I Got A Lambo!!!

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good morning good morning mayor are you sitting in my race car have you driven in it yet mayor hasn't been in this thing yet it's street-legal now she said she said hey I'm gonna go run some errands real quick and I was like I'll take you in the Goblin so we're gonna go you got to put on your five-point harness Meredith do you know how have you ever put a five-point harness on like a baby car seat yeah that's true that's true okay got me there she's done this more times than I have probably what about now [Music] are you gonna like drive it around and take kids to school in it and stuff yeah it's good yes that's why I got it it's for you babe it's a mom car so tiny and I can park it at the grocery store this is great mere thoughts your hair looks good just drop me off at a Nelson lunch you gonna be there for I don't know like an hour I'm heading home now I'm gonna switch to the GoPro and then show you guys that this thing can do edia partners yeah yes so apparently with turbocharged cars you need a let it idle for a little bit after you've been doing spirited driving which I have so it's been idling for a little bit you because let it cool down let the turbo cool down while being oiled I don't know how long though you guys with turbo cars how long do you let it cool down like I know some cars have like turbo timers and this thing will continue to run a fan after I turn it off but I'm sure it's better to kind of run the engine for a little while anyway you guys with turbo cars how long you let it cool down before you kill it been home for about an hour heading back up to pick up mayor now in the truck this time because it is starting to rain just a little bit and that would not be fun in an open-air car I got the mayor hey there we just did some business he stuffs ran some errands and now we're gonna do something that I've wanted to do for a really long time we're gonna go buy a Lamborghini Lamborghini I feel like I feel like I've earned this I deserve a Lamborghini and you know what today I'm gonna get one this it's my day today's my day just okay we're not really really buying it I just I just get to play in a Lamborghini all day long nice day don't you already have a plan yeah but this is Elena this one has an air conditioner oh so we're going to this place that they kind of specialized in pre-owned luxury automobiles they have Luigi's in Ferraris and Porsches and Mercedes and they have two Ford GTS and just crazy cars and I just we ended up there bare and I went to like a benefit dinner the other night and it was there I didn't even know this place existed and we went in there and I was just like look at all these cars and kind of car guy kind of freaked out a little bit I just kind of sweet talked my way into a Lamborghini today so we're going to mark motors and I'm gonna show you some awesome cars we'll be there in just a second we're here one thing I did not tell you was we're gonna trade my truck for the day and they're gonna detail it like lick up dirty this look dirty this is just just dirty we're gonna get it all cleaned up we're inside I like this old-school Camaro here 2nd gen got the old car see a little Jaguar a Mopar 67 Camaro [Music] here's the one I'll be taking Lamborghini Guyardo this is well 2014 I think it's the LP 564 LP means engines in the back 560 560 horsepower 4 means four-wheel drive it's an all-wheel drive car thanks krazee I don't know if you heard that it just started they have not taught me how to drive this thing so hopefully it's self-explanatory Mayer they didn't give me any instructions on how to drive a Lamborghini drive I'm kind of freaking out my heart just started beating kind of hard right now yes sweet well it's a lot lower than I thought okay ah okay just uh oh my gosh just just Maronite driving it got yard oh okay we're in neutral right now he did not tell me how to get out of neutral waited did this okay now we're there we go Oh removing the car we're gonna go marry McDonald's or something excited crazy check the brakes okay I just it just turned on go fast mode never gotta have to shoot this car okay we're getting on the highway folks the Lambo magic happens would you get a downshift it's not very full and it's like stuck to the road [Music] don't you need a lever key in your life [Music] this is great it's way better than my truck we're pulling up to my parents house right now my little sister's back in town my plan is to just rev the engine until someone notices that I'm out in the driveway I don't know how to put in Reverse didn't teach me that I also don't know how to put it in neutral I can't figure out how to put it in park or reverse oh yeah here we go okay heck switch that looks like how do I move it over to the neutral area paddlin anything such a noob I look like I was like man the viewers are gonna think I'm so cool and I can't put it in reverse this right here it goes back to the did you please google how to park a Lamborghini and in also reverse we need to figure out how to back up go ahead and figured out this before I needed to like get out of the way of a truck on the highway or something I figured out reverse it's right there like how was I supposed to know that like the shiftings all up here on the paddles and down here and then there's a reverse button over here still can't figure out neutral so I don't know if I can actually turn the car off yet because I'm sitting in reverse or drive we figured out neutral oh my gosh honey hey turn the radio off we figured out neutral now I can rev it no one's coming outside yet it seems pretty loud to me I would think someone would hear this oh there they go they're coming how's it going hey family what do you think I don't think I've ever owned one of these just just got it for merits or new it's a new go to school car we've actually been here for like five minutes trying to figure out how to put it in park it's super confusing we couldn't feel like I put it reversed there's a weird bar button way on the left and then to put it in park you have to pull both paddle shifters back like theirs so I could rev it yeah I've been trying to out of Revit for like five minutes just just picked it up for drew just a little early birthday present the engine cover oh yeah mayor can I keep it I mean let's be honest though is Annie really gonna go to college cuz maybe we don't need to save up for her so some cars have these sixes some have v8 this has a v10 560 horsepower very low how's it feel awesome I like that little footrest do it again I'm going to show you guys the how small the hood is the trunk how small the trunk is there's a little bitty latch its comically small where is it can't there it is there you go you can put a backpack up there or something you know taking pops for a ride in the car [Music] it's up there quick what do you think you like it yeah I think we should keep it I think the Goblin my being able to give it a run for its money today you'll have to worry about getting bugs on the face in this car that's true the a/c feels really good too yeah absolutely cop there's a cop because no fast are we going on 60 right now yeah yeah exactly we're heading home now I'm gonna go get cleaned up and then we're gonna go out to dinner in the Lambo it looks so good in this garage right that's true the garage really is not fancy enough but man it looks good it's so tiny it's so short it's like it's like half the height of my truck what do you think pretty cool right oh that's a water bottle that's the first thing you notice wow Annie you look so good in that playing at this car home air gets ready and it's got a backup camera here on this little wing and this wing is actually motor activated so when you are going a certain speed I think it's 60 miles an hour it'll actually kick that wing up give you a little more downforce kind of cool I was just looking at this engine this nice v10 engine meaning has ten cylinders and it's an Italian car so it says things like olio and I couldn't pair what the gas gauge was in there and it's because the gas gates doesn't have like a gas pump like most cars do it just has a gauge and it says zero to 100% and it says something like benzino or benzene a-- or something which apparently means gas so it's a learning learning curve in here so since this is a mid-engine car it means that the exhaust is only like right here it has a muffler but that's why it's so loud because the exhaust is like three feet long normally you have an engine up here with exhaust pipes that are like ten feet long to the back of the car not in a rear or mittens car like this I've driven one Lamborghini before is a Huracan so this is my second experience with one never had one that was like under my control like this so I'm kind of like giddy like a little a little schoolgirl Meredith is excited because it's a cool car to drive and we're gonna go out to dinner but she's not like me she's more excited about dinner and like a dinner date been getting to drive in a Lamborghini but this is what I'm pumped about we look so good all right we're gonna yeah oh it's right there this car is hard to figure out oh it's turn the winch wipers on oh yeah not gonna lie not exactly what I expected when I thought about like a cool date having a Lamborghini who didn't expect it to be like raining on us this kind of just came out of nowhere [Music] and that car looks good all right for any dinner we'll see you after dinner dinner was good the ballet is going to get our borrowed Lamborghini so hopefully he didn't mess it up where is he where is he hopefully didn't steal it honestly that's what I would do if I was a ballet and someone gave me keys to Lamborghini I'd be like I'm out Mexico here I come [Music] [Music] [Music] good morning dozer you gotta see this car it's amazing come on check it out beautiful oh my god Joseph what happened to it it looks so good yesterday oh my god oh my god sorry okay I could use your help if you are interested in buying this car or any of the cars that you saw in this video go check out the mark motors comm you can see all their inventory and everything it's a great place and I feel really bad about I mean they just gave me this thing for the day like I got to borrow it and they're so nice and then I just I just trashed a Lamborghini for you guys I mean don't get me wrong still looks amazing but but it's disgusting and it was detailed before so anyway if you're looking for a nice like supercar or luxury automobile check them out and if you're not buying one tell them that uh off the ranch Matt sent you that'd be great that would that would really help me out if you can't buy one if you're not interested in one at least go follow them on Instagram it's Marc Motors underscore TX go give them follow and tell them I sent you a comment on their latest picture video and say give them at a Ford GT it's worth a shot one last thing if you could pick to have any of the cars - they're there in their showroom which one would you pay I think if it was up to me it's a toss-up between the blue and orange Ford GT awesome car and the Aventador yeah the poor GT is a supercharged car that would be pretty awesome the Aventador is like a 700 something horsepower v12 that would be pretty awesome - can't can't why I would like both of those cars which ones you pick I want to know leave a comment below thanks for watching don't forget to go give them a like on Instagram really helped me out I love you and I'm gonna go clean this car like a few hours I can't work like this
Channel: OffTheRanch
Views: 3,224,340
Rating: 4.8908448 out of 5
Keywords: matt, dr, dr., dr matt, dr. matt, vet, ranch, demo, demolition, demoranch, demolitionranch, vetranch, off, the, offtheranch, vlog, vlogger, vloggers, vlogs, vlogging, blog, daily, best, vlogged, lambo, lamborghini, diable, mercialago, merci, gallardo, aventador, lp5604, awd, horsepower, car, italian, sportscar, sport, sports, sports car, cars, drive, driver, race, racecar, huracan
Id: edZlJFF8mtw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 2sec (1202 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 03 2017
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