This Is Why Women Live Longer Than Men...

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[Music] [Applause] [Music] oh hey guys I didn't see you there today's my day off I have nothing that I have to get done today so you probably think I'm just gonna hang out nap a little bit watch some TV [Music] [Music] listen ranch peel box 324 what is this - box 324 Bernie Texas seven eight zero zero six Cheers fan from Milan for the advice to do something every day to make tomorrow better hope this makes it to your Playa collection to make it a little better than it was yesterday is this an Irish flag jacksepticeye with you was this you jack you the man buddy so I don't know if I can actually hang up your Irish flag not because I don't respect your country I think Ireland's probably awesome I want to go someday but because if I hang up one other country's flag everyone is going to send me their country's flag we have a lot of viewers in a lot of countries and I don't have enough room for fly so if I like someone sent me a Germany flag once thank you for the German flag by the way I didn't hang it I still have it I'm gonna keep your flag too but I can't hang them there's just I don't have room if I get a hundred flags in different countries I won't have the room I don't know what to do with other country's flag also thinnest note it's signed Salem wildfire does that mean something or set your name cuz if that's your name that is the coolest freakin [Music] hello just got to my vet clinic it's the middle of the day but you may know this is very dark in my vet clinic that is because the power just went out apparently in the hole all the buildings around this donut power either it's gotta be hard to do stuff with dogs so you can't even see me in here but I can fix this Jackie I fixed it it's back it's back I put the things on got it all we'd have children working for us right so we need to take these off the grounds that was something I have meant to do a long time ago no never did so I brought a grinder today so I'm gonna do [Music] that was easy work compared to what I'm gonna do next welcome to dirty listen ranch this is a magical place but truth be told us I don't clean it very much and that's just cuz I don't have time I am always working and then when I'm not it's like I want to do family time and everyone I just come out here and clean but today since I have the day off I was like I need to come clean stuff up there's a windshield right there that's an old video there's a telephone pole right here that's an old video there's an engine block on the ground right here that's an old bit look at all those brake rotors the engine blocks just here because I've never been able to figure out what to do with it I can't pick it up by myself and put it back in my truck so it's just kind of stayed here but I have an idea [Music] it's looking better so far except for that that is an aluminum VTEC engine I looked it up in the internet it weighs about 400 pounds my back cannot lift an engine that weighs 400 pounds but I have something that maybe will I have some 550 paracord meaning it can lift 550 pounds so that should be good I also have one more thing this this is something that I have carried around my truck for a couple months because I thought it would be neat I thought there would probably be a use for it at some point this thing is called the nifty lift you hang this one up high and then you hook this one to whatever you're trying to move and then you use this string to pull it up this has a double pulley up top and a double pulley and the bottom one so you have a total of four pulleys I was trying to figure out the mechanical advantage on this it's it's four or maybe six I don't know Engineers Meredith Mayer mer mer mer it's not here so I'm just a veterinarian so I don't really know what I do know is this has at least a four times mechanical advantage which means if my engine weighs 400 pounds and this is at the very worst a four times mechanical advantage then I'll only have to lift 100 pounds to move it up I'll be attaching to one of those limbs up there hopefully they're strong enough to hold 400 pound engine we'll find out definitely that branch is not the one I want it I need this thing to be held as high as possible because I have to lift that thing into the bed of my truck so I stacked a cinder block on top of a chair yeah Oh yes okay game on I got it hook - pulley bending the tree limb down need something easier to hold on to hurting my hands what broke my paracord broke okay I think that paracord up here on the sharp gear I think you just cut it so I put it on something that looks pretty round I doubled the paracord up so should be a little extra strong and we'll give it a go you seen as a locking clean on the right we have to be pulling straight down to lock it so I'm going to be heard yeah look at that my walking cleat worked hey scary okay so heavy forms a burden swinging up line don't twist it up Meredith how did Matt dine oh it was a engine accident I'll just go up there whoa oh my god I could've died okay what am I doing with my life no veterinarian I don't have to do something like this anymore this is why women live longer than men look at the coral snake super poisonous snake right there I turned around uh red and yellow kill fella I gotta kill him I gotta kill him I got a cousin eek oh he's under my door oh he's so freaky whoa I gotta kill him I gotta kill that thing what do I have what do I happen to have oh I see he's right there you're gonna hole down there probably by dead so this is the nifty lift and I will leave this thing in my truck because I think it could come in handy for a lot of different things like I don't think I'm gonna have to be lifting engines into the back of my truck very often but like think about if you got stuck in the mud somewhere you should be a little extra leverage like your buddy can get out he can hook up the Nifty lift to a tree into your front bumper could be pulling with up to six hundred pounds of force to help get you out of it there's a lot of little things I feel like it could be really useful for heading to the bunker now though you guys want to go what are y'all doing are y'all gambling back here okay I want you to see what my kids are they're hiding in the middle of this their little gambling ring what are y'all doing y'all betting money wow that's a big money you have over there link this is how you actually make a business profitable a little bit of gambling mask by like a warehouse it's pretty smart so you'll have one person putting shirts onto that pallet one person taking shirts off of this pallet and putting them here the problem is they run through the dryer and they fall off so we just put a bucket down here and this thing can catch about a hundred or more shirts but then it starts overflowing on to the ground and we don't want to be all dusty and dirty ideally it'd be nice if you had someone who is down here grabbing the shirts and setting them in a nice stack right here but realistically a lot of times there's only two people running it and they use the bucket method and then they pause it and they come over and they start stacking shirts but when they have to stop and take a bunch of breaks cuz every hundred shirts it starts overflowing it just gets annoying and it slows everything down so if they could go a little longer it would be better so I'm going to make them a bigger bucket we had some machinery show up in this thing this is a really big bucket problem is it's too big and it won't fit over there [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] it's probably gonna hold them up here now and just start clogging this and catch on fire I could because it really doesn't need to be that high now we don't have to hire someone to stand at the end of this we just got some new shelves put in for all of our blank t-shirts so now we're trying to stock up on blanks since we have a screen printer so we can just like whenever we need them we just print them all so we have a Marines flag someone sent that to us we decided we would hang all branches of the military spike so if you were in the military and wants to hang your flag send it all so we had to change the part I spoke with the higher authorities here at the warehouse and we decided we're gonna go for it bunker branding is a global brand so why wouldn't we hang everyone's flags in here so this flag will be hung in the warehouse it will be hung lower than the American flag out of respect from America but we will hang this one in the German flag that we have and anyone else who would like to send their own countries flags to us also you might want to like wait a few weeks to make sure cuz I have a feeling we'll get like 20 Canada flags and 20 Mexican flags so like just wait and then see which ones we get and if we haven't got yours yet hasn't been hung up send it if you want your flag hung in the bunker we will hang your country's flag we're gonna hang these dry erase boards up here this will be for like scheduling and planning like wins certain shirts you printed there's gonna be kind of confusing when we have several youtubers on board in the bunker and we have several shirts for each youtuber so this will help can I keep everything streamlines bunkers coming along nicely like I love when we get things done like what happened today we're building shelves building that catch putting dry erase boards up because once those things are done you don't have to redo those things I love when I can see progress of course in a warehouse like packages going out the door is progress but like that happens everyday what I like are the things that like you only do one time like we're only gonna build that shelf one time and we may of course buy more shelves and build more shelves in the future as we grow but we will never have to build that shelf again and we are one step ahead of where we were yesterday so just like I say with my life like I want to work out so that tomorrow I'm stronger than I was yesterday I want to read a book so tomorrow I'm smarter it's the same thing with the businesses like today we have whiteboards yesterday we did not our business is going further every day we're growing it's awesome in the next few days I will be heading to Dallas to be robbed we are going to the NRA show I've never been to NRA show and I'm not gonna get political or anything like I know that there's a lot of like gun guys who are against NRA and a lot of anti-gun people who or gets in alright I'm going for the show Rob and I wanted to suit it's about we're gonna go hang out there I would love you guys come hang out with us so be sure to check back on off the ranch we'll be in our ratio in a few days thanks for watching my friends [Applause] good
Channel: OffTheRanch
Views: 1,690,747
Rating: 4.9153647 out of 5
Keywords: matt, dr, dr., dr matt, dr. matt, vet, ranch, demo, demolition, demoranch, demolitionranch, vetranch, off, the, offtheranch, vlog, vlogger, vloggers, vlogs, vlogging, blog, daily, best, vlogged, engine, lift, hoist, pulley, pulleys, mechanical, advantage, system, nifty lift, nifty, niftylift
Id: mI93D50lBGc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 57sec (1017 seconds)
Published: Thu May 03 2018
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