Dropped a GoPro Under the Worlds Clearest Water Fishing Pier *Crazy*

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this is some of the most amazing water you'll ever see check this out so clear we are back out here on Navarre Beach fishing pier and this is the prettiest water I've seen in a very long time now if you aren't familiar with Navarre Beach it is located in the panhandle of Florida and it's home to some of the most beautiful water in most unique marine life in the entire state so that means we are attaching a GoPro once again to our fishing line we're going to drop it down and see if we can see some awesome fish and then we're going to try to catch them so we're going to do some fishing as well so should be a good day look at this packed Beach right here absolutely amazing looking just amazing water we are already seeing some really big fish swimming around these Pilots so I'm going to start right here in the shallow end and drop this GoPro down so we started by dropping in the surf zone and I just want you guys to take a minute and check out this water now I have been fishing Navarre my entire life this is maybe the clearest I've ever seen it and it was taming with marine life just check out this photo right there we've got redfish Spade fish sand perch look at those monster Reds just sitting around the pylons and these guys right here are Spade fish they are super cool you can catch them with little pieces of cut shrimp good to eat and they're very very curious as you can see they come right up to the GoPro and as you'll see in a minute what we're seeing right now I saw all up and down the pier just really cool every pylon that I would drop on is loaded with marine life right now the problem is when the water is this clear it makes it very difficult to catch these fish because they're super leader shy and if you use super light tackle then these big Reds that you're seeing will break you off now these are l y's right here Greenies they make great bait those are sand perch and actually use one of these guys for bait here in a bit this is me dropping out a little deeper and look again look at all these redfish and those are not small guys those are big bulls which makes it even tougher to pull them out of these pylons when I was out there and I saw the water like this I was like you know I have to do a GoPro Drop video because I might never see the water this clear again lots of little Bait fish little Grunts and Pen fish and stuff like that we see some really cool stuff here in a second we actually see one of these redfish try to eat a spade fish it's wild this is me dropping down a little bit deeper once again sorry for the shakiness foreign it's just everywhere I drop it's just covered with fish right now so amazing and check this out I didn't see any redfish but Watch What Happens oh here he comes let's watch that again those Spade fish are just chilling and this guy comes out of nowhere so cool now here's something that is super unique check this out I'm going to zoom in and I'm going to show you this fish that comes into frame right here look at this guy right there that is a big keeper sized trigger fish right there and I had never seen one of those at the pier I didn't even know Triggerfish came in this close but apparently they do and this was in the shallow end of the Pier 2 which is really really cool of course just tons more Spade fish every single pylon that I would drop on was covered with redfish and spadefish which would make you think that it would be super easy to go out there and catch these redfish but it's not as easy as you think and I'm gonna explain why uh those are big red fish that hang very close to the pilings and the water is super clear so you have to use heavy enough tackle to pull them out of the piling so they don't break you off but when you use heavy tackle you may not get the bites and so it's uh really tough to catch these guys when the water's this clear but I do attempt it here in a minute big sheep's head look at those guys and it's just so cool I could sit here and watch these this live underwater footage all day look at the Ballyhoo swim by there's just all kind of different fish I mean this is wild and a lot of you guys asked me on these videos how do you turn the GoPro I don't I'm not controlling the GoPro uh I'm just letting it do its thing and hope for the best really and fortunately I've been able to get some really cool shots big sheepsheb those are full grown ones now here in a second I take it to super shallow water and we see a bunch of Whiting check this out now this is like right in the surf okay and I wanted to see if there was anything in the surf and that was loaded with Whiting and there was actually somebody fishing for Whiting right near uh where I was filming and I actually capture the hookup or the Whiting hooked up uh here in a second for some reason though my GoPro went into narrow frame when I did this and so it uh doesn't look quite as good I don't know what happened there was a lot of lighting look there's the hooked up Whiting right there check that out this is back out a little bit deeper although we're Widing up close which Whiting are great to eat so if you are coming down to the pier and just want some fish to put in the cooler then get you some little pieces of cut shrimp and you can catch those Whiting pretty easily I am going to drop on the end of the pier here in a minute and the end of the pier was not quite as clear but there was still plenty of fish out on the end of the pier as you will see just an incredible amount of fish around these Pilots I mean this right here almost looks like I'm filming in an aquarium it is amazing now this is the end of the pier a little bit darker water but there was a lot of fish out there look at all these cigarmanos great baits and then there's some Jacks little Jacks I believe those are horse eye jacks some Mangrove Snappers look at those mangroves foreign there's a little file fish just lots of little fish out there but this was really cool I had no idea these ex came in this close and I didn't know we even had them in our area but that is a mutton snapper and there's multiple mutton Snappers down there it looks like which is really cool I had no idea we had them in this area I wish I would have been in wide frame so I could see better with this narrow frame I didn't capture the footage as good but that is okay now after seeing all these fish I just had to go try to catch one so it is the next morning and now that we have seen what is down here swimming under this pier we're going to try to catch some of it no matter what we see out here whether it be mackerel Bonita redfish we're going to try to get after so we're just gonna have a fun day fishing out here on the bar Beach fishing pier because we got a little Sabiki rig right here tied on it's these little flies we're gonna try to get us some bait that's the first thing we're going to do and in order to get some bait we got to find the bait and so I'm walking up and down the pier looking for it there's some cigar minnows right here but they're not biting very well at all got some cigar minnows right below us here tough to get them to bite but yep something coming here oh my gosh guys we got a little sand perch look at this guy right here that's a little sand perch we're going to use him for bait for these redfish and see if they'll bite it he's a little small I wish I had a bigger one but you know what and daggers can't be choosers right now so come on come on man they're all around it right now guys they're all oh I felt something nope it must have been bait hitting my lawn we got a perfect size little come here cigar model right here y'all we're about to put him down for these fish there you go see if they want a cigar Meadow yeah uh snatched him oh they're looking that cigarette needs to go down a little bit oh my gosh they're they're like all around him down there there he is god dog it hey that was a bacon I couldn't turn him he pulled the hook but it wouldn't have mattered you know you're only seeing a short clip or two of me fishing I can assure you that I stayed out there for eight to ten hours trying to catch these redfish and it was almost impossible I never got another bite after this first bite that I pulled the hook on and so that was my only chance and so as I walk away from this fishing trip with my tail tucked firmly between my legs I was not discouraged this was some of the most beautiful scenery that I have seen on the Florida Gulf Coast in quite some time not every day you're going to be successful out there and this was just one of those days it was just very tough fishing for everyone out on the pier when on days when the wind blows and the water gets churned up a little bit these fish get into a Feeding Frenzy and they are much easier to catch but I just wanted to show you what a little bit of paradise looks like right here in Navarre Florida when I was a kid we owned a condo unit right there that is the Navarre Beach Regency and I used to come out here on the pier every single morning when we'd stay at that condo and so I spent a large part of my childhood learning how to fish on this pier right here made so many memories today it just didn't happen out here we just didn't get the bites that we wanted but that's okay it doesn't happen every day hope you enjoy enjoyed the scenery of that underwater footage I thought that was some of the coolest underwater footage I've ever gotten if you like the underwater videos go ahead and shoot me a big thumbs up everything I'm involved with Linked In My description below I'm actually a licensed real estate agent right here in Navarre Florida Pensacola Florida specializing in vacation homes and waterfront property beach houses so if you have any needs there shoot me a message my information's below other than that folks we will catch you next time
Channel: AnglerUp with Brant
Views: 396,832
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Id: Rs3JrESyXsU
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Length: 15min 21sec (921 seconds)
Published: Fri May 19 2023
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