This Lies of P Capacity Build Makes Combat So Easy!

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[Music] [Music] [Music] H it's volic and today I want to share with you the build I've been running in lies of PE this isn't anything fancy it's mostly just a testament to the unsung hero the Stat system in this game which is capacity I've read a lot of talk about how silly the weight system is in this game they achieving the lightweight classification is basically impossible if you want to run puppet parts that are even halfway decent initially I thought the same and I was running either normal or slightly heavy which was fine but eventually I got sick and tired of waiting like two full seconds after completing an attack animation to perform a Dodge for me this entire game revolves around anticipating the end of animations and planning your moves accordingly there's just no cancelling animations in this game and interrupting enemy attacks is exceedingly rare however if you have a sense of how far down the Stagger meter your enemy is so you just might be able to do it that feeling is just so good and in order to get there you really have to have as much freedom of movement as possible that all comes from staying below 30% equip weight as soon as I made the decision to run a light build I got to farming Ergo and just put all my points into capacity here are the [Music] results [Music] that was the play style that I wanted to cultivate in this game for sure incredible defeated the king now the build Variety in this game isn't really too Dynamic but there are definitely a few things to talk about and this build is reflective of the end game but you can really easily find most of the essential items very early on so it can work for any stage in the game let's get into the weapons I use the Trident of the Covenant which is a boss weapon you can trade the archbishop's Ergo for it's fast but also powerful and can cover pretty significant distances with ease it is also one of the only weapons in the game with an increased critical rate making this an effective crit build on top of of being quite fast for the legion arm the puppet string has been a pretty easy choice for me for the entire game scaling with tech but also providing an OP move set that I think is the best among all the legion arms and it improves greatly once it's upgraded fully I never switched this out for amulets the patience amulet is probably the most important piece of gear among equipable items it's probably the best item in the game actually uh you can use whatever weapon you want equip whatever defense Parts you want but without this amulet you'll always have trouble with stamina management the Assassin's amulet is a late game amulet that isn't entirely necessary but it synergizes very well with the trident's increased crit rate carriers is another vital piece of gear it increases carry weight obviously the plus one is a later game item but the normal version is attainable very early on the red fox is a late game stat buff providing plus three motivity and Tech but you can easily Swap this out for the tech amulet or the strength amulet which provide plus4 to either stat respectively defense Parts just equip whatever will keep you under 30% okay this brings us to the the namesake of the build the capacity stat now as far as I can tell this stat is easily the most powerful in the game because it doesn't have any caps it provides an additional 3.5 lbs of weight tier Max per Point spent now this is a hot take for this game because most everyone sees the weight system as rubbish and capacity is a dumb stat to level but it's the only stat that simply continues to provide an equal benefit no matter what stage of the game you're in whereas strength and decks are capped as their level rises I've seen various reports on this but it seems that they follow a curve instead of dropping off a cliff at like level 30 whatever stat you're scaling with initially you'll be getting like three or four points of damage from each level and then eventually you'll just be getting one right so like above level 40 or something like that you're just going to be getting one and maybe two like every so often but waight I'm above 50 right now I still get 3.5 lbs of weight carry believe me you're going to want to use all that carry weight too there are really dumb amulets that weigh more than great swords in this [Music] game so if you want want to experiment with different interesting builds with some of the boss amulets and stuff but keep things under 30% for the combat response you'll need high capacity so for me in order of importance I think capacity comes first then whatever stat your damage is scaling with as far as vitality and vigor go I think around 20 is good it can take you to the end game all right let's go over what I consider to be the essential P organs in the skill tree can I also say that the nomenclature in this game is just totally absurd I'm sure that you all know what I mean upgrading your characters p organ sounds like some arog gay anyway most everything I picked was just you know offense oriented that means stagger Fable and damage most importantly reductions in stamina consumption and Dodge Buffs were totally essential for this build phase one we have increase dagger window Fable slots and uh the most vital one link Dodge pretty sure everybody playing this game chose this as their first P organ okay anyway now in phase two you've got another vital Dodge buff which is the rising Dodge this is so important because in the event of getting flattened by pretty much any boss attack it dramatically decreases the time before you can recover and instead of getting up like all slow like you roll up in a very flashy manner let's face it this build is really just all about being a little bit more flashy retain guard regain is just a little bit of Defense I found weapon durability to be pretty annoying too so uh just because you have to fit in a very unflashy moment into your boss fights I buff that as well it really go without saying that more amulet slots are essential for any build really you need to be able to customize as much as possible especially because this game only provides precious few ways to do so phase three has almost no worthwhile nodes I just grabbed this to advance the skill tree honestly I unlocked some important smaller nodes that function within the build stamina consumption reduction charge attack stagger and more airgo phase four this has some of the most powerful Buffs in the skill tree and I went on to unlock every single node in the bunch add amulet Slots of course fa slots again essential offensive Buffs because Fable strikes activate regardless of your stamina meter so you can link these attacks after you depleted all of your stamina and it makes for some very flashy combos increased special grindstone uses is especially op later on because of the late game grindstones in particular the perfect grindstone perfect guard causes stiffness just makes traversal much easier phase five nodes are expensive as hell I never understood why wishstone uses were so important I've never even used the wish Stone once maybe it's because there are lots of stones that buff the Spectre and I've never even conjured a spectre pretty much out of Pride I wanted to beat all the bosses solo I sold every Star fragment I collected for airgo after phase five the skill tree actually evolves more into New Game Plus as well but I'm not there yet so I can't speak on it anyway let's go out to the test dummy and try out these weapons real quick not very much to this honestly I just wanted to show off why this trident is so great and it's all in the running heavy and the charge charged heavy so when you drive up on an Emy an emony when you drive up on an enemy opening with the running lunge is just a really great fast way to get a heavy in the charge heavy covers so much distance and just feels fantastic also I feel like you can charge heavy from the comfort of your home almost when we tax the stamina meter our recovery is extremely fast due to the patient amulet also consumption is at as low a rate as it can be and this right here is why I use the puppet string enough said okay so the Fable art is a quick combo I prefer this versus like the more slow ones the hitbox can be tricky but once you get it it's totally devastating okay that pretty much covers the entire build it's super fun to play quick as hell very satisfying here's a quick first phase with Simon Manis so that you can get the idea of what the build looks like in action I love how this build performed in this fight there are only a few paries in there and mostly it relies entirely on the speed of the Dodges and the short recovery time to get in shots here and there no fancy Fable Arts no huge one shot mechanics just good oldfashioned video game ass jumping around and kicking ass all right that does it for this video if it was at all helpful or fun drop a like and sub if you have any thoughts leave a comment thank you so much for watching I really appreciate every single one of you that's enough for me this time keep farming everybody [Music] [Music] SC [Music] the next evolution is coming the world of pro not large [Music] [Music] Pap Pap [Laughter] C
Channel: vaulics
Views: 52,603
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Lies of P, Neowiz Games, Build Guide
Id: Fko1cPHUs8c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 59sec (659 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 27 2023
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