Swather Showdown: MF vs NH

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i am headed to the field for something i hope you guys enjoy we have a demo new hall and swather with some upgrades it's uh 2022 actually so it's very is we're actually it's in the future because it's still 20 21 but uh we're gonna race the salesman is gonna drive the new holland jose is gonna drive the massey the one we have we're gonna go head to head hope you guys are excited because i'm excited they're talking big like this thing's pretty sweet i've never had anything against new holland the uh well we are very particular about the way the um a swather lays down the the swath pass we need a very consistent and then uh we also want the dual that we run the dual conditioners but we need a consistent pass where or lays it down consistently in the past the new holland has left clumps on either side i forget which side maybe both of the pass and i do not want those green wet clumps in uh in the windrow that'll cause problems later so uh we used to have several new holland sickle swathers but we haven't had a new holland rotary swather so anyways they've got this new one out it actually runs on has the same system pump system steering system as the massey my my jose ran it yesterday i wasn't able to get out there but today i have time this morning we're going to race them this should be fun i mean as much fun as it can be and we'll see if we can't find a sweet jump to take it off with if it survives a jump it's probably worth keeping after the swather race i'm going to jump in a truck meet so kade's off on a delivery they're off in ajo delivering some cow hay to a feed a guy with some cows callie not not not dairy cows when i say cow hay i mean like ranch quality low end kind of maybe got sprinkled on a little bit uh hey and then i'm gonna jump in his truck and meet them i bought some big bells from a guy i think there's gonna be a bit of a shortage of big bales so my plan is to stock up and have them so i'm gonna work i'm gonna meet him in a truck and then we're going to load and haul some big bales kind of exciting news cade is moving to texas so it looks like my wife and i or i someone the farm i don't know what i haven't decided are gonna become truck owners so we're gonna buy out his trucks trailers and have our own trucks and trailers which i do enjoy semis i'm not a very good mechanic i've learned a lot from kate because he's pretty good at everything so it's uh life's about to get more challenging i always say i want less fires to put out because all i do is run around and put out fires and owning semis it's gonna be like adding just gasoline to the fires um so this should be fun i'm not exactly sure when that's gonna happen his wife's already in texas uh he's working on uh getting over there with her i told him we can just buy him out now but he's a man of integrity he said no i'm not gonna leave you hanging right in the middle of the season i'll stay until november but i told a man we can we can make it without you but uh i do appreciate that about him anyways so everything's on everything's on very good terms don't think anything bad he just uh some family stuff he's like man i i think it's time i moved to texas so he's moving to texas and i'm buying semis it's like i'm i'm happy but i'm not happy i'm nervous i'm anxious anyone want to come be a truck driver but seriously anyone want to come via paul hey it's kind of nice it's busy in the summer slow in the winter no yes just email me email me i had the craziest dream last night that uh i was killing gophers but they were huge gophers that like dug dug a hole out it was a massive hole like the hole like where they lived was huge and they drug that drug like sofas in there somehow and i think henry's toys were in there it's like this is where all this stuff has gone and uh at a pistol i was just blasting them it was awesome just just shooting them right in the face i hate gophers but they were off they were big gophers they weren't i mean they could drug they drug a couch into their hole and their hole was big was very large so obviously they weren't it was a dream don't get mad about me killing animals people still get mad about me killing that rattlesnake but a lot of people are are dumb and they don't realize that uh rattlesnakes are dangerous and i am not a professional snake handler and so i was not about to catch that snake and take him to a new home not i'm a farmer so anyways had a crazy dream about just just blast and go first but they're huge like they were big like not as big as a person but pretty close i don't know i don't know i told you guys that i just kind of random i just popped up into my head because i see some gopher holes in this field when i talk about the uniformity uniformity of the swath pass or the windrow that it leaves behind this is what i'm talking about it's very uniform and smooth across there's a little bit of a hump on this side but this is smooth from the entire way across now the old models of that new holland would leave clumps right on the edge we can't have those clumps i mean guys i'll obviously run them which is fine but we just we don't like them we don't want them i don't want green we don't want green clumps in our bales to show up green spots cause fires they mold they whatever but uh i mean a lot of guys run them so um we're just extra picky i guess i don't know so let's get this race on alright so it's time we got one we got two now the speed is not the most important thing the quality of the cut and the pass that it makes is the most important thing let's mount two cameras up and we're gonna go for it so so i'm standing here with brant and adrian they are from bingham equipment and obi the dog best dog guys what can you tell us about this new piece of machinery well trevor we're really excited we have uh a new generation of windrower out from new holland that's called the 220 plus with that comes the 416 plus so we've taken a lot of the the great things about the machines and it's undergone some pretty significant updates uh the steering system the overall chassis has changed on the machine uh then when we move to the header uh there's some changes there with the profile the header and then the way we're moving the crop out of the back end uh so we're really liking what we're seeing so we'll go over some of that bit by bit awesome let's get a closer look okay we are at the back of the swather to look at the new and improved that is new and improved right yeah we hope so we're gonna try it out a little bit but yeah so tell us what we got going on here brant all right so looking at the back uh the back end here the most notable thing that we're gonna see is the axle or the frame has actually been stretched back 10 inches so an effort to improve that drivability that frames longer uh what you see now is a single piece rear axle with an airbag in the center one airbag let's get under there there we go airbag right there if you recall we we've had two uh which hasn't been a problem but going to the single piece rear axle uh it's got a single air bag in the center to keep it all locked in tight we have the four post opposing linkage it's called the pteroglide system two on this side two on the other side you got it yeah that equals four uh carry the one yeah so putting them at an angle like this uh you know it keeps the axle uh settled underneath the back of the machine instead of a parallel linkage we've got them angled right here new holland angled them in for us help keep that rear axle nice and stable under the machine minimize any sway or knocking that would go on back there okay serious question how does this handle killing gophers you won't even notice good well i i told him i had a dream last night i was killing like dog-sized gophers last night and it was i was telling earlier in the video i was shooting these things in the face just okay go for destroyer yeah we'll try it i haven't tried it for that yet but uh it's early so we'll see uh coming around to the back end this is new holland's field demo machine for us so it's inspect with a single arm caster always an option there for new holland here we've had a lot of success with the forked rear axle but it's customers choice so you can run each tell us which one you like this one you can get a little bit bigger tire and then there's just trade-offs both ways but whichever way someone prefers you can get that another another change that we saw here this is a significant one is we've gone from the mechanical linkage on the tandem pumps to now the electric over hydraulic so it's not new to the industry a lot of other machines use it already uh now new holland is there and so what are the you've already talked about you're going from you've gone to these what are these what are we talking about though uh we're just talking about the way that we steer the machine okay okay what's involved in that okay so but also the the those this also has to do with the the head doesn't it or no or yes okay so off of the motor here and this uh gearbox we're running the header pumps and then we're also running the drive motors there for the steering now in the past we've had mechanical linkage to two tandem pumps here okay and you've actually moved that linkage now that's being accomplished electric over hydraulic so it's like looks like good quality of rubber in there it does doesn't it i like that i like that yeah uh that's uh grand island nebraska rubber right there nice but uh so yeah now we're doing it electric over hydraulic it really smooths out the direction of the windrower and uh opens the door for a lot of uh future technology as well we're moving up to the drive system the pumps that control everything or steering what do they control uh yeah pretty much everything steering and uh oh the headers too okay let's see this stuff all right which one you guys gonna tell us about the uh pump system adrian adrian don't be shy step up he knows more about this machine than anybody just just talk to it like you're talking to me buddy so on the on if you look at the pump system over here uh you've got two tandem electric over hydraulic dense sour foss pumps okay and what are they doing in here so once control on the header drive uh and header lift and then the other one controls the steering and the movement of the swather that and that now are these pumps new to this machine they are the new holland we used to use a mechanical steering linkage so it was kind of an older older version of the swappers so this is an upgraded system if you get what he's saying it's better than the old ones so if you have an old one you're probably gonna want a new one don't you think i think so brand thinks so too hey the old ones old ones have been good machines and uh this is just taking it to the next level before before the rotaries we ran i think three sickle swappers so yeah and they're all new holland so yeah we've had a lot of new hauling swathers in our day okay now we're at the head it was a long walk from the back to the front remember they stretched it so we made it yes the walk is 10 inches further uh so 416 plus so we've always really uh enjoyed a lot of the cure and the cut down from the 416 with the rubber chevron rollers uh the hey game so before we continue the the rubber chevron rollers if you don't know what a roller is the hay passes through these two rollers they squish it to get to break the stem so the moisture can get out and that's very important okay back to it sorry because you gotta remember a lot of these guys watching don't know anything about swathers and and we're learning more every day yeah so uh the hey game as you know uh for you your business has changed a little bit this year which has changed some of the needs that we're looking for in the dry down so we actually have another set of super secret rolls that adrian and i are dropping in these machines to really match some of the conditioning with what people are needing today but back to it right here the rubber chevron roller still it's an excellent conditioner for bringing hay working with mother nature to bring the hay right down to optimal dry down starting in the back here uh the auger this the paddles are now staggered right here just to even out the flow the most notable change is probably going to be right here on the cutter bar so we still have the modular cutter bar design which is critical to decreasing your maintenance expenses if we hit a turtle and smack that sucker up we can replace individual gearboxes without running the risk of contaminating the entire cutter bar so we've maintained that which we're very happy about now the cutter bar profile has been thinned down from the previous 416 version and these turtles have actually been spread out and we're running a longer knife so that combined with a deeper cutaway right here in the rock guard we're getting more knife exposure across the front of the cutter bar right there resulting in a better cut quality i'm excited are you guys excited so that that's really been helping to really pick up all the hay just having that recess right there allows the knife to remain exposed longer like i said it is a longer knife then there's some more subtle things right here we have a higher floor which allows the auger to have a tighter clearance as it's moving the hay in uh mechanically these two turtles they now both turn the same direction in towards the center of the head and what we're going to see right there is a really uh an improvement in the uniformity of the windrow coming out so before we relied predominantly on the auger to move all the crop in now we just have a little assistance right here for these two turtles to throw some of that volume into the middle then the other thing that's going to help us out with that is going to be under the back of the machine here so now we're underneath the machine right here so some things that they've changed here on this uh on the the windrow gate right here we've got some baffling right in here to help steer the crop into the center and what we're looking for is still to have that mixed up very nice you know multi-direction swath lay down that the new holland windrowers have but this is just going to help guide it into a more uniform i guess depth across the windrow so we can have just even more consistent dry down across the top uh so these little baffles right here although they're small they're really helping to create a really beautiful uh that's funny something something that small can make that big of a difference while we're at it follow me over here to the wheel motors so uh now we have a slightly different wheel motor uh the the motor has gone from an eaton to the sour dan foss and we can see we're mounting them a little bit different they've got some rubber lines that come down here into the wheel motor that's mounted there at an angle so this machine you can get it in a two-speed or a three-speed option and uh yeah and really get up and go uh 20 miles an hour in the field mode and then 30 miles an hour on the road mode wow this will go 30 miles an hour on the road yes done it myself it is casual that sounds stupid that sounds scary it's not no it is not wow yeah you know we're really excited about this uh you know as you can imagine information coming to us is always very limited until it's actually here so it wasn't until recently we were able to attend some training spend a lot of days new holland was really great putting us in the seat so we've cut adrian and i and all of our all of our people have put a lot of hours in the seat actually running the equipment uh to get familiar with it and that's really where we learn a lot about the machine so we're just kind of bringing what what they've brought us and so far we like what we see awesome so far i was explaining earlier the reason we hadn't ran a new holland in the past was the way it laid down the the the pass from the swather but i'm going to show you the pass that it made and you can't tell the difference between it and the the massey so let's go look at that real quick so during the infamous race which i told you speed i'm not really cared i didn't really care who won i was worried about how it looked where it cut this is the pass from the new holland it is very uniform all the way across all the way across now let's walk over and look at the massey pass this is the massey can you even tell the difference in the old machine i could spot a new holland easily now brent i can't tell the difference between the two yeah they're they're both really beautiful windrowers trevor let me show you something that we really like about the new holland wind rower uh and this is something that has always been you know paramount what we're doing is we're trying to get the hay to crisscross and make up different patterns uh just to help everybody with the dry down so what we want to see is a little bit of pitching and some areas where this hay is crossed up in different directions like that just to help with that dry down so we've got that then on the edges here you know being able to have a nice flat windrow without the edges getting turned in that's what the problem we had in the past were the edges that's exactly where it was it was never in the middle it was always right on the edges it would clump up so you see that on on some of the other machines there you gotta really pay attention or we pay attention to the edges uh because any you know green or moist slugs of hay in your bale is not going to be good so now we've got a beautiful pass yeah if we can kind of lay down uh kind of lay it down low to the ground here we see you know some good pitching and a lot of a lot of direction changes of the hay so that's really what we want so that when we draw it all together just make a nice nice pretty bale well enough of us talking adrian are going to jump in this thing and set some cameras up and you guys can watch it run and make a decision for yourself [Music] that's 18 miles an hour boys well this tractor this swather gets to go on the demo to another farm adrian it's always a pleasure this is my rental guy anytime i need to rent like a like a skid steer excavator whatever we've got adrian's on speed dial but uh anyways oh here comes our retriever truck so while were doing all this my father-in-law's uh foreman called i forgot one stack of hay out in the field that they're irrigating right now so i had to get on the phone with leonard there goes leonard to grab that one stack of hay i left in the field have you ever messed up a lot it's not just me thank goodness because uh dang it man my father-in-law's gonna be so disappointed in his son-in-law i hope he doesn't fire me all right so we're gonna jump by the swather we're gonna get a semi and we're gonna load some trucks sorry more squeeze work but that's what we do we load hay we sell hay we bail hay we didn't bail last night because we had a ring a few nights ago so we didn't cut so all right we're gonna head to the uh head to the truck there they go okay stuff to do i'm gonna try to meet leonard over at the field where i forgot the stack of hay in i don't know what to expect i hope he can still get in there so i'm out at the stack that we left in the field and it looks as though my neighbor moved it out uh with this with this squeeze but because the squeeze isn't very sturdy moving hey long distances some fell on the ground so we're gonna throw it up on that truck then back up with the truck and then put it all the way up there so you guys can watch us work [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] two [Applause] [Music] [Applause] um well my name is trevor bales yes my last name is bales and yes we bale hay this is the toughest part of the year we're gonna make it through see you guys you
Channel: Bales Hay Farm and Ranch
Views: 50,682
Rating: 4.9444957 out of 5
Keywords: Millennial Farmer, Welker Farms, Cole the Cornstar, This Farm Wife, Massey Ferguson Swather, Massey Ferguson, New Holland, New Holland Swather, Swather Racing, Alfalfa, How Farms Work, Farming, American Farming, Southwest Farming, Desert Farming, Bales Hay, Bales Hay Sales, Bales Hay Farm & Ranch
Id: V8ZEyxdnXkA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 54sec (1674 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 01 2021
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