FULL COMIC - Gravity Falls Season 3 (sorta!) - Gravity Falls Comic Dub (Gravity Falls: Lost Legends)

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It’s so beautiful! 😍

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gravity falls lost legends was released exactly one year ago today by Disney press an imprint of Disney Book Group if you'd like to read it for yourself the Amazon link is in the description if you enjoyed this video consider joining my discord without further ado here is the culmination of a freaking year of work hidden Neath the dappled beams of honey colored sunlight but twixt the blackberry brambles in the Brooks eerie song legends whisper of an unseen world unmarked on the maps of men is the land of the nose least among these creatures is Sherlock unknown they say is so stupid that he can only speak his own accursed name yes that's the one but there is more to this poor soul than meets the eye I would know I am fabulous greetings curious traveler although I was cursed by a dark warlock eons ago to only speak my own name once every thousand years I am gifted by moonlight to speak the tongue of man and tonight is that night all I am shunned by gnome Society for my regrettable curse I have made the most of my exile by studying the unknown secrets of this town specifically secrets of the family Pines through the summer I followed every one of their adventures included through their trash for evidence you can say I'm fat and have opinions loose ends I would like to see tied up and certain characters who I think should be with other characters romantically I think about a day and night it torments me no matter this isn't about that tonight I am here to bring you lost tales forbidden adventures from the past that had yet untold for your curiosity I have assembled these various contents here on this table this shall I say table of contents face it [Music] dipper I'm going to be out for three days hunting the elusive Mothman he owes me money I trust you to look after my journals will on God all three journals me after yes those are most of the words I said and a somewhat worrying order try not to sit too close to the TV Mabel this is amazing finally I have all three journals according to this Ford once stated a siren wowie Zowie paranormal rashes this was sure worth the wait [Music] son your friends long time no see Pacifica any more ghosts try to murder you this week I wish Dipper it's so much worse I got my first wrinkles look it's not funny our annual North West family magazine cover shoot is tomorrow ever since the hunting at Northwest Manor I've been on thin ice with mom and dad I need to look perfect for this year's photo or they'll cut off one of my six credit cards you don't understand first it's one wrinkle then another and before you know it you look like - your future sweetheart yep my makeup is useless I need your creepy book of nerd magic if it can chase away a ghost it can chase away a wrinkled pacifica look I'd like to help but those journals are super dangerous yeah their unholy power can only be wielded by a sweaty twelve-year-old in shorts fine then can I at least use your powder room I need to wash the smell of grandpa's and pine needles out of my hair second door to the left it's okay Pacifica Lian is fine if it's in the service of what really matters looks let's see vampire by No what's the point of being hot forever if you can't see your reflection fountain of youth public pools are for hobos uh here we go mr. what's-his-face can fix anything you don't like about your face for a body's to summon him simply finish reading this sentence yes this sentence the one you're reading aloud right you their magic Butler fix my eye bags chop-chop I've got places to be and people to make jealous but why stop at eye bags I can do so much more I can give you a face that's completely blemish free forever just for you to wear it just accept it no Pacific drop I'll pay in cash can you break a thousand dollar bill [Music] oh my gosh yes obviously I was trying to steal hers but a face is a face I suppose can't be too picky in this market thanks for summoning me by the way my work here is done Pacifica this is all your fault I told you not to touch that Journal I'm sorry Northwestern naturally good at lying it's hard to turn off what do we do how do we find that monster [Music] my face can see out his bag he's running towards Main Street what label Steve right here we're gonna hunt down that creep and get back your face on the bright side though your skin is super smooth something about growing as a person look I have to care about my appearance all right just like how you care about kissing aliens or whatever anyone well obviously you live in a barn [Applause] try to catch me if you did find I'm not anywhere it's not normal no it's paranormal welcome to my life didn't that freak show have some kind of key wait of course that's the president's key a former president gave this to me I think he also gave me cholera might want to get that check down prepare yourself Pacifica if I know gravity falls things are going to get weird Oh fun a tunnel made of living skin yeah I'm not going in there my sister has no face thanks to you we're going in are you insane this hallway has teeth you wanted to mess with magic well congrats Pacifica today you're messing with magic [Music] [Music] where are we credible I read about this in the journal it's a paranormal black-market under the town this must be where gravity falls weirdness hides during the day Oh salted cursors repressed memories by one we'll get one free crawlspace apparently the author searched for it for years but never found its way in we must be the first humans to make it inside alive Wow if this is what your days are like I understand why your only friend is a book so how are we gonna find your sister's face at this horror show I have a hunch everyone here has a price but we're going to need disguises quick we need to cover ourselves in garbage so we blend in what you don't want to be eaten by monsters do you fine like this what oh you are so dead I know exactly are you supposed to be oh isn't it obvious I'm Jackie the elf bandit and this is my servant troll boy I'm here to sell him into indentured servitude what quiet troll boy servants am i right you're all right love the garbage on your face so what can I do for you my servant here is looking for replacement body parts for obvious reasons I mean look at his abnormally large head it's not abnormally large we don't need puns we need faces doing business with you okay this is it we follow him we find Mable we beauty pills I need these specific ax we don't have time my fellow Dipper this is my channel who cares I care why are you so obsessed with looking so impossibly perfect why can't you just accept your human lack of a soul we're not humans we're just dogs save dogs that can talk what I don't know I'm not good under pressure we got ourselves a right proper human auction we have diamonds and gentle monsters stop John Bates oh gosh where's my wallet where's my wallet oh gosh oh oh you kids like burlap wait what do we do what about Mabel Mabel have you seen my world's most distracting objects could have sworn I left it in there what us out okay let's go to look at these beauty pills side effects spontaneous face explosion oh that's what I get for trusting a crow in a bowtie well looks like you're dumb obsession with your looks is gonna get us sold for spare parts of the Cryptkeeper so thanks I'm sorry you wouldn't understand what I'm dealing with well maybe you could try explaining there's just so much pressure on me Dipper my mom is a trophy wife literally my dad won her in a yachting competition she always taught me that beauty was everything and the ugly duckling never made any friends because his face was weird the end wait aren't there more pages nope enjoy your beauty sleep you've got a pageant tomorrow my mom always said people judge a book by its cover I need my cover Dipper because without it I'm not sure who I really am Pacifica you got to stop worrying about what other people think I mean the happiest people I know are Mabel and grunkle Stan one has chips in her hair and the other never wears pants as much as they hate to admit it you're smart creative confident forget about your dumb family ever since you saved me at Northwest Manor I've noticed another side of you I think I see the real Pacifica and you're more than just a pretty face you that flyer was false advertising give me Mabel's face back and nobody gets sued you're in my world and you do not want to face off with me when I can complete the set thank you for finishing my collection that's enough you thrift store freak show hand them over I'll scream so loud the cops will find this place from a mile away let's not be so hasty I can still give you the face you've always dreamed of let me keep them and you could look like this for all eternity but fights me and fix your inevitable future looks don't last Pacifica and when you're ugly so what will it be your looks my face my beautiful tornado of a face [Music] this is the weirdest day in my life [Music] they'll never find your faceless body prepare to be destroyed uncle Ford Stan called me when he found your sister like this it's a good thing I'm great at charades I've been trying to find that market for years it looks like I have a new specimen for the bunker nicely done kids it's great to get the band back together I miss these two papers yes you've got your face back and oh no it's 5:55 my photo shoot is in five minutes I look I look like me thanks guys I needed this hey why is Stan suddenly hot now and so Pacifica learned that beauty is only skin-deep and Tipper learned the best place for romances trapped inside a burlap sack speaking of which I intercepted this text exchanged between the two of them afterwards and I found it interesting very interesting hey Dipper so about that hug don't get the wrong idea or anything there was monster drool on my sleeve and I was just swiping it off on you as if I'd actually hug you on purpose this was pranked ex anyway if you think that seems sketchy prepare yourself for our next story calm mix-up baby well we've officially run out of things to talk about only there was a way to go on an adventure without getting a portal ting my neck we want a truckload of comic books Wow I will lead us filling my storage closet with her creepy porcelain angels so I need a new place to keep my comic collection enjoy whoa I don't power fantasies you can fix the boring dialog peek at my face is 90% chin I'll never punch away by notice so-called comic books are dumb racks for babies and the perpetually unemployed sous load these into the bottomless pit but mr. Karnes comics are a legitimate artistic medium like mr. Ike Benton Oh rodeo clowning Bolger yes words at pictures are an unholy union besides these goofy mop rags just distract the employees look Oh Archie who needs a personality where you have freckles that's it I'm hiding these wacky page before they convince you to go to art school Hey comics well I complain about online now I'll just hide them in Fords for a final jest no one would ever open this nightmare there's no way this could ironically backfire I'm finally free from comics or was he [Music] another day finds grunkle Stan scratching himself pantsless and alone but what is that yellow box Stan is fixed by the narration but alas he is too dumb to do anything about top that out Stan swipes but is too slow to stop the Bucks is this the end of our hero wise guy narrate me later down on the left it's dump box won't stop narrating me if you think I'm not just words like the sounds and meanwhile hmm you're clearly under some kind of curse did you insult anyone lately oh sure a nun some Girl Scouts the entire House of Representatives and some comics but I lock those in your old chest in the closet still but justice curse is everything you own cursed moments later Stan Pines you must atone for the sin of insulting the medium of the graphic novel don't you mean comic no I'm a graphic novel these kind of tensions is all just for that this world will [Music] this is bad later Oh No stands trapped in a comic course extra for our friends in Canada well my brother's charming personality has gotten us into another fix - get him out we're gonna have to go inside the comic and rescue him go inside a comic this is some advanced escapism finally a place where I could be violent with zero repercussions all right everyone things are about to get 2-dimensional say goodbye to your width it's been an honour to rescue your uncle if you did but beware you might be drawn into a terrible fate we're in now start looking for Stanley and don't touch anything this is so weird dogs cool - hats hey I guess I should have seen that coming be careful this world is subjective and unstable it could change styles at any movie which seemed to branch max magazine watch your step or you might get spoofed it's just the style fluctuation don't get destructed by the same enos you there you've seen a guy around here looks like me if I gave up on life [Music] way less funny when it's happening to me Oh family my eyes are for tortoise wait large eggs are gold this is hard tempered okey-dokey not go John Doe it's about frisky high school kids who have been 16 years old for the last decade everyone here are secretly in love with everyone else prepare for blushing yes there seem to be dangerously high levels of romance in the air just keep searching for that purple fella and whatever you do don't make eye contact [Laughter] crystal sailor angel capture cards Amanda finally kids it's like her to jerk quick follow him into that locker before our eyes get any big grim dark chronicles a comic for everyone you like dogs that's very popular you there have you seen a bunny man with a fedora and no respect for the laws of physics I can't see much how these pages are 80% pure black I have seen the Manu scene through those this metal first is chaffing guys I think we're getting close this could be it suddenly our heroes find themselves in the city of conflict roppa --less wait a minute after all colors this doesn't look right be and destructive unease issue number 618 over extended universe well well well if it isn't a girl tried to white out our caption we work hard on those quits how dare you oh my gosh destructor buddies i just want to say it's gonna be an honor to be guilt by you and I bet we could take these dorks then destructor bro has no weaknesses my one weakness hey that's cheating with no powers to burn Co are hopeless suddenly Susan friends gain Totally Rad powers and kick everyone's butts named pain Bo powers will beat you red orange yellow green black and blue catchphrase name over-thinker powers telekinesis catchphrase again name six shooter hours shooting first authoring journals later catchphrase sex name vlad widow powers cutting blades and cutting sarcasm catchphrase name dude do powers grows bigger every time he says dude catchphrase do you even have to ask you won't like me when I'm a mere bulldog that's a lot of bunnies I feel morally conflicted about this there you are okay wise guy now tell us where Stan is no more dad jokes are funny business Oh No I've been blown into the margins thoughts don'ts where are you oh man this is confusing a date that looks like a G where am I dipper one day mr. pines I know those sobs attack poison for my eyes stay back versus where you've burned I've never seen this comic before that's because no Stan Lee is my comic I drew it myself when I was 10 years old what are thought you hated comics I read them all captain Nazi puncher skin Varela the excessive force creating my own comic was my childhood dream while Stanford was reciting the digits of pi in asleep I was planning a cartoon Empire but I was rejected by publishers they said a little stale if you take too much swearing for kids and was technically a pyramid scheme and comic form I gave up on punchlines and instead just took up punching in general I was a cartoonist no more I also got into a fistfight with Stan Lee in 1973 but didn't help things that's why I can't bear to see comics now I loved comic Seuss the comics never loved me back hey you little Stanley for sale only three bucks swimming different to two stirs I'm gonna poison your lasagna sarcastic pop goat all it's time to reform comic lover like me we have so much to discuss secret identities walk to us convention orders flattering muttering don't keep it down I don't want sarcastic bub to make fun of me you stop bubbles can be hurtful he sassy I got good news for you dog comics have changed since you were kid why packing I don't know dinosaur time so ever now thanks to the Internet you're gonna have an army of creepy fans without ever leaving your basement or putting on pants really do hate pants welcome to the world of comics I just think you have someone you need to apologize to all right lesson learned pal I love comics okay now let me out here you mean you love graphic novel no I mean comics just say never in that case prepare for a novel death and it's gonna be quite graphic guys your escaped yeah I remembered this place is just made out of paper it's really easy to cut plus we realize we need to pay another $14.99 to buy the next issue of this story $14.99 that's highway robbery that's a former highway robber I would know you can't escape that easy I'll just keep introducing plot twists and villains until you're done for and there's nothing you can do to stop me oh yeah is this the end of me yes a powered [Music] third dimension oh I missed you well I think we've all learned a lesson today reading is bad we should burn all books and overthrow the government I'm not sure that's the takeaway I'm just glad to be back to normal oh thank god a little photocopy some staples some nacho Stearns and voila well Stanley number one is in business but but what if no one buys it I haven't gotten better at drawing since I was 10 I think I accidentally photo copies of our mayor's in there maybe we should take him down book for kids the swears met call crying a gun I think I've got aching my I let that be a lesson to all of us beneath every hard groggily exterior beats the soft nerdy heart of a soos our next story concerns weirdmageddon although bills demise repaired the rift gravity falls was never quite the same after a giant fault line which Tippin named Mabel's fault opened up in the forest phone reception began glitching and a few tiny dimensional ribs remained popping up in the oddest places Ford decided to invite the kids along on one last adventure to repair these wormholes unfortunately when one riff closes another one sometimes opens in a story I call don't dimension it we're not camping this is a scientific expedition or searching for leftover multi-dimensional rips from weirdmageddon a pact with alien adhesive to keep an eye out for anything that seems love crafty great-uncle Ford what was it like in the multiverse anyway confusing one minute you're breathing air the next are breathing fingers thank you found a sandwich it's a planet you just ate a planet multiverse tips don't eat planets got it just be careful where you point that nerd gun Brainiac we need these kids back on the bus in three days and I want them going home in one piece Stanley under your watch the twins fell into a bottomless pit I'm not sure you should be giving caretaker advice what I'm the best chair Jagger ever I've taught these kids valuable life lessons like how to hot water cob cars what's dippers real name solemn you I don't know bottom line I could care take your circles around you not now sweetie Hey tipper guess who I brought along yeah Mabel didn't you hear Ford this is a dangerous mission come on tell me some about one Pig time before summer's over Mabel I knew you don't want to hear this but don't you think you're being a pinch salt center at the least self-centered person trust me it's scientifically proven that every adventure is better with a pig right waddles Wow I want these kids like a hawk nothing gets past me I wore my infinity belt Stanley grab hold of me [Music] Oh Mabel No [Applause] [Music] ooh [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] whoa girl you are fierce and I love it hello there you must be new here which Mabel are you uh the best Mabel obviously badly Eric it's me here's a joke how many people's does it take to screw in a light bulb oh my gosh I am so sorry lipo Mabel I just don't understand what is this place allow me to explain Oh when similar beings get lost in the multiverse they tend to be drawn to each other cluster you together like potato chip crumbs at the bottom of the bath welcome to dimension made 3l we're lost Mabel stick together thanks explainable super helpful how do we get out of here unfortunately we're trapped forever the smartest Mabel here brain bull tried to invent a dimensional escape pod but she's been too busy working on her sticker collection to finish it what I mean I love stickers as much as the next neighbor I bet if we work together we get that puppy up and running sorry I totally lost my train of thought when you said puppy sweetie you come out I've got some candy for you I'll give you some delicious vitamin supplements 14 kinds of saying you don't know anything about Mabel do you of course I do I scanned our entire molecular structure the day I came here guess how many enzymes she has huh the answer might surprise you sixer I swear I lose my nice family trust me we'll find Mabel I know the multiverse keeping one where mageddon and i don't need another one chugs looking around to it one of appreciate your attitude may bro these maples are driving me crazy stance can't get here soon enough finally a normal one oh hey which maple are you they haven't given me a name yet thank goodness I don't know why they think everyone needs one sounds like your aunt no I'm just a regular Mabel like you listen there's a way out of here but I don't trust these other whack jobs to work together with me some of these other Mabel's seriously creep me out hey Stan go a single and ready to mingle you got friends searching for you right we need to send a signal to them military expert Mabel has a flare gun but she says it's for emergency raves only you distract her I'll steal it and together we can get back to our home dimensions I like the way you think maybe that's because I think this distress beacon will either summon an intervention good Samaritan or an unimaginable beast that feeds on fear I like those dogs well internal my particles water your pottery backslash doing out here in the multi sticks looking for the best grandniece in the multiverse you seen her baby but I've never a lot of no criminal to my truck my criminal record made it into space gotta admit I'm kind of impressed with myself I was talking about him your water posters are everywhere from hearing a lot of drama used area mr. goody nerd chooses a criminal out ere look I might have stolen a few hundred parts to build my quantum disabled Iser but it was all in the name of science house if I was leave him cuffed in the back and I sit in the front three laissez dark matter more like York matters today I was surrounded by bodies i won the war but I lost I was all like totally been there [Music] their jizz quick pat towards that exploding child need a bathroom break begging me I am so considerate what are you doing would you rescue us correction he's here to rescue me you're stuck here idiot what you think I want to be trapped in this godforsaken mini Pole listening to these nitwits talk about boys and glitter for all eternity I don't even like glitter what kind of baby are you the exact kind of Mabel you aren't and considering how easy it would be for me to guess this you'll probably never figure it out ding ding ding I was chased out of my dimension for being the most evil Mabel in the multiverse I have no home to return to that's why I'm going to leave with your uncles and take over your life and there's nothing you can do about it think you can find your girl among all these Google acts why of course I oh dear can't recognize your own niece huh who's the bad caretaker now I'll help right after I finish my latest tricky table I'm going to be better but in order to do that I need to get back home my right is leaving and if you help me catch it I promise I'll never be selfish again don't you ever scare me like that again pumpkin apologies dearest uncle I will not transgress your laws again haha transgress classic Mabel Stanley something seems off about Mabel oh here we go you're just jealous that I was able to pick her out of a crowd and you weren't right uncle Stanford do you have any futuristic mega weapons that I could bring home with me for educational purposes yes over there by the airlock ooh have you lost your mind [Music] I really did we were all going to go home as one happy family looking forward to my new dimensions by the way been hankering for a new civilization to overthrow Babel sweetie I think maybe you've had too much soda donuts them you got the wrong one oh you are loving a chance to throw this in my face sounds like you two need some space endless space got me bad Mabel I think I'm going to visit that big Mabel at home tell them tell them he's a cute little good yes rescued by mouth just like in my dreams this is dumb all of this is dumb I'd like to see you try walk up uppy going on which one's the real navel I get to fully adorable this always happen with doubles it was hopefully some way to tell them apart [Music] you think you've defeated me but I'm a part of you every selfish choice you make that's being just like me what do you have to say to that this is the military name [Music] that clue sealed my wounds soldier thanks for everything you find our various home dimensions I can't wait to see my dipper again well I guess we're both terrible caretakers rescued by our own niece I don't know how we'll live this down maybe it's time for you to take care of each other hey multiverse this is how we do it in Jersey hide spies I can't believe you got to go to the multiverse what was it like real stupid but the stupidest part was me I guess what I wanted to say is I'm sorry for being selfish this summer I guess it took me dealing with myself to realize what you put up with okay who are you and what have you done with Mabel I shot her out of an airlock oh I also got something for you from someone named Mae Dipper she said I could have it what this is for me time for us to start some new adventures and this time I won't always hog the spotlight Oh if you ever see someone who looks exactly like [Music] so dipper and Mabel's supernatural summer came to a close of course they weren't the first pies twins to get into paranormal trouble I was rooting through Stan's secret straw when I found this old scrapbook which hadn't been opened since 1960 something you can still smell the salt water taffy in it I discovered many fascinating things but most fascinating of all was a tale about the original mystery twins that had been lost to time on to how a tale I like to call Jersey Devils in the details Wow our heroes punch those pirate ghosts right in the crotch and the stand of war makes its get away with the treasure I'm not sure ghosts have options that's what makes you the smart one sixer thanks Mike spice boy this would be a lot more fun with water so what are we gonna do today buddy search for dead rats oh they'll appear steal some wood those new pies I'm thinking of hunting down one of these urban legends did you know that New Jersey is over 300 monsters in this county alone I love it sixer we got the whole summer ahead of us nothing's gonna stop us from finding a lobster Yeti of your dreams he needs you so I come down to the pawn shop for a nice day of overcharging tourists for buffalo nickels and what do I say Archaeopteryx lots of barf I find my swankiest gold chain missing from its case what'd you say we did this pop no I'm saying you did this Stanley first there was mrs. cran belters glass eye then there was your crab fighting brain you're always pickpocketing and monkey shining and this is the last straw Stanford all day Philip sixer Yap ha I know Stanley's got a reputation but this time it's really not him you really want to stick your neck out for goofus over here then prove it smart guy you've got 24 hours to find the chain or Stanley is going to be grounded indoors for the rest of the summer zorp ah I'm innocent jewelry's for girls and pirates what kind of weirdo would want that chain anyway wait weirdo the Jersey Devil let it has it that this cloven-hoofed weirdo of the night hides by the boardwalk and pilfers gold and jewels to add to its collection many have hunted it but none have lived to tell the tale are you saying that horse-faced doggy goblin stole paws chain effects look hoof prints hot biscuits you might be onto something we're gonna find that monster get the chain and get back our summer hey mom we're off to investigate a scientific anomaly we're sneaking out to find the devil beyond by dinner is this your car I knew you were gonna say that okay time to stock up on mystery hunting supplies and weapons way ahead of you say hello to my associate shake load the stab pasta part pet part assassin the perfect weapon primitive but effective bad boy shake would stab those mysteries ding ding did someone say mystery who are you creeping cold captain's where the sibling brothers no one cracks like a pie quicker than us ain't that right ah Scott you betcha loafers Dicky and I'd say it's true rubble o'clock that's clue Cove yikes you guys always talk like this surely you've heard of our capers in the papers we're here to sleuth the socks off the peculiar puzzle of the purloined pawn shop what hey back off this mystery is already ours we call it first you no offense but it must be hard to stay undercover when you have six fingers and your brother has a possum in his pants that's his home he's nesting sorry Chucky see you in the funny papers don't listen to those jerks everyone's jealous of your extra finger and I will never apologize for this pants possum we just need to find that beast before they do according to this book clues could be in two places this seems like a good place for children hey bustles you see the monster around here shorter every time I look in the mirror nor as a better look at walrus girl or get lost we're not leaving until we get info on that thing where is it hiding sorry boys but we don't give us secrets to Normie yeah we ain't got time for average Jackson freak down why don't you walk your normal amount of legs out of here Normie I made fun of her Finnegan I'm so confused who you callin Normie one of ah very well we will confine in a fellow abnormal out legend says the Jersey Devil whips bothers very dark a clue to its whereabouts was tattooed on my back by a drunken sailor many years ago but I was never able to crack the riddle each saltwater Jaffe seagull flavoured taffy oh no sorry I rent out this shoulder for ads look bonus buy a house of light at 6 o clock a pathway hidden in the rocks descend below the stony stare you'll find the devil lurking their house of light bar kids say how do the devil for me I like them ok let me do all the talking hey eyepatch we're gonna rubbage through your junk what I said are old Chuck Krabs on your face huh who do you think yours I sub like brothers I ain't lettin unknown delinquent like Stanley Pines in here now strand before I call the awkward teenage lifeguards I don't get it I said all the right things there's gotta be another way too oh you've gotta be kidding me well die by now looks like another break in the case dandy this calls for a flavorless malt do you mind we're walking here very well we were just on our way to smugglers look out oh my god we killed the Zeppelin brothers want to steal their outfits and impersonate them to get into the lighthouse logical that's logical out of my way Gramps why it's clearly the sibling brothers by my side talking yeah yeah nobody asked your life story oh look the sweater is giving me hives if I ever dress like this on purpose put bleach in by Ovaltine hmm it's 6 o'clock I Sooni pathway wait if six o'clock isn't a time maybe it's an angle 90 degrees of rotation this is the coolest thing I've ever seen and I once saw a pelican eat a firecracker to the cave so exciting it could be on the version the cryptozoological finder the century will be in periodicals periodical send Li imagine post seeing our faces in the papers hmm yeah a forge why do you think paw is so hard on me do you really think of a bad kid what no it's just you you like taking shortcuts and sometimes it gets you into trouble you know just sometimes feels like Paul hates me our old man just has a short fuse no matter what anyone says you're a good kid Stanley hey come back shake good you're only supposed to pickpocket strangers wait Stanley the white allow us oh you two we have something you might want to see unless you two getting tricked by a horse and good look Buster while you two are playing dress-up we just solved the case and you ain't gonna like it Stanley we've got photographers all over town how do you think we solved every mystery looks like your idiot brother is the sickie fingered scofflaw but I don't understand why would he do it why would he lie to me and what about the Jersey Devil there is no Jersey Devil it's just an excuse sailors made up to explain why rum goes missing and it was your brother's perfect cover Oh Stanley hey sixer the good news is I found the light but there's also bad news [Applause] the Jersey Devil it's real I'd be excited if I wasn't so terrified hey hey look who finally learnt the swear hell we'll be safer there Stanley what are you still pause train I trusted you I defended you I didn't steal it okay I was borrowing it I was gonna polish it up for paws a Father's Day gift what I accidentally smash the game's when I got too scared and embarrassed to tell him what happened no matter what I do I'm not a genius like you I'm a dumb idiot who screws everything up you know what it's like being the stupid twin I wish just one spa would look at me the way he looks at you like he actually likes me Stanley well got my shoes what have we here looks like you've got a choice Stanford you've always wanted to get your paranormal beasts and we've got one right here at our fingertips give us the photos proving your brother's guilt and we'll let you keep the monster otherwise we'll frame you both look Stanford your brother may be guilty but you're not why should you be punished for this morons crimes one day you're gonna realize that you're too good for him do you really want your brother to be dragging you down for your whole life join us or go down together fine I guess it's important to admit when you've been bested and you've invested can of Shanklin you idiot now no one will know you found the Beast just who do you think you are I'll tell you who we are where the Ponce twins kings of New Jersey where rare doesn't hooligans and we look out for each other and misfits like us now get off my dock just you wait we'll get our revenge there's no room in this town for freaks like you oh yeah call it right that's how Stanley and me wound up grounded for the summer to be honest we didn't even mind its own terry confinement isn't so bad was the right prison mates ha was angry when Stan confessed but I think some small part of me appreciated the honesty I guess I'll never know hey sixer you think will really be adventuring for the rest of our lives only time will tell Stanley Stanford over the bounding sea one was a brave adventurer the other was Stanley Adventures dentures to travel to foreign lands with fists and brains and bodily pains nothing can stop the sad Stanford bravely teaches Matthew a well Stan will flirt with mermaid gals and probably will fail so the Stan brothers began an adventure of a lifetime the kind of adventure that would make a great movie honestly maybe a miniseries is that too much to ask honestly would it kill them to give us some new adventures after summer comes fall a whole new season if you will it can't be the only one who wants another season right right I've invested so much time in these characters lives the can't just leave me but I suppose all tails must end as an old gnomish proverb the gara which I believe translates to every sunset leads to a sunrise by the vag of the Nome was choking on a pine cone perhaps it is time for me to stop observing start living my own stories before I return to my prison of silence I offer you one last secret there is a message hidden in this book and the only true way to find that messages I'm gonna walk if you've ever seen in Northwest map you'll identify this tourist trap from the outside it looks like crap but let's magic in it and now it's been a long a long time this is summer amongst the times take a trip we'll be mistreatment and take me back to the place I know it's a mystery Jack and Flores know see gravity [Music] from my body part does my heart say you rabbit been out of play you don't see that every day there be even more just a live longer probably a lot to take and I know you might think it's pain but I'm telling you Lake there's a gob of Wonka take me back to the place I know with the mystery Jack and the haunting go some oh man my heart's in gravity if you did that Oregon [Music] my body part cos my heart's in gravity whatever could enchant in the way that grunkle Stan does if we're lucky and we [Applause] take me back to the place I know with the mystery Shack and the forest gnomes I'm already back so come on let's go don't get me started my heart's in gravity falls you even grunkle Stan like these new red and green M&Ms I don't know I never met the guy exist [Music]
Channel: Charley Marlowe: Non-Binary Voice Actor
Views: 2,046,237
Rating: 4.9361253 out of 5
Keywords: gravity falls, gravity falls comic dub, comic dub, bill cipher, Gravity Falls Lost Legends, Mabel, Mabel Pines, Gravity Falls Mabel, Reverse Falls, Gravity Falls Season 3, Lost Legends, Bill Cipher Al
Id: e-ZAdae8feo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 65min 22sec (3922 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 24 2019
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