10 Hours Thrifting Milwaukee Goodwill | Great Items to Sell on eBay

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good morning everybody resale rabbit here it is 7:00 a.m. and it's gonna Milwaukee I've been at the road in a while Milwaukee's about two hours away we're gonna get there around 10:00 the stores open window is so frosty back there too you can't even see out the window all clear up here though thanks to window wash on the road again I can't wait to get out road again he's bound and Dan who loaded up and trucking I can't drive it's a party in the usa' ways the Sun hold on so I can't play that for too long because you know copyright and whatnot but the pitbull station on sxm has some great jams this morning a lot of upbeat fast music that really helps wake me up I've been dancing for like the past hour so it's 813 still think I should be able to make it to the store by 9:00 but I think I need to pull over because I am roasting with this jacket on it's 35 degrees outside but this Sun is just incubating the car so I keep forgetting over the last couple of videos to mention this I found a ps3 a few days ago for $7 at a thrift store and it did not work I gave it to an employee of mine to see if he could fix it and well he probably could fix it but it's not really cost-effective for me so it's his ps3 now so I'm sure a lot of people were wondering about that this truck looks from a distance like the Facebook logo you we are in historic Port Washington Wisconsin a several suburb of Milwaukee but 11 minutes before the first door opens I'm a bit of a lead foot so I got here fast so I'm the only customer here usually when I come here in the morning there's at least a few people here just me don't you love when you see these for sale down 49 a lot of people don't really know that these are free look at this this is an old one I think a lot of stores just don't know they're free from the post office so they see him and assume that the average person will have to pay for them got a decent start today about 16 of these genuine Yamaha parts it's t-shirt they're all the same thing $2.99 each could not find this shirt listed but I think I should be looking about $27.99 each in this bag I found this label tape it was $1.00 I'm not gonna sell it I sell these label makers a lot so it's nice to have the tape so I can test them I got three Wii remotes for two dollars and fifty cents each and this thing dropped this thing remote mutterings monitoring system it says online for like an environmental alarm whatever that is I paid $2.99 it's cheaper than I thought $2.99 the cops are all over the place on this one some are selling used for a hundred and fifty to two hundred I even saw one like 380 but there are also some songs like forty or fifty either way it's a good purchase I'm gonna list it for 170 999 someone even sold one for 200 they took a best offer so it was less than that but untested for parts to repair a lot of people are saw I'm untested even the ones going for you know 150 200 bucks untested used so I don't know why there's such a variance in price but I'm always hi and see if I can get it even if I have to get the low end 40 or 50 bucks it's still a good purchase at 299 there was also a weed they wanted 30 though it was complete and everything but not really worth it for me at 30 the shirts I tried to get a discount down with my bottom I was really hoping to get up like a buck or a buck fifty each they wouldn't budge I've gotten discounts at this store before though by buying in bulk so I don't know why they wouldn't do it this time I guess I just got the wrong person in the wrong day let's go to Goodwill we are at the next Goodwill the first goodwill in grafton this is probably one of my favorite good wheels in the state of Wisconsin holy crap some great finds so far so first off this headset selling used for about 20 to 30 there are no new listings active or sold on eBay also for oh and by the way it's four bucks for 20 an original Xbox with two controllers and for some reason some wee cords so I'm buying that here is a Sony portable DVD player I always look up Sony portable DVD players for bucks with the remote but no power cable I'll need to order one of those I might have one of those in stock I'm not sure what should get about 40 bucks for it down here we've got this major league gaming headset cops are going for 80 to a hundred and they want four I've got an Xbox 360 Kinect should get about 20 bucks they want 5 this router here should get about 20 or 30 they want before a canon kit lens there's nothing special should get about 30 or 40 they want three next I found this DVD VCR combo that's also a DVD recorder $6.99 but here's the best part includes the original remote that remotes were thirty to fifty dollars alone I know that because I've had to buy it before I also got this tape recorder with the mic and power adapter $2.99 should get about 30 or 40 I got this it looks brand-new I don't even look it up it's four bucks used it would've bought it for four box it's voice recorder will sell well I think yeah oh another voice recorder should get again didn't look this up it was a dollar ninety-nine should get twenty or thirty bucks for it you got a VHS rewind here some of these are good money I think I can get 25 bucks for that we got a garment they want five bucks should be able to get a little bit for it it's got the mount and the power cable we got an audio book here $2.99 this thing brand new is selling like forty to fifty we've got a Sony Walkman down 99 I usually get about thirty bucks for those and lastly on the bottom here we've got a Toshiba DVD VCR combo with the original remote there's no price tag on that though so I need to get a price on it before I know I buy it so they charged me $6.99 for the DVD VCR combo the Toshiba same price is the DVD recorder which I don't know if I mentioned that DVD recorder should go for about 200 bucks I cleaned up in this store I wish every store would be like that somebody drops their keys so I'm gonna bring this in and turn it into the counter anyways I wish every store could be like this one I might have made like a thousand bucks so I found the keys here they look like dodge keys they probably went to this van right here I mean I suppose I could have tried the lock on lock button to see if they go to that then I can give him the license-plate number they can call it over the thing but it's car keys they're not gonna be able to leave without them they're gonna go in and having a panic attack and you know did someone turn in some keys and there they'll be at the counter for them so didn't need to go through that much all right under the next door I'm at goodwill in Brown Deer northern suburb of Milwaukee forgot to mention I spent 92 with the last goodwill that doesn't happen often also there was one thing that I forgot to show you it's a little charger for D F this store is known at least by me to be really high price yes just what I need look at the size of this sombrero I'd only want six bucks and I really really really want it I'm pretty sure this came out of Babies R Us a keyboard tray drawer spot down below for the computer so as I was saying before I got distracted by that amazing sombrero this store is known by me to be high in prices but I can usually find an item or two that is really loud I can easily find an item or two but prime example look at this battery and charger so for $12.99 I've got this Hoover battery and charger should be able to get about 40 bucks for it and also for $12.99 is this Magnavox DVD VCR combo should be able to get eighty or so for it I do have a remote for this at the warehouse a couple more things this Sony cassette deck in the original box it is not new could not find any comp active or sold on eBay so I'm gonna take a gamble it's 20 bucks that's probably priced at around 100 I don't know if this is worth anything but it's in the original box the sipping of the breeze and here for $2.99 vintage pair of ray-bans sunglasses these look to be vintage it's got the Wayfarer insignia there ray-ban USA I don't know sunglasses experts let me know if these are real comes in the case I'm buying them either way because I'm willing to take a gamble on three bucks comps are going for around a hundred so I didn't see this until I was at the register this booklet was in with the sunglasses when the back copyright 1996 so that is going to help me date them so was this a high-end brand in the 90s was it counterfeited in the 90s I'm not sure but I'm pretty confident and saying these are probably real but I would love to know what you guys think but a cold and gray Milwaukee morning poor little baby child was bawling to get to I met the first goodwill is actually in the City of Milwaukee and we're kind of in the ghetto so um yeah I don't know this is just an average store there's nothing special to say about it I do well there nothing exceptional nothing terrible let's go in got a couple items here beats pill for five bucks are these still worth money I'm taking the gamble here I got a Sony clock radio it is complete with the remote power cord and antenna four dollars that's probably from an older thrift store that it was once so that four bucks one recently sold in this condition with the box and everything for 35 so I'm gonna go with that this is an old mouse they want two bucks for it it is factory sealed it's gonna be a collector most likely buying this one sold in this condition new factory wrapped like this 425 recently Crosley radio it is missing the battery cover but that's on the bottom you don't even see it I'm sorry not a radio an alarm clock they want three bucks for it I couldn't find this exact model but other Crosley clocks like this are selling anywhere from 30 to 150 dollars this one's a little smaller a little more basic overall we get that thirty mark and lastly I've got this canon eos rebel mm the lens has a dent on it but it looks like that's just affecting the filter so it should be good to go to get between 80 and 100 they want 20 if it works we are at Goodwill on campus parking is always a nightmare here they have a little tiny a lot it's in kind of an inner-city area yeah there's not a single space open let's see if there's street parking so there's no street parking available I'm in a no parking zone but I see a truck pulling out so we are going to see if he opened a spot nope he was in the donation area they have two spots for donors no parking so I'm basically just sitting here waiting for someone to come on so I can get a parking spot and like a vulture he swoops in is this a skybox like a cable box for Sky TV in Europe wonder how that got here so in this store we've got these print heads Tyler 99 should be able get about 25 on eBay they are expired but they'll still do all right we've got another one of these sony clock radios for 5 bucks he's consistently sellable up to 25 or 30 found a power supply for Nintendo 64 3 bucks not gonna sell it he's always come in handy I got a Bose sound doc not really worth much but the cords should go for up 30 so that was the store where I clean house last time I was here where I spent almost a hundred bucks and found a ton of stuff this is an average trip they're you know usually I don't go crazy in there that I just hit at the right time holy crap as it can sit down here though it was just madness trying to get out of here let's go to the next door so out of the case I should be getting these two sony camcorders and that Panasonic $15 each I should get about 60 to 80 but I will need to buy batteries and chargers additionally I found a charger for one of the cameras although I probably have one of these at the warehouse it doesn't hurt to have more an original Xbox controller in pretty nice shape $2.99 it's got the memory card in it a Reggie white and a bronze figure let's open this box I'll show you what it looks like would either way and then Guitar Hero for Xbox 360 I did check the boxes in nice shape so I had a passing on the black Sony Handycam just because it was in pretty rough shape but I bought the other two I almost guaranteed have a battery for the other sony in the warehouse I really feel like this one I probably have a charger for it too but I found another one here for the Panasonic I've got another Panasonic camcorder that had no battery and no charger and the battery and charger just came in the mail yesterday so if it's the same which I think it is they look very similar so if it's the same I can use that one battery to test both of them it's pretty common knowledge for resellers that Guitar Hero guitars are worth money but I get a lot of newer people new in the business watching who might not know that so Guitar Hero guitars are worth money look for primarily the one that I bought the black Wireless Xbox 360 guitar that one is you know about 50 or 60 bucks sometimes you can really peek and get a hundred or so you do not need a receiver for it but you do need an Xbox 360 and a Guitar Hero game just to test it a lot of those don't work you know I probably find maybe four out of five work but that one out of five is enough not want to sell it untested unless I'm pretty clear and the listing is untested but then it's gonna sell for a lot less you can get next box 360 for like 30 or 40 bucks you don't even need a controller for it so and then the games are really cheap just get a Guitar Hero game and you can test it you want to test all the buttons I mean you need to actually play through the game a little bit and you want to test the whammy bar when there's a long note wiggle the whammy bar and you'll see the note wiggle on the screen that's basically all there is to testing it it's really simple but if you're not a gamer I'm not a gamer it might be a little bit of a learning curve to figure out the game I've gotten pretty good at guitar hero from testing all these guitars now another guitar to look for is the wired Xbox 360 controller is white in color make sure it has the little USB adapter on it it's called the breakaway cable and those are usually worth buying at the very least ps3 guitars and ps2 guitars can be worth selling but those both need receivers you cannot play it without a receiver and it's really not worth much without the receiver and the receiver is like thirty to fifty dollars so it's not worth buying a receiver to pair with the guitar so I only buy them if if they have a receiver we guitars they used to be worth money now not so much anymore they may bounce back but as of now I'm not buying them but I am checking them sometimes I find a Wii Remote in them rock band guitars I don't even bother with because so many of them end up being junked the rock band ones are the ones where the neck does not come off so look for wireless Xbox 360 guitars is the black when I showed you there's also an orange one and a red one that are worth money but not quite as much and in the white wired guitar um the wired one you might be able to test on a computer because it does connect through a USB you might be able to test them but the wireless ones I don't think you know I might have to try that see we can figure out how to test one on a computer maybe you can so maybe I'm talking out of my backside anyways let's go to the next good rule by the way I forgot to show the intro of this store you can't see it there it is this one is kind of by the airport let's go walking up to the next goodwill here so in this store I found a router with no power cable for three and a Sony boombox for five not a lot of profit and there's a really long line so I'm just gonna put them back between the two I probably would have made forty to sixty bucks and like it was a really long line so it just makes more sense to put them back and move on to the next door so it's been a while since I've been with the st. Vinnie's but I thought that was a church apparently now it's going to be a planet fitness in the churches next door I've done well at this store I'm excited to see what I find so I just met a viewer Wong good to meet you I he told me that this is not the good st. Vinnie's the one over on Sunset is much better and I always thought this is a really good one so I'm excited to see what's the one on Sunset it's like so at this store I've got this adding machine for ten I should be able to get about thirty plus shipping on it that's something I would charge shipping on I got two of these one four five one four six thirty eight to five dollar one with no cord I do have an extra cord that is not the right cord I'm gonna see if it works so let's plugged into it this might be like an off-brand when someone bought but anyway these should be about thirty each this looks very similar slightly different should also get about thirty get a couple of cameras here this Nikon didn't even look it up usually these do well for me and the Canon Canon does not have a price the Nikon five bucks here is con air foam I have done well I've always done well with alarm clock slash phones so I don't know I want to pay 638 for this those alarm clock phones I've never found a con error one that was made by Conair I've always sold every single what I found was made by GE and I've sold them for anywhere from 75 to 150 dollars they do really well so I would imagine the con air one is very similar it looks a little bit more basic like you might be missing some features or maybe just make more slimline I don't know if that's gonna hurt or help it probably should have looked it up but didn't feel like it next is us a thrift it is in the same parking lot here ha that's what you get you charge you crazy high prices you go out of business they are always incredibly high-priced I usually would find one or two little things but they were always like absolutely insane on their prices and now they've gone out of business other thrift stores take note price I mean you don't need to be giving stuff away but don't be pricing stuff at eBay prices and you'll stay in business long is totally gonna call me out the guy I met the viewer that I met in the st. Vinnie's there because I actually saw that that store was closed before I even pulled in that was all theatrics I already saw they were closed and ended up asking him why they closed he wasn't sure I just had to make a comment and I am right down the road at the Habitat for Humanity ReStore I have never been to this store before but yesterday in my video I said I'm going to Milwaukee tomorrow and today is tomorrow yesterday yeah so anyways somebody had commented on there this morning and said rabbit you have to check out the restore in Greenfield so I'm at the restore in Greenfield turns out it was like a block away from Vinnie's and we're gonna see what they do if you're not going to the Habitat for Humanity ReStore check them out they can be hit or miss some can be really good and you know have decent stuff just like a regular thrift store others are just building supplies and you're not making any money selling you know dated cabinets and countertops so they can be hit or miss so try at least try your local restore before you write it off as nothing so it didn't really find much there I got a remote now this is a good remote it cost me it was excuse me it was 42 cents on sale 20% off today this is an elusive remote there's usually not a lot online and I needed periodically I want to pay five bucks for this remote just because of how hard it is to find and when you do finally usually spending 20 30 40 dollars so we are at the next goodwill and I got a text message and nothing nothing will come good out of this mrs. rabbit sent me a message and it said honey and I said watch and I said I love you yeah nothing good comes out of that turns out she ate my pizza it's unforgivable so on a side note I'm single now there's no more mrs. rabbit any of the viewers want to go out let me know by the way she's gonna get mad at me for that I'm not actually single that was a joke although I should probably dump her for eating my pizza but she said she'll replace it we'll see at this store all I got was this Motorola Bluetooth adapter for your phone so you can know speakerphone in your car spent five bucks you get about twenty twenty-five bucks for it on eBay so yesterday I mentioned in the video that I'll be heading to Milwaukee today and I was about halfway here this morning when I saw in the comments someone who lives here who was a viewer gave me his contact info said hey I've got some stuff to sell you I mean he's been selling on eBay since 2007 and in 2016 he decided to get out of the business and he has a whole bunch of inventory so I have no idea what to expect I grabbed a little bit of cash I don't know if it's gonna be a lot or a little but I didn't want to pay a bunch of ATM fees and end up spending 40 bucks so I am heading up to his house now and we're gonna see what he has I just got an offer it's gonna offer on eBay so anyways we'll see what he has he doesn't want to be on camera but he says he doesn't mind if we film a little bit inside so I just got an offer right here this Hot Wheels shirt I don't know where I got this I think I might've found it in storage unit but fifty dollars and I will be accepting that offer I had a priced at a hundred but it was just a shot in the dark has been listed for a while so I'm happily taking fifty so anyways let's go to his house and see what we can find so I'm not gonna say and where he lives but there's a really fancy attribute about this place that gives you an idea of how ritzy it is here I'm not gonna say it because then you'll be able to figure out where he lives but also I'm parked next to a Bentley that that's a Bentley never mind it's a Hyundai Genesis very similar and logo alright so I spent six hundred dollars filled the trunk filled the back seat it goes all the way across would you believe I'm gonna try and get more thrifting in today I I'm gonna have to show you this stuff at the warehouse because it's gonna be a whole video in itself trying to go through it so be patient for that so I met the next goodwill to give you an idea what I bought for 600 there was a neat desk printer a whole bunch of brand new Nike and Under Armour cleats that he got from Marshalls and a bunch of phones electronics you'll see in tomorrow's video so here I got a Pentax camera never mind you see that damage down the flash I do not have a Pentax camera I got a lightning McQueen portable CD player it's a dollar ninety-nine it's in decent shape there are no souls on eBay but there's active they're like 25 to 35 I might put it back if the lines too long yeah the line was too long so if it's still there tomorrow when I post this video that's today for you come to the they come in Waukesha I don't know I'm the goodwill you'll find it 25 bucks or so on eBay it's the goodwill across from Pet Supplies Plus of that helps oh and there's a Boston store furniture gallery right next door if they don't exist anymore so that goodwill all right so my car can breathe a sigh of relief actually got recognized by another viewer in there I didn't catch his name so kind sir if you are the guy that I that recognized me in there hello alright one of my guilty pleasures you might not know about me is I love opera music this is out of Maria I just love opera music the voices on these people holy crap they can sing fun fact about a rabbit the thing is I really need to be in the mood for to listen to it I'm not in the mood for I cannot listen also I can only listen to so much of it before I get sick of it usually unless I'm having dinner or falling asleep oh you know I listen to you know 20 minutes or so and I am done this is what I call the airport goodwill because it feels like an airport although I'm used to Green Bay's little Regional Airport hair care entire Center so everything kind of feels like an airport let's see what we find in here you know sometimes having a family-friendly youtube channel isn't all it's cut out to be I just thought of a really funny kind of cheesy joke I think a lot of you would love I bet this is worth some money that's brand new and it's a good one it is gold but it's not the most family-friendly joke ever is that that's silly a dirty joke but it's definitely not family-friendly that's worth some money not $12.99 though so I can't I have to keep it to myself that is no fun so that's what I'm dealing with right now here's calling something here is the wired guitar that I mentioned earlier in the video they want 399 they're decent amount for it one thing you need to learn if you ever want to get into youtube you're ready for people look at you like an idiot because you're talking to yourself on camera people will stare what they do trust me you're gonna have to get used to that come out of your shell a little bit and get used to it yeah just Phillips don't work anything this one is not even branded okay so I am going to stop talking now because this video is already long enough as it is so this is a pass it is like 20 bucks new so I was looking at the knife blocks that's an area that I really should be looking more because some could be worth decent money this one is from Oh night it's brand-new they want 10 bucks for which is a lot the complete set it sold for 200 I'm gonna take it take a gamble this knife block its spending a little bit but the fact that it's me I'm gonna try and get 79 for it you never know is that dumb it might be a little high I don't know I'm gonna try it and see what it does it really aren't any comps but because I did find this knife this is the full set sold at least have the model number it goes to so one thing I want to point out you may have noticed I cleaned a house at the first store this morning shortly after they opened and it's been all downhill from there as we get later in the day right now it's like 6:30 7 o'clock I'm not finding as much and that is typically how it works especially once they get after about four o'clock when people are getting out of work and came into the thrift stores you tend to find more stuff in the morning so go thrifting in the morning so remember Wong he recognized me from YouTube he didn't see him on video but I mentioned him at the last st. Vinnie's he told me that that st. Vinnie's is not very good and I always seemed to do really well there he said this one here on Sunset is the best one so we're gonna put that to the test and find out I am just pulling in here I've never been to this store before it's the only store today that I've never been to let's find out if it's any good also this is gonna be the last store of the day because I left Green Bay 12 hours ago and I've been thrifting for 10 hours I'm getting tired so I just found what I think is the coolest find of the day it was in a display case so I don't have it in my possession but after I check out I'll show you so these are interesting harley-davidson museum enthusiast magazine looks like he's got some pins in there I don't know if that's relevant at all they've got a whole bunch home 692 each there are no souls but there's someone who has it listed 458 the thing is I wouldn't want to just buy one or two with something like this you want to buy all of them that way you don't have competition coming and buying them and lowering the price that's a lot though there are 24 of them at 692 each that would be what about 200 bucks or so always attempting though there's four people selling in any working 57 to 60 all four of them no occasion is here in Milwaukee so the probably buying it here but none sold it could be that it just came out and it's from 2008 but just came into the store and there's only a thousand of them made apparently so maybe they're you know just listed theirs I'm gonna keep an eye on it and see how it does if any a sold show up oh and I found this Magnavox DVD VCR combo 11:54 with the manual and it probably needs yeah and b17 nine it needs the remote that I bought today for 42 cents so it's dark in the car so I'm gonna show you this here also they're sewing these van seats for a hundred bucks that seems really high here we go so any battery case just like there's some tape on at some point I paid forty five dollars for this thing so you put your Sony CD player in there and attach us to the batteries I'm assuming if I pull it out here I'm trying to carefully do this without damaging the box it's got the styrofoam that's in this protective bag this thing looks like it was never used it looks brand-new look at this look how clean this is looks look in the battery compartment oh looks like it has cry no what in them oh so this unfolds and you put I guess C cells in there this thing is so clean looking it looks practically new so this is a creepy lighting what's it worth let's start with solds there is one sold two of them sold for parts for around ten bucks plus shipping yet you can't see that two of them sold for parts from oh ten bucks plus shipping one of them sold working for a hundred and seventy nine ninety nine plus shipping that's all there are for souls now let's look up active listings there is one that is really clean like mine comes with the Box everything they have a price is seventy-five which I don't know why they have a price that's 75 although it does look use it's not quite as clean as mine let's look at their listing description you're buying one lightly used Sony EBP 9lc battery pack yada yada yada box is rough um packaging are clean battery compartment looks unused strap included benign pictures I don't know why this guy has it so cheap I might buy this one because all the other ones here's wellness it for $2.99 no box 275 no box and a manual for 20 bucks and then there's aftermarket quick cables for $12.99 each there is one shipping from Romania for 391 so you know I don't know why they want so little for this seventy-five bucks when their comps are going for so much more so anyways I'm gonna price mine at three hundred and two hundred and ninety nine dollars or best offer and I may buy this one for seventy-five because he's got 75 in the free shipping I might buy down for seventy-five and do the same thing I'm a sentiment offer make offer you know I get a ton of lowball offers and my stuff I'm gonna give a lowball offer for once 3750 half when he's asked oh not 3737 fifty there we go let's see if he accepts this hey i accept some low ball offers well see submit offer well that didn't instantly decline so we'll see if i get maybe i'll buy it cheaper on ebay than I did at this thrift store so I've been thrifting for 10 and a half hours today that does not include the to a two-hour drive from Green Bay to Milwaukee I've got a chore drive back so I'm getting home at 9:30 and then left at 7 a.m. so it's been a long day but some days like this are worth it I probably spent well over a thousand dollars and I will probably make maybe three grand off of it that profit I'll get three grand back from a two grand profit just a rough guess it could be five grand it could be like twenty bucks I don't know I it's gonna take a little while to add all this up I guess I'm gonna be working this weekend I'm gonna go in and get this stuff listed so you might get a video this weekend or I might just hammer out some listings you know film the car is full though these last few stores when the passenger side of my best friend's ride trying to pilot it when the passenger seat now I need my GPS so I have to put my phone down so I hope you guys enjoyed this video and I don't see in the next one
Channel: Resale Rabbit
Views: 102,407
Rating: 4.6905661 out of 5
Keywords: ebay, amazon, sell on ebay, sell on amazon, fba, flip, flipping, resale, resell, reselling, resale rabbit, garage sale, rummage sale, yard sale, flea market, thrift store, thrifting, thrift shop, pawn shop
Id: pxCzf_0aVEQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 37min 58sec (2278 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 30 2019
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