Isekai'd Prince Kicked Out by King Becomes OP W/ Cheat Skill of World Building!

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at 12 years of age the chosen ones of time received blessings from the gods called gifts plenty of people chatter about as a young boy mentions to his father that the place is looking quite Lively today truly because today was the day of ceremony where his son was to receive his own gift they're very much excited to see the birth of their next battle ready Lord the power of the royal family had dwindled and in this vacuum the many lords of the land have begun to jostle and fight for territory father was sure that his son Luke would inherit a gift of combat one's genetics have a great impact on the gift you are liable to receive his mother's gift was swordsmanship while his father's gift was holy swordsmanship something of an even higher rank than that of his mother his father is known across the land for his strength bravery and Gallant acts of battle from this he had risen from count to Marquee in a single generation he was counting on Luke to gain a gift of combat so the family line may be continued next at the church people are told to be silent but not before we learn that Luke has has a brother from a concubine it appears that Luke isn't the lucky one though for his gift is that of Village building something that the priest ass sure would be far away from the battlefield ouch that's got to hurt Luke is in disbelief while the people wonder what would happen to them his brother pushes him out of the way and gets holy swordsmanship as his gift rahul's gift Sparks joy and cheers among the common folk while Luke's mother is utterly broken at the news he sent away on a wagon presumably out of Shame and nobody would be coming to see him off he's being sent to the sprawling uninhabited Wilderness of the House of Albert's domain it's a Barren land Infamous for its poor soil and the Savage creatures that live around it he was tasked by his brother with developing that land into something livable as a snarky older brother said his power of Village creation should make this a piece of cake it was actually a form of Exile but nobody lifted a finger to help someone aggressive like Raul may be just who they needed in these troubled times to be honest Luke was never the fighting type Ty despite all his training he never wanted to kill anyone not even a fly one week later they arrive at the place and he's let off the carriage this place may be even worse than he'd originally heard and that was saying something with the rumors running around about it there's a forest in the north and a huge mountain range in their East they were both danger zones with bad creatures roaming they rarely come out this far but you never know but just as he's wondering how to deal with all of this himself a voice chirps his name from right behind him and someone else steps forward milia the maid she had followed him out here because she knew that he needed help and tries to pep talk him up though it doesn't seem like he's as sad about it as she may have once thought he asks milia if she's sure that she wants to stay out here and she claims she made a vow when she became a maid but the truth is that she's uh let's say she likes him a little too much for comfort for now they have two options either they try and cultivate crops which was never going to work or they run away together that's probably the more realistic option ever since he received this blessing he's had no idea how to use it though now might be a good time to start so you have wished it so shall it be the maid is asked to step back a bit apparently missing the giant glowing panel in front of Luke and we learn that he's been eeked with only vague memories of his previous world he selects yes on creating a village in this location and suddenly a glowing ring disperses from underneath them the ground had leveled out and he now has a lift of facilities that he can build simple stuff mostly they buildt a small Hut with gift and it's instantly placed for the two of them now he has 40 Village points left and he recovers 10 points a day do they need another Hut maybe make a well milia says that they need a well as one Hut would be more than enough for the two of them they need a water source after all without much hesitation he calls forth a well and it instantly appears before him cilia is confused that the cover won't come off but he shows her how to work it easily 10 points left he can create one more thing but before he can do that he looks toward milia and the system asks if he wants to make her a villager as the number of villagers rise so does his points per day by one the two of them spend the night sleeping in the Hut without much more events Luke having made up his mind to live the simple slow life with this Village a girl tells her father that she is sincerely sorry but she was leaving home this instant her name is senen and her father asks her just what she thinks she's doing you te old man she said she was leaving she can't take it anymore this was the last straw they live in times where Lords near and far think it's fine to force their children into marriages for political clout and convenience but what they don't expect is just how hard their children may push back against such crass methodology when her husband to be was Luke that was one thing he was at least cute and caring but when her husband to be was meant to be Rahul no way in heck he's way too Twisted for her and she utterly refused to do it her father tells her that she must think of their domain but she would much rather die than marry someone like him the the guards cling together Spears telling her to please return at once she warns them that if they don't move aside they would be getting into a world of hurt they shutter a bit and she walks through them leaving her home once and for all while slamming the door behind her that morning Luke thinks that milia really needs her own little house to live in she's a bit too attached to him she wakes up nigh instantly once he moves and says that it's a maid's duty to wake up before her master well she ain't a maid anymore so she doesn't really need to do that but she is a villager now and she's got to do her very best to support him the village head the day she arrived at the castle milia had just turned 12 years old the second daughter of a low-ranking noble house she would never receive the blessings that any large donation family could pay for so she could either marry into another low-ranking Noble family or become a maid for a high-ranking noble thus she had become a maid for the Albert house which was the house gaining political and potential power at the time it was nothing more than a total stroke of sheer luck but for some someone like her with zero experience on the job it was quite hard to keep up with the workload and she struggled constantly with the work and then one fateful day she came face to face with her biggest challenge breaking Madame Isabella's most prized and cherished dish of all the lady herself had come downstairs to see what that crash was and millia thought she was going to get fired on the darn spot for doing such a thing even on accident but instead Luke apologizes to his mother and says that he begged to have the maid show him the plate and he broke it as expected his mother instantly kneels to see if he's all right forgetting about the dinner dish and saying it's no worry she does sco milia that she needs to be more careful as luuk is still just a child but that's all she gets reprimanded for as she's been sweeping up the mess Luca turned to her to give her a little smile and once his mother is gone he says that he knew she wouldn't get mad if she thought he did it and in that moment a 3-year-old stole the 12-year-old's heart calling milia to tell her that he's now able to build a field with 20 points Luc is told that field work is quite hard to do he says not to coddle him and that he's going to do some hard work for his own village and milia almost dies of cuteness overload K after collecting the seeds in order to plant them in their newly established field which had taken the entire day by this point Luke takes a bath to get himself all clean and dandy for bed he then hears something making noises out in the woods and notes that just because they haven't been attacked by beasts yet doesn't mean they won't be he should prepare some defenses for them just in case one was a watchtower to overlook the area improving their sight ability another addition was that of plaster walls made of Earth in order to keep them safe from the smaller creatures of the night a few days later the crops are blooming already and providing plenty of food to keep them going this was great as now they had a food source wait what was that scream milia goes up the ladder to take a look and reports that a group of goblins was coming towards them they were unable to get over the wall until they started using each other like stepping stones with goblins fast approaching milia is told to stay up there and keep watch Luc had sword training but she didn't Bing the Goblins On Their little bodies with a blade he defends his new Village to the utmost of his ability until one leaps over to him and is about to grab at him it's only stopped by the attack of senen who appears out of nowhere iceblade princess senen bajada the daughter of a c who was gifted dual wielding and liven magic allowing her to fight with both hands and water or ice magic she was also Luke's former fiance he has many stories of her coming over to his place in order to have an arranged play date senen jumps down and floats over him saying how it had been 2 years since they last met and commenting on just how big he's gotten since then well yeah thank you but again why was she here oh that part was simple she had just run away from home like a stray cat well it was actually more like she had broken ties as her family had tried to force her into an engagement with Raul instead Luc is in disbelief and senen admits that she would rather die than marry someone like that Raul boy thus she ran away to not suffer said consequence quence Luke bows in misunderstanding apologizing to her for not noticing sooner it must have been hard for a girl to have her marriage decided for her he is however misunderstanding senen clears up that it's simply that she didn't want to marry someone like his brother but if it was Luke she might consider it what she's trying to say is cut off by m milia who says that they should really refrain from having private talks o protective much she explains that she's the first villager in this new place that Lord Luke is developing and he's its head well that still don't explain a whole lot senen questions more what they're doing out here than anything else as she was concerned when she had heard that Liam had been sent out here to develop the land but they already have a mud wall a watchtower and a full-on crop field that's already bearing yield they can't possibly tell her that they did all this by themselves that's right Mady but as Luke so cleverly puts it it'd be faster to show her how they did it he lays down a store house with 20 points and senen is suddenly in disbelief at where it came from and just how it was made luuka explained explains that this is what his gift of Village building can do there were indeed limitations but for the most part he can make whatever they need in order to survive senen had never heard of a gift like that before and she asks if he made that crop over there too yep now she gets it as there was Zero way they would have been able to make the small village that fast otherwise Luke gets a little ping from a menu asking if he'd like to turn her into a villager and he just waves it off while thinking that there's no way she would want to stay in a place like this that aside was she okay he doubted that her house would stay silent about the marriage thing n it was fine although she was important to them with two combat gifts she was confident that the Albert house wouldn't waste any time being angry with the bajadas if her dad were to gain any more enemies he'd end up completely surrounded it's fine though her brother had gotten a powerful gift they could figure things out and by the looks of it she could also live here for a bit wait so she does play on living here well duh as she correctly puts it where else was she supposed to go can't go home and no one else would likely accept her the system Auto registers her as a villager his daily points increase to 12 but that's not the issue here even with this gift they may not have enough food nor proper homes for her milia and senen glare at each other for a bit and Luke isn't sure why the two of them have Sparks between them milia is quick to remind her that they don't have any showers here for one that's normal on the battlefield replies senen they'll need her to fight off monsters like the ones from earlier right or does she alone have what it takes to protect Luke yeah didn't think so senen is to note then that her status as a noble woman doesn't apply here was this her silly little attempt at dominance over senen after some more heated back and forth Liam walks into his home and senen asks if these two have been sleeping in such a tiny space together this whole time yes sir they have Liam eventually offers to sleep in the storehouse and both women say no so he ends up sleeping between the two of them the first time senen had gone to Lord Albert's Castle she had just turned 10 years old she was told right out of the carriage that she would be meeting Lord Lucan a little bit and he would very likely be her husband one day so she must be ladylike in front of him she understands though she doesn't show much care for the situation she's put in even though it was all about her walking through the grounds she comes across a neat little path and decides to walk down it just to see what's going on down the way a rock is thrown out from the bushes and it catches her attention she looks up to find that it came from the nearby shrubs and looks around within them to find Raul with a rock in his hand she at first wonders if he's Luke then sees that he's actually throwing rocks at a boy tied to a tree rul is a nasty piece of work even as a young brat and says that next is the poor kid's face senen comes out of the brushes in order to save the young lad which is commendable and Raul holds his throw for a few seconds to see what the disturbances the two begin to fight and senen tries to grab for the rock saying that if the kid is hit in a bad spot he might actually die rul tells her to just shut up and pushes her out of the way saying that he'll just get someone else to play with if that were the case there are plenty of others according to him and despite Cent's best efforts the rock is then thrown but instead of hitting the poor tiedup kid it instead hits Luke on the head Luke is actually bleeding while they untie the poor servant boy and Raul makes a Mad Dash for it saying that he wasn't actually aiming for Luke okay while senen wonders what that was about she later finds out that the violent one was his little brother and the kindl looking boy was actually Lord Luke a few years later they had both met again and senen asks if he had ever BR up to his father what had happened the concubine son hurting the legal wife's son sounds like quite a big problem and Luke said that if he did that his little brother's reputation would only get worse senen says that it would indeed as he deserved it I'm going to have to agree with the little lady here but they were still Brothers he didn't want to give incentive to those who would tell horrible things behind rell's back avoiding a sibling War clever back in the present though Luke finally has enough points to build a small house for them since theen came he'd been having to sleep sleep between those two in that tiny Hut which was quite uncomfortable but that hell ended today or at least he hoped it would he lays it down and they look inside their new home which comes with some furniture including a bed senen asks what the thing in front of her was looking into the kitchen and its appliances water also came out of the faucets the blue handle being cold and red the hot one Luke also demonstrates their new gas stove to them and milia is immediately taken by it this could make cooking so much easier and in the other room there was a fullon bathroom Suite including another faucet and a fullon toilet even coming with a shower Luke explains that this toilet was where you do the thing and if you just flush it like so water will come down and clean everything away the question of where does it go is just left up to the magic that made it this meant that they didn't have to use the well outside anymore for a source of water but not only that now that there's two bedrooms they could sleep separately neither woman likes this and Luke is suddenly put in the crosshairs he wants these two women to share a room together absolutely not oh that's right they don't exactly get along do they fine then they can all sleep in the same room he'll take the floor and they take turns sleeping on the bed nope they won't do either Chief because while that was the plan at the beginning things in manga universes rarely go according to such simple things instead he finds himself once again squished together between the two in bed both senen and Milli are not ready to sleep without him for their own respective reasons this was somehow even more crowded than the Hut little Lord Luke is watering his crops with a wooden bucket when he takes a break next huffing and sweating up a storm from the Intensive work his body has been put under thus far the time has flown really quickly all the way out here as it had already been 1 month since he'd come out in order to develop this land his land thanks to his gift of Village building everything has been going very smoothly Salen had even come back from the forest in the north bearing gifts of meat in form of the wild boar she had caught and killed Luke asks if it's even safe to go out that far and she says yes it it is so long as you don't stray too far into monster territory she can even make the food last longer by using her gift device in order to chill it and she could get them some much needed meat it's all thanks to her huh woh that glance at milia is just asking for trouble the maid asks who's been preparing said food reminding little senen that she can't even cook much less butcher the meat that she had brought home for them both women were needed to survive millia and senen go at it with butchering the boar but then the little lady says to hold up Luke asks what's wrong and senen says that she hears voices the sound of approaching footsteps breaks the sound of nature around them and senen points out that it's not just one it's a large group of them Luke climbs the Watchtower to see that a mass of villagers are currently on approach and they begin to wonder what the group is doing all the way out here the group doesn't seem to pose any threat it's mostly women and children they look exhausted and someone had heard that there was a battle not long ago these could be refugees this area was a waste land so there was no way they could survive on their own for much longer they couldn't just ignore them one of the men comments that he didn't know that there was a village all the way out here and Luke says that it was only just recently founded he's the head of IT the man introduces himself as berlett the head of the group they had a well here so the people could drink as much as they liked Luke puts down a second well after showing them how the first one works and once everyone has had something to drink they explain that they left their little village behind see most of the men were drafted from the war the older folks stayed behind insisting they'd only be an extra burden on the group they were also much less likely to be conscripted or put to slavery because of their age his father The Village head had also stayed back which made berlett the deao head of the group they were honestly just wandering around with nowhere to go until they hit this Barren Wasteland they happened on this Village just as they were about to run out of food and water Luke understands and while their crops aren't ready to be harvested yet the meat has been cooked and is ready to be eaten everyone rushes past burlet in order to get the food with sparkles in their eyes and they all grab at it to get their portions the wom and kids Chomp down on the meat Luke had Milly to prepare like rabid dogs getting in the nutrition they need burlett doesn't know how to thank Luke but he knows that this isn't the end of their hardships it's impossible for them to survive out in this Wasteland so instead of sending them off with a bit of food and water he asks boldly if they would like to live here he explains that they were actually short staffed here and working the fields was actually quite a difficult task with just the three of them come Harvest time they'll have more food than they can eat berlett warns that they are a large group of mostly women and children so he's not sure they'd be a reliable source of good labor Luke says that until now he's had to rely on the wheat and seeds that he brought with them from the castle the three of them don't know enough to make it on their own as well he asks burlett sincerely if he can help them out here since they know next to nothing it would not be able to survive without the aid of Professionals in the field pun intended he soon receives a message from his system that the burlett Caravan of 51 people had become his villager and then a whole flood of beeps and panels pop up out of nowhere to greet Luke with excess information his village had shot up from level one to level three and he now had additional facilities available a lot of them inform of things like Gates Parks ston walls and medium houses he also receives two new skills those being assess villager and move facility Luke correctly guesses that he gets a whole bunch of points once his village level goes up and the daily points along with the total area of the place increases too now what were these two new skills he tries out the new skill of move facility and is completely shocked when the storehouse slides across the ground without a care in the world this would be really really useful for organization purposes he feels oddly like there was a game like this in his previous life and now he doesn't have to worry about Arrangements but what he does have to worry about is the extremely frightened burlet I mean it's not every day you see entire buildings just move around the town of course he's going to be quite a bit shocked that Lord Luke could do something like this Luke has to very quickly explain that it's his gift and him doing this not anything they need to be worried about the people are amazed that little old Luke has a gift at all much less that he can use to this Effect one of the kids asks what in particular his gift is and Luke simply tells them the name common folk probably don't get to see gifts often at all and it was kind of nice to see people treat him so kindly after the experiences he had at the castle prior to his coming out here one of the children asks for more detail while another says that he wants holy swordsmanship as his gift and they get to playing while Luke admits that he did admire that gift at one point he makes a whole bunch of row houses next which are one-story complexes with five Living Spaces each has two rooms one dining area and one kitchen a shared toilet is included a space this size should be enough to fit a family of five and milia explains how to use the toilet while Luke laments that they cannot create bathrooms for the people here to bit themselves he does calculations on his head for how many houses are needed to fit all the people at present and he knows that he'll have to expand the crops and build walls for new parts of the village once he's all done his points are down to 2114 but there are a lot of facilities for the people to use now he says that they should all take a rest for today and they do with Luke shortly testing out his other ability of assess villager he sees the personal information in a man one whose gift would be swordsmanship he asked the Villager if they have a gift at all and the answer is no way as there aren't any churches around to give out blessings even if there were he doesn't think he has the talent to get one your status says otherwise buddy senen and milia are told about this at length and senen asks if he can try it out on her which makes millio twitch her recommended job is General at only age 15 wow Village loyalty is then explained as a villager's moral compass towards the place and those with low loyalty are quite prone to crimes and rebelling caution is advised milia is told that she should get checked next and she's flinching and twitching saying that at least that skill can't read minds right begs the question of what the fluff she's normally thinking about she tells senta shush as she's just looking out for her young master and he's too young to know the thoughts of a grown woman milia insists that she needs to go and cool herself down and runs out of the room with both Luke and senen just thinking that she might just be tired and nothing else Luke comes out to burlett and tells him that he wants to know his name age and family for the future as it may come in handy when assigning people jobs burlett is 36 with high loyalty and a recommended job of organizer as for his family this was his younger brother Barlett the one with a gift of swordsmanship he has a good age of 2 and a wife with two children so he's really grateful for what Luke has done for them Luke meets everyone else Across The Village on that same day and bars some of the girls fing over him and an old lady being a good torturer there's nothing really of Interest we see the statistics of his population and such alongside four people with latent gifts that need unlocking but as senen later points out they need the church or someone with the Oracle gift to bestow them upon people on top of that they have zero money to donate it's all a bit frustrating but the the numbers seem a to Luke he was taught that 50% of nobles have a gift while less than 1% of commoners have one but here it was about 10% if this wasn't just a coincidence then are most people being led to believe that commoners don't have gifts at all the large monetary donation required to get a gift prevents them from knowing if they really do have one and it seems the Nobles have created a monopoly on gifts who knows they may even be conspiring with the church in order to restrict blessings but that was just a theory an action Theory but interrupting his thoughts comes milia who throws a bucket of cold water upon herself trying in vain to clear her head he uses a Cess villager on her and the recommended job as Priestess with the village loyalty being ultimate her gift is Oracle ooh spicy it had been 3 days since the people from afar had joined their Village they found out milia has a potential Oracle gift which is great in all that jazz but without a way to serve her the blessing in the first place it will stay dormant they've been largely at a loss for what to do in those regards s Luca has heard stories from before of people praying at a church for years on end and opening up Their Blessings through constant worship but they don't even have a church Luke is then called Over by one of the villagers I think that's burlett and they tell him the sweet info he's been looking for the crops that they laid down not so many days ago yeah all of them are almost ready for a harvest the soil here must be top-notch for something like that to happen oh yeah his menu did mention something like that didn't it the strangest thing is that even the offseason crops are doing well here which is odd Luke knew that their timing was a little off that evening all the crops are harvested and it seems that everything has been going well here it was quite the Harvest and he couldn't have done it without everyone else's help Luke then suggests that they have a neat little party to celebrate the new villagers and the Harvest to which milia says that's a good idea he wishes to help out as does an annoy senen but while milia May appreciate the help at first L can't seem to do the basics of cutting the vegetables he's told to wash the veggies instead which is a more appropriate task for his little lordship and soen says to leave the slicing to her right before she Cleaves a freaking table in half yeah no she ends up sweeping while Luke washes the veggies and millia gets the food ready for everyone at break next beat quite the capable Mage she's become it looks so good too they can't remember the last time they had a good Feast like this many people then glance at Luke from the sidelines and as the chief he's told by the girls to give them a warm toast to the Bountiful Harvest and the new villagers cheers everyone burlett thinks the food is delicious and his brother calls him on his very basic choice of words in describing it but the happy times are quickly broken up by a problem that fast approaches their border a group of people is coming for their Village about 40 of them in total all of which look like skin and bone Luc is about to say that he'll go down to greet them when burlett pushes past him instantly recognizing one of the men as his friend donga they know each other because their Villages often interacted and he used to come over a lot because he had a crush on the dude's sister at one point anyhow it looks like they've all been having quite the rough time as well well ain't that cute donga admits that there was nothing they could really do at home so they left their Village behind in order to come out here looking for a new place to settle it was thanks to burlett being able to found a village in such a place that his friends were now saved but oh ho ho my friend he wasn't the chief of this Village no no no that was little Master Luke over here they had only arrived a few days ago donga excuses himself and introduces himself properly Luke then invites them all to join in the feast as everyone is looking quite worn out their party was just starting so there was no shame in saying yes Luke insists and with the little bit of provocation Mary is made the whole night as time passes a few days later there's plenty of chatter and such around as everyone says good morning to Luke as he walks by everyone seems to be doing all right and things are just getting better after the party donga group decided to live here having both delicious food and a good place to sleep during the night that's what they call Heaven they wouldn't need to worry about the war in a place like this either with 44 newly added villagers the place had 97 total people which is just shy of 100 more bro houses more fields and a surplus of food have followed just as berlet's group Dong's group was mostly women and children among them four more have potential gifts but without a blessing those would stay dormant for the time being though soon another group appears in front of the Watchtower this time it's a much larger one of 70 people Luc is apprehensive for the very first time his little heart beats fast than usual and he's scared of going to see the refugees when berlett and his group came he wasn't scared at all the village already had 97 people which was a lot to look after and now another group of unknown people had been headed their way extending a helping hand to them would be very easy to do so why does he clench his fists about it because he knows that the responsibility of taking them in grows when it comes to Growing their Village if he makes the wrong move he could put everyone's lives in Jeopardy murv Griffin would be proud but now that he's aware of the risk it's scar scared him burlett opens his mouth to say something but senen Cuts him off saying that they obviously have no room for them she's the most stern of them all their Village is already full of people even if they take in this new group of people giving them false hope would bite them in the butt down the line Luke's gift was great however there was a limit to how many people he could look after before it was too much for him not all refugees will be as cooperative and kind as burlett and donga groups he also doesn't have to make the decision to accept or turn them away by himself senen would go and speak to them millia puts her hands on Luke's shoulders telling him that it'd be fine they're all here to back him up but in the end Luke says that he wants to take them in if he turns them away now he might feel regret about it later he knows that he's being overly idealistic but he'll try his best to make sure the choice doesn't cause trouble for anyone they all agree in unison to back him up there was enough food for everyone at least the Leon Caravan of 76 people had become villagers let's see 76 6 + 97 173 people in the village the village is now level four after the influx pushed them over 100 people with a level up he gained a bonus of 1,000 Village points more facility options more space in the village and a new skill called facility upgrade the extra space gave him some room to move things around at the very least so he rearranged the existing facilities with his other skill and he'd added new row houses and Wells so far each time the village leveled up the land area had more than double Luke was glad about it but just how big could their Village get but never minding that one of the new facilities they had gotten was a church the potential benefit of building a church is huge and only people of the church could bestow blessings there are rumors of those whove received gifts from constant prayer but even if they were true it could take years but it was still better to have one than not to the building appears right in front of him as milia asks if this was a church but she's cut off by the fact that the feelings she used to get from a church feels so much stronger now it's it's as if something was guiding her at this rate she'd receive her gift in no time the church description said those of strong faith could receive a blessing so maybe this was her chance to help out her little Lord Luke she would pray From Dusk Till Dawn in order to get that gift and receive at ASAP a lot of people get a rather ominous Aura from the church and since then milia had been cooped up in the building for days as for his new skill the facility upgrade one he tried using it this one allowed him to improve various things about its structure from storage space and quality to sec he can do the same thing to the fields oddly enough the most important upgrades he could accomplish was replacing the plaster walls with stone ones in a small house with a medium one milia had been cooped up in the church as usual and he's starting to think that it's too much for her to Handle by herself so he goes to check up on her luk is swiftly hugged and informed by a rather excited milia that she has received the gift of Oracle which means she can now bestow gifts upon other people she still can't believe that she was able to get it without the use of a priest senen looks on in a bit of disgust as asilia won't let Luke go from the hug such a lwd priestess existing feels like a sin in and of itself a anyhow Luke is able to gather together a whole bunch of people who have the potential to receive gifts he tells them that they do have such things within them and at first they don't believe him they think that gifts are special and only Nobles could receive such things heck one of the men comes from a long line of nothing but Farmers he was just a nobody well not quite Buster it was true that some families were more likely to receive one however ever it seems that status really doesn't matter in terms of which families receive such blessings on their children he knows that it may be a hard thing to believe but they should at least try receiving them millio prays over Barlett and finally he'd been given the gift of swordsmanship Barlett feels some sensation crawl through his veins and the others ask him if he really did receive a gift swordsmanship huh maybe they could give him a blade made out of wood for starters instead Luke hands over his own blade of expensive origin and says it'll be far more useful in the hands of someone who knows how to use it he's never held a sword before but now it's somehow just felt right for him he thanks Luke for uncovering his gift and says that while he is a bit too old for this stuff he tries best to grow strong enough and keep his village safe the other people were quite giddy at his reaction to this and everyone wants their gifts told to them by the new mystical Oracle that is milia there's a whole list of them here so read it yourself if you want to find out the people gush about their gifts in the aftermath and out of 173 people 17 of them had gifts that's quite the high number though four of them were children giving a gift to a child before they've grown could take an eventual toll on their body so this time only the 13 adults received their gifts with this Luke was hoping that they could improve their food supply and security the swmen began to train relentlessly clacking blades together in vigorous mock battles that put their skills to the test neither of these men have really held a sword before but it appears both of them are getting better and quick a lot of chatter surrounds them many people having come to watch the spectacle among them Bret says that a gift is a really cool thing thing and he wishes for everything on Earth that he had one a gift huh an absolute power that's impossible to obtain no matter how hard one tries Luke thinks he understands it now why his father wanted him to receive holy swordsmanship so freaking badly senen walks past him and says that they've improved quite a bit and the next time she goes hunting she would be taking them with her they call her teacher despite her only being 15 years old oof well to be fair she has shown herself to be really strong in the past the older woman that warm him with compliments about how young and sweet he looks earning Luke a blush and probably a little annoyance the woman have to skirty off to help make lunch just then and they leave their little Chief t a mess they called him cool huh what Liars anyhow the ratio of women to men in the village was roughly 2 to1 most of the women over the age of 20 were married and their husbands were forcibly conscripted it would be nice if people gave him the same regard that they do Salen The Village has become quite Lively in the interim a kudos to how well it's being managed so far no doubt it makes Luke happy to see the woman and children of his own little Paradise smiling away burlett genuinely thanks him for the service he's provided and keeping everyone happy and wellfed as without him they would still be wandering the Wast with half the group dead or worse though they can't celebrate Victory just yet as a new group of refugees is now fast approaching the village there looks to be about 10 of them and they're all shaken up by The Encounter of people this far out they look utterly terrified Luke asks what happened to them all and it seems they were attacked by a gang of rans set thieves were murderous and killed any who resisted while dragging away a large number of people somewhere for probably nefarious purposes they were the only ones who were able to escape though while it is awful now it might not just be their problem anymore now it might be The Village's problem you see the thieves they ain't stupid as they may sound and they might be following the remainder of the group there man this sucked for the dude who had to go out of his way searching At This Hour Bar a member of the gang of Thieves had let his guard down just a little bit but that ended up costing the bandits precious resources the boss really didn't have to get that mad Bar's main job was to abduct refugees and sell them to slave Traders and thanks to one of the recent Wars Refugee numbers were way up in the heavens business was booming at least it was supposed to be some of the goods people he means ran away because of a slip up he made so he came all the way out here to bring them back why's a man got to do all this by himself though the whole damn gang should be held responsible hm was there always a village out here in the waist he sure as heck didn't remember one here and it was kind of hard to miss something as big as a village on the radar oh ho it was nothing but women and children he'd hit the jackpot if this was a village run by refugees which it certainly was it could be taken down rather easily his slip up will be a thing of the past hell he might even be promoted one of the main reasons that their group works so fluidly is because of a gift called telepathy a stupidly useful one which one of their members has it allows two people to communicate no matter matter the distance and it's helped them get out of some pretty rough riding spots he calls on that friend in the group and says that not only did he find that group of refugees you found a whole village out here in the Wast how sad so many more lives are going to be ruined by their decision to keep running and find help and you my devious sir can rot in the depths of Hell Luke gets a warning on his radar that an intruder has entered the village he tells senen that something hostile has come to meet them and it could be that gang of Thieves from earlier she's Overjoyed that they have an early warning system and and it says that there is only one of them out here at least they're probably scouting the area since this was a new Village and it says they were out somewhere in the fields in the darkness of night's embrace it was completely silent out there and senen warns that they were concealing their presence these guys knew what they were doing Luc is warned to stand back as they have no idea where the guy might come from oh but on the contrary my dear the radar tells him exactly where the enemy is he can see them playing as day on his map bar rushes out from his hiding spot and towards the kids with curses thinking that it was just two little brats and he could take care of them quite easily yeahuh how do you think that works out for him when the strongest girl in the village is standing right there with bar in a fat block of ice that's how he's woken up by the telepathy chap yelling at him to answer if he can hear him my dude is in prison and facing a very angry senen who's looking over him with contempt he's ordered to tell them what's going on over there as they were headed for the village now he realizes he's in a jail cell and contemplates just how weird this Village is first that attack and now this senen asks this thief how many of them there were and where the rest of his gang members were she's not going to get much of a reply out of him like that he can't afford to make any more mistakes or he might get in trouble with the boss man he smirks at them telling his telepathic friend that he was scoping out the village it's nothing but women and children so getting in should be quite easy he's not lying technically once the boss comes everything would be fine but then in comes a voice from behind them an old lady as asking to leave this young man to her fast forward a bit and we get a glimpse of why granny is such a good torturer yeah um remind me not to mess with her she says it'll take a while to get him to come clean but in the meantime why don't they go and get ready for battle telepathy dude is trying as hard as to contact bar but failing at every turn he mentions to his friends that something is off with the dude's replies their conversations keep breaking off and they don't know where he's waiting the friend says that that slacker is always off and the two of them call him useless while staring at the Village over the Rocks telepathy dude is just going to listen in on the village before they jump their guns and raid the place just in case there is anything unusual about the place that would be a good idea but someone behind them says to quit all their yammering while he brings a giant axe down to the ground picking it back up he says that all they need on this night to raid such a Fickle place was Brute Force surely there was no need to overthink anything on the matter you'd be surprised what this little thing called a plan can do my bald friend he smirks down at the fortifications saying aloud that a simple wooden gate wouldn't be enough to stop the group of them he suddenly dashes from the top the cliff going down to bring his weapon to be on the gate which protects everyone crashing into it with a resounding crack as his ax splits the wood he screams for his men to follow him and they all do so with renewed VOR launching the assaults on this small village they found to be worthy prey footsteps come thumping through the night to collect their Bounty of people and Luke suddenly gets a nasty feeling that his village has just been intruded upon the men don't seem to know what the weird buildings here are and while they had made so much noise charging into the place nobody was screaming or even crying the silence was Eerie even for a group that's probably seen some stuff Luke Taps through his menus finding the water Moe option and clicks yes oh you little devil suddenly in the floor beneath the bandits vanishes and gives way to water as the moat is formed below them and while a few of his men spit out water from falling so suddenly into the Trap they hear the last sound anyone ever wants to in the depths of the trench the crinkling and crackling of ice forming the water was freezing over and if they didn't get out of there soon they were going to die looks like nobody can move and senen Stomps her foot triumphantly over the top of them looks like they fell for the Trap can't believe they took most of the bad guys out in one foul swoop and nobody got hurt that tag team move was a stroke of Genius senena is all blushy gushy from this compliment as she likes the sound of the two of them tag teaming she tells the others to get the baddies ready for the slammer one problem while she's busy gushing the boss had escaped from the Frozen Lane and come to greet her from behind so she was the one who put his boys in the ice eh making Blades of ice out of nowhere and parrying his attack senen is quick to defend herself from The Brute of a man assaulting her got out of the ice did he quite a strong one he was does she think she can beat him is the question senen gets launched backwards from the stalemate and the two really go at it she Bobs and weaves through the Ferocious attempts to slice in dice narrowly avoiding getting chopped in half by a quick slam cut she does manage to cut him however and they rather quickly speed off in the fervor of battle locked into it for the time being it looks like he's just as capable as she was which was a bad thing a very very bad thing why you ask because her ice spell on the lake holding the rest of the goons was maintained by her concentration and without it the ice begins to melt away freeing the rest of them on the worried population of the village they had to get the rest of these guys out and Into The Slammer really quickly before uh-oh too late the men reach out to Luke and almost catch him in the grasp they sure as heck would if not for barlot snatching him up first narrowly avoiding the capture of their chief he now has to maintain this and keep the bad guys away from the head using his gift of swordsmanship Barlett is quick to swing his blade at them clinging against blades from every direction while spinning the poor boy around like a little ragd doll in his arms Luke then notices while being swung around that his villagers are frozen by fear telekinesis bro yells to fight them since they have weapons but don't know how to use them yet this jolts the others back to life as the bandits climb back out of the moat ready for combat and laughing a little at the poor little little people who would oppose them this was bad this was everyone's first real time in a combat situation and if they weren't careful they would be wiped out just like the other group the two frozen villagers are ordered to duck and a man with a shield comes to their aid taking the frontal hit for them the're reminded to do what they had in training but ask how they've never fought this many people all at once the villagers are now getting hysterical which was a bad thing overall but good for the bandits who want to keep spreading fear telepathy bro is yelling about how this Village would be theirs but he's promptly shut up and kicked back down into the moat by a very peeved off Luke he orders everyone else to do the same all they had to do was keep them in the moat and they would be safe these guys didn't have unlimited stamina their bodies were also still frozen and their movements were still very slow in comparison to normal so they could be defeated relatively easily these guys were way easier than senen to fight for those who did combat training and they're getting cleaned up as such but they had better watch their words before senen heard them and upped the ante kick one of them thinks that he's trained so much only to still be pathetic but hey mate Rome wasn't built in a day just calm down and focus and you'll be all right the others finally realized that all they got to do is keep the baddies in the moat and start getting confidence and telepathy bro is very confused right now what they should have encountered in this place given its population of mostly women and children was not this much resistance they should have had smooth sailing and getting in here and ripping things to shreds because everyone looks like novices and yet this happened he calls up for his boss who is on the edge of the moat half Frozen and looking like he blow over in the wind what they didn't realize is that she was sapping his body heat with every hit using her ice magic to its fullest potential little icicles hang off him from the frost that's built up on his body but that's what he gets for being all braw and no brains 40 Intruders have been captured says the system the next day they obtained information about the people that were abducted through the old granny's torture methods and set off on a rescue mission saving those that were left successfully good thing they got to them before they were sold off all thanks to Granny getting them to come clean would they like to know her methods uh no I'll pass on that one Chief they've just one problem left now dealing with the thieves that were captured who are sitting pretty behind bars at current Luke is wondering heavily what to do with these characters since there are 43 of them in total normally he'd have handed them down to another region with the wherewithal basically the resource is to deal with them but given the war there was likely no place that could would he like to turn them into villagers heck no scratch that idea but wait wasn't there an option for a rehabilation Center wait is he seriously considering this yeah there was an option for a center of those sorts but if the info here was true maybe they could use the center to reform some of them villager is just a title that his gift can assign it doesn't mean that he has to treat them the same as the other villagers he has to go out and ask everyone what they think before making the choice for them though good man one of them is shocked that he's not going to execute them they were scum there was zero point in letting them live it would be a mistake and keeping them locked up would be a waste of The Village's food supply but do they really want all of them dead what about those who weren't involved with the killing what if some were forced to join them or be killed there could be so many reasons they had to do it some people are obviously not happy and one of them is very not happy because his entire family was killed by the group needless to say after this Village white talk some people had left the village because they didn't like the direction the place was headed they are Auto removed from the village count and it makes Luke a bit sad to see them go but there's nothing to be done about it granny gives the wise wisdom that she feels for those who had lost family to this but they disagreed with the direction of the village there was no helping that afraid and with that his village exceeds 300 villagers as the caravana 43 is accepted into the village Luke puts down a rehabilation center with a boom just as usual and with that they now have a place to send the rotten Bandits with permeated their jails for the past little bit they don't yet know how effective such a place would be but it was better to try than sit back and do nothing at all they send five obedient looking Bandits into the center for a first test and looking after them is none other than granny nma the old lady is somewhat pleased by this and while Luke hopes it will solve the problems with the thieves well they're desperate enough to try the oldfashioned puppy dog eyes trick complete with little pouts and tears he shakes himself out of their gaze not giving into their tricks and even checking the Villager menu with assess in order to determine if they have learned their lesson already having a at one on their loyalty check he coldly tells granny and Emma to take him away and they comment on how sharp the boy is KCK you boys a get away that easily right what's next on the schedule fixing the gate that broke easy doing he upgrades its security as well so that the gate doesn't get wrecked so easily he also wonders what other new stuff is available at level 5 looking into it on the village menu a new skill called facility customization is available along with things like rods sturdier watchtowers public bats and so forth roads and waterways don't cost much per unit but they need to be connected in longer strings in order to be of any real use we also get a current map of the village which is a nice and sturdy little place the water moat he built to take care of The Intruders had also gone back to normal wondering what he should build next Luke Ponders this for a few moments before settling on the public bath the villagers are excited and ask him what it means but it's what you expect red for one blue for men they could already start using the place and if they had any questions they could just let their little Chief T know the dressing room was as they entered complete with some shelves for the clothing on either side everyone goes in and starts to get changed and Luke Peaks into the men's side to see how the water is it was the best thing they had ever experienced while donga chastises two of them for playing around in the bath buzz kill L calls over the wall checking how things are on the woman's side of things everyone was really enjoying the bath which made him happy as they didn't have to use the wells anymore everyone was hesitant to use the one in the chief's house so he hopes it'll help them all to relax of course the inevitable peing ensues from the men's side and nemma comes in to drag them away to the rehab center that's what she get Luke next goes to check on The Swordsman combat training being held held by senen and she's really working the boys down to the bone she's Bots him and has a few hearts in her thoughts while whacking one of the men to a pulp not looking at what she's doing for the last bit of things she asks how the public bath is and they hear a yell from behind them as a wooden blade cracks in half that was their last one senen apologizes for breaking it without looking and Luke pops out to ask if they don't have any other swords to use not just swords they don't have any useful weapons they've been bringing back some things they thought would be useful from their hunts but there wasn't much in the way of variety here they wish the thieves had some nicer gear on them when found but aside from the heavy and unwieldy axe that no one could use properly all the knives they had were utter junk what if they sent the thieves out to look for materials though won't let them go too far nah too risky Luke contemplates things as they are as all his gift lets him create are facilities there had to be some way he could help them out barlot senses his unease though and says that it's okay they've been to the forest many times and each one of them has been quite careful they won't overdo it they also already depend on him for so much and he should use his gift for himself quite a bit more often than he does for example look at the house that he lives in the three of them himself millia and senen all shared one bed and the place was Tiny for just three people though that was just how senen liked it needless to say that's the next upgrade that Luke does Luke's new house is just huge and from the outside it looks like something of a miniature Mansion compared to the rest of the village he didn't really think about what he was doing he just did it it also has exactly three rooms pretty convenient isn't it the two girls don't seem to think so they quite enjoyed the previous Arrangement one for innocent reasons and the other for H let's not go down that road milia then asks why this bed was bigger than the ones in the other rooms he points out that it must have been the upgrading process of the house and milia says that the village head does inde deserve the biggest bed around she would join him on it she couldn't very well sleep in a bed she wasn't used to so it was decided they would be sleeping together again minus senen uh I don't think so you creep Luke says that they can have this bed then he's fine with a single-sized bed but if he ever wants a bigger bed he could just use an extra point to make it bigger the girls go back to howling in the background while Luke wonders what else he can do with this cool new facility customization tool for one it might be a good idea to put some Stone stairs up into the wall so that they could peek out over it and defend themselves properly five points are used to create each set of which he makes eight All Around The Village walls wondering what to do next he comes up with the idea to create some embur in the wall so they could fire arrows and such through uh with what bows it's created easily and while peeking into it little Luke gets a jump scare of donga who's peeking over the wall to see what interesting other things he's doing he asks what the space was for and Luke explains that he figures they could strike back from these spots if they were ever under attack but he's not sure if they have any weapons that could uh bro what are you doing donga says that this reminds him of the sand castles he used to make when he was a kid and Luke thinks that maybe it's a bit too easy for the enemy to just you know reach through out of what they have only salent ice magic could possibly clear the distance he needs to do something about their severe lack of weapons and fast sadly though the village was in the middle of nowhere say hi to courage for me even if they looked all they would find were small villages there's no way any of them would be able to help them get the weapons they had a need for oh but wait a minute if he uses his facility customization skill to alter a part of the wall not 20 for intelligence here once he detached it from the wall however he couldn't customize the blade anymore that makes more sense can't edit something that isn't a facility he tries fashioning the sword before it detaches from the Hut next and it works a wooden sword has been acquired pretty simple and it only costs three points now he can make a bunch of these things easily though it's not something that can withstand much wood is a fragile material when it comes to combat usage not something suited for training purposes unless tailor made what facilities could he use to form some good swords oh the prison bars that hold his inmates of course they're made of solid iron I'll be beat they have screaming men behind them ordering him to let them out no matter how much they kick get the iron it doesn't budge it was a bit scary trying to make this in front of them but the iron from these things would make for some solid swords he thought he adds a new bar to the prison doors right in front of him and it takes one of the inmates off guard as it leans down to make it appear the dude wonders where in the blue blazes this bar randomly appeared from and then he's even more taken back by Luke just cutting in half on one side in the end he successfully makes some iron sword bases out of the iron bars and runs off with it going to try a bunch of combinations to make the hilts he sure if he looks around the village he might be able to find someone who knows a lot about weapons with this structural borrowing technique they may be able to make all kinds of gear appear both senen and Bara are confused when Luke first tells them that he's made an iron sword but after Selen throws one to Barlett she comes at him like she's about to kill him as a test run for these brand new blades they do it out for a little bit before senen inspects the blade in her hands and tells him that this will do nicely granny nemma comes out of the rehab center next pleased that things were going well for for her Chief Tain she had brought the reformed boys outside with her to show off her handiwork upon checking their loyalty it's actually High she tells them that from now on they are to do as the chief tells them if he orders them to work they work if he orders them to freaking die they freaking die the men agree without question being completely different people after good old granny nemma had dealt with them they bowed to their Chief and say that they were his willing servants ready to do whatever he said he asked granny and Emma just what the hell kind of torture she had put them through to get them to be disobedient and she would love to say that it was her guidance that turned them into this but unfortunately she can't take all the credit for it for some reason they became docile as soon as she had put them in the facility she had really wanted to put the fear of God himself into them set them straight but she didn't even get the chance to do so she turns around and says to send her some men with guts next time Luc is actually at a loss for what to do as he's still not trusting of them though their loyalty is high and Granny and Emma says that they've changed significantly enough to be rehabilit he orders that for now they should go out and help arlot shoving the work to someone else eh and all the men run off in that direction immediately jumping to please their new Chief granny and Emma continued to rehabilit the thieves and the hunters kept strong eyes on the ones who had come out of the center but their loyalty has remained High thus far and nobody has dared to do anything shady that old lady is terrifying but Luke is just glad everything is working out all right thus far then he gets poked by the telepathy bro the one guy in the next cell over he explains his situation his name was Satine and he used to belong to a well-known Merchant family but he was kicked out after some things went wrong he only became a thief so that he could live a half decent life Satine says he doesn't think he was ever fully able to become a thief and he's at his Wit's End trying to copy what the others do so he can get by he got himself caught up in it and he's done so many terrible things now it all makes sense why he has a gift as a bandit because he was from a noble family he'll atone for his crimes he promises but the problem is that he's still mutinous on the Loyalty scale this brat wasn't as easy as he thought huh yeah boy you ain't winning just through way of persuasion when he can read you like a book soon as milia comes in though and satin reads her thoughts well let's not go into that needless to say Satine recoils from the nasty woman and milia is then told that the guy can read thoughts so milia does the smart thing and offers him up next for the rehabilation center milia is then asked by Luke what she was thinking about and this of course makes the woman Flinch and frees up as she's not exactly sure how to explain things to him she turns around with a slow agonized Creek she explains a way that she thought of um cleaning the toilets later maybe he thought it was quite nasty let's just leave that there when he goes outside however something seemed to feel quite off he asked the group of chattering people what was wrong and Barlett is quick to explain the hunting team including Selen hasn't come back yet usually they'd be back by now but there was no sign of them one of the children says that this is the curse of the AL Mirage the what now alaraj were giant aggressive rabbits that could grow to over a meter in length and they have sharp unicorn like horns horns on their heads its meat is soft and easy to eat it's horn and fur having many uses too on a good day their hunting teams bring back a couple in one trip it was practically a stable in their Village the girl is also holding Amirage um I'm not going to say what these are moving quickly on the girl explains that a week ago the hunters came back with an ALR like they always do but when she looked at it she found a shiver crawling up her spine and its eyes on the things she was holding slowly she' moved closer to check out what was giving her such unease when all of a sudden the the damn thing came back to life and let out a terrifying Screech she flings the things at them when they don't believe her story but the hunting group might be in trouble out in the Wilds as if they had helped butcher the meat of the amaran the scent would be all over them this could draw a pack of the Beast together a difficult fight even for people with gifts but those in the field may not be the only ones in trouble as one of the watchtowers yells that they see something strange over the fence luk ord's barot to get everyone to safety and someone else yells that they should throw the thieves at it good chance to see if they've truly changed for the better better senen then asks from the side what was wrong with everyone they ask her if she's okay and Barlett is about to tell her that they had seen a huge creature just now but she just lights up in the face and says that it was nothing but the two giant Orcs that they had hunted Orcs were ill-tempered and dangerous creatures each one capable of laying waste to an entire Village on its own but their meat was also considered a luxury item even among Nobles as its flavor was akin to high-grade Pork while being packed with nutrients the meat is Savory and the aftertaste is pleasant and light so these oversized PS were Orcs huh not to mention the strength of their group would have needed to hunt two of them senen is really earning her title to General here the men drool at the prospect of being able to eat such good meat tonight and milia says that they would be starting to prepare the food right away with some preparation time the food is all ready and smoking out of the ovens one of the men says that they might want to sell this instead of eating it but he's quickly shut down by the others who dig in and eat up their fill of the delicious meat it was good enough that they practically ordered Luke to have a bite of it as well and then this he does it's actually better than the meat he had back at the castle for some reason and as senen explains this is because it's been prepared sooner after the death than it would be when it reached the castle but while everyone else is enjoying the food the girl from earlier is all gloomy because her little madeup curse wasn't the cause of all the trouble and she made herself look a little stupid millia knows what will cheer her up the orcish um oh to heck with it the orcish ball broyal yes it is what it sounds like unfortunately Luka has the same reaction as I do asking millia why in a million years she would make such a thing she explains that it's good for your stamina and it's chalk full of nutrients she used to make such a thing back at the castle for Lord Albert and his mother Barlett says that he's had the ones from a bull and the ones from a horse but the ones from an orc he's never even heard of someone making a dish with those yeah and I hope never to see it again milia urges the little girl to give them a try as they've come piping hot off the oven covered in sweet and spicy sauce I won't describe the flavoring but suffice it to say she likes it very much so there's also also a suit made from its um other part the ladies are way more into this than they have any right to be half a year then passes since Luke creates the village and things now start to get chilly as the winter time rapidly approaches it bringing with it the colder months of the year it's about time they started to prepare for the winter months burlett then comes up to Luke and says that he'd been talking to the others and they actually wanted to take a trip home they've been concerned about their parents as all and only five of them are going so it shouldn't really affect Village operations he does offer to bring them here to the Village but burlett doesn't think that they would farewell on the trip so he has to decline the kind offer senen then offers to go with them and out of nowhere come the reformed thieves who nobody's really pleased to see but they tolerate the presence Luke isn't quite sure that he should be letting them outside the village just yet despite the fact that their loyalty is quite high at the moment but senen says that it's fine the more muscle they take with them the better the journey would turn out besides if they turn tail on the group she could always kick the ever loving snot out of the former Bandits and with that the group sets out for the older folks Village a few days later and little Lord Luke is reorganizing all the fields roow houses and adding new walls eventually he finishes his preparation work and we see the newly formed Village from high above he had made two layers of stone walls and more living spaces for the reformed thieves that they had been keeping around it would help everyone feel much more at ease and he figures he could get them to help down in those fields along with defending the village they at least have a master Farmer on their side meaning the fieldwork would be efficiently organized the thieves aren't sure if they could ever repay him each one having Tears in their eyes at the mere Prospect of finally having a place to live they would surely never forget his kindness seems like the old lady raised them well ah so this is just how all the thieves turn out huh obedient little drones Satine says that he'll report to Luke if he sees anything that may cause them harm while working in the fields a brave reliable man this one has become and with that gift of telepathy he could help them identify anyone fishy too this begs a question though if his gift is so handy why did he get kicked out of the merchant family that he was was in because others didn't think it was so much handy as dangerous as it let him listen in on the thoughts of literally everyone from the moment he got it his life was hell from the priest who liked kids a bit too much Vernon hell you absolute creep to a girl who everyone thought was a saint in fact being one to go praying on the needy even his own parents who he had trusted more than anyone found him to be something of a nuisance they had discussed how he looked sad and how being able to hear all the thoughts of everyone around him must be weighing heavily on his little mind his mother couldn't deal with her own son being so distant it was a shame really since she'd spent so much time raising him his own father thought that Satine might develop his own ideas and betray the family as he was aware of every single move they would make so he ran away and on the way out he'd met the boss and his gang of Thieves he's scary when angry but saw value in satine's gift more importantly the entire gang was simple and easy to be around he's lectured on how that doesn't mean he should be hurting people and again apologizes and the gang is about to set out to show the chief just how useful they can be when millia walks on scene her thoughts overwhelm Satine and he practically passes out while milia says that berlett and the others have all come back in one piece Luke is thanked directly by the old folk of the village and they shake hands for a little while chatting away but to important matters these people kale captured seem familiar in some way is it the clothing yeah it's the outfit of the group of Thieves the same ones that had been plaguing their jail for a little while they attacked senen and the others who fought back and did a number to them come to find out they were from the same group as those in jail the reformed thieves tap their shoulders and say that it's okay they would see the light soon enough okay then that's just creepy the remaining thieves are shocked at their comrades adjustment at the same time a few miles away a father and son are walking through the Wilderness of the barren landscape the son is adamant that they won't find any villagers out here whatsoever because there is no grass nor trees anywhere the father remarks that there's not enough food to last the upcoming winter in their Village so they'd rather bet on this than die of starvation the son is told to quit his complaining and keep walking they can't just sit around and keep waiting for death if only the son had left the village when he was younger he could have been an adventurer and had a better life this sets good old dad off on him with a yelling start until the sun spots a stone wall in the distance meanwhile in the village Lord Luke and his girl are looking out at everyone through the window of their home they all look so happy though everyone should start heading to bed soon enough Luke begins to doze off on the spot his little head nodding a little so he decides to hit the hay himself he says good night to the girl and goes to bed but later that night the two women just appear out of thin air they end up crawling into bed with him once again despite senen saying this was a bad idea in Sign Language Luke gets a telepathic peing that two men are approaching the village perhaps the refugees going down to meet them at the gate Luke finds that the older man in his 50s is called Mac and he's the chief of another Village the son's name is Manta Luke introduces himself and they seem to know about him being the Lord's son already which was a bit odd at first but Mac had heard rumors that Lord Albert had sent his son out here to cultivate the Wasteland with his gift of Village building it seems like they've been at it for a long time yes just about half a year now no way this was built in that time they think did the Lord prepare this beforehand regardless Luke asks what brings the two men here and they explain that with another big war coming they've been looking for a place to earn money during the winter Liam would be happy to have them but still another big war huh it must be against the house of shoner the Alberts and these Rivals make up two of the Great powers and they don't get along even though they're neighbors he wonders if his brother rul would be joining the fight as well before being called back to reality Max says that he's used to Nobles who don't give a flying one about their people or the plight they go through and then he apologizes for getting carried away with his words Luke wonders what he'd be doing right now if he were the one who received the gift of holy swordsmanship what would he be doing right now would he have noticed all the suffering around him back then he was so eager to be living up to expectations that now it all just seems a bit stupid Luke says that the village of mauo is welcome to move in as well as they have more than enough food for everyone a couple of days later the villagers arrive and are welcomed warmly into the fold they say it must have taken them years to build these walls and look at all those healthy crops so all those rumors about him getting a junk gift were flat out false um it's true that he didn't receive the gift of holy swordsmanship and was ordered to cultivate the Wasteland but he received the gift of Village building instead he's able to use it quite effectively all the way out here the hunter group then returns with their Quarry causing a huge buzz on the other side of Luke this time they've brought back five Al Mirage much to the surprise of the Mal people they should have a feast to celebrate the new people coming in but he wonders still why senen is boasting this isn't the first time they've brought back plenty of alaraj well that's because that's not all they had brought back they had also captured this great board for the village food supply needless to say everyone is quite shocked at this Luke especially he asks how they even managed to take down such a fearsome Foe and so senen explains that two of the men stopped it using their big shields then they all aimed for its neck it's all because of the equipment that Luke had made for them that this was possible he'd made these shields pretty darn thick and they still ended up getting dented like this oh well more could be made easily for now the hunters are congratulated on their good work and the boar is brought inside so that the cooking May commence Mac and his son Manta have tens that they'd like to set up for the time being and ask if they can take a little spot over there oh Luke had almost forgot he takes a second to make something for them within a few seconds new row houses are placed down and the men can't help but be in awe with the random appearance of houses been a while since Luke had this kind of reaction to his gift they ask where in the blue blazes the house came from and Luke explains that he can create plenty of useful things with this gift of Village building so those things people were saying about him getting a useless gift were all false it was actually super useful well no he can only use it here so they're not really wrong eventually Luke exceeds 1,000 villagers and the place got promoted to level six since then 96 people from the mauo village had joined their ranks but the gradient influx of villagers never stopped there people who needed help with food had come to them and Luke had welcomed them in people who had needed help earning money had come to them again Luke had welcomed them in people who just wanted to be looked after had come to him this time he was more hesitant but they were let in regardless the reformed thieves had been patrolling the Wasteland ensuring people could Traverse it safely this might explain the recent Rush of people burlet comments that their Village has grown quite a bit and Luke admits it has with the rumor mill also being in full swing about their little Paradise in the middle of nowhere word is the war is getting more intense as well senen guessed it was only a matter of time before their Village became a Target and they needed to start preparing for the worst case scenarios if 10% of their population has a gift that still make for around a 100 people children included given that his village is past 1,000 now many of them are hesitant to believe that they have gifts but Luke saw exploration types magic gifts even manufacturing gifts among them 24 total had gifts related to fighting excluding the children and elderly that left them with 19 new Fighters quite a hefty number considering that they would all be proficient with their professions two of the men comment that since a lot of people have potential gifts they wouldn't need to work anymore and this would make their lives so much easier now hold on there boys burlett quickly corrects them by grabbing their shoulders asking where they got that idea H sure gifts were great to have but they needed everyone to help keep the village operational and in good status especially during the coming winter months and they wouldn't like to get sent to the rehab facility would they CommunityWide support was essential for making the most out of the gifts many people had they didn't have very many kinds of jobs in their Village yet so they couldn't give everyone the recommended job but with that said they could have them do similar jobs to help Foster a sense of community hopefully things would keep going well for them Luke's only remaining concern was Village loyalty as the lower ones loyalty is the more likely there to leave the place behind but it seems there were a whole host of other problems that came with it as well such as low Village morale which created its own host of extra issues to deal with they've had to actively step in to do something about these issues luckily for them all it takes sometimes is to ask them about their concerns and to nip the issues in the bud Luke lays down exhausted from the things that he has to keep up with in the village at present huffing and puffing the days are too short for him and burlett admits that things are a bit tense in the village right now but he's sure everyone will come together in time in the meantime while trying to fix things they passed the 10,000 villager mark this gave Luke some much needed options when it came to developing the place including things like an apartment complex he recalls such things being common in his old world at least from what he remembers with 20 Living Spaces it's got more value than a row house and every single one comes with a bath and toilet to it it's very much worth the 300 points that it costs to make he also hasn't changed the area enclosed by the ston walls much but with each level The Village area has increased Prest now almost the entire Wasteland is encompassed by his village Powers being able to make stuff outside the walls was quite a huge deal but before that he'd have to help out granny emo with the rehabilation of the thieves it's been going well so far but there were two of them who just wouldn't budge when it came down to it one of them was their boss dorel nothing she did had any kind of effect on him no amount of pain she inflicts on him gets even a tiny reaction that man must have stared down death itself quite a few times because he was about as hardened as they come it must be tough trying to get a man like him to change on the contrary granny nemma quite enjoys the challenge but the real problem on her hands wasn't him it was the other one bar the first guy they had caught yep he lectures granny nemma for bringing the kids here again and makes the mistake of calling her an old hag which earns him nothing but a good whacking with her cane granny still got some muscle on those bones Sunny wait what the heck was that weird sound that he just made bar tells Luke to shut the heck up as even abused from an old bitty like this granny couldn't get him to Flinch let alone and here we go again don't insult the old lady she makes short work of his words and forces him to eat them down but with each Reich it seems like he enjoys it more than hates it that's right ladies and gentlemen the problem with this Punk wasn't that she couldn't convert him it's that he was something of a masochist that's right a total masochist it seems this young loves pain to the weirdest degree seems like since he enjoys the punishment giving it to him isn't that effective at all but doesn't that also mean that they can use pain as an incentive if so that would make controlling him a really easy play to that effect senen headbutts the stuffing out of him and Stomps on his chest making darn sure that he can't get up on his own she then tells him to shut up and listen if he wants his reward then he'd best do as they say this only earns her his animosity and a spitball that barely misses her face she wonders what the heck is wrong with him let's remember she's only 15 years old and he tells her to be quiet as the tactics of a wab be satus weren't enough to control him he gets a a great big smack from granny nemma who explains that while masochist may seem obedient they're by no means submissive if you ain't prepared to accept the um proclivities of another person then it's best to keep your distance senen is getting a headache from all of this and Luke correctly surmises that they should then put his rehabilation on hold for the time being which granny nemma agrees to though senen then gets a call out of the blue from the boss of the bandits dorel he recognizes her as the baj rada's iceblade princess and asks her what she's doing out here all the way in this dump she says that she has her reasons and he continues that he'd been beaten by her he has no intention of following someone weaker than himself is he telling her to let him out because he's going to be a good boy no but he does want to show respect to those who bested him should they ever need his strength he would answer their call with dorel having said that senen later remarks that if he became a part of their fighting force they would have a great asset on their side of course she doesn't fully trust him yet not by a long shot but if they have him in reserve they could save him as a last resort yeah maybe later that day Luke notices the sheer amount of people going to use the public bath house Cen says that now that it's getting quite chilly everyone was craving a warm bath lots to love about a huge one he's glad everyone enjoys it as much as they do he really is though it would be great if he could make other kinds of bats too just then a lightning bolt runs through his head maybe he could use the customized facility tool to make the perfect bath for winter times too he upgrades his house from a medium to a large and adds a private bath to the Garden wow that's quite the upgrade to the Back Garden many of the men in the village agree that the place is impressive at least 20 people could live in Comfort here Lord Luke just agrees that he's upgraded the old place though he didn't expect it to be this big but at least now it can fit more people they could come visit anytime they needed some help ignoring the annoyed girls in the background the other men point out the odd look of the warm bath in the backyard looks like a pond or a cesspool oh come on man have you no taste he pushes them in so that they can learn the difference and they all ooh and ah at the warm water that climbs up their bodies as they sink deeper into it relaxing the ladies could take the other side of the fence as per usual they ask if he's not getting in and Luke says that he wants them to be the first ones to enjoy such a thing and not to worry about him they cheer for this and stay submerged in the warm water but in secret he's created a third hot spring that he could keep all to himself from the others now is his only chance finally some time to himself where the girls senen and milia wouldn't bug him they couldn't in a place like this surely getting into the bath and splashing some of the warm water on himself Luke gently steps down into the Bliss that is his own personal outdoor bath and enjoys the feeling of warm water cascading over his skin along with the steam curling up from either side he gently closes his eyes and just listens to the Ambiance of crickets accompanied by the distant voices of far away people who all seem to be having fun at the public bathing areas but just as he's getting into the Rhythm of the Night and beginning to enjoy the environment around him the water again Clips with the feet of someone else joining him in the bath millia the maid offers to wash his back just as Luke was thinking his lonely days were over half a year had passed since Master Luke had been ordered to develop this land the two of them had overcome many tribulations out in the harsh wastes and together milia and him had developed a village overflowing with love it was practically a picted her perfect fairy tale place or so she had thought at first as soon as it was built an influx of meddlers and more villagers had come to live in the place as their Little Village grew so did her and master Luke's time apart which is a good thing if you ask me but millia believes that something must be done about it if she leaves her Master Luke to his Lonesome then what was she even here for as a maid to fill the lonely void left in his heart she must offer him her touch in the bath she must do it not for herself or because she wants to but for his sake right because that's not illegal in the slightest but it is here where senen steps in to interject slapping her hand down to cut milia off from Luke she sees what the sneaky maid is trying to do milia defends herself saying that she's just here to help Master Luke unwind unwind eh senen isn't buying it the two of them start to engage in a cat fight right there in the water the both of them getting all wet and flustered as they grab at and pull each other around Luke meekly tells them to calm down as they may hurt each other instead he gets slapped in the face by a torrent of water as the two go at it squealing and splashing as their fight only intensifies Luke suddenly grows a backbone and starts to yell at them ordering that there is to be no fooling around in the bath like this the both of them feel remorse while in the province of Nory not so far away Governor Dono is told that there's trouble among his ranks he's received word that people from yet another Village have just up and vanished again he did expect a few of them to leave because of the taxes but this was a bit much even for them do they not know what kind of hardships await them outside the region well about that the men who investigated said that they heard tell of a rather bizarre rumor going around talk of a new village within the northern reaches it promises its people safety and comfort not to mention plenty to eat a real Paradise so they've heard Governor Dono just puts his head in his hands saying what an obvious trap this was that area wasn't remotely livable that said he can see how such a dubious promise could be enticing to some people given the pressure they were under from taxation he orders his men to look into this area and if need be the governor would go with it's a point of concern because it's the area that Lord Albert's son was ordered to develop Luke gets an early warning from satin that there's a suspicious group observing them more migrants no possibly Scouts they were awfully calm Luke who's having dinner with the rest of the villagers brings it up with them and senen says to wait as if this were indeed an attack the walls would be the first thing to dissuade them from launching an assault there's also the fact as Luke points out that everyone in this Village has gotten much stronger than before they won't give up their land without a fight senen punches her hand and agrees saying that they'll take on whoever this new enemy might be a few days later and the governor arrives with his troop of soldiers all in shocked that there's a settlement of this size out here in the waist how in the blue blazes was it made in such a short amount of time they are then asked by a reformed Thief who Peaks out of the wall what their business is with the village Governor Dano States his position and apologizes for the sudden visit but he wants to speak with little Lord Luke immediately he's told to wait there and vanishes inside the wall for only a few minutes before the gate starts to raise to admit them entry there are told to enter and Dan is worried at first that this is an obvious trap laid out for him the guard by his side assures him that the Elite Force is there for his own protection and a lot of them enter Dan notices immediately that they have crops behind their walls and the produce here is gargantuan in comparison to other regions he's never seen things like wheat grow at this time of year and it seems like all the villagers in this place were healthy as all Frick so the rumors were indeed true this place is a paradise for the Lost he's then welcomed directly by little Lord Luke the head of of the village and danth is positive that this is the little boy that he'd once met back in Lord Albert's Castle all those years ago he's standing in front of the carcass of a great boar much to the surprise of Dano's Elite unit his guard Squad is in utter shock at the site before them a small boy standing in front of a skeleton that big they all chatter about behind their governor while Danel looks on evaluating the situation to the best of his ability someone pops up from behind the Great War carcass to say that this thing they caught was really tasty giving away that they didn't just dig up the Bones from some ditch and call it a day the guards behind Dan whisper and talk amongst themselves while the crowd behind the board carcass just smirks loving the attention Luke and Dan eye each other for the time being as we learn that there are more than 20 governors in the Albert domain land taken through war is usually put under the governance of those most loyal to the Alberts however should an existing Governor bend the knee they would sometimes keep their position as was the case with the man before him Dan apologizes for the intrusive and somewhat unplanned visit and and Bows his head to signify being a non-threat Luke wonders if this man knows that he practically got disowned by his father it's possible that Dano isn't even aware that Luke has been banished here in the first place the governor's region was close by so Luke does suspect that they would all be interacting with him a lot in the foreseeable future he invites them in warmly saying that they're preparing a welcome feast in the men's honor they could enjoy their time in the village for the time being in reality he just wants to make sure they're all on friendly terms Dano can't help but ask what the giant buildings were and Luke casually explains the concept of an apartment building to him while they walk next is the cleanliness of the place he brings it up in passing and Luke says that they do their best to keep things clean and hygienic but Dan knows that no amount of doings when best could keep a place this clean next was the public bath while everyone had a bath of their own in their house it seems that a lot of people like to bathe in the more open and spacious one provided for the community Dano then pops the biggest question of all how had he cultivated such a vast Wasteland into his V Village like this in such a short time the simple answer was his gift of Village building Luke had never heard of the gift so he was originally at a loss for what the heck to do with it but eventually he figured out that he could make things pretty freely on any parcel of land that was recognized as his own this was indeed quite a gift and it does explain in detail why he was sent here but actually he only figured out how to use the damn thing after he got here they had practically sent him out here to starve and die meaning his father wasn't aware of the gift's true power should tell his father about this it would cause a huge uproar but for the moment they could just sit back and talk about it over a nice and luxurious dinner with entertainment coming from The Village's talented Swordsmen blades clang and Clash together as two Swordsmen rock each other with strong blows and everyone enjoys the show as they really go at it with each other everyone with a gift decides to show off their gifts and this will eventually force Luke into talking about the church Dan is beyond shock that people here have swordsman gifts and magic ones too Luke eventually leads the way way away from the banquet to show them where they would be staying for the night saying that there should be enough space for his guard detail as well as himself Dan was sure the structure wasn't here earlier the kid must have used this gift to make it especially for them once inside he asks his head Soldier what he thinks of this little village that Luke had created naturally the guard thinks that such a place as this is quite odd though perhaps that was an understatement maybe they've underestimated this place as well for the guard has to apologize to his Lord as even though they had promised to protect him they weren't sure they could even hold a candle to the forces of this Village even the elite forces that he brought with him would be utterly wiped by the people here who had gifts perhaps Luke had all the refugees here except a blessing from somewhere Deno wasn't quite sure about it because Luke guided him on a path away from it but they could have sworn they saw a church like building in the distance all priests with the Oracle gift are controlled by the church could it be that there was a singular exception to this rule here the church itself claims that less than 1% of the population is capable of manifesting a gift upon receiving a blessing in any case if the church were to find out about this place there was no telling the actions they may take to conceal the fact that they're likely lying to the public about it how will he explain this to Lord Albert though easy solution there mate he just won't the Lord is letting Master rul oversee the politics of the domain this report would reach his ears first and that would cause severe trouble if the Lord were to find out about this it could improve his view of Master Luke drastically this Intel could threaten 's position for the next inline head of the domain to keep it he may destroy the village or worse before the Intel reaches Lord Alber teers if the governor keeps this a secret he would surely lose his life when it came out what they don't know is that satina is listening in on their conversation from over 50 me away with his telepathy gift he'd relayed the full conversation to the important people of the village in the room and senen is glad that they don't have to make Graves for these men here Governor Dano is Bid good morning by Luke as he comes out of his residence and they talked for a bit at how well he'd slept in the place before getting on to a main topic before he forgets again Dena would like to thank Luke for accepting all the refugees that had come up until now on behalf of the Nory domain his citizens had been suffering a lot from the inaction that he had been taking up until this point and he is terribly ashamed by the lack of action that he' taken up until this point that being said there was something he needed to ask of Lord Luke would he be willing to sell some food to the Nory domain they've been going through a Great Famine as of recent you see and every little bit they could get would help they were a bit short on money though he was sure that supplies would make up for the lacking deposit of cash of course and in fact Luke would welcome that their Village is still quite new and there was quite a lot of things that they lacked the two shake hands and make a deal on it he would have the trustworthy Merchants Guild send some of their best men as the guild has a lot of branches across the country it would be much smoother going through them than the public office less work for everyone involved Luke then wonders if he should create a road for them when the merchants come and in doing so he scares The Living Daylights out of the soldiers who were walking on the barren soil just moments before some days later the hunters have returned and Luke is about to go back and welcome them into the city once more he first notices that senen and the rest are not there with them and this group tells him that they simply come back to deliver an update no need to worry nobody was hurt it's just that they happened upon a party of injured elves the others were making their way to the Elven Village as an escort before making their way home Farmer Boy is very excited at the prospect of the beautiful Elven woman who he's heard are stunning and thinks that maybe they would repay them for doing the favor yeah don't get ahead of yourself kid he smacked and told that elves had been abused for their beauty before which is why they tend to avoid humans they were surprised to find them in the forest Luke asks for more info on what happened and he's told that they were just hunting as usual when they heard screams coming from the forest they made their way to the noise cautiously and found elves fighting for their lives against a pair of mad Grizzlies they had joined the elves in taken the giant bears down and senen had decided to escort the elves back to their Village chances are they would stay the night at the El in place the next day there are elves at their doorstep thanking him for his soldiers helping them she was sent by their Chief Tain to do so and while she gives her full name there's no way I'm pronouncing that so I'll take the hint and call her filia senen tells the men to quit their staring and she apologizes to filia for the hounds looking at them like prey seems they've already broken the ice pretty well filia can't help but be amazed that Anything Grows out here in this Wasteland and she remarks that humans are indeed incredible beings Luke is about to show them around when Farmer Boy comes forth to say that they should be shown the bath first things first really my bro the other men call him out on being horny and he shuts them down when they realize that the elves actually do stink quite a bit they probably haven't had a decent bath in quite a while they led to the changing rooms before immediately beginning to strip before entering which we have to censor because of YouTube filia jumps the gun and goes into into the wrong bathroom which ends with her getting shooted out by a very I rate donga and they are instead led to the private bath that they can all enjoy together filia and the others enjoy it to the point where they end up soaking in there for hours on top of receiving help they were able to score a nice bat filia cannot express gratitude enough and she thanks Luke and senen again Mad Grizzlies are as vicious as multiple Orcs and usually travel solo but as there was just one they underestimated it until the second came along if it weren't for senen there would have been more casualties than necessary they give him the gift of 10 magical potions as thanks for the aid and all three of the main members are flabbergasted at seeing such rare things normally you wouldn't get the chance to see one in a lifetime let alone 10 for Generations the Elvin Clan have pass down the recipe for potions like this and they were more than willing to give a few up in thanks but even with potions they cannot save a life that has already been lost but they had helped them not lose a single soul of their team next on the menu the elves didn't think that they would be treated to a gourmet meal as well they really did take care of everything for them senen says it was the same when they went to the Elven Village they also got treated by a whole Feast as thanks filia is glad that everyone has let down their guard for the time being and then says that she would like to use the bathroom Luke gives her instructions on how to get there and when she arrives she sees the porcelain white bowl awaiting her having zero idea how to use such a thing I won't detail much about this but suffice it to say she gets a surprise and screams out in Surprise when accidentally pressing one of the buttons on the toilet she asks how he's making these as she'd like to take one home with her good luck with that and Luke explains that he's used this gift of Village creation to make all the facilities that they have within the village but this also means that should one of the toilets leave the village for any reason at all it would likely stop working because of a lack of electricity and water with that the oven troops are going to set off after another day but while Luke is waving he notices that filia is missing from her group he asks where she is and they say that the the warrior Chief was going to use the toilet before leaving oh no wait a second seems like she's been spending a lot of time there recently did she eat something bad was her stomach okay for the trip he'd best go inside and check on her to make sure that she was in tiptop shape and she's fluffing about with the buttons because of course she is after filia has her fun in the bathroom The elen Troop leave back for their village with a very tattered looking Chief Warrior and directly after this the governor's Tradesmen arrived and begin to unload their cargo they came to trade the food that Luke had in stock with various things including but not limited to clothing household goods crop seeds herbs seasoning and most importantly livestock everyone is surprised that they had brought such valuable livestock importantly female livestock but that's just how amazing tor's vegetables were must be the farm boy with a master farmer gift for now he should build a livestock shed to keep the new animal Palin and that he does it Fosters growth promotes health and improves fertility all by the virtue of whatever magic hes underneath the village to make everything work they all seem to be very happy with this new shed that Luke has made for them and he leaves the animals under the care of their trusty Nell whose gift was related to breeding animals at only age 13 hard worker this one but what the two boys are more interested in is the fact that they may now be able to eat milk and eggs the farmer boy says that he'll bring a lot of good food for them so they should work hard to give them some good produce blasting through the leaves at break neck speeds and elf is just barely avoiding getting clawed down by a giant orc following it meanwhile in Luke's Village there's plenty of chatter and prosperity going around from the recent trador visit and things like fresh eggs and milk are now commonplace as are more luxurious items like Fabrics now that they have this kind of thing the woman wouldn't have to use bed sheets and curtains to make clothing for the village populace anymore there was a welcome amount of marry taking place all around at least until Luke got a message that there was an elf approaching their Village it seemed like she was in quite the hurry to get to them as well the gate opens readily for her and she asks for Aid in the quickest way possible telling them that everyone in her Village was in danger and to come immediately senen tells her to calm herself and Luke asks what happened so the elf briefly explains that the Orcs had come to attack the village senen is stormed by this information as they aren't just any foe they're tough cookies and would require a lot to take down it seems that they become very aggressive while looking for food this time around and while the elves did indeed try fighting back they were generally outn numbered and overwhelmed by the immense strength the head of the combat Squad filia had told them to abandon the village for the time being she would buy them as much time as possible so the little alus ran and made it all the way here Luke looks back at his soldiers and senen nods with Barlett they would head out to the rescue immediately satin is to tell the Elven villagers to run this way and inform them all of the situation ASAP and when the Elven girl hears this she breaks down crying after Luke's gift level increased his land size must have increased as well if you who can use facility creation and customization there should be a lot he can do to help the only thing he can do right now though is to hope that filia and the others were within his territory he makes them villagers and indeed they are within his land limits an orc gets bonked heavily by a stone wall that Sprouts out of the ground and filia is saved from certain death She's then informed by Luke through satin's telepathy that they've chosen to fight with the elves and were currently guiding the other Elvin villagers to their safety she should also be heading this way as soon as she can filia apolog es for asking for their help again and Luke says there's no need for that as their Village could have been next up on the menu anyway senen orders all troops to get ready and assume fighting stances there's at least 30 of these monsters approaching the village chasing the elves and senen just says that they'll have to do what they can filia is asked to guide the Orcs towards them and she does just that as wall Sprout from the ground to trap the Orcs filia manages to get out of Dodge right before the walls come crashing together trapping the Orcs between them and then the soldiers head out to start doing some work but they have another problem looming not far behind in the darkness of the bushes one with tusks with the Orcs defeated and lying dead across the battlefield Luke and his men assume that the battle is all over now right it seems to be so he checks with filia to ensure the safety and wellbeing of all the elves and there was no major casualties reported among them milia calls for the injured to gather in one place for treatment and filia is asked if this aggression from the orc is normal in the season does it happen every year no not usually in general they aren't Hunted by Orcs as they don't suit the giant Pig's tastes but due to increases in their population the Orcs have become way less selective in what they choose to consume but it's not just the forest that might be in danger this Village might be a Target now as well there were so many Orcs gathered here and now they went and caused a rakus adding to the pig's numbers but with the gracious support of this Village even if they were attacked by the orc King she feels that they would be all right you know you think they would learn to watch their words by now for so you have wished it so shall it be a giant warar Echoes out of of the forest behind them and a huge orc with four tusks comes right out walking at them all hungry this wasn't just any orc of course it was their King the biggest meanest foe they've since faced Bia takes back her words as the senen and Luke quickly builds a wall to see if he can do anything to Halt the monster's progress yeah no it walks through the rock and stone like wet paper Luke exhausts all his village points trying to stop the Giant and before he knows it the Beast is right on top of him was this game over not quite for the shield bearers come running to defend their little Chief tan and the orc King smacks claws first into the wall with a bang two people with gifts were still struggling to stop this absolute beast and they had no time to prepare for anything at this rate The Village Luke had worked so hard to build would be destroyed within no time Satine gets asked to favor while the men try their best to hold the king back spearing it with howb birds and all sorts of weapons which have absolutely no effect the arrows from the elves have Zero Effect either and only by virtue of Cent's ice powers is anything done to even damage damage the big guy her ice magic is enough to leave Frost growing on it just like the fight with dorel and it glares at her sidong for this incursion of its rat while senena is trying to keep it busy the other men try piercing the Creature from the back needless to say it doesn't work but at least the Beast was starting to slow down a bit from all the frost crawling around its hide or not it kicks the men away like mere fleas trying to get them out of its backside barlot stops the Spearman from getting hurt and the King somewhat focuses him while the rest of the men Dash in to try helping and get gas delus into the air slamming down hard on the rocky land below senen remarks that they were gradually being driven into a corner and at this rate they wouldn't make it they would just suffer more casualties than it was worth at least that's how it would turn out if dorel wasn't released from prison to help with the fight dorel is asked why the flying heck he was let out of his cell and it seems that Luke had used satin's ability to call him here he did say he'd lend a hand when times were tough senen looks at Luc and almost disbelief but he says that because things were looking bad he decided to bet on those words of Promise he had made the right choice says the Bandit leader but who would have thought that he'd get to tackle the orc King like this the creature sees dorel charging for it and raises a clawed hand to strike the resounding clang sends dirt and Rubble everywhere Luke shielding himself and Granny nemma from The Rock pelting down on them dorel has disappeared below a cloud of dust and everyone is worried that he hadn't made it through but just then from out of its side a figure dashes out from behind the cloud of dust and thxs the giant in its Royal side like a thorn making it stumble for the first time in the battle dorel grins something scarily as the massive pig is rocked backwards from the impact Force senen yells to all the soldiers that now is the time to rush in and engage in battle as the pig was distracted and they might actually be able to deal some damage the men with shields Rush forth and also clang their Shields against the King again causing it to stumble backwards while a swordsman attacks the back and a Spearman the front the king is undeterred and presses on with it assault clearly getting annoyed with the fleas that attempt to bring its highness down to one knee can't bring down a monster of this caliber that easily swords whoo and sence Ice blades crackle with frost as she makes more attempts to slow it down the creature beginning to Tire itself out from the constant abuse it's taking Luke finally sees his chance as the additional Village points come into his account and he orders everyone to move away from the orc King they do and wall suddenly Sprout from the ground to cover the king in a box of stone he's captured the king and uses additional points to upgrade the strength of the walls then builds a watchtower on top of the box oh I see where this is going Luke then removes the ceiling and the tower Falls to crush the giant porker with the specialty move the facility Crush granny nma asks if he said something and of course our shy Little Hero says no kick senen and barlot jump at top the walls to survey the situation inside the area and look in to determine the damage that had been done to the Beast inside senen gives the okay signal and says that it's been defeated cheers Rise Up from both the elv and po populace and his own villagers and dorel is rather annoyed that things had ended so quickly Luke will at the very least acknowledge his contribution and reconsider what will happen to him going forward but first he has to talk with the leader of the Elven Village I'm not even going to try and say that name all the elves come to a Bend before Luke following in the steps of their own Chief Tain to say sorry for all the inconvenience that they have caused him and his village the chief of the elves apologetically says they were left with no other option than to seek assistance from this place and in doing so they put everyone here in the same danger that they themselves could not handle properly they would gladly accept any and all punishments that were thrown their way my dude he's not going to punish you over coming to look for help as Luke says it just happened to turn out that way and besides it could have easily been them who needed the help in the first place glancing over to his fellow villagers Luke gets the idea to sweep this all under the rug he chimes in that on a more important note the elves must be famished and tired from all that hard work they put into trying to take down all those Orcs how was about about a little barbecue to settle this the Elven leader just looks at him a bit blankly until filia tells her father that Master Luke is a generous person he can't help but be silent for a few moments while a smile creeps over his face indeed he says softly as his daughter is quite certain that nobody here is harboring any thoughts of accusing the elves of anything he turns to his people and says that he has faith that the people here were going to be good neighbors in the future so they would sincerely accept their kindness and deepen the relationship between them at the very least the elves offered help with the cooking but before that everyone's nostrils tell them that these people need a bath badly the chief Tain gladly accepts though he was quite perplexed that they would be receiving any form of treatment like this much less on their first visit to receive such benevolent Hospitality was it truly appropriate well they couldn't decline when it was suggested so earnestly I'll be in a bit of a strange manner when the elves come out of the bath they are greeted to a feast of orc meat and mugs upon mugs of beer and alcohol Luke is drinking too and he a bit too young for this oh well manga Logic the elves seem to have one more pressing problem though they need to rebuild their Village and fraking fast because winter is on the approach Luke fixes this by letting them all stay here until their place is rebuilt and the next day filia sets off to rebuild the village through an underground passage that Luke builds for them they arrive in no time reaching the village outskirts due to his area of control being limited the damage is severe and with the state of their stone wall there's no telling what kind of Beast may enter they tell Luke that they don't want his help with the rebuilding though they would request to do this one on their own at the same time in Luke's Home Village milia has gathered a lot of people specifically those with gifts to relay a so-called important Oracle Master Luke was the chosen one sent by the gods to save this world of chaos he's destined to be this world's savior excuse me what Malarkey is this she manages to rile up the villagers with gifts having them devote themselves to him just as she had through some clever trick and tactics within the territory of Marquee Albert a lot of chatter rounds his huge mansion grounds as Master rul is asked if he's ready to step outside yet he says sure anytime is fine right then this way please walking out of the tent to many Spectators rul has a scary yet determined look in his eye the Sinners were then to step outside of their little cart and arm themselves with any weapon they wanted from the roster all they had to do was take down this little brat and they would earn their freedom fine by them as you can probably imagine this lot of fools doesn't last long against a child with holy swordsmanship the crowd is in stun silence at the gore and blood present in the arena and the last man standing is not wanting to engage in any form of battle up on the heights of the Arena his father is smiling down on him the boy covered head to toe in the blood of his enemies and surrounded by messy red stains on the floor along with sword scratches rul darts over to kill the final man who is trying to run for his life showing no sense of Mercy he guessed that this was the last bloke this was an overwhelming Victory by Master Raul and the rest of the people can't help but raise chatter in the background as his father steps into the arena to congratulate him he bids his son a well done saying that he had passed the test and would accompany him to the next battle R will bows saying that he's honored and would bring great results without fail the crowd cheers as he finishes wiping all the blood off of himself a man coming to get his attention from the side according to the governor of northy he had gone to the area of Luke's supposed Village himself but found no such place exists well obviously there's no way that a village could ever be established in a place like that in other words the house of bajada has not been able to find Lady senen anywhere they've looked Rahul then details that once his father has won the next War his father would acquire even greater territory and rul would take over the current Albert territory this vast land would all become his the brat then laughs maniacally which makes his brother sneeze in his village Far Far Away Luke notes that the snow is piled up quite a bit and he has to use the defrosting feature to clear the roads for merchants winter in the Wasteland sure was cold ever since more Merchants came to the Village more and more people had been settling there though with many more hellos comes some goodbyes filia is removed as a villager and the next site we see is two older men having some sweet time in the bath they greet each other and talk about how this place feels like heaven when an elf comes to join them at first they think it's a girl but they're quickly proven wrong after a bit of talking we also learned that while the elves were rebuilding the village this one didn't want to go back he'd much prefer to live here in the lap of luxury the elves have traditionally lived quietly in their forests without interacting with other species elves are a noble race that Treasures nature is what they told themselves the chief reason was that they had so many natural enemies that they had no choice but to hide in order to survive however this place was even safer than the Elven Village and now that he's come to know such a convenient way of living this particular elf didn't want to go back in the slightest though even if he brought up his insistence on staying the chief would probably reject it thus he needed to get the other villagers on his side and have them plead for him to stay luckily for him elves are considered attractive by by human standards so he could easily rely on his charm in order to win them over walking outside without clothing on he uh let's just say granny nemma doesn't appreciate the case of public indecency off to the slammer with you my fair-haired friend the Elven Chief is quick to apologize again for the trouble that has been caused here while the elf in question just pouts from behind bars when asked how he could do something like this the elf explains that he just wanted to stay in this Village luuk is surprised but the elf Chief Tain says exactly what you expect it's not that much of a b though since this Village is made up of immigrants to begin with of course it wasn't an easy decision as that and they would need to talk it over carefully with everyone else the chief explains things to his comrades in the underground tunnel and due to the generosity of Master Luke those who wish to remain within this Village have the right to do so to ascertain the numbers those who would like to stay stand behind Master Luke those who would like to return follow him not a single person makes a move does this mean that everyone wants to stay here yes including his own daughter filia he asks where their pride as elves were he'd expected one or two to want to stay behind but with this many The Village might as well cease to exist the food here was delicious unlike the village and they no longer have to fear for Monsters attacking them too it's also free of unpleasant oders not to mention they can stay clean and bathe anytime as well oh yeah and the chief is cute too the Elven Chief Tain is told that with him there The Village would be just fine but with only him there it may as well be nothing but a lonely existence deep down he also wishes to stay in the village well then Luke would welcome them all that's 238 people
Channel: ActionToon
Views: 666,551
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ActionToon, SS-Rank Hero Dies & Returns to Real World with Max Skills, manga rec, my manga, anilife, manwhacapped, manga explained, webtoon, manga recap, demon master, fantasy, manga, shonen, ss rank, ss rank hero, ss rank hunter, op protagonist, Manwha Recap, Manwha, Manga, manhwa recap, manhwa capped, manhwa cap, manhwa
Id: XM28aHPEVj0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 105min 28sec (6328 seconds)
Published: Mon Dec 25 2023
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