The Ultimate iRacing Beginners Guide 2023 - Tutorial

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after some time working in this big project I present to you the ultimate eye racing beginner's guide 2023 whether you are already a real life driver and want to improve your real life technique Advanced gamer who wants to get serious about Sim racing or just a total beginner this video will help you all the chapters are listed in the description there's lots of little tips throughout the video that can help even Advanced drivers who let them slip or Overlook them when starting their careers I racing is a Sim racing service launched in 2008. it's popular because it offers a very realistic and competitive racing experience and has Partnerships with Real World Racing organizations like NASCAR and MC people like it because they can compete against other players from around the world and improve their skills and because it's incredibly realistic and immersive why should you join a racing well unbeatable matchmaking the Iranian system matches you with drivers of a similar level on almost all series races are divided into splits each with drivers with a similar level for example in the last 24 Hours of Daytona there were 16 651 drivers registered in 85 races or splits happening at the very same time so everyone can have an incredibly competitive 24 hours experience with strategy and other factors like consistency and teamwork playing a big role to win Great Net Code system for good close racing cars aren't flying around and moving in a weird way like in some other simulators you can drive flows in a pack for many lap without having to worry too much about it of course there are problems sometimes with the internet of so many people and what people call a net code issue is when the simulator understands that there was contact and one of the cars is thrown around it's fun when there was actually no contact so when there is a crash without an actual contact we call it a net code but netcode is the actual system that makes most crash just not happen closest experience to real life racing careers with teams leagues and championships there are more than 400 private leagues running UI racing each with its own set of rules and schedule and for all levels official Seasons three months Seasons with official races that count points to a season championship and races that happen every 30 minutes or every hour or every 2 hours depending on the series I remember being crazy about season points because it really motivated me to practice and get to the best performance I could to count the points chasing a division championship is really really fun because you get to know your Rivals you're racing against them you make friends you make teammates and you start working and by the end of the season you realize how much you actually improved consistently evolving every three months during season changes the game is updated new content new car new tracks are released bugs are fixed Etc the entire model is also always updated and it's always improving based on feedback based on new data and newer technology it can be a bridge to real life racing irazy is incredibly precise in how the car behaves and you can translate that experience to real life driving in track days amateur racing events or even professional racing events if you succeed in irasy and join a team with people that have connections in real life you may end up getting a seat in real life if you join a big Esports team and win events you also may end up getting a seat you may also just improve so much in Sim racing that you may want to rent a car and go do a track day on your own I have raced in real life because of I racing a hundred percent my job as a coach Sim racer and real life racing driver is directly related to my racing career you also get to race with many real-life professional drivers and even Superstars like Landon auris Max verstappen Tony Kanan and all these guys the list of testimonials from real life drivers is linked in the description for the price the membership alone is 66 six US dollars a year they generally have renewable promotions during Black Friday and Christmas this subscription comes with a base content which consists of 17 cars and 23 tracks these can already keep you very busy and focused for a long time you could literally spend six months competing in the rookie series the highest level you can with the base content alone there are at least two or three full season championships that only use the base content so you definitely have lots of competition to deal with now for the paid content additional tracks cost 14.95 each and additional cars cost 11.95 each the most expensive moment they are racing is when you are getting your first tracks and cars but after a while you'll find yourself already having the tracks from other championships that you can reuse in other cars also there's what eye racing calls volume discounts purchase any three or more cars or tracks at the same time and you can get 10 percent off purchase any six or more cars or tracks at the same time and you get 15 off and when you reach a total of 40 or more cars or tracks owned you receive a 20 discount on all future content purchases so if you are a racing driver in real life amateur or professional or whatever you'll quickly see that this is incredibly cheap for the amount of realism and precision that this Sim provides and the benefits your real life technique can get if you're a gamer then it will feel like this is incredibly expensive so it's a matter of perspective the quality of what you get though is insane but I guarantee you that if you spend some money in I racing you will actually develop your Technique so much if you wanted to develop that same technique on the Real Track you would spend a thousand times more let's take for example the motor racing checklist this is the online course that I created last year and it costs 149 dollars the amount of information that you get there that you can apply on the Sim and then actually apply in real life if you wanted to learn all that with a real life coach in a real life car you would spend at least two thousand dollars for example I have some students who worked with me in a racing in preparation for a prototype phrase in real life in Europe of course they spent a lot less by getting irasy and preparing it in the simulator and spending a lot of track time before actually going to the real car regarding additional fade content my tip is to plan ahead what you're going to raise in the next seasons and try to do bulk purchases to get some discounts and have the content for a specific series you plan to do for now all you need is a decent modern PC nothing too fancy with super expensive gpus but you do need a GPU like a 1060 or equivalent or better in a set of wheels and pedals I strongly recommend getting an entry-level Logitech t923 or g920 or G29 or G25 since they come with everything you need they work very well and are super reliable a wheel with around 2 newton meters of four feedback for work is enough for beginners if you're thinking about upgrading your very first move should definitely be getting a load cell break pedal that levels up your driving force station a thousand percent more than any other upgrade then finally getting a cockpit would be a better move so you can get a better posture and comfort for driving longer sessions finally after you get a load cell and a cockpit I would recommend upgrading to a stronger wheelbase the optimal usable force feedback strength sits around 10 newton meters the csldd for example has 8 meter and the Logitech G Pro which I use currently and I highly recommend has 11 newton meters of torque anything more than that will mostly be Overkill as you will not want to use 100 of it I tried using 50 newton meters once and it quickly hurt my arms and I had to stop driving for some days to recover there are two ways to join eye racing you can do it through your steam accounts or directly through the official website The Experience through their website is gonna be smoother and you end up getting some better deals and promotions throughout the year the main benefit from subscribing through Steam is that it may be much cheaper depending on where you live Regional pricing makes a racing through Steam much more accessible sometimes costing less than half the price you would pay through the website once your account is created there are two ways you can navigate through the interface in irasing the first one is the website and the second one is the iRacing UI or use an interface the UI is new and you can do most things through it but some features are still only available through the website let's quickly navigate through them both this is the home page as soon as you log in into the membership site so here we have series track and car selection part where you can pretty much go here in the eligible series you can have the oval ones that you can choose as you can see in the over ones I don't have lots of options because I'm a rookie novel I never got the actual licenses that I need to unlock unlock moreover series but here in the road you can definitely see that I have many many many series eligible because I have the a license so here you can check for example all the series that you can race and let's say we select one here Porsche fixed it changes to this page where you can see what track the official series is if you're going to drive in a series that has more available cars for example GT Sprint VR series then you can select the car here what's what car you're going to use here if you click on Race you can see the time of the race and this is actually your local time and here is the GMT this qualifying here we're gonna rarely use because generally the races have the qualifying within the same session which which is an eight minute qualifying session but whenever we're racing in a big track for example like nord's life you actually have to do the qualifying in a separate session so here we have race call TT is time trial which is pretty useful if you want to farm safety rating and just you know practice a little bit without having to worry about racing yet and here you have the practice sessions for example if you go to the Porsche cup here we can see that these numbers are clickable with the number this is the number of the server and how much time is left for the session to end so here for example as soon as I click on one of these sessions I'm gonna be registered to that session and I'm gonna be able to just join the session selection window disappears and I can just click here to join the session there is driver briefing where it gives you some information about the session and you can also withdraw if you want to join a different session an important thing here about the race sessions is that for example here it is uh 117 right now and the race is starting at 145. if I register right now to the race I can actually give up and not race but you can only do that until 5 minutes before the race starts if you don't want to race and you want to win troll but it's already like one minute left for the race to start you will lose Iranian it will count as if you actually joined the race and finished last so be careful with that only register for the session if you're really sure you're going to do it as soon as you register for the session if there is enough time you will actually have the join practice button because then you can just join a random practice session until the race actually starts and then within the practice session you will get a warning when the race starts that will teleport you automatically to the race session you can always click on test car on track as well which will take you to an offline test session which is quite useful if you want to practice some Corners specifically and use the active reset feature that you can do one corner and repeat only that corner forever with the same Tire conditions and everything there's a video about the active reset feature right here and then in still talking about this series here if you click on home you will actually get to the series home page also you will get the Division standing season standings this is what you might want to look a lot if you're looking for getting a division championship so as you can see here the Porsche Cup Series has 10 divisions there's a rookie and then divisions one all the way to 10. now still here in the series homepage we can actually go and click in session so we can have even more information on this schedule here so you can see all the numbers of the practice sessions is very useful if you want to practice with some friends you can just say hey just join the session 834 you can just join and practice with them and also here you can have the time trial events as you can see the time trial happens every two minutes and here you can see the race schedule uh you will see that the races are not clickable this race on this Porsche Cup Series which actually has an open setup is only at 3 45 and it's 218 here so we won't be able to join but if I go and move here to Porsche fixed one then there is gonna be a race at 2 45 these registrations open for the race 30 minutes before the restart so as you can see here at 2 15 you're gonna be able already to click here and register for the race Now we move on to schedule so this is actually the schedule for the entire season it shows you the length of the race uh standing start uh local enforced cautions as you can see here we can have weeks one all the way to 12. then we move to stats this is gonna give you more detailed information about the championship points uh you can see how many starts and wins in top five polls the drivers have and the amount of Championship points that they have accumulated over the season of course if you want to see how many points they've done in one week if you want to check specifically how many points arrival has done for example you can go here in week and select uh only the week you want to check how many points he's done so here in the stats page I can more or less explain how the races and splits work in irasing when the season started it was Monday night and not a lot of drivers registered for the very first race so we had only one race and the field size how many drivers were in the race was six so only six drivers the sof or strength of field is the eye rating average of the race so here for example 1589 and the race was official because six drivers is already enough for the race to count as official but you can see here that is split there is just one split because there's only six drivers so they all fit in one single race and you can pretty much click here on the results and you can see all the results of the race you have you can see the name of the six drivers the laps the strength of field the weather the results the lap times the average the fastest and how much I rating the driver gained or lost here now on the second race two hours later there were 18 plus 18 plus 18 drivers so 54 drivers register for the race and the race was divided into three splits so there are actually three races happening at the same time where the highest eye rating drivers go on the split one the second highest irating group goes to split 2 and then the third to the split three so pretty much the number of splits uh is proportional to the popularity of the race so if you're doing for example a Mazda MX-5 race and we go here to results there's lots of splits that is a huge amount of drivers because this is the first car that you're probably going to drive the global Mazda MX-5 cup because it is a rookie series it is a free car that comes with your base content so because of that you can see here that in one race there were 21 splits there were so many drivers that 21 races were happening at the same time each one with a different level of as well for example here on the split one the average Iranian of the drivers is 2568 and in the 21st split the average irating was 333 and you can see here that in each hour in the Mazda MX-5 Cup Series there's lots and lots and lots and lots of splits every hour there is this amount of races happening at the very same time and you're gonna be placed in the split that suits your eye rating which is amazing now let's go quickly through these buttons here still in the website home gives you this page that we are right now actually this go racing actually takes you to the UI you can still do most of these things in the website it's just that I racing kind of wants me people uh and new drivers to start using more and more the UI because they are starting to move towards using only the UI eventually then we have accounts it's pretty much the same button here uh manage my accounts and manage my account it's these are just kind of like shortcuts to whatever we can already access here so here in this find official races uh there is the official race guide that takes you to this page so what is this page we can actually filter what races and what series we want to see so for example here if we click on roads and then press save it's gonna show all the rode series that might start right now here you can see kind of a timeline and up here you can see the time your local time here it's uh 9 50 right now so this is where we are and there is a race starting in 10 minutes which is the Mazda mx-51 there's 787 drivers registered and if you click in this button here you can pretty much just straight away register for that race here we can select and unselect what license series we want to show up in this page so Rex Rex up right now if I press save there's nothing because none of them are selected so if I press rookie and press save then all the rookie ones will show up actually here it's only the road once because I selected road if I want to show oval dirt over and dirt road as well I can go there and press save and everything will show up if you become a d driver you can just select D here press save and you can also see all the D1 so as you can see the rookies are red and these are orange there's also this popular races guide where it shows you the amount of registered drivers if you click here to filter by the amount of register drivers you can see that the Sebring rays in the GT Sprints VR series is pretty popular it's a B license multi-class lots of people like racing this series so it just tells you which ones are more popular in the duration of the race now this one is important especially for beginner drivers who want to get used to the race environment without actually putting their eye rating on the game yet you can go to find official races then you go to watch ghost fruit spot then find the series that you want official Series in this case let's go to for example Road Series let's say you're driving the Mazda MX-5 and you want to practice uh and you want to see more or less how the races are and everything without being involved in the race you can actually ghost a race first you're gonna look for the series let's look for Global Mazda MX-5 cup here and then we're gonna see the event type so we have open practice this one is useless to go so you can just join there and in practice but the races here when they start happening what you can do is you can click on one of these races and then go to watch now as soon as you click on watch now you're actually going to be registered as a spectator so what you can do is you can click here and watch it's actually going to load the session and now that the session is loading you're gonna be able to drive literally drive as a ghost No One's Gonna See you you're not gonna collide with anyone but you can follow along with the race and pretty much see how your pace is compared to the drivers you're gonna drive with the same conditions and you're going to be able to compare lap times you can practice by ghosting races so here we are the race is already happening look at that the race is already happening you can see uh P1 here P2 E3 before and you can watch in any camera we're gonna go through this uh very soon but you can literally do here is you can click on test drive and you can drive look at that you can actually drive and the race is happening and no one can see you that means if we stop here and wait a little bit we're gonna see P1 is right there they're coming up right now doing the corner and what you can do is literally follow them you can follow the race and there's no Collision look at how cold is this this is the best way you can practice because you can follow them uh you can kind of like almost pretend that there is a race happening and try to not collide with them or just figure out more or less um the base that they're doing and you can do as many laps as you can there's no off tracks there's no incident you're not going to be penalized for anything here as you can see um there is damage though so if you crash the car you have to go back um and then click on test drive again to get a new car but this is the best thing you can do if you're not feeling confident about the race join a race as a ghost and do some laps follow along you can pretty much start the race with them if you expected the race at the very start of it and just click on test drive You're Gonna Leave Out of the pits as soon as the race starts you can just follow with the pack and practice but of course we're still gonna talk about setting up uh the software inside the game so wait a bit we're gonna talk about that very soon if you want to skip to that you can just click on the chapter about it now the thing about watching or ghosting or spectating a session is that you're not actually seeing it it exactly in real time there is a slight delay maybe one second so it's not really useful if you want to spot for someone if you want to spot which means like you're on the chat with it you're like uh in a voice call with the driver and you want to give them positional tips and stuff if you want to spot for them you have to use the spot teacher you do not use the watch feature because it's gonna be a little bit delayed but this one is for practice and watching but you cannot really right away uh in real time and help the drivers who are in the race right now because you're seeing with the second delay back to that difference between watching and spotting watching you can pretty much join any session right away if you want to spot a driver has to have the requesting a crew or spotter feature turned on so you can then spot for them and some of these drivers might be just open uh but it mostly most likely you won't just like join your random driver and spot for them you will probably spot for a teammate or someone that you know that is asking for spotting so some people will actually put a password so as soon as you click here it will require a password but honestly the best way to just to spot for a friend is to go to my Racers online which is my friend's uh list and from here when they are racing there's gonna be some options for watching the race or fighting for them they need to enable you as a trusted Spotter and we're gonna be able to do that in the erasing interface and if you want to have someone spotting for you you can go to settings right here and then you go down to crew Spotter and turn this on and then you can select on anyone can be my cruise Potter and require a crew spotter passwords you can write whatever you want here and save as your password and give that to whoever you want to spot for you and lastly on this tab here we have the erasing race schedule which is the big PDF with all the information about the season we are so we're gonna have the summary and the pages and you can check everything about every series uh the license needed the title the car and the minimum drivers for it to be official maximum driver before it splits into split one and split two and split three and so on and here you can pretty much see how many series we have running insane now we're gonna have hosted here I don't want to talk about hosted I think for hosted sessions and League sessions it's actually better to use the interface same thing for teams for time attack all those four options here it's better to just go through the interface so we're gonna focus on the important things that we can only see through the website for now all right so before we move into the iRacing UI I'm gonna show you just two more things that are only available in the website the first one is driver stats let's say for example I want to see my stats uh comparing to all everyone in Canada's press go it's gonna give me information about all drivers in Canada if I press on I rating here it's gonna show the highest eye rating in Canada which is funny that's me number one here and you can see the number of starts how many drivers had the most starts in Canada as you can see the number one guy has done 13 000 starts insane and then the amount of wins as well average start ever finished and everything so you can pretty much uh check I like looking at this one for I already not that it matters that much but you know everyone wants to improve their eye rating so you kind of like want to see more or less where you are in comparison to your teammates will suck so if I press here for example all it's gonna show all the drivers in the world so here for example if I want to move to where I am I can just click on this me here and then it moves to the page where I am currently so as you can see I have the 156th I rating in the world and we can also go to World Records uh this one here it's only actually useful if you select the season if you select the season that you are so you have to go to the year to any 23 and then you go to the season season two right now just started this is gonna give you important information because if you go to just all time the lap times are gonna be sometimes too low and it's impossible to actually beat that world record because the conditions were different because the time model was different the game was different the ancient was different so it makes no sense to compare your lap times to the all-time World Records it's better to compare it to the season records so for example Global Mazda MX5 cup it selects the year 2023 and the season 2 you press go and you end up going to the world records that have been made this week this is pretty useful here if you want to check how far off the pace you are to the very best now the eye racing interface is a little bit more organized for some things I kind of use both actually I use the website for some things and they interface for others but I use the moves in the UI is actually joining hosted races so I go to go racing and click in hosted races to join in a team practice or any coaching session or whatever it's very easy to create a hosted session within the interface much easier than within the website so you can also do AI racing which is pretty useful for you to practice just a little bit of racing with Bots I also like using this one on the interface instead of the website and results and stats can also be found here but these ones I prefer to check them in the website just a little bit more clear or just because I'm used to it actually also replace much easier to go through the replays through the interface you can just search for the file or something like that and you can also sort it by when it was created or the linked if you want to check like full races just like sort it by length and I can find all my races here if I want to see the recent ones if you want to join a race through here you go to go racing and then series lists tags you can select only the ones that you are eligible to so you can for example click on this match all tags that will show only the series that fit everything that you clicked so for example if you click on eligible and rookie you will only see the list that you can join but if you click eligible and rookie n plus a nothing will show because well you can't have a series that is Class A and rookie at the same time so because of that make sure you are aware of this match all tags on and off because sometimes if you select the wrong ones nothing will show up so for example let's say we want to find our eligible rookie series with owned content now we can just see here let's say that we want to raise the MX5 cup we can find the MX5 cup and we can click here we're gonna go to this page pretty much everything you need to know about the series and you can click here there is an arrow you can actually do a test drive that is Solo or you can do a time trial that is solo as well or you can just register for the practice here or register for the race when there is less than 30 minutes for the race up here you can see all your information question about credits that you have notifications and display modes uh if you use VR you can set this to VR and also update as you can see here I actually need to update so let me just do that array done and then here we can select we can see our stats as you can see I'm rookie and everything else and here I can see my class and I rating for the road group I can also click on my helmets and then go to my name which will show my driver profile I can see my irasing ID you can edit your biography here you can change your about as well and here in licenses you can see your license statistics here you can see your stats so if I click in Road here you can see all my starts wins and all the driver stats and also my eye rating graph in this driver tab you can actually customize your driver and in the awards you can see all your achievements in my racing now it's time to install the software and set up your equipment this one is ultra important because the amount of intermediate drivers that join my online course the moderation checklist that still have Wrong settings that make them actually Lose full seconds per lap is scary this is the way you're going to communicate with the car everything has to be right because a simple thing that is off might make the car behave weird or the car might think you're driving weird to set up everything we're actually gonna join a test session in eye racing let's go to the actual test sessions that is similar to the race we're gonna be doing in our rookie series let's say we decide to race in the global Mazda we're gonna click and go racing and then test drive it predetermines car track and track conditions that we're gonna drive we can just click on test drive this is probably the most important part of the entire tutorial oil because this is gonna determine how well you're gonna understand and communicate with the car as I said before I'm gonna show the important bits and the things that beginners kind of Overlook initially and they may end up losing a lot of lap time lap time I'm talking about lap time here so don't underestimate the importance of these little details information here very very very very important because you want to check the track conditions and that is going to affect a lot the lap times and the drivability of the car track conditions tells you whether there are marbles and dust are left on track so for example some hosted sessions will have automatically cleaned Marbles and dust which means if someone goes off track and comes back on track that extra dirt and dust that is on track is not gonna stay there because it's gonna be automatically cleaned but if it's left on track then every time someone goes off and come back it's gonna leave a little bit of dust on the track and it's gonna decrease a little bit of grip on that area now the usage the track usage and the track temperature are some things that you guys need to understand in irasing it is different to other simulators the usage in a racing actually decreases the grip available if the usage is zero percent that means the track is clean it will actually be quicker and the more use it you have the more rubber on track the less grip you're gonna have so the two most important things you want to know the lower the number of usage say zero percent more grip but also more wear to your tires and then the more this number Rises let's say maximum usage 100 the track is gonna change a lot less pretty much none so if you want to host a practice session with a hundred percent track usage that means that's gonna be perfect for practicing because the track conditions are not gonna change that much so 100 means maximum usage you're gonna have the least grip available and it's gonna have a lot less wear on your tires this is number one thing number two thing the low lower the air temperature the better the grip and the air temperature also affects heavily sometimes even more than the track temperature in the amount of grip that you're gonna have winds winds are gonna affect heavily the way the car is going to behave under braking so if the wind is high like 15 20 kilometers per hour your braking zones will change depending on the direction of that wind so sometimes if the wind is against the car you can actually brake later or if the wind is helping the car go faster you're gonna have to brake earlier because the car is not going to stop the same now RH that's the relative humidity so this is going to make the car go slower basically the more relative humidity the more humid the air goes into the engine and the less power it produces so when the RH is zero percent the car is going to go fast on a straight line and when this number is high say 100 the car is going to go much slower on a straight line all these little factors if you compound them they can change the lap times two three seconds it depends a lot on the track but if it's like mortgage level the lap times could be as much as five six seven seconds slower or faster depending only on these little things now here we're gonna have the garage where you're gonna be able to change the setups and I'm gonna talk about that a little bit later and here you can have access to the fixed setups in the Mazda series The setups are fixed so you can only use the bass line so you should not worry about that at all so here we have the splits which is telling you uh the optimal and best lap times for overall overall is like all time and session which is pretty much only the lap times that you have done in this session what I really recommend guys is to every new week clear the optimal ones because the conditions are gonna be different and it's useless to have a lap time that it's not similar to the conditions that you're practicing right now so every start of the week of an official week clear that or you can just replace with the session ones here you can just click on replace and then it's gonna bring this session best to your overall best so you can then use that same reference in different sessions within the same week here we have some replay tools I'm gonna talk about that later now we're going to options and again incredibly important here so first of all we have the steering wheel range and map range my tip here is to keep these numbers absolutely the same we're gonna calibrate right now and I'm gonna show you um what we really aim to have with this tiering so we're gonna click here turn the wheel fully one way and then the other so we're gonna turn it all the way to the left and then all the way to the right um and then we're gonna go back until we see the position number at 50.0 exactly 50.0 and then we are going to press done now it's gonna ask you to turn your wheel left 90 degrees then press done and now what you're gonna do is you're actually gonna go on track and you're gonna move your wheel and see if it's moving exactly the same of the in-game wheel if if you have the wheel moving exactly the same in real life and in the game your wheel is correctly calibrated then we're gonna go to battles we're gonna pick on pedals and we're gonna press the throttle all the way up and down and then the brakes all the way up and down and then clutch all the way up and down there you go and then same thing for the gearbox uh up shifts press done down shift press done have an age parent shifted no I don't have okay done okay so the calibration is good now this here is incredibly important you have this checkbox for load cell brake pedal I recommend definitely checking this or just leaving the force factor at 0.00 if you have a load cell pedal so basically load cell brake pedals measure pressure and because it measures the pressure linearly you want to keep the force Vector at zero if you change the force factor it's going to distort the values so for example if I keep this number very very high at 5 and I start pressing the pedal and as you can see it's pretty much like I'm pressing pretty hard and I'm moving like almost I don't know maximum 20 but then when you get to this area more or less it starts moving very easily on the upper part there's no Precision on the upper part so it this this Force Factor increases the Precision on the lower end so it moves Less on the lower part so more inputs means less output on the first 50 right here you see like it pretty much lots of input and no output on the lower end but then after that value like on their upper range less input means lots of change in the pressure so you lose Precision on the upper end and you gain Precision on the lower end but that is a distortion that might make your driving very difficult under hard braking zones so if you have a potentiometer pedal I recommend leaving that to a lower number the default is 1.8 to 2 I would leave it at least to 1.6 a little bit on the lower range to give you a little bit more linearity in the response of the brakes the lower the better but because I do have a load cell I will just leave this at zero and then click on the load cell break pedal now for the four seat back we have these three check boxes here uh enable force it back up obviously but the linear mode is incredibly important turn this on it has to be on even if you have a low force feedback wheel even if you have a two Newton meter force it back wheel turn this on leave it on I don't like the way the carb feels when the linear mode is turned off because basically when you turn the linear mode off it's gonna make the smaller forces to exaggerated and the larger forces are gonna be smaller so with a tiny bit of turn in you already kind of get all of the response from the force it back and then from turning all the way into the Apex you don't feel any difference you don't feel the details so the wheel feels heavy but it feels heavy in a place where it's not gonna be very useful you know it's better to have a wheel that feels a little bit numb initially but when you really turn in and you start loading the fronts more into the Apex you really feel that difference in force and that is gonna make all the difference you're gonna gain a lot of lap times if you're using the linear mode even in weaker Wheels the wheel force is how much force feedback your wheel has I racing is asking you a question here this doesn't actually change anything it's only gonna be a reference for the auto function in IRAs let's say you leave it at 2 here and then you do some laps after you do some laps and come back this Auto button here will actually show up and you can press it and it's gonna set the max force for you and I strongly recommend using the auto button it really makes you use all of of your four seat back properly now this Max Force you might be asking whoa that's a little bit weird in mine it shows strength well that's because if you click on the title of this slider if you click here on the name Max Force It's Gonna Change to strength I recommend clicking it so it says Max Force because you're gonna get used after changing cars here and there you're gonna see that some cars in the auto will tend to have 18 newton meters or sometimes it's 25 Sometimes some cars it's like it all the way to 45 and 50. it depends on the car this depends on the car and that's why the auto is so important because when you get a new car you can do some laps and the auto will tell you what is the best force feedback for that car my best tip here is to keep the wheel Force to the actual force feedback that you're using on the wheel not the max that you're gonna have so for example some Wheels have 20 newton meters right but I don't think you're actually going to use 20 newton meters because that's too much what you can do is say you can set your wheel to 50 and bring this to 10 and then you do some laps and then you press Auto that is gonna make your max force perfect to that amount of power feedback after the set and then from there you can just leave it as this in erasing and change the force outside I racing in your software in your wheelbase software so if you want it to be lighter you go there and you change the intensity of your force it back down a little bit from 50 to 40 or from 50 to 60 percent and so on but use always the auto in eye racing because it's gonna make sure that your force it back is being properly used and that it's being properly communicated between eye Racing for sit back and your wheel base force it back as you can see this number goes down the more we increase the slider why is that it's because this is how much force the virtual car needs to provide to trigger 100 usage on your real force it back response so for example if we're saying that this number is a hundred that means the virtual car would have to provide 100 newton meters of force feedback to trigger a hundred percent uh in the steering but this car does not do that this car does more or less 20 to 25 and that's why it feels weaker because we're telling the force it back that the that the max force this car provides is 100 but it only provides 25 so it's gonna be a fourth of the four seat back strength that you would have if you had 25 any 25 let's say this car actually provides 25 nanometers mid corner with this value at 25 every time we are mid corner and we reach the 25 uh force it back in the car it's gonna send a hundred percent to the force it back software which is gonna make it uh pretty heavy so that's why if you go for example at uh say 10 newton meters of X-Force you're starting to turn in and this car provides 25 right so as as you're starting to turn in it's already providing a lot more than 10. and you're gonna be on a hundred percent force it back torque all the way in the corner it's just gonna be heavy but it's not gonna give you any detail whenever the game reaches 100 force it back and it keeps on that 100 force it back that is called clipping and when you get force it back clipping it means you're not getting any extra detail it's just heavy and dead at the same time it's like it's heavy and it's like but what's happening with the tires I have no idea what's happening with the tires because I'm I'm only feeling 100 you want to feel between you know zero and a hundred less than that is that more than that is that now smoothing I like I like leaving these values at zero again even for low force it back like for the Min Force here some people like having this at eight percent if you have a weak wheel but again that's eight percent that's gonna make you feel better but it's not an actual force that the car is giving you so you actually feel a little bit less details it feels better but it's a little bit less feeling of the car if that makes sense it's a comfortable weight on the wheel it gives you a nice sensation but the tires are not sending that it's the game that's sending you that extra eight percent for the very very very tiny forces to make you feel a little bit better but I don't recommend using that smoothie and damping I also recommend leaving that at zero so you can have the cleanest signal possible so you can feel every bump and every curb strike and everything that happens with the car now going on to the driver's view this is also very important to keep your driving as comfortable and smooth as possible I recommend for these four lower options here I really recommend having them at zero zero rotate with velocity uh basically what is what this happened is this kind of changes the view of the car based on how much it's rotating but it really throws you off it kind of like creates a little bit of a motion sickness and it kind of makes you lose a little bit of precision so it's better to leave it at zero because then you're gonna see the world rotating more accurately according to the car you're really following the car and that gives you a tiny bit more Precision neck motion actually this might be useful to leave it a little bit because the car will kind of like uh bounce a little bit with neck motion at 100 you're gonna absorb a lot of bumps and the Horizon is gonna be more smooth as the car bounces around but if you leave this at zero the car is gonna be completely locked to the camera and then you're gonna see the world bouncing around so I prefer leaving it at zero because the world bounces a little bit more and makes me notice bumps and curbs strikes more obviously but it might be a little bit uncomfortable if you're not used to it so this one is definitely personal and roll chassis please leave this at a hundred percent because it's gonna move the Horizon up and down instead of the car moving like that it's really weird when you're going up and you see the entire car kind of like going up and almost blocking your view uh so leave it at 100 so you move with the car like that it's gonna keep your black boxes all your information in the same place aligned with the car so 100 on these both strongly recommend that shift Horizon and driver's height we can change that in the car and it's better because you can see the effect right away instead of changing it here so let's not move with that yet we're gonna change that in the car and the field of view that's also not mess with that here because we can go to graphic and actually change the field of view more precisely right here so we're not gonna talk about that right now then we go to control assignments uh this button here is very important enter or exit or tow the car so you need to set that to the wheel I think it's more useful uh because then you can you know say you move a little bit here and there and you want to go that that is the button that we're gonna set it's the reset car if you press it and hold it brings you back to the pit and if you press it again and hold you leave the car if you want to right away leave the car without having to do this twice without having to press and hold go to the press to hold again you can just with your mouse go right away up there and click on this icon up there on the left and hold it's gonna go straight out of the car you're not gonna go to the pit and then out of the car so just saves you some seconds then we have look left and right I never really used that even when I had a single screen I found it I find it a little bit weird to to press to look left and right very quickly but you can do that uh if you want up and down why and then we have the driving AIDS so very important guys try to not use the driving line the driving line is pretty much that little thing here uh that shows you where to break and where to turn but I really don't recommend that because it doesn't help it really doesn't help like it helps you going around the track but it's telling you what to do and not why and you end up missing the opportunity to learn some important technique things so I really don't recommend using the racing Line it's gonna be more difficult initially but in the long term it's going to be worth it to not use the racing line the bit exit line might be useful it's just kind of like the driving line but just for the pit exit like just a short moment there so that's fine uh brake assistant and throttle assistance turn this off right away it's really weird um it's almost like a fake abs uh and fake traction control but it makes you lose a lot of time and it also prevents you from learning better more advanced car handling techniques so turn them off driving line brake assistance and throttle assistance turn those three things off please then Auto tear off and auto wipers and auto engine start you can leave them on um the auto wipers hopefully will be useful when the range released hashtag soon and then we have the auto speed limiter uh you can leave that on as well if you want I never really used it I prefer to turn the pit limiter myself and then shift Aid that's quite important I recommend leaving that at NT style clutch and some cars will actually go quicker if you use the auto blip like the old sr3 radical car if you use the auto blip it's actually gonna give you some very precise blips and without that let's say with the anti-style clutch if you just downshift without blipping the rev matching is not is non-existent and it makes the car kind of snap and lose the rear so you have to do the blip manually to control that gear shift not to make the car lose the balance for 99.999 of the cars I use anti-stock watch even for these cars where I have to blip I do use the anti-stall clutch and I prefer to blip myself because the aggressiveness of the blip might help you have a little bit more control of the car but of course this is kind of advanced but I really recommend using the anti-stop clutch uh since the beginning so you kind of already get used to it these settings apply for all cars unless you click on this use custom controls for this car right here so if you click on that those things will apply only for this car and whenever you change the options in a different car these here will remain unchanged if you unselect it that means now your options will be will go back to the global ones and the specific ones for this car will be deleted so every time you change this Global options and press done it applies to all cars that have the custom controls for this card unchecked now we have Graphics very important that you set this correctly because if the if the game is slow or if it's distorted and you're seeing everything at warp speed or everything is too close and you can see anything if the field of view is not right you're gonna lose time this one has to be right I set up I racing in a way that allows me to have the most frames possible while recording or streaming so I do not have eye candy in my settings so a lot of stuff is turned off I don't see it doesn't look great but I'm just making sure that the game is Flawless even when there's 60 cars on track because I'm streaming and I'm doing everything in one PC so the resolution needs to be the native resolution rvr monitors there's no scaling the UI Zoom it's personal I leave it quite big because I share screen when I'm coaching all the time and because the score kind of shrinks down the resolution I still want the students to see and to be able to read the text and see the breaking and stuff full screen and Border here I turn these off because if you ever want to use overlays and you want to quickly alternate applications it cannot be full screen because every time you try to get out of full screen it goes black for a while and then comes back and you might lose all your settings so do not leave it at full screen what you can do is click on border so you can kind of move it around I uncheck the Border when I'm kind of satisfied with where it's placed so full screen off and Border off when you're ready Turn On the Border to move it around and then uncheck it align here to the center of course and the reflex you can have it on enabled and boost the gamma brightness in contrast are completely personal so it's up to you right here and then we go to monitors this is going to be important because there is a mini calculator right here you can select whether you have three flat screens or three curved screens or one curved screen or one flat screen and then you have to measure your monitor width and bezel width as you can see here I leave the bezel width at 0 because I focus on streaming but if you want to see the lines going perfectly across monitors you have to measure the bezel width and add this value here so it cuts a little bit of the edges of the monitors and stitches it together perfectly enable render scene using three projectors and enable SMP and MVP for better performance and the angle between the center and side screens you have to use a nice fov calculator I recommend samsoids fov calculator basically the closer the center screen is to you the higher the angle between the screen should be so if your screen is super far away the angle is going to be smaller and then you're going to see them kind of flat and then in this case here my fov is 180 and the angle between the center and the size screens is a third of that so in this case 180 divided by 360. it's very important that you measure the distance between your eyes and the Center screen so you can get the optimal angle and the optimal field of view so as you can see the angle is not necessarily arbitrary the optimal angle is a final calculation of your distance between your eyes and the center screen if you use a single screen it's fine to increase a little bit more your field of view it's going to give you a little bit more speed sensation but try to not make it more than 15 percent higher 15 extra room for fov might help a little bit with your experience but more than that is going to distort too much your view and it might decrease your driving Precision under hard braking zones and places where you really need to see things going by you very precisely so what you guys can do is kind of copy my graphic settings right now because they're kind of safe and then from there you can start adding a little bit extra detail if you see that uh that there is some Headroom in your PC and you want to see in a little bit better quality now one thing the graphic performance here you can't really see the difference right away unless you go on track because if you actually go to the replay tab here you're gonna see some more Graphics options these ones will affect the replay mode so as you can see here I just turned on sharpening and it actually added some sharpening here but it did not add sharpening in the car because the graphic settings for the replays are on this tab not on this tab this replay spooling option is pretty good if you want to save long replays you need to have that because otherwise it's going to limit the replay to the amount of RAM memory that you have the replay is pulling stores the replay right away on your disk instead of your RAM memory so it can keep on going and recording the entire replay without you losing it and this asks to save replay on quit is quite interesting because sometimes you want to save the replay when you finish the race to to watch it after or to analyze something and you end up forgetting to save the replay before you close the game so keep this turned on I know it's kind of annoying every time you're going to close it asks if you want to save the replay but it can save you from losing some replays you want to actually keep with you sound options voice chat is going to be very important but right away the first thing you want to set up is the mute button because sometimes a lot of people talk a lot so you want to have a mute button on your wheel if you're focused in a race and people crash and start fighting you can just mute them and you don't hear them and there's also a push to talk button that you want to set it up if you want to talk with people in the race here the playback is in what device you're going to hear the chats and the mic is which mic you're going to use to talk to them just disable while driving here I would leave that off because sometimes you want to talk to people and sometimes you don't even know that there is a voice chat I see so many people who actually never realized that there is a voice chat option in irasing so just keep that on and if you don't want to to hear them for now you can just mute them in game and you have the choice while in the car whether you listen or not to the radio alright sound levels this is a quite famous One among my students because I always tell them to turn down the engine sounds a little bit so you can hear the tires better the tires gave you so much information in eye racing even when you're braking it tells you when it's about to lock when it's locking and the pitch of the sound varies depending on how much slip you're getting on the on the tire so if you're getting a low pitch kind of like close to locking but the more you start locking and you when you finally lock the pitch the quality of the sound is different and you hear the difference and you can notice that the car is locking or if you're under steering a little bit you can hear low pitch but if you're under hearing a lot you can hear a higher pitch so this is all important so keep the fire sounds on the maximum which is zero and turn down the engine sound to -8 minus nine depends a lot on the car so as you can see I pretty much have wind in the car and Ambient sound on the minimum here and the Spotter and chat on the maximum and also you can set a button to increase or decrease the master volume here so this is this is pretty much set on my wheel right now and here we have the spotter which is the the little voice is gonna tell you green green green or you got a Black Flag or there's a car on the inside there's a car on the left there's a car blah blah blah so there this is where you can set it up as you can see I have it turned off and I have a video about it right here and then finally controls so here's where you're going to set up everything of course you can spend some time figuring out stuff and I'm let me just go and tell you which ones are the most important if you want to practice one specific Corner these four active reset buttons will be also very important so you can set where you where is going to be the start point and then in the wheel when you're going to do the active reset and also there's a video about that right here the most important ones are these two here next Black Box and previous Black Box we're gonna talk about that for some time because this is where you you can have all the information you need while driving set up a next and previous black box and then also select next control previews control and then increment selected control or decrement select selected control if you have like it's pretty much like down up left and right here uh it's it's the navigation buttons of your black box so that is very important to show you better how the black boxes work I'm actually going to join a practice session right now alright so let's join a practice session selecting the Mazda MX5 cup and then going all the way down here to the practice sessions there is one here I'm just gonna click register and there you go when the server is ready this is going to show up and you can press join to start loading into the session we're gonna get into the car and we're going to talk about the black boxes this is no black box right now the black box one is going to be the lap timing it tells you how much time is left in the session and your lap current and last and best and your position and also the incident count here we have the standing so so far you can see that one guy has done a 116 two right now and the other ones would show up right here and then the relative so this is also very important by the way by default you can select the black Boxes by pressing F1 or F2 F3 four five six seven eight on your keyboard but of course it's gonna be a little bit complicated to change your black boxes in your keyboard when you're driving right so it's better to have the hotkey in your wheel the most important black box is the relative one especially when you're leaving the pit because then you're gonna see if there's someone coming very fast as soon as you're going to leave the pits you're gonna look to your relative and see if there's someone coming over you can see right now there's absolutely no one so you're free to go so this is also true to when you spin on track so every time you spend let's say trying to spin on purpose here okay we spun you don't want to go on reverse if you see in your relative there's there's someone coming it's very important to see if there's someone coming behind and do not rejoin the track on the middle of the racing line if that is the case then we have the feel tires and if you're going to replace them or not when you pit I just clicked and also Tire information the tire information in I racing only works when you actually go back to the pits so it does not give you real-time information it only gives you the less reading after your stint so you can do some laps and you come back and you're gonna see that this number is gonna change but you won't be able to see it changing during the race then we have some graphics adjustments and this is where finally we are gonna be able to change the driver height and shift Horizon that we were talking about some time ago so the driver height is here and you can change it uh to suit your preference and the shift Horizon is this little Red Line shows up you want to align this red line to your eyes so as you can see here my number is minus 20 because of the way my monitors are set up so depending on how your monitor is set up it's going to be a very different number so zero percent has the Horizon on the very center of the monitor but you unless you're sitting super high with your eyes on the center of the monitor you don't want that you want to actually move that number down until you find that perfect alignment between your eyes and the red line remember when we were talking about the auto function that already sets your force it back after two laps so we're I'm gonna show you how it works here you can just drive a little bit and then what happens now is that that auto button showed up here so you can just click here and it's going to set up your Force to the back accordingly now you don't have to worry about your force feedback the auto function in eye racing works perfectly in the graphics adjustments you can also adjust the mirror you change the left side here and then you can alter it and then if you want to change the right side you can just select the right side and make further changes on the one there also so one very important thing virtual mirror I recommend using 140 degrees I know it's a little bit weird and it feels distorted but it gives you a lot of information from the cars that are behind and even on the sides the higher the fov the more you can see on the mirrors it's gonna feel very weird and cars that are super close to you are gonna look like they're actually far away but as soon as you get used to it it feels completely fine I also talk about that in the why you should not use a spotter video to learn more about all the replay tools you can just check out this video that I posted some time ago okay now that we have the softer and the hardware setup it's time to think about what cars you're going to drive what is going to be your career ladder most people will say that you have two letters they prototype and formula and the GT ladder but I do believe that a good race car driver will be able to adapt between one and the other very quickly so I don't really like this traditional path because of that I will suggest a different approach to you as you can see here you separate the career in a way drivers would do in real life Motorsports but I believe this may end up solidifying one driving style creating strong habits that may be more difficult to change instead think about what you need to be a complete driver you need to be able to drive heavy and light cars and quickly adapt to them you need to be able to drive low down Force cars and high downforce cars and quickly adapt between them and you also need to drive under sheer cars and overseer cars quickly adapting to their behavior through driving with that in mind why would you skip doing the formula V and the formula forward and end up not developing the driving techniques needed to master them this is the easiest way to create bad habits actually Instead try to do both the beginning of the GT ladder but also the formula ladder that will end up making you a better driver on both of them trust me so if you really want to know what to drive next season ask yourself what would I be the most uncomfortable with and go with that option okay so here's an overview of pretty much all the cars in eye racing and how they behave more or less the order that I recommend for you to drive them in your career when you're starting so first of all we have the touring cars all those cars are front wheel drive cars and then the sport cars are pretty much all of them are going to be rear-wheel drive cars then we have the Open Wheel cars um and then we have the prototype cars so when you start in a racing you're gonna have pretty much the choice of starting with the Mazda MX-5 cup or the Open Wheel rookie cars formula V Ray FF 1600 and I really recommend that you actually do a season with each of these types of cars so do a season with one of these cars and then your next season I strongly recommend that you do with the global Mazda MX-5 cup these cars behave a little bit differently the global Mazda MX-5 cup is a car that depends highly on weight transfer so if you're breaking a tiny bit you're actually gonna feel that the car is going to want to turn on Entry but it actually understeers a lot mid Corner what you want to do is actually be careful initially and take care of the front tires so you don't get too much rotation on entry and then you actually get more rotation mid corner so you can set up a good exit you want to be very careful with the ABS this car has abs and the Open Wheel cars don't so this is one of this is one big difference um if you're driving on an entry level at all for example it's going to be a little bit more difficult to deal with these cars because you have you're gonna have to be more precise with the braking and with these ones uh cars with abs actually if you just stomp your brakes at 100 and then zero it's still gonna be derivable although I strongly recommend that you don't do that that you quickly learn Trail braking um and that you don't stand on the ABS for too long these cars they get on the ABS more or less 75 80 pressure so you don't want to break too hard because ABS actually overheated tires a little bit and decreases your corner and grip so for sure so for sure I strongly recommend they do a full season with the global Mazda MX5 clip and then a full season with either the formula V or the ray FF 1600 actually if you're already D license you can also do the Escape driver but most people will probably have moved to their AFF 1600 because it's a new car the major behavior of these cars right here all these four first cars are very easy to rotate on Entry especially because these first three have an open differential that means the rear tires are not connected and they are free to rotate when the car is decelerating the car is free to rotate it wants to rotate and wants to keep rotating there's no resistance against that rotation from the rear tires because of that the car is going to be very loose on entry and you might want to learn something called maintenance throttle initially which is a technique that is very useful for beginners to actually use a little bit of throttle to control how much the car is going to turn so if you start turning in the car really Dives in too much to prevent that you can actually have 15 20 throttle just to keep the rear settled and then as you release that throttle even more turning in the car is going to turn more and more and more so this is the maintenance throttle technique that is very very very useful for open differential cars this behavior is not gonna happen as much on this car here um you actually it actually gets pretty over Siri if you're Trail breaking on entry with lots of engine braking that means if you don't shift a lot and get high RPMs it will overhear but mostly if you just like goes into the corner it's actually going to be quite understood it will not want to rotate that much especially mid corner it may even get a little bit over here on the entry but then as you turn into the corner uh that over here actually kind of like dissipates and converts itself into under here so it's not gonna be that easy to spend this car on the entry uh if you're not Trail breaking and I really don't recommend that you use maintenance throw for this car because it might become a bad habit that you might carry to all the faster cars so maintenance throttle is a technique that you should use the least possible because it's not a very good technique to carry for all cars you're gonna rarely use maintenance throttle if you really want to be on the very limit of this car 99 of these cars in iRacing maintenance throttle holding the throttle a tiny bit as you turn in this is different to throttle blipping uh on downshift this is completely different the blipping on downshifts is like a quick application every time you downshift to do the rav matching but maintenance throttle is like keeping that acceleration or like five ten percent acceleration to kind of like keep the rear uh planted I have lots of high level students who still use the maintenance throttle which makes them lose maybe half a second sometimes on full second of a lap time just because they're not allowing the car to rotate so these cars will be light cars with high down Force cars when you move from the formula 4 to the Formula 3 and to the formula 3.5 you're gonna see these cars have a lot of downforce so they're gonna have a more u-shaped approach you're still gonna Trail brake with them but the trail break with them is a lot quicker and less noticeable the terminal Trail braking pressure which is something I call into my course uh which is pretty much the last bit of breaking the last bit of percentage in the braking right before you convert that into throttle is as low as one percent sometimes even coasting zero percent before you actually get back on power whereas on these cars sometimes the terminal Trail braking pressure is actually pretty high as much as 10 sometimes 15 sometimes 20 like in the Porsche cup uh because these cars require lots of Trail braking to keep the car rotating engine braking you want to use lots of engine braking to compensate the mid corner under here that these cars will have so you actually downshift pretty quickly and you make them rotate so you can take care of the front tires temperatures on the entry while letting the car rotate and then the fronts will still be available to you mid Corner when you turn in more and more and more at the lower speeds so you pretty much generate the rotation with the trail braking with the engine braking on Entry so mid Corner the front will still be in a good condition to keep rotating the car and prevent under here mid corner and the engine braking is pretty much going to be almost the same for all these cars you actually want to make use of engine braking some cars will require it even more some cars like the Porsche GT3 are are actually very sensitive to engine braking on high speed so if you downshift on a super fast Corner uh it actually might spin very quickly because the effects of engine braking are very aggressive this is quite similar to the Mercedes but not that much the Porsche is much more agile to initiate a rotation that is pretty much unsavable so you have to be careful with downshifting very quickly on these cars just make sure you have your hands more relaxed while downshifting on the Porsche cars all the GTE cars do not have abs so you have to be careful with braking with them all the GT3 cars do have abs and it's definitely fast to make use of it although you don't really want to stand on the ABS and turn in into the corner with 100 braking like you would do in other simulators like a of course uh or like you guys have been seeing drivers doing in Ran support the new simulator so in I racing abusing the ABS actually overheats the tires and you end up having a tiny bit less cornering grip mid Corner what you really need to know about the front wheel drive is that you can't really use engine braking to help with rotation because the engine braking actually affects the front tires so if you downshift very quickly and get the engine braking in the front tires you actually get a little bit less rotation so sometimes to make the car rotate more you might want to let your RPMs go down a tiny bit as you turn into the corner but of course it depends a lot on the car depends a lot on the setup on the track mostly I just want you to know that the engine braking will not add the rotation like it would do in the rear wheel driven cars and also you definitely want to be careful with combining throttle with steering because these cars if you ask the front tires to turn the car to the left and at the same time add power in these front tires that are pointing to the to the left you're pretty much just destroying the tires and they won't turn at all and the car will understeer a lot so make sure you're doing a little bit more of the rotation on the first half of the corner so when you get back on power you're allowed to have your wheels a little bit straighter so you get more exit speed you literally get less exit speed if you try to get back on par with the steering wheel pointing too much to the inside the prototype cars are pretty agile uh the spec racer 4 they're super fun it's a car that depends a lot on draft so you're gonna be racing a lot on packs and having to plan your passes the final laps of the race because it's very easy to pass you back these cars also have an open differential so it's very easy to rotate on them as soon as you go to the radical though the radical sr10 it does not have an open differential so it actually takes some engine braking to make this car turn it depends a lot on the setup some leagues have the setups very loose some leaks have to set up very tight and under here but mostly this car will actually under here if you don't generate lots of rotation early with engine braking and Trail braking so be careful with that and then big differences between the most famous and advanced prototype cars is that the dalara p217 accepts lots of Trail braking but the M hybrid is very very sensitive to Trail braking so if you Trail brake as hard as you do on the dollar p217 you will lock up the front's order rears and spin very quickly on this car so it's very very sensitive to Trail braking if you'd want to switch between these cars you have to be aware of this big difference also the hybrid V8 has lots of power on exit so it's very very easy to get over here or to activate your traction control a lot more than the v217 every three months there is a champion in each division of a Series championship and also in the overall championships so there will be an overall champion and a division one Champion division 2 champion and so on you start as a rookie so you're gonna be here and as soon as you get the license at the beginning of a season you're going to be assigned a division then you're gonna compete in that division for the next three months until the series is over and then depending on how much ironing you gained you might join the next division on the next season so let's say for example you're a rookie and your rating is pretty low you're pretty much gonna be in division 10 but if during these three months you end up getting lots of my ratings say 1500 2000 2500 by rating then on the on the beginning of the next season you're actually gonna be around division 765 maybe sometimes even three if you want to be in division one you have to be probably more than 4 000 rating you can still compete for the overall Championship though so you can be pretty much Division 10 but by winning all the top splits and winning all the races with the highest high ratings you can still collect points and fight for the all divisions Championship now how do these points count I racing actually has a very clever way that will make it fair for drivers who don't have a lot of time to race all the time let me explain let's say we have here one season and you want to compete for the championship we have week one two three four five six twelve weeks all here to make it a Fair competition there's people who can't race every week there's people who travel there's people who can't race lots of races so it's gonna be like that only the best points counts each race so let's say in a race here you've done 200 points in one race but then in the same week you've done another race you've done 190 points and then you crash let's say you've done 40 points and then you've done a fourth race 55 points okay only the 200 is gonna count because when you do four races in a week the single best race will count for the points but if you decide to do a fifth race let's say you've done another race and you crashed you made zero points for some reason now what's gonna happen because you've done five races it's gonna count the two best points divided by two so you're gonna take 200 plus 190 divided by two and you're gonna get an average of 195. so now because you've done five races you actually lost five points because you've done that average and now we have 195 here as soon as you do the fifth race it's better to actually do three more so you can try to get even more than that let's say if you get here 200 you're back to your previous 200 points but then you try again and you finally got a 230 points now because you've done seven races and because you've done between five and eight races you're gonna get the average of the two best races now your points are gonna be 230 plus 200 divided by 2 which is going to be 215. so then now finally you have 215 and it's it was definitely worth it and you can go here 215 for that week so it depends on your plan if you have enough time and you have the confidence that you can do eight races and do two good races then it's good to plan to do eight races a week if you've done if let's say you've done a very very very good race and you've gotten like I don't know 250 points and you know you're not going to get any better points than that for the rest of the week it might be a good idea to not do nothing more than four races you do four races because you know you're still gonna get that first best one and then you're not you're pretty much gonna discard the other points so this is pretty much the best way to take care of your points if you want to fight for winning your division championship at the end of the three months but of course if you don't care about that and you only want to raise as many races as you can you can just do I don't know 12 15 20 races uh and focus on just having fun or just getting the irony and the secretary also by the way you are only going to count the eight best weeks that means the four worst weeks in terms of points are gonna be ignored uh in the calculation for the championship at the end of the season now let me explain a little bit what is the difference between eye rating and safety rating eye rating measures how fast you are and is affected solely by the final results of each race basically if you finish ahead you're gonna gain a rating if you finish on the back of the pack You're Gonna Lose already that's as simple as that and the safety rating measures how many incidents you have in eye racing incidents are going to be measured every time you go off track or if you have contact with other cars an off track will give you one incident point or One X when you completely lose the control of the car in spin you get two x two incident points and when you have a contact with another car you get 4X so four incident points the license is only affected by your safety rating eye rating will not affect whether you're gonna leave from Rookie to D or from D to C or from C to b and a this is all affected by the safety rating only the main function of the eye rating system is to place you against drivers who have a similar level of skill so you can still for example race in a Formula One car which is a license but you're gonna be placed with drivers of your level if you have a low eye rating you're gonna be racing with other drivers with also a lower rating and if you have a super high rating you're you're always gonna be placed in the top splits where you compete against the fastest drivers my advice for now is to not care too much about safety rating because the more precise your driving becomes and more consistency you get naturally you end up getting a better safety rating as well in and I really recommend that you spend some time only focusing on being faster and faster and faster of course you're gonna have to respect the other drivers and you're gonna have to stay on track because if you do that you're gonna lose time anyways so just make sure you focus on going fast and respecting other drivers that both your eye rating and your safety rating will go up the i-Ready system is not linear on the beginning you actually get a lot of irating but the more you get the less points you're gonna be getting so for example if you're 1000 Iranian you win a race you can gain as much as a hundred sometimes 150 I rating in One race but if you're 7 000 I rating you would gain only 10 15 sometimes 20. the amount of eye rating that you gain is affected by the sof or strength of field so if there's many drivers with lots of high rating even more irrating than you and you beat them and you win the race then you actually gain a lot more eye rating if compared to winning a race with a low strength of field where you're just beating drivers with a lower eye rating than you Pro tip try to join your team where you have some drivers with a higher rating than you it's always good to learn from who has already some more experience or is driving faster because you're just gonna improve more quickly if you want to know more about how to progress your license and your safety rating there is a link in the description that goes to the eye Racing Page that explains absolutely everything you need to know when you're preparing for your very first race make sure you practice at least two or three times the duration of the race itself before actually joining a session so let's say if the race is like 15 minutes make sure you practice at least 45 minutes maybe on the very beginning if you're still getting used to it like one hour one hour and a half of practice and then finally you can join the race after that you can start practicing a little bit less in between the races since you're already used to the track but before the very first race of the week make sure you practice as much as you can because I will place you higher in the races and you're gonna feel much better and more motivated to actually practice even more but of course from the very beginning because you're just learning it might be good to spend some good hours just practicing practicing practicing doing some AI races as well to get used to how the car feels on the sides and how how it feels when you're going offline when you're trying to overtake before you join the first race one of the first things you have to learn when fighting for position is to not give too much space initially you're using all the track on entry and then mid corner and then exit but when there's another car you have to give them one car space although you have to give them space initially it's going to be very easy for you to give too much space which will end up making your line much worse which might be actually even more dangerous because if you're totally on the inside and you don't slow enough you might actually shoot off wide and hit them and cause a crash so try to give just enough space and of course practice that with AI before you do a race this driver for example on the inside the yellow and white car gave a little bit too much space while trying to to fight for the inside of the next Corner that actually made his line so bad that he would have to slow down a lot more to actually do that corner without paying the driver but he was optimistic and carried a little bit more speed which ended up hitting the other car what I did in this example where I was on the inside and the green car is kind of squeezing me a little bit is as soon as he went all the way to the right I also went a little bit to the outside to improve my racing line and increasing my chances of staying ahead also when you're defending for a position be careful not to do what is called half defending if you go a little bit to the inside but you still leave space on the inside inside the other car can still go all the way and kind of do a more aggressive pass which is more dangerous so what I would recommend is if you're really committing to defending that you go more to the right to really this encourage the driver of doing the move and then right before the braking Zone you go a little bit more to the outside to not compromise your line much now who's going to teach us about Telemetry softwares and overlays is my friend and fellow YouTuber Nikki from the channel last 10th he's actually also a racing instructor and he focuses a lot on data analysis let's see what he has to say hey everybody I'm Nick from the last 10th I saw the sneak peek to this video and I was super excited about being on it so I really want to thank suellio for inviting me to take part so a lot of people look at data and Telemetry and they immediately get turned off and to be honest it's not for everybody but at the same time it's not as hard as you guys make it out to be I'm going to briefly show you what a little bit of data analysis can tell you about your driving and what options are out there for you to use first we have vrs here I have my data versus swallows this is not the first time I've looked at suello's data and I previously made a tutorial on how to copy suilos driving so I know how super fast he is right now we're looking at T8 at Nurburgring of both our fast laps and you can see that I'm a 10th slower than him here the first thing we look at is how different our speed is you can see through a little speed in blue and mine in dotted red and you can see that he's faster than me when we're slowing down the car and entering the corner when we look further down we can see the reason why from his breaking data we see that he breaks about 0.08 seconds later than I do he also breaks a bit harder and to finish me off he Trail breaks smoother at the brake release this allows him to slow down harder and later and get more rotation and turn the carp better than I do which allows him to get on the throttle a tenth earlier than me now we've just witnessed the best part about vrs you can quickly and very easily compare your data with someone else vrs has a library of laps that you can compare with and you can also join private teams to access their data the free version will allow you to join one team and limit your weekly usage but it's enough for you to see if it's something you want to use there's another similar option called garage 61 is similar to the RS in that you can get started very very quickly it can also show you the leaderboard so you can see how you stack up and even potentially pick a fast lap for you to compare with it is currently in beta though so while it works you may need to be a bit patient with your experience on the platform next we have more advanced Telemetry software they are highly customizable you can change things from layout to what's being calculated these applications were generally created for data analysis with real world applications for example in the real world I use an aim system they get the job done and come in at a great price point but if you use it for the Sim there's no cost involved you just need to download the software and start using it there's another one called Atlas and it's made by McLaren I can't tell you much about it because I've used it for all about 10 minutes but it's an option if you're looking into Telemetry the last one I'll mention which is also my favorite is motec this is the system I use when I coach Sim Racers and my preferred system for real world Telemetry coaching the things you can do is almost Limitless for example I can create custom formulas to see what percentage of the car's grip you're using and whether you use more during the entry or exit or I can look at what percentage of your front wheels is scrubbing and how many fewer degrees of steering you should use to be optimal or whether your spin was caused by a sudden change in Arrow for suspension compliance or even driver error I can even have it calculate what fuel I need per lap for me to eliminate a pit stop the biggest benefit is that it allows me to assess a driver's absolute performance without the need of a faster reference lap and it is really only limited by the questions you can think of and the data that you have available to you the downside for these Advanced systems is that as you can imagine they don't have a very easy learning curve a lot of work goes into learning the system and customizing it before you can get actionable insights but once it's set up and you're up to speed with how to use it it's far more useful than the earlier platforms I described next I want to tell you about overlays overlays are windows that give you information while you're driving for example it can show me my relative which is how far ahead or behind of the cars are it can tell me the eye rating and safety rating of those drivers it can tell me how many laps I can run with the fuel I have left or or it can even tell me if I have cars around me overlays can even provide information to viewers such as the standings list that you see in race broadcasts one of the most popular ones is called race lab it has both a free and paid version where the paid version gives you more functionality and customizability it also works with other Sims and the thing I like the most about race lab is that it looks great in VR you can have multiple windows placed around your cockpit so you can stay informed that said it is still working on the compatibility with iracing's open XR so you may need to use a legacy VR standard if you want to use racelab another one that I've used is jrt it has very simple single pane interface which is ideal if you put it in a separate monitor it does work in VR but you'll need to create a virtual window to display it it also has free and paid versions and the thing I like the most about jrt that I haven't seen in other overlays is that it shows you whether you're catching a car ahead or falling behind the relative of that car will light up green and you're catching and red if you're lagging the same works for cars that are behind you next we have caps I've never used caps myself but I've seen other people use it and it looks pretty good but apparently it's no longer under development and it looks like you can only get it via twitch or a prime gaming subscription and there are a lot of other overlays out there including SDK gaming Sim racing apps which is a free community supported platform so check them out see which one you like the best finally I must tell you about this super cool application that you must have for eye racing it's called trading paints it basically allows you to change your car's Livery with minimum fuss and let's be honest why race if we're not going to look good doing it and you don't have to use it but other drivers won't see your Livery the best part about this is there's a whole community of designers that create liveries that you can select and use right from Trading paint's website there are designs that are based on real world race cars there are some that are totally original designs some are based on historical Legends and some are even just flat out wacky you can even hire someone to make a custom every just for you it's really easy to use all you got to do is download and install trading paints select delivery on their website run the application in the background when you race and everybody including you will see that fancy delivery this is especially handy if you need to run multiple liveries for example when stroller races for Tony kanan's team Texaco Esports he needs to use the Texaco livery and when he races for fast Motorsports in pesc Canada he needs to use the faf Livery similarly when I'm racing in PSE Canada for Downtown Porsche I need to use our team Livery but when I'm in a private League I like to use my own last 10 delivery to get some of that purple and green goodness well that's it from me there's a lot more out there so you should definitely keep exploring including something called Crew Chief and I want to take this opportunity again to thank suhailu and thank you guys for supporting Sulu and myself and if you want to learn more about me you can find me on Discord by going to it's right here all right guys as always incredible editing super clear instructions guys if you want to follow last 10th he's an amazing YouTuber his videos are always perfect so Nikki thank you so much for taking part in this video you have absolutely no idea how much there is to learn if you want to really become competitive the motor racing checklist is the biggest work of my life as I'm working as a full-time coach since 2019 including drivers from all levels all the way to Formula One engineers and drivers who compete in the Porsche Cup in real life and drivers who tested Formula One cars in real life and also drivers who competed in prototypes in France and so on I have been working with drivers from absolutely all levels and I collected all that information and all that experience into a very very complete online course there is a discount coupon for you if you use iRacing 30 you actually get the course and three months in I Racing for free if you're joining a racing right now make sure you subscribe if you want more stuff like this and have fun being addicted to the best thing in the world
Channel: Suellio Almeida
Views: 77,841
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: iRacing, Simracing, sim racing, gran turismo, assetto corsa, f1 22, f1, jimmy broadbent, raceroom, rfactor 2, iracing, skip barber 2000, rfactor, dave cam, tsukuba gran turismo sport, assetto corsa competizione
Id: 99aI_m45RtU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 94min 32sec (5672 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 25 2023
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Please note that this website is currently a work in progress! Lots of interesting data and statistics to come.