viper very easy way to tell it apart from you have a cars now this evening comes the back of these guys putting the ratio it down to revolt keep it nice and tight as a GT car but you've not got much grip through here I just love the headlights this it feels so damn it boosts I'm immersed I'm not in VR but I still feel like that level limit of an immersion there I have to try a severe I think I was on point I just wanted to make sure you guys got a proper look up that the graphical fidelity and the quality this mod brings to AC in turn so looks I've not notice and he sort of framework frame wait frame rate to dip yet maybe that will come I don't know but I haven't noticed it yeah I'm running you know 24 cars here as far on max settings and everything that's beautiful I think the sixth antastic I'm not going to quite catch the guy than probably don't think even with my slight track extending their at stab low - come on v12 pull me up the hill we blow them up then nice and wide small lifts on the way and back on the power how much so when I eat it into the large Akane oh it's a biggie always genus is a genus mister it's Nate's listed on the list - got it b12 and v12 but Wow how cool was that that looks absolutely amazing my heartiest congratulations to the guys over at seoul for making something that brings a set of courser back to life I mean with ACC coming out with our Mo's ate a set of course getting a little bit long in the tooth but this is a big old life extension I'm really looking forward to seeing what the community does prove it next but guys really hope you enjoyed this video if you did of course make sure to hit that like button if you really enjoyed it hit subscribe to be notified of future streams and videos and hit the bell icon while there because that way you might actually get a notification when I put up a new video as always a massive thanks to my patrons and to my sponsors there will be links for this mod in the description below take care have an awesome day I'll see you all next time [Music]
Channel: Jimmy Broadbent
Views: 380,964
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Formula 1, Senna, Hamilton, Prost, onboard, crash, wet weather racing, Simulation, sim racing, racing simulation, virtual reality, VR, Oculus rift, oculus, rift, htc, htc vive, vive pro, crash compilation, sim rig, assetto Corsa, Assetto Corsa Competizione, iRacing, rFactor, rFactor 2, FIA GT1
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 28sec (928 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 24 2019
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