Netflix's Cuties has gone too far

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boys welcome to the video today we got a bit of a doozy today boys if you've been on the internet the past couple days you've probably heard about the cuties controversy and no i'm not talking about delicious small tangerines i'm talking about kids shaking their little kid asses the new movie cuties on netflix it's a french film and it is getting a lot of heat for being way too sexual with kids basically but before we get any further you know i gotta get the cans on how do you say stop or stop it in french i can't overstate the controversy currently with with this cuties thing cancel netflix was number one trending yesterday there is now a boycott going on for netflix all over this single movie now for those of you who don't know cuties is about an 11 year old girl who is growing up in a very traditional religious household who slowly starts getting involved in dance with a few of her friends from school and it's the story of her trying to balance this hyper-religious lifestyle at home and this exaggerated dance life that she's slowly coming into there's one clip in particular a lot of people are citing as the as the part of the movie that went too far i decided as any logical youtuber would do before making a video like this i decided to go watch the movie i am kind of soft calling out a lot of youtubers because a lot of people rushed to make a video about cuties and didn't actually watch the movie i'll tell you this i sat down thinking it can't be that bad it's that bad it's that bad it's worse than you think i'm gonna walk you guys through this one because uh it's rough strap in we're all pedophiles today boys continue watching at your own risk because i'm gonna use clips from the movie and it is uh it is doozy we have our main character ami who is played by fats [ __ ] i'm sorry fatia fatia yusuf she's an 11 year old muslim some type of muslim i'm not sure what but it appears she is very traditional and within the first few minutes of the movie the message that supposedly people are using to defend this film is so ham-fisted and not subtle at all [Music] i'm really gonna go in on this [ __ ] film because some bungas bozos out there are sitting there trying to defend this movie saying that it's subtle the message of the movie is actually anti-kids being sexualized you just don't know how to read between the lines uh wrong [ __ ] the way this movie was handled was borderline pedophilic start of the movie we are hit with a we we are hit over the head with the message women who show their bodies are bad immediately after this our main character ami goes to the laundromat of the building she lives in and notices another girl her age dancing to spanish music [Music] i promise you i'm not grasping at straws it gets so much worse just to be clear because this will get lost at some point the main character was 11 at time of filming the other girls were between 11 and 13 from what research i could do so these are children not only these are children some of them are not even teens yet keep that in mind moving forward so skipping around in the movie she meets some new friends who slowly start introducing her to dance they're all practicing for this big dance competition and ultimately they bring ami into their group ami and her friend are discussing the dance competition coming up and ami is showing to her friend that not only does she know how to dance but she knows some dance moves that are gonna put them ahead of the competition keep in mind these children are 11 years old [Music] this is the point where we are introduced to one of many dance montages with these children here is the problem with this and i really i need to show it at the same time that i tell it i genuinely question the intent of the director with how these are shot there is so much emphasis on sexualizing these children in the way these dances were filmed [Music] trying to get another puss in such a little girl granny sammy she's the boss the scene is still going the sea it's still you see what i'm saying still going [Music] maybe you're still unconvinced with that god what was that like a two-minute scene and i'm not exaggerating when i say this this one is by far the most tame by far netflix defends cuties as social commentary against the sexualization of children that is one of the most [ __ ] comments i've ever heard in my life i'm a big fan of edgy humor i'm a big fan of you know pushing the line to make a point there's one thing i don't do and that's film a bunch of 11 year olds shaking their asses i've done you the favor of skipping ahead in the film here we have dance practice number two again i just want you to keep in mind while watching this 11 years old all right here we go i'm going to show you some of this [Music] what are these shots dude i want to show you the whole clip because i genuinely don't want people to think i'm cherry picking every dance number looks like this every dance number is shot as if these were adults with asses that they're trying to accentuate people are going to say well that was the intent of the film if i'm going to make a movie that talks about the dangers of you know fast and loose lifestyle i wouldn't [ __ ] cast 11 year olds and even if i wanted to portray 11 year olds i would use an adult and i would maybe not shoot it like a goddamn pedophile's dream i don't even really understand how this is defensible in any way i i've heard this argument pisses me off so much i've heard the argument well it's french it's a it's a cultural difference it's a cultural thing because it's french i believe the age of consent is 15 in france so it's a little more sexually open right i have two things to say one then why are these girls 11. second of all this is gonna piss a lot of people off what i'm about to say but you know what i'm just gonna say it your excuse for doing some very very obvious pedophilic [ __ ] is culture maybe it's time to reevaluate your culture if people are sitting here on twitter and articles defending this by saying oh well there's cultural differences in france if this is france's culture then maybe it's time to change now granted i don't believe this is a cultural thing i think it's an excuse people are making french people watching don't take this personally i think this is some doofus ass director who went a little too far i'm more so criticizing the idiots saying this is just a culture issue no it's [ __ ] not and if it truly is that doesn't just give it a free pass to i don't know film children shaking their asses and make sure you get close up on the [ __ ] ooh yeah this thing goes on for so long like i said i'm not cherry picking i'm just gonna skip it so you guys don't have to sit through it so now the grand finale dance number and this is the one you probably saw on twitter this one's making its rounds they finally made it to the dance show the big stage all their hard work of the movie is finally paying off this scene in its entirety from when the music starts to when they stop dancing is three minutes i want you to keep that in mind this is a three minute dance number [Music] [Music] it gets worse but i'm not going to show anymore you get the point go watch the movie seriously that's my biggest case against this movie is just sit down and watch it i hate it so [ __ ] much and you know what i hate more than anything else these [ __ ] pretentious [ __ ] on twitter defending this [ __ ] well the crowd is booing in this scene the director's intent was to show how dangerous this type of lifestyle and this type of sexualization of children is you can present that message without a [ __ ] three and a half minute dance number with actual 11 year old girls actually doing the sexual dances i was watching a video last week and a really really smart guy said this pedophiles in 2020 must be living the dream i'm sorry that that bothers you to hear but let's be let's call a spade a spade here i think my point has been proven you can get away with [ __ ] like this now and there is debate there is the fact that there's even debate is blowing my mind here's some other scenes that i was reminded of during editing that are also just kind of weird children play a with and blow up a condom children are discussing the size of their brother's dicks and then dare another child to take a photo of another child's penis an 11 year old girl takes a photo of her genitals and shares it online there is an attempted murder the children get caught by two security guards and have to dance their way out of the situation and there is a heavy implication that one of the guards is a pedophile just watch the scene yourself it's really [ __ ] weird all right guys i hope you liked the video thank you so much for watching if you like my content and want to support my content head on over to my second channel pay money webby highlights i talked about it in my last video i know a lot of you can't catch streams live time zones the length of the stream that's totally fine that's why we made the second channel for you guys to watch highlights of the stream it's doing really well you guys seem to really enjoy it so i'm going to keep pushing it check it out pay money will be highlights link in the description make sure you go over there and subscribe we got new videos every week thank you guys so much for watching i appreciate it and i hope you guys have a good day [Music] [Music] you
Channel: PaymoneyWubby
Views: 3,067,810
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: cuties movie, netflix cuties, cancel netflix, paymoneywubby, paymoney, wubby, cuties, review of cuties, cuties too far, cancelnetflix, #cancelnetflix, #cutiesnetflix
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 8sec (608 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 12 2020
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