Resale Rabbit Opens Christmas Gifts, Storage Units, and eBay Sales

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Thursday Thursday everyone resale rabbit here so yesterday's video just started uploading I had to bring my laptop to work I plugged it in rather than using Wi-Fi maybe that'll make it uploaded faster apparently I have no internet internet at home it went out at some point yesterday I tried unplugging the router for 30 seconds or the modem or this one thing and then plugged it back in still no internet so that's fun let's get some eBay orders out and it's actually nice out the song is out for the first time in months so we'll go clean out of storage you know today may be another great start to the day eighteen orders for 476 alright we'll start in here got a whole bunch of stuff to pull from in here got my list here we'll start with one see two bays Oh shine right here jeff bezos shimmer not shine jeff bezos shimmer that's sold up sold two of those for a total of twenty nine ninety eight also in this one we've got kitten I should be careful though because I'm allergic to cats well there it is and then this person also bought in 1b - what that must be to be - because it's a bra so we are looking for my notes a 38 see in pink M 493 there are no pink ones in here this is no it can't be one B - maybe it's 2 b1 maybe I dyslexic the numbers let's put that back because I think those are in here I must have dyslexic to the numbers all right 38 see pink 493 well there's the 493 's in here somewhere there we go that's oh I can't get to a 38 cm 493 so this bra and the kitten sold for a $21.99 total next we're going for one a 1 or looking for a conditioner which i believe is going to be this full conditioner and then this was a viewer sale sold for 12 bucks all read the notes on the viewers in a moment next to see one right here Boheme and one alone one F one in ink brown pink brown right here so these two sold also a viewer sale 1997 combined let's put this back where we have next to a one that's rose tourmaline I can't read my my handwriting all right Rose something that's not it okay so are these all the same we're going to assume they are did this maybe I can't see any style or color on it this does not have the color anywhere so we'll put a pin in that oh here it is looks like it's the last one rose tourmaline and this sold for 9.99 all right now up now we're coming over here 401 C 3 is going to contain these are coming out misty is the color right here misty in the same one we're looking for intense sapphire and then in one C four we're looking for emerald and these three sold for a total of forty forty seven next to c1 Boheme and one B three transcendence and here transcendence and once III tinton told you guys I'm allergic I shouldn't be digging these out I dropped one back that looks like there's another one hiding back there - there's that the one I think that's the one I just drop reach that's not where is Zee kitchen right here hiding on me and lastly 1.e4 versailles 1.e4 i believe that's gonna be this versailles I hear there was a treaty there once and I'm probably pronouncing it wrong so these four sold for 3922 and let's put this away we've got one more thing to pull and it is going to be in 2a - right up here grab my notes we are looking for a black 36 be in SE 9440 this is the right model so it should be in this bag that's a 34 what's a 34 there 36b and this make sure it's the right model se9 t 440 that is correct and this sold for 1199 so let's read the notes that viewers left on these so the conditioner was purchased by Patricia she says thank you miso rabbit I love watching your YouTube videos thanks Patricia these two were purchased by Kiera I hope I'm not mispronouncing that she says love your videos thanks and stay safe thanks Kiera and these four were purchased by Corina she says excuse me thanks for being a ray of sunshine on YouTube and thanks for the deal on some new makeup goods that'll give me something to do with all these free time all this free time I'd love a signed card if you've got any wishing you good health rabbit Thank You Korina I certainly appreciate it I will get this signed and throw it in the envelope with your items next we've got a viewer sale a tablet if you remember I got all these tablets on a pallet but a lot of the boxes were all damaged so we sold the ones that were good as new these ones were selling as new other no box but this so jewel they were for the $53.99 I've got looks like eight remaining and it is Jeremy says thank you wrapping for all the great shows and all the inspiration my dad will enjoy this greatly thanks Jeremy I certainly appreciate the purchase if it feels like I'm rushing I am I want a quick get these done I already got a late start trying to mess with the internet this morning it's 10:30 and I want to get a storage unit cleared out completely today so I'm trying to get this done quickly so I can get over there and start working on that sold a Plantronics Voyager right here Voyager legend I think this is it I'll have to double-check looks like he's got some sort of skew on it the L one yep all right so this sold for 50 bucks now you saw I have a whole bunch of these $49.99 to be exact these came on a pallet quite some time ago I did film the pallet it had all of the anchor headphones and stuff like that sold balls nice profit by it a box full of these that I set aside and completely forgot about until a few months ago so we got them all tested and listed so this one $49.99 next we sold the penguin it's a weird-looking penguin Star Wars penguin who they had Penguins on Star Wars look at the eyes on that penguin it's big penguin eyes it sold to a viewer resale rabbit viewer for a while and your YouTube channel saw this as you were digging for stuff on the video last week as a Star Wars fan and collector of pork stuff that must be the name of this penguin pork I figured I'd make a purchase would love a sign card hoping for the best for your company stay safe god bless and may the force be with you and also with you all right what was his name John John I certainly appreciate the purchase live long and prosper I will send you this penguin next we're looking for shelf c1 we've got a pair of Wrangler jeans way up there I'm thinking are these the ones and are they I think they are maybe not no this is Wrangler Q baby 11 by 34 let's see if it's the right size the rodeo jeans according to the tag 11 by 34 and it says wrq 20 HD wrq 20 HD these are the ones so for $19.99 and these based on that I'm assuming they came on an Amazon palette we're looking for a size 8 that's a 6 that's a 10 here's an 8 so these shoes sold for 3294 and that includes this shirt as well it's a Catherine's shirt original price of 50 we got an address barn for a buck so 32 I already forgot what it was 32 something will come back here grab a size 9 4 14 95 so this person bought two things and one of them really excites me Oh see size large so this is a Yamaha shirt it's actually got a Yamaha genuine parts and accessories tag I paid three bucks I bought a whole bunch of them this was at Saint Vincent DePaul in Port Washington Wisconsin probably a good two years ago this is the first one that's sold I am so happy one finally sold so if you guys are interested in these I've be happy to see them go because I paid a lot of money for them I bought like 20 of them for three bucks each so like 60 bucks this one sold and then this person also owes a viewer and they also bought one more thing let me dig it out so I don't feel like taking this out of the bag but it's sold it's a romper this person bought that and the Yamaha shirt it was a viewer who left a note by the way they paid 44 87 for both and they said she said rabbit you are getting me through this crazy time my friend your videos were selecting eBay purchased this is all I need love what you do huge fan from Oklahoma Amy I dabble in selling too and she says my underscore three underscore monkeys I don't know if that's a YouTube channel or an eBay account but you guys should check it out so anyways those are going to Amy and I certainly appreciate it sold one of these for 990 it's the ear warmers with Tom Brady on the front sold one of these it's some sort of bug trap I think oh one of those glue traps I'm not sure sold for 1199 came on the Lowe's palette so you can see they were originally selling them for 1497 and lastly I sold the last of these pens losing one apparently that one was open they pen and ink set sold for $12.99 so that is my eBay sales we got some more over here the bra on the one over there it's scattered around - over there I'm gonna get these shipped out and I'm gonna go on to the other storage unit so on this order oh this wasn't interviewer I'm thinking I forgot to slip a card in so I put a hole on the side I was gonna slip a card in this one isn't even a viewer so nevermind I'll tape that back shut I had a viewer named winter buy something from me yesterday I wonder if it's the same person watching shed flips garage flips Lonnie what if he's flipping buildings so I still don't know what his channel is he's good too anyways alright still shipping and $71 to ship this this is everything but the tab with that I'm going to ship through pirate ship it'll go cubic it'll be about eight nine bucks we have five more orders for about 59 bucks and they are all in the back room so I'm just gonna print this sheet rather than writing it down yet another nice look at my clean office my office but the office area alright so first to be one right here we are looking for a 44 D pink bra it's a 38 double D 35 apparently it doesn't say on there 42 okay I got to pull this out I say 48 double D 42 see do I have the size wrong for looking for 44 D I don't know where I got 48 double D alright 44 D it's a 42 c that's a 40 C 44 D so this sold for 1349 next we are in 1 B 1 first let's put this away pack all this back up in 1 b1 we are looking for molten midnight molten midnight we're right here molten midnight and this sold for $11.99 next in 1 c2 we're looking for kitten all these kittens that I am allergic to all right and they're sold for 8 I'm sorry 999 to a 1 we're looking for 50 kisses I forget to push that back in to a 150 kisses if I had 50 kisses I think my other half would be angry at me [Music] it's gotta be this one and this is the one that I couldn't find the color on oh trying to read this tiny tiny text it doesn't say let's pull this open I don't see any color name here alright let's take another look at the sheet well I have four available so it seems like there's only one of these so that's not going to be it why do I not see it that supposedly I've or available let me look at this see Laura Geller fifty kisses Ruby romances lip color is this one Ruby romances was this one Ruby row there we go okay so fifty kisses is not the color that must be there you go fifty kisses that must be the type of whatever it is pop this back in here and we can put this away and then this sold for and we get my sheet 9.99 and lastly one and one we're looking for Greek yogurt don't drop it don't drop it alright one a 1 and it looks like a taller maybe this Greek yogurt alright 24 was the original retail I got it for 5% of that and so for $10.99 so what did I pay 10% is 240 so a buck 20 so for 1099 so here's the unit turns out I have a hand truck here I didn't need to bring one you remember I started going through this one in previous video you might remember the Beatles post or this is all personal effects you know what I've got more of their pictures and stuff in the warehouse that I need to bring here anyways personal effects there's a big dresser sitting here I went through all the boxes along the side there there's a file cabinet here hopefully you guys remember by now I'm gonna finish going through this one here's the plan this storage facility is the closest of all the facilities that I've you know sat to goodwill so I'm gonna make this the goodwill unit something just fell okay so this is gonna be the goodwill you know so I'm gonna take everything that's sellable and the trash and haul it out to the warehouse trash will go in the dumpster sellable items will just get stored until we're able oh this boxes in here I didn't need to bring those either sellable items will get stored until we're able to sell it everything that's going to Goodwill is gonna stay in here now here is what we're gonna do after that there's I've got one more unit on this property in fact I think it's in this building on the very end I'm gonna do the same thing except all the goodwill stuff from there is gonna be consolidated into here and then the other units that I have I'm gonna do the same thing all the goodwill stuff from all of the units are gonna get consolidated into this unit so hopefully by the time this is all over with this will be the only storage unit I have and everything is going to Goodwill so be nice and easy to haul out so I'm gonna go through all the boxes I brought something but apparently there's some here and load out what I can now in this unit I've got I'm seeing a bunch of these drawers I'm also seeing white drawers I think I might have brought the white one to the warehouse I think so and then I'm seeing those drawers so that tells me there's at least three dressers in here and I don't know where I don't think there could possible unless that's wind up under here or something because this is a table it looks like there's another couple more of those drawers let's see if I can get back here a little bit there's no dresser down there this I'm pretty sure is a table maybe oh it's a desk you can see up there if you can see it there's one of those little holes for the cords to go down so we've got a desk here it looks like maybe a bed frame behind it like a headboard but there's no dresser here and you can see at least up to there there's boxes so it's possible there might be a short one along there maybe maybe something under that but I don't know so I might just get stuck with a bunch of drawers rather than having any dressers because there's nothing over here it's not another wheelchair I had a wheelchair and I think it was a different unit I don't think it was this one so that's the plan then we've got this end table but that's got the drawers in it I do think I saw another end table yeah right there and but it looks like there's not supposed to be any bottom drawer it looks like it's just one drawer or maybe just two little ones I don't know but that's the plan we're gonna go through this well I'll hopefully have an answer by the end of the day on all these drawers there's another type of drawer so I think there might they might have had a different unit and there were just a bunch of drawers the drawers are in here and the carcasses are in the other unit which is annoying for both me and the other person but anyways that is the plan I'm going to get as much of this out as I can I might be able to get it all in one trip just trash and good stuff leaving the goodwill here I also have a bench that goes with these chairs but I don't see the kitchen table but that could easily be leaning behind any of these boxes it could be behind here maybe no it doesn't look like it so anyways that's the plan I'm gonna do that and see I'll see what we find so even though up there we had few more things to their personal effects including that unless I find the rest of that dresser or table I'm just gonna leave it in the drawer for them we cleared out this whole area this looks like a pretty nice wheelchair and they're already on the trailer but the feet that go on it I found those we're gonna give that to Goodwill hey looks like it nice looking picture back there maybe it's the frame looks nice this is all going to Goodwill all of that from there over I haven't gone through and those two boxes are trash found some stuff to bring in the warehouse here including the remote for if you remember as a DVD VCR combo here I found the remote but it's missing the battery cover so I'll hold on to it maybe I'll find a junk one that peeling there is just a protective plastic they never took it off but there were a couple other remotes in here that I could probably list on eBay duffel bag Afghan let me show you what we got on the trailer there's the feet for the chair that box and that stack are all albums this is this this is a blanket but that's the United Nation logo I guess local native tribe a tribe as well as that some odds and ends these are brand new I don't think I'm familiar $69.99 originally so some other odds and ends nothing too crazy this leather jacket Charlotte Russe brand-new like a $40 price tag some other odds and ends this has no face so if I find the base I can sell it if not I'm going to throw it away so it goes on the trailer anyways so next step I'd like to tackle this stuff here and then we're only really gonna have the back five feet or so to do after that we should get through this pretty quick to be honest it's like all of that's clothing I don't go through clothing there's no one of those white drawers this looks like a dresser but that's another type of drawer oh man I'm so confused here so [Music] so it doesn't look much different just now clean there or messy over there so here's where we're at this is still all empty drawers a nightstand and that's personal items personal items that is trash it looks like it's food mostly food and then some other odds and ends this is going back with me so these Ziploc bags they're open but we use them a lot at the warehouse for organizing I would never use storage in a bags in for food but two boxes we can use them for you know sorting merchandise we've got a bobble head of Willie wood former Packer what else was in here some garbage bags and tape nothing too exciting that's those two are still garbage the blue box and that and that's garbage but everything else over here is going to Goodwill so we got the front end done now we're gonna start working our way through this there are so many drawers there's no way there's a dresser for each one like seriously we've got these brown ones we get these dark brown ones there's two three four five that's a new one I found there's one that might go with that there's a white one here there's another one there and more of the regular brown ones there's just no way that's like what four dressers there is what looks like a dresser down there but it looks very different than the other side oh no oh that's good we'll also you have got to be kidding me the one dresser we do have is missing drawers well maybe they're buried in here somewhere too we're getting to the end though and I'm not seeing any space where we could have any of those but so this is more goodwill stuff we got to this picture that'll sell pretty well as will this what's back here probably that one might be a painting one might be love so that we have this stuff you have to go through the goodwill pile is getting bigger but it seems like there's less stuff in here and I haven't brought much out to the trailer so I guess we're just condensing it better so you remember I have this DVD VCR combo worth about 80 to 100 bucks after fees on Amazon don't believe me look it up I found another one same model looks a little rough but it'll clean up nice if it works I'll get some decent money now selling these on Amazon I will need to include the remote I found one remote was missing a battery cover so I can't use that but I do have a couple of the remotes that are meant for these units in the warehouse common remotes that I use I like to buy a few at a time just so I know I've got them that is I think it's two drawers no that's one really deep drawer for that dresser the one that probably the nicest dresser that we have drawers for in here I really because you can see right there there's no dresser there so unless there's something sitting here there's not enough space for it I think all of these drawers are gonna end up in the trash I can't really see yeah it doesn't look like there's gonna be a dresser under there so these are decent drawers some of them are solid wood and I keep adding more to the collection here like this one is solid wood these are pressboard but they're it's a nicer looking dresser but unfortunately there's literally nothing I can do with them so I don't know when I phone some feet I don't know what they go to but I'm holding on to it for now I don't know it'd be shame to just throw them away but there's not really much else I can do there might be another end table down there that would require one of the smaller drawers this looks like a TV stand that probably goes all the way back maybe an end table this end table has its drawers so I don't know well we'll find out as we continue so now it looks even more full than before so no more dressers all of these drawers look at all these drawers there's more over here there's even more back here couple up there one here and I've got like ten of them in the warehouse they're all gonna have to go in the trash there is not another dresser in here that TV stand will probably go to Goodwill I if they'll accept it this I could probably sell but this table you set a lamp through it's really wobbly I'm going to toss that and unfortunately this dresser is also missing drawers so we've got drawers but none for that so that one might go to it but the other ones won't so that's gonna have to go in the trash this desk is in a really rough shape the whole thing's broken off there so probably gonna have to trash that too I still have to go through those two boxes and then this little round of boxes here but I'll show you a couple of things that I've found here don't mind the cords on I got a vintage set of light Lincoln Logs some jewelry nothing special this remote is worth about 10 bucks or so Xbox cables this jacket here though is a vintage Woolrich jacket I've sold that brand before I think this give me some money in it this is a very large plate with the Oneida Nation stuff on it a couple of year books some movies some records that's new look at this though a whole bag full of wrapped Christmas gifts so I guess I get to celebrate Christmas I'm gonna open those when we get to the warehouse that's trash this is gonna be good will its glassware in there I did go through the drawers there were only a couple of notebooks in it this is all good will the drawers like I said are trash I did find another VCR DVD combo what's the Sansui not worth quite as much another set of foot rests for the wheelchair um beyond that nothing else too special this typewriter it's a neat looking one I think this'll go for some money it's a nice shape I think I could probably get 30 40 bucks locally for it locally is in a local auction Packers Nutcracker Oh sponsor more personal items that we're leaving in here Oh walking stick I found that earlier I said it there just to get it out of the way and then from here back all of this is going to Goodwill along with these I must stack it all better the chairs should be able to be kept those bags are records I don't know if I saw what was in there or not so that's basically it oh we found the tabletop the legs are on the trailer we've got a whole bed frame here so I don't see the footboard so that's interesting they must have had a second storage you know that this stuff was split in two unless that's the footboard and there's no headboard that's possible - that's probably what what the story is so I don't know we'll be able to sell that got some more records up here I haven't seen anything special with the records but I haven't gone through them either so overall it's a great unit I'm just a little bummed out but all the drawers I hate to throw them away but what can you do and the fact that we have to sit on all this goodwill stuff not thrilled about that yeah I'm not sure if I ever actually looked in here empty but we already sold diddly no we didn't sell any of the items from this unit yet we sent him to a local auction company but with the shutdown it's not getting sold but did find some neat stuff some cast iron we found the mammy decoration you know the the old black Americana stuff we found a cast iron one and then coin a change jar our cookie chiming cast iron coin Bank and a cookie jar ceramic cookie jar those should go for some decent money I think we'll do pretty well with this unit but obviously we got sit on it until if this stuff is gone but we can use it to store all of the crap it needs to go to Goodwill from the other units too so I'll still be able to empty the other ones out completely and then I'll just have a salad day of work clearing this out or what I'll more likely do is once Goodwill reopens people are looking for cash so post on Facebook marketplace paying 100 bucks to empty this out it's all going to Goodwill so some will probably take that up save me a day's work 100 bucks for a day's work is like 14 bucks now or something like that and they clear it all out for me so I can get more important things done that's probably what I'm gonna do I'm getting a little tired I want to get this unit finish work just about done grab the trash grab the sellable stuff and then we'll be done here one down and we are all done the last couple of boxes was mostly just kitchen stuff I did find this briefcase I remember before was wedged down there and I opened it so one person one of the names that come comes up in here passed away that's the person that passed away about 12 years ago I mentioned the last video I'm guessing it's the person's father based on ages that I'm seeing this is his work briefcase so I'm gonna leave that as good as business cards and stuff technically they just want us to leave like pictures and whatnot but I feel like they're gonna want that but I did find in it this really old $10 bill 1934 I now I know a little bit about you know coins and currency I've never seen or at least I don't know of Federal Reserve notes being that old I thought back then everything with silver certificates or gold sort of red seals but this will probably just end up in my collection kind of neat fine they're 1934 a so if you guys know anything about these let me know I'm I mean if it's worth a ton of money I don't expect it to be worth a ton of money but if it is I'll sell it but I'm expecting this to probably be worth like twenty thirty bucks tops the very least even these old ones they're still worth ten bucks they'll still be accepted by banks and whatnot so anyways now I'm gonna get the sellable stuff couple boxes here loaded up you know the wheel chair those everything that's going to the warehouse I'm gonna get loaded up first and then trash is gonna go on next because that's going to the warehouse to go on the dumpster but we'll put it on the back of the trailer that way we can stop at the dumpster first and then I'm gonna restock this goodwill stuff here so stacked a little more nicely this thing I don't know I'm gonna I'll stand it up and see if it's something that maybe if I post it on Facebook marketplace for free someone will get it maybe who knows but that's it go on through everything alright time to start loading up and we are done so the whole back of the trailer is trash up to about where the boxes start that's all sellable we're gonna have to leave some stuff behind and see how empty we got it furniture so furniture that we're keeping Scooby this table that shelf this thing the headboard all that stuff and then the table top here as well as at least those two pictures this and that I'm probably gonna post both of them for free see if I can get someone to pick them up and then all of this is goodwill all of that's going to Goodwill and then this is personal effects we're giving back to them I've also got a box full of stuff that I found in boxes in the warehouse so I have to add that to the pile and I'm leaving this here since they're still furniture here unfortunately that dressers gonna have to go in the trash too but I'm gonna have to do a dump run with some other broken furniture and whatnot from a different unit so I can do that on that day well we're basically done with this let's get the furniture out and that's it so we'll head to the warehouse will empty the back first and then we'll bring the rest inside this one is more or less done so since I left it was a dollar 34 this morning now gas is 125 so I just stopped at the warehouse for a quick bathroom break before I haul that stuff to the dumpster sure so I was there for like 4 hours holding it in drinking lots of caffeine yeah do the math so anyways yesterday in yesterday's video which was uploaded like when I first got to the store Tina today no I think it was after I was at the you know 4 anyways a viewer who bought something suggested that I create a patreon and I mentioned that I've been floating the idea around in my head where I would do you know like 2 bucks a month just some low amount completely optional just for people who want to support the channel but don't want to buy anything and based on the comments so far it's a resounding no you guys do not like that idea a lot of comments said you want subscribe to people who do that a lot of comments said they don't like it so I'm not going to do it it was a thought but obviously if you guys don't want this this is your channel I'm just here talking on the channel you guys are the ones watching so at the end of the day what you guys want to see is what you're gonna see so there's nothing creepy I'm not showing anything creepy except for the creepy head or everyone so let's go look at the creepy head everyone thinks it's creepy so alright hope that didn't make you too dizzy right there he's our mascot anyways I am going to go all this stuff to the dumpster and dump it yeah I'm gonna have a big dump in the dumpster I should do another video going to the dump you know I do plan on going to the dump soon because I've got a unit full of bulk trash that I can't put in my dumpster so you guys will get to watch me at the dump again excited to watch me dump okay the jokes are getting too crude let's go throw this stuff away grab the tripod forgot that when I went to the storage facility by the way when fraud of ten bucks in a pawn shop here are all the drawers that are here from the unit a couple of those on the end I think came from a different you know maybe that white one too but these dark brown ones and those two I'm gonna throw away just not right now [Music] [Music] [Music] and everything else is sellable now I pretty much filled it up this was empty when I started you can see I was trying to just pump them in and try and break them up while they went in that didn't work out so well so I might come back out here at the hammer and smash them up a little more just we have more space in the dumpster but that's where we're at whoa uh get this stuff loaded inside next so I always check your cards when I find them in units I found these five these two of zero balance of Visa gift card and the local grocery store the chain but these three you have money on them Kohl's has twelve dollars and 89 cents the shell give Curtis four dollars and 68 cents the Applebee's has 770 so it's like 25 bucks free money right there I've found balances and gift cards quite often usually it's only a couple bucks but you know if I'm already shopping at the store if there was a dollar forty nine on the Applebee's gift card probably throw it out because I'm not gonna go there but for seven bucks that's a free appetizer basically sure yeah I'll go there but like the shell gift card I'm bound to get gas at a Shell station at some point might as well use it even if it's only four bucks same with Cole's I get a lot of my clothes there I get socks there I'm there all the time not now because all Kohl's stores are closed but it's free money but I have found gift cards like I found a I think thirty five dollar gift card to the local movie theater I don't really like going to the theater because new movies kind of suck so I ended up selling those I sent them to a local auction and I've given I ended up getting like twenty twenty-five bucks for them same with a Victoria's Secret gift card they had maybe ten bucks on it sold that and then there were several others but I always check them because it takes a couple minutes i sat here and they're online on my phone couple required me to call took like five minutes and I now have 25 bucks and free money and the trailer is emptied out that's just boxes empty boxes for the next the next run coming in here we've got shipping boxes all goodwill stuff from I mean a couple of these things and I'm coming out of this unit but most of this is from other units and stuff from before I found half of this the last time I was there the other half this time so those will be able to get sold there the chairs that bench came out at you know two on a different pickup so all of this bottom shelf is getting sent to a local auction as well as those two items three items the walking stick this is all we're looking at it for eBay's potential eBay stuff and then the zip locks and then right there's all the records so you know time it is it's Christmas time all right so let's see we've got two array from sister Bruce I don't know it's a weird name for a sister that's the proper way to open Christmas gifts all right we got men's fleece sleep pants see size 34 to 37 I'll probably put these in the warehouse sale that's with most of this stuff think it's new all right this one does not have a name on it it feels hollow dirt just what I wanted thanks sister Bruce see well it's a thermos might be worth putting on eBay probably gonna go in to warehouse sale oh I wonder what this is Bree see from to ray from Bree see this a br IEC ie I wonder what this could be I should just leave them wrapped I know it's a thermos I should leave it wrapped and give it to mrs. rabbit for Christmas of course so be confused if it says to ray I'll have to take that off Oh your this matching mr. and mrs. thermos am i hearing in here [Music] oh just a little slip of paper that probably is like care instructions and whatnot all right there's another one that same wrapping paper this is to Deb from Bruce Your Honor this is two gifts here so let's my grandma would be so angry with me because I'm not saving the paper okay so this one I think it's probably leaked yeah this froze and leaked so this probably gonna go in the trash I think you don't know doesn't I'm squeezing it and nothing is coming out so it doesn't have any any holes or anything I don't know maybe we will put it in the sale this one looks like it got wet but it's on the opposite side of where the thing was so maybe that's what I'm feeling all right let's see what Deb is get up this might be what leaked no but you got cordial cherries this will go in the trash because it's food and it was all leaked on the boxes no water damage and see what else we've got this I think it's just an empty bag well this is for the grandson that she didn't love I'm just assuming grandma's gifts the lady who owned it was younger so all right here we go - Ludo from sister Brucie this one also feels like a cobweb next let's see these have been sitting for a while because these candy takes forever to inspire inspired August of 2019 and we got lifesavers and so whoever this is it's all hard candy either the gifter or the receiver probably got one last year tags all right one left I bet I can guess what it is slippers slippers I might keep these for myself because I need a pair of slippers or maybe I'll sell them I'll probably sell them so that is what we've got for Christmas gifts hope you guys enjoyed the holiday portion of this video I don't know if I have anything else left for you you know what I bet I've got some eBay sales let's finish it the way we started with eBay so maybe it leaked out of this maybe it was just already open but I'm gonna throw this away too so we get those still some decent stuff especially these thermoses these are probably 10 bucks apiece in the store and imagine a couple more quick things found the other remote but it was also missing the battery cover also found some stamps so I love fighting stamps in units because it's like free money because I go out and buy these and have to use them and then this book I wanted to look it up on Amazon so let's look it up right now you to see my pitiful Amazon sales with nothing in stock come on it's thinking about loading seeing it there we go alright so this book is ninety cents alright so this is going a goodwill Oh also there was a piggy bank that I grabbed out of there at the bank itself is in the goodwill pile well there was coins in it so check it for silver and then I will dump it in the coin jar which is growing fast yeah no silver all right well dump in the jar so I should save all of the change I find any unit and then cash in all one slot at a later date and that's what I've been doing but I cashed it all and I'd like three jars like this I end up being like a hundred bucks cash that in and a couple weeks ago this is what we're up to so far and then Canadian coins for next time I go to Canadia I'll be able to all spend those so this could be a really long video but you guys seem to like the long so a couple of things I got I'm looking through comments right now you know there was one winter actually commented on the video so I asked her if she was the one who bought from garage flips and she said yes it was her so me and Lonnie have some shared buyers uh what else I think that's all I can really remember so anyways let's ship these orders there are a lot of them first we've got oh this is gonna be fun to find let me go off camera and dig through these these shoes they're actual shoes according to targets website they look like slippers and the buyer is a viewer I saw the comment when I accepted the offer unfortunately I don't have the comment in front of me anymore but Spencer bought them for 1250 I don't know if it was Spencer or Spencer's wife or girlfriend using Spencer's account but either way Spencer and family I certainly appreciate it and according to so first we get these according to targets website their shoes but they are slippers or but they're used as slippers by the buyer I don't have the comments in front of me but I did see it when the offer was put in unfortunately I don't see those anymore after I accept the offer but I certainly appreciate the sale we've got another one of these keychains right here oh that was a viewer odds I know it says best of luck rabbit from one reseller to another I'm loving the more frequent uploads from you as of late my favorite part of any resale rabbit video is when we get a snide comment about rakin take care think of thinking of snide comments the break-in likes to sell the wholesale formula that's the best I got alright next next we've got Hello Kitty uh is it a beanie baby aren't easy beanie babies oh no it is filled with the beans that sold for hold on hold on hold on so bright bucks I also forgot to show you what the total numbers are right now seventeen sales for 336 someone bought these they're not supposed to sell until Tim comes back anyways the Gloria Vanderbilt jeans size 10 and this was also a viewer no comment in the 410 where is it area no comment in the the buyers notes but I do remember after I accepted the offer or in the offer she said that I still need to notify Tim that he forgot and that was purchased from Rebecca appreciate the sale we've got another pair of feel good size 13 that's going to be these right here men's 13 if you remember on the last video I mentioned these came with the toys for some reason but they came out of Whole Foods and they sold for 1699 I stand corrected it was not these that sold it was the gray ones but the same same price and everything next we sold this shirt it was 44 95 originally came out a dress barn I paid a buck sold it for $19.99 someone made a comment on a video recently that all these seem like retail prices and they don't understand how these things are selling but in 45 bucks retail sold for two this is 2299 retails sold for 10-12 I don't remember you know we're selling all this stuff for less than retail so I don't know where they're seeing everything at retail next we sold a single 32 bucks and I actually have boxes these no these ones perfectly sized to fit it I did that intentionally another Dress Barn shirt 4495 we paid a buck sold for 17 to tie or not to tie yes that is well it's not the question but it is a question it's one of them one of the many questions that can question your question for $7.99 sold another pair of these gloves he was this is a note he put what they're selling for back when he would ask me if it's worth listing or not but anyways size XL but they feel like a smaller medium it sold to a viewer for $7.99 Jan she says thanks rabbit watching along so Jan you can watch as I pull your item and I'm not gonna film myself shipping so that's all you get to watch another viewer sale first we've got an ink cartridge HP 28 and we've got in here a big old belly I'll show you this a little more closely in a minute so we get these over here this is a viewer sale we spent 1798 on both deanna deanna again i think it's the same deanna and she says love your channel i have a stuffed toy rabbit as a mascot in my ebay area to remind me to turn and burn yes turn and burn so this is a fanny pack that looks like a big old belly so it looks like they're selling it for a dollar at that store this came from that store buy out down in indiana there are belly ones excusing their booty ones let me show you the booty one i try it on the booty one and i think i may have kept one for myself the booty ones look like that and it's a fanny pack and when someone's wearing it it looks so realistic it's scary we had two sales in here we're starting with 1 d 1 which is right here i think it's one of these I'm looking for the right there illuminator pink and that sold for 12 bucks looks like original retail was twenty so I paid a buck for it and then in one g one down here I think that's gonna be these we haven't sold as a 2-pack I can't be because this is an odd number styling paste so I guess maybe here we have a 2-pack and a 3-pack but anyways a 2-pack sold for $14.99 and it was a viewer will get I'll read what she said in a moment it was Laurie she says hey rabbit I'm a viewer love your channel and I'm looking at the listing here it says we got one more available so I don't know if we're selling one as a single or what the deal is but anyways Laurie I appreciate the purchase sold another two pack of these for $69.99 we are really dwindling down these came on the Lowe's palette and there were a lot of them so the shopkins doll this came off of the Amazon pallets as you can see there so for 20 bucks sold a shirt here for I don't remember how much I sold it for I'm guessing it came on the Amazon pallets just based on where it was located and it sold for 10 bucks to Dustin who said been watching for two years love the videos thanks Dustin I certainly appreciate it we've got two more in the other room so first in one a 2's on Canadian one 8 2 we've got 50 watts right here this sold I paid $1 40 and it's sold for $14.99 then in 2 d1 that's going to be right here this sapphire then this sold to a viewer I paid a buck for it when Riley rose close sold for 1349 and we'll read the viewers note in a moment it says love your YouTube channel rabbit you're an inspiration I certainly appreciate I wouldn't call myself an inspiration but I do work hard so I don't know if I want to ship all of these out right now because it's 5:30 I kind of want to go home eat and call it a day but we'll get some of them shipped out so I lied we're all shipped out and during that time I got three more orders so let's find those and then I'm going home sold the other one coincidentally at the same time $12.99 full price it was a viewer sale Lawrence says hey rabbit thanks for the videos I really hope you're doing well and you continue to keep us entertained for a long time I'm buying this for my five-year-old daughter so if you give her a shout out her name is Ella and tell her to enjoy her kitty it would totally make her day thank you so much and stay safe well appreciate the sale Lawrence we're Larry Oh a lot of people in Lawrence good bye Larry Ella hope you like your Hello Kitty we'll give it will get shipped out carefully for I hope you enjoy it yeah I think right up here I saw it the other day let's get this over on the table we've got a Donkey Kong shirt even the tag looks vintage but it's not it came out of Target so I paid 50 cents for it and it was purchased by Rebecca the same person that bought the jeans that I just shipped out so I guess they're going separate she says glad you and mrs. rabbit are staying safe I'm not sure if you'll see this message on the green jeans make sure Tim knows he forgot to label the jeans we're on shelf a three love the videos keep them coming and hope the sales keep coming in for you thanks again Rebecca I appreciate both sales and we'll get it shipped out for you now we're looking for a to which is this shelf and I don't see the thing we're looking for supposed to be on this show but I'm not seeing it that might be it hold on let me go look so the location ID says a to but that was it on a three down here so I moved it back up there it is these pants look like comfortable lounge pants original retails 39.95 they came from dress bar and cost me a buck and the buyer paid $17.99 it was a viewer Kimberly she says hey rabbit been a subscriber for years love the videos you always have a positive outlook would you autograph a card for me thanks Kimberly so Kimberly I certainly appreciate it and I actually don't use Outlook anymore I just do my emails right through Gmail but I suppose I do have a positive opinion of Outlook I I just don't see a need for it so Kimberly I will get this shipped out for you and that's it I am done shipping for the day it is 6:02 p.m. I'm starving I want to go home and I still gotta get all this stuff dropped off I've got a few to drop off now I'm gonna go do that and then I'm going home because like I said you know two hours ago I'm hungry and want to be done for the day so I appreciate every single one of you who have bought something I mean I also appreciate the non viewers to buy things but they're not watching so I can't thank I'm getting ahead of myself I appreciate all of you you guys are amazing I can't say it enough I sound like a broken record in every video saying how much I appreciate it I did kind of rush the orders today so I may not have sounded really appreciative but that's because we were doing storage units and it's just like I'm hungry so hope you guys enjoyed the video and I'll see you in the next one
Channel: Resale Rabbit
Views: 21,521
Rating: 4.9524751 out of 5
Keywords: ebay, amazon, sell on ebay, sell on amazon, fba, flip, flipping, resale, resell, reselling, resale rabbit, garage sale, rummage sale, yard sale, flea market, thrift store, thrifting, thrift shop, pawn shop
Id: vSSY5PVuRl8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 64min 34sec (3874 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 03 2020
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