Karen Tiktok Compilation #2

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i i really can't get out i'm sorry my mom's inside i can't i really can't i'm sorry called i didn't do anything i i i can't i'm sorry hey hey hey i'll call you back hey i have seen you around this neighborhood too many times this is ridiculous your car is insanely loud no no no no no this there are children that live in this neighborhood you need to drive somewhere you know i'm calling the police this is insane don't you even think about going anywhere i'm calling right now this isn't state you cannot just be driving this loud car in this neighborhood at all hours i'm calling right now don't you even think about going anywhere [Music] uh yeah next time put a mask on whoa you still even though you're in the drive-through you're still really close to me so you maintain your six foot i mean my vehicle okay okay i don't wear a mask for the same reason i don't un wear underwear things gotta breathe karen don't give a damn she got an air [ __ ] out hey how are you i'm pretty good you doing okay i'm doing good um so y'all don't wear masks in here like it's not a roll [ __ ] your whole face [ __ ] man okay guys here's the story time this guy right here is romero brito he's a famous artist usually at the end of each month he'll host a meet and greet for people that bought his artwork this lady seen in the video smashing the porcelain manages a restaurant that he and his friends went to apparently he was being disrespectful and rude to the staff and so the workers told the manager and at the end of the month she decided to bring her own porcelain that she's smashing that cost thousands of dollars in his face uh and basically telling him how she doesn't respect him anymore in portuguese it was in front of a huge crowd and he felt embarrassed and he didn't really know how to react and i kind of feel bad for him which is rare he was saying how he didn't treat the workers with this respect it's also kind of funny how he tried to stop her from slamming it on the floor but i don't know who do you think was wrong who do you think was right let me know down in the comments below thanks for liking the video guys things that actually happened to me while working at a religious university let me just get that for you your alarm says birth control yeah it does thanks what just seems like a weird alarm to have what does it mean like you know a reminder to pay your bills or text someone or um no it's a reminder to take my birth control silly me are you married no ma'am oh things that actually happened to me while working at a religious university part two yeah so i was gonna cook dinner for this girl tonight but the recipe uses cooking wine yeah you definitely shouldn't do that then oh yeah and if you're gonna cook with wine you should do it with wine that you would drink because cooking wine has too much of a vinegar flavor so it won't taste as good what do you cook with wine um yeah a lot of people do why you know you can get drunk off that right um i don't know how you're making your food but the last i checked the alcohol cooks out so yeah but like you can still get drunk what are you an alcoholic things that actually happened to me while working at a religious university part three hey i uh i lost my water bottle have you seen it i'm so sorry about this but unfortunately our policy with water bottles is that we throw them away yeah i know what policy is but like have you seen my water bottle no as i just stated our policy is that we throw them away so unfortunately sir we do not have your you know mine looks just like that one right over there this is mine yeah i bet it is when'd you get it a year ago why nah you know what never mind thanks for the help or whatever things that actually happened to me while working at a religious university part four hi so sorry to bother you but um i just walked by earlier and i noticed you weren't doing much so i was just wondering if there's a job you're supposed to be doing um well my job right now is just to sit in the office and wait for someone to need something but if you have something for me to do i can help okay um would you mind if i actually called your supervisor real quick um yeah sure hello hi i have one of your employees here and she's not doing much so i just thought i'd let you know well thanks for your concern ma'am but her job is just to sit there and wait for someone to need something so unless you have something for her to do she's doing her job just fine oh all right i'm just gonna go have a nice day ma'am things that actually happened to me while working at a religious university part five okay so unfortunately man this looks like an electrical problem but i'll call the electrician for you why don't you just fix it um well like i just said this is an electrical issue i've done all that i'm trying to do so the next step would be to call the electrician well clearly you're not doing everything that you can do because it's not fixed what i ma'am i'm sorry i'm not an electrician i can't fix this okay you know what just go just go i'll fix it then just leave okay now have a nice day thank you for your help things people have actually said to me in public utah edition excuse me your shorts are way too short what i'm sorry you know that outfit wouldn't fly at byu um yeah i i know because you know we have standards at byu you know yes ma'am i am well aware okay i just wanted to point that out too yeah uh okay have a nice day ma'am talk to i don't lie you do lie about what what name anything i'm not around because you can't there's nothing i've lied about everything you've lied about name one thing go ahead i dare you name something no i'm not gonna stand here and argue because like exactly because there's nothing to say oh right give me my pictures no those are mine they're the only thing i have to my real family when the court says you can leave here i'll send you off with these until then i will rip one up each time you misbehave with me that is so [ __ ] evil do you hear what you're saying i do this is psychological abuse oh you're so smart i didn't think you'd figure that out what the hell is wrong with you you back sunday depending on you i will rip them up right now don't don't trust me because i'll do it [Music] but i also didn't keep him for an [ __ ] grandkid i didn't do anything wrong [ __ ] that's the thing you don't think you've done anything wrong but i haven't what have i done wrong run away all the time because i'm trying to get away yeah because why why wouldn't i what have i tried to make you do what is i how have i been so horrible to you well i don't know with holding food from me calling me a [ __ ] to my face smacking my face because of a haircut you just so what do you have to gain by keeping my pictures because if you don't behave i'll tear them up that's the only reason that's exactly right they hate how i haven't done anything wrong quit standing there like a crazy person screaming and screaming and screaming well maybe if you would give me my photos back i'm not you're not in a position of strength what you're such a [ __ ] karen what the hell you need to give me my pictures um but one thing i will say about uh what these numbers say i'm freaking out because those are the only things i have to my real family you freak out over everything i don't freak out over like this this those are mine those are literally my baby pictures and my brothers and my mothers if they're yours how was it i'm the one that have them one house or not i am 17 i deserve privacy i am a teenager it's private like dressy none there is no i am not a 12 year old child a 12 year old you were doing it then what you've been always doing i shared a room with mom i didn't have my own room i had your room every time you lived here that is not true what did we do at the old house i shared a room with mom oh well pinnacle so sorry that was just pitiful for you wasn't it no it wasn't but now i have my own room so it is it is my space it is your space so let me close my door no why because it makes me feel like i'm a prisoner in my house what the hell what the hell if i close my door that has nothing to do with you fellow white people are you having a sad because that family is enjoying a picnic in the park while being black did that customer in front of you just speak a language that makes me irrationally angry well this is a great time to try mind your own [ __ ] business with mind your own [ __ ] business you'll be able to grow the [ __ ] up and act like a decent [ __ ] human being our patented technology allows you to pull your head out of your ass and see the world beyond the brim of your maga hat hi honey i saw some black people at the starbucks today did you mind your own [ __ ] business i sure king did [Music] stop bothering those nice people today with mind your own [ __ ] business side effects may include not harassing people no one getting arrested or murdered by police a general sense of well-being for people of color a lack of internet fame and or trolling and coexistence please consult your doctor if you are still a piece of [ __ ] after minding your own [Music] [Music] do [Music] to black people as the n-word that's how do you refer to each other though oh okay so i see you're just as ignorant as your little girlfriend don't come in this courtroom and pretend to know anything about me or what i say or don't say but let me inform you of something there are a lot of black people that choose not to use that word because we understand the degrading and historical context from which you see them it doesn't matter if jay-z says it doesn't matter kanye west says it stop making excuses for your own personal choices and don't play dumb you know there's a difference in the context and that word being thrown around in some rap lyrics and when you use it in a hurling and insulting manner now let me tell you why i'm dismissing your case because you're going to think that i'm dismissing your case because you're an ignorant racist but that's not why i'm dismissing your case i'm dismissing it because you're a liar you came into court and you lied to me to my face judgment in this case is [Music] is [Music] [Music] [Laughter] oh my god oh my god what are you gonna do what are you gonna do what are you gonna do karen where do you live where do you live call your mother where do you live look it there's a [ __ ] scratch on my car there look karen say hi to the camera take a picture you don't know how to drive you're ugly oh god this is going right to the leasing office what [ __ ] this is going right to the leasing we tried to reach out to the man who died in this pursuit uh they were unavailable for comment don't [ __ ] he is [ __ ] dead karen do you need some time away from the kids then why not settle down at one of our national karen lodges each room is provided with essential oils hot cocoa and a complimentary bottle of wine what's more we offer 24 hour manager service so you can call a manager day or night to satisfy your needs this is all to be enjoyed while settling down for the night watching our exclusive camera flicks service after having the most mediocre night's sleep a breakfast of keto and vegan mush will be served at 6 00 am allowing for the maximum complete time in the day so why not pop in for a stay at karen lodge hi how are you how long would you like to jump two hours here's my gift card it should cover the three dollar socks tail okay here's your purple wristband one that's announced on the intercom that means your time is up i know how it works two hours later ladies and gentlemen boys and girls if you're wearing a proper wristband that means your time is up if you could please safely exit the courts now thank you so much if you'd like to purchase more time you can come up to the registers and see me thank you thank you purple wristbands hi um ma'am excuse me my time is not up i've only been here for a half an hour okay um what's your name you don't need to know my name i want more wristbands so i need your name to look up one time you um purchase but don't worry i remember um here you go okay so you've actually been here for two hours and 15 minutes you only paid for two hours but i gave you that extra 15 minutes because of what time you bought your tickets manager my manager actually left me in charge so oh hi good afternoon how can i help you look i need to know what hotel room my son is staying in i saw that on the live 360 app that he's here i need to know where he is right now whoa i'm sorry ma'am but i'm really not allowed to give guest information look i don't care he's my son you're going to tell me this information right now i gave him permission to go to prom i did not give him permission to go here well i mean how old your son he's 18. why do you care look man if he's 18 he can legally rent a hotel room right now here so that also gives us the obligation to protect his private information if he is staying here which i can either confirm nor deny you're really gonna go that route huh look ma'am i'm sorry but there's really not much i can do well i guess i'm just gonna have to call the police and have them make you tell me that information look ma'am you can call them but they know as well as i do that we can't give out that information really here's a challenge writing your own lyrics and i'll repost my favorite one you know i can take you down [Music] [Music] i am you're not the first karen on the run have you heard of herd immunity i'm wearing masks to protect the community keep ourselves clean while preventing the spread of covenant [Music] and she wants you out it's not that hard to breathe inhale exhale or see you later you [Music] just wear your mask no i don't get paid enough for this
Channel: undefined
Views: 1,518,629
Rating: 4.9026084 out of 5
Keywords: Created by Filmigo:http://filmigoapp.com/free #filmigo
Id: hqlTc_IKUhw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 47sec (1247 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 29 2020
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