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okay don't say it don't say it don't say it don't say it well today i'm doing kind of a crappy job [Music] it's hot it's dry it's late july that means we're working on the forage harvester in the morning when it's not too bad and then hauling out some manure in the afternoons when it's hot and we want to be in the air conditioning of the trucks at least the loader well the loader air conditioning is on full blast as you can see both the window and door open the key is to load upwind from [Music] the truck so that you don't get dusted so throughout the year we are always maintaining our cattle pins to make sure the manure isn't getting too deep and that helps the when it does rain the water runs off of it to the lagoon it doesn't get too muddy and then when it's dry we keep it piled so it's not too dusty and so you can see we kind of put it into piles and the piles will actually dry out faster than the flatter part of the pin so the cattle will lay on that when it's muddy and wet and then in the summer when it's dry uh is when we like to load out because we can haul light i mean we can haul full loads of dry lighter manure to the field and then we can spread it on a dry field and not have the compaction here in kansas we can spread during the winter we like doing it in the summer at least large amounts at a time just because uh it works better doing it after a wheat crop and when it's dry so uh we we double cropped every wheat field except for this one we're spreading manure on and so that's what we're doing today [Music] oh yeah that's a good big load so right now i am uh hauling by myself waiting on reinforcements uh dad was raking some hay this morning and uh i think he might be showing up with the kenworth tandem truck uh here soon and then greg and kendall they are at a speaking event this afternoon and they're driving back all the way from iowa and we'll hopefully be home tomorrow afternoon and can help a lot of times we we home and er like we chop silage you know three trucks and two loaders and we hammer it all out real fast but um i'm starting it out slow and steady with one track and load by myself so [Music] [Applause] [Music] so last year we had a very wet summer a wet july and so the one the wheat field we left open equipment on once it rained so much in july it was pretty much muddy until we're not muddy but it was it was wet until we were ready to drill weed again so we did spread some manure on it but not a whole lot we had also hauled a lot out the summer before that so we didn't have as much and so we didn't spread that much over the summer last year but [Music] this year we should have a pretty good amount more um we're not not planning on just doing uh like the most we've ever had but we'll see if we cover this whole field we'll at least start on one side and work our way over and then maybe finish it out another year we either spread manure on the toughest spots of fields or we just try to cover the whole thing evenly we'll just make sure to get some out all the pens so we're in good shape going into next winter i'm driving right by our irrigation pivot that's running and it's it's the one that has been giving it some trouble but now for the last day or two it's been been working but there it is but i get to check it every 20 minutes today by driving fast all the time so uh hopefully it keeps working [Music] look at that nice load of organic fertilizer [Music] my health is here dad is a wizard with a loader if there was loader competitions i'd put dad up against anyone world championship world championship olympic loader and tractor bucket work nobody's beating dad i just got off the phone with a salvage yard in kansas city to get a new air ride seat for the semi because this seat broke right uh like the first couple days of wheat harvest or something like that and so it doesn't have any air ride left to it it sits down low and is rough and it's kind of complicated to fix the bars like broke under there i don't even know for sure but anyways we didn't really want to buy a brand new seat for an old truck because i guess we're cheap i don't know but anyways greg and kendall are driving back from iowa through kansas city and so i found a salvage yard from at least well it's a truck shop but they sell use the parts and found a cheaper option for a seat so they're gonna pick it up on their way home three hours three hours away but it works so that'll be nice to it should go right in here and be a lot better so we've said it before on uh blogs and on our manure spreading video uh we really like putting cattlemen out on our fields it raises the organic matter and it provides nutrients for for several years after it's applied but we uh we don't our cattle don't produce enough manure to to use all you know organic fertilizer on all our fields um we can we can cover about 40 to 80 acres of summer and we get we'll see um that manure those nutrients released over the next two to three years most of them coming in the first year and so we could never uh cover all of our acres there are ways to to farm organically and use all manure and like legumes to give yourself nitrogen and to avoid uh synthetic fertilizers um but that's not how we we choose to farm you know we like to do things organically when we can and we like to recycle our cattle manure and try to be good to our soil and good stewards but we do use uh synthetic fertilizers to you know help get the production we need to be profitable but we do really like building our soils with manure this field that we're putting it on this year has produced several good crops and it's probably been 10 years since we've spread manure on it and we've had a few years of good crops and the phosphate levels are getting down and so instead of applying more um synthetic phosphorus uh we're gonna put manure on there and that'll boost them up and then also give us some nitrogen and uh typically we can raise some really good wheat following an application of manure and we'll we'll see the organic matter increase in our soil test and uh will it'll help us raise good crops in years to come some of the downfalls of applying manure is it's it can be some compaction and then it also typically we have some weed seeds we don't um some people like compost their manure and uh it kind of that'll kind of burn weed seeds out of it we don't do that and so we typically also manure just makes the perfect environment for uh seed to grow but uh the benefits definitely outweigh um you know that we just have to be prepared after we apply it to know that there's going to be heavier wheat pressure in those fields and the only other thing i think of is like sometimes it it can cause lodging issues it can cause wheat to fall down if you if you over fertilize so we i try not to put too much nitrogen on a wheat field following an application of manure so that it doesn't fall down that's kind of like too much of a good thing it's not really an outfall so we are moving to pin seven so i am going to uh dad's opening uh into the pin we just finished well it was already open but he's closing the other gates through the alley and i'm gonna get these cattle out of here and take them over to that pen because we've tried loading out of the same pin cattle around before and it just never works out well they are sure to find the gate [Applause] okay need some oil yeah you better run well actually still we still need to scrape here scrape the loose dry stuff loose dry stuff into a pile but we'll also just scoop off the pile so the first two pins dad had scraped up ahead of time but i kind of got ahead of him but now he will scrape this dry stuff all the loose stuff on top and that's mostly what we're hauling out but we will take off the piles soon we like to have some piles for uh like in the winter because the rain and snow will run off the piles and they'll dry off faster and the cattle will lay on the dry piles this is one of dad's favorite things to do is scrape pens he just i think it's relaxing you know he's just in circles and pile and then it'll make it a lot easier to scoop up to make it go a lot faster there's nathan finishing up loading the gray and dump here we've been going with three trucks um and dad's also been running the scraper up there on the hill right there if the third truck is caught up he quickly scrapes the next pin and then we kind of all take turns rotating through moving cattle out of the pin if we need to and then opening gates to get into that pin i started in the gray hand dump and then i did one load in the kenworth and now i'm in the wide end dump the last two loads so get another load down here he's going to get out of here and i'll be up next motor's hiding right over that hill all right so i just parked that semi i'm done unloading for the night i'm gonna use that same loader to load feed for the cattle we're gonna kind of clean out the bucket first uh dad went to an outdoor uh theater broadway rfd which was put on my uh in lensburg local town and then nathan went to play volleyball with riley but um i was just on a trip for several days so i um i'm not going anywhere tonight so i'm gonna finish up chores go to a pasture real quick and then we're going to reuse all this equipment so i'm not really going to put too much away one very important thing is to put one pin of cattle back to a different water they have access to one water but i got to put them back in the pan i'm going to feed them in and give them access to different water and that's an important thing to check at the end of the day don't want to leave cattle on this type of heat without water for more than even like an hour so there's pen 4b and now the bunk line is packed down real tight behind the bunk line so that should help it stay solid for a little while too all right today is our last day of spreading manure uh yesterday nathan and dad were out here with two spreaders and they spread about this uh 50 60 acre patch here now we're gonna go finish what's along the trees over there that i was working on yesterday so we should finish it up here pretty quick with two spreaders i'm gonna try to get some footage for you guys um but both spreaders going and today should be our last day of spread manure so as you walk through the field here you can kind of see how it evenly distributes the manure kind of all over the field you don't really want too much in one spot well just the right amount all right so we got quite a few piles here um we've probably spread about half of the piles that we made here and we're gonna keep keep working on it this morning [Music] so so the way this works is that the tractor's got a pto that spins around um that runs those beaters back there and that's what spreads it and then it's got these hydraulics that push this bar um back and pushes the manure out and then the the beaters spread it this is what you don't want to stand behind when it's when it's turned on that would be bad [Music] so [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] it's been really nice having the topcon gps showing us where we've spread and where we have it we basically just paint whenever we turn the miner spreader on [Music] [Music] [Music] got to make sure we get this one nice and full this is our smaller manure spreader we used to have two of these kelly orions now we've we used this one over here as our main one and this one is our that's our backup thought i'd ride with nathan for one round just to make sure we get some footage this is our good old kelly ryan miner spreader we used to have two of them and uh they worked really good in tandem because it took the same amount of time to unload and load so with this the other bigger one uh it kind of it takes longer to load and unload but it still works pretty good to do to alternate and then you keep the loader loading that makes it go a lot faster basically the other the other one has auto steer and like nathan said kind of has a different spread pattern so we basically take this smaller spreader to where we need to like a different part of the field it kind of does its own pattern and like yesterday that i was doing i was using that one in the big straightaway or open area and then dad was kind of filling in smaller spots with this one so this one's a lot easier to maneuver so all right nathan's while nathan spreads i load and while i spread nathan loads all right last load [Applause] hope you guys enjoyed watching the manure vlog um we'll probably be doing this again in the winter generally the two times a year we spread manure our july and maybe february or november it kind of depends on when it's dry sometimes we have a really wet winter and can't spread any in the winter we had a few comments asking why we choose the hottest time of year to spread manure well that's when we have time it's when it's dry it doesn't compact the fields but weighs less less wear and tear on our equipment so july is a good time for us and it's a good thing to do recycling nutrients all right thanks for watching everybody we'll see you next time [Music]
Channel: Peterson Family Farm
Views: 13,682
Rating: 4.9780908 out of 5
Keywords: peterson farm brothers, family farm, peterson family farm, peterson farm bros, farming, agriculture, manure, spreading manure, hauling manure, cattle
Id: JudItu8naMc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 55sec (1435 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 02 2021
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