This Minecraft World Is ONLY Cave Systems...

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today i'm in a minecraft world but not your normal minecraft world this entire minecraft world is nothing but caves there's no grass there's no trees there is nothing but cave systems we're gonna see in today's video how long i can survive in nothing but a cave [Music] [Music] system [Music] some of you guys may ask unspeakable why are you doing this why are you only in a cave system well that's because ladies and gentlemen have systems rock and they're a little bit spooky that's why we got the spooky unspeakable merch the next update for minecraft that is coming out is apparently a cave system update i have been waiting for the cave systems to be improved for such a long time cave systems in minecraft have been the same for years and years and years nothing has changed no new ores nothing i'm super excited to see what they're going to add but let's see how long we can survive in just a cave system i mean what would you guys do if minecraft was only caves i hear a skeleton you see that's bad because your boy unspeakable does not have a sword right now i take that back i got a sword now i got a stone sword and that skelly is going in the ground where he belongs wait he there is a skeleton all the way up there but i don't want to mess with him if he's all the way up there just chilling oh there he is what up noob you ain't gonna get hit on me oh get wrecked that's a dead end that's one thing about cave systems lots of dead ends lots and lots of dead ends now obviously the goal is to survive but the main goal is to get diamonds guys can we get a full set of diamond armor and still be surviving that is the question that we will answer also check out this gravel i want to break a piece oh that was so satisfying oh i thought there was going to be something cool up there like a secret no secrets in this cave system bam ugly i'm not even i'm not even i don't even want to play what the flip am i in a dead end right now stop it stop it i am at a dead end okay uh i need to dig i'm going to go this way let's go this way let's see what we can fly what why level are we at right now we're at 27 okay so we're kind of close to diamond level i would like to find a cave system that leads me to diamonds rather than digging to diamonds because that is boring and lame and no one wants to do that but i guess we can start digging it down oh wait i read it wrong we're at why level 100 i was looking at the x i was like wait why is it going up and down if i'm walking forward is this world upside down i'm sorry i'm sorry i got my numbers mixed up i'm a hundred blocks away from diamond level oh buddy do we have some work to do before we reach those diamonds we need to find a cave system that takes us way way down you know what let's just go ahead and start digging down might as well might as well oh hello i found a cave system and it's very large i don't know where to go which way should i go should i go this way go that way should i go that way should i kill this zombie should i go this way oh no i dropped my big pickaxe thank you what is this oh that goes down deep let's go this way let's go i'm trying to make it far down we're trying to get diamonds okay we're only on y level 70 right now you know what forget it let's just dig let's just they say never dig straight down in minecraft but we're gonna do it let's go to at least i don't know 40. okay we're at 40. flip i'm kind of getting nervous i'm not gonna lie i'm gonna dig it down i just i know i don't want to be the noob that drops in the lava because we're trying to see how long i can survive and i feel like anything below 40 you could possibly hit a lava pool and that would not be good oh i hear a zombie oh they're really close oh oh is this a spawner oh let's go oh snap okay what up boys oh you guys looking so cute today this is a weird spawner it's like what the hell yeah let's go boys flip okay well there's a cave system under here but there's also a ton of zombies that i really don't want to deal with uh oh no no no no no no i will not be ended by a baby zombie okay guys i need to get out of here i also need to regenerate health gonna go this way go go go go go go go go go go go go go nope nope nope nope nope no no how did he get out how did he get out stop it i found lava i found lava stop it stop it stop it stop stop stop flip um [Music] can you guys just take a chill pill and relax today oh flip i i built oh wait wait they can't get over i big old noobs big ol noobs look at that we got iron but that's not what we're looking for we're looking for the diamonds i ain't looking for the iron i don't care about the iron there's more zombies above me is there another spawner above it to be fair if we don't get any diamonds we at least have a diamond horse armor though we we did get something to be fair i'm just saying i'm just saying okay so we are now at y level 13 and 12 the perfect perfect place to find diamonds however i'm not seeing any diamonds so that's lame uh i'm finding tons of iron which is great no diamonds no diamonds no no nothing nothing nothing nothing nothing oh my gosh this cave system is huge it never ends it never ends i think i just i think i just went a circle did i just go in a circle um there's an enderman right there i did go in a circle big ol noob oh there's some case systems down there i want to go to those cave systems there's also a zombie right there this is bad this is bad this is bad this is bad this is bad this is bad dig down dig down hurry hurry hurry oh oh flip i didn't know there'd be that many zombies just chilling right there oh wait i could have just walked around are you kidding me okay i thought it was gonna lead to a cool cave system but not whatever whatever whatever gosh imagine living in this living in a cave oh i found diamonds boys but there's two skellies you big ol noob look at you what are you doing down here what are you doing down here you don't deserve you don't don't deserve to be guarding the diamonds stick around these boys what we got what we got oh he's a big boy there any more diamonds around here come on give me some extra luck give me some extra luck come on come on we got redstone we got gold we got we got all the orbs nothing nothing nothing there's so many oars though i want you guys to comment the comment section below what or do you think they're going to release in minecraft oh my gosh how many diamonds is that i was a seven chunk are you kidding me we got gold too but i don't really care about the gold i'm just going for the diamonds so much gold oh my gosh that's a good that i just saw a good 20 pieces of gold right there all right come on go down a little bit more we got diamonds over here let's go boys no flipping way no way again again oh my gosh 12 diamonds so far okay so this cave system is going up i don't really like that because we're getting away from the diamonds but it's also a dead end so yeah i guess that is all our luck with the diamonds in this cave system we've explored pretty much this entire row we've made it to multiple dead ends unfortunately that is the end we already went that way have we gone this way yeah we have yeah that just goes that dirt path okay so this boy is a dead end we need to dig somewhere else oh wait what is this this is not a dead end there's also a creeper down here hello sir how are you doing that is a huge lava pit i'm going to need you to back off please go away i don't like creepers thank you my gosh this is huge well there's nowhere for skeletons to hide so i think we're good i'm not seeing any diamonds either although this is the perfect place for diamonds this is sketch [Music] i don't see any diamonds i'm actually surprised there's no diamonds over here such a big lava pit but no diamonds there's some gold what else we got what else we got what do we got down here show me the goods nothing oh wait wait wait wait wait these games isn't just never in there's like one block connecting all of this is crazy do you think we're gonna be able to get a full set of diamond armor by the end of this video i want you to leave a like if you believe in us if you believe there's a lot of mobs down there we'll save that path uh nothing in this corner oh that goes up we don't want to go up though lapis okay angry boys all right i might have to craft myself an iron sword for this there's a lot of mobs there indeed there's a lot of mobs come here buddy i'm gonna deal with you first come here here's some spiders up there i don't want to deal with the spiders it's just me and you toss olympic boy let's do this all right let's oh my gosh there's so many there's so many back off back off as long as you're not poisonous i don't care you don't scare me you don't okay you kind of scare me iron sword let's go okay worse comes the worst we'll eat this golden apple if it does get really bad oh big lava systems and this one just keeps going as well oh my gosh we are on a hunt for full diamond armor we cannot die in this world until we get full diamond armor and if we do then i have failed the mission we're not even mining for these diamonds either we're just trying to find them all exposed which i think is possible especially in a world that is only cave systems lots of gold though dude oh my gosh i don't think i've ever seen this much gold in a cave system in my life we got up here hey buddy hey buddy hey buddy hey buddy hey buddy bye buddy bye buddy nope there's another monster spawner on the other side hello zombie hello goodbye oh flip you're getting a little feisty there what level are we at we're at 12 right now ah it's wait it's not an end it's not a dead end okay it is a dead end let's just dig in the wall all right let's dig in right here will i be lucky will i be lucky will i find some diamonds guys will i find some diamonds come on come on we'll go we'll go 10 more blocks okay we were not lucky we're not lucky hello pretty boy how did you get down here okay so that just keeps going up but we want to go back to where we came from wherever that was i don't even know where we are right now game systems get so confusing so fast there's a spawner in here what do we got oh enchanted golden apple let's go no diamonds i don't care enchanted golden apple let's go boys so that this is where the zombies keep coming from no no back off back off ugly boy there we go all right we got that boy blocked up no more zombies coming from there oh oh there's two of them oh oh snap oh snap all right i see you guys are getting a little feisty don't make me eat this enchanted golden apple don't make me eat it don't make me eat okay okay okay okay okay i just need to heal i need to heal give me a second to heal all right i'm gonna eat the golden apple just because i can just because i can i'm a savage i'm a savage almost savage yeah no diamonds are you kidding me come on there's gotta be some around the corner nothing nothing mom bro all right let's head up here what do we got up here bunch creepers they're going up i want to go down let's go this way uh wait that just led back to where we were flip dude all right all right let's take a pause here all right whoa whoa whoa [Music] all right so we got 12 diamonds so far that can make us a chest plate and some boots so we got half the armor here's the deal guys i'm gonna give you guys one shot one opportunity leave a like on this video if you guys want to see me make a series where i can only survive in a cave system if that's something you guys want to see leave a like on this video that's all i'm asking for you guys to do thank you so much for watching this video i got an arrow straight to the mouth so i am just gonna go uh take that out i'll see you guys soon in a brand new video peace ah oh no no no i will not be ended by a baby zombie no no how did he get out stop it i found lava stop it stop it stop stop stop flip
Channel: UnspeakableGaming
Views: 779,696
Rating: 4.9394145 out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, unspeakablegaming, unspeakable, mini game, mod, gaming, game, custom, map, crazy, spotlight, showcase, challenge, roleplay, modded, mods, games, maps, secret, redstone, command, mini-game, gameplay, playthrough, tutorial, traps, trolling, glitch, funny, moments, craziest, prank, pranks, no cursing, no swearing, creations, facts, minigame, how to, house, parody, troll, adventure, comedy, video, unspeakablegaming minecraft, troll smp
Id: -_Rok7BAOe4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 11sec (731 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 30 2020
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