Mowin' HAY, Rollin' CORN, Haulin' COWS

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so here's a second cutting of alfalfa [Music] much better quality than our first cutting this is is more leafy than the first cutting and there's less weeds got a little farther along in maturity because we were all gone away for the weekend anyways and it was supposed to rain on friday [Music] look at those leafy [Music] evan is going to run the mower conditioner while i go and do chores here in a little bit i think he gets all the ins and outs about it still going i'm back to chores um now i'm back evan was the better was able to keep it going while i was doing chores i still got a lot of field left so i don't think i'm able to finish tonight i wish i was going to be able to that was my original plan getting closer to evening here and uh this is some nice clean stuff here beautiful night that's 12 mile an hour trying to finish the field before it gets dark i think i'm going to make it and nathan's got to come pick me up anyway so so i am rolling corn here real quick this afternoon and i got a couple other things to do i was on a trip earlier this week so a lot of my to-do lists really piled up [Applause] almost okay so i finished the corn i backed the truck up to where i was ready to dump into the uh the bay for the rolled corn nathan's gonna dump that in real quick oh i gotta go about two hours left so my wife and i are going somewhere so um i gotta get these cows caught uh i have i'm gonna put about one trailer take about one trailer full of cows out of one of the pastures because we kind of overstocked the pasture and used up the early grazing and now the grazing will kind of be less grass growing so we want to get them some of them taken off so they don't over graze the pasture i'm actually just going to home down to my dad's feedlot and there's a lot of weeds growing in a bunch of the pins so they're just going to eat the weeds and i might give them you know some distillers or something okay so they were all over here in the shade these big trees on the corner right next to the entrance of the pasture and uh what i'm gonna do is i'm just gonna take my pickup which they're used to coming to to rotational grace they're all pretty pretty heavy bread mamas i'm gonna drive up kind of get them to where they're circling behind my pickup i drive in that entrance with my pickup and then pour the buckets of distillers around the circle until i have enough in there of of what i want to take out maybe eight or ten head and then just trap them in there and then drive my pickup out and come back with a stock trailer so are you guys going to work well with me today ladies you going to be nice hope so i'll open the tailgate up so they can smell them and smell that okay i'm going to try to do it the easy way i'm just gonna just carry the buckets in there not pull my pickup in there so i don't have to deal with them rubbing up against my pickup or getting my pickup out i'm just gonna try to just carry the buckets right in so hopefully i don't regret it okay here's my first two buckets we use these winkle panels uh so many times per year wow they're really hard to do one-handed i brought four of these five gallon buckets plus one of them uh old protein lick tops in here and i didn't even use half of it here's something you don't see every day the cows on the outside of the fence are jealous of the ones on the inside of the fence the ones on the inside of the fence have got some grub to eat what i am gonna do is i'm gonna take this amount right here and i'm gonna dump it let the these ladies that weren't inside the pin get a little snack and it's kind of a diversion i'll feed them over here and then i'll just drive out the gate that way they don't try to chase me make it a little easier on me they love this stuff we got our miller one pasture i just caught the cows in then we got our miller one field and this is our basically our only wheat field here that we won't double crop any beans or uh forage into or del carte milo and that's because we're saving it to haul all the manure out of the feedlot so that's what this field is destined to be down the same uh dead end road we have miller one pasture miller one field then we have miller two pasture and miller two field and so as a kid i had to memorize memorize which one was which for some reason two miller two is closer to the road and miller one is farther back so i just we just always memorize them that way but i'm curious what are some of the ways that you guys name your fields uh do you use one two do you use north south east west um a couple of ours we have named whether they're by the railroad track or by a creek um a lot of them are named after the names of previous land landowners so let me know in the comments there uh we have miller ii it's drilled to sorghum sedan grass there's what the corn looks like now that's the edge of an irrigated field um so that's where the lagoon pivot is pumping out on okay so i had to wait on my dad to get up here with the dodge truck so i could have the truck that can pull this uh stock trailer so immediately so immediately when he arrived i threw these chains in his truck they'll help me strap the hold the panels to make an alley where i want them got this truck lined up for the ball or got this trailer lined up with the ball and we'll get it last here surely i can't mess that up it's perfectly lined up already oh it's too low i jinxed myself gotta crank it higher wow they need some oil or something that's better so on this one i just push that forward and then a chain goes around the front chain goes around the back well let's do back and then front there push down that box in place gotta pull this hand pull that up in place i'll check a couple tires dad's trucks are literally always on uh empty because he never has the patience to fill him up all the way so since this pasture is in between my house and my dad's house i definitely have enough fuel to do this job but this pickup has already gone to uh inman and back today which is where we get uh some of our irrigation parts so that's what dad and nathan are working on right now uh it's pretty hot but that pivot had been running for two or three days straight getting the lagoon pumped out um and uh then that some one of the motors quit so dad dad picked up some stuff to fix at an inman and then brought this pickup back then the second he got back i uh i am taking him to pick up them cows so this pastor does not win an award for most accessible it's got a big hump and a rut right when you pull in the pasture and then it goes up these steep slopes with like kind of some old terraces right at the whole beginning of the pasture and then there's a draw over there so you can't really catch the cattle in any other paddock besides about the first quarter of this very first paddock so we have to set the catch pin up same place every year which is fine but just it's less accessible and in order to get in here with the pot we don't even get in across this hump with the pot we just back the hump straight we back we back the pot straight up and we pull the panels up over here close enough to the loadout where we don't have to back the pot past this first rut i actually had some steers get out of the pasture on me a couple weeks ago just right out of the main gate and so i'm not taking any chances this time i made sure to close that even though i'm not going to be here very long so i did forget something kind of important i didn't bring any form of cattle prod so i'm hoping they kind of want to load themselves in the trailer i don't have to work too hard i'm a little nervous about that so we got some shape-shifting panels here i pushed in this corner and then this will be my outside kind of lead funnel and i'll attach that chain across to here so they can't make this gap any wider and then funnel about 10 cows in there and if 10 won't fit i'm fine just taking like nine could possibly fit 11. we'll see i'm just going to be kind of flexible if i need to use the front and the back or if they all just pile in at once i'm just going to just try to see what the cows want to do kind of pushing away from the trailer at the moment i definitely wish i had my stick some form of stick to kind of help flag him over one two three four five six seven eight nine ten that's ten and that's eleven that's going to be a tight fit hey hey okay got some stuck in the front definitely went better when i wasn't filming i kind of also narrowed this up a little bit which helped okay i only need like four this time even three would do it shh they're pretty full so they're pretty heavy i don't want to overload the trailer okay it's full it is it's plenty full all right so these ones these cows they get to stay in the pasture uh instead of eating weeds at dads and i'm just gonna leave this gate open and they'll they'll figure out how to get out get these chains so i don't leave them out here i'd be get them lost in the grass all right here's the happy cows tromping down slash eating some weeds it's uh i would call it free feed i mean there ain't really much besides trucking them down here that's gonna cost any money and a little bit of time moving them between pins so they'll be happy in each pin for a day and they'll pick all the leaves off all these weeds pretty much just leaving the stems and then we'll put them in a new pen this is what happens when you make some weed seed blowing around with manure uh makes for a really nice seed bed where vegetation grows up ridiculously fast in the summers [Music] [Applause] [Music] foreign
Channel: Peterson Family Farm
Views: 12,001
Rating: 4.9756732 out of 5
Keywords: peterson farm brothers, family farm, peterson family farm, peterson farm bros, farming, agriculture, hay, corn, cows
Id: YOsTnc4i_44
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 57sec (897 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 30 2021
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