This Is Worse Than Netflix's Cuties

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spray tanning is a must come on let's go in and get your spray tan we started spray tanning her when she was 11 months old and she has probably been spray tanned over 50 times now [Music] she loves it she's up for it completely [Music] see [Music] man and people thought this award-winning netflix film about 11 year olds twerking was offensive how about a bunch of women who enter their kids into a competition where they had swimsuit contests for three-year-olds how is this legal this woman spray tanned her child 50 times starting at 11 months her child is somewhere between 2 and 3 which means she has spray tanned her kid with all kinds of chemicals once or twice a week also she can show off her falsely tanned skin in a two-piece bathing suit to a bunch of creepy adults i bet when this girl becomes a teenager the mom's going to wonder why her daughter hates her and misbehaves all the time maybe it has something to do with the spray tan things like that matter well tlc has done it yet again this clip comes from a show called toddlers and tiaras a show that highlights the child abuse that is beauty pageants for children our pageant is looking for a beautiful child with lots of personality put together from head to toe today in the pageant we have lots of competition whether it's the babies all the way up to the big girls so we're very excited yes you heard it people enter their babies into these competitions so my interest in this subject is to find out what kind of person would put her three-year-old daughter into a beauty pageant as you can imagine not a great person our first parent is carrie with her daughter olivia i'm olivia i'm mystery household chrissy walk prissy while ball that's right rocket rocket rocket rocket i'm carrie and my daughter olivia is a sassy pageant princess olivia has a pretty unique personality she's got a grown-up attitude and she's like my little sidekick you want to tell me a secret i can see we're off to a good start we have a three-year-old child who says she doesn't like her mother and a mom who thinks of her child as an adult child care 101 guys children are not many adults you cannot treat them like adults you cannot treat them like your friend or your little sidekick they need to have ideas broken down for them you need to be very patient and you need to be very forgiving if you treat children like adults that are going to start behaving erratically because they have no idea what's going on especially a three-year-old come on levy we got to rush because we don't even know where to go in that baby okay we're rushing and we're flipping out a little bit and so far everything's okay baby we've got to hurry cause you gotta do your hair i wanna play with playground well let's go get our crown first i'm gonna play playground first oh you're making moments sweat today yeah you're making me work god forbid a child go to the playground and have fun is that how you speak to a child olivia you're making us late olivia you're stressing me out and making me sweat olivia this is your fault no it's not she's a child the way the child behaves is the parents fault naturally the stress that carrie is putting on her daughter is not helping kids may not understand your words for example olivia might not understand the concept of being late very well at three years old however kids do understand emotions kids take emotional cues from their parents all the time and they will start mirroring their parents behavior this is how carrie's frustration and anger is represented in her child [Music] stairs downstairs i won't go on the stairs i leave his mood's kind of uh iffy it can go one way or the other right now we're kind of on the we're teeter-tottering right now my biggest concern right now is that olivia's going to flip out olivia is under stress from the pageant so she is acting out with anger you can watch her mom do the exact same thing when she is frustrated by olivia doing something undesirable you need to be quiet the judges can hear you that's not how you speak to a child there are plenty of ways to deal with the situation olivia is mirroring her mom's forcefulness so forcefully telling her to stop is only going to make it worse if you want your child to act a certain way then you have to model that behavior first if you want your kid to be calm and friendly then you have to be calm and friendly she could have also distracted olivia by asking her questions about herself kids generally like it when adults pay attention to them outside of that the best way to handle children is to make following your directions into a game especially if they are misbehaving if you ever watch someone who is good at teaching children you'll see them do that all the time anyway let's see how olivia performed number 22 olivia [Applause] [Music] i got [Music] olivia has brown hair and brown eyes her favorite color is red and her favorite movie star is spongebob [Music] we just finished beauty she didn't do so good she wasn't watching what i was telling her to do we'll just have to see maybe everybody else would just mess up really bad and then we'll be good holy crap carrie it's a competition for toddlers it's not that big of a deal carrie is pissed that her daughter didn't perform perfectly is that really a healthy message you should be sending to your child should you be telling her that you hope she loses to a weak opponent hoping your competition is weak is not going to make you a competent adult so why is all this important especially for those of you who don't have kids all this matters because your experiences as a child leave you with what are called implicit memories and implicit behaviors on your psyche what that means is that you have behaviors that are so far ingrained in your psychology that you have no idea why you do them they were responses to things that happened in your childhood that you don't consciously remember people often see them as just features of their personality however that's not quite it there's a reason your personality is the way it is olivia is very bossy look at all the different i see it crazy fool i like it that she has personality i like it that she has her own little spunk to her listen to how carrie describes that olivia is bossy yes she's like that in response to your forceful parenting she didn't magically end up that way when olivia grows up and doesn't remember how her mother parented her at three years old she's going to end up being bossy and unlikable the only difference is that she isn't going to remember why she's like that because it happened 10 20 30 years ago that's a problem because people are going to respond to her negatively for that reason and she's not going to know why or even know that it's a problem for probably the rest of her life people often see these character traits as a good thing like her mom does even though it's causing her harm when you have problems in your life and things aren't going the way they should these are the behaviors that need to be changed why do i respond to stress with anger oh it's because my mom responds to stress that way and she taught me how to respond to stress maybe there is a different coping mechanism i can use so that i can get the results that i want then all you have to do is do that like 20 more times with other bad implicit behaviors and you'll be pretty well off i think that the way she looks and the way that she acts as a direct reflection of me at least she has some perspective on it maybe there is hope for her anyway let's watch one more parent ruin her kid but first a word from this video's sponsor sandman zuck the drinks water like a duck but he also drinks your data so tell him and google to shove your data up their schwing schwangs by downloading the brave browser it's free blocks online advertising and protects your privacy and data from evil tech companies you only see ads if you want to see them and you give cryptocurrency for your attention don't let zock use you to make a buck download brave by clicking on the link down below let's meet mom number two lindsay with her four-year-old daughter maddie i'm maddie i'm four years old i always win painting i love 100 clowns who has more crowns me or you me my name is lindsey and my daughter maddie is following in my pageant footsteps come on go show me who has show me where my trophies are i started doing pageants when i was nine months old i would say probably you know roughly 600 pageants i'd been in whose are these yes is this one of yours guys mine is this one yours or mine yes this one it's mine too mine mine mine maddie's first pageant was my last pageant they say it gets in your blood of course it does and you can't ever get it out that was the very first pageant you ever did and guess who competed there me as you can see we have a mother who is very selfish and living vicariously through her child if i close my eyes during this segment and listen to what lindsay is saying i hear the thought process of a three to five year old child listen to what she says ha ha i have more crowns than you let's go look at all my trophies this one's mine that one's mine mine mine mine mine guess who competed at your first pageant me she is trying to grab attention like a three-year-old child and she's trying to one-up her daughter for the camera that behavior is fine when you're a toddler but you're supposed to grow out of it and start to consider other people otherwise you won't make any friends at least you won't make any real friends who actually care about you i'm sure this behavior has nothing to do with lindsay's parents forcing her to go to beauty pageants at nine months old this is why you don't treat children like adults they miss developmental landmarks and turn out like lindsay she didn't go through that developmental stage of selfishness as a kid because of the way her parents treated her so now she's expressing that as an adult also i happened to do some research on our toddlers and tiara star lindsay jackson and it turns out that she was married to a felon who was put into prison for child endangerment do you still think your childhood doesn't matter now all right let's see how maddie performs now we'd like to welcome contestant number 84 to the stage here is maddie 84. because we admire maddie we see her blonde hair and her blue eyes her favorite movie is peter pan when she's on stage i don't know what's going through my mind and i probably am thinking please don't mess up and please do this and smile maddie and have some personality and hey maddie look at the judges and do this and there's a million things running through my mind so i never know what exactly i'm thinking when she's on stage with an ambition in life to one day be a firefighter and help doggies contestant number 84 and maddie thank you perfect a four-year-old in full makeup being treated like a show dog seriously i don't think her mother considers her as a separate human being apparently 27 years old is the cutoff from miss america and miss universe and the average winner of those competitions is 20 years old lindsay says that maddie is continuing her legacy i'm guessing that's what she means as if maddie even has a choice when i was pregnant and i found out i was having a boy i was quite upset because i actually had the children so that we could do the pageants now it's one thing to enter your kid into a sport or a competition to help them become better people but it's something totally different when you enter a kid into those things just so you can play out a fantasy in your head we haven't even gotten to the worst part of it yet lindsay thought it was a good idea to dress her four-year-old daughter as dolly parton and have her wear fake boobs and a fake ass so she looks the part we're getting ready to do outfit of choice which is her dolly parton outfit it's definitely gonna be different we did do hair and makeup for the dolly parton outfit and that's rather interesting do you like the boobies in your outfit you do i don't think i like them i wasn't a big fan of the outfit with the boobs in it i think you're cute you would be just as cute without those don't you nope she's very young but hopefully the judges will perceive it in good taste i hope at least the makeup artist has some sense when he says that it's inappropriate for a four-year-old child to dress up as dolly parton with fake boobs okay i don't think the little girls in the pageant know who dolly is i don't think maddie knew how to explain exactly what was going on and why she had those enhancing thoughts remember how i said that children aren't mini adults maddie can't conceptualize why she's wearing fake boobs and can't explain it to other kids this is child abuse not to mention that her wonderful mother has maddie present her ass on stage during the onstage dance how is this not sexualizing children well lindsay says it's not in 2012 one year after this aired her ex filed a lawsuit against her to get full custody of their daughter he claimed that lindsay was sexualizing maddie by taking her to beauty pageants and a court psychologist agreed even the felon knows that this is wrong lindsay's defense against the sexualization of her child was to claim that we wouldn't have olympic gold medalists in gymnastics if their fathers took them away from the sport because it was exploiting them well uh that comment didn't age well remember that doctor who was convicted of molesting children on the usa gymnastics team a couple years ago not that you couldn't tell that something was up back in 2012 when lindsay said that half the olympic gymnastics team had really high baby voices that indicated they were abused as children however this is not just a problem with maddie here is a video of olivia being told by her mom to shake her ass for the competition shaky booty shaky booty shaky booty okay now you're gonna turn back around let me put this into perspective imagine a hot 21 year old girl turning around on stage in daisy duke shorts shaking her ass at the audience would you look at that like someone was waving a steak in front of you or would you think that it was just a cute little dance imagine what that looks like to some creep who is attracted to children but wait i have more here's a 13 year old girl in a two-piece bathing suit again you thought the netflix movie cuties was bad here's a four-year-old in a two-piece bathing suit yes i repeat these pageants have swimsuit competitions for children tell me what's the difference between a two-piece swimsuit and underwear nothing would people be okay with children going on stage for an underwear competition i don't think so last one of the parents thought it was a good idea to dress her daughter up like a prostitute from the movie pretty woman look if you google search the event it gives you a warning about child sexual abuse this is where strippers and prostitutes come from they are kids who experienced unwanted sexual attention from a very young age that causes all kinds of negative personality disorders that are very difficult to treat when they grow up the way you were treated in childhood has an exponential effect on your adulthood it can be exponentially good or it can be exponentially bad the big problem is that the nuclear family has been almost destroyed for us in the west so a lot of us are on the bad end what's worse is as i said before if you're in that situation it's really difficult to determine what's wrong with you or that there's anything wrong with you at all personally i've had to deal with many issues in my life and here's what actually worked imagine that there are people out there who want the best for you they could be real people which is helpful but if you don't have anyone like that in your life make them up so think there is a person out there or people out there who want the best for you how would they want you to be well they probably would want me to eat healthy and exercise so maybe i should do that they probably want me to seek psychological help they would probably want me to develop a career plan that i'm interested in and then go achieve it be the version of yourself that all the good people out there would want you to be it's a lot easier to model how you should behave when you think like that especially if you have a lot of behavioral issues also thinking like that will start you on the right path to solving the psychological problems that were loving on you as a kid it won't solve these problems specifically but it will lead you to behaviors that will help you figure out how to solve the problems in the future which is good enough but with that said i think that will be enough for this video so if you liked it hit the like button subscribe if you're new comment and share if you would like to support this channel then you can do so with paypal patreon or subscribe star you can find all of those links in the description last if you haven't checked me out on bitshoot facebook gab or twitter you can also find those links in the description otherwise see you in the next video thanks for watching
Channel: Think Before You Sleep
Views: 636,589
Rating: 4.8557343 out of 5
Keywords: Toddlers in Tiaras, TLC, Netflix, Olivia, Maddy, Lindsay, Karey
Id: MsRPNrpleoI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 56sec (1136 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 23 2020
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