I Got A Lambo!!!
Video Statistics and Information
Channel: OffTheRanch
Views: 3,224,340
Rating: 4.8908448 out of 5
Keywords: matt, dr, dr., dr matt, dr. matt, vet, ranch, demo, demolition, demoranch, demolitionranch, vetranch, off, the, offtheranch, vlog, vlogger, vloggers, vlogs, vlogging, blog, daily, best, vlogged, lambo, lamborghini, diable, mercialago, merci, gallardo, aventador, lp5604, awd, horsepower, car, italian, sportscar, sport, sports, sports car, cars, drive, driver, race, racecar, huracan
Id: edZlJFF8mtw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 2sec (1202 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 03 2017
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