Crashed & Busted Chevy...This Video Is My Fault.

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nice and easy so we got a call for I think it's a Duramax that is kind of crashed and busted itself up out here on the Arizona strip we're heading out here to see if we can get it we got the banana the more there on the trailer in the back we're driving blue steel got Jamie with the weather oh it's like 75 degrees it's beautiful outside sunny it's not going to be sunny for the rest of the day though some of that time is going to be dark we're in a little bit of trouble because we're missing ramps to get this on the trailer and we can't get the trailer to it we don't know that we're gonna find that out in just a minute and then we'll figure it out from there so I have made a calculating error there has been speculation that sometimes I try to add drama by not being fully prepared I just need a witness here do I add drama on purpose because okay that's just the way he lives his life you've known me for a long time does this seemed pretty this is every day I I don't learn but I'm really good at problem solving and we got a problem I was gonna bring the little car hauler but then I'm like well why do we take the goose neck because then we can all ride together it'll be more efficient but then I neglected to remember that the goose that doesn't have ramps because the more rare in a banana will just drive up on it we're gonna need to trailer this vehicle out that's why we even needed a trailer in the first place so not only do we have a trailer with no ramps we have a trailer that the more of air cannot tow into where the damaged vehicle is so blue Steel's gonna have to make it and if it does make it we don't have ramps and look how surprised Tom is look how surprised Jamie is here's my prediction we're gonna get them out one way or another we'll figure it out all right we just made contact with the customer they're in a tan Can-Am we're gonna come up here probably gonna unload and Scout the road out before we try to take a gooseneck and blue steel in if we can take it in that solves one of our problems but not the other [Music] all right the next step in this ill-fated plan was to unload the morver and the banana here before we get in trouble with the trucking Goose deck I'm going to be scouting this road to see what it's going to take to get blue steel and the goose neck down Jamie is piloting the more air right now and Tom was behind us in the banana [Applause] [Music] thank you was it rolled or on its side so there's right up here is there's a platform to shoot off of it I'm sitting there looking out this way if I hear something behind anybody it was all ready so I just literally watched it mob down this freaking Hill and then into that into that and then it just kind of pull that's a crazy story yeah yeah that is I bet that was sad watching your truck roll down the hill into this now holding there looks good yeah there's one on this far side is done no oil so probably shouldn't you have the keys are they not in them okay okay General pressure this one's turning okay no standing on the back spinning one of the front tires I don't think you're spinning either without tires spinning no okay all right you said things were bad it's not bad they work I guess bat is a relative term yeah well the fact that it runs and drives good and steers you got 50 of your steering still that's all good we're gonna have to pull it off of this to shut it okay let's make a plan here Tom does it just need to be said what only we had a record oh no kidding all all the jobs today could have used a wrecker yep every single one of them oh there's a little frog right here how cute look at that that is a frog oh he went crap that surprised me too yeah ah I'm trying to hold him so I can get them on here but he just doesn't want to be held I think he peed on me scared a little frog Tom [Music] I watered him oh I'm gonna need you to drive up in here I want you to point it basically the same way as that truck with your back wheels somewhere where your feet are put down in here yeah gotcha and you have to pull me up though go to our shorter no I'm gonna be so grateful right over there okay you gotta jump oh nice she did so I'm gonna put the winch on it you're gonna put the kinetic rope on it and you're just gonna slowly crawl we're gonna stay on the radios together we may end up spinning it around backwards yeah because they steer backwards once we get it on the road it may just track backwards so here's what we're gonna do I'm gonna run this one down we've just got to get this pulled out of the rock out I'm before you pull I'm gonna put this in reverse and try to Pivot it a little bit okay your back was spinning pretty easy I'm dipped out I'm completely different okay can we do anything about that there is a dipped out coming forward well yeah you might get off it backwards okay you're gonna go to the same hook with that okay all right so I'm gonna be running the winch and guiding these two to do the right thing okay Jamie start that up turn this way all right Tom that wheel is the wrong direction which means if you get pulling too hard everything's bad so all I want is just tiny tension on that okay foreign I don't know if I was filming very good that was intense oh man that wheel is giving us all right we're gonna get this truck turned around backwards I hope we're gonna we're gonna have to we got a lot of rigging up to do we're gonna spin it around backwards this way all right we're gonna get this cleaned up we're gonna get this rigged up and spin it around backwards we're gonna see truck spins I'm gonna use the old leaping Jeep versus trick you ain't a kid hopefully okay put it in Drive foreign we've gone as far as we can doing this the incorrect way so now we're going to do it the correct way okay Jay we put it in reverse thank you okay stop okay let's just try pushing forward [Music] how you doing doing great today's working it is working Tom give a little bit of gas Jamie start turning your wheel to the right to the left I mean to the left Stop Tom I need you to back up this is kind of hard to film and run this job I got it out okay [Music] that's it okay Tom nice and slow Jamie um keep it in drive for a second let's see if we get this straightened out just kind of spin your wheels like that Tom just put nice steady pressure on it just trying to get this truck straightened out yes a little bit of gas right there okay put it in reverse Jamie slowly back up don't overrun come calm just nice and slow man I wish we had the record way better that is so much time so much nice I'll I'll come help you find one to slow down a little bit it's going good yeah it is okay nice and easy come right up here overshoot a little bit so Jamie can go up on that spot okay Jamie start turning to the right you're left okay coming back up okay nice and easy it's a tiny little bump [Music] all right nice and easy nice and easy nice and easy hold okay Jamie steer your wheels all right I'm gonna need you to give her the old onion I want the gas pedal to go clear to the floor okay stop so Tom it kind of sounds like it's not going clear to the floor but maybe we see the start earlier you tell me you want to start earlier no I'm good you want me to drop it to the floor right now and then back off after the hit correct you need a full send so back up another six or eight inches okay that's good right there now put it in drive and mash it to the floor and then let off when it stops [Music] it's working good did it flow right in here gooseneck will come in here so what was that like it's pretty violent when it hits when you're going Full Throttle like that and that's a big truck hanging over the edge but it was doing it I just have to get up the nerve to do what you're saying which is just hammer it and let it happen yeah it's super gentle back there Jamie's like oh in here it's like Wham yeah that truck outweighs this more than double yeah so now we've got to figure out where we're gonna get the gooseneck trailer how we're going to get that loaded on it and what we're gonna do next okay Matt and Jamie are going back to get blue steel and the trailer we still got to figure out how to load without ramps and maybe we found a solution over here there's a little high spot a little Hill that we can back into kind of use that as our ramps it blows my mind every time we do something like this because we leave and we're like oh we forgot that thing I'm always like well let's go back and get that thing we need and Matt has this positive attitude all the time this this Qui-Gon Jin attitude like oh no a solution will present itself and I'm like what are you kidding me and I'm nervous and he just goes with it he just goes and we figure it out and every time it works out so we'll get this thing loaded up and we'll be out of here in a few minutes probably okay here he is we're gonna figure this out I'm standing on the corner it'll have to snake around and come in straighten out keep coming [Music] keep going [Music] Tom did it perfectly we're gonna be able to get right up that solution presented itself we have ramps I know he's not even surprised all right I think that I'm qualified to drive this on here I don't think we're gonna need help with the Jeep we might but I don't think so give it an old try we're gonna give it the old try I totally would have drove it on there with no help from the banana if it had traction it's gonna need a little help it's kind of got a peg leg done more than that drive straight towards the trailer and you will know which side of the trailer by how this truck Acts this is Jedi stuff here he doesn't even know that I just talked about that were we on the same wave I was calling you Qui-Gon Jim a second ago I don't know who that is he's a Jedi Yoda was a Jedi if I have a choice I'm going to the right I don't know you got to just see how it acts Jamie I know I don't know what that means see how it acts see how it acts you might want you to go to the right the way it's dragging the correct answer is this side hello he is so hard to read sometimes what do you need this is me beaming to Jamie to bounce me up there so what needed to happen there and I didn't tell Jamie is that we needed momentum to bounce the back wheels up over that because the front's dragging a lot and she's pulling at the side and the back of that back bar is really slick so she should have got me up to about three miles an hour but she didn't so here we are what was your idea are you trying to pull the Rope across yeah I don't know trying to get that truck on the trailer ah probably right here I don't know if it's gonna work this is a very we are Miss we are misusing this I know what you're thinking Nina I know what you're thinking this is super scary so we don't need this to be frisky we're not using momentum anymore thank you [Music] drop drop keep going [Music] that was awesome did it work yeah it worked I think I'm gonna pull from right here it's getting dark on us forget about that let's just use this thank you boy that Rim is was it starting to go just barely getting onto it [Music] I can't believe how well good this is working this sleeve is quite slippery okay this is definitely the wrong way to do this 100 if you are not comfortable with the way that I am doing this you should never do this an amateur should never do this a professional never would do this so if you're a professional or an amateur I completely agree with you you should not be doing this we did it all we gotta do is tie it down and drive out of here and that's the easy part we did the hard part wrong but we did it Jamie that was amazing throttle control thank you main camera filming oh thanks Matt you were mind-numbingly unprepared for this job thank you Jedi stuff right there we both told you Jedi stuff is it Jedi stuff I'm like come on hear me all right all we've got to do now is drive back to the yard and unload this so we're gonna do that for what we have this went amazingly good thanks to bleep and Matt for giving me the opportunity to practice that not too long ago with the spin around is that uh drive backwards oh yes yeah I did it on bleeping versus [Music] and you know too well the customer was a little bummed and they did it out of here before we got done so we didn't get to give them a T-shirt oh we'll give it to them when they come to the yard oh yeah yeah we're going to be storing this at the yard for the concerned parties to take care of something about totaling his truck ruined his day yeah he was in a pretty good mood but I could tell he was digging deep yeah that's rough so once again we did the right thing the wrong way thanks for watching crap so it won't move we got to push it with something not dead wheel is crunched up so bad it keeps it from driving the back wheels just spin thank you
Channel: Matt's Off Road Recovery
Views: 1,469,769
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Off road recovery, Rescue, Matts off road recovery, Sand Trap, road recovery, Recovery, Difficult rescue, Winder Towing, Towing, Sand dunes, dunes, Jeep, Sand Hollow, utah, off road recovery fails, off road recovery truck, Rescuing, matts off road recovery, morrvair, banana, off road recovery, jeep recovery, off road towing, off road fails, broken down, off road sand dunes, truck stuck in mud, insane off road, off road over the edge, toyota tacoma off road, toyota rescue
Id: sRlTxzNO84o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 51sec (1311 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 28 2023
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