This Jeep BROKE My Rig… SWALLOWED By Sink Hole!

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lay in trouble they kind of look like it so we got a call for a motorcycle that is I guess it took on water and rattlesnake so we're gonna head up there and see if we can get it out got the lovely Jamie with the weather it is like 40 degrees but the wind just kicked up and it is miserable out there and I'd say it's probably like in the 30s now with that wind chill so it should be cold what are you doing back there peanut what'd you do in peanut who's a good girl we're meeting the customer right up here at the trailhead and then we're gonna head up with the trailer and see if we can get that swamped motorcycle back out and uh where it needs to be to get it fixed how's it going all right how are you good good I'm wondering if we should just drop this trailer and grab your your hitch you think that would be faster is it worth it we'll just go up with a trailer let's go up with the trail we know that works okay it's a terrible day for experimenting are you riding up there with us then or if I could okay I got a second bike up there but I could ride it back out if you could drop me off at it okay okay or we can load it on either way because we're going to be in there so okay that's fine too all right where are you from Santaquin okay just came up to do a little riding exploring and yeah my son he's not super experienced and he put it in the river well that's a rough trail when we started there was a lady coming on a Jeep and she said oh you'll cross the creek like maybe five times it's 42 times or 45 times if you go all the way you go all the way through yeah laughs [Music] foreign we're gonna play a little game today we are going to try to get all the way to the motorcycle without going into four-wheel drive I call this the hippopotamus because it's shaped like a hippopotamus I mean that'll be a fun game I think it's just because he's lazy it's not a game it's a fun game it's a fun game because I want to get out in the wind and have to lock the house and I'm gonna win I'm gonna win this game but in the river we're gonna have four wheel drive I guarantee it okay Jamie's predicting we'll make it to the river at some point in the river I'm gonna have to do it it's pretty slick there's some ice in some of this water so there might be ice ice and some on some of the rocks what trail are we on now the Hyundai Tucson Trail this is my first viral video Ed and I came out here to do it Ed filmed it and we drug a rental Tucson from the bottom of this hill to the top and that's when I thought hey after we posted the video I'm like hey you guys might like this stuff so we kept doing it [Music] [Music] yep it is high oh my goodness I think we're gonna have to four wheel drive it ah you're not even bummer I'm not even in the water [Music] the banana is a little bit better than the more Vera sneaking through here 's just better at trailer ice in the water when the water's this tight it's hard to see if the boulders in the river [Music] it's been a while since I've been here with this much water in it this isn't as much as the first time I ever came in here though the wrestling Rudy [Music] there it is right there somebody moved it all right let's load this load this back up we can go right through there [Music] my teeth my teeth are cold I thought St George was supposed to be warm all the time [Music] I don't know how Matt stands this because it is freezing [Music] that's not going anywhere let's load up and get out of here let's see [Music] now we're playing a game with four-wheel drive we're seeing if we can get out of here in four-wheel drive another fun little game I like to play the motorcycles hanging on there pretty good I think are they in trouble like it looks like they might be probably oh that's went they yeah they need to stay on the trail that's pretty bad good might be fun I can't get to my wins it won't start oh it won't start not yet oh we'll get you out yeah I'm wondering if I should just do a snatch block off of there hook your strap to you oh yeah well I didn't either yeah are you heading out that way no I was going yeah if I was you I'd try to stay on the trail if you stay on the trail none of that will happen because it's all hard hard underneath it it's hard to tell where the tree Thrill is because so many people come in here and cut new Trail but we've had flooding recently and this is really treacherous right now it's pretty gnarly actually right now I did not think it was going to see this Trail is rated as six but depending on conditions you know it could be a tent [Music] grab your other stats block subscribe One Snap spot and we'll go from your Jeep to the back of this rig I'm not heavy enough to do this so we're gonna make sure I'm heavy enough to do this by stretching myself okay [Music] see that's strong enough we're gonna give this a little shot here hopefully that will be heavy enough to hold them so we can pull them out [Music] I gotta get something more substantial if I can build a chain long enough to be of any consequence [Music] and then [Music] are you moving at all [Music] we're putting in enormous amount of pressure on that why is that thing not starting that's what I don't understand I'm about to roll the [Music] is this not starting no no no why would it not be running did it ingest water is it moving at all [Music] oh yeah we've definitely we've moved back to about six inches just try to wiggle the steering wheel back and forth foreign that is a great example of a synthetic winch line did you see how it just went to the ground right there just broke the winch line that was a lot of pressure it's definitely moving out we moved your back a foot oh yeah it was a foot this is working we just this old line that gave up right no we're just gonna get rid of this this up and then we're going to retie this put it on [Music] okay we're gonna have to do this a different way okay [Music] we have put some pressure on this [Music] yes [Music] let me know when you're in neutral okay [Music] it's moving we're just gonna take it easy and let it move peanut come here [Music] okay hang on let me check the rigging I think we might be almost out of gross here we got about one more foot of rope to go in before we're done but you're you're basically out out [Music] okay hold the brake and I've got to re-rig this right okay okay we're ready to go [Music] you lost some ground there can you turn to the right okay that's enough hold it hold the wheel kind of straight I'm just gonna get rid of the snap clock and go watch this straight just get you out all right we just got rid of the snatch block because I think we can pull straight now okay off the brakes [Music] been working let me think here [Music] okay what we're gonna do now that he can get to his winch we're gonna drag it underneath and hook it to the back of the more of air and then work together to get that thing up out of here double winch power [Music] [Music] oh man that was gnarly dude we still got another motorcycle to go get there you go that's awesome I actually am very pleased that Matt was recovering somebody else and we just happened to be here and he just came cruising up so I really appreciate that Matt was out here on the trail nobody's out here today it's just us all right this is the way we came in it's the way out but we're going out a different way because we've got another motorcycle to find up here we got to get around the tree of death the banana does okay the more ver is wide and we gotta do it without rolling or uh scraping oh how do you guys doing oh my [Music] true like you're gonna hit it pretty good I'm tired you might drink you'll go around it yeah there you go okay I don't think we have any more real meaningful obstacles from here on out like it's just normal rattlesnake Fight for Your Life tell your back on the three months came right here at this spot and it was much and there was a razor sitting right in the middle of it with no one around so we pulled it out up here for him pardon Interruption we're giving you a little sneak peek in the future like a week into the future we are here at Johnson Valley we do have the heavy record here we've been testing it we've been driving up things we've been mobbing it through the desert how's it been doing it was awesome we even did a recovery oh yeah we did we got to do it recover with it but then I got a little froggy and I broke some things now we're fixing it and then we're gonna go back out there and do some stuff we're doing all of this shaking this thing down breaking it testing it so that we can be ready for the off-road record games coming up March 9th 10th and 11th in San Holo Utah you should be there you should be there we'll see you there brother so the second chance we have to get out of here we're gonna pass that too we're headed up to the falls because it's looking more and more like the second motorcycle is closer to the falls so we're just gonna keep on heading up I mentioned it at the time but I just want to talk about it so we get a lot of comments about how dangerous it is to stand next to Lynch lines and I talk about the triangle of death which you don't catch me in very often but I don't like it if I'm there yeah if you got hit with that line it would hurt and it would be scary and there's a chance that it would bruise you but I would never recommend being in its way but you can see we had an enormous amount of pressure we were almost stopping the winch on the number one on its first wrap so we were in the thousand pounds of pole range the winch line broke and then it just fell to the ground it just boom right to the ground a while ago when I was talking about how I didn't like winches I did not like steel cables we did done a lot of Towing you know I'm in a towing I got tow trucks and I've been Towing for years and the steel cables I've had them break and they're scary man they are scary so that was one of the reasons I didn't want that around my recovery vehicles now that we got the synthetic winch lines they're way safer and I really like the freedom winch line where I'm using my winch all the time just the versatility of it always being ready to go this is a deep water crossing so that's what I use if you want a top quality product that has the features that make it so you always have what you need to hook to whatever you need definitely Freedom wish line if you don't need a winch line that's that nice that fancy definitely yank him ropes they have a very high quality winch line Allen is awesome at teaching you like what you need to do to make your own loops and make your make your ropes safe and valuable get all the metal out of your your winching system I'm not a fan of metal in the winching system either between freedom winch lines and yank them ropes they've got they've got the products to get the metal out of your recovery [Music] okay let's go all right so I'm glad we weren't any farther up I'm gonna see if I can get this locomotive turned around here a big old rock I gotta keep track of where them rocks are I'm not doing very good today are you yeah that rock was giving me grief all right now we are on our way all right well these guys are kind on the bikes I'm gonna present the shirts to the misses foreign so there's a search for your boys thank you so much so I appreciate you coming out yeah no problem thank you so much I appreciate you so much and that trail is a nasty rugged gnarly Trail to be riding the motorcycle on I'll tell you that much I'm just saying congratulations all right that was a doozy that was a three for one special we were able to get them out of there without too much trouble but uh oh another call coming in all right so we got we had a call come in and send him a message so this is how we do it this is Matt comma please send me your location and a picture of the situation all right I'm back we've got a call coming in he's sending me his location anyway we got him out of there and on their way the Jeep wow good thing we ran into that guy he was absolutely buried we put the hurt on a winch line and we finally got him out of there yeah I'd say it was a good good recoveries all in all what what I thought would be just a mundane recovery turned into a pretty exciting one yeah and it is cold there is some sort of a crazy came through yeah that's a bitter cold wind bitter bitter cold out there but we're gonna head to Tom Tom's house because he's got dinner for us he invited us over thanks for watching ah this is why you stay on the trails the Trail's over there
Channel: Matt's Off Road Recovery
Views: 1,254,768
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Off road recovery, Rescue, Matts off road recovery, Sand Trap, road recovery, Recovery, Difficult rescue, Winder Towing, Towing, Sand dunes, dunes, Jeep, Sand Hollow, utah, off road recovery fails, off road recovery truck, Rescuing, matts off road recovery, morrvair, banana, off road recovery, jeep recovery, off road towing, off road fails, broken down, off road sand dunes, truck stuck in mud, insane off road, off road wrecker games, wrecker olympics, jeep swallowed
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 8sec (1268 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 10 2023
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