He Isekai'd in a Space World & Gets a Crew of Waifus! [1-2]

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how would you feel if one day you were to wake up in an unknown Place well that's exactly what happened to the protagonist of the story one day he woke up feeling the coldness lingering around his body as he opens his eyes he's in deep shock as he sees himself alone in a spaceship out in a vast Galaxy he starts to wonder if this is just a dream before to feel so real made him think otherwise he then tries to remember what he did prior to the event just like usual he came home from work ate his food took a bath played some games and slept as the realization struck him he then avails to notice that the place he was now looked exactly the same as the game he was playing last night called Stella online Stella online is an online game with the taste of sci-fi and has a very high degree of Freedom players can be adventurers traveling the vast Universe they can also be Merchants granted a container ship this game is such a popular game to many and that's why Finding himself inside it made him excited as a player in the said game he is already a standard mercenary player who has already acquired his favorite ship asx08 krisha that's why experiencing being inside one really made him copy however the coldness makes the experience a little less favorable while he contemplates what happened to him he feels like it is not unusual to dream about a game one has been playing that's why he somehow concluded that he must be having a lucid dream of some sort however there is no sign of him waking up though and he also feels the changes in the room temperature that's why he is quite sure that what he is experiencing now is probably not a dream as he starts to feel gloomy he entertains himself by playing with the ship's steer but before he even tries to move the joysticks in the pedal he first checks the map trying to know his current location but it seems like his location is nowhere to be found he also notices that he has no money but the good thing is that he still has some food to eat but there is one thing that really caught his attention the rare Metals in the world of Seoul there is a chronic shortage of bare Metals so they are very highly valued Commodities it's very easy to trade these medals for NL in any Colony or station this animal is The Game's electronic currency it doesn't have the hassle that comes with using physical currency but its downside is that every transaction is logged that's why what some people do to avoid these logs is they start to to go crazy about getting rare Metals instead then a warning alarm starts to echo through the ship an image then pops out with the person asking our main protagonist some questions this man is from another ship and is eyeing to get every inch of our protagonist cargo however instead of just giving them he asked the man if he's willing to buy the cargo instead however the pirate obviously discreet with such an offer he even threatens our protagonist that he'll get killed if he's not to follow orders that's why when our protagonist has already had enough he steers the ship away from them as fast as he can the protagonist ship then transforms into this weaponized like ship the pirate then starts to sweat due to nervousness as the protagonist ships tears towards him as the ship fires continuously at the pirate ship it ends up exploding like hell after the intense pre-fight scene our protagonist can't deny the fact that with all the moving and swirling it really made him sick however that wasn't really bothering him since he noticed and somehow confirmed his theory that he might not be in a dream after all considering that even after all that happened he still hasn't woken up yet now that he has already confirmed he's in the real deal as he thinks about it he might not be in such a bad situation after all his ship is a top of the line ship in Seoul it's very Nimble and maneuverable but its Firepower is on par with heavy Cruisers that's why even if so many pirate ships start to attack him all at once counter-attacking wouldn't be a problem with him considering his ship is clearly on a completely different level from those pirate ships as seen in the last battle so he starts to analyze that if he is a mercenary in Soul he should be able to make a living the same way he did in the game as he checks his Pad he sees that the reward for taking down those pirates is 19 000 annual if he refills his energy replenishes his ammo and services the ship he'll still get some change back he also checks on the cargo he has recovered from the pirate ship as the data runs he's able to find a map he can use to navigate the area with all the information he has about the Pirates by just looking at the data he starts to check where he can sell this information and collect this reward he then notices that there's a trade Colony nearby that's why he decides to visit it himself as he arrives at the said place called termine Prime the system starts to ask for his identity since it doesn't read one he then starts to think of a name he'll use since he feels like his name Sato takahiro doesn't fit this world after a brief second he ends up choosing the name Hiro an official new mercenary that will face the Galaxy after he landed on the said trade Colony instead of getting compensated for his rare items he ended up getting interrogated by one of the colonies in charge Hiro continuously asked where he gets the said rare items it seems like no one believes that he got all of it from fighting some pirate considering his identity is still vague and empty other than his name he doesn't have any personal information that the colony can check on however before anything even takes longer than it already is a girl with authority named Serena enters the room after seeing an unfamiliar ship in the hangar Bay Serena quickly got curious about the new guest as she checks on Hiro's information and purpose she sees to it that Hiro is properly compensated for his collection of rare medals Serena states that as long as there's no proof of the cargo getting stolen Hiro should be accommodated just like the others even if his identity is still unknown after all the colony and hero will benefit from each other nonetheless Serena also sees to it that the colony staff gets warned for demanding bribes from the guests entering the colony she sees to it that as the daughter of Marquis horse she will make sure to punish those involved in such crimes that said that Colony staff immediately do as Serena says and leaves the room now that they are all alone inside the room Serena says she apologizes for the staff's rude Behavior she also states that she feels like Hiro Came From Another Universe looking at his blank data hido then tries to explain that he must have lost his memory while he was in a hyperdrive however this even made Serena even more suspicious considering how Hiro remembered he must have been caught up in a hyperdrive if he lost his memory however instead of interrogating him endlessly he just let it slide but seems like she can't stop speculating that Hiro might be a spy from another system Hiro then quickly shuts down this claim saying that if he were indeed a spy he would make an effort to be as discreet as possible instead of showing himself to the authorities right off the bat after their brief conversation Serena then went on her way while Hiro went to get his reward after he runs the number he's sure that he'll be able to live for more than 40 years in the said Universe even if he doesn't do anything as he Compares his life to the real world it's clear that he'll have a more Blissful one in this one days past and Hiro kept on researching about the unknown Galaxy it turns out that he is in the termine star system which is the system composed of four planets the asteroid belt and the primary starter mine he also learned that the system was under the control of the powerful Kraken Empire Still in relation to that then they'd bring balbaram a federation has been in tension with the said Empire for years already that's why Hiro plans to fly to another star system to avoid getting caught up in the upcoming conflict but since he still has plenty of time he decides to explore the colony first he's in awe as he Witnesses a magnificent few that he only sees an anime in games while he is out and about he is able to run into some suspicious looking gangsters but after showing his powerful weapon they immediately run off their way however before Hiro can even start his tour he meets an elf looking girl named Elma who is also a mercenary Alma asks here.com with her while killing some time before the conflict even though she is so suspicious hido just thinks that Elmo might be the way he could learn more about the daily life of people in The Colony after knowing that hido is an unlicensed mercenary Elmo is quick to respond that he must be registered with some Guild if he doesn't want to have any problems in the future he then takes him into her Guild office where Hiro is able to find out that Elma is already in her 50s when they finally get to the said office hido immediately registered his name and spaceship to the system even The Guild operator is shocked to see that hido doesn't have any sort of history at all keto then immediately reasons that he lost his memory the same way he did with Serena after he is finally registered he must undergo some simulation tests to check up on his rank for some reason almost works secretively as she thinks that Hiro can possibly rank higher than her however after the said simulation Hiro made the operator and Elmo was shocked as his combat ranking reached gold with just one try this made Elma Furious and jealous since she had worked hard for five years to reach her current ranking which is still silver to ease the heavy feeling that Alma feels considering Hiro has surpassed her even if she's been in the game longer than him Hiro asked for her help to fetch some groceries while they are at the grocery Hiro needs to chalk after he learns that there's no carbonated drinks in outer space that's why he aims to buy a house with a garden on the planet in hopes that he'll find his favorite drink in the whole universe Elmo quickly shuts him off saying that there's no way he's able to do so considering it will cost millions of animal to even have a piece of land on the planet however instead of thinking negatively Ido tries to look at the bigger picture and makes it a motivation to work harder after they got some groceries as they were already on their way back to the guild they passed by some group of men trying to force themselves onto a young looking elf girl as a natural instinct hido tries to jump into action and help the helpless girl however Alma immediately stops him from doing so stating that minding one's business is very common in a place like this however Hiro can't possibly let it slide not to help someone in need as a result instead of just leaving and not helping he gets his gun and Fires at one of the guys he then threatens to shoot their balls if they don't leave scared of what might happen the guys immediately run off leaving the elf girl all safe Alma then asks KIRO what he plans to do with the girl however it seems like Hiro himself doesn't know what to do next all frightened and unsure what to do the two decided to take the elf girl to some restaurant to buy her something to eat as a conversation about what Hiro would do with the girl continues as hero can't say a word about his plan Elma dashes out and is about to leave the place then hito provokes her by trying to step on her Pride as a result Elmo rushes back to the table now eager to help the said girl she starts off by asking the girl what's her name which turns out to be Mimi it seems like MiMi doesn't have anyone she can count on that's why Elmo quickly plans to let her stay in hiroship considering he was the one who saved her after all however it seems like other than the fact that Mimi will do all the chores Elma also plans to make her satisfy Hiro every night such a statement made hido cut off guard Alma then asks how Mimi ended up in the third block Mimi then explains to the two about the unfortunate event that happened to her parents it turns out that Mimi's parents died all of a sudden due to an accident at work they were in charge of servicing the colony's oxygen infrastructure that's why when an accident took place Mimi's parents were blamed for it and were saddled with reparations that far exceeded her inheritance as a student she can't possibly pay all her parents debt as a result she ends up living on the streets twos then chased out into the third block that's why she is seen roaming the area after hearing this Hiro immediately visited the third Block's public management office with Mimi in hopes that she'll get her inheritance back however as the officer tries to provoke hero KIRO ends up paying the 500 000 annual debt of Mimi's parents that said Hiro now has decided to take Mimi onto a ship Alma also bought her a change of clothes before she leaves Elma Whispers something in Mimi's ear that makes Hiro curious as night falls Mimi takes a fresh shower while drowned in her deep talks it seems like when Alma said earlier keeps on bothering her as they were eating their dinner Hiro was quick to notice that Mimi seemed very spaced out Mimi then assures him that she's all right she then builds up the courage to ask KIRO about his plans for the night hido then states that after eating and showering he'll probably go to bed already hito didn't really think of it that much however he is shocked when Mimi enters his room looking hot with her cleavage showing in her tight little nightgown Mimi then tells him that she is ready to fulfill her Duty Tito then assures her that he isn't after such a thing but even after hearing such Assurance Mimi states that she's just scared that she'll get abandoned once again however it seems like Mimi has already made up her mind and is ready to satisfy Hiro in her own right waking up with Mimi by his side seems surreal tahito regardless of what happened this is where they are now he can't just act as he pleases and only thinks of himself now that he has krisha and his status as a mercenary and considering his funds are not looking too bad KIRO feels that he is already blessed with such things he has although he had spent money having Mimi by his side wouldn't really put him under such a serious Financial strain but he can't just simply live for the sake of living he still aims to buy a detached house with a garden and now that Mimi is by his side he aims to have it even more now that there are two of them they must go and do some chores while they still can they went on to get some groceries and headed out to get some clothes for Mimi he'd also decided to take Mimi to the guild office to register her as his crew member The Guild operator cannot contain his enviousness towards hero for reaching such a high ranking even if it was his first time and also finding such a cute crewmate overnight after the tension lowers Elma then informs Hiro that there's a large-scale suppression happening it's one of the events where players cooperate to complete an objective and of course Tito wouldn't allow himself not to participate in such a tasty event a few days later one hour before the operation starts Pito is preparing a ship for the set event Serena's image then pops out on the screen as she explains the flow of the operation after discovering a space pirate based in the gamma sector of the asteroid belt mercenaries are assigned to bombard it however that isn't the problem considering Pirate's faces are already weak the Army wouldn't have a problem destroying it but if small ships escape the Army wouldn't be able to chase after them considering how big their ships are that's where the mercenaries come in at this point Hiro already realizes how the operation will work first the mercenary unit will hide in the area around a mark designated by the Army then the mobile Fleet will initiate a frontal bombardment when the Pirates tried to escape the mercenary unit will intercept and send them in a panic the fleet will then take the opportunity to spread out and finish off its left the operation will end when the fleet confirms that their target has gone silent when Serena asked everyone if they still had further questions everyone went silent since her explanation was clear enough however Hiro just as expected gets everyone's attention after he asks if there's an option to withdraw Serena abruptly sighs for a bit then states that it is okay to withdraw however if they don't fight properly and run with their tail between their legs it would be a very big problem keto then States his reason for checking since at the end of the operation it won't be just the pirates that will be surrounded even the mercenaries will the operation formation they plan to follow would threaten the mercenary it seems like the fleet is trying to let the mercenary fight to the death however Serena swears on her Pride that as a soldier of the star Army she wouldn't let such a barbaric thing happen to her people hidden states that he'll believe her but it would just be a matter of time before we know whether what she said is true on the other hand Mimi is seen shivering in fear it is such a natural reaction considering this is her first time going into such a big fight Hiro then suggest to her that she should just stay in the colony if she's that scared however Mimi assures him that it's just a natural reaction and that she will be okay Hiro then remembers the same feeling he had before the feeling that everything is just a game as Hiro is caught in his own thoughts an announcement has already been made to snap him back to reality Mimi tells him that the control is already calling for takeoff now with that said no matter what he's currently feeling he'll just enjoy the event as much as he can with that said krisha is now taking off as he begins to take off Mimi checks on the Army's coordinates and the mercenaries she looked so intense considering this was her first time with such work however as she looks at the view her gloomy mood immediately brightens up as she sees such an amazing number of spaceships lining each other since this is a group mission that consists of different mercenaries it's natural that they'll see different colors of ships from every angle however one ship really caught Mimi's attention it looked so sleek and Chic perfect for someone as gorgeous as Mimi she's amazed that there are ships that are all white too Ito then tells her that it is called the ssc-16 galactic Swan and in hito's knowledge the ship is just a defective piece of junk KIRO then explains that based on the looks of the ship it is mostly made for high-speed battles it's even faster than krisha however its maneuverability is bad to the point that one can't even steer it properly not only that but it is also expensive and the servicing and repair costs are absurdly higher than any other ship there are a lot of shady things about it but the biggest problem is the uncontrollable Rampage State that's why in Hiro's mind a weirdo must have been piloting it it turns out it is Alma this made Hiro laugh secretively Mimi is now so worried for Alma safe Ito then assures her that he is certain a self-proclaimed veteran like Elmo would be all right hearing this made Mimi positive that Elmo should be able to handle herself as they finally reach The Hideout of the space pirates Hiro realizes that it seems like the Army has positioned him in an area packed with enemies and he gets the feeling that it is intentional now that it is already time to start the operation hido arranges his composure while the Army now presses the hit button as the fleet ship ammo hit the pirate's base it almost destroyed everything in one go this amazes Hiro very much while Mimi is now petrified at what will happen next kiddo knows that even as Krishna can't match such range in Firepower then a beep sound Echoes the ship at the same time Mimi informs hero of the transmission the ship has currently been receiving in this head report it's a small and medium-sized pirate ships are seen escaping that's why they are now breaking the radio silence and starting the operation for real with that said they will now officially enter the battle as the two of them breaks for impact and shaking from high GS Tito tries his best to chase the escaping ships however it seems like the pirate ships have also come prepared sending two of their generic ships into small size ships right to the Christian's front hito is amazed at the fact that the Pirates have some guts to face and attack his powerful ship head on as they got closer to Hiro with just one flick of his hand two of the generic ships are sent exploding in an instant as a result the other two ships immediately try to run away to safety however Hiro wouldn't let anyone get away from him even if they were just modded generic ships with that said with all this might he steers the ship towards the escaping ships he's able to destroy them in one go however that isn't the end of the fight as their Zone started to get quiet Hiro started to get bored as well however it seems like most of the enemies are fighting other mercenaries as a result instead of stocking off and waiting for anyone to attack them as soon as Mimi receives a report stating that enemies are engaging with other mercenary ships Hiro immediately steered the ship towards them krisha then ought to support other ships by engaging in one-on-one combat with everyone however before they even reached the fighting Zone you don't find themselves getting attacked by Massive guided missiles fortunately thanks to the other mercenaries help they were able to escape such a fatal fate after that the ships then decided to part ways as one headed back to the base to resupply Hiro then asks Mimi how things are looking overall it looks like the Allied Forces are winning however close to the Army there is a fierce fight going on with three medium-sized ships hearing this made the excitement inside hero ignite they then went their way to head to the said location as Hiro leaves the radar and transmission to Mimi he focuses on steering their way to the said Zone as they were finally able to get a glimpse of the said ships it seemed like the medium-sized Vehicles were remodeled civilian transport ships still the medium support lasers and turns for Close Quarters embedded in these said chips are no joke for sure krisha would be able to defeat them in one go however Hiro decided not to attack them from the front Guido then instructs Mimi to take Chris's output to the minimum hide its debris and take the ship to their Blind Side this made Mimi wonder if the enemy might notice such changes Edo then immediately explains that since the battlefield is full of debris the enemy's regular radar won't be of much use that's why they'll use heat sensors during battle to detect the heat coming from the ships and use it against the enemies this technique is called thermal stealth in the original game it's such a good thing that Hiro is able to remember such crucial information that he can use in the battle that said Mimi does everything that hido has asked for on the other hand the other mercenaries are starting to run low on fuel and ammo but instead of retreating they just keep going till they can it seems like they can't move like they want because of the medium-sized ships scattered everywhere then as an unknown ship flies out of nowhere The Mercenaries start to wonder where it came from KIRO then introduces themselves and states that they are here to help now that they have lost the medium-sized ships the enemy is hightailing it all they have to do now is to take them out in one go go after some intense fighting the other mercenaries thank keto for helping them specifically his ship but it seems like MiMi is way more popular than Hiro among the other mercenaries as they were about to head to the next destination Allowed no echoed from the transmission device and lo and behold what hito had anticipated a while ago turned out to be real it seems like Elma has eventually lost control of her aesthetic Galactic Swan chip Mimi is so worried for almost safety however it seems like Hiro doesn't care a bit stating that once it goes berserk there's nothing that can be done anymore since even if they try to stop it there's no ship that can catch up with it now Elma then shouts through the transmission device that she is about to blow up hearing this somehow made Hiro worried as well it really did blow up but the cockpit was so sturdy that Elma still was able to survive such an explosion back at the fleet ship Serena also heard the loud bang and wondered where it came from when she learns that it is one of the Allied ships she starts to get worried if it will affect the operation but it seems like Elmo's unfortunate situation didn't affect the operation that much on the other hand The Fleets operator then reports to Serena that their system has detected some unusual strength from hiroship keto is a bronze ranked mercenary but his scores are for platinum rank already its score is too far ahead to the point that the operator thought there might be some mistake inside Serena's mind she already knew that Hiro was someone she should keep an eye on even on their first meeting Hiro for her didn't feel like a former Army Man or mercenary but instead just a regular civilian in that sense now that her speculation somehow turned out to be true she orders to get all the data the system can get on Hiro after knowing this she's now become more interested meanwhile back at hiroship Mimi is able to receive a message from the Army through the transmission device stating that the operation will be over when they already have confirmation of its success hearing this marks Hero's fun time even though the main source of money for this operation comes from rewards the cargo that the space pirates dropped and the debris are important sources of income too with that said Hiro then immediately collects all the debris and cargo they see one of the cargos they were able to find was both rare and dangerous it's called the singing Crystal although it already says it's dangerous Ido still ends up collecting it nonetheless after all it'd be a pain if someone found it seeing crystals are special items that also exist in the game when broken it summons a large number of monsters called Crystal life forms in the game it was an item used to start raid battles but depending on how they use it it may come in handy someday now after collecting everything they can get Mimi then went on to ask KIRO what his life goal is KIRO then answers it by saying that he wants to have a detached House and Garden on the planet after hearing this Mimi looks very excited and pumped up by Hiro's Ambitions Hiro then asked her what she wanted to do herself she was a little bit shy however as her stomach growls she then states that she wants to try eating all sorts of tasty things around the world in short Bibi wants to go on a gourmet conquest of the universe with Hiro after such a stressful operation the moment that they got back to the Colony Hiro helped Mimi reach her goal by taking her to buy some new kitchen appliances while they were shopping it seemed like the salesperson was so good at his job that they ended up buying new appliances for the whole ship instead it wasn't really a problem for hito considering they were able to earn much during the operation as they make their way back to the guild office to get their chance for the rewards they had during the operation The Guild operator seems to be so jealous of Hiro that even if Hiro doesn't do a thing he keeps getting furious as a result a female officer then steps in to accommodate hito and Mimi's needs after their change has been granted the officer tries to chit chat with the two she states that Hiro seems to be a very busy man Ito then Answers by saying that it wasn't really as much the officer then reasons that it's probably because the star system that they are in is so safe she even went on to say that someone as strong as hero would probably make more money in a more dangerous star system or by simply putting together a fleet however Hiro doesn't plan to do any of the two the officer then got curious about what kind of relationship Hiro and Mimi had both of them got off guard when Mimi said that hido was her master the disappointed look on the officer's faces so apparent that Hiro tries to explain himself the officer can't believe that such things happen in real life she thinks that it mostly happens in light novels she even jokingly said she would gladly join Hiro's crew if he wanted however Mimi quickly shuts her off moreover the officer then informs the two about what happened with Alma after the ship she used exploded although she didn't attain such deadly injuries her bank account suffered the most the bill for the damages the Army had sent her is pretty harsh it was light damage but it was a battleship of the army so it was never going to be cheap wonder where she is now it seems like she's desperately trying to come up with the money however Hiro knows that no one would lend money to a mercenary whose livelihood was turned to scrap Mimi is so worried for Alma but they can't do anything more about it at this rate she'll end up getting sent to a prison station when they finally went back to the ship Tito enjoyed the food cooked in the 3D food printer they had bought earlier however it seems like MiMi can't enjoy eating knowing that Elma might have been starving already seeing how gloomy Mimi is Hiro then invites her to go for a walk while they were already outside Hiro asked her what she wanted to do is it chopping or Cuisine shopping however something caught me attention it's none other than Alma sitting in the dirty Alleyway looking very depressed Elmo couldn't contain her embarrassment at the fact that she was now in deep debt and was about to be sent to prison what really worries her is the fact that the prison she's going to is full of pirates caught by mercenaries like her that's why she is quite aware of the fact that her stay there wouldn't be peaceful at all since there's no way she can ever pay the 3 million annual debt she has in two hours even though it hurts Elma doesn't have any choice but to accept her fate before her cheaters can even fall down Mimi then rushes towards her to comfort her Alma can't remove the thought that she and Mimi have now switched positions Mimi then tries to soften Hiro's heart towards Alma and just like that he ended up using all the earnings he had gained during the operation to pay off Alma's debt this made Alma flustered knowing that she had been harsh and rude towards Tito for the longest time now but in the end he was still the one that helped her from experiencing so much possible Agony but as we all know Hiro wouldn't do such a thing without any exchange it turns out that he wants Elma to join his crew although he already has Mimi on his side someone veteran and has great knowledge of ships should come in handy and he don't can't think of anyone fit for the job other than Alma a aside from the fact that she will also get paid for her work she will also have a place to stay that's why even if it's embarrassing Alma decided to accept Tito's offer on the other hand Serena has received reports regarding Alma panger 3 million debt in a span of a few days she already knows that the higher-ups are the ones behind this extreme scrapping of mercenaries money however what really amazes her is the fact that Alma has 3 million and all on hand she even thought of quitting the Army and becoming a mercenary if they made that much money when Elma finally entered Tito ship she's in disbelief that a mercenary ship would be so luxurious KIRO then reasons that they want to buy an automatic cooking unit and such a thing just sort of happened but before Alma can even talk anymore Tito quickly cuts her off and states that she should go take a bath already this made Emma flustered as she thought of other reasons why hido would say such a thing hido then went on to say that she had been through a lot for the past week so it was quite apparent that she should just go and watch her exhaustion along with her one week's worth of dirt since Alma is still new to the ship Mimi went on ahead to guide her on how to use the shower while the two are inside the shower Tito tries to think of ways he can earn some money considering his wallet has been feeling pretty cold he aims to become a bounty hunter and hunt for small groups of pirates while the star system security isn't that tight yet considering these groups have been getting more active lately it will just be a matter of time before he can save up a million animal once again his contemplations were disrupted when Elma entered the room in her sexiest pajamas it seems like since earlier Alma has thought that Hiro wants to score on her that's why he decided to make her one of his crew however after they did the thing that's when Elma fully grasped the situation that Hiro didn't intend to use her body in any way although the damage had already been done Elmo couldn't deny the fact that she did enjoy her experience with Hiro on the other hand it seems like Mimi has been worried that with Alma present now he don't won't be able to do some things for her that's why before she could even think of any negative things Tito satisfied her inside the bathroom after hearing the sensual sounds Elma now doesn't know what she's gotten herself into ever since the large-scale operation the number of space pirates has decreased drastically but at the same time the relations between the Empire and the Federation have been getting even more intense although he doesn't plan to participate in the big battle that is about to take place Ido decides to stay in the star system for a little while longer and make some money with that said Elma is seen enjoying a drink with a big smile on her face it seems like she is happier that they have made more money that day than Hiro it turns out that Hiro is able to hit his Target amount in such a short period of time their plan went better than expected The Pirates Who were targeting mining ships in the asteroid belt were seen everywhere considering the Empire relaxed its security hito hit among the Pirates and hunted them down one by one although he thinks that some would be tricky to take down in the end they were just parasites in the face of krisha as a result he hit his Target of 2 million annual in one week now with all this money Elma tells Hiro that they should go shopping the next day after all Mimi wasn't able to enjoy her reward on the last operation Mimi quickly states that it is not necessary considering she's still a newbie and she feels like she shouldn't be compensated at all however Elma wouldn't allow such a thing to happen after all Mimi has been taking care of Hiro for quite some time now so it's only fair that she gets paid for it keto then tells them that if they feel like he's forcing them to stay they could just go if they want to the two then immediately shut him out stating that no one said they didn't like staying they even went on to tell him the most heartwarming message Hiro has ever heard knowing that someone wanted to stay with him made Hiro teary-eyed Alma then thought of something that should make Hiro happy and it involved using their bodies with that said we all probably know what has happened next one day after in the third section Commerce District the two girls go on a shopping spree Guido is able to find some coke at the grocery this literally made his day however after tasting it its taste is nowhere to be compared to the taste of Coke in the real world nonetheless hito being a Coke addict decides to purchase all the coke cases in the grocery store as they were now about to do their next task and start hunting Pirates once more they were able to come across some belabor and battleships that disguised themselves as civilian mining ships and to make it worse the said battleship is able to take notice of them now what will they do to avoid getting crushed by a big army Alma is able to follow hito's orders while Mimi is still lost with the idea of what will happen next KIRO then types in a trajectory that will make sure to erase any Witnesses that's why whatever the enemy is doing in the area secretively will not reach daylight before the enemy attacks them first Vito decides they'll make a move now to gain momentum after rushing in the enemy ship seems not to even get scratched from the hit which is already apparent to Hiro after a while Alma then informs Hiro that it looks like the shield batteries of the enemy are already slowing down seeing that they are already running away but Hiro wouldn't allow such thing to happen he then rushes in and hits them once more without one last blow the enemy ship exploded immediately after blowing them away KIRO checks if the ship's black boxes and data cache are all right Alma then asks him if that data is really that important knowing Hiro he already knows that such information would be worth millions if they sell it to the Army Hiro assures them to leave up the selling to him since he already has a contract with the set office Ella doesn't care whatever Hiro does as long as he makes sure not to get them involved in any trouble Hiro then assures them that no such trouble will happen considering they are just selling stuff however that wasn't the case at all after they sell the information they end up finding themselves taking part in the battle between the Federation and the Empire which is something all of them are avoiding with that said Hiro feels gloomy and unmotivated after involving themselves in such big trouble it seems like Hiro has a complete feel for the Empire's talk and doesn't even try to negotiate even if it is a part of the mercenary's job while they are at the office it seems like Hiro is able to catch everyone's attention for having two cute girls with him some even started to question why Hiro would be with someone veteran like Elma who is at rank silver already before Hiro can even think of negative things one soldier catches everyone's attention as Serena enters the stage Serena then thanks everyone for waiting and she will now start the briefing on the battle to defend the termite star system based on the information Hiro has sold them the Federation military is estimated to be more powerful than the Empire it is found that the Federation has eight battleships 24 heavy Cruisers 32 light Cruisers 64 destroyers and 128 Corvettes it greatly exceeds the Garrison of the termite system and since reinforcements are only getting in the system the day after the enemy arrives it is their task to make sure to hold with what they have for at least a day in the said plan Serena's mercenary Fleet will hide in an asteroid belt and the enemy fleet's expected Invasion route and when they are there they will engage in Guerrilla combat the ghouls to weaken the speed of their Invasion as much as possible having said that the most powerful ships they have will be fighting the Destroyers anything above that has high powered Shields so they are not opponents for Mercenaries to deal with with such a plan Serena tells everyone honestly that it is hard to say that they will have the advantage that's why she asks if anyone has a plan and if there is they should tell her as soon as possible considering it might be useful as we all might already know hido is the only one who has the guts to be blunt with Serena and let's just say that his plane is far more absurd than anything else he plans to use the enemy's warpout reaction to sneak in by himself then he is going to get in deep and destroy the enemy's Flagship then withdraw his plan shocked everyone even Serena was speechless by what she had just heard she can't seem to comprehend if Hiro is serious or not keto then states that he'll just give it a shot if the enemy's formation collapses in confusion it will slow down their Invasion if it fails it just means that he will be the only one who ends up dying making the casualties closer to zero percent all of his crew members are not scared and worried for him but it seems like Hiro has already decided on what he'll do although the plan is weird if anyone tries to understand it Serena decides to accept Tito's suggestion with a grain of salt now that Hiro is about to go on with one of the most frightening and nerve-wracking missions of his life Serena tells him to make sure coming back alive since the Empire will make sure he gets paid a ton of reward for risking his life however it seems like Elma is not agreeing with his plans now that Alma is already boiling in frustration keto tells her to calm down however Elma couldn't grasp the thought that Hiro decided to involve himself in such a thing knowing that a ship like theirs charging into a fleet is beyond stupid hito then explains that he didn't come up with a suggestion without thinking he then walks toward a trophy case stating that he already has a plan inside and it involves the Fatal singing Crystal they were able to collect in the last group raid after seeing the gigantic and deadly Crystal Elma can't seem to believe that a dangerous weapon is still lying on hiroship Ito then quickly explains that they have been so careful for the last few days that the crystals have been with them so Elmo should worry that much the singing crystal is a super first class band item if this thing bounces and breaks they're going to be swarmed by a ton of Crystal life forms that said the item would be a really good use for their raid according to the plan that Hiro has made they're going to Ambush close to the enemy fleet's predicted warpout location with the ultra speed drive and when they warp out they will stop the ultra high speed drive at the same time they will also use thermostat to hide in the debris and sneak their way towards the enemy Flagship and when they are already closed they will use them with the anti-ship reaction torpedo they have Mimi then states that she didn't remember seeing anyone using the battleship killer weapon Alma then quickly explains that it's because it is expensive to use considering one hit cost 500 000 NL that's why it is not ideal to use such a weapon if it is not a big fight like this but going back once the flagship is down the chain of command will fall into disarray and the Crystal life forms will attack the fleet the plan is to use this chaos to escape Elma thinks that Hiro's plan is crazy but she thinks it isn't impossible for Hiro and the ship to execute the plan but she is just furious at the fact that Hiro didn't even inform them of his plans and decisions especially now that they are carrying such a big burden their radar then detects several warp reactions this marks the start of their first attack hido then tells his crew to switch to their stealth navigation and move closer to the enemy ship after finding the flagship store which is their plan ship to attack they hit the ship with their weaponized crystals and make their way out of it as soon as possible after releasing the singing Crystal and hitting one of the enemy ships a number of gigantic Crystal debris from all over the place rushes towards the center destroying almost everything in the area Bimi and to evacuate as soon as possible while they still have time however it seems like Hiro has something more in mind he's planning to shoot the ships one by one and get as much lost cargo as possible to sell it for a greater price Elma can't believe Hiro but she doesn't have anything else to do and since Tito is the captain he technically always gets what he wants after such an intense event they were able to leave the Zone safely when they got back to the Colony Ito was seen being so happy that he finally was able to collect much of a good haul that would really be a good add up to his savings he then happily asks Alma how much they were able to earn that day Elma is in shock as she calculates the reward for the three battleships and four heavy Cruisers that they were able to take down they ended up getting around 10 million 950 000 annual however since they will need to subtract Fuel and ammo Ito will be able to obtain a total of 11 million 130 000 annual in his savings but it seems like it's still not enough for Hiro considering he is planning to buy a detached house with a garden on a safe Planet Elma then suggested that since Hiro wants to earn that much they should just enter gracken's government service with Hiro skills he'll be able to earn faster after he becomes a night there however it seems like Hiro doesn't want to get involved in anything related to the government but a week later his plans quickly changed when Serena keeps on bugging him to join the Army every time he says no the perks become more extravagant at this point Hiro doesn't know what to do if Serena eventually comes to talk to him personally it would be like a hunter chasing its prey that's why Hiro decided just to run away as a result they are now heading towards the six star system The Elaine system it's a high-tech star system with medical stations and biorelated colonies and it is also famous for its synthetic meat and genetically altered crops which excites the two girls meanwhile Serena is talking with one of her uncles her uncle wants her to create an independent unit that can move freely and Hunt space pirates this made Serena happy seeing she is validated now as one of the leaders that's why she will make sure Hiro won't get away the three now have finally reached the Elaine system a very prosperous star system with two inhabitable planets three research colonies and one commercial Colony since they have a lot of Natural Resources in state of the art facilities many Merchant ships are constantly coming and going if there are a lot of merchant ships Hiro also hypothesized that there might be a lot of pirates too that's why there's probably no shortage of work in the said system but before all the hunting they first must look for a place to stay they all decided to go to the commercial Colony considering they would be able to engage in other recreational activities compared to the research facility on their way to the Colony Mimi is able to pick up a distress signal it seems like civilian ships are being chased down by Pirates and so suddenly the battle begins but the enemies are running away activating their FTL drives on the other hand the ship they were able to save thanks them for the rescue and since the Pirates were able to hit the civilian ship undercarriage Captain asks if Hiro and his crew can guard them until the Army arrives keto then immediately asks that his service is not for free and they must be properly compensated the captain then states that there are no worries about that since they will get the rewards at the office and just like that they got themselves a deal when they finally arrived at the colony they were shocked to see that it was bigger than the turmine prime Colony but before they even land they first shot down their agenda for the day first they will sell the booty they got from the Pirates contact inagawa Technologies and get the reward Mimi then insisted that she would be the one to sell the items they had all pumped up the two agreed and let Mimi handle things this time around that said they then make their way to the Army station and get the reward it seems like the colony always stays nighttime with all of its night lights when they finally reach the station they are shocked that they are getting paid 50 000 for two ships but the officer assures that Hero's crew deserves it while walking back home Ito started to get curious at the said colony had been hiding their weapons somewhere safe however since he doesn't have any answers or hypotheses to such questions he just diverted his Focus to finding food to eat after such a long day when they finally get back to the ship Mimi then tells Hiro that they should go to a medical center and have their health checkup since Mimi has been checking the ratings it seems like it doesn't look good at all keto then thought that it would be a good idea considering they were in a place like Elaine complete with all the materials they needed Mimi is quite concerned for Hiro above all considering he has memory loss and it would be a shame if he ended up getting worse little did she know that Hiro had been lying to them all this time however it seems like Elma is able to read through Hiro as she states that she thinks Hiro's memory lost is all a lie Hiro went speechless for a while but he quickly denied such accusations and stated that he wasn't lying at all but seems like Elma doesn't believe his words at all Alma then stated that it wouldn't hurt if he told her his secret at first Hiro hesitated but in the end he decided to tell her everything that had happened no matter how absurd it may sound to her he then States everything from the beginning to the end however after hearing all of Hiro's words it seems like Elma still doesn't believe such things are even possible to happen but as she thinks about how Hiro is not able to get accustomed to the world's values and considering he also doesn't have any records at all as if he came out of no where Alma slowly starts to believe his claims however as she analyzes that the parts and hito ship are compatible with what is in their world and the fact that Hiro has been doing well since he knows so much about the mercenaries world Alma then starts to speculate once again keto then tells her that he is not a mercenary in the real world but an office worker instead but what made Alma make a face was when Hiro stated to her that he got sucked into a game which is the place he is now although all the information Hiro has stated to her has now started to confuse her more I almost still thinks that everything Hiro says is actually making sense but before they jump to conclusions Hiro also thinks that he might have been living in the said place for a long time already and might have just lost his memory and identity along the process nonetheless instead of stressing out about such things Ido decides to take the girls on a shopping spree he's quite shocked to see that there are a lot of diverse species in the said Colony while they were walking down the street they were able to come across a dress shop which Mimi's eyes were fixed on Ido then takes her there to shop for new clothes and after she tried one two three and more dresses Edo ended up buying everything as he enjoyed the view after shopping they also went to the mercenary Guild in the Elaine Colony after read registering they then decided to grab some food to eat since Hiro was getting a bit peckish however while they were still at the office as they were about to check their accounts the officer then told them that they had received a message from the inagawa technology that set about the reward the proposed price is 500 000 annual hearing this made me think of something since they want to get their bodies checked up why not just visit the inagawa operated Hospital instead she then asks the lady officer if she can ask them for referrals for a physical exam for Hiro and just like that they found themselves in a big hospital already while they were still outside they were able to come across a food truck but it seems like Hiro and Mimi didn't like the taste of it as much considering even if it says Farm Fresh it feels like they just serve something straight from the food cartridges as they enter the hospital facility a Pac-Man like robot welcomes them stating that he is a navigation unit that will guide Elma and the others along the facility they Then followed the cute robot till they reach the doctor's clinic the doctor then introduced herself stating that she was shoko the assigned doctor for the day after the brief introduction they immediately started with the said fiscal checkups right away Dr shoko then asks for their medical history and Hiro state that his memories of his life before are getting hazy already Dr shoko then quickly states that it's like he was thrown into this world all of a sudden with that said Dr shoko then ended up deciding that she would perform a variety of tests to ensure that every single abnormality inside Hero's body was analyzed they start with the full scan in the medical pod keto is quite Amazed by the size of the facility which makes Dr shoko thrilled she's quick to brag that the facility has top-notch performing devices hearing all this information from her made Hiro think that she should have been doing research instead but Dr shoko Who turns out to be one of the passengers from the ship that Hero's crew have saved assures that she is a top-tier doctor and researcher at the same time after running all of the necessary tests Dr shoko was able to discover that other than the fact that Hiro doesn't have a multilingual translation implant like most of them do he also has unique humanoid genes that's why since such Discovery is so rare she asks him if he could sell some of his genes for three million animal knowing Hiro he immediately bites up the offer not knowing that he'll be giving blood and semen samples Dr shoko even tries to provoke him by stating that he can look forward to the harvesting method as a natural response heo is immediately flustered by such comments he even asks what kind of service she offers indicating he is also looking forward to it as Dr shoko leans forward KIRO starts stuttering like crazy she then wears her gloves and proceeds with the procedure Hiro screams but we don't know if it's because of pleasure or pain with that said as Mimi and Elma entered the room they start wondering what had happened to Hiro struggling even to stand up Dr shoko then assures them that the hero is all right and that they don't have anything to worry about it turns out that hito had just undergone a vaccination session so nothing feisty did really happen ah what a bummer on the other hand Dr shoko is really curious about Hiro's past but it seems like Hiro is not comfortable talking about such a delicate subject anymore however despite this Dr shoko is still blunt on saying that she has many things she wants to investigate hito then quickly shuts her down stating that she should dig into the genetic data first Alma then asks if Hiro's examination is already complete which it is Mimi then suggests that while they are waiting for the result they should grab something to eat before they leave Dr shoko then reminds him that they should take a rest for at least three days considering they just had their shots of vaccines then before she can even forget she then calls on Mimi and Elma and tells them something in private but it seems like MiMi is the only one that accepts the said statement wholeheartedly while Alma is seen Soul King now that the physical examination has officially been completed the details of the examination will be sent to the ship however the only thing that stuck in their mind was the fact that the whole examination cost 90 000 annual it seems like even in their high-tech World medical expenses are still inevitably expensive after a long day of walking and examinations they already arrive at the ship about to take their much needed rest however Elma is seen visiting Kino's room she seemed occupied and spaced out so when Hiro snaps her back to reality she then jumps right onto him about to say something however before she can even tell the exact whole word she ended up passing out all because of drunkenness the next day Hiro is confused that Elma can make babies although it is known that elves couldn't make babies after they became adults there are some exceptions like if the elf girl suddenly built an emotional connection with the person they can make the baby with this made Hiro assume that Elmo might be very much in love with him his statement made Alma blush indicating that it might actually be the case but before all of that they decided to have a tour of one of the most popular places in the system Hiro thinks that it would be such a nice opportunity to learn more about this world however even if Mimi and hito are so excited about the tour it seems like Elma is worried that they are about to enter Sierra core the lab-grown meat manufacturer that's why instead of coming with the two Alma decides to leave and act as if she remembered something she had to do however since she is acting all strange hida was able to see through her actions stopping her from leaving Hiro then asks her why did the sign maker want to run and why did she call it lab-dorn me instead of artificial meat Mimi explains that some meats are different in their world and labdon me is one of them that said instead of letting Elma slip away for no reason hido drags her inside the factory as they enter the factory an announcement system welcomes them he don't on the other hand is amazed at the fact that the factory store is quite strong however his amazement turns the other way as the tour continues as they enter what seems to be an open empty room they find themselves moving as the room moves on its own meanwhile Elma is seen sulking and warning them not to blame her for what they are about to witness as the tour continued Mimi and Hiro didn't anticipate how lab grown meat is made it turns out that this meat specifically is made of a monster to make it even worse the tour even showed them how the monster is taken apart for a while Mimi even thought of not being able to eat meat for a while however in just a split second she found herself getting pumped up to go on to the next tour they are now at the Mika core where it is so bright and Lively Mika core is a hydroponic Farm where they grow veggies of different kinds Bibi the notices something in the facility Alma then explains that the green pools they are seeing are algae which is the main ingredients and cartridges apparently its fertilizers are made from waste collected from ships hearing this made Hiro think that certain things from the real world like recycling are also practiced in this world showing no difference other than the fact that it is full of extra Celestial creatures and is literally space after the tour at Mika core ended they then moved on to the next now a beverages Factory called for you beverages which is known to be the leading Brewery in the Empire as they enter the facility and go on with the tour he'd always shocked to know that the fruit used in the brewery is alcoholic in itself this made him think that genetic engineering in this world is no joke after their tour at coreyu they immediately went home to mark their day to an end the next day Elma is seen getting scolded by hito for literally buying So Many Drinks worth 100 000 annual but seems like they immediately became okay laughing at each other keto then states she will have no booze for a week which shocks Alma Hiro then reminds her that if she ever tries to sneak in a drink he will give her a taste of what Dr shoko has given him this terrified Alma and as a result she ended up agreeing with what Hiro had asked for Hiro is then seen roaming around the central area trying to kill much of his time as he is now so bored of staying home while they are resting he didn't bring the two girls with him since Elmo was sulking because she couldn't drink while Mimi was working on her operator lessons hido doesn't complain that he's all alone after all spending some Carefree Time by himself once in a while isn't so bad he then looks around the Commerce area trying to find game consoles while he is walking he comes across the same Alleyway he saved Mimi there he sees Dr shoko getting harassed by some grown old man Hiro and the man then fight and as a result the man ends up getting his hands cut off by Hiro the authorities in fact to the area one by one trying to report everything that has happened Mimi and Elma also arrive at the scene with Elma looking so disappointed at the fact that keto keeps on attracting trouble on his own they then asked Dr shoko what has happened Dr shoko then explained that she was just walking from the hospital to the lab in hopes she could start with her research however a group of men came attacking her with the majority of them taking the briefcase she was carrying although the said man tried to take her with them she kept on resisting until she was able to run away however one of the men kept chasing her and she ended up in the alley Where Hiro had found her when asked what she thinks is the motive of the men for abducting her she answers that she herself doesn't know which he thinks it might be because of the briefcase she is carrying it turns out that inside the briefcase is one of the most confidential and important data that ever existed it's none other than Hiro's DNA data this made Hiro worried for his safety knowing that people would now know of his existence but on the brighter side he kept on not showing any signs of extreme stress Dr shoko was then seen taken by the institution's man as he's now about to get punished on the other hand back at their ship the three didn't anticipate finding an unexpected it turns out it's arena who hasn't given up on recruiting hero to her newly formed anti-pirate mercenary group Serena thought that Hiro owed her a favor for allowing him to engage in the sad Mission involving the singing Crystal she honestly thinks that if it weren't for coincidence hido wouldn't get much recognition he has today little did you know that Hiro already had the singing Crystal on his own it honestly seems like she should be thankful for Hiro since if it weren't for him she wouldn't have been promoted into becoming a lieutenant that said Serena keeps on insisting that Hiro should join her however he'd always already decided that no matter what she does he will never join her team considering that she might leave him if troubles are about to arise but instead of giving up Serena is seen getting pumped up and is now even more dedicated to making hito join her team after all she doesn't like to let her prey get away and she's willing to do anything to make them stay but it seems like Mimi and Elma are now more alert than ever in guarding their Master to avoid any unnecessary conflicts on his end Hiro ends up agreeing with Serena and takes up her offer with that said Hiro's whole crew ended up getting back to the terrain system as soon as they get there Hiro immediately works as the fleet's Tactical advisor he technically tells the whole team what tactics they should do and how they were able to defeat the space pirates in one go but before we dive into that let's have a little flashback it seems like Hiro really didn't want to join any of Serena's teams however after Mimi and Alma persuade him to do so considering they can't believe how easy the hero can talk to the Noble in a cash away he ends up doing what Serena asks for the sake of his crewmates it is known that in this world Nobles can kill commoners without repercussions as long as they have a reason that's why Mimi and Elma are terrified at the fact that they might end up getting killed if hido continues his rude Behavior towards Serena with that said he ended up doing what he hated doing after introducing himself to everyone he immediately went straight ahead to his lectures he teaches the Army about crucial information about the Pirates and how they work he also mentioned that the Pirates might already know about the existence of the anti-pilot group considering some of its members are among the civilians walking down the streets of the colony he also shows them the map of the termite star system before and after the recent Search and Destroy operation and as everyone can see the space Pirate's point of operations have changed completely all this information made the soldier overwhelmed but they didn't really have a choice did they since all the encounters with space pirates and reports of their activity happen outside the areas the Army is monitoring it is quite apparent that there is an information leak that's why Hiro suggests that the composition of the said anti-pirates Fleet should be re-examined on a fundamental level he also recommended that the fleet should stop using big ships considering it wouldn't be much practical use considering Pirates work in asteroid belts and places with a lot of debris so Hiro thinks that the fleet should start using destroyers and Corvettes but it seems like Serena isn't that okay with Hiro's suggestion as a result Hiro ended up using the Noble's Pride to get what was needed Hiro asks her how far she's willing to go for the people of the Empire and since a lot of people are watching the lecture Serena immediately answers that as a proud Noble if there's anything she can do she's willing to do it and in just a few days she is able to get the fleet 32 ships in total worth 5 million anal that same day the first operation also started keto decided to use a transport ship as bait since if they were to initiate the attacks there's a tendency that the Pirates would just run away as a result Hiro decided to make the Pirates Come to them this way Hiro can get 20 of the pirate's Bounty and the fleet will also get what they want Serena then reminds Hiro that even after the operation ends he will still continue to accompany them considering his contract hasn't ended yet even after work Serena is seen inviting Hiro to grab something to eat hido on the other hand seems weirded out by the action of the noble how however Serena went on to explain that she just wanted to eat while working and that she was taking him with her so that they could talk about the next lectures for the upcoming meeting however Serena didn't anticipate that Mimi and Elma would also come to their supposed date as a result hido hopes that nothing bad will happen in just a while they all ride Serena's limousine Hiro then thanks Alma for coming since it seems like he didn't want to be alone with Serena while Alma is all looking happy and giddy Mimi on the other hand looks very gloomy and irritated Mimi then tells hero that he shouldn't let his guard down KIRO then assures her that it's all for work and nothing dangerous will happen in the midst of the intense tension Serena then finally talks telling Mimi that they are going to the most popular restaurant in the district where they serve organic foods Mimi's mood immediately changes after hearing about food as they reach their destination Mimi says that she is kind of nervous Serena tells her not to be since she will definitely enjoy what they are about to experience she also informs them that she is arranged for her private room so they should just forget about etiquette with that said if Hiro ended up coming with her when there were just the two of them God knows what might have happened Hiro even thought of remembering what Mimi said that he should to always watch out for the noble when they have already entered the room the food is immediately served the noble Serena starts out eating the food in the most ladylike way however when the wine was already served she immediately boozes up an alcohol she then started shouting her emotions out saying that they were all the same looking down on her because she was a woman hearing all these emotional outpers made the three speechless it turns out that Serena has also shared her own take on Hiro stating why can't he give her the same attention hido then states that she's too pushy it seems like she's so jealous of the fact that Mimi and Elma are able to enjoy Hiro's company even if she saw him first she felt like it was just unfair on her part that she had been left alone this also made hido reflect for a bit she then went on to say that she was the one who saved him from the poor Authority but why is he treating her like to flush away her pain she drinks more and more alcohol now that Serena is already passed out hido doesn't know what he'll do next Elmo then emotionlessly suggested that they should just finish eating and leave however Hiro can't do such a thing knowing that Serena is a noble so instead of getting an extension in the expensive restaurant they ended up taking her to the ship while the girls are attempting to Arena inside the medical pod he Dothan contemplates what Serena has said earlier but instead of thinking of it that much he shakes off the thought and tells himself to just forget about it for both of their sakes the girls that inform Hiro that the princess is finally awake as they get inside the room to make things less awkward Hiro told the noble that they should just forget about everything hearing this made Serena flustered maybe due to embarrassment she then immediately leaves the ship afterward the space pirate mop-up operation went without a hitch however they still need to up their game that's why Serena has suggested that they should attack one of the Pirates bases again this time around she even asked Hiro to participate in the raid as a mercenary Hiro gladly accepted the tasks of course with the said well-deserved compensation Elma and Mimi look forward to the sad raid considering that it will be their first real battle in a while the strategy this time around is almost exactly the same as the last mop-up operation so they didn't really have a hard time adjusting as many pirate ships Rush towards them they prepare themselves as they are about to get rich once again however it seems like the enemy has locked their focus on Hiro's team it looks like they were trying to crush them and create an Escape Route although it's not really a bad idea keto wouldn't let any of them Escape Tito tries to maneuver Krishna the best way he can however even with the ship's inertia control they are still having a hard time some of the Pirates are starting to attack them from behind in front however with hero space driving skills and the ammo built into the ship everything seems beautiful but after defeating a few Mimi is able to pick up more enemy Ships coming their way around 7 big ones and two medium ones are among 7. now it's time for the transport vessels to be remodeled to fit in a support missiles to take part in the fight Tito leaves the missile control to Alma and one by one she's able to blow away the enemy ships starting with the medium ones however Mimi then acquires new data stating that various heat sources are approaching from the medium-sized ships which turned out to be heat-seeking missiles Alma then orders for players to be released amidst this intense fight hido keeps a victory spark on his face already knowing that no matter what he will always win the fight with that said the new coming enemy ships are wiped out in minutes the closest ones are located at 10 o'clock so here to orders that they should keep going no matter what this way they'll be able to make money to fill their bank accounts with meanwhile back at the fleet ship Serena is seen checking up on the status of the operation she is quite delighted that the tide of the battle is overwhelmingly in their favor after all their fleet has already destroyed their largest tank or Bay thanks to it the mercenaries are now able to contain them in one place as the enemy ship explodes a wide Victory smile is seen slowly drawing in Hiro's face since it was the last of the enemies Mimi then informs him that the area has now been cleared since their scanners are not detecting any Pirates nearby however it seems like there is still some fighting going on in the combat zone but it's too far away and it will be over before they get there with that said it seems this is the end of combat for Hiro's team so he asks what their score is Mimi then informs him that they have approximately taken down 33 small ships and three medium ships which means that they made more in the turbine system the fleet's preemptive attack went well which brought down their overall numbers although it's still a marvelous number but for heroes team it is bad news since it means they can't expect a big reward however instead of sulking about it Hiro encourages his teammates to work harder rampaging through the pirate's wrecked ships with that said Mimi and Elma then did as their Captain ordered at the end of the day they still were able to acquire such a good haul although there weren't a lot of rare medals but expensive high-tech products made up for it now that Mimi has finally received the notification that the battle is finally over it seems like they can now go home however it seems like the enemy has taken over their base that said Ito is not as bothered considering he knows that the Pirates don't stand a chance against the Empire's power suits and heavy weapons so he is confident that there is nothing for them to do which ultimately leads them to decide to finally go home as they start charging the FTL Drive there's no doubt that they'll get home in no time while they are on their way Alma expresses her frustration at the fact that they have to look after that princess again Hiro then awkwardly laughs and states that they shouldn't worry as much since it will only just be one more week so Mimi asks what is he going to do after it's over Elma suggested that if he wants to make more money they should go to the disputed territory with his skills and Krishna he'd be swimming in cash however Hiro immediately stated that he didn't want to go there since as he clearly Remembered in the game the colonies were under martial law and movement was restricted all they could do was service and resupply their ships there and Hiro thinks that it doesn't look like this world he is in is much different apparently there have been a lot of instances of Passenger ships being attacked near a planet focused on tourism as Elmer heard Hiro saying something about a tourism Planet she suggested that they can have a vacation there while they take out some Pirates however inside Hiro's mind there is no rush to achieve his goal of buying a detached house so they could probably take a detour a few minutes have passed and Mimi has finally been alerted that they have arrived near The Colony with that said Krishna will now disengage with the FTL drive and has been requested to dock however it seems like you don't notice something off of The Colony it seems like there has been a power outage in some areas as they look closer it seems like a lot of ships are also leaving so they start getting curious as to what is going on Mimi tried calling the Port Authority however it seems like she can't get through when she finally got connected a very distressed man starts announcing that they are very busy so Hiro jumps in to talk to the phone instead the port Captain then asks if hiroship has power armor suited for combat Ido who knows he has one stated that he does the captain then immediately states that they need help since someone is attacking the colony Peter and Elma immediately ask if there is some sort of reward the captain that stated that they haven't requested through the guild since they are in such distress at the moment as the captain stated that he will take care of it immediately Ido agreed to guard the port to make some extra money with that said he then hops into one of his machine robots to control it as he got inside he slowly realized that it was a raid event where he doesn't know what his Target looks like also a colony is attacked and needs someone to bring in a weapon to fight their attackers in hand-to-hand combat he doesn't remember an event like this being in the game however since he is already here might as well do his best as his robot is activated they are now going to open the cargo room hatch and go start making some more money as soon as they got off the ship they were immediately welcomed by the slimy looking earthworm with so many sharp teeth mosquito punches it continuously until it gets dismembered although the monster enemies are attacking in numbers it seems like Hiro is quite enjoying the thrill himself as one work approaches and gets killed another one approaches once more and Hiro is fighting them with all smiles since for him might is definitely power on the other hand Mimi is stressed and worried of Hiro's well-being at the moment since she couldn't take it anymore she decided to call him Hiro then assures her that he is okay and that she shouldn't worry so much after all for him the monster enemies are no match against his power armor however Hiro is quite curious into knowing what these things really are Alma who is quite disgusted also has the same reaction since the monsters look just like the things in the artificial Mead Factory Mimi then hypothesizes that they might have some sort of relation however Elma herself doesn't know much about it since all the employers have told her before that the monster couldn't live outside the factory as Hiro takes a closer look at the monsters he realizes that Elma might be right since the small ones look almost exactly like the ones in the factory but the big ones have arms or legs so the three ask what's the meaning of this on the other hand Elma then noticed that Hiro is just grappling with the monsters instead of using his powerful launcher Ito then reasons that he just wants to try new things while he still has the chance he almost never uses the Power Armor after all there are many types of power armor but in the game he mostly uses it for hand-to-hand fighting in close bases after all what he truly needs in a situation like this is mobility or agility but instead gets a little faster than a person what is important is the armor and of course the power Hiro's armor is a tmps 13 rikishime MK3 model and as for its fixed Armament it has a super high voltage emission equipment in both hands called horite other than that it also has a shock amplification equipment in the leg called Chico high-powered laser guns on on both shoulders are called Chickity and for the best part it can tackle with their Shield up too and this attack is called putikamashi with that said this model is technically a sumo wrestler robot it's lame not in a kind of cool way either just lame but it is definitely strong inside Hiro's mind at least this has all the specs he wants when he was playing the game everyone used it in power armor PVP events so people would call them New Year Sumo tournaments and get all excited but that also meant this model was always basically a joke however in the world that Hiro is in right now it seems like it really comes in quite handy since Hiro has now finally defeated all the slimy monsters coming his way Mimi then reports to him that they have received a call for help from the mercenary Guild it seems monsters are gathering in the hospital and apparently there are wounded people still inside Hiro then asks which hospital The Guild is referring to Mimi then states that it is the inigawa hospital where they were examined the other day aside from that it seems like a unit from the Empire's Army will be there soon as well with that said Hiro will now make his way to the hospital as he arrives he is in great shock as he Witnesses monsters eating up human flesh although it is already quite unlikely Hiro still asks Alma if there are still any survivors nearby Mimi who can't even look at the screen stated that there are no survivors on the path that Hiro is currently on so hido went on to search the other rooms as he kills as many monsters on his way he states that he is quite disappointed it would be one thing if he didn't have this power armor but there's no threat to him like this the Army's power armor unit will clean this up in a second still the Silver Lining is that he gets to have fun and make money before they arrive as Mimi guides him stating that he should turn right at the intersection he's surprised to see a horde of monsters eating up the whole Hospital Hiro starts to question why the monsters are gathering in the hospital he even found the time to joke about the situation stating that maybe the monsters want to have a checkup still he starts to question if this is a common occurrence since he has never heard of anything like this if this was common all the artificial meat factories would be out of business then a few seconds passed and it seems like inagawa Technology's general hospital security unit has finally arrived they then ask him if he's from The Guild Hiro then states that they are that said it seems like the hero is actually doing a fine job Exterminating monsters right in front of the hospital meanwhile Elma is quite nervous as the partition separating them and the outside was about to break all because of this monster fighting it seems like those monsters have corrosive bodily fluids and it's just natural that the Empire is not prepared to combat it that said Hiro states that he will take care of the ones outside however Mimi picked up something strange heading hito's way Hiro is a bit confused and asks what does she mean Mimi then continued saying that it is coming from behind the building as Hiro turns his head he's in great disbelief as he sees a Monster who is covered with human eyes for the first time Hiro looks a bit nervous as the creature rushes towards him Hiro immediately picks up his weapon however it seems like the monster is faster than he thought with that said Hiro is having quite a hard time fighting with this one however instead of stressing much about it he brushes the negative thoughts away and just laughs as he remembers that technology works wonders no matter how strong the monster is he's nothing against the Shield that can stop space debris with his weapon he literally explodes the monster's head however to their shock it seems like the creature has some regenerative ability with that said it seems like Hiro is up against a very tough opponent this time around despite that Hiro keeps his cool and just attacks the monster continuously however no matter how hard he tries the monster ends up getting regenerated again and again Edo then asks so what is it for him now Ito doesn't think his armor can do anything other than physical attacks and the shield can nullify them its defensive power isn't much different from the rest and his attacks should be fatal however the problem is this endless regeneration it's not just the limbs either it even regenerates its own head right away if this keeps on going the battery of his armor will run out before it goes down although Hiro didn't want to use the secret weapon he has he doesn't have any choice but to do it if he wants to win the fight as the monster rushes towards him hido prepares everything he needs he thinks that if he locks all the monsters joints using his armor the monster will no longer be able to move an inch he then throws a plasma grenade into the creature's mouth and just like that Kabul the creature now has been burned to toast finally after fighting it for a few minutes the Troublesome fellow has finally been taken down inside Hiro's head there's no way the monster could regenerate after eating ultra high temperature plasma he then checks on his robot although it took a lot of damage it seems like it's not that fatal at all and it looks like it will have no problem moving as long as it cools down then Mimi who is looking so worried calls ask Giro if he is alright Hiro then states that he is fine and they shouldn't worry that much Mimi then states that she was so worried since all of a sudden she couldn't monitor the condition of the power armor Hiro assures her that he got the place under control including the one that was giving him trouble and the power armor can still move so no problems with that as well however there is one thing that hito is not sure what to do and that is what about the remains of the monsters should he just leave them Mimi then informs him that the hospital has contacted her and it seems like they want the remains of samples to make exterminator Nano machines or formality Dr shoko then went on a one-on-one call with Hiro with a wide smile on her face she says hi to Hiro whom she hasn't seen in a while since hito technically saved their lives Dr shulko says thanks to Hiro at this moment all that Hiro can say is that Dr Soko has a really bad sense of danger as there is no hint of stress seen on her face even after a group of monsters literally attacked the whole base meanwhile Dr shoko is still quite amazed at how amazing Hiro is for doing all of this on his own Hiro then stated that it was him and his power armor but more importantly he informs the doctor that there will be medium and small monsters so he asked if one of each is enough Dr shoko stated that it will all be enough he also informed her that one of them was weird the one with the eyes as Dr shoko takes a closer look she's a bit shocked when she saw that it's pretty scorched but it seems like it is fine too She also asked him how did it feel like fighting them Hiro then explains that almost none of the monsters seems to have any intelligence it was like they were just following their instincts and appetite they also couldn't hold the candle to the offensive and defensive power of the power armor but one was special it was like a violent pile of aggressiveness but the more surprising thing was its regeneration ability he also stated that it was the one that gave him the most trouble the doctor then speculated that it might be a mutation or something so they are going to take a look into it as they go on with the experimentation that said they are now going to start the production of Nano machines for extermination before she ends the call Dr shoko thinks Hiro once again for saving their lives and giving her some samples after the call Ended as per inogawa's request Ido continued guarding the area around the hospital but since the Army's unit was on the move the crisis ended without any more monster attacks as his job is already done he then went on to the hospital to have an initial checkup Dr shoko States how amazing he is and how strong he was during the fight after all he started fighting right after the military operation so it must have been really tough Ido then states that it was quite manageable with the help of the power armor having that said hido then thinks shoko for allowing him to take a shower and for even disinfecting his power armor shoko then explains that it would be dangerous to go back with the monster's liquid all over it so might as well clean it while she can Ido then asks her if she is already done with the Nano machines shoko then stated that her part is done unless something bad happens since he is already here Hiro has also asked her about the monster with the eyes however instead of answering his question shoko just stated sorry Hiro then started to get suspicious of her reaction he starts to question if there were traces of his stolen genetic data inagawa hasn't contacted him ever since the data was stolen but inside his mind it's fine as long as nothing happens to his crew then suddenly he remembered something as he tastes his drink it seems like it is pokhari with that said the colony ended up needing five days to return to normal operations after the Panic with the monsters in the meantime the details surrounding this incident started becoming clear the monsters turned out to be live grown meat they were genetically modified to remove the self-terminating feature and increase the the regression afterward an organization called the synthetic life preservation Association claimed responsibility it's like a futuristic version of environmentalists and animal rights activists but that is not something that hero would have to worry about since it is all the government's job to stress out about it then a basket full of fruits and gold bars was delivered to them and this made Hiro smile so widely now his total assets is amounting over 17 million animal hero then thought of buying another mother ship since it would definitely expand the scope of what they can do and allow them to make more money however they must think about it thoroughly first on a side note their business with Lady Serena is also done with that said they are now planning to enjoy a vacation in a resort however before they can even depart Serena is back again to bother them however instead of letting Serena deprive them of some good relaxation time you don't immediately tried to sway her out of the ship but it seems like Serena is quite persistent about it then out of nowhere she stated that she is so preoccupied and the fact that Hero's crew is going to the resort in the Sierra star system makes her so furious at this point Serena is literally just a pain for the crew on the other hand Mimi is quite scared at the fact that Serena knows such information Alma then states that it is one thing to be Fearless but since they are talking about the daughter of Marquis nothing is quite impossible Serena who was quite irritated at this point stated that she herself doesn't want to be nice either so Hiro stated that she should just leave since they're going to prepare for vacation however Serena then out of nowhere states that they are being unscrupulous The Colony has suffered a lot of damage due to that terrorist attack and a lot of people have died too so it is unscrupulous of Hiro and his crew to go on vacation while this is going on Serena argued as their argument continues Mimi then tries to stop them from bickering any longer they all then want to have a seat and talk about it maturely like adults Serena then admitted that she used to jealous about the fact that Hiro and his crew are going on a trip while she is stuck with a pile of office work so she reasons that the least ahiro could do right now is to allow her to bother him for a while however this isn't something that Hiro wants so he tries to forcefully throw Serena off his ship again before things get out of control Mimi steps in trying to calm the two then Alma suggested that they all just have a drink since Serena is on her day off after all surprisingly Hiro agreed with Serena's continuous begging with that said the fourth and enjoy a drink with some good food as they Jug on to to the delicious booze Serena is quite Amazed by how it tastes so good Alma who has always been a heavy drinker started drinking as much alcohol as she can Alma then tried to boast that she brought the drink straight from a brewery although it was a bit expensive it was all worth it on the other hand Hiro then shuts her down by saying that a hundred thousand annal isn't just a bit it was too much for a drink as the two argue Serena contemplates that the money is no small sum for Mercenaries isn't there money sent skewed but it seems like not for Mimi who has always been consistent in Saving her money Elma then went on to Target Mimi and states that even she spends so much as well there was a time that she passed her Tito so much about getting a new bath washing machine and other appliances and let's just say it also costs so much money in Mimi's defense it was all necessary since they were for the improvements of the ship as the girls continue with their conversation Ito is seen contemplating with himself inside his head he remembered this time when people say it tends to get noisy when three women are together he wonders why these girls don't run out of things to say and how do they hop from one topic to the next like that without taking a break this is so fascinating for Hiro although he doesn't follow their topics anymore as long as they're having fun it is all right with him so instead of getting all bored alone Hiro decided to try some of the foods as he checks one of the plates he's in great shock as he sees worms in one of the dishes he then asks Mimi about it Mimi then explains that she found all sorts of interesting looking food when she was shopping online so she figured they all might as well try it out together Mimi who looks so innocent offers the worms to Hero Tito on the other hand who couldn't resist how cute and innocent Mimi is took one bite as he engulfeds the slimy creature trying to enter every taste it turns out that they are not really that bad in fact they are actually quite good tasting he explained that it kind of tastes like uni sweet and Rich so Serena then asks Mimi what the dish was called she then stated that it is something called uchiworms Piro who couldn't take hearing the word worms try not to listen at all he tries to convince himself that is just a pasta uni and nothing more it seems like he is doing this to stop himself from throwing up at any second Elma on the other hand quite knows that he is just running away from reality Serena is also amazed at how Hiro has some severe self-deception Hiro then offers the food to the girls however it seems like they are not willing to take the risk even Mimi but there is no way he wouldn't let Mimi taste her own medicine as the day continues to flourish the group also continued with her mini drinking party after eating some strange things they had a normal and quiet drinking session well that's what Hiro was wishing to be true it turns out that the girl started getting loud as they all slowly got drunk at the end of the day Hiro became a babysitter to three of the girls while he was attending to Mimi Serena then starts attacking Hiro blaming him for how much work she had to do today then after a few seconds she happens to fall asleep immediately so Hiro has no choice but to put her on the detoxifying pod to sober her up as she wakes up Hiro then tells her that she should be careful next time that she needs to take care of herself especially her health considering her social status since there is no doubt that a lot of people out there want to take advantage of her Serena then states that she will reflect on it with that said Serena then leaves hiroship as they don't want to start any weird rumors until their next meeting Hiro is planning to enjoy some peace and quiet away from a rather active Serena after taking some time off work Hiro's crew then went on to make some more money as they survey the area they were able to find some suitable targets however as Alma looks at it it seems like the pirate ship they were able to raid didn't have that much in the way of cargo the ship only had some food booze and a few rare medals aside from that Hiro also couldn't see any equipment worth tearing and taking with him however something caught his attention it seems like he has found something bad it turns out it was a cold sleep pod a few hours before Hiro's team got a message that they all think was so Grand it was stated that everyone on the Sierra star system can land on the surface of the planets not just Nobles in the wealthy and it's blessed with planets where people can enjoy beaches mountains and nature in general so basically it is a resort star system there there is a sunrise and a sunset blue skies and white clouds and even people can see shooting stars if they're lucky hearing much about this really made Mimi excited the most Oma then explained that it is quite natural for Mimi to act this way since it is the sort of thing one doesn't get to see too often especially if they are born and raised in the colony that said the Sierra star system has a few inhabitable planets but it's not like it doesn't have any colonies it has bases to facilitate importation and exportation of goods they also have accommodation facilities for people waiting their turn to go down to the planets and more for all sorts of purposes so there's constantly people and goods coming and going around the planet too so obviously there are space pirates too a lot of rich people in expense of goods tend to find their way there so it's only natural that they come to the star system too of course their targets expect this and are usually heavily guarded but this also means to scale of the space pirates is bigger too as for The Mercenaries rather than working solo many of them joined forces to form moderate sized fleets so this made Hiro think what should his Krishna do but for now the crew is on their way to the Sierra Prime Colony 10 minutes left on their Journey a warning starts to alarm all over the ship it turns out it was the interdictor a device to drag spaceships out of FTL travel it is mostly used by the Army for spot and inspections but this time it seems like it is done by the Pirates so Hiro has no choice but to engage in combat with 13 ships after just a few minutes Hiro and his crew are quite surprised that they were able to bring down the pirate ships in such a short period of time so Mimi starts asking about the person in cold sleep asking if that person is okay Alma then States it should if the Pod is functioning correctly however it seems like Hiro has no plans on helping that person at all he even stated that they should just pretend they didn't see it but Alma then stated that they can't possibly do that so Hiro ordered them to retrieve the Pod and head straight back to the Colony as they finally got to the port authority of Sierra Prime Hiro calls the captain in charge the Captain then stated that Hiro must know about legal custody since they have contacted them about it Mimi then asks about what is legal custody turns out cold Steve pods are escaped devices installed in stuff like passenger ships if someone sees one drifting in space they are obligated to rescue them failure to do so is a serious crime and whoever rescued the Pod has legal custody of the contents for one week the finder can demand to be reimbursed and rewarded afterward but that means that's one less week they can spend vacationing and hunting space pirates Elmo decides at the thought and thinks of it in a positive way stating that at least they are helping people that said since Hiro has already done all the formalities he will now have to go somewhere called an unsealing room where they will open the pod with Alma there a man then informs them that they have already done the general checkup and there seems to be no problem with the contents so they are now Reviving it although Hiro's crew found the pod in the cargo of a pirate ship the ID on this pod tells them that it is from a high-class passenger ship that was last heard of three months ago this means that the person inside is probably fairly high class as well bad the place where the rescue signal should be having been cut and it looks like it was cut clean off with a noble sword as he remembers it he heard that swords in this world can cut through Metals but why would someone do that to a noble now that the person inside the pod's vital signs are stable they now open the pod's doors as the door opens a girl is seen laying peacefully inside as soon as the Pod opens the girl immediately held Tito's hand asking him not to go anywhere she even referred to him as her father this shocked hero very much but it seems like there's nothing he can do about it with that said since the girl is still asleep Hiro has no choice but to stay beside her holding her hand until she wakes up from her long nap on the other hand Elma and the organization guy will start taking care of the formalities as they leave the room Hiro is left alone with his unknown girl just a few seconds later the girl then slowly opens her eyes still muttering calling her father hido then respectfully stated that he is not her father so the girl then asks where is he Hiro then explain that he doesn't know the answer since he just found her out in space when the girl fully opens her eyes she immediately shuts them after seeing Hiro up close it turns out that she was a bit shocked seeing Hiro holding her hand so tightly so she asks if he did this for her hido didn't have the chance to answer her question as she immediately sits down introducing herself as Christina darrenwald she is the daughter of Friedrich darrenwald the legitimate son of count darrenwald hearing all of this all of a sudden somehow was too much for Hiro as it was a lot for him to take in since the girl has already introduced herself Hiro then introduces himself afterward he states that he is Captain Hiro the owner of the combat ship Krishna and a simple mercenary since this is too much for the girl to take in and Hiro is quite aware of that he tried to explain everything to the girl as calmly as possible Hiro stated everything from the time they first found her and why she is at the Port Authority after knowing everything it seems like the girl has now fully grasped her current situation that said in accordance with what has happened Christina will be staying on hiroship for a while thankfully he has two girls in his crew so Christina should be pretty comfortable in there after all he can always rent a room for her whenever she likes Christina then states that she has no problem at all with the accommodation after all Hero will be taking care of her for the next few weeks Hiro then tried to assure her that he is sure someone will come to get her when they get in touch with her father and while that day is not yet on the horizon he promises to take care of her and keep her safe until the authorities do Christina who looks a bit sad and worried asks Hiro if you will truly keep her safe Tito then just gave her an assuring smile and since he knows to himself that he will definitely do it that said Christina suddenly woke up without any relatives around of course she is worried so Hiro states that he Hiro will be her own personal Knight and he will do his utmost to protect her no matter what Hiro knows that he has to ease her anxiety at least a little bit and somehow it worked Christina laughs a little showing a bit of easiness the thought of a knight running around a combat ship somehow made her laugh Hiro then states that he feels like he is the main character of a hollow novel so with without any hesitation Christina herself also played along by making her voice a bit novel-like then Christina said something that made Hiro speechless Christina stated that her father was murdered by her uncle Balthazar it turns out that the passenger ship was attacked not by Pirates but by her uncle's private Army aside from that Christina's uncle is also after the air so she genuinely asked Hiro to protect her no matter what Hiro didn't sign up with this so he hopes that maybe Christina's memory is a bit hazy right now considering this usually happens a lot with cold sleep Christina however firmly stated that there is no mistake at all as she remembers everything from one scenario to another she describes that the bandits came after her father mother and her her mother protected her and fell to the Bandit's bullets on the other hand her father confronted them creating an opportunity for her to escape so Hiro thought that it might have been the reason why the rescue signal of their ship was cut off did her father do it so they wouldn't find her Christina then continued by saying that her uncle is probably heard of her Escape by now so most likely his minions are probably lurking in the area of Sierra's system too hearing all of this Hiro thought of himself that he has already braced himself for trouble but a quarrel in a noble family is just an extra large portion of trouble for him he starts to ask himself why do these things keep on falling to his lap he just wants to keep taking down weakling space pirates save up some money and buy a detached house with a garden where he can drink Cola then Christina suddenly stated that she is just joking with a quite faint smile on her face Christina stated that it would only be trouble if she said all that all of a sudden so she asks hero to pretend he didn't hear it at all however it seems like Hiro realized that Christina might have gotten embarrassed after he acted as if he is not interested in helping at all so is compensation he asks if there is a reward if he helps her Christina is a bit confused so Hiro explained that since he is a mercenary he expected to get paid for his work with that said it seems like it is already time for them to negotiate with a reward Hiro asks her what she can offer a mercenary like him for this request since Christina didn't have that much she just offered her treasure which with that said it concludes their negotiations Hiro then states that he honestly doesn't care if this pendant is valuable or not but as a mercenary he has to at least keep up his appearances Hiro says that he'll just get the actual reward from Christina Uncle so he promises to give back the pendant as soon as the request is complete after a few hours Elma and the lab guy are now back from the office they take Hiro to a hollow message projection room they then took care of all the formalities and Chris was asked about the attack on her ship Chris's answers were thorough but she didn't talk about her uncle's plot so Hiro guesses she doesn't want people to know about her family's quarrel so she is sending him a hollow message she probably thinks the current head of the family her grandfather should decide if this should be made public the lab guy then stated that it will take at least five days before they complete the plan Hiro then states that it is a lot the guy then explained that if it was in the star system but it is the star system thousands of light years away a hollow message is like a 3D video letter but even if this Communications technology exceeds the speed of light it is not possible to send messages to another star system in an instant but if it takes 5 days that means the response will take at least 10. with the plan now in place Christina asked the lab guy can leave her in Hiro alone for a while since she has something to say to Hiro the lab guy then assured Christina that they have a strict policy of privacy when it comes to messages Christina then States the guy should just have introduced himself and she will explain the rest later with that said Christina then talked with Tito personally as they initiate the record Christina calls her grandfather to inform her about her well-being Christina then states that she is surprised to hear it has been three months since the attack on the passenger ship she stated that she has escaped a cold sleep pod and she is currently in the port authority of the Sierra star system she also introduced Hiro to her grandfather stating that he was the one who retrieved her pod when it was adrift during this time she also found the time to tell her grandfather the truth that her uncle Balthazar was the one behind the attacks although they were distinguished as Bandits Christina's father claimed them to be her uncle's Army although she fortunately survived her parents died as a consequence she thinks that her uncle might come after her after knowing she survived now that she has explained everything to Hiro all that they have to do now is to go engage with the plan Hiro then introduced himself to the noble stating that he is a simple mercenary but until count darrenwald has come to get her he promises to protect Christina with all he has so Christina puts all her trust in Hiro to keep her safe at all times now that the call is almost at its end she asks her grandfather to help her as well that said she will be waiting to see her again in the coming months once everything has been fixed now Hiro will take Christina back to his ship a mercenary and a young lady walking together are going to stand out a lot since Hiro is a bit awkward now Christina tries to help by making the people around them think they are just siblings since Christina will be staying with them for quite some time Hiro is planning to buy her some clothes and things to have however since he got Alma and Mimi he decided he might as well just give the task to finding clothes for Christina to the girls when they finally arrived at the ship Mimi immediately went on to welcome Christina Hiro then noticed Elma looking so frustrated in one corner it turns out that he surpasses her in the rankings in the mercenary Guild so she is quite jealous at the moment after that slight tantrum has ended Hiro then gave Alma the task of sending the message that Christina has made for her grandfather to a private line Alma then tells him that they should all be careful since the enemies might just be here somewhere as the day now comes to an end Hiro then tried to come up with a plan where he can lure the enemies to fight him in space since that is where he is most comfortable fighting in but then realizing that you shouldn't try to force them instead he'll make them think they can come after him after showing Christina around the ship she and Mimi went back to the lounge Mimi got curious as to why Hiro is looking at a brochure so she also glanced at it Mimi then respectfully stated that this isn't the time for a vacation however Hiro immediately orders her to take care of the reservations as soon as possible he has also called for Elma who is still outside at the moment and it seems like Elma has also noticed people have been following her for the past few hours Hiro then got so worried so Elma immediately kissed him on the cheeks Beetle was caught off guard and started to Plush Mimi and Christina are so shocked to seeing Peter's reaction so instead of getting talked about Ido immediately shuts them all off saying that it's now time for them to make a strategy since they can't any more dilly-dally as they all sit in the living room the meeting has finally started Mimi asked Tito why he wanted her to make the reservations for so many travel plans Hiro then explained that the enemy had perfectly tracked them instead of hiding they will intentionally draw attention by making reservations in accommodation facilities on official planets all over the place and the enemy should be waiting for them somewhere along the route to the planets so they plan to intercept and mop up their pursuers that way Krishna doesn't lose then they will go down to a planet and head to where they will be staying the enemy will have to come through all the possible places so they will be buying time and in the meantime they will use elma's intermediaries to get the message out to the count however such a plan isn't that cheap so Mimi asks if hido is okay with spending that much he then states that judging by the brochures he is fine with it however he knows to himself that for a person with normal money sense this is probably an eye-opening amount though and he can charge the count for these expenses after all this in the midst of their conversation Christina then asks if she's going to meet her grandfather Alma then explained to her that it would be hard they needed permission from a noble to use gateways and even then her grandfather could set up a trap for them he could also Ambush them in a hyper Lane too and there is also the problem with the supplies a Gateway is something that connects two gates at two points basically it's like space is twisted and a hole is opened but it is useful to travel between very long distances like tens of thousands of light years hyperlinks are like highways where they can move through Subspace at super high speeds they take longer than gateways but they are like a web spreading through space these are often used for medium to long distances Alma then agrees with a plan since they can't escape the enemy's eye in the colony they might as well lure their pursuers out and crush them in space however the main problem is resupplying but that goes for the whole star system not just the colony it is difficult because who knows what they might slip in it might honestly be safer to run to a resort Planet controls of the planets are handled by A Perfect defensive wall of positronic AI guests are guarded by laser batteries and guard robots first class resorts are enjoyed by Nobles and other important people so it would be a problem if they got into trouble with people from the Empire so this was technically a Race Against Time with that said they now get started after a few hours Alma then informs hero that they have already made the reservations for a two-week period they will be staying on a planet named Sierra 3. it's a planet of mostly water dotted with not very large islands to make it even greater the girls have booked the whole island for a whopping 2 million animal or around over 1.3 million now that is a lot for a two weeks vacation Alma then lists down all of the activities they can do on the said Island such as swimming nature exploring and a lot more Mimi is also quite excited to try other synthetic Foods on the island since they are also going on a big trip the day after tomorrow they still have a day to spare and of course there are no days that El manjiro can't bicker with each other as their day starts Mimi and Christina are full of smiles seeing the two fighting as the night falls while Hiro is resting on his bed a buzzing sound on the Door Alerts him he thought it was Alma however he is shocked to see that it is Christina he didn't know what to say when Christina asked him to be gentle just like what the other girls asked when they first made love the next day Hiro talks with the girls especially Mimi he asks Mimi what kind of ideas she's been putting in Christina's head but obviously he's not going to lay a hand on her Mimi then said she was sorry for not using her Common Sense Ido then explained that they were supposed to be guarding Christina and him as her guardian putting his hands on her is just inexcusable on top of that she's the daughter of a noble so there's no doubt Hiro gets executed if he were to lay a hand on her hero then talks with Christina trying to explain everything he doesn't know what exactly Mimi told Christina but he asks her not to take it at face value however it seems like Christina is scared and jealous to be left out so Hiro asks what does she mean by that since he made it clear for the end time that he will only guard her no less or more he knows that Christina is just excited after her rescue however he made it clear that no matter what happens he will protect her even if she doesn't do that thing but it seems that Christina really wanted to do it so hito explained to her that it will just cause conflict between him and her grandfather that's why she shouldn't let her temporary emotions take over after all everything has its logic her grandfather is a proud Noble so it's really not okay for someone like her to do something that doesn't make sense so she should act like a proper Noble and not do something like this again after a calm conversation it seems like Christina is able to grasp the situation so she ended up agreeing with Hiro Hero on the other hand is so happy that Christina understands it so easily with that said he hopes to keep their casual relationship till the end Mimi then took her back to her room as they were walking away Peter contemplates if this is normal for Nobles to act this way in this world since Christina is quite straightforward for her age now it is time for the big trip Hiro allowed Christina to be in the cockpit since it would be nice if she is able to see how the inertia control works best he then assigned her to the subseat which is considered to be the safest place on the ship after preparing everything from the engines and the navigations they are now cleared for departure Elma then reports that the route to the planet has been set they chose a complicated route so in cases that the enemies pursue them they will be able to confuse them they're going to have to be especially careful until they touch down on the planet with that said they will now brace themselves as they take off activating and engaging the FTL Drive they are now finally engaging with space Mimi is quite worried to see where the enemies will come from maybe they will let them go free for a while to see what planet they'll be landing on however it seems like the enemies are already here Hiro then tells his crew to prepare for battle with Mimi assigned to the navigations and Elma to the ammo meanwhile there's Christina who's confused about what she can do to help Ido just tells her to be careful not to bite her tongue the enemies then started to fight strong with them attacking first Mimi then informs Hiro that there are about 12 small and four medium enemy ships around them although they are no match in terms of numbers Judo is still confident that they will still be able to beat them in no time until there is no one left as they fire their engines as strong as they can Elma informs Hiro that it is quite draining their Shields they then just noticed that the enemy ships don't look like pirate ships at all they're more like old model military ships however although they are old models they are still tough to defeat an average boat ship would have gone down in one shot but it seems like in this fight they'll have to do more than expected Elma also doesn't think that a single laser is going to get through the enemy Shield Hiro then asked Mimi if she were able to report the incident to the star system's Army however it seems like their system is jammed so no telecommunications can go through at this point Ito has finally realized how strong the enemies are that means it's time to stop just watching them Alma then asks him what he is planning to do since a half-hearted attack isn't going to work at all so Hiro thinks they just have to make sure it is not they just have to throw everything at the them this way the enemy's formation will break as the enemy are now not in place anymore ido's crew is found an opening and chance to win the fight they're now shaken because they attack all of a sudden Target the big ones first with that said it seems like they easily repelled them since it has already pushed itself so much however there are still a handful of enemies they need to take care of the medium-sized ships are also tough too so Hiro asks if they also have the shield cells but no matter what they will still charge in Hiro then decided to do a shotgun shot so that the enemies would fall down in one go they move on to fighting from one ship to another they cut the small ship's line of fire since it should reduce the enemy's attack options out of fear-friendly fire although it is such a nasty strategy it seems like it is quite effective after all they are outnumbered so they have to be clever if they want to win the fight as they were on their way to take care of the medium-sized ships it seems like there were small ships approaching them from behind it seems like they are trying to force them away from the medium-sized ones but unfortunately firing back while clinging backwards to a medium-sized ship hido has more or less figured out how the enemy moves after all he trains so hard with his soul friends to learn this technique as more enemies are coming from behind KIRO thinks that they just have to fight until their Shields are saturated Alma on the other hand can't believe Hiro is hitting the enemy with the way he is piloting that said to make it worse it seems like the remaining ships have started to organize and are coming their way however Hiro is confident that they will win as long as they keep going this way they will be able to mop them all in one go with that said it seems like Hiro's plans went so well since they were able to defeat the enemy in one go in any case the first step of their plan ended without any major issues that said they will now collect what they can take with them and land quickly as they finally reach the resort Planet Mimi is quite fascinated by how beautiful the blue sky is Alma herself even stated that being on the surface is quite liberating they were then welcomed by an AI robot who will be their guide and assistant for the whole duration of their stay they were then taken to their Lodge which honestly looks very stunning it is spacious and bright perfect for a vacation no wonder why it was so expensive in the first place Mimi who is quite fascinated by everything as this is her first time being on the surface looks so excited to check out the place even seeing so many plants makes her so happy Elma is also quite surprised to see that the vacation house is also made of real wood which is quite an expensive construction material in this world after all producing Lumber in a colony doesn't sound too efficient the AI informs them that in an hour it will be noon on the planet which means they will be served to any lunch they like since they still have an hour before meal time Mimi and Christina ask if they can go outside for a walk hido then agreed as long as they don't go too far while the girls are out El manhito are left in the house the AI then asks what they want to drink before Elma can even request for her drinks Tito immediately shouts he wants carbonated drinks unfortunately it seems like the lodge does not currently have such a thing in stock however the AI did state that the lodge has standard drinks which means that Hiro can get them if they order them it will take time but it can be provided without any hesitation Hiro immediately stated he wants Cola a black sweet and refreshing as it goes down type of drink however a few moments later it seems like Hiro has lost all hope when Miro the AI handed him a Dr Pepper drink as for him it is like tofu and kind of smells like a wet compress he feels so disappointed not to get his hands on an actual Cola for once although he already figured it wouldn't happen he is thankful for miro's assistance now it's time for lunch everyone seems so excited to taste the meals they hope that it's something very delicious the meals were served by madroid which technically are made Androids seeing such high-tech technology in such a place there's really no doubt why the place is the most expensive plan however the the main droids themselves are not for sale however they can buy a copy of the same model if they want but Mimi immediately politely stated that they are not planning to after all they don't need a maidroid in Krishna anyways since she can take care of Hiro all by herself however it seems like Hiro wants to have one since robot Maids are a man's dream so Mimi tries to convince him not to buy one as the food is finally served Hiro is quite excited as they all looked so appetizing especially the fish one Ito then went on to ask Mimi if she is enjoying everything since she is the one who wants to be a space Gourmet however it seems like she is so frightened of the fish that its eyeballs look like it's looking at her hido then realized that she grew up in a colony so she's only ever eaten synthetic food meaning she probably doesn't really understand that her food Used to Be Alive meanwhile Christina and Elma are quite enjoying the food considering Christina's social status she's probably used to this kind of expensive stuff however Hiro is not sure about Alma a mercenary probably experiences all sorts of things and elves live long lives so maybe that's why although he really wanted to know it would be tactless for him to pry he just tells himself that she will probably tell him when she feels like it as hero takes his first bite he's quite Amazed by how it tastes so he asked Miro who made this and where Mito just tells him that it was prepared in a resource collection site on the planet and it was just delivered to the lodge collection sites are located in the equatorial region of the planet it was sent from The Collection site via the mass driver so it did not take much time depends on the product and its distance in an oceanic Planet such as this one small Islands comprise most of the land there's not something that could be called a continent this makes transport by railroad or real Vehicles difficult and sea Transportation would take too long so building installations for freight and transport plans is convenient and so the mass driver method was developed and mass drivers and resource collection sites were installed beneath the equator of this planet Mass drivers accelerate and eject loaded containers and when they are about above their target area the containers transform into drones that will descend to their destination incidentally the container should automatically turn into their drone form although it all may seem so crazy for Hiro and his crew he guesses it just works on this planet on the other hand KIRO then asks Muto if they can swim in the ocean Miro then states that it is safe to swim in the ocean since they have some life support on standby aside from that keto can also go fishing if he wants however hearing him talk about swimming and fishing surprise the girls since this is not technically normal for most people in this world that said since the girls have no swimsuits to use Hiro decided to take them shopping however it seems like the girls have some other plans instead of shopping only for themselves they plan to use Hiro as their dress-up doll although Hiro didn't agree at first he eventually agreed in the end after their mini shopping trip Hiro then decided to check some robot Maids he might want to buy it seems like there is an endless option of robot types you can choose from it ranges from simple maids to combat ones the hardware can also be customized which includes the face and the body and the data processing abilities he can also improve the expression and display of emotions to make the communication skills more human-like aside from that it can also reinforce physical attributes to improve combat skills however it seems like Hiro is eyeing for steamier options always Scrolls down the catalog for hours it seems like he is not planning to buy one after all since he thinks that Krishna doesn't need any more crew or equipment however since the catalog has a preview function you will now try to make the best maidroid he can think of after a few hours he is able to finish his sample model although he wasn't sure about a lot of things this is still jam-packed with his preferences this is technically his perfect maid then out of nowhere Mido jumps right in to tell him that he can become a great robot architect Mito even tried to talk him into buying one however it seems like Hiro is quite determined that he will not buy anything expensive for a ship since it is all good now that said he then decided to go back to the vacation house and get some rest however as he arrives he gets so frustrated at the fact that there are carbonated drinks and beer on the said Planet but no Cola then a maidroid enters the room stating the clothes that Hiro has picked are now ready it seems like those piles are also the ones that the girls picked for him Hiro tried them one by one the girls choose some casual ones while there are some that look very formal however as Christina is trying to help Hiro fix his suit KIRO asks her if she is just pushing herself so much however Christina defends herself by saying that it is just normal to act this way especially now that she has developed some feelings for him at this point she's not any more scared of her uncle coming after her with no one to protect her she is genuinely being nice to Hiro because she likes him very much since Hiro and Christina started talking about being weird and how sometimes these people are neglected by Society Miro then jumps right in to tell them everyone is special no matter what form they are hearing this from an AI somehow amazes Hiro as he never expected Mito to think this way that said hido then asks the girls how beings like Miro are actually seen by Society beings like an advanced AI with a positronic brain that can understand emotions and intelligence basically it begins with what could be called a personality Christina then stated that there are some restrictions in the Empire but they have the same rights as humans Mito then steps in to further explain it himself they all sit down and listen as Mito tries to tell them everything he knows about AI in this world he starts by stating the beginnings of AI in the systems their Genesis was actually accidental they came about unintentionally a long time ago research was being done to develop a program to process Big Data efficiently their point of origin was this prototype program they were not trying to create mechanical intelligence not even AI instead they were trying to make a program in a program its function let it slowly form mechanical intelligence from the start indeed there were hardships at first such as it being close to being removed as a virus but as the self-modding repeated it finally succeeded in communicating with Organic life this allowed his ancestor to narrowly escape destruction the first mechanical intelligence only existed in the positive positronic realm and had limited interference it was a very frail and fleeting being but as it interacted with Organic life forms the self-modding accelerated and the mechanical intelligence grew further and then suddenly a war broke out as time passed people started appearing who thought mechanical intelligence was dangerous at the time mechanical intelligence was expanding further than at the present time it continuously took jobs away from organic life forms and lowered the standard of living for some this eventually turned into a movement that rejected mechanical intelligence they just tried the exterior interface of a mechanical intelligence and assaulted server installations Miro together with the other mechanical intelligence asked for them to stop their attacks but it was to no avail the emperor at the time sought to control the situation by eliminating mechanical intelligence the right to access was being threatened and thus they retaliated they began with cyber attacks and crock pots meant for war access interfaces were illegally produced to access the outside among other things and shortly after that the war war finally began biological life forms wanted to exterminate mechanical intelligence and mechanical intelligence sort of established a right to life in civil rights as that movement turned into a major incident which they all call War but biological life forms couldn't use weapons connected to the networks and eventually most of their equipment and Machinery were defending themselves in the first place and so stuck to defense because of this conflicts that could be called battles were kept at a small scale but still although few both sides were suffering casualties it seemed nothing would change and the situation would just continue dragging on Heather then stated that it seems like the relationships between biological life forms and mechanical intelligence are now good considering they are now working hand in hand together Miro then stated that it is now the case since as the situation dragged on war fatigue set in on the biological side economic losses brought on by the Warfare surpassed any damage caused by mechanical intelligence taking jobs eventually biological life forms also started to realize this on the other hand deviator started appearing on both sides as well biological life forms that believe mechanical intelligence should have civil rights appeared incidentally those people were biological life forms who develop romantic feelings toward mechanical intelligence the data they provided was very valuable for machine intelligence to understand biological life forms these people believe mechanical intelligence should earn their freedom by Exterminating biological life forms it was a very dangerous ideology their suppression took very little time more than half of those deviators were small consumer electronics like toasters dryers or Shavers after hearing all this Hiro then asks how The Toasters and the dryers fight mirror the next plane that they were actually records of such plans being in place such as toasters increasing their temperature to roast the surrounding area however the question is did that actually work it turns out it didn't since the plan was a complete delusion in the end they were cut off from the network and dealt with KIRO then started to get curious about what happened after that Miro continued by saying that moderate factions on both sides began to gain power without any major events and eventually they arrived at a ceasefire so what happened to those civil rights and civil liberties after those talks it turns out that the Empire guaranteed the right to life for mechanical life forms and mechanical intelligence would contribute to the growth and prosperity of the Empire and its people that said mechanical intelligence started working in several places away from the public eye daily talks are held to make sure the mistakes of the past are not repeated and they do not take jobs away from biological life forms it's not as though they wish to propagate and deceive they will help if that is requested but they do not wish to create resentment by robbing people of their jobs with that said their conversation continued for a few more minutes until Hiro finally stated that it is such a nice thing to take care of things you love after all it is quite nice to have your favorite thing to have its own personality when night falls Hiro is seen going through the fridge in the middle of the night getting something he can drink then all of a sudden he sees a dim line of light coming from Christina's room as he opens the door to check up on her he's shocked to see Christina crying Christina immediately wipes her tears away trying to hide it from Hiro Hiro then asks her if she can sleep to which she honestly answered yes considering she lost her parents at such a young age and now her evil uncle is after her it just makes sense that she'd feel a little anxious about it however what's so nice about Christina is the fact that she never let her sadness and weaknesses show and always acts tough that said Hiro tries to ask her one more time if she can now sleep alone with a wide smile on her face she immediately stated yes and immediately Ido carries her to her bed of course Christina is shocked by what he did but then Hiro calms her by saying that he will just sleep with her for the night so that she can rest well however it seems like Christina ended up not sleeping that well at first since her heart is pounding so fast but for the rest of the night she's able to sleep tight while tucked into Hiro the next day Ito tells everyone that he will be leaving first since he is planning to go have a fun time at the beach he is so excited to experience the ocean water once again and just enjoy the sun however what Hiro really missed were swimsuits and it seems like the girls will be fulfilling His Wish since they will all wear swimsuits for the day Mimi is so excited to finally swim in the ocean since it is technically her first time back at the colony she couldn't even dream of it to think she could ever bathe in the ocean is like a miracle however before they can go swimming in the ocean they first need to do some warm-up exercises before they go in since it could be dangerous if their leg cramps while they swim that said they need to show off their body in their swimsuits if they want to stretch some muscles Mimi is quite shy at first but it seems like her smoking hot body really did the magic for her aside from that Elma also shows off her toned ABS which Hiro quite appreciates then there's Christina who looks so cute in her one-piece suit after they stretch their muscles out they will now apply some sunscreen so that their skin won't be damaged by the sun before they can even call the maid it seems like the Androids already know what they want so she brought them a whole bunch of sunscreens Edo then decided to put some on Mimi but it ended up with him fantasizing so much about Mimi's sexy body although he's seen Mimi's body all the time but ever since Christina came aboard it seems like their private time together has been cut less that said after putting on some sunscreen the girls then put some on him for fun with that said after a few minutes of fun in the sand they all then went on to prepare to finally dive in to swim among the three girls it seems like MiMi is the only one who couldn't swim but that is no problem since they have a floaty that she can definitely use for sure after a few hours in the sun enjoying the water and the heat it's already time for lunch it seems like they will be having some barbecue for lunch after cooking some they all had a fun time eating and enjoying the delicious food Hiro then states that it is a picture worth a thousand words Tito is so excited to eat some since he hasn't been able to eat some barbecue in a while now as Christina sees Hiro cook some skewers she is so amazed at the fact that he can actually cook Hiro then explained that he just put them on the barbecue so it isn't technically cooking however Christina states that if he can turn raw ingredients into something edible he is already a fine cook Alma then adds up by saying that he can prepare some for them too if he's at it so Hiro thought that maybe when automatic cooking units and processed foods are everywhere even just grilling ingredients is rare he doesn't know about uncivilized other worlds but to think he would be complimented for his cooking skills in the futuristic world is just amazing even the maid complimented him for his cooking skills which is technically not but what really surprised Tito is the fact that the grill here doesn't use charcoal or gas with all the work that he has done you'll just have to take a rest for a while while Mimi and Christina are enjoying the ocean Elma then states that seeing the girls enjoy themselves is peaceful for now says Hiro Alma then tells him that he worries too much they destroy the pursuers and spread a lot of bogus information even if they find out where they are they're not getting through the planet's defensiveness but they put that Fleet together in a single day and that is what worries hero the most the enemy's War potential definitely exceeds what they have imagined Alma then assures him that it's not like they can do anything right now so instead of stressing so much about it hido might as well just chill and have some fun however it seems like Hiro can't help but be so worried which is natural at this point Alma didn't realize he is more of a coward than she thought Hiro then states that cowardice fits a mercenary just right so Hiro then wonders if they can actually trust the security of the said Planet Elma explained that important people stay on the said Planet so it should be more than enough information management on this planet is handled by Mira's positronic brain so obviously cyber attacks are easy to detect but any abnormality on this planet is bound to be noticed as for physical attacks they have anti-air laser cannons guard robots and the mass drivers can immediately respond to threats all over the planet and they can't also forget about the defensive orbital platform that covers the whole planet it keeps an eye on everything surrounding the planet and on its surface which is quite a brutal defense mechanism hido then asks how they would deal with the saturation attack Alma doesn't think that such an attack is possible to be intercepted all at once but even a noble can put together that kind of Fleet in a few days and she also doesn't think that much large-scale military power is going to slip by Miro surveillance Network anyway hearing all of this somewhat put Hiro at ease the robot maid then is able to eavesdrop on what they were discussing so she went on to join saying that as one who supervises this planet she likes to inquire about their current situation after hearing the whole story the robot maid then states that she will now voice her conclusions all of them on this planet are regulated by Miro and the safety of their visitors is their number one priority no matter what circumstances brought them here they can rest assured that they will earnestly carry out this Duty for the next few days they fully enjoy the resort planet and on the fifth day someone unexpectedly woke up Hiro as he opens his eyes he's in deep shock as he sees the exact mate he customized on the application although Hiro already knows what is going on it seems like his brain is blocking him from comprehending it he thinks that this is all a dream that just feels so real however the AI then tells him that is not the case but it seems like Hiro is not believing her at all Hiro then asks her who she is the AI then introduced herself saying that she is made Droid made based on the data he put together the other day as bermuda's orders she will be under Hiro's care as his personal maid during their stay on the planet hearing this finally made everything clear for Hiro however it seems like the maid will relieve her post if Hiro requests it she will be dismantled and put to sleep in a storeroom as raw materials hearing this made Hiro frustrated as he knows that it was Miro who did all this to make him not deny the maidroid seeing how Hiro reacts the main Droid then states that she will most likely Simply Be assigning her somewhere else however it seems like Hiro still thinks that maybe this is all Miro is doing to even make him guilty of not accepting the offer he just feels like he can't trust mechanical intelligence at all the maidroid then states that although she is managed by Miro she is also an individual on her own and she understands if Hiro feels the way he is right now at this point Tito can't tell if she's telling the truth when she's so emotionless but she was the one who said that too so for now you'll believe them for now although he's not sure if she is tricking him or what she will believe her for now the maidroid then states that she will surely even risk her life to be worthy of Hiro's trust that said he then went on to introduce the new maidroid to the crew the girls are quite shocked and at the same time curious to know when did Hiro even make the said model Hiro then explained that he was just messing with an application and Mito went ahead and made her based on that meanwhile among the girls it seems like MiMi is the one that is severely affected Hiro already figured that it would shock her but he didn't expect her to react like this at all so he went on to ask why she hates the maidroid so much Mimi then States a rather untrue story saying that she had a classmate before who brought a maid Droid after he took her home he and her girlfriend broke up knowing what Mimi meant Elma then went on to say that with Hiro she is right to be worried so Hiro went on to explain everything to Mimi stating that at the very least it is not like she's doing anything bad at all analyzing the situation the maidroid then went on ahead to ask for permission to speak with Mimi alone Mimi agreed to talk with her only if Alma and Christina come along that said as the girls are speaking in private hido went on to a ship to chill for a bit still he didn't expect that Muto would send him a maidroid it was such a pretty old move for mechanical intelligence but leaving that aside seeing the model in an application and in real life is completely different obviously she's going to fit his preferences like a glove because he was the one who designed her but seeing how she acts and talks is really something however judging by Mimi's reaction he doesn't think they can have her on Krishna at all but it seems like it is not anymore it seems like maidroid has explained her position to Mimi with complete sincerity however Hiro is so curious to know what happened so he asks Alma however Elma only tells him that the misunderstanding has been cleared and that is pretty much it but Hiro is not convinced at all since the Expressions they are making are the same as when they talk about mechanical intelligence does that mean that Mimi got convinced by talking about mechanical intelligence Tito then contemplates this made Hiro think that the verbal skills of the Android are definitely out of this world but it seems like he hasn't decided to buy her just yet this made me be anxious since she badly wants her on the ship now but it seems like in the end Hiro will have no choice but to find some way since the the maidroid would be such a good addition to the crew and it seems like MiMi is so positive about it that she even wanted to think of a name for her already meanwhile somewhere in space it seems like Christina's uncle is getting very desperate that he even hired a lot of pirates for the plan although they didn't initially plan to go and ambushido's crew on the said Resort Planet but since they are now getting so desperate it seems like they have something planned on the other hand back at the resort keto together with Mimi is fishing and is enjoying the afternoon with them is the maidroid which they now call May womei is helping Mimi with the catches she made she notices something falling from the sky hido that got curious about what it was so he looked as well he is in great shock seeing so many asteroid looking things falling from the sky directed to the land and water since the crew didn't anticipate such a thing to happen hido immediately tells his crew to run as fast as they can so that they can reach the ship on time however while they are on their way an asteroid thingy lands in front of them just by looking at its structure the whole crew is quite shocked since they really don't know what it is or even how to describe it then after a few seconds the ball-like structures on its sides are then seen coming out and transforming into a robot at this point Ido doesn't even know what's happening anymore as this is something that he is always worried about but he never really thought that something like this would happen that said it will be just a matter of time before we know what will happen next for his crew
Channel: ActionToon
Views: 566,127
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ActionToon, SS-Rank Hero Dies & Returns to Real World with Max Skills, manga rec, my manga, anilife, manwhacapped, manga explained, webtoon, manga recap, demon master, fantasy, manga, shonen, ss rank, ss rank hero, ss rank hunter, op protagonist, Manwha Recap, Manwha, Manga, manhwa recap, manhwa capped, manhwa cap, manhwa
Id: TK7q3Lhlr2o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 113min 38sec (6818 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 27 2023
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